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Anu Krishna

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach 

1055 Answers | 193 Followers

Anu Krishna is a mind coach and relationship expert.
The co-founder of Unfear Changemakers LLP, she has received her neuro linguistic programming training from National Federation of NeuroLinguistic Programming, USA, and her energy work specialisation from the Institute for Inner Studies, Manila.
She is an executive member of the Indian Association of Adolescent Health.... more

Answered on Jul 25, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 21, 2024Hindi
I fight in my house with my parents and brothers for them to accept for my inter religion love marriage...they are not accepting for it,they are trying to do marriage with other person for me,with lots of fights and talking they finally cancelled the marriage option with other person and gave me a time of 2yrs,that they will not get you any type matches,they won't distrub...after 2yrs if iam ready then only they will search for it..they clearly mentioned that if it be 2yrs or 10yrs...we won't accept that guy whom you have been in relationship...if you want to stay as single forever...we will leave you,as single...but we won't accept him,or we won't let u to marry him that guy... because ,they were bothering about society and caste,that he belongs to other religion... what should I want to do,I can't leave him,and I can't live without him... should I take 2yrs time,may there mind will change? Or what else I should do
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Well, as a grown-up and I assume that you are of a legal age to get married, it's purely the decision of the two people in question. But. of course, being part of a family system, it becomes a need to actually have their support as well, right? Then, work for it...You can possibly use part of the two years to work with your parents into understanding why you like this person and why you will be happy with him. It's a process, but if you want the support of your parents, then make that attempt.
Keep some sort of a deadline to this process else you will start to get frustrated it does not move in the direction that you want.

Will they change their mind? You will never know...But after that deadline, decide for yourself what you wish to do BUT it will all come at some cost/sacrifice. Make that attempt...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

Answered on Jul 24, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 08, 2024Hindi
hi Anu, I am almost 14 years married after 8 years of courtship. We have a son out of our wedlock. My wife has cheated me multiple times in during our marriage but somehow we saved our marriage. Now my wife started dating a guy from her office who is divorced recently. My wife filed a false 498A and Divorce case against me. Also , she is not letting me meet my son and putting trash in his head against me . She is asking for a mutual divorce ,and only then he will let me meet him. I came to know from our common friends that's the guy is advising her all this things just , so that I break easily and publicly i can proved as the wrong one in the last marriage. I miss my son and even after all the atrocities she has done to me and my ailing mother , a cancer and a heart patient i want her back in my life.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
You want your wife back in your life? Why, exactly especially when there us a 498A case filed against you; false or not, there's a case against you.
Do understand the seriousness of this allegation on you, the implications of which are not nice at all. Hopefully you have a good lawyer who can fight your case that will also enable you to connect with your son. Kindly put your attention into that rather than hoping to reunite with a 498A looming over your head. Let your lawyer do his/her work and enable them in total rather than bringing in conflicting wants (your wife wants a divorce and you don't)...what case will your lawyer represent now? Think and think wisely...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

Answered on Jul 24, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 12, 2024Hindi
Hi, I am a widow woman, who lost my husband 4 yrs ago. I tokk some time to come out of the past n wanted to resettle. Not because family wants, but I personally wanted a partner a friend who is there for me. I have a friend who is very close to me, he claims that he loves me as a very good friend, we've had a deeper relation also, but he does not want to take it ahead for a commitment. At the same time he says that he never want to leave me n so on. I have expressed my feelings and he is well aware of it. We talk a lot, we know about our families. Pls advise, about how to go ahead with this
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
I am happy that you are in a better mind space now to be able to process your life and what you want from it.

Your friend that you mentioned about seems to be clear on what he wants out of the association with you. Since you seem to have moved on to the feelings part, he either is denying his feelings to himself OR he is clear that he wants a friend in you.
If it is the latter, then respect it...it's great to have a genuine friend in this digital era. Maintain that distance so that he is not scared of your feelings getting in the way where he has to be on guard.
This is going to be difficult for you for sure, BUT know that you will have a friend who will respect and cherish you.

Though, I am not clear on what you meant by, 'we've had a deeper relation also'...If this 'deeper relation' is the one that has caused you to have feelings for him, then talk about it and figure out where things stand for the two of you...At the end of the day, it's about acceptance and respect to maintain precious relationships.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

Answered on Jul 24, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 21, 2024Hindi
Respected Anu ji This is quite an unusual query and I request your patience and understanding through this lengthy text I am a native of Tamilnadu and my maternal relatives are mostly of the business class It may not seem odd, but one may have heard of mind reading (and controlling) like in some celebrated spiritual centres, something similar is happening with me, I am subjected to this by my maternal relatives - they identify themselves as Yadavas, some have Serious God complexes and schizophrenia - trust me they have abilities like crystal ball gazing/ future telling, mind mapping and Niyog (one may have heard of Vyasa of Mahabharat times doing this to his step sister-in- laws to beget children!) many other neuro related traits - some cases you may have handled Though I am relatively open minded, but I frankly do not subscribe to the concept of Niyog They have also hurt me emotionally and physically right from childhood - I don't have any proof of it I just want to sever all connections with them and live my life peacefully - I even did a vasectomy to avoid any altercation with them But the problem in India is that here we cannot avoid our relatives - more so till my mom is there - I am Not a momma's boy, but my mother of 73 years has multiple comorbidities including heart fail and asthma - it is my duty as a son and a human being to help her.. Please advise how I could avoid my relatives and yet take care of my mom and lead my life peacefully
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
I am quite unaware of what you mention; but being a firm believer in Mind Sciences, I do believe that taking control of someone's mind can happen only when that someone meekly submits to the other person in a weak space OR when that someone actually believes some blindly.
You can see this happen with so many so-called spiritual heads who have so many blind followers and anything said by them will be unquestioningly followed by people. That is also called mind control.
You can stay away from people that you don't particularly fancy without severing ties also. Distances make that happen anyway, so does our busy lives...There is no need to make a big announcement about severing ties...staying away will do the trick in itself...

What I also still don't know is the purpose of your question as I don't actually see a question for me! Whatever I have been able to gather, I can only suggest: Do what you think and feel is right for you without actually fearing anyone and anything.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

Answered on Jul 22, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 20, 2024Hindi
Hi Anu We are In a relationship for 7 years and in my family they have accepted her as she frequently visits my home and meet my family members .She was trying for the past 2 years to convince her father but now her father is not even listening about our relationship and her mother though likes me doesn’t want to go against her husband . Her father said her that he wont be the part of her marriage and her life if she marries me .As a result my lady doesn’t want to go against her parents and be with me . Though she can’t live without me but she doesn’t want to hurt her parents and for that she is ready to leave me and go as per her parents and marry someone else.she has accepted that , her life will be hell as well as the person she will be marrying .Kindly suggest me what to do coz i cant imagine my life without her .
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Sometimes the reason for someone not liking you maybe a silly one.
Maybe her father wanted to find a boy for your lady or he wanted time to get to know the person. Try and find out from her what exactly bothers her father about you or the marriage. It can be frustrating to dig into this BUT hey, do what you have to, to make the relationship work, yeah?
A humble attempt in that direction where her father can see you for who you are and understand why his daughter actually loves you might go a long way not in just his acceptance in you but also pave the way for a better connection between him and you.
And oh, ask you lady not to give up...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

Answered on Jul 20, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 19, 2024Hindi
Hello Anu Mam! I am 31 years old and single. I am working in a company since 2022 and last September i found out my boss is in love with me. Earlier he used to admire for my work. He was always a source of inspiration as his guidance has always helped me to achieve better and make me confident. Together we were a good team.. We took many important decision together, although i am not much experienced but he took my advice in important matters. Its a small company and few employees left gradually, we built a new team and together we trained them. We are very serious about our work and that was our prime focus. He use to tell me how serious he was about me and would like to marry me, will visit my house and meet my parents. One thing i knew was that he is divorced but the details were not very clear to me as he never disclosed and i gave him time as whenever he feels fine he can share. I also told him that my parents would never agree to this. he said he will convince my parents and will even beg for me. I am introvert nature and never cross questioned anything. I had a huge respect for him. He had his share of lows since his father passed away and then he was left alone and taking care of his mother. He values his mother a lot and keep her away from any stress. He keep everything to himself, he was able to share them with me. I am a good listener so always comforted him by listening and not judging him. He made plans about future as how we are going to build a house, take business to new heights and in 1-2 month he made me director of a company. I didn't want all this because it was too early for all this and i don't like accepting things this way. In April, i broke my engagement due to him and my family is in great stress. I lied to them and therefore their trust broke. Since then the whole family is in great pain. I could never do this, i have always followed decision taken by my family and they have always taken care of me. Now in June they came to know about me and him and they disapprove. My mother is very sure that i being emotional have gotten into trap and he manipulated me. He however needs someone in his life and found good option in me as i can handle family and business both. My mother hates him. Now i am so confused. I started keeping distance with him. I resigned few days back. He got ill and is finding hard to recover. The business is affecting due to this as he always feel lost that's what the team told me. He sends me emotional messages. I know he is very alone and must be hurting a lot. He says he always had a strong feeling about me. He worship for me so that we are together forever. He says if i agree he will forever be grateful as he has nobody except me. What should I do? Please help me.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Things seemed to be going fine for you outside of this boss situation. But it has been messed up! Nevertheless...
It's important for you to understand that you have found yourself 'an emotionally weak person'. He finds great solace in you and you have been very kind enough to lend a shoulder for him to cry on.
Promoting you ahead of time is indication enough for you that he 'needs' you...and when the need is over, he might not find the same kind of closeness with you OR the need may just become greater making him even weaker.
'I know he is very alone and must be hurting a lot'...you have fallen into a guilt trap where if you don't support him, it makes you feel guilty.
He has been very effectively weakening your emotions for you to take care of him. Break this toxic cycle...no offense meant to him...he really needs to grow up...Strong relationships are those that nurture one another and help each other grow...what growth has happened to either of you? In fact, you two seem to be pulling each other down, haven't you? He sends emotional messages!!!!!! Do you not still see his pattern?
You mother isn't fond of him, (wonder why)?????

Be wise about this, look at your life far ahead and actually imagine a life with this person and check for yourself how it is going to pan out and do the same without him and see how it can be liberating for you...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

Answered on Jul 19, 2024

My girlfriend has lot of expectations on How I must react to certain situations. I try my best to do it , but there is always one day where I don't have control on reacting the same as she wishes it , and then we fight and she keeps reminding me my mistakes from the past. I say sorry , she says she doesn't consider my sorries. I forgive her for whatever serious she says in fight. But then again after few days everything becomes normal. I am confused what should be done. Is it okay that I behave according to her expectations or what. Because I don't want to lose her. I have always discussed that the way I behave is my natural nature but she keeps me correcting. She accepts her mistakes even I do too. But now since these incidents often once a month. I am asking you what I must do in such situations where it's not in my hand it seems to behave in certain way as expected by her
Ans: Dear Govinda,
Well, all of us have expectations from each other, don't we?
But some expectations are realistic and some are unrealistic. Any expectation that starts to change the other person, control them, dictate their behavior is almost toxic and not healthy in the long run.
Some expectations like requesting the other person to take care of their health, finances, advice on work and family that attempts to see them in a better space is healthy and necessary.

So, where does your girlfriend's expectation fall into?
It's possible that because it's leading to constant fights, you are certainly not happy about her control about this. Then voice it out and state clearly that you would not like to change for her but only change for yourself and for the better. This may hurt her and there might be a lot of drama around it...but, if she is willing to look at the relationship maturely with you as an equal partner, there will no more fights and expectations around things that bother you.
Sit down together; tell her how this is affecting you and the relationship. There maybe little expectations that maybe good for you and the relationship. Be thankful for those.

But, the bigger ones are the ones that are bothersome and yes, your girlfriend must know about it. Instead of confronting, be firm and gentle and she may very well understand the whole scenario. This will also help you in situations where she expects something and it does not happen and yet she will be okay with it. So, have that clear communication for better understanding. Is this possible? Yes, provided the two of you work at this together not confronting but managing it.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

Answered on Jul 18, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 17, 2024Hindi
Hi Mam, I got married in 2020. I have tried to find a job for her in Bangalore.Even she told that i can't eat in your salary if I earn i do not need to do what you are asking. I just asked her that we are family why you are thinking like this.4 to 5 times same problem fight happened. Whatever I tell she has taken in negative way.After a year we got separated. Even if I explain things she doesn't understand. I have dropped her in hometown in her home. Explained things to their parents that this what happened. Asked her parents that let me know what is her decision to live with me or not.After 6 months got a call from her. she did not come out with that mentality and wanted divorce. After a month I have accepted for mutual divorce. Her parents also told that mutual divorce. when called for a meeting in common place for mutual divorce they did not reply. They have filed Domestic violence act by putting false allegations in petition. Case is going on for more than 2 year. when one my relative went to talk. she itself asked pay 25 lakh as one time settlement then only they will withdraw the DVC petition and accept mutual divorce. Now.To the head person of my caste group their parents told that she is willing to live with me Despite taking care of her properly..they filed false allegations on me and family members also. i have decided for mutual divorce when she asked. I don't have 25 lakh.I have told them that I can give them only 7 lakhs then we can mutually get divorce. No answer from them. I have decided not live with her anymore. Pls tell your opinion abt this.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Your decision must be right as the real reason for her moving away from the marriage is still unknown or you have missed out on sharing the whole picture.
Also, what is the reason for the Domestic Violence petition? Has there been a reason for her to feel that she needed to put a case on you? But if you know that there is no scope for reconciliation, then I am sure you know what is the best thing to do...
(Due to inadequate information from you, I can provide only generic suggestions). But, there's one thing which is: There seems to have been no understanding between you and your wife when she suggested that it's your salary; there is certainly something which made her unable to come close within the marriage and accept is as a mutual partnership rather than just an isolated relationship.

On the legal aspect, kindly follow what your lawyer advises you to do...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

Answered on Jul 18, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 19, 2024Hindi
Anu mam, I am an NRI from Dubai, married and earning a good salary here. I have two beautiful, smart kids, aged 11 and 14. My parents are getting old. They live in Alappuzha with a caretaker. In two years, we plan to relocate to India with the kids so they can continue their higher education in India. But there is a problem. My kids are used to a certain lifestyle here in Dubai. Whenever we come to India for vacation once or twice a year, the children complain of the crowd, pollution, driving behaviour, and littering habits. They are however, rooted to the culture as we celebrate all festivals and events, the Indian way. I want to understand how can I help my kids prepare to relocate to India?
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Well, they are going to have adjustment issues for sure...
India is a place that can envelop people in warmth and yet throw challenges and when one is not raised here, it can get to the. To expect an environment here that they are used to, is not going to happen.
Considering their age, they might have challenges finding themselves within peer groups as well. Get them close to well-adjusted before you make that move...
- You can plan longer vacations in India and especially the place where you intend to settle, so that they get used to the weather, food, culture and people
- They can also during the vacation period, take part in volunteering which gives them a feel of life beyond them
- Plan a visit to the school you intend to send them to when the school is in session and request for a class attendance for a couple of days if that is possible. This will give them a clear feel of how school will be like

Ultimately, there's only so much that you can do...expect few challenges and go with that flow...it's not possible to preempt it all...but projecting a few things upfront as listed above may give them an idea and help the, with the relocation process.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

Answered on Jul 16, 2024

Answered on Jul 15, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 10, 2024Hindi
Hi mam, I was in a relationship with a guy for 3 months he was uneducated but I’m a S.E. Initially everything was fine but later he started like u should not talk with other boys you should not go there you should not wear this kind of dress, I’m your husband so you should listen to me whatever I say u should do that like he started. Then he started mentally abused with so many bad words nd he slapped me twice. So I decided I don’t want to be in this relationship so I said him. Then he kept some fellows to follow me to check wat I’m doing where I’m going to get all these details. And then he said I will show both of our to your family, I will kill you like this he started. Now it is almost 2 year I’m leading my life but sometimes he will call me he will threaten me I don’t know what to do how to overcome this I can’t tell to my family I’m depressed can u please tell me what I have to do
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Are you married? Because he said that he is your husband...I am confused...

Anyway, NO, he has no business controlling you this way...Emotional and Physical Abuse is a strict NO NO...
Tell your family and do that NOW!!!!!!!
This man seems to be acting in a violent manner and your safety should be more of a concern...it was 2 slaps, then after that? When you did not protest for that, he simply has got the message that violence is okay with you...
No, it's not okay, right? And that's why you wrote on this platform...

Do the right thing for yourself...Protect yourself from this person first! Threats of killing you did not set off alarm bells? Why are you still letting him off so easy? This is NOT love...he is just a familiar person to you.
Familiarity does not mean Safety!!!!!! (Read this again)...

Involve your family and let him know that you are not alone; he will stop his threats knowing that you will respond to the rubbish he is subjecting you to! Speak with your family...

All the best!
Dear Anonymous,
No, Age is not so important in a marriage; but if it isn't, then why did you hide the fact of your real age? You have givem it that importance enough to hide it, yeah?
And any relationship based on lies or a hidden fact can cause damages...
The only way that I can see is work with the Counselor and appeal to your husband as well. Tell him that your child needs the love of both parents. Hear what he has to say...and yes, he is bound to bring up the age factor over and over again...it is something that he feels cheated with...so, respect it...Like I said, Apologize like you really mean it...

And oh, why are you so bothered about how he will treat other women in his life? Just focus on your life and your marriage...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

Answered on Jul 15, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 12, 2024Hindi
I am a 32M year old married man, working in a MNC with no to very low growth in my professional career.On the other hand my wife 28F is career oriented lady, great academician, working as an assistant professor in a good university. I feel very happy for her and on the other hand I feel I am not correct for her, as I am very average, stuck in my job, with a doubtful career growth. Please help. Should I let her know to move onn with someone better than me. She does love me and raises no concerns at all, but the feeling of dismay is from my end.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Why` exactly are you assuming things for her?
If she seems to be unbothered by who is earning how much, they why are you putting so much effort into it and creating a problem?
She loves you, supports you...what you can do is also the same...Love her and support her without focusing much on who is earning how much etc. If you had earned more and she had earned less, that would have been okay? You are just giving into the patriarchal system, aren't you?
Instead rejoice in the fact, that all is well and your marriage is wonderful...So, time to remove the old cobwebs of male dominated thinking and make it a case of co-existence with your wife. She simply would want only that from you now...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

Answered on Jul 12, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 10, 2024Hindi
My husband and I met through a matrimonial site in 2015. He send me request and called me over phone. At that time,I was doing as govt teacher job residing in an area which is 300 km away from my city. He met me at my rented house and proposed for marriage. He asked my age but I hesitated to tell my age as I was almost 40 years then. He told me that it would not matter if I would be older than him. He was also about to 4o then. I didnt tell my age age, as I wanted to get married, because I had my younger sister to marry. He was working in a different state that time. He sent his father to our home to fix marriage. His father asked my age but because of shame, I could not tell my real age. I told them Iwas 36. We were married in 2016 April. By that time my job was transferred to my ho.e city. So I was at my in laws home during 2016 and 2017. My inlaws i.e my father in law and my unmarried sister in law were never supportive to me. They always treated me as outsider. As my husband and me were livi g apart because of job we couldnot plan for baby. We both were pretty older to conceive naturally, so I contacted an ivf specialist. The doctor told that I have less chance to conceive naturally as my egg quality is not good. It was not impossible though. But since we were living apart, he suggested me to go for donor ivf. I was broken for a moment as I wont be able to give birth my own child. But I had to make my husband a father. So I went for do or egg ivf. In June 2018 a beautiful baby girl was born. I was very happy to get her. But pI noticed his father started to drink alot after her birth. He got tranfer of his job in 2019 and he took me from his ho.e to company quarter in home city in 2019 August. It was okay initially, but he drank a lot which I couldnot bear as l was from a totally non drinker family. He even said he could leave me but not drink. In 2020 hecame to know my real age from my matriculation certificate. He was seen upset, I apologise to him for not telling him my real age. I also told him about my and our family condition at that time. He cuddled me and said that he was not that kind of person. To be mentioned here, he is 6 month younger than me. But gradually his behaviour was changing, always treat badly at very very small things. In 2021 he again hot temporary transfer to a different place which is 500 km away from our homè. During this time he totally cut co tact with me. When I was having Corona and was hospitalized with my 3 years he didn't come to visit us. In 2022 January he was back home. He took my mother to stay with us. From March 2022 he started asking for mutual divorce. I was shocked. Since I didnot agree to that he filed a divorce case against me in 2023 August. Now It has been about one year, we are in concillation process. We are still living together. We are having physical also. Sometimes he becomes good but he always attend the concelling and says that he wants divorce for sure. I dont want divorce as my daughter loves him so much. I dont want to break the family, he is providing food, my daughter's school fees etc. I also do a job, so I dont need money from him. Only I wantvto stay as family.Is there any way to change his mind ? My job is contractual, so I dont have job security. He gets a handsome salary like 1.5 lacs per month with all medical and other facilities. Please suggest, how can I change his mindset or what may cause him to divorce me. I trust him. He also trusts me. He has mentioned only age criteria for divorce.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Any relationship that starts on a foundation of Lies is bound to go wrong. I am sure you had your reasons for hiding your real age.
Now, this has become a bone of contention between the two of you.
Also, staying apart has not really helped the two of you bond and the fact of not being able to go through the natural process of pregnancy which helps couple bond also eluded the two of you.
What does not make sense is why after the birth of the child, he has taken up to drinking. Did he see the whole process as a failure of marriage? Do go through the recommended number of counseling sessions and be sure to mention that you want the marriage.
But, its no use if your husband does not want the same. Allow the counselor to do their job and there's one thing that you can do. Genuinely apologize for hiding your real age. Maybe when he sees and feels your apology, he maybe willing to forget all about the lie. Genuine apology, please...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/
Asked on - Jul 12, 2024 | Answered on Jul 15, 2024
Is age is so much important in marriage. Love, feelings nothing at all ? He wants to deprive his child from everything. I know which is bad for me that by daughter is not my biological daughter. He knows she is his biological daughter. Still he misbehaved with his daughter not me. My daughter is everything for me. She can leave her father but not me. She is very much attached to me. I have apologized to him from the very first time. But he takes the advantage of the situation. He wants to marry again so that he can have new family. There is no guarantee that he will treat the other wife nicely. Don't know what to do.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
No, Age is not so important in a marriage; but if it isn't, then why did you hide the fact of your real age? You have givem it that importance enough to hide it, yeah?
And any relationship based on lies or a hidden fact can cause damages...
The only way that I can see is work with the Counselor and appeal to your husband as well. Tell him that your child needs the love of both parents. Hear what he has to say...and yes, he is bound to bring up the age factor over and over again...it is something that he feels cheated with...so, respect it...Like I said, Apologize like you really mean it...

And oh, why are you so bothered about how he will treat other women in his life? Just focus on your life and your marriage...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

Answered on Jul 12, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 10, 2024Hindi
Hi, I am 37 yr old married male with a 6yr old son. My wife and I have known each other since college and were in a relationship since then. We never had a stable relationship in college or after that as well but we continued seeing each other. Owing to circumstances, we decided to get married and even after that it has never been stable. She says I never have time for her and the relationship and now even for our kid. She blames me the entire time for being too involved with work and self care(playing sports, exercising etc). Needless to say, we dont have any intimacy as well.I have my own business which has been going through a rough patch since past 2 years which is causing even more stress which also spills over at home. The only reason why I started exercising was to get some sort of a getaway from work and home. Also, my wife, rather then being supportive, picks on the most negligible of issues to fight with me, insult me and threaten for divorce. The immense stress from both the sides is causing almost a mental breakdown for me. I did seek online therapy for a while for my self which somewhat did help. Also, my wife is strictly against couples therapy which I have suggested numerous times. What should I do to lead a happy less stressful life? am going through a very stressful phase which has started showing on my health, general being etc.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Relationships when started on a whim with just attraction and no real connection seldom cross over challenges in marriage.
And marriage is a lot of work...
Questions that you may want to ask yourself:
- Am I indulging in self-care to better myself or escape home and work challenges?
- Is my wife picking up quarrels with me to gain attention and love from me?
- Have my wife and I spent enough time building the marriage?
- Do my wife and I make time to be with ourselves?

I guess this might give you a good reality check and a way forward. If she is not in favor of couples therapy, then you are going have to lead this one on your own. It's easy to count what's not happened. But if you two choose to focus on what good has happened within the marriage, it might give the marriage a chance to become more empowering.
Yes, a marriage therapist could have led this one wonderfully for the two of you BUT what I can suggest is: Lead by example. If you start to focus on all her strengths and how wonderful she is as a mother, slowly she may break her thinking patterns and start to appreciate you as well...Spend a lot of quality time together. If you can spare time for your fitness etc, marriage needs a certain level of fitness to survive and grow. Spend time as family...go out on vacations...
Lead rather than Lose...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

Answered on Jul 11, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 20, 2024Hindi
Hi there, I have many things going in my life right now and I’m confused what to do, first thing I’m in a relationship with a man who’s 7 years older than me and is also not earning much, we are from different religions. Now as I’m 25 my parents are asking me to get married but some how I’m avoiding it, I’m currently living with them and I’m constant with growth in my career so they also want me to look for better opportunities. The thing is my boyfriend is also in the same city and I’m sad about going far away. He’s very supportive and motivates me to look further opportunities. But again my parents want an answer from me about marriage. And I discussed with my boyfriend as well and he understands that too but he doesn’t want to marry me.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
When he does not want to marry you, then what makes you waste so much time on him?
Move on with your life; it's not about getting married like the way your parents intend BUT more a signal to yourself to stop in your tracks and focus on what's important to you; your life...

He can be a good friend still supporting you (If the two of you can find that maturity) and you will both be able to walk on your own paths which isn't happening now. When he is clear that he is not going to commit to it, it should be enough data for you to look into yourself and know that you are trying hard to make something happen that does not want to happen. Making sense here?

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

Answered on Jul 08, 2024

Answered on Jul 08, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 05, 2024Hindi
Hi, I'm a 47 year old woman working as an engineer in a corporate. I fell in love with my classmate when I was doing my engineering. He too loved me and we wanted to get married. But his father declined our marriage proposal since I did not belong to their caste. Since his parents disagreed, he did not want to go ahead with this marriage. So, we decided to leave the matter for now but continued to meet eaach other regularly and talk. A few months later, his parents forced him to get married to a close family acquaintance. Being the only child, my mom also forced me to get married to an alliance she had found suitable and i too got married. Even after marriage, I couldn't forget my boyfriend and so we would meet regularly after office and diacuss everything under the sun including our marital lives. I was never happy with my marriage and never had a child. He also seemed unhappy with his marriage but had a daughter with his wife. My husband passed away in a road accident after 3 years of marriage. I started feeling insecure and so forcedmy boyfriend to marry me. He declined to marry me due to societal pressure but was very keen to have a physical relationship. I also agreed and got pregnant with his child. When our son was 6 months old, he helped me find a rented home close to his home so that he could meet me to fulfil his physical desires. Now that my son is 10 years old and beginning to understand things, he keeps asking why his fathee doesnt stay with us and visits us only occasionally. He has never celebrated our sons birthday or taken us put anywhere. I have remained his mistress and so feel very insecure and neglected in this relationship. I also find it very difficult to lead a life like this. When i discuss this with my boyfriend, he says he cannot leave his wife and daughter for our sake (he seems to have a soft corner for them). We have had serious fights about this, and i have even told him to stay away from our lives. But he continues to come to me whenever he wants a physical relation and i succumb to the situation. Now, i feel used and want to cut off this relationship. As my son grows old and gets to know of all these things, i am afraid what he will think of me. I dont want to be looked down by my son. I have a good job, i am financially independent and have bought an apartment as well. I am confident that i can take good care of my son and lead a decent life. Please suggest what i should do?
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Why exactly are you living off the scraps of this guy? (In terms of love)
He clearly has sent a message that there's no family with you and your son. So, when he comes over just for sex, how does that make you feel? The reason that you writing to me is perhaps that you feel disrespected with his behavior.

You are financially independent and have the freedom to raise you son out of this confusing environment. Why would you not do that and actually free yourself from this unsettled feeling? If you are looking for love, care and affection from this man, let me draw this out for you...he is clear that he is not going to leave his family and hey, why would he? His wife has not been a party to all of this.

With all the complications of having a relationship on the side, you brought a child into this world out of wedlock (that's still not the issue), the issue is that you are still hanging onto him and the scraps he throws at you in the form of intimacy. Do not mistake sex for love...Sex stems from Love and not the other way round. So, if you feel that someday he's going to crawl back to you if you keep the sex going, I highly doubt that. Plus, again that would be unfair to his wife as well.

Now, why would you not give yourself a chance to move away from this and actually pursue a healthy relationship (when you feel that you are ready)? And that can happen only when you actually decide that you value yourself and respect for you is non-negotiable. Would you be willing to do that?

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

Answered on Jul 06, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 30, 2024Hindi
Hi Anu. I am 32 years old. I got married to a guy through matrimonial app. He was very good before married. He used to shower me with love and respect and gifts. I loved him dearly. We got married 3 years back and I went to his house with lot of dreams in my life. But the moment I got married, I could see a lot of change in him. He no longer gave me much of his time. He was very attached to his mother and sister. He gave them money to run his house and not to me at all. I did not mind him getting things for his mother and sister but just not buying anything for me used to make me feel left out. He used to say that to me that you are a working woman. So can take care of your needs. Anu, I could take care of my needs financially....but I too needed his care and love. He went to a different city for work and refused to take me till I contribute 50% in the house. It came as a shock to me. Where was the love that he once showed me before marriage? For everything he wanted contribution from me. Slowly slowly we drifted apart. I found the marriage to be like going 50 -50 for everything. And this year we divorced each other. I was heart broken. I still remember the good days we spent together before marriage. It hurts me a lot when I remember how he changed after marriage. Now my parents want me to look after someone to get married. But somehow, I have lost trust in men. What should I do?
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
It has not been an easy time for you.
But do remember that every challenging time only makes a person stronger. This is not a pep talk but a fact. Now, you are equipped with knowledge on what you seek in a relationship and what is absolutely not okay in a partner.
Now, I don't say that everyone needs to go through all this to learn BUT you have been in it, so better to look at the brighter side.
So, why would it scare you?
All men are not the way you ex was...He came in as a showpiece with all the glitter and then showed his true damaged traits. We don't need to go over that as that chapter is closed.
It's a fact that you must heal from that first before you get into another relationship as the baggage from it will weigh you down. And every small argument in a new relationship will seem like the end of the world. Also, you will be on the edge to make it work at all costs.
So, first heal from it all...through that, you must also be willing to drive a new thought into you which is: Not all men come in the tones which my ex had. They can be be different and I am willing to give my new life a chance.
This will be a useful path to embark on. If this seems daunting, then do visit an expert who can help you heal and guide you into a new phase of life. But let that new phase be something that you decide for yourself whenever you feel ready. Till then explore the world, expand your social circle and gain your lost self back first. Things will fall in place...one step at a time!

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

Answered on Jul 04, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 03, 2024Hindi
Dear Anu, I am in relationship for 6 months and now we are in long distance relationship, I have struggled a lot in family love issues, so I always craved for love, but my boyfriend is a bit distant, although he tries his best, but I just can't get over, I feel like i deserve to be loved more and deserve good care and attention, there are always the things which he hurts me almost everyday now, I feel like shutting down my emotions again, I feel very low after his actions, although he has his reasons which are correct too, but little bit wrong too, he does not think deeply about me, because he is immature himself, we are just 19, I don't know and unable to understand what should I do, should I shut myself down and try to study and not talk to him by giving him excuses that I am busy, I really am losing more and more trust from him, and slowly my will to share things is getting lost, although I scream from inside that I want to share but after his actions hurt me, I feel puzzled from inside, he is good, but I don't think he is much into these love and stuffs, he is just chill with his life, as he shows off, so much that I misunderstand him a lot, how can we understand each other better, we just keep hurting each other, because of our different thoughts and perspective, I love him so much, I want to be with him, but his actions make me further distant from him, and he also says he has his own privacy, I don't understand, if relationship is built on trust then what kind of privacy, I don't mean , I don't understand him, i respect his opinion, but because of his perspective, he hurts me too, and doesn't respect my perspective, I feel like relying on him emotionally and always have been, but he thinks I speak too much and he doesn't value it much, and doesn't understand how much hard it is for me to share....I really feel very much overwhelmed and it's not getting any better, every night I feel pain and keeps on crying, it's not stoping, it's becoming a loop, please guide me, what should I do.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
All I can see and hear from you is: that you are dependent on him for you happiness!
Okay, 'I have struggled a lot in family love issues' (as you mentioned) BUT looking for that to be filled from someone externally is only going to disappoint you.
How can you replace family and sibling love and attention from outside?
Also, being 19, both of you are still not mature to put things in perspective. Do understand that every time you complain to your boyfriend and call that a 'perspective', you are just pushing him away...he's just being a boy of 19 trying to have a carefree life and a girlfriend with who he can share and of course, feel 'cool' in his guy gang.
Why are you expecting him to fill in for the missing love? He cannot as whatever he does, he will always fall short as in your mind you will compare with what you ideally would want and he will fall short. Then, the drama will begin where you will complain, he will defend and he will slowly call that his carefree ways and he will say: I am like this only!
And then you will feel hurt and the drama will continue.

First things first; you cannot fulfill what love you lack from outside. Learn to love yourself first. the concept of self-love is rage these days BUT it has always been around in simpler ways from the very beginning. Love what you do everyday, surround yourself with friends that you feel good with, focus on your academic goals...
Loving oneself is the way to go; it might seem a bit difficult at you age to fathom as everything external excites you...So, focus on your self and put less attention in what your boyfriend does or doesn't. Slowly, you will appreciate the things that he does for you...And you will start to feel better from within!
Your self-worth is something only you can grow from within and this cannot be dependent on anything or anyone external. Grow your strength from within!

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

Answered on Jul 03, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 01, 2024Hindi
Im 28M, feel like i have done wasted a lot of my life till now. I'm in a career but its not going good, I waste a lot of time in mobile, I don't have have any social life. I feel immature for a relationship. My patents are looking for a match, but I feel unworthy. I want to improve myself atleast till a point where I can accept myself. Please help.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
You are most likely in a space which is forcing you to think different from what you thought to get to where you are now.
So, take it as a good sign!!!!!!
Ask yourself:
- What do I want from life and in life?
- How do I want my relationships to be?
- How can I improve my money situation?
- What is an ideal health like for me?

These are very general questions. Once you get to the bottom of these, you will get to a point where you might feel stuck BUT will know what the problem area is. This is half the battle won.
From that point on, either, you dig deeper by putting clear goals and following them. If you find it difficult to do this, find an expert who can guide you further by working on the challenge area in great detail leading you to a useful solution. Taking the first step is a huge improvement. It's a step towards a better life than what you are leading now. So, wake up and move yourself to answer the first set of questions...it will give you a way forward...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

Answered on Jul 03, 2024

Dear Anu, my fiancé ...( pov it’s a love marriage) always gets irritated when I point something wrong statement made by his mother. She is quite friendly but very cunning. He asks me not to talk casually with her.... My family is not this kind.... I’ve always talk to my mum like a chatterbox expressing all my feelings..... but by mistake I did this to my mil.... Sometimes I felt she is not much interested in my feelings..... she is talking to me as her son loves me ..... I guess I can’t never accept her as my mother..... my fiancée says I don’t know how to talk with them.... I haven’t said anything disrespectful... but yeah I do talk openly.... That’s how I talk.... That’s how I am wired..... but I feel deeply hurt as he mentioned that statement. I don’t know how should I behave and talk to them.... Can you suggest a solution for this.
Ans: Dear Rithu,
You will agree with me when I say that: No two people or families are same, let alone similar...
And you two are still not married. Isn't it a good time to actually get to know his side of the family as he gets to know yours and the two of you learn to adapt to who each one is rather than comparing and then feeling disappointed.
Why are you comparing your relationship with your mother with your relationship with your fiance's mother? Do you know find it silly? Moms and daughters have a different bond...you love, argue, quarrel, make it up and then love yet again. Can you assume the same to happen with your future mother-in-law as of now?
Maybe someday it might come close BUT never make the mistake of comparing people. You will always be left upset as it will never fulfill your expectations.
Instead, ACCEPT people for who you are. You are about to embark on a journey where different relationships will challenge you in different ways. the only way to ACE it will be to let people be and accept them wholeheartedly.
Given that your future MIL does not warm up to you like the way you want, give her some time to know you better. And to do that, just extend a warm heart and hand to her. Slowly, things fall into place.

DO NOT get into a family with preconceived notions about anyone and instead be curious and embrace relationships. And oh, complaining to your fiance will only end up in him defending his family and it will seem like he is not on your side. Why don't the two of you work together in understanding each others' family? That way things become smooth after marriage as well.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

Answered on Jul 03, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 01, 2024Hindi
Hi Anu ji. I have been hesitating to ask this question. Now I dare to tell my story. Iam married for last twenty five years and having three girls. For the last few years my wife is least interested in sex and remains away from home frequently. In fact before ten years we were living in a locality where one of my wife's friend was living with her family. Her husband was fond of sex with different woman and for this he used her wife to make freinds, cajole them and call them at night for watching blue films. My wife also got trapped in the net and one night I found her missing from bed. The main door was locked from outside. I kept waching her return and she came at 2.30 in night. I pretended sleeping and did not tell anything to my wife but shifted to new colony. Husband of my wife's friend kept coming to new house during my and children's absence. One day I returned from office after one hour and found the man in my house. I asked my wife to stop all this and since than he did not came but my wife started remaining absent from house many often with the lame excuse that she is going to visit her parents. I am upset and doubt that she goes to her friend's house. Should I let it go on?.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
It's possible she is involved in this vicious loop...
When you confronted your wife when you found the man in your home, what exactly did she say or how did she react? I don't find you sharing this anywhere in your question...and this would give an indication as to where her mind is...
It is quite possible that your wife has been a part of the other couple's exploits and is willing to be a part of it. I guess it requires the two of you actually getting around to talking about what exactly is going on.
If this is going to be her lifestyle, it's necessary to see how this is going to impact the girls at home and also whether you choose to accept this as her lifestyle.

Should you let this go on? - How fine are you with not being a part of this marriage in a way that must be? Are you willing to compromise on your married life? How will this affect the children? How will you work around the fact that your wife is possibly sleeping around with random people? What will your future seem like as a family?
Check your answers to these and you will know exactly what you are okay with and what you are not fine going along with. That will define your next course of action. It's as simple as asking yourself: What is that will truly see me in a happy place? You will know after answering these questions...a good reality check is in order!

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

Answered on Jul 02, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 01, 2024Hindi
I m 35 years old woman I married twice but my marriage not success first marriage in religion and second is interfaith marriage which I have two kid one son he is 16 year old and one daughter she is 8 year old I married my second one husband in 2009 he is in relationship with other women he have 1 kids with her then also I accepted because of my of my dad woh is poor and I have no family no house infact I have nobody support I stay with mother in laws in 2016 my daughter was born after that 6 months my inlaws is expired and after that my husband who sold the house my 2 kids and me on road nobody is helping me out he left me with kids. How I manage to register a dv case in 2020 but the case will go on an on in 2022 the order is pass for maintenance which he is not pay single money till know to me after this he is in jail for a month. my kids and I leaving alone on rent house . I am not working because of my health issues I m bagging for my kids to feed both .
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
This is so unfair and I do feel for you...
What I suggest is approach a family member who can support you for a while. During this time, contact a local NGO that helps women facing domestic issues. They will be able to put you in touch with a lawyer who in turn will work out on how the maintenance money can come to you.
So, at this point in time, you need to find someone to guide you with legal matters. Please act quickly; having children with you in this situation is no joke at all.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

Answered on Jul 02, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 22, 2024Hindi
Some people fall out of love with their partners after 10-12(not precisely) years of marriage while others still crave for their partners even after the time period in marriage. Why this happens and what can we conclude from it (we know that most of the relationships fall into routine after this much period of time) ?
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Honeymoon period over and then real life takes over. Responsibilities at work and at home need time and attention and also the involvement of both partners.
Now, add children into the picture and then raising them in a digital age; that's again a lot of challenges, right?
Next, caring for aged parents...
Responsibilities can rob the romance out of marriages and relationships. But with proper understanding between both partners, even during tough times, it is possible to find a silver lining.
So, put in simple words, as the relationship grows, responsibilities increase and this can cause a dent in the love life of partners. Becoming aware that this is an inevitable phase in any marriage/relationship, the couple can still act as one unit and face struggles and support one another. Love can actually increase, you know?
But, only if the couple does not resort to blame game and passing the buck. A lot of movies show this aptly with much bickering and struggles.

The key to a sound relationship is to step in and show up at all times and be committed to working together in difficult times and happy times as well...possible? Yes, possible as long as the couple make that level of commitment! That's what you actually see in couples who still are going strong 30-40 years after marriage.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/
Asked on - Jul 02, 2024 | Answered on Jul 04, 2024
I have concluded by myself that it has something to do with foundation of relationship. If both the partners have put much efforts and investment (emotionally and physically) , they are most likely to last long while others whose relationship have formed only on short term satisfaction of when one partner is only at receiving end the love will fade once satisfaction gone or the other partner stopped making efforts. And in most cases , I believe this is true . What do you think? Thank you for reply
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Simply put, a car moves only if all the wheels move together.
Marriage/relationship moves only if both partners move together. Sometimes, you encounter differences and then instead of blaming, you work together as one unit to resolve it.
So, instead of putting an age to a relationship, just work with the concept that: For any relationship to work, the people involved in it must want it for almost the same reasons and are willing to work their differences to keep the institution functioning well.
And you end up seeing this in people who are well settled in their marriages for a long time which means they have put in a lot of work into it. But that doesn't mean all marriages/relationships that have been going on for a while are working out well. People are good at hiding things like this. So, focusing on making a relationship work together may work better rather than thinking of what time point the marriage is at!

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

Answered on Jul 02, 2024


Answered on Jul 02, 2024

Hello maa’m!! am in love with my boyfriend since 18 years. I waited till he gets his first job to tell my parents abut him. When the time came we both informed in our family that we want to get married. His father said yes initially and asked my family to meet at a common place. Later once I family agreed and came and called to inform his family, his mother denied saying his father is against this marriage. My parents called my boyfriend and asked whether he wants to marry me without his father approval and he said obviously!!! Why wouldn’t I? Then me and my boyfriend set a date and informed both our family that we are getting married on this date on july. My family has been always supportive and they support me here as well. But his family reacted differently saying we can’t allow you to marry on this date as this month is his birth month (some silly excuses) and they informed we can assure you we will get you married to your girlfriend in November or December. That time my boyfriend also agreed with his mother knowing that all wedding venues were booked and I have paid some kind of advance amount as well. And NOW!! My family went wild over him saying howcome he called of this marriage?? My boyfriend is asking me please give me a second chance that I will convince my parents to marry you in November or December. If they disagree i will move out and marry you only. How can I trust him this time? SHOULD I?
Ans: Dear Suwon,
When someone does not keep their word, trusting them becomes difficult, isn't it?
Maybe they had their reasons for canceling and pushing the wedding to a later date, but that could have been done taking your parents' into confidence. It shows a lack of empathy as to how much work the girls' side would have put in to pull off something.
Anyway, I am sure this question has crossed your mind as well...are they playing this game as the parents are still not keen on getting their son married to you?
You really must sit down and talk to your boyfriend; this kind of influence on him and he will keep oscillating back and forth like a pendulum...
Next step, have both the sets of parents talk to one another and clarify whatever is going on on their minds. The boys' side intentions become clear to your parents and they will be able to give you a clearer picture as well.
So, before you jump around to do anything, please talk to your boyfriend first and then have your parents talk to his and bring clarity ti the entire situation, after which decisions will be well-thought out and you will also be sure of the next steps to take. You can trust him only and only if he comes clean and is truthful about what is going on...So, ask and ask till you know what you want to know.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/
Asked on - Jul 14, 2024 | Answered on Jul 15, 2024
Thank you so much!! I broke up with him as he told my family is against this marriage and he can’t go against them. It’s difficult now but I know whatever has happened it happened for good! Cheers!!
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
I respect your decision and I am sure you took all facts into consideration before taking a decision.
Now, that the chapter is closed, find ways to keep yourself upbeat and positive. Do the things that bring you joy and slowly heal from that relationship moving into newer friendships and nurturing existing ones...
Every situation is a learning...

All the best!
Dear Anonymous,
No, Age is not so important in a marriage; but if it isn't, then why did you hide the fact of your real age? You have givem it that importance enough to hide it, yeah?
And any relationship based on lies or a hidden fact can cause damages...
The only way that I can see is work with the Counselor and appeal to your husband as well. Tell him that your child needs the love of both parents. Hear what he has to say...and yes, he is bound to bring up the age factor over and over again...it is something that he feels cheated with...so, respect it...Like I said, Apologize like you really mean it...

And oh, why are you so bothered about how he will treat other women in his life? Just focus on your life and your marriage...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

Answered on Jul 02, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 26, 2024Hindi
I have a daughter of 22 years old who has completed her degree in event management .but it looks she is not happy with her course. some time back my husband health was critical . She had entered into bad friends for a year where she couldn't complete her final year exam but she lied to us.when I kept on asking her .what she used to do in free time and she never worked she has told us so much lie now we are grappling with the situation in this period she started to smoke .Now even if she finds job.she will lie to us .iam really scared to send her abroad for studies.she will not attend the classes.. Whether we should get her married ,or find a job or study .As mother iam worried about her future iam at 60 and my husband health is not permitting take decision. But she smokes now also .when I tell her don't do it.you are a girl not a boy we have to get you married. Should we keep low at this time or should we advice her she is not a child anymore How do we go about this problem.please give us solutions .we love our daughter so much that her life should be settled before we die
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
As hard as it may sound, let her take a break from whatever she is doing to figure out what exactly she wants to do in life and with her life.
Clearly, she seems to be disturbed with something that is going on...it could also be that she is worried for her father and youngsters have strange ways of coping which could also include smoking. How will marriage help when she is unsettled in her mind?
Take one step at a time...focus on your husband's health and involve her slowly into home related stuff and also helping you out. She needs a shift of focus into something that is healthy and also surrounded by love which can only be home.
Sending her away only means that you are reprimanding her and she will disconnect from the family which then will make it harder for all of you.
So, in short, let her take a break from whatever she is doing. It's okay to do that!
Involve her at home and when she feels the love and support from home, she herself will be in a place to decide what to do next...it's like providing an anchor to the ship to dock itself...Give her that time...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

Answered on Jul 01, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 29, 2024Hindi
Hello Anu, I am female 26 years of age. I am working IT working professional, I earn 1 lack 50 k per month. I come from a very good family in my family everyone is educated and I am the youngest one in my family. My mom and brother are actively looking for groom for me. There wanted me to get married to someone who had good career and coming from good family background. But recently I meet with a guy who stays in Sweden and works as bioinformatics scientist. He is very smart and he is a kind hearted guy. Slowly I got to know about him more. He is simple decent guy he earns pretty good but his parents health is really bad. And during the year 2021 his father got 2 heart stroke and one stroke. They almost in the verse of loosing their father which eventually let his father to decide to get him married to a girl. He got married at the age of 25 in the year 2021. He is currently 29 years old. He is just 2 years older to me. He didn't got chance to talk to her before marriage he pleased the girl parents a lot of time but there were very conservative and didn't allow them to talk, so he told his parents multiple occasions that he is not ready for this marriage his parents started emotionally blackmail him. there said their wanted to see his marriage before they leave this world. So he drawn so emotional and got married to her. After 2 months of marriage he got to know both of there mindset doesn't match at all. Still he given time for her to change so that he can proceed this relationship. Currently there are living together in the Sweden there live like two different strangers, he doesn't allow her to touch him there only talk when it something important to talk. He is not at all happy with the relationship, he is seeking for the divorce but the girl's parents keep on manipulating her, even she is not happy with him, she will say at times I will give divorce but after consulting her parents her decisions keep on changing. There live like 2 different strangers under the same roof. He really loves me alot. I really love his personality and want to get married to him but my parents will never agree to idea of getting married to a divorce person. My parents and my brother brought me up from childhood very over protectively. Almost in all my life I was good quoted child who listens to the elder one. I didn't have courage to speak up about all this to my parents. But at the same time I can't move on from him. I have constant pressure from my parents about marriage. Can you please tell me, how can I handle this situation, should I move on or else should I ask him to talk to my parents. Can you please suggest me. I want to genuinely spend my rest of life with him. I don't have problem with his past marriage because he was forced into that marriage. I really like his personality, he is very hardworking talented guy. He does match most of things I look for a ideal partner. Please give me the suggestion briefly because this is the decision of rest of my life.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
You two haven't even met, right? I mean is it a virtual meet?
Even if it's a physical meeting,
- How much do you know of him to be sure that his story is what he says?
- Do you not want to know his wife's version of the entire story especially being a woman, are you not curious?

What people say and what they are might be very different. So, before calling it Love and then taking a decision, ask yourself if you want to go through the divorce with him; I mean you will be part of that journey and then his baggage...do you really want all of that?
What screams RED FLAGS to me is the fact that he keeps changing his decision on whether to leave his wife or not. So, either he has feelings for her OR his story is untrue OR he;s giving his marriage another chance. In none of these cases are you anywhere. Does this not say anything to you? Saying 'I Love You' really doesn't mean a thing when the intention is not a noble or genuine one. Kindly go deeper into his story before doing anything and making any big decisions. Your life. Your decisions...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

Answered on Jul 01, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 29, 2024Hindi
I'm around 54 years married to a widow who had two kids around 14 years back. Her behaviour towards me most of the time is very rude. she doesnt keep anhy relation with my family members and always has a grudge on them without any reason, due to which i have no physical relation with her, just Im staying in the house. Now I have met a female who is married with two kids and working as a cleaning staff, her husband is useless and not working for the last four years and she is running her house with her salary. I have been meeting her for the last eight months and would like to continue the relation, even she is very much interested, but due to family constraints she is not able to come out of the married relation she has. I take care of her and her kids day to day needs. So how do I go ahead with is relation ? Im a bit confused
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
You are trying to search for a wife and a family in the other lady and her children; something that you are unable to find in your own home.
How much longer do you want to live two parallel lives? Decide whether you want to continue with your marriage and work at making it work...OR find solace with another lady and her family. 8 years is a long time BUT any relationship that comes out of a need ceases to exist when the need is over or gone. What will happen when this cleaning staff lady stops wanting your money or attention? Will you then jump into another relationship?
How you go ahead in this relationship is something only you will know. Someone is bound to get hurt...Also, you seem to definitely care about family. How will they react to all of this?
Consider a few important things before you jump to any conclusions...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/
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