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Aruna Agarwal

Child and Parenting Counsellor 

76 Answers | 19 Followers

Aruna Agarwal is a qualified child psychologist and behaviour therapist with over 20 years of experience.
She has a master’s degree in psychology with a specialisation in behaviour analysis. She focuses on children between the ages of 2-10 years who face challenges related to behaviour, language development or attention issues and providing them with the right life skills.
Agarwal is the owner of Kidzee, a pre-primary school, and Mount Litera Zee School that caters to primary students.... more

Answered on Jun 09, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 08, 2024Hindi
Is it my fault that my sensitivity leads me to adopt a nonchalant demeanor in social situations, which my parents perceive as arrogance and irresponsibility? Is it my fault that I tend to remember negative experiences and words more vividly than positive ones, given their rarity? Is it my fault that I struggle to be affectionate with my parents after they scold me, as they expect, despite considering it a form of tough love? They feel that they're giving me valuable life lessons and I should be grateful to them and how bad my life would've been if someone else were my parents. They feel that they're so kind, generous and loving for tolerating me and my attitude and how disappointing I'm for disregarding their good wishes and how it's gonna make my future life so bad that I'll be wishing that I had listened to them. How alone I would be in my future due to my bad attitude and nobody would be there to celebrate my successes or share my sorrows. When I talk with them, we would all act like a happy family but after sometime they would tell me that how my this and that remark hurt them but to keep the vibe going they didn't stop me? How are they expecting me to continue talking with them when I feel that conversing with them is like walking around landmines? And if I don't talk, they feel like I'm a freeloader who is taking them for granted and treating their home as a hotel and them as waiters? Is it my fault that I feel uncomfortable conversing with my parents due to their tendency to highlight my faults and hurtful remarks, creating a tense atmosphere? Is it my fault that my parents make me feel guilty for envisioning my own future, independent of them, and accuse me of being heartless and ungrateful? Is it my fault that I struggle to make friends due to the constant comparison to others by my parents, which undermines my self-esteem? Is it my fault that I can't forget them calling be the karma of their bad actions in their previous lives and how it's better to have been childless? Is it my fault that I am petty and I can't make friends with those who my parents always compare me with in terms of their sensibility, responsibility and love towards their family and me being clueless of things in my house and not treating them lovingly, politely and properly and disregarding them? Is it my fault that I crave comfort and affection, longing for someone to understand and support me emotionally, especially in the absence of loving gestures from my parents? Is it my fault that I hesitate to confide in my parents about my deepest feelings due to fear of judgment and their tendency to use past mistakes as lessons against me? Is it my fault that I believe in the validity of subjective truths, yet my parents fail to acknowledge the possibility of their own fallibility? Is it my fault that my parents see me as a disappointment, only capable of goodness when I seek forgiveness or favor, rather than recognizing my genuine efforts? Is it my fault that I feel trapped in a dependent relationship with my parents, unable to assert my independence due to financial reliance and lack of alternative support? Is it my fault that my attempts to express my emotional distress are dismissed as self-victimization by my parents, while they themselves engage in guilt-tripping behavior? When faced with overwhelming emotions and a sense of detachment from myself and my responsibilities, I recognize the potential danger of suppressing these feelings. If I continue to bottle them up, I fear that I may reach a breaking point and act impulsively, leading to regrettable consequences. This state of mind has left me feeling demotivated, pessimistic, and disconnected from activities I once enjoyed and obligations I should fulfill for my future. Despite this, I acknowledge the love and support of my parents. However, I realize the urgency of addressing these feelings and seeking help to regain control over my emotions and motivation for self-care and responsibility. What should I do?
Ans: Many a times we do get carried away because of our emotions and start feeling victimized.Parent and child bond is always priceless. They both care and love each other but expression of this is lesser. Whereas in order to correct each other,we keep using derogatory remarks which can go on and one gets into the vicious cycle. You need to understand that what are their triggers and even yours. Talk to them and strike conversations when you are not emotionally feeling low. These are the time when you might hurt them with your words .
Do yoga, listen to music, develop a hobby, being Mindful will help you and them to deal with situation. Work on self regulation ( observe your own self) and your emotions. Consult some one if not able to do it on your own.

Answered on May 24, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 06, 2024Hindi
I am writing to express my concerns about my daughter, who is 10 years old. Over the past six months, she has been experiencing difficulties at school due to bullying from one of her classmates. This classmate has been isolating her from her other friends and has been making her feel uncomfortable. Consequently, her grades have started to decline, and she has been expressing a reluctance to attend school. My daughter has confided in me about this issue, and she is desperate to distance herself from this classmate. However, she is feeling scared and lacks the confidence to do so. Additionally, I have observed changes in her behavior at home. She has become more irritable, moody, and adamant. I believe this may be due to feelings of being neglected in comparison to her younger brother, who is three years old. While she loves her brother dearly, she sometimes feels that I give him more attention due to his age. As a parent, I am trying my best to support and reassure her, but I feel that I may not be providing enough help. I am seeking your guidance and assistance in addressing these issues and helping my daughter navigate through this challenging time.
Ans: Bullying in the school has to be taken seriously by the school and parents. I am glad that you are trying to provide her with strength to deal with this. Try to understand about the other child who is doing that,if possible take the help of teachers,peers and counselors in the school to counsel the child . Meanwhile try to help your child to develop self confidence and deal with this confidently. Make your child have strong self belief to have a better self esteem.
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