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Archana Deshpande

Image Coach, Soft Skills Trainer 

103 Answers | 48 Followers

Archana Deshpande, the founder of TransformMe Life Skills Coaching, is an image consultant, soft skills trainer and life coach.
She has been working with individuals and corporate organisations for more than 10 years during which she has helped professionals and students improve their soft skills, build confidence and enhance self-esteem.
An engineer from the PDA College of Engineering, Gulbarga, Archana had a successful career at Reliance Communications. But she has always been interested in teaching and training people. So she pursued a postgraduate diploma in teacher’s training at Pune’s Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies followed by teaching assignments in schools at Visakhapatnam and Mumbai.
Archana also holds an international certificate in image consulting and soft skills training from the Image Consulting Business Institute, Mumbai.... more

Answered on Mar 04, 2025

Worried mom asks: How to make my 12.5-year-old son take his studies and other activities seriously?
Ans: Hello Sunil!!

I am doing great, thank you for asking, God bless you!

I can totally understand when you say you are worried.

Your son is 12.5, he will soon be a teenager. There will be different challenges, I want you to read up on parenting a teenager and be ready to handle him well.

The problem as I see it is that everyone of you, his teachers included have made studies like a burden for him.... and subjected the young child to a lot of anxiety, he just wants to run away form it....
"Every teacher from his kindergarten days upto now has the same complaint that he is doesn't pay attention in class".... this statement of yours... it is the teacher's duty to ensure the child listens to him/her, how can she start labeling a child like this. From a young age your son has been conditioned to believe that he is not not good in studies, he doesn't focus and he doesn't sit in one place. All my sympathies are with your son...every child comes with immense potential and it's our duty as parents and teachers to nurture the child.

The following is what I propose so that we bring him back to loving to learn ( not score marks, that should never be the barometer)-
1. Love your child the way he is now
2. Give him lot of positive strokes
3. Have one on one sessions for any activity you plan for him... let him choose the activity, empower him
4. choose a teacher, who can get along with him and help him develop a positive attitude towards studies and life in general
5. look for a school where they nurture him... not just a reputed one...less number of students and a teacher who is invested in her/ his students,

If you can connect with me, I can help him. Have had many a students in this kind situation.
This is my website..

Loads of best wishes to the whole family..

Answered on Feb 03, 2025

Asked by Anonymous - Jan 07, 2025Hindi
Jobless for 2 Years, Fearful of Interviews, and Drained: What Can I Do?
Ans: Hello!!

Let's only look at the forward path here pls.

Forget about all the failings so far... Be kind to yourself, whatever happened to you, whatever is happening now, the period of COVID did it to many.

The only way to get out of this is -
1. your willingness to see a beautiful future ahead of you
2. you have already taken the first step by seeking counselling
3. leave the habit of revisiting the past again, like you just said that I should have gone to the counselor earlier, don't do this, be happy you are seeing him/her now
4. you have come so far in life, give yourself some credit, you have not reached the senior position just like that, right? You have reached here with your efforts, you have done it before, you'll do it again, have faith in yourself
5. your wife is your life partner, sit across and talk to her, take her to the counselor make her understand that this a phase where you need her on your side. A facade with your wife is a NO NO, it will come out some day, it is extra strain on you and your relationship, come clean , be truthful and honest with her.
6. make self care a priority ..get your routine in order, it's your life, just don't fill your day with mindless activities, like I said one step in the future, start taking actions now.....get up early, expose yourself to the sun and nature( they are great healers), exercise, have good meals throughout the day, learn something new , join a course which will be job oriented, how about adding an MBA or any other course which will help you in your career or job search?
7. make being joyful a habit... spend time volunteering, go teach underprivileged children or where ever you feel like lending a helping hand
8. value yourself....you were not put here to suffer, take action now.

Forget the past, jo beet gayi so baat gayi( meaningless to talk about the past)... stop blaming, complaining....look into the future with energy and enthusiasm, it's your life man , take one step towards it every day.

Bless you to life your life well..

Answered on Feb 02, 2025

My Son Won't Help Financially After I Paid $100k for His Education: Am I Wrong to Expect Support?
Ans: Dear Sir,

He is your son and your blood. You have brought him up ....your values and culture is in him. You have supported him wholeheartedly and you have always been there for him, I am sure he will be there for you too. Just sit down with your son and have a heart to heart talk with him, have the faith that you have brought up your son well, he will listen to your genuine concerns and help you out.

It is just that he is too eager to fly high, the education, the US culture, the freedom is a heady combination right now. Participate in his plans wholeheartedly and with full josh when he shares his plans with you. Don't come in his way, don't demand but ask him to help you out. Please remember that when your child stays away from you, the bonds require efforts to rebuild and make them strong again. Since he is no longer staying with you, he may not have the clear picture of what is happening in your lives here. So please " TALK " to him face to face.

You must be happy that your son has grown up enough to make his life decisions on his own, this is a good sign, he is no longer dependent on you, like you said just be proud of him and be supportive. Love him unconditionally. I know as a parent you feel left out..... what can you do, but to see your little one soar high, trust me I totally understand how you feel. You have given him the wings by funding his education, you can't demand he return the money or pay you back. What you can do is this... give him a proper picture of your financial condition, your younger son's aspirations, he is your eldest, elder children are always responsible, he will come to your rescue and help you out I am very sure of that. Let the language of love and togetherness between the son and father create the magic. Communicate with your child dear father, that's the key, that's the solution.

All the very best!!

Answered on Jan 10, 2025

Asked by Anonymous - Jan 10, 2025Hindi
Chennai Teacher Considers Career Switch: How to Know if Corporate Training is the Right Path?
Ans: Hi!!
It is so heartening to see this statement of yours," solid reputation among my students and colleagues". I feel that you need to build a solid foundation on all the set skills that you currently have. Not everyone can earn the respect of students ...especially in today's world. Consolidate on this... put in a psychology course/ degree and anything else that can solidify your existing skills!
People are ready to invest in their children, always remember this.....If financial goals is an issue, you can switch to a school where the salary is good, good teachers are in great demand. Collect a lot of testimonials from parents and students before you switch. Demand the salary that you deserve. For earning extra income you can start classes, one of my friends earns in crores just by lending extra help to students .As a teacher you know where the gap exists in our educational system, see if you can fill this gap, see what you can offer and make money.
I am investing a lot of time on this aspect of you because you said that you are actually good at it and that you enjoy doing it, not everyone can say this about their work. It is a matter of time you monetize what you love doing ....groom yourself well, look like a powerful person and demand the salary you think you deserve. Learn to invest your money well and let money work for you. Think of opening your own school.

I am a personal coach as well as a corporate trainer, it a crowded place here too, your experience as a teacher will definitely come in handy ,but you will require additional training for becoming a corporate trainer no doubt about it, it builds credibility if you do. It is hard work, it takes time, energy, certification and constant learning in order to be a sought after corporate trainer and demand that kind of money you are referring to. If you are a go getter, smart, well groomed, confident in your communication, you can bring about change in people just by your presence and you are good in planning your sessions well, then go for it...else, you said it, "I've already put a lot into my teaching career", consolidate on this!! Lots of schools are investing in training teachers as well as students, see if you do this, or you can come to me, we can have a chat together and then you can take the leap forward in whatever direction you feel like taking. Your decision has to be a well thought out decision!

Hope this helps...may wisdom be on your side..TC!

Answered on Dec 13, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Dec 13, 2024Hindi
Science grad juggling full-time job & BSc in Psychology, feeling overwhelmed - how to manage?
Ans: Hey!!
Kudos to you for dreaming big and also working towards it by investing time and energy in learning and development.
Not everyone can do it... so pat yourself on the back for it!!

You are absolutely right when you say TIME MANAGEMANT is the key to avoid burnout. However I'll add compartmentalizing and self care along with time management.

Let's take them one at a time ...here I go-

1. You want to perform at your peak then self care is a must, 20 mins of physical activity(it can be anything, run, brisk walk, suryanamaskars, dancing along with fast paced music, anything that gets your heart beat up)
10 -20 mins of meditation, if you believe in the higher power make efforts to connect with it/him/her.
2. 9 to 6 be fully committed to the office, after that switch off, learn to say NO for anything that comes after this time. You can do only so much right? This was one part of compartmentalizing...
3. be fully present in whatever activity you are doing... this is ZEN, nothing more nothing less. This way you will be razor sharp in your focus and get jobs done faster. When you are studying don't think office and vice versa. This is switching off, this is compartmentalizing. This will take conscious efforts but is doable
4.your course is important to you, so schedule a study time and stick to it .The days you have an holiday too... try to relax a little, schedule a study time, finish your studies and go relax and unwind a little, you deserve it...don't cram too much in a day.
A relaxed mind will always perform better and focus better. I really can't tell you the importance of unwinding and mediation, you really have to do it to experience it and reap the benefits of it
5. Always encourage yourself, be your best cheer leader, don't beat yourself down, be kind to yourself too, your mind and body
need that from you. You are already doing so much.
6 .The only way to stop being overwhelmed is also to put out all your tasks of the day on paper and schedule it, prioritize it.... one task at a time, start taking action. And when the task is don't forget to strike the task out with a clean line over the task with a pen... this is a message your giving to your mind. ...'I got one task done, I am capable of getting another done'.. Ahaha... the joy of getting a job done!!
7. Get a good nights sleep, do "yog nidra' before sleeping
8. Always breathe deep whenever overwhelm creeps in and see how calm you become. A calm mind is key to getting more done.

And remember to write "your gratitude" out in the night before sleeping, you'll sleep peacefully and get up fresh.
Also do remember, all tasks can be done happily too... there is no need to drag yourself or be always overwhelmed!
You chose to work and study as well.... honour your choices joyously and go about life with a spring in your step...All best !!

Answered on Dec 10, 2024

Commerce Graduate: What Are My Future Options?
Ans: Dear Shree!

Commerce graduates have many career options, I am listing some of them for you-
1.Company Secretary (CS)
A program that teaches corporate governance, company law, compliance, and secretarial practices
2.Chartered Accountant (CA)
A career that involves auditing, taxation, accounting, financial planning, and consulting
2.Investment banker
A career that involves developing financial assets for customers or organizations, and obtaining finance for corporate operations, acquisitions, and mergers
3.Cost Management Accountant (CMA)
A prestigious professional credential that is considered one of the highest-paying career options for commerce students
4.Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)
A career that involves financial analysis, variant bonds and derivatives, types of portfolios, and investment management
5.Cost accountant
A career that involves assessing cost information, making and maintaining an expenses database, managing cost information, and preparing budget reports
6.Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
A career that involves managing the accounting, reporting, taxation, and auditing processes for businesses, clients, and the government

Some more options for you..
Financial Analyst, HR Manager, Economist, Financial Planner, Actuary, Market Research Analysts, Bank PO (Probationary Officer), Tax Consultant, Teaching students

Can you see the options and the opportunities that are available for you??
You can also focus on further studies too… amassing knowledge and skills can also be your goal.Focus on acquiring wisdom, spend time and energy on worthy tasks, become mentally and physically strong!

Hope this helps… all the very best!

Answered on Dec 07, 2024

Lonely in the Office: How This Introverted 45-year-old Man Can Find Connection
Ans: Dear Sunil,

No one is clear cut introvert or an extrovert, look at yourself closely too... in some circumstances you behave like an extrovert and some areas you behave like an introvert.

Be brave and say "hi" to people around you in the office, you be the first one to greet, this itself can be a starting point to making new friends. A smile and a pleasant "hi" is all it takes.
Look for opportunities to connect with ppl in the office, instead of sending mails or reminders to ppl electronically, just walk up to them and speak to them or call them up to say you have sent a mail/reminder. This way you can establish a human connect.
Also check if you can go to the dining area to eat lunch and during breaks.. do not sit at your desk and have lunch.
Social media and watching reels is a "big no" if you are yearning for human connections. I am glad you talk to your family...outside the office, join book clubs, singing clubs, drama clubs or anywhere your interest lies...you can join a classroom to learn and develop a new skill....

Also check if you are getting enough sleep, exercise, fresh air , sunshine during the day....focus on your diet too!!

Hope this helps... take care of yourself!

Answered on Dec 07, 2024

How to deal with a jealous classmate who threatens me?
Ans: Dear Madhurrya!!

You have a nice and unique name.. it sounds so good!! I like that fact that you are honest, it's a strength, let this not change because of cheating students. Good people don't change because of bad people. All the best on staying honest always , remember it is your strength.

Coming to your question..it's nice to have ppl competing with others and upping their game. If it is a respectful way, then go ahead and compete and become better, just like Rafal Nadal and Roger Federer, they became good at what they were doing by competing with each other.
Forget about that boy who threatens you...don't give him any space in your head, stay away from him and be strong enough to defend yourself when he tries to harm you, take help of elders if he physically harms you. Don't get into any verbal duels, he is not worth your time and attention. BE SAFE.

Let's now look into you getting better marks and upping your score..
1. discipline and consistency is what will help you score well
2. the power to score better lies in not just regular studies but in your revision. After you study a chapter, revise it within 10 mins , once in 24 hrs and then after 07 days. This way the learning gets absorbed completely.. try it out, maintain a diary for to plan every chapter's revision .. let me explain.. supposing you study chapter 09 in Science, then you revise the concepts for 10 mins after you finish studying it. Revise it the next day( 24 hrs).. and then mark in the diary to revise it after 07 days, revise it on that day. Your retention and reproducing the learning goes up by 80%.
3. Get enough sleep, eat good balanced diet, get 20 mins of physical activity and meditate for 10 mins. The simplest meditation is to sit in a quiet place, relax, close your eyes and observe your breath going in and out. Don't fret if you lose focus, just get back to observing the breath.
4. you keep working on your studies and yourself. You focus on becoming better, forget about all else and do not compare yourself with anyone.

All the very best!!

Answered on Dec 05, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Dec 03, 2024Hindi
Overthinking at 24: Anxiety from Career and Situationship Stealing My Peace
Ans: Dear 24 yr old, beautiful soul, I am happy you are looking for peace. Let me tell you, peace and happiness should be the only targets in life, everything else is just riff raff. Take care that you value your inner peace more than anything else in your life...anything , everything and anyone coming in your way just needs to be cut out, don't give space to things/people who rob you of your inner peace. Till you overcome your anxiety, just avoid all that takes away your peace, avoid them physically first and then stop giving them space in your head.
Try deep breathing exercises, living in the moment, yoga, meditation....life is full of challenges, you cannot not face them, these will help you to face them with courage and clarity of thought.
Let me simplify... living in the moment right away... whatever you are doing.....let's say you are eating.. be fully present with it, involve all your senses, look at the food, smell the aroma, feel the food in your mouth, chew it and enjoy every morsel...this is being fully present in the moment. being in sync with what your body is doing and getting your mind to focus on the action completely. This is ZEN...just be fully present in every action of yours and see how powerful you become...
Let's deal with lack of sleep too...drink chamomile tea before going to bed, practice guided yoga-nidra before sleeping.
It's a vicious cycle you have got into...lack of sleep, this will lead to clouded mind, groggy mind, irritability, lack of appetite, anger, overthinking, no control over your mind and body... finally leading to anxiety.
Let's nip all this in the bud...
KEEP LIFE SIMPLE...I am just listing out your ""to do list.. without analysing it... pls just follow these for next 21 days, let's make all this into a habit for you..

All the ACTIONS listed are doable, just DO IT and transform your life.

If you are someone who reads then, read "Practicing the power of NOW" and " STOP overthinking". Both books offer practical solutions to being in the present and ways to stop overthinking.

Looking forward to seeing you as a powerful being... fully in control of your INNER PEACE.. All the best!!

Answered on Dec 03, 2024

My 17-Year-Old Son Is Uninterested in Studies, Quarrels & Threatens Violence - What Can I Do?
Ans: OMG Mr Manoj...please take external help, take him to a doctor and get your beautiful son back into the family fold. He needs help and a father/family needs to stand with him like a rock to get him back to living a good life. See where he goes, what he does and then talk to him!! Don't blame, don't criticize...your son needs you... Just be there for him, he is yours ...nobody can do what you can do. Love him , cherish him... get him back!!Pls take action in the best interest of your son. All the best..

Answered on Nov 21, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Nov 19, 2024Hindi
As a Mother Feeling Guilty for My Teenager's Woes, What Can I Do Better?
Ans: Dear Mom,

I can totally empathise with you...so here is what I am going to tell you out of my own experience and what I did to overcome this mom guilt and seeking forgiveness. It's good that you are have worked on your marriage and have 3 kids, pat yourself on the back for it. And it's normal in any marriage for these kind of ups and downs and then attaining peace and love, so good going for having found them!!And remember marriage is continuous work.

The solution I am going to give, I am going to divide it into two parts..

1. Forgiving yourself first..be kind to yourself, you were young, you were inexperienced, the mom you are to your 3 yr old is not the same person who brought up your first child, so quit being guilty! Every soul has a journey to take, your son chose you as a mother so that he could take that journey with you...you both had to take this journey together in order to evolve and grow into the people you are today. So, FORGIVE YOURSELF AND QUIT FEELING GUILTY, it's not easy but you have to start doing it. Be kind to the old you... and embrace the new you!! You are not the same person and so is your first born, this continuous evolving as a human being and becoming better is called life, rt?

2. Your SON is 16yrs old, the aggression that he has may not be because of what you did to him... it may be the changing hormones? When you are a guilty mother, you tend to blame yourself for all the wrongs that happen in your child's life, so quit being guilty.
Talk to him about how young you were when he was born and how guilty you feel about some things( be careful about what you say, kids are very resilient, they know how to protect themselves , so maybe how you remember things may not be the same way that he remembers), say sorry and seek his forgiveness. Check if you can have this conversation with him, don't give him the power to make you feel further more guilty. I leave this decision to you.

Don't cry dear mom, forgive yourself, heal and see what best you can do from now on with your first born...just move on from the past... be there for him, cherish him, love him and be there for him, help him navigate through life with compassion and understanding. It might take time, but it's all doable. Take care of him.. and a mother truly knows what is best for her child, trust your instincts, the mother's instincts are far too powerful, take back your power from the "guilty mother" and nourish your bond.

What "I do' and also advice all parents is to spend excusive time with each child, scheduling time with each child and doing something which they like takes the bond to new levels!! Try this out...

All the best... and wishing happy times ahead for you and your beautiful family!!

Answered on Nov 18, 2024

Answered on Nov 18, 2024

Concerned Mother of Two - How Can I Help My Tenth Grader Focus on Studies?
Ans: Dear Revathi,

You are doing so much my dear...take a break from everything for an hour everyday and focus on your well being and peace of mind. 20-20-20 rule for you, meditate for 20 mins, physical activity for 20 mins and connecting with nature for 20 mins( these are your mini breaks).
If you can add 10 mins of an activity which makes your heart joyful then 'sone pe suhaga'!! Self-care comes first, a happy and joyful mother, wife , daughter-in-law is great to have around the house. You are doing so much don't you think you deserve 1 hr for yourself? Without thinking too much , just go ahead and schedule self-care in your time table.

Now let's solve your son's issue...since childhood you have taught him how to do things, he is grown up enough to do things on his own. Until and unless you allow him to do things on his own, how will he learn to do?
DO NOT CHASE...DO NOT CRITICIZE....DO NOT NAG, tell him what to do once and wait for him to do. If he does it fantastic, else let him face the consequences. Every action has to have consequences.. for eg, not studying will lead to less marks, it's his failure, not yours, let him take ownership of his actions, you are preparing him for life, let him falter now and learn to get up. Be there for him when he falls, your job as a mom is to ensure he is healthy...emotionally and physically. (Keep the atmosphere at home happy because you have another son too, he is younger and needs your attention too)
It is his 10th Std, not yours. Keep telling the importance of studies and scoring well and the need to study consistently( again no nagging). He is grown up now, take him to a place without distractions and have heart to heart conversations as a mom and son. Conflicts are neither good for him nor to you/the entire home.
Trust me, parenting is not an easy job, you have to raise yourself, before you raise a child. It is not an easy world for your son too.....raging hormones, conflicting world, conflicting views....the world at the click of a button, you be his rock solid supporter and cheer leader, be there for your sons, create a loving and caring home, where they feel secure and happy. A mother knows best, trust your instinct( the mother's instinct), believe in yourself and your children!!

Wishing the very best to all of you.. and happy parenting!!

Answered on Aug 22, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Aug 08, 2024Hindi
Stuck in a Rut: Can a Malnourished Computer Science Graduate Overcome Academic Challenges and Find a Job?
Ans: Hi!!
You seem to me like a person who is capable of doing much more... look at you... the way you have written this whole question so clearly, explaining your predicaments in very good English, is a proof of your capability.
Now young adult... this is what I want from you-
1. you have come this far...congratulations....bad school you said, malnourished you said, COVID degree you said...I just want you to stop complaining
2. you are really good, resilient....in spite of all the circumstances you narrated so far, none of them were in your control, yet here you are A Computer Science graduate, can you not see that you are good, you rise even when life has not been so fair. Believe in yourself my friend
3. you take heart in what Buddha said, "you are what you think", start by changing your vocabulary, start thinking positively about everything ... 5 ft is good height, check how tall was Napoleon Bonaparte.... you are as tall as you think. Change what you can, accept what you can't change, and be smart enough to know the difference. Pls do not cry about what you can't change- your height, corona, they are all not in your control at all... accept and move forward pls
4.if you think Corona degree is not good enough, then explore other options, see if you can earn another certificate course that will help you in your job search... this time choose wisely
5. ask yourself, "what is that I want my life to look like" and start working towards it, one step at a time.
6. for focus and memory to improve I totally rely on Yoga and Meditation, it can totally help you too...give it a shot

With all my suggestions above, what I am trying to tell you is that, " you are a very smart kid", start looking for solutions now, enough of crying over spilt milk!!

All the best... take all actions today, with one leg in the future!! God created you, love your self!!

Answered on Aug 20, 2024

My 13-year-old son is brilliant but hates studying. What should I do?
Ans: Hello Jay!!

This is such a phase of your life with a teenager, that I cannot give you a "to do list" to conform to and whoosh the problems go away!!
What I suggest is this -
1. a teenager is tough to deal with. You have been a teenager once too..it is a very tough phase of life for the teen too, raging hormones, mood swings , a body that is constantly changing every day. Today's teen has it tougher, what with social media and peer pressure to deal with. Your son needs is an understanding parent ,be one pls
2. take care of his physical well being and mental well being. Good food, mental rest ( away from social media and gaming), good sleep and engaging in worthy pursuits( channelize his energies in learning an instrument, singing, debating, football, tennis, anything where he can expend his mental and physical energies... either enrol him in theses classes or have tutors coming home)
3.if making him study is getting difficult, hire tutors to teach him, physical classes, not online.
4. you said he has a brilliant mind... it is time to engage him in worthy pursuits
5. every day is a challenge with a teenager, you , being the parent has to keep changing strategies based on the need/mood of the day
6. as a parent read up on how to deal with a teenager and act accordingly
7. no confronting or criticizing openly, talk to him with all respect..do not tolerate his shouting and scolding...tell him it is unacceptable, nip it in the bud before it becomes a habit. You start dealing with problems and finding a solution in a calm manner, he'll start doing the same, he is learning from everyone around . It is good if adults around him behave properly
8.you are the adult here, set boundaries regarding screen time and stick to it. You all adults at home also need to have control over screen time.
9. talk to his teachers, counsellors, psychologist and anyone who can bridge the gap between you and your child, to help you communicate effectively with each other
10. channelize your son's energies, be with him, understand him( keep telling him that you and he are in the same team),love him, cherish him, guide him, be there for him and create WIN WIN situations!!

All the best to both you and your son!! Happy parenting..

Answered on Aug 13, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 03, 2024Hindi
Prejudiced Boss at FMCG Company: How Do I Cope?
Ans: Hi!!
I really really can empathise with you, having been in a similar situation a few years ago. Having a boss who is less educated than you is always very tough. They'll always consider you as a threat and hence this kind of behaviour towards you.

What I suggest to you is this ...check yourself and your attitude towards everyone in the office. Is your mannerism and demeanour that of superiority? Do you behave/appear like a threat? If "yes", then time to correct you body language and make efforts to show that you are a team player and become likable too.

Now that you are working with them and if you are still interested in working for this organisation and people, then these are my suggestions -
- first and foremost he is your boss, it is not simply that ppl say, "boss is always right"
- find out the reason for his prejudice, see if you can work on taking it away or on minimizing it
-you are the smart one here, find ways and means of befriending your team members, one at a time, showing your good side, help as many ppl as you can without any expectations. I have this belief that no human being is bad, just address their insecurities.
- never confront anyone in a group
- you are the junior, behave like one, don't be a sycophant, but be a team member
- you can always use words like 'can you pls guide me' etc, when you are addressing anyone who is older and more experienced than you
- don't bother about how others are working and what mistakes they are a making ,neither do you have control over them nor are you the one to decide the consequences of their mistakes. You be impeccable, give your 100%, be an asset to the company.
- when you make a mistake, say sorry, correct it and move on, without attaching anymore to it than the fact that you made a mistake and it needs to be corrected( this is essential for your peace of mind)
- your boss is here since 10 yrs, he has a good rapport with the directors, there must be something in him to learn and imbibe. Pls learn and imbibe, it'll be a great asset to you as you grow in your career
- be a team player, take it slow, it is always very tough to build rapport and gel with new teams, it takes time, thought, energy, efforts to become part of a group. Give yourself and others the time
- you have already reported it to the director, trust him help you out
- build harmonious relationships with everyone around
- protect yourself too, learn to speak up, stand up for the right issues but with due respect and the right language
Observe yourself and others, you'll surely find a way to connect and work in harmony. Try all the possible solutions I have suggested, give yourself 6 months to one year, if the situation improves with your good intention and efforts, stay in this job, else quit. No one should stay in a toxic work environment ever. But do try to make it work, you'll emerge stronger and smarter.

All the very best! Remember I am with you now!!

Answered on Jul 26, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Apr 30, 2024Hindi
30-year-old Marine Engineer Seeking Career Change: Is an MBA the Answer?
Ans: Hello!!
A marine engineer with over 5 yrs of experience must and should be earning a good salary which can take care of all his family members, right?
Salary wise you are in a good space. What is that is frustrating about your job? List them all out and go about eliminating them from your working life. For every frustration , add a solution against it, check if they are solvable, seek help if required to solve them. Trust me any job you seek there will always be something frustrating about it. You yourself rightly said that MBA and after that is no guarantee that you will be happy. So ponder deeply and check what is that you want your career to look like and feel like and go about achieving it. I am a great believer of putting everything on paper and mapping them to goals. All goals are achievable whether it pertains to career or family or any other goal you have in mind, you just have to lay a road map and start traveling on it. Have the courage to take that route, you don't know what is in store until unless you travel on it. I know your parents and wife have certain expectations of , how about asking yourself also, what is that you except of them and what is that you want out of your life. Be true to yourself also. The quality of your life is based on the quality of your choices and the quality of your relationships. Career is just one aspect of your life, it is a means of earning a livelihood. When you are at sea, see if you can make use of the peace to study and finish that MBA. I am mentioning this is to tell you that you either complain or be part of the solution. Create a WIN WIN, you just need a change of mindset to change frustration into opportunities. Hope this helps...
All the best!!

Answered on Jul 26, 2024

Consultancy Business Owner Struggles with Task Prioritization: How to Improve Execution?
Ans: Hello Mr Arshad!!
" I am in consultancy business for 20 years and have sufficient work, good clients, excellent relationship with employees and employers as well. "
Isn't this an amazing achievement, congratulations!!
I really am failing to understand your problem here.

I am taking this statement of yours, "But could``t performed well in execution. However some well wisher suggest me to prioritize my tasks and activities. Despite the continuous efforts, it couldn't done."....does this mean that you are not good at getting all your tasks done on a day to day basis?
I am assuming this and asking you to check if you are packing too many things in your schedule and hence at the end of the day you are feeling a sense of not having performed well!!
In order to feel a sense of achievement and a feeling of having executed the day well, you need to schedule your day, setting a time for each activity .Let this list be written down on a white board and let this be in your line of sight always, this will give direction to your day.
Also check( and I am repeating myself here) if you are packing too much into your day, you have only 24 hrs in a day, you can only do so much. Don't be overwhelmed. See if you can put all your tasks under the following categories-

This is called the Eisenhower Matrix-
First Quadrant (upper left): urgent and important.
Second Quadrant (upper right): important, but not urgent.
Third Quadrant (lower left): not important, but urgent.
Fourth Quadrant (lower right): neither important nor urgent.
Do the tasks in quadrant 1 first.
Decide on when to deal with the tasks in quadrant 2.
Delegate the tasks in quadrant 3.
Delete the items in quadrant 4

Hope this helps!!
Happy managing your time well.....all the best!!
Asked on - Jul 27, 2024 | Answered on Jul 29, 2024
Thank a lot
Ans: Happy to help Mr. Arshad!

Answered on Jul 18, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 01, 2024Hindi
32-Year-Old Manager Seeking Help to Improve Image with Team and Peers
Ans: Hi!!
You are just 32 and you are handling a team of 15, that's a good space to be in. Congratulations!!
Let me dissect your message and answer each requirement one by one..
1. "I need some help in rebuilding the positive image in front of my team and peers and even seniors" -
The first step to change is recognising that a change is needed. For you to improve your image in front of your team, peers and seniors you need to work on your communication skills, your negotiation skills and your leadership skills.
2."i have got this feedback that my tone is pushy/ Rude.. even though that's not the case from my perspective"
You make not be pushy and rude in your heart, but if the feedback is this from the majority of people then you need to look into it...that's why I always say, "it's not what you say but how you say it", try adding warmth in your tone when you speak, smile, see if you can make others comfortable in your presence. Check you body language, is it open and inviting?
3 " I need to make my image as approachable manager with Good skills and good behavior and attitude." - there is work to be done here. This can be achieved in terms of making a change in your clothing ( the cut of your clothes, the choice of colours, fabric, the prints, it's a whole science of clothing at work), your verbal and non verbal communication and finally working on your mindset.
See if we can connect one on one. All your targets are achievable and learnable skills!!

All the best to you!!

Answered on Jul 18, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 23, 2024Hindi
Am I holding myself back by being friends with people who don't share my ambition?
Ans: Hey cheer up, if you are giving importance to relationships, you are in a great space, you are doing the right thing. The quality of your life is based on the quality of your relationships and the choices you make. In my life coaching classes I have to teach some people to focus on relationships...you are not one of them, so good going.
After reading all that you have to say, these are my conclusions-
1.your friends are good, but they roast you and it hurts- the roasting is good as long as it doesn't hurt, a little bit of leg pulling is alright among friends. So when it hurts, you need to draw boundaries. Get on a one on one chat with the friend whose remarks hurt you, tell her/him that it is "not ok" and that "it hurts", "it makes you feel underconfident"( whatever you genuinely feel). You have to be assertive communicator( someone who respects others and also themselves), here!!
2. You want to mingle with ppl who have a growth mindset, do that, join groups that have this as their agenda. You know this set of friends can't give you that, so you look elsewhere.
3. You said "you are not good at talking and hence joined this set of extroverted friends", has this solved your prob? Have you become better at talking? If yes, then continue to meet them...if NO then time to let go....continue to meet them for other reasons, you yourself said that they are real and won't let go of you at your lowest, then they are real friends. Continue to nurture these friends but don't relay on them for your needs of growth and good communication skills.
4. you said, "I thought i can work hard on my own and reach the top", this is still right, ask for help where you need, develop your personality and soar high.

All the very best to you
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