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Anu Krishna

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach 

1570 Answers | 289 Followers

Anu Krishna is a mind coach and relationship expert.
The co-founder of Unfear Changemakers LLP, she has received her neuro linguistic programming training from National Federation of NeuroLinguistic Programming, USA, and her energy work specialisation from the Institute for Inner Studies, Manila.
She is an executive member of the Indian Association of Adolescent Health.... more

Answered on Mar 24, 2025

Asked by Anonymous - Mar 13, 2025
I had a 2 years relationship with a girl. Last year she left me for another guy and gave him her virginity and got pregnant. After getting abortion that guy left her. Now she came back to me and talked to me for about 2 months just as friends but i loved her so much that i forgave her and accepted her and we got in relationship. But one night she told me about all her past with her 2nd boyfriend. Now i don't want to keep relationship as her past makes me shiver and i promised her for marriage but i can't get over the fact that she cheated me and lost virginity to another guy then came back and wants me to marry her. So if i am not sure of marriage should i involve in physical activities with her ( we never envolved in physical activities before ) or should i avoid doing that until i am sure of marrying her.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
You are not even sure whether you want to accept her past with the other guy. If you have not made peace with this, why talk of marriage and indulging in physical stuff with her? It's not her this time; it's YOU!
So, take a break from this association, clear your mind space on what you want from life and a life partner. If she is the person you know that fits the description, then perhaps the past will not matter. Mere love is not enough, what you value in a relationship is in question now...so, take time to think i through and then make a decision on it.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

Answered on Mar 18, 2025

Asked by Anonymous - Mar 17, 2025Hindi
28M Fearful of Marriage After Witnessing Failed Relationships, Seeking Advice
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
How have you managed to confuse yourself so much? You know how?
By reading into situations that have happened outside of you way too much. Yes, I will say this to you; not all women are the way you perceive.
If you got attacked by a cat, you will say...All cats are aggressive and dangerous. Is this true? Are all cats that way or just the one that you got attacked by?
In your case, you have only seen failed marriages and you have concluded as some universal truth that things will go bad and then you have gone to the extent of protecting your mother. Do you not see what rigid thinking can do? Confuse you, derail you, disillusion you...
If you wish to set things right, change the way that you are thinking of marriage, potential partners for marriage...focus on what can go right rather than on what can go wrong, will help you a lot in this.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

Answered on Mar 16, 2025

Asked by Anonymous - Mar 07, 2025Hindi
Confused Wife Facing Relationship Troubles: Should I Fight for My Marriage?
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
As bad or hurtful as it may sound to you, you have simply thrown your life at the mercy of others. They have used you as a puppet only because you have given them permission to do so...past relationships and even now.
What you should do now is:
1. Ask an elder member (not your mother) of the family to intervene and talk to him and his side of the family to see if there is any scope for reconciliation. If there is, then your husband has got to stop playing these games of wanting you one day and then not wanting you the next. It's highly toxic to live with someone who trusts you for a moment and then asks you to prove your innocence the next moment. The two of you will need to get into Intensive Therapy as a couple to put things back together.
2. If there is no scope for reconciliation, please get a good lawyer who can secure the baby's future and yours.

Though you haven't asked me this, for your own good I suggest:
Please understand that no man is going to make you happy. So, depending on them despite the fact that can act toxic, is only draining you mentally and emotionally. Evaluate for yourself what you want from life besides being in relationships constantly. A break from it all will actually help you, you know. At least it will give you sense of how you can be by yourself and what you value the most in your life. Once you get past this stage, you will be stronger to draw boundaries and know how to enforce them. No one will be able to walk over you and you will be able to reclaim your identity.
You come first and your baby is going to need a strong mother raising them. So, step up NOW!

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

Answered on Mar 05, 2025

Asked by Anonymous - Mar 04, 2025
I have a cousin brother (21 years). He is 5 years elder than me. His father & my father are own brothers. His father is also 5 years elder than my father. I am concerned about something. My cousin brother always orders my mother (40 years old) for such things who nobody wants to do. She obeys him always quietly without any hesitation. Like if he ask her to bath twice or thrice in a day, then she will bath thrice in a day. If he ask her to dance, then she will dance also. If he ask her to press his legs, then she will press his legs. If he ask her to not to eat anything, then she will not eat anything. She is totally behaving like his slave. I told about it to my father. He ignored my words & called it rubbish. I asked my mother why she is behaving like this, but she doesn't answer. I asked my cousin brother why is he doing like this & why is my mother obeying his words, he said it's none of my business. Can you please help & tell what's going on ??
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
It is kind of strange to see your mother act like this around him. This is definitely not something usual or causal and there is something deeper than what you can see or understand.
Does you father and his brother also notice the same or are they pretending to not notice it? This could give you a good understanding of what is going on. If your father is ignoring it, then kindly ask him to take some time out and explain this to you. On your part, spend more time with your mother; take her out, shop together, show her some fun time...encourage her to pursue some hobby or educational learning classes outside of home. When she starts to feel good about herself and does things for herself, she might be able to stand up for herself and push this fellow away.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

Answered on Mar 05, 2025

Asked by Anonymous - Mar 03, 2025
Hi, my name is Dhruv, I have been married for 13 years. It was love marriage. We dont have any kids, though we tried but due to medical complications, we could not have a child. After a point of time, we both accepted the situation and moved on. Since last 3-4 years, slowly we have been drifting apart, though we are together but the love, feeling of togetherness has gone, we talk only about our regular lives, household chores, relatives etc but never about US. That feeling of being loved, even we don't hug each other anymore. Though we do care for each other but its not love anymore. Recently I met someone through work and somehow felt a connect with her, I could talk about things which I'm not able to talk with my wife. She make me feel that I'm still important and now I always think about her, want to be with her, talk to her. Though it makes me guilty also as somewhere in my heart I still love my wife and want to make it work. I am torn between what is right and what is wrong. If I think about myself, my happiness and t it hurts my wife, am I selfish or should I restrict my feelings, please advise way out
Ans: Dear Dhruv,
The easiest way to feel better when a relationship is failing is to get into another one. Searching for what you want in the original relationship cannot be found anywhere else; so giving into that temptation is only going to make things more confusing.
So, if you still love your wife and want to make it work, what have the two of you done so far to make things work?
Working on the marriage is a task that needs effort and a certain kind of stubborn nature that will help you cross over the the challenges that can emerge.
Your marriage now requires a complete RESET. So, push that button and go back to where it all began; no baggage, no expectations, no complaining...When you accept a situation, then do so fully...you can't have children; if you have accepted it then what's the reason to move apart. It only suggests that it was a compromise and not an acceptance.
Understand that acceptance is being graceful about the situation and being supportive of one another. Begin life afresh; date one another...laugh together, do things together. Bring back the little joys and bigger goals for marriage and life...
And most importantly, be in complete support of one another! That hidden love that you both share needs to be watered and nurtured even more...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

Answered on Feb 17, 2025

Asked by Anonymous - Feb 16, 2025
Dear Anu, Am Shilpa,36 years old.Got married to a friend in 2015.It was a love come arranged.Initially married life was going smooth.I was working before marriage and due to marriage and relocation , discontinued the job. After marriage i started new job even though my husband was against it.Some misunderstanding started between us slowly and most of the adjustments were done by me to avoid fights.After 2 years we were blessed with a baby boy and i had to reluctantly and was also forced to quit job to take care of our kid.And i agreed and things went smoothly again for 3 more years.I got busy with my motherhood. I felt my husband was happy and was changing for the happy family. But i was wrong, he had a physical relationship with his ex college friend. They used to have sex in hotels. They even had sex chats and used to share nude pictures . This broke my heart completely and was disturbed mentally. I wanted to enquire my husband with all the proofs in my hand.without the proof he would prove me mentally retarded women. Initially he asaulted and abused me for blaming on him.But when he knew abt the proofs, he accepted and apologised for his mistake and begged me not to take divorce only for the sake of our son.Even i dropped the idea of divorce thinking the future of our son.Later few months he acted as if he changed himself completely but he always had disrespect on me and my parents. I even suffered domestic violence once which shattered me into pieces. Even then he apologised me and forced me to drop the idea of divorce. I again started to adjust and compromise with my life only because of my kid and his good future as all elders advice. This adjustments continued for few more months.But once i saw his ex girlfriend calls and daughter pics in his mobile, i was again mentally disturbed and after thinking many times, i made up my mind and left him without explanning him . I packed all my luggage and came to my parents with my kid. Now i got a job in which i opted work from home so that i can concentrate on my kid and support myself financially. Am trying to move on but my true love towards him is making it difficult. Please advice me on this Anu mam. The step which i took is right ? After seperation he is harassing me to visit son and kidnapped him 2 times. I really don't want to share my son with him.Please advice what should I do.
Ans: Dear Shilpa,
You have done what you needed to in order to protect your child and your sanity. Your husband could never get over his affair and he possibly won't. He maybe never even tried...

I firmly suggest you go to the cops so that he does not try to take the child away...Also, have you thought about a legal separation? That will offer you and your child enough protection and it will stop his harassment. This is not an easy decision to make BUT what choice is he leaving you with? Kidnapping the child? If by kidnapping you mean that he takes away the child without informing you, please watch out and contact a lawyer. A BIG BIG RED FLAG...Act soon...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

Answered on Feb 17, 2025

Asked by Anonymous - Feb 16, 2025Hindi
Is My Interreligious Love Ruining My Life? Seeking Support From Emotionally Drained Daughter
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Since it's not an issue of inter-religion that bothers them but what will happen to the future generation, I guess things get a bit simpler to deal with...
Confide in your parents who eventually will understand that it's their daughter who they need to be worried about and not her children as she is there to take care of her children whenever they come along. So, ask them to support you and assure them that when the children arrive, they will obviously be exposed to both faiths which is a great bonus anyway. Children born into inter-faith homes do have an advantage of knowing both faiths and with that comes a lot of maturity. Talk to them as their loving daughter; they will come around.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

Answered on Feb 17, 2025

Asked by Anonymous - Feb 16, 2025
Hi i am 48 old woman my husband works overseas in Dubai, i am fit and good looking and men always try to approach me but i pay no attention. In my workplace a young intern 18 years joined our office. I was assignes to guide and mentor him and he started spending time together. Now the boy says he loves me and he wants to take me for a movie date. I also seem to like him a lot but denied showing him i like him. Last week it was his birthday and he asked me to go for coffee i agreed during which he said he really loves me and kissed me also although i dont admit i also started liking him. my husband is overseas and i miss physical satisfaction. Now the boy asked if we can go to mussorie over the weekend, shall i go what if my husband finds out please advice i dont want to hurt my husband but also like my young office colleague also shall spending 2-3 days togther wrong ???
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Guys that age are still confused handling emotions and it does take a while for them to understand the difference between lust and love.The boy maybe infatuated with you and you don't want him dealing with his 'mommy' issues. You cannot take care of him like he would want a mother to and you end up parenting him. Even if you wish to argue this and call it love, how are you going to be able to manage your husband and your family.

It is understandable that you have your 'needs' BUT surely you can come up with other ways of handling it, right? Take charge of this being the older and wiser person and stop this before it becomes a challenge. The boy has a life ahead of him to explore lust, love, responsibility etc...let him do that on his own time and pace...

Talk to your husband and tell him about how lonely you have begun to feel without his presence and how much you miss sex. The two of you surely can figure something out, yeah?

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

Answered on Feb 17, 2025

Asked by Anonymous - Feb 14, 2025
Hello, Anu I have been married to my wife for 2 Month now. Everything is ok going ok in our marriage. We are enjoying time together, eating out, travelling and also having good intemate time with each other. But we are able to have sex with each other, initial because of being uncomfortable to do intemate thinks together, but now mainly due to possibilities that me might have to face pain, my genetals remains dry through out that give in irritation, also I am not able to penetrate, as I kind of thinks that her veginal opning is small. I do tried fingering but see didn't liked it. Also trying to do so I am often loose confidence and also also loose arrosal and desire to go ahead. Please help use so that we can enjoy more of our sexual life.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
There's obviously an issue when it comes to sexual intimacy. But when you are very strictly focused on something not happening, it becomes stress and sexual intimacy in stress never happens.
If there is no medical issue, then it's purely about indulging in a lot of foreplay, a lot emotional bonding and most importantly learn to laugh a lot together. This releases a lot of strain and stress if any from both of you as a couple which in turn will help in intimacy.
If this still doesn't work, do get a medical opinion on any possible reasons that maybe preventing either of you from enjoying the process.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

Answered on Feb 14, 2025

Asked by Anonymous - Feb 14, 2025Hindi
Feeling Lost and in Pain: How Can I Find a Way Out?
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
I wish I knew the cause of your pain; I would really love to help you...Do let me know what had happened...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/
Asked on - Feb 14, 2025 | Answered on Feb 17, 2025
Iam 27 years old .me and my boyfriend were in relationship from the last 5 years.he is my childhood class met.during corona time we reconnected through social media .we are from same place .initially we both were good friends later we decided to start our relationship.i belong to low caste.and he belongs to upper caste.in those 5 years we shared our happiness, sorrows together .he was with me in every situation.he helped me emotionally mentally and financially.every thing went well .we planned out future together.later our parents got to know about our relationship.i convinced my parents.but his parents are not accepting our love because of my low caste..i even took my father and brother along with me to talk with his mother . I even begged his mother by touching her feet to accept our love.she told me that she wants to do his sons marriage with a girl who belong to their caste. His parents are telling him that they will leave the home town and go somewhere else if he marries me.my boyfriend is telling me that his parents especially his mothers health will be effected if he marry me and asking me to move on..I asked me that whether he is ok to marry the girls of their parents choice..he told me that he doesn't have any option other than listing to his parents..I'm totally devasted .I'm suffering with anxiety, depression and continuous thoughts ..i want him.he also loves me but he is not daring to marry mee.he is worrying about his parents..how to deal with this situation..pls help mee
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Honestly, drop him...the reason for this must be obvious to you by now. When he is not willing to take a stand for his love, what makes you think he's ever going to support you later in life?
Also, maybe he does not want to or fears going against his family. How can you change that? Surely your love isn't enough to convince him of being with you in this relationship; then what else can?

It's going to be hard to get away from all those feelings BUT you are better off without someone who is unable to take a stand for you. And when it comes to anxiety, practice deep breathing...it does help...If this is getting unbearable, then do seek professional help from someone who can guide you through this break-up and thereafter healing.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/
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