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Ashwini Dasgupta

Personality Development Expert, Career Coach 

71 Answers | 29 Followers

Ashwini Dasgupta is a personality development coach and a neuro-linguistic programming trainer.
She has 15 years of experience training corporate professionals and has worked at Amazon, JP Morgan, Nomura and Satyam among others.
As a career coach, Ashwini specialises in helping growth-minded IT corporate managers develop their self-worth and create the right mindset so that they can achieve their career goals.
Besides corporate training, she offers personal consultations as well.
Ashwini holds a master’s degree in human resources from the Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai, and is a certified NLP trainer from the National Federation of NeuroLinguistic Programming, USA.
She has completed her soft skills training and image consultancy course from the Image Consulting Business Institute, Mumbai
Ashwini is also a PoSH trainer, certified by the Society for Human Resource Management.... more

Answered on May 01, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Apr 19, 2024Hindi
I am working for more than 12 years and does not have a clarity on my experience. I have been into multiple LOB due to financial concerns and there was no one to provide guidance about the career path and career growth. I have been rejected by employers due to age factor and want to pursue a career in AML/KYC/Compliance. People often talk about the difficulty in clearing certification courses which makes me feel deflated and feel like I cannot proceed ahead. Please guide how I can avoid all and have a fruitful career
Ans: Dear Sir/ Madam,

Please look into the following aspects

Clarify Your Goals- take some time to understand what is your interest. Identify your strengths, interests and now consider them aligning it with AML/ KYS / Compliance or any other. Have focus. It's good to hear other's opinions at the end you have to deep dive and see what you want to do.

Look for a mentor or guidance in the area of your interest. For example if you are keen to pursue AML/ KYC and Compliance then look for someone from the same industry who can guide you better and what steps you need to take to prepare yourself to get the success and clear the exams.

Secondly age is something we can not anything about instead focus on the skills you bring on the table.

Increase your networking and connections this should help you land where to aim to.

Mostly important be positive and focussed. People are going to speak out their opinions the only thing you can do is make a choice and stick to that.

Hope this helps

Thanks and Regards
Ashwini Dasgupta
Author of Confidence Decoded - Is it a Skill or Attitude?

Answered on Apr 28, 2024

Answered on Mar 22, 2024

My son is of 19 years old, is mildly autistic, has a bit slow comprehension of instructions given to him. lives in his own world , and left schooling due to bad academic grasp. very docile in nature. Can u advise on any life grooming path/procedure for him...
Ans: Dear Dipentu,

Thank you for writing in

Few aspects to look at
Identify your son's strengths and weaknesses and encourage him to explore that aligns with his abilities and interests
Life skill development and prioritizing on life skills like self-care- money management, learning to write his name and signature, organizing his room, etc. This will make him independent as he grows older.
Social skills development can opt for group activities/ therapy, and encourage him to take part in social activities, where he gets an opportunity to interact with others.
Have a personalized education plan -look for professionals who can tailor the education to his unique needs and goals.
Therapeutic Support- Consider enrolling your son in therapy or counseling with the experts to address any emotional, behavioral, or social challenges if any. Such therapy sessions help the individual in building self-confidence, coping skills, and resilience.
Have a fixed, structured, and supportive environment- Provide clear instructions, visual supports, and consistent routines to help your son navigate daily tasks and responsibilities. Plan the discipline around him. Have a schedule and tell him what he needs to follow. For example- Keep a watch in front of him with a timer and alarm and tell him you will do this X activity until the alarm rings. Give direct instructions to him. To say in big or multiple sentences. For example- Come Here, Sit here, Do this, etc.
Exercises- there are certain exercises you can make him do that will help him to do better. You can find these exercises on Youtube or look for professional experts.
Importantly be patient, supportive, persistent, and positive in guiding him and making him a confident individual.

Hope this helps.
To Your Success
Thanks and Regards
Ashwini Dasgupta
Author of Confidence Decoded. Is it a Skill or Attitude?

Answered on Mar 07, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Mar 07, 2024Hindi
I quit my job after marriage to take care of my children. I am 38, BCom graduate, mother of two kids. I used to work in the admin department and was at the peak of my career when I got pregnant. Now that my kids are 9 and 7, I feel they are independent enough for me to look for a job. But I have a career gap of 10 years. How can I restart my career? Most interviewers are rejecting my CV because of the gap. But I am willing to learn and I really enjoy working
Ans: Dear Mam,

This is commendable to know you are planning to restart your career. This calls for the celebration :)

Few things you can consider-

Update your skills as per the industry you are looking at so that you are better prepared for the interviews.
Networking is very helpful. Start connecting with the individuals in the industry through professional platforms like linkedin or any other.
Address the career gap in your resume with a brief and positive explanation. Highlight any/all the skills you have developed during your time away, for example multitasking, time management, or organizational skills gained through managing a household or any other appropriate.
While you are looking for a permanent job also try other options like consulting or freelancing kind of work. This will help you gain practical experience to showcase.
Build your online presence by updating your linkedin profile and join relevant online groups per your industry.
While you are hunting for a job invest your time in learning new skills or completing the certifications which will also build your profile stronger.
Look for organizations who are hiring women specifically after a long bag. There are multiple organizations who run such programmes.
Importantly have patience and keep working towards meetings your dreams.

Hope this helps

To Your Success
Thanks and Regards
Ashwini Dasgupta
Author of Confidence Decoded. Is it a Skill or Attitude?

Answered on Mar 07, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Mar 07, 2024Hindi
Ashwini, does a woman's career end at 40? I am 39, working in a private bank and facing some politics at the workplace. I have heard casual remarks from younger colleagues who feel that women should retire by 40 because they are unable to handle pressure and work deadlines and begin to have health issues. I don't agree at all. How to deal with this bias?
Ans: Hi Mam,

It's disheartening to see that you are facing gender and age biases at workplace and I feel happy you have realized this is a biased behavior. Few aspects you can look at -

Engage in mentorship programs and professional networking. Connecting with both younger and more experienced professionals can help break down stereotypes and foster a more supportive work environment.

Educate and speak to your higher up’s / Hr to organize workshops, or training sessions that promote diversity and inclusion. Encourage open conversations about age and gender biases and their impact on the workplace.

If you feel comfortable, consider having a private and professional conversation with the colleagues making such remarks. Share your perspective, experiences, and the impact of their comments on a collaborative work environment.

Identify allies within your workplace who share your views on diversity and inclusion. Collaborate with them to address bias collectively and create a more inclusive workplace culture.

Your skills, experience, and contributions are valuable at any age. By actively addressing bias and promoting a more inclusive workplace culture, you contribute not only to your own professional growth but also to the positive transformation of the workplace for others. In my opinion speak about it.

Hope this helps

To Your Success
Thanks and Regards
Ashwini Dasgupta
Author of Confidence Decoded. Is it a Skill or Attitude?

Answered on Feb 29, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Feb 28, 2024Hindi
Hello, I am a supply chain professional having 8 years of logistics experience in the core operations domain working as Associate manager.For quite a long time I have been looking for a job change as in the current organisation I am not getting anything fascinating to move further.in the current organisation I have been working for 5 years and promoted 2 times. Not getting of any better opportunity to boost my career thereby to enhance my skills has become the reason for a poor mental health now a days. Pls suggest me something that can lead to postive approach for a better way out. Thanks.
Ans: Hi Sir/ Madam,

Always changing a job may not be the solution.
Firstly have a conversation with your manager and voice out your aspiration and what will keep you motivate.
List out the kind of courses or trainings you may want to pursue to enhance your professional experience. And see if these trainings are done internally or if yes take up those trainings and if it externally you can decide accordingly. This will help you learn a new skills and drift your thought of been dis motivated. Mostly importantly learning a new will only do good for your career opportunity.
If incase there are no roles within the team then you may look for within organizational roles to meet your ask.
Do some research how the industry is trending this will help you more equipped when you those conversations with your manager.

Hope this helps. All the best

Ashwini Dasgupta
Author of Confidence Decoded. Is it a Skill or Attitude?

Answered on Feb 14, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Feb 12, 2024Hindi
Hi.. My current company puts a JD on linkedIn (note that it never mentioned copywriting) and now I am doing copywriting most of the time. I was never into copywriting. Infact I never want to make that my career and I never want to learn the thing. I at times purposely make mistakes for showing that I don't want to do it ( my manager knows this that i am into long-format writing). Should i quit or am i eligible for taking legal action against them?
Ans: Dear Sir/ Madam,

It's not uncommon to find the employees doing what they dont' like or that was originally not part of their task. As dont seem to enjoy nor you intend to make that as a career then-

1- Speak to your manger and have a clear communication on your career aspiration and interests. Making deliberate mistakes/ errors at work might go against you. Instead have a professional and matured conversation with the manager and highlight your interest level.
2-Review your job description you were hired for- this should help you provide the base for the conversation with your manager.
3- Document the situation- Keep the relevant record of all the conversations (like email or any other) where you have timely highlighted your efforts to address the issue. This will be useful when you have to escalate the matter to the higher up's.
4- Explore internal jobs within the organization- Such as a role change which will meet your interest and career aspiration.
5- External recruiting agencies- even after significant efforts you see no change then you can start exploring external opportunities.

All the best

Ashwini Dasgupta
Author of Confidence Decode. Is It a skill or attitude?

Answered on Feb 12, 2024

Answered on Feb 12, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Oct 30, 2023Hindi
Hi mam , I am a fresher and i have recently attended an interview in an MNC and after successful interview they didn't reach me out . Then after a week i just followed up with the hr and she asked to fill an application form and send it with other educational documents and done some background research i think so, and again she opened a portal for job application in the career site and asked me to apply there. Its been 3 days since applied. So the response is not yet given what should i assume from this.
Ans: Hi Sir/ Madam,

The hiring process in large organizations can be lengthy and time consuming due to various processes and protocols.

Few steps can be considered-

Regular follow up- you can do regular follow up's in intervals.
HR receives multiple applications for one position and it may take time for them to screen the shortlist the candidate
Consider other opportunities in the mean time so you have the back up ready just incase if this opportunity does not fall in your favour.
Have patience and be calm. Interview processes can be lengthy and it may happen at times you may not get the appropriate response from the organization .

Please know that hiring processes differe organization to organization and could be several reasons for the delay. There is nothing to worry about it instead invest the energy in preparing for other skills/ interviews / opportunities. Continue to stay positive in your search and approach. If you don't receive a response within a reasonable timeframe, you may consider reaching out for an update.

All the best
Ashwini Dasgupta
Author of Confidence Decoded. Is it a Skill or Attitude?

Answered on Feb 08, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 05, 2023Hindi
Hello mam, I am a 52 year old qualified woman, i left my well paid illustrious job after doing it for 13 years in 2008 to run my own business but due to some unforeseen and unfortunate personal and professional circumstances, I couldn't be successful in business due to lack of funding and no partners with me and remained a trader only in last 15 years. Although as a sole proprietor of the business, I handled all aspects of business my self like sales, marketing, finance, new clients generation etc, Got lot of experience as a sole proprietor but couldn't generate much revenue. I am a single woman industry. Now if I leave my business and go for a job with my total 28 years of job and business experience, how would I explain to interviewer the reason of leaving my business? How will i explain my business income which is much lesser than the current job salary of a person with 28 years experience in my field of business? I tried to go back in job several times in the last 15 years but couldn't because of these 2 reasons so please help. Thanks
Ans: Hi Sir/ Madam,

This is an commendable experience. Kudos.

Here are the few aspects you may consider- When explaining your decision to leave your business and seeking a job, honesty and framing your experiences in a positive light are key.

Highlight your entrepreneurial journey- mention on the various roles you have performed- sales, marketing, finance etc. This will show your versatility and multiple other aspects of the business.

Be honest and tell the interviewer'

Focus on the learning and growth-highlight the new skills you have learnt during your entrepreneurial journey and link it to the jobs you have/ will be applying.

Express your desire to have stability

Be honest on your financial conditions and explain how these are important

Get active on networking and referrals

Tailor your resume as per the industry, jobs you are applying

Prepare for the interviews. Practice, practice and practice

Employers value candidates who are honest and transparent. They value the diverse experience you bring on the table. Be effectively communicating your experience you can position yourself as a valuable asset to any organization.

All the best

Ashwini Dasgupta
Author of Confidence Decoded. Is it a skill or attitude?

Answered on Feb 08, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 10, 2023Hindi
Hello ma'am I would like to remain anonymous. I am an Indian Railways employee (a senior section engineer) and have been working from 2017. The pay is good. Job is good. Everything is fine except one thing – Lack of stability. It is a field job. We continuously move around a lot - i mean even from one division to another. I have to remain away from home continuously for more than 20 days and get a rest of 07 days continuous (During my rest days I go back home). I am not married still This job frustrates me. I want to stop working here and try my hands in private sector to get a more settled job. My Sister (who is earning well as a software engineer) suggested to give GRE and take admission in one of the best business schools in any 01-year Executive MBA program. She said the field is quite lucrative and stable. I am confused. Will it be worth leaving a good government job for Executive MBA? Also, if I leave and get admission in any business school, which program will be good enough for me? Will it have more stability than my current job? P.S:- (I Did my B.Tech in electrical Engineering from a respected national level College after clearing AIEEE. I do NOT have any programming knowledge as It was not required in my Govt. job.I am not that aware of latest trends in technology except those in my field in the Indian Railways)
Ans: Hi Sir/ Madam,

Here, are few aspects you may want to consider.

Career goals- Firstly get clarity on your aspirations you want to pursue and you seem to be interested.

Industry exploration - Research the industry as per your interest. Before pursuing any studies / professional course/ MBA you need to be clear on your interest and ambition

Career counselor- you could seek the help of the career counselor and discuss in detail. They can guide you and help you navigate.

Program suitability- MBA + B. Tech is a great combination to have. Look for specialized programs that align with your interest and aspirations.

Research the current technology trends, speak to the experts in the given industry. Do you own research too.

Alumni- reach out to Executive MBA alumni programs you are considering if any. They will help you understand how their programs will help you.

Overall, I will recommend you yo weigh the pro's and con's of both the industries. Do a through research and assess your options before making the decision.

All the best

Ashwini Dasgupta
Author of Confidence Decoded. Is it a skill or attitude?

Answered on Feb 08, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 20, 2023Hindi
Hi. I'm a Top Management Professional with the Experience of working as Business Head & CEO in my previous organizations. Have experience in multi Industries , predominantly in FMCG Sector. After leaving the job before Covid, got selected for a couple of opportunities abroad only to be cancelled due to grounded flights. After that Finding it slightly tougher to find those kind of jobs. Long lay off has resulted in poor financial condition too that I cannot start my own business. What do you suggest?
Ans: Hi Sir/ Madam,

Please consider few of the suggestions-

Networking and Industry events- Leverage your networking past and current. Attend workshops of the similar industry this will give insights of the market and trends.

Build your online presence and showcase your skills and experience. Actively engage in industry discussions and demonstrate your experiences and expertise in FMCG sector.

Take up consulting/ contract or a freelance work

Enhance your skills by taking up relevant courses, certifications

Reach out to executive search firms who can guide and help you in getting the job

Also, look for global platforms where you can connect with industry experts and one who cater to senior roles.

Financial planning- given the financial constrain you may want to reconsider and create a realistic plan.

Look for mentorship and guidance within the industry who can help you understand how the markets are trending and also they can help you navigate with their experiences.

Importantly have patience and be self motivated.

All the best

Ashwini Dasgupta
Author of Confidence Decoded. Is it a skill or attitude?

Answered on Feb 06, 2024


Answered on Feb 06, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Nov 30, 2023Hindi
Dear Ashwini, I had been working in a private bank and got terminated on 6 Nov 23. Before I was terminated I got an appointment letter from another bank on 26 Oct 23 which I had conveyed to my reporting manager that I want to resign. He said to do it after he comes back from his leave and I waited. Suddenly I found there is an investigation started on my behalf and I was convicted for some transactions in my wife's account. I must tell you that I have 24 years of experience so far without any break and not even convicted once in my tenure nor got any HR warning so far in my tenure rather got many appreciations for my good works. So, I accepted the allegation saying that i borrowed the amount in a life threatening situation from 2 vendors of the bank and repaid them when my only sister met an accident and lost her life. I further requested the senior management to convert my termination to resignation and the HR told me the case has been considered as an appeal and has gone to the appellate authority for final decision. The approximate time they require is 4 weeks. Meanwhile they have cleared the severance pay for my notice period on the same day and cleared my gratuity as well. Now, the other company is asking me to share the resignation and acceptance of resignation which I don't have now because I didn't get time to resign and got the termination with a notice of 2 hours only on that day. So, how should I manage the case ?
Ans: Hi Sir/ Madam,

Sorry for the delay in reply

Few aspects you may consider

Send them the resignation email if you have one (email copy also should be ok)
An email which says your LWD (if you have one)
Consider having a legal advice on your rights
Provide the severance pay and gratuity documents to the new employer
Be honest and transparent (fully acknowledging the new employer may revoke the offer. Be prepared). Include details about the termination, the appeal process, and the steps you are taking to address the situation and express your commitment to resolving the matter and your eagerness to join once it is resolved.
Provide references
Prepare yourself for the worst scenario and work on the prepare how to address the termination during interviews.
Maintain professional with both the current and the new employer. Be in control on yourself and your emotions.

All the best.

Ashwini Dasgupta
Author of Confidence Decoded. Is it a Skill or Attitude

Answered on Feb 06, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Dec 22, 2023Hindi
Dear Ashwini ji, I returned from Gulf after a decade, my work was partially data analysis using advanced excel. Now, I am 40, unemployed, almost about to complete online Msc in data science from an indian university (now I am almost well versed with different tools). Should I start looking for work in India now?, with a cut throat competition, if I am lucky I'll end up with a fresher salary! Or should I go for another masters in Germany (cost ain't issue), return to India and then look for job? Firstly, what if after 2 years (I'll be older!) market conditions are worse? Secondly, I had earlier career gaps, so even after masters from Germany, I am guessing major MNCs wont ever consider me? Waiting your answers.
Ans: Hi Sir/ Madam,

Sorry for the delay in the response.

Given the current situation it contains several factors hence you will have to consider your goal, market conditions and your own preferences. There is no direct solution and importantly it has to be your own decision.

As you have already completed MSC Data science (niche field) please check the current market situation.
Speak to experts in the similar industry and do your own assessment.
Before joining MSC course you would have thought of something why you want to pursue the same. What is the goal you have in mind.
Before pursuing the course in germany understand that it will involve cost and time. Again what is the goal of doing.
On the career gaps you mentioned- be prepared on the responses by having some rational around the same as to why you have those gaps. Responses should be compelling.

While they say age is just a number it does have its own cons during job hunt. Be realistic, practical and do pros and cons either ways. At the end the decision should be yours alone depending on your personal circumstances and career goals.

Hope this helps

Ashwini Dasgupta
Author of Confidence Decoded. Is it a Skill or Attitude

Answered on Dec 12, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Sep 17, 2023Hindi
I am not a good people manager and unable to make people work. I tend to work own way and do a lot for others. When it comes to my chance, nobody works for me and listen to me at workplace. What could be the issue?
Ans: Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for writing in.

Firstly, consider this phase as a learning phase. People skills can be developed with practice and efforts. Consider this as an opportunity and work on yourself. Few reflective questions you may ask yourself-
1- What is it making others uncomfortable about me? is it the way I talk, am I rude or am I a micromanager.
2- How can I make the environment comfortable for others so they find it easy to work with me.
3- Can I be more expressive and clear in my communication

You could also speak to your manager and take support and mentorship. Important is to find a navigation so it only helps you. Seeking help at work place is a positive sign.

Other aspects you could look at are-

Try to build relationship with your team member's, it's time to break the ice. Take some time out from your busy schedule and spend time with your team members, go for coffee, lunch, snacks etc. Start having conversations, listen to them and importantly show interest when they are talking. This will help you build rapport with the team members

Receive Feedback- while as a manager you must be giving feedback to your team members. So, now is the time to receive feedback from them about you. While you take the feedback few important aspects you should consider -
Dont' get defensive
Don't argue if they say anything negative about you
Accept and acknowledge
Ask them what you should do to make it work as a team
More importantly listen and don't hold any grudges instead act on the feedback received
Remember, when someone is giving you the feedback that means they have experienced that behavior with you.

Try with these to start with. Hope this helps. I will been keen to hear from you once you executive the tips.

All the best.
To your success. Be you. Be confident.
Ashwini Dasgupta
Author of -Confidence Decoded. Is it a skill or Attitude?

Answered on Nov 03, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Oct 22, 2023Hindi
Hi Ashwini, I had earlier got highly balanced answer so here I am with one more question! At many times, I get unique ideas for business. One of the ideas was also appreciated by one of the Rediff Gurus for start up. My problem is, I immensely believe in Astrology. I have a habit of taking an advice of an astrologer, be it a tarot card reader or numerologist or Vedic traditional astrology. Sometimes, I get encouraging advice and many times, the astrologer rules out success in business because of some planet in a specific house or current planet positions etc. My question to you comes now! Do you think that most successful people have ever followed astrology before starting a venture? or how much weigh I should give to "luck" before venturin out. As of now I have about 6-7 business ideas and they are one of a kind (out of box) and stuck in the US for a job and only way of returning to India is quitting the job and starting my own business in India. Please help!
Ans: Dear Sir/ Madam,

Hope you are doing well.

Apology for the delay in reply.

It's good to belief in something if you are convinced about it. It is also equally true to draw a boundary around the same. For example, if Astrology- it's fine if you have the belief on that science at the same, please understand it cannot shape your future or help you reach goals if you do not take appropriate actions in a timely manner.

Yes, many successful people are/have been following astrology having said that there also cases where this science has not worked for many. So, it's important for you to understand to take the information as a reference point and take the necessary actions.

If you have 6to 7 business ideas, pick the best where you are fully convinced and start with one. Invest your energy, time to make it work. You may also speak to your well-wishers and brainstorm on the different ideas you may have. Please remember not everyone would be convinced or sold to your idea at the end it's your baby only you can nurture it.

Whether you follow astrology or not is a personal choice. While making decisions on any of the ideas you may want to execute you need to also rely on the factual information and it's potential to grow rather than relying solely on the astrology. I agree luck can play a role on any success at the end it's a combination of hard work, consistency, passion, proper planning and so much more.

If you are passionate about your business ideas then is no looking back you will bound to get success. Ultimately the decision to start your business is a personal choice and it should align with your goal, values and circumstances. Weigh the pros and cons and its potential and get going. All the best.

Hope this helps.

To Your Success. Be You. Be Confident.
Ashwini Dasgupta
Author of Confidence Decoded. Is it a skill or attitude?

Answered on Nov 03, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Nov 02, 2023Hindi
Dear Ashwini, I faked my CV and cracked an interview with a leading IT company. But since I have joined, I am not getting any projects. What do you suggest I do? Should I quit my job? Or talk to the manager? How to continue in my career? Pls help
Ans: Dear Sir/ Madam,

Hope you are doing well.

Apology for the delay in reply.

I would not recommend you to fake any cv/ resume. It's always good to mention what is authentic and true. Secondly, please note nowadays almost every company go through the process of background check verification for the all the applicants they are hiring. Hence, one need to be very careful what information you are showing and saying to the organization. The adverse impact could lead to termination for faking the information. Hence, going forward from refrain such acts.

On the first point- Not getting the projects.

I suggest please speak to your manager and understand what the situation is and come to a probable conclusion or an understanding. Quitting is not the solution always. The same situation may arise elsewhere as well.

Next, understand how the market is doing at the moment in your industry before taking any decision. In the mean time as you are on bench/ no projects then consider this as a time for your to upgrade your skills so that it will help you to stand out.

After weighing the pros and cons post discussion with your manager this should probably lead to a direction if you need to look for the job. For now, keep the job search/ industry information handy for reference.

I will be keen to know your discussion with the manager. Hope this helps.

To Your Success. Be you. Be Confident
Ashwini Dasgupta
Author of Confidence Decoded. Is it a skill or attitude?
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