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Ravi Mittal

Dating, Relationships Expert 

261 Answers | 37 Followers

Ravi Mittal is an expert on dating and relationships.
He founded QuackQuack, an online dating platform, in 2010 with just two people. Today, it has over 20 million users in India.... more

Answered on Jul 25, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 25, 2024Hindi
Sir I am 39 year old and man I am searching a girls or women to friendship but how to search guenine women in this situation? And where to search it so please help me I am alone
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

You have two options. One- you ask your trusted friends or family members to set you up with someone whom they think will be compatible with you. Two- Dating apps. In this option you do not have to depend on anyone or request anyone. You simply run a bit of research to find an app that caters to people who want serious relationships and genuine friendships over casual hookups. Once you find that app, you download and start setting up your profile. Now this part is important. Do not take it casually. Pick a nice, clear, and recent picture to upload as your display image. For your bio, mention what you are looking for; for instance- “I am looking for genuine friends,” or “I am interested in women who are looking for a serious and exclusive relationship.” You should mention this clearly to attract the kind of women who are apt for you. Next, write about who you are- your profession, your likes and dislikes, and what you will be bringing to the table. It is important for people to see a glimpse of you so that they can decide whether you are their type.

Once the setup is done, browse through profiles and take your time to match. You do not have to match with everyone who comes up on your screen. Find compatible people and match. Send long and detailed messages because sending hi or hello might not fetch you a reply.

Hope these tips will help you.

Best Wishes.

Answered on Jul 23, 2024

Answered on Jul 23, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 25, 2024Hindi
Me and my wife are happily married for 10 years and having a twins 4 years before. This incident happened 8 years ago, when my wife and her cousin visited the home town for a temple function they reconnected with this guy who is their old friend ( a distinct relative also), this person had an interest on my wife before marriage and my wife rejected. Now this person is married and having one kid. when they reconnected my wife's cousin used to do conference calls along with this person and my wife. My wife asked me is it ok to talk. i said yes it is fine but just maintain a healthy boundary. So she wont attend all the calls from them. Attended some conference calls for 5 to 15 min and dropped the call saying my husband don't like me in phone too much. this happened weekly once or twice for 2 month(maximum 10 calls). they also had a watsapp group, in that they had friendly chat between them, mostly between wife's cousin and that person. My wife's reply was very less. but when i was going through the messages they are not flirty messages, there i saw my wife saying very positive about our relationship and her cousin also agreed to that saying they are the best couples. but that person has addressed my wife's cousin and my wife occasionally as honey and dear. but both of them ignored and not asked them to stop calling like that. when i checked this with my wife she said that person calls everyone as honey/dear even her sisters and other cousin. Even he calls my wife's mother sometimes honey (she is very aged 60 years).it is habitual for him so she found no meaning in that and she is not bothered to correct that. this is not even a issue for her that's why she did not discuss this with me. that's why she ignored. i asked her to stop talking to him. My wife told she already stopped talking with him as he tried to make personal calls as she did not like it. that time the wats group also not active so she exited from the group and blocked his number. Recently we came to know that one of the relative girl got into affair with this person and this person got divorced due to that. 1. Does the words like honey can be used in friendly way. i have many friends in other gender i never used honey even though i used 'dear' occasionally. As he used this word with my wife, Does this make my wife less pure than other women. Is this cheating ? 2. I cant come in to terms with the fact my wife talked to a person who is a womanizer. does this affect my wife's reputation in the society. they never met in person other than this temple function reconnect.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

Let me address your queries one by one.
1. Yes, honey or dear can be friendly too. I cannot tell for sure if he was being friendly or flirty, but these are very common terms.
2. How can him calling your wife, or him being of questionable character make your wife “less pure than other women”? I am not sure how these two are even connected. She spoke highly about your relationship, never engaged in one-on-one conversation with the guy, and even stopped talking to him when he tried to call her separately. What is making you question your wife’s character still?
3. No. This isn’t cheating. Not on your wife’s part. Maybe the man did not have good intentions, but your wife did not indulge him. Even if we look at it from 100 different angles, this is not cheating.
4. When your wife spoke to him, none of you knew about his affair and his character. Then how is she responsible for it? And how is she responsible for his misdeeds anyway?
5. No, this does not affect your wife’s reputation in the society. Again, ask yourself, what is her fault in all of this? You are yourself saying they never met in person, never had a one-off conversation, etc.
Please understand that this man’s behavior is a reflection of his character, not your wife’s. It’s unfair of you to blame her or doubt her.

Hope this helps.

Answered on Jul 23, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 23, 2024Hindi
I was in a relationship few months back during my 12 th we were having a nice time for a long period and I was preparing for my exams of clat so i told my girlfriend to let me focus during the evening time and I told her to have conversations with me during the afternoon she agreed to it to But after some months we had some arguments and she used to ignore me a lot after that I asked her for forgiveness from my side if from me she got hurt But one day This happened.... after college I decided that whatever happens but I will try to improve our relationship,But that day in afternoon I went to her to talk A boy came on a bike and when I had to talk to her Without saying nothing she went with him. And when I asked them about that person they told it's her new Boyfriend I felt cheated, finished, depressed for many months after that when I had my clat exams I failed in it and I decided never to have conversations again with her so the question to you is should I love someone again deeply?
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

I understand that you are hurt and being cheated on by someone you loved can do a number on you but that does not mean you should close yourself from the prospect of finding love again. You will move on, even if it’s slow. And someday you will find someone who will make you very happy and who would not even dream of cheating on you, because she will love you back exactly the way you love her. Wait for it. One broken relationship should not define your entire life.

Best Wishes.

Answered on Jul 23, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 19, 2024Hindi
i am in relationship with women. i asked once weather u talk with another men. she replied no. i am really fealing guilty. she is also feeling very bad, as she never expect me to ask such question. i tried to convinvice that i hv no bad intention for you, but in due course of time , i thought u will be taking to someone. she is very apset and so do i. how can i get retain my original relationship. we are are a very good friend who shares every minute details with each other.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

I understand your situation and I am assuming that your partner felt bad because it seemed to her that you do not trust her. I also appreciate that you realized that it isn't nice to mistrust your partner for no reason and you are trying to make up for it. For starters, as mature adults, you should try speaking directly. You can tell your girlfriend that you regret asking her such a question and never meant to hurt her. Second, everyone loves a grand gesture. You can try buying her some flowers as a token of your apology or plan a nice date night. Lastly, don't overthink this. Things will go back to normal in no time.

While it is not right to doubt your partner, it is still far better to ask things directly than assume and make up fake scenarios in your mind. I do not recommend doubting but if at all you have some doubt, it's best to lay it out in the open to avoid unnecessary overthinking and misunderstandings. Your partner should also understand this. It is also important you take some time and reflect on why you felt like asking her the question. If he mistake is on your part, the best thing is to get to the root of it and fix it.

Best Wishes.

Answered on Jul 23, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 21, 2024Hindi
Me and my boyfriend are in long distance relationship from past 6 months, I told him about my past in almost starting of it that I had 2 friends with benefits in past and one of that person was my classmate as well as friend, and he used to still contact me, and when I came in relationship also, he called me during that time and I told regarding my relationship status, and I also informed my boyfriend that I talked with him but this thing happened before he knows that I had physical intimacy with him, then when he asked me to block, I suddenly question "what is the point of blocking him" which I regret the most, but I blocked him later by myself, now my boyfriend is sayine me that I have cheated him and he won't trust me till his death, but I told everything in past happened to him. I love him a lot but he is not giving to work together in this relationship and saying that he won't stay loyal to me anymore, he won't trust be ever, as per him I have cheated him, but my intentions were not wrong at all, tho that guy was in contact but I never initiate any conversation with him while I came into relationship, is it really a cheat, is it that he should not trust me anymore? Please guide
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

It sounds like you are going through a rough time and I am sorry for it. Here's a thought and I am sure you have thought of it too, try to see things from his perspective. While you know that you never cheated nor meant to, it is important to acknowledge that your boyfriend's feelings are valid. He is feeling betrayed and that's a fact. Now, our goal should be to fix this issue. How do we do it? Communication is the only way. Tell him that you understand his perspective but it is important that he sees yours too. If he wants to vent, listen to him. Do not interrupt or become defensive. Understand whatever he says is coming from his insecurity. I know it's difficult not to take it personally, but his statements will be a reflection of his feelings and not your character. Remember this during the conversation. Once he is done speaking, reassure him that you had no intention of cheating. You can also reassure him of your commitment. Promise to be more transparent and point out that you were honest with him from the beginning. If you had any intention to cheat, you could have easily not shared with him your past. But you did and that shows that you are committed to this relationship. Tell him that you understand the need for boundaries and it is not okay to be in touch with people who make your partner uncomfortable.

Look, rebuilding trust needs work and it also takes time. Both of you need to work on it. You will have to work on making him trust you and he will have to work on letting go of his misconception (which might be his reality) and trust you wholly again. Relationships don't work till two people trust each other completely. If he continues to say that he can't trust you again, it might be best to reconsider this relationship. Even though your words hurt him, you did not cheat on him in reality. Why should you have to live in fear that he will cheat on you merely to take revenge?

After you put in all the effort, see where it goes. If things do not get better, rethinking the relationship would be best. Everyone deserves someone who can trust and be trusted.

Best Wishes.

Answered on Jul 17, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 17, 2024Hindi
My boyfriend have insecurities which is affecting our relationship. He compare his family financial status with mine. He thinks that he dont deserves me. He thinks that my family wont accept him. So he is slowly pulling away so that I find someone better. However, he is making efforts too to improve his financial status. But this will take time. Meanwhile my family is searching for a groom. I have made efforts to make my boyfriend realise that his financial status wont be an issue for my family. And at end of the day my family will look at his nature. But he is not convinced. How should I help him to remove his insecurities? Should I wait for him to resolve it himself? I am scared that by the time he improve his financial status, I will be married off to someone else.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

I understand your dilemma. Let's start with the positives- your boyfriend wants the best for you, he is trying to improve himself for you, and your family places more importance on people's nature rather than their finances. These are some great things you have going on in your life. Now, let's try to fix the issues- I am assuming that you have tried having an open discussion with your boyfriend and he is still not understanding your family dynamics. We can't blame him; very few people are as open-minded as your family. The best course of action here would be to arrange a meet-up with your family. If it comes from them that they do not mind his financial condition as long as he puts effort into improving it, he might believe it and might be relieved of his insecurities.

If you feel like you are running out of time between your boyfriend trying to be well-established and your family's search for a groom, it would be best to have a serious conversation about your relationship with your parents.

After all your efforts, if your partner still does not understand or believe that finances are not an issue, you should reconsider the relationship. As much as he is doing everything in your best interest, one insecure partner and the other forever trying to assure them never makes for a healthy relationship. Occasional insecurities are common and completely normal, but continuous ones are exhausting.

Best Wishes.

Answered on Jul 15, 2024

m in love with my boyfriend since 18 years. I waited till he gets his first job to tell my parents abut him. When the time came we both informed in our family that we want to get married. His father said yes initially and asked my family to meet at a common place. Later once I family agreed and came and called to inform his family, his mother denied saying his father is against this marriage. My parents called my boyfriend and asked whether he wants to marry me without his father approval and he said obviously!!! Why wouldn’t I? Then me and my boyfriend set a date and informed both our family that we are getting married on this date on july. My family has been always supportive and they support me here as well. But his family reacted differently saying we can’t allow you to marry on this date as this month is his birth month (some silly excuses) and they informed we can assure you we will get you married to your girlfriend in November or December. That time my boyfriend also agreed with his mother knowing that all wedding venues were booked and I have paid some kind of advance amount as well. And NOW!! My family went wild over him saying howcome he called of this marriage?? My boyfriend is asking me please give me a second chance that I will convince my parents to marry you in November or December. If they disagree i will move out and marry you only. How can I trust him this time? SHOULD I?
Ans: Dear Suwon,

I understand you are in a difficult situation and trusting someone once they have broken it is difficult. I also understand your parent's concern. I am sure you do too. Now, the real question is, do you want to give him another chance? I know he broke your trust by moving the dates suddenly, but maybe let's try to find out why he did it.

You have been with him for a long time. You should have some clue about the type of person he is; it is totally up to you to decide whether you want to give him another chance or move on with your life. Neither would be a wrong choice. But it should be your choice. Look at the pros and cons. All things he got right to date and the wrongs he did too. Weigh them against each other and by the end of it, you should have some clarity.

Best Wishes.

Answered on Jul 15, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 14, 2024Hindi
Hi I am 29 year old F dating a 27 year old M. I have always been very conservative and emotional with respect to love. Before him, i never dated anyone, nor allowed anyone to touch me because I wanted only one man in my life. We both have failed to crack a gov job. He has lost all hopes in life and somehow wants to fix his career. On the other hand, My family is pressurising me to get married and even I think that I have reached that stage where I should get married in a year or two. Meanwhile his parents too wants him to get married by next year. However, he refuses to give me any commitment unless he has a stable career i.e government job. And if he failed to do so, then he will marry any girl whom his parents choses because without a gov job, he won't be able to take a stand for me. I his mind he thinks that my family is of high standards than his. (which is partially true) I want some form of commitment from him, but all he says that he wants to marry me, and wants me to stay with him as friend untill he is ready. He has also not given me the tag of a gf, he says that because of that tag I will be emotionally attached to him and if things didnt worked out than I will be devastated. He had also not made any sexual advances towards me. He asked for 6 months to fix everything. However, this undefined relationship without a commitment is emotionally exhausting me. Because of my family pressure, I am in delema whether I should look for someone else or believe someone who has not yet defined anything? I dont want to look for anyone else becase than it is against my personal ideology of being with only one man. Yet, I am scared. What if I ended up being with no one. What should I do?
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

I understand your dilemma. Your partner has asked for six months. That might seem and feel very long, given the situation, but it will pass in a heartbeat. You can, only if you want, give him that time and see where things go. Having said that, let me also mention that if you decide to quit this relationship, if it is too exhausting and it's putting you through more emotional turmoil than giving you happiness, you would not be wrong. You have every right to choose peace. After all, why do we love someone? Because they, the relationship with them, makes us happy. There will indeed be ups and downs in a relationship, but if there are only downs, and only more downs to come in the future, it wouldn't be wrong to reconsider that relationship.

Evaluate your needs. Take a little time for yourself to reflect- weigh the pros against the cons. You will have your answer.

Your ideology is commendable. But make sure it doesn't affect your emotional well-being. While your beliefs are admirable, there is also nothing wrong with finding love more than once. Not every love story is bound to succeed, and a single failure should not define your entire life.

Best Wishes.

Answered on Jul 03, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 02, 2024Hindi
Hi, I am 26 years old. Doing job in an Mnc, earning decent enough for me and my family. I had a breakup in my early 20s with my long term girlfriend from my school days, since then I am single. Last year I met a girl at the office gym, she works in a different department. We both speak the same language so she approached me and my friend and gave her number. Then we became good friends, used to hangout everything. Even though she had a boyfriend she used to get jealous seeing me with other female friends. 3 months back, her bf married to some other girl of his cast and dumped her. She had physical relationship with her bf as she told but i never had physical with anyone. She used to come and cry in front of me and asked me once as well whether i loved her or not. I ignored as i knew she is just seeing me as an option. Nowadays she is avoiding me a lot giving excuses like she is busy and all and I feel she went into a relationship and just breadcrumbing me because of attention. I also stopped giving her free attention and barely call. But my heart still miss her. I know I don't love her and don't wanna be with her in future as she is very manipulative but being very lonely myself with no friends she used to fill a void in my life. I want her presence, attention, and maybe want to do physical with her casually as she is that type of girl who can get laid easily with someone she likes. What shall I do? I am unable to move on from this and it is affecting my career. Also I want a stable relationship with whom I can have a good future.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

The answer to your question is right there in the question. You do not want her; you want her attention which will feed your ego. It's not love and you know it. If you pursue a casual or serious relationship, chances are one or both of you will get hurt. Now, you mentioned that you want a stable relationship. You should start by focusing on that.

One more thing- it is not up to us to judge someone and call them names like "that type of girl." Wanting to hook up with her casually because you think she'll let you should then make you "that type of boy." These are baseless labels and it's best not to hurl these insults at people. Focus on yourself. Find a date- you can ask your friends to set you up, or family, or you can try out a dating app. Mention that you want a serious relationship; it can increase your chances of finding the right match.

Best Wishes.

Answered on Jul 03, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 02, 2024Hindi
Before coming into our relationship I knew that my girlfriend had a past relationship of 3 years. I asked about it just to clarify if anything was there which will harm our upcoming relationship we gona Start. She mentioned that she did not liked her past relationship and other stuff and she mentioned she had not any physical relationship of any kind with her ex . But now after we came into relationship after 2 years. I found out that she had a physical relationship with her ex . But no intercourse but other stuff. I could not believe her words when she told all this and she been laying all the things I asked if it was your first time and other things. I had no such relationship as of myself and told her that I hate such types where u already experienced stuffs with others . What should I do . I like her too she too loves me . But the thing I found out haunts me and make me fill miserable
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

I am sorry that you are hurting but her past truly should not matter to you in the present. Ideally, I am not in favor of pushing people to disclose their past experiences, especially if they are not comfortable with it. But I agree that she was wrong to get into a relationship with you when you specifically showed dislike towards the things you mentioned. I suppose she liked you too much and did not want to ruin her chances. I should also mention that judging a person by their past or because they had certain kinds of relations with their ex is not fair; you were not in the picture. Regardless of it, your pain is valid. It isn't easy to come to terms with new information about your partner's past.

Now hear me out, past is in the past. It can only hurt you if you let it. Think about it properly- did she do anything in the present to hurt you? NO. Can you or she change the past? NO. Should she apologize for having a past? NO. Should you move past this and work towards a better future? That's the only thing in your control. Chose wisely. If you think you will hold her accountable for this forever, then you both should reconsider this relationship. If you think this fight is meaningless, and want to move forward with your relationship, then great.

Best Wishes.

Answered on Jul 01, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 29, 2024Hindi
Around 2022, I got a marriage proposal from a mutual acquaintance of a guy who us also known to my family . At that time I was in a relationship with someone else so my family told that I am currently focusing on my studies . But recently , I am single and saw his account on social media . We started chatting with each other and I realised that we are conpatible in many aspects . But after some days ... my mother started pressuring me that they will start to see marriage prospects for me. Also I felt that he also feels the same for me because how he talked to me... So out of pressure ,I asked him and told about my feelings for him and told why it will be profitable if we consider ourselves as a couple .He told that he has a lot of pressure from his family to settle for a well paying job (though he is working in a private company)and also wants to focus on his passion too. Also he had brojen his heart 2 times. Although he assured that he is not saying no and also he would think over this proposal and would give me an answer . But the next day I saw he blocked me from social media . I would have appreciated if he had an open communication with me as I had the same . Btw now he is 27 and I am 23 .
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

I am very sorry to hear that you had to go through this. Some people do not have the emotional maturity to say a simple no or speak their truth. He might not have wanted to make things awkward or thought he was sparing you some pain but ultimately that isn't the case. But the important thing to remember here is that his action reflects on him and what kind of a person he is; it does not highlight your worth. I know it hurts right now, but it will get better and you will find someone who loves you.

Best Wishes.

Answered on Jun 28, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 28, 2024Hindi
I am dealing with brkup its been 2 months its mutual because he is bhramin his parents will not allow intercaste and for me its not possible to settle in place where he lives . its almost 3-4 year of relationship from my age of 18 he was there with my i lost my father during corona he took care of me , he stayed by my side he is not upto the mark but still he is always there for me after that i leave that state where both we stayed and we did long distance for 2 years but now as he come to know his parents are way more strict he dont want to hurts his parents and even my reason that i have to compromise lot carrrer difference and all. As i lost my father at age of 18 i cry lot every one day gap during my relationship also i was so anxious , and some times due to family problems i always used to be disturbed and dont want to live sometimeslike sucidal thoughts and all but at the time of relationship i share all this to him and i feel okay and got back to my study as he motivates me little . but now after brkup i dont have any real friends , i cant talk to any one neither any person messeges me my depression is becoming more big now we are in no contact for some days but again we talk and again we are in no contact he feels like he is in guilt becos he hurted me and made me miserable also he dont think about any other relation ship whatever his parents will bring he will do but for me not that case becos we dont have nay guardian i have to in my own actually we are not that big for marriage but we thought of future more and brkup becos of i have to find some one right we are 21 also my campus placements are coming his neet pg is coming but my heart cries every day i feel choked , i cried , choked and hurt my head it happens often but i still think we can not talk becos how can we move on from some body we talk but my depression at peak level i msg him with bigtext with all that goin on my life. should we talk ? as their is no rush to find other person we have to first focus on career how can we set boundaries? though if i talk i mak eme feel someone i can talk and make me releif at the sam etime it hurts if i dont talk also its hurts more as i ahve no one to talk with . he insisted me that we can be friends i can see u like this he wants me to be happy he feel he did the sin to me. Pls tell what will be good for me how can i be little releif what should i should i talk treat or my depression how ?
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

I am very sorry for your loss. Losing a parent is tough. I am also glad you found someone to share your pain with at that moment. Coming to your dilemma- whether you should be in touch with him- I understand that it is a great relief to talk to him, but that is momentary, isn't it? You cannot continue doing this if you two are broken up. Even though he is not planning to get married right away, the problem is that he will someday. Plus, more often than not, one person moves on faster than the other, and in your case, if it's him, it will hurt more. The right thing to do is sit and have a clear conversation. Discuss the possibility of getting back together. Ask what is in his mind and express what's in yours. But going in this circle will only hurt you more; maybe not today, but someday it will.

Now, coming to your depression, I would suggest sharing your pain with close friends but you mentioned you have none. That is not uncommon. Not all of us are blessed with it. In that case, I recommend seeing a professional therapist. There is absolutely no shame in it. Rather it will help you in sorting your feelings. Finally, you can take care of them without relying on your ex. I am sure you are doing a wonderful job in managing your depression but a professional counselor can help you come out of this in a more structured way. Please consider it. If you are not comfortable seeing someone in person, there are several counselors available online. Just try it once and see how that makes you feel.

Remember we all need help occasionally. You are amazing and you do not have to hold everything together alone.

Best Wishes.

Answered on Jun 27, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 27, 2024Hindi
Hello everyone who sees this post! I've a very unique dilemma to deal with, but I'm sure someone could help me! I (M23) am in a relationship with this girl(F23) for 5 years and in the first 3 months I've told both of our parents her and mine that we're in a relationship, but my parents won't agree for her and her parents wants me to marry her daughter immediately (meaning just after I told them we're in a relationship that was 4 years back and PS:- I'm not yet married) So yeah, I didn't want to upset either one (my parents/ her parents/ her) so I somehow found a middle ground and persuaded mine & her parents for an engagement and wait for marriage till I earn. But now my parents don't want us to meet till I get a decent career/job. (That too can be a hoax) And this action is making her/parents to conclude that they (my parents) want us to get separated. So now, I must either listen to my parents (who wants their sons best is what I believe) or her/parents (who wants the best for this relationship). I don't know what to do, and yeah this is a brief! If someone could advice me I'll tell all the details so it would be easy for gurus to sum up an advice.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
This sounds like a challenging situation and I understand the pressure you must be feeling; being torn between the expectations of your parents and your partner is not a pleasant feeling.

Here are a few things you can consider doing-

• Talk to your parents. I am sure you have done it but this time, do it with an open mind and put in the effort to understand their perspective. As you mentioned, they must have the best of your intention in mind. Ask them why they are hesitant about the relationship and also give you a solution where you can keep both them and your partner happy. This conversation can make them feel valued and they will also know that you want to keep them in the loop.
• Do the same with your partner and her parents. Let them give you a solution too. Explain the pressure you are experiencing and explain how some of your parent's concerns are valid. We cannot really deny that being financially stable is very important before getting married.
• Based on the conversations, set realistic goals. It can be achieving some career milestone, saving a certain amount to get married, or a date before which you will try to be financially independent. This will show all parties involved that you are serious about your commitment.
• Of course, it is important to value everyone's feelings, but it is equally important to take yours into account. Communicating with everyone will allow you to look at the matter from different perspectives but the ultimate decision must be yours. While you respect everyone's wishes, you should also prioritize your own.

If you feel the stress is overwhelming, do not shy away from seeking help.

Best Wishes.

Answered on Jun 26, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 25, 2024Hindi
I was not all at studious till class 8.i used to rank hardly 45 th in a class of 50 students.Then in class 9,my teacher changed my section.When I went to the new section,I felt in love at first sight.This was my first love obviously (But one-sided).She was a topper and beautiful.I proposed her.She rejected me and told me that I am worthless and I have no future.I was very sad for 6-8 months.After that I decided to prove her that I am worthy and I can do something.I left everything (cricket,karate,dance, singing, drawing, swimming-I used to learn them but I left).I completely focused on to prove my love.I started studying for more than 10 hrs daily.I was just 8 marks behind her in my 10 boards.I cried a lot that I lost the battle.She became 6 th and I became 9 th in class in 10 th class.Then I gathered hopes again.This time I started studying as much as I could(14-16 hrs daily).I became 2nd in class 12 and she became 3rd.I got just 1 mark more than her.I know it's a great win.I have proven myself but I don't know why I can't move on from her.I have been in 4 relationship in 4 respective years (class-9 -10 -11 -12 respectively) but I am not finding any interest in these relationships.I am completely confused what is happening with me. Please tell me what should I do now.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

I love how you took a negative comment on you and turned it into something so positive and productive. Though revenge is never the right approach, I must commend you for your dedication and for letting it be a driving force for something amazing. Now, coming to your question, why you are not being able to forget her? It's simple. You have let her words affect you and you are still holding on to it. As amazing as your results are, you seem happier to have beaten her than about your own success. I suggest focusing on yourself now. You did great! You deserve to be proud of yourself, for your efforts and achievements, not for achieving more than her. And one more thing, do you want to date someone who had such a low opinion of you? Is that how you see yourself? Trust me, you deserve someone who reciprocates your feelings and is proud of you. And about your relationships not working, you are still a kid. You have plenty of time to find the right relationship and when you do, it will work.

Best Wishes.

Answered on Jun 26, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 22, 2024Hindi
I am in love with my boyfriend since 18 years. I waited till he gets his first job to tell my parents abut him. When the time came we both informed in our family that we want to get married. His father said yes initially and asked my family to meet at a common place. Later once my family agreed and came and called to inform his family, his mother denied saying his father is against this marriage. My parents called my boyfriend and asked whether he wants to marry me without his father approval and he said obviously!!! Why wouldn’t I? After 4 months, me and my boyfriend set a date and informed both our family that we are getting married on this date on july. My family has been always supportive and they support me here as well. But his family reacted differently saying we can’t allow you to marry on this date as this month is his birth month (some silly excuses) and they informed we can assure you we will get you married to your girlfriend in November or December. That time my boyfriend also agreed with his mother knowing that all wedding venues were booked and I have paid some kind of advance amount as well. And NOW!! My family went crazy over him saying howcome he called off this marriage?? My boyfriend is asking me please give me a second chance that I will convince my parents to marry you in November or December. If they disagree i will move out and marry you only. How can I trust him this time? SHOULD I?
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

I understand you are in a difficult situation and trusting someone once they have broken it is difficult. I also understand your parent's concern. I am sure you do too. Now, the real question is, do you want to give him another chance? I know he broke your trust by moving the dates suddenly, but maybe let's try to find out why he did it.

You have been with him for a long time. You should have some clue about the type of person he is; it is totally up to you to decide whether you want to give him another chance or move on with your life. Neither would be a wrong choice. But it should be your choice. Look at the pros and cons. All things he got right to date and the wrongs he did too. Weigh them against each other and by the end of it, you should have some clarity.

Best Wishes.

Answered on Jun 25, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 10, 2024Hindi
Hey Relationship Gurus, I am a married man 31, recently married 6months back to my girlfriend of 4yrs. We we living together for 3.5yrs before marriage. I have been a serial monogamist since 14yrs, and have been moving from one relationship to the next. I have not been completely honest in my past relationships either and have been indulging in infidelity and have a habit of pathologic lying as well. Not trying to make excuses, but I have had issues growing up and have been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. Now I have been honest and true to my wife and as honest as possible and have not made any bad decisions in my married life and past 3-4yrs of being with my wife during our courtship period. She is an amazing sweet and honest girl who loves me dearly and extremely. Now my biggest problem is that I keep getting thoughts and urges to go back to my old self. I keep craving to flirt with girls and women in my workplace. Is this normal? Am I overthinking and building mountains out of Moe-hills. I'm very upset because on one hand my mind keeps deviating and makes me want to do bad things and cheat n my wife and on the other side I am worried that if I am unable to control and end up acting upon my instinct I will end up irrevocably destroying my relationship and marriage.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

I understand that you are in a difficult position. The fact that you are questioning your urges and not giving in to them is a positive sign. You know that it isn't right and you are fighting them. I am not sure if this has anything to do with your diagnosis, but I would still strongly suggest you see a professional therapist. They can guide you out of this situation in a more structured way. Getting strong urges to indulge in infidelity is not making a mountain out of a molehill. It is, in fact, a big issue. I commend you for holding yourself back and trying to work through it. I am also glad that you sought help; asking this question here must not have been easy because you had to admit to yourself that you are wrong. But a professional counselor can truly help you and sort this issue before it takes a toll on the relationship you have worked hard to build.

Best Wishes.

Answered on Jun 25, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 16, 2024Hindi
Hello, I'm a male, 23 . I want to start a relationship but don't know how to start. Any advice on what should be the criteria in choosing a girlfriend?
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

There aren't any hard and fast rules when looking for a partner. Just a few things you might want to keep in mind. Firstly, do not rush into a relationship. The first person you meet might be nice to you, but it does not necessarily mean she is going to be the one. Secondly, if it takes longer than others, it does not immediately mean you are doing something wrong. Every love story works out at its own pace. Third, you might be confused as to what kind of a partner you want- for that, introspection is a must. You might able to figure out some of your wants and desires from it. But rest will come with time and experience. However much you can figure out, try to mention that on your dating profile bio if you happen to use dating apps. It will help you get the right kind of matches.

There are some more common ground rules-
- Be genuine. Real people find real love.
- If you are not sure what kind of person you want, look for these things in your partner- trustworthiness, emotional compatibility, shared values and interests, communication skills, and chemistry between the two of you.
- Do not ignore red flags because you are eager to find a girl and commit.

Most importantly, don't forget to have fun in the process. Also, make sure you are ready for a relationship and not jumping into it out of peer pressure.

Best Wishes.

Answered on Jun 21, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 14, 2024Hindi
I am 29 year old bengali female married to a Bihar guy. We know each other since college and we have been married for 3 years. Things began to turn bitter after few months of our marriage. My husband is a govt. Employee has seen extreme poverty in his childhood. I belong to upper middle class family. Both of our parents were against our marriage. Now his family especially mother pressurise him for money that is beyond our reach. She thinks I stop him to give money. She constantly abuses my husband. He has two elder brother who are good for nothing,both are married have kids and even they expect financial help from us. I am very tensed we can't even think of spending a penny for our personal enjoyment. My husband understands all these but everytime falls into prey of my MIL'S emotional drama. She fakes illness or fights for money. I can't even share this with my family.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

I am very sorry to hear that you are in such a situation. It is indeed a very complex situation. Financial troubles can disrupt marital bliss. But it has to be addressed, even if it leads to conflicts. Speak to your husband about your concerns. Politely tell him that his family's demands and his response to them are causing a financial crisis in your home. Sit together and discuss how much financial support can you provide to his family and what's beyond reasonable. Have a monthly budget and since his family will continue asking for money, keep some money (what you have decided together) for the same. Keep an emergency fund and most importantly, have a decent amount of savings.

After all these discussions, if things still don't change, consider going for marriage counseling. You gave up an affluent life to be with him; he can surely give up certain things that are clearly unreasonable. A third neutral party can point this out without you having to say it.

You can also suggest your husband push his family members to get better jobs so that they can provide for themselves. Besides everything, don't forget to take care of yourself. Be in touch with your family and share your worries with someone close to you. And maintain regular check-ins with your husband. It can't be easy on him either.

Best Wishes.

Answered on Jun 19, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 19, 2024Hindi
Actually I like a girl but she had made me her brother my tieing a rakhi but way we speak to each other than we are meant to be but by expressing by love our bond might get broken so i thought that person is more important than my feelings. I don't express it.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

It is important to understand why she decided to have a brotherly relationship with you. Was it because she was not allowed to speak freely with you otherwise? Was it external pressure? Was she starting to understand that you like her and she did not want to mislead you? Or is the explanation as simple as her genuinely considering you her brother?

Now, what you can do in this situation is tell her that you don't think of her as a sister. It's the right thing to do. It's up to you if you want to confess your romantic feelings, but letting her know that your feelings towards her are anything but brotherly is important. Once it's out in the open, it's both of your choice how you want to proceed from there. You can remain friends, considering both of you are on board with the idea. Or this friendship might not survive the truth. It is just a mere suggestion. Think about it and don't forget, you are not obligated to play along as her brother because she decided to tie a rakhi.

I understand that it is absolutely terrible being friend-zoned or bro-zoned by someone you like, but if they truly don't reciprocate your feelings, there is nothing much you can do about it. Trying to convince someone to love you is not what you deserve. You should focus on other things and try moving on. You deserve someone who loves you as much as you love them. Wait for it.

Best Wishes.

Answered on Jun 18, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 17, 2024Hindi
Hey love Gurus I am 24 year old male. Well educated and decent looking. But i have never had a girlfriend not had i ever kissed a girl. I have also never bothered much on this until my 20 year of age. But now for past year or 2 it has started haunting me a bit because I am scared of what would happen when i get married. I don't have any sort of experience and this scares me. I know it's too early to think of marriage but still I feel low when this topic comes to my mind. Please guide me. I really need a good advice Is it that I am thinking too much?
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

It's totally normal to feel anxious about the future and any relationship to come your way in the future. Here are some advice-

• Be kind to yourself. You are not alone in this. Not everyone moves at the same pace. Some start dating early, some start late. Some have more experience than others. But everyone has to face firsts. While it is natural to feel anxious, with the right partner and at the right timeline, things often tend to work out better than we imagine.
• Focus on building confidence. You are more than your dating experience. Pursue a hobby, socialize, work on developing new skills, work to improve your body and mind. Everything in turn will increase your confidence level.
• Educate yourself. You can read books on anxiety or if you have a clear idea of what about a relationship or what about marriage is making you conscious, you can educate yourself on that part. What is known to us, rarely makes us feel anxious. We mostly fear the unknown.
• For your future first relationship- take it slow. Communicate. What you are comfortable with, what you aren't, communicate everything.
• If your anxiety is interfering with your day-to-day activity, I recommend seeing a professional. It's still early and nipped in the bud, this anxiety will lead to nothing serious. But if you let it take root, it might be more difficult to manage.

Understand that it is okay where you are. Also, as you mentioned, you are too young to worry about it. But since you are already worrying, I am glad that you seeked help.

Best Wishes.

Answered on Jun 14, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 07, 2024Hindi
Hi I am a 35-year-old woman and my husband is 45. we are made for each other couple. we love each other and we do not have any compatibility issues except in romance. he is not very romantic and even throughout my younger years I was also not very romantic and immersed myself in studies and career. He is not very active in sex also. A few years back I told him that I wanted to be romantic after marriage and now we are not, so I missed my college and early office days when I was in my prime and could have been romantically involved with guys. Since I look very young even at 35, he suggested that I still can move around with guys and get romantic and I need not miss anything even now. though initially declining the offer, I moved a little freely toward men, mostly colleagues, and a few social club members. I encouraged late-night messages, coffee meets, movies, etc. I update my husband on every single event that happens. ex, if I went to a movie with a colleague, I will message my hubby " We kissed", if that happened. he encourages me so much and is happy with whatever is happening, cutting a long story short. though I didn't think it would go so far, I am now romantically very active. soft romance-like messages I do with many. Dating I don't say no to my known circle like colleagues, ex-colleagues, college mates, etc and almost 2-3 times a week I end up dating someone in a coffee shop, pub, or a long drive. A few times I initiate a date too. and I must confess that I have regular intimacy with four young men, all from the same office where I work. I have never hidden anything from my hubby and give a complete account every day. I offered to stop everything any moment he said. but he told me till age is there enjoy life!. I am emotionally connected to my husband only and I do all my responsibilities as a woman. Our relationship has grown manifold. My only question is, am I exploiting my husband's innocence or does he have a cuckold fantasy? If I continue the way I continue with no harm to anyone, can I keep doing it ( I love to). or I should stop at once?
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

After reading your question I understood that your partner and you have, what we call, an open relationship. As long as both partners are okay with the dynamics of it, and no one is emotionally hurt, or resisting, it should be okay. It isn't exploitation if your husband himself encourages you. You are both consenting adults and not harming each other or anyone else. As for your question, if he has a cuckold fantasy, that is something you should discuss with your husband. An open discussion is better than speculation. Also, at any time if you suspect that your husband is growing concerned about the nature of your relationship, ask him directly. It can help avoid misunderstandings.

Best Wishes

Answered on Jun 14, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 16, 2024Hindi
Hello sir mai 28 year ki hoo mai abhi llb kar rahi hoo mai last 7 year se relationship mai hoo vo mujse 25 year bade hai saruaat 1 to 2 year inhone muje bhot priorities di ab hum 3 to 4 month mai kabhi milte hai hum dono alag alag city mai hai unki bhot badi family hai or finincially bhi problem chal rahi hai last 3 yaer se vo.muje priority nai de rahe hum.roj bat karte hai vo mera khyal bhi rakhte hai lekin muje unse ab dur nai hona mene sadi na karne ka decisions Liya hai lekin kitni bar bhot akela feel karti hoo vo muje itna time nai dete phele jaisa nai hai aisa lagta hai.fir vo ku6 help kar de ya pyar se bat bhi kar le.to.lagta hai sab theek hai mai.bhot confused hoo mai.kya karu muje kya karna chahiye ..
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

Dating someone older than you is not the problem, but the fact that you are making major life decisions based on what he wants and doesn't want is concerning. I am guessing that you decided to not get married because he doesn't want it either. Is that fair to you? You yourself mentioned that you often feel lonely. Don't you think you deserve better? Don't you deserve someone who would love you and would like to spend the rest of their life with you? Please reconsider this relationship. Speak to your partner and ask him what his plans are for the future. Does he want to settle down with you? How will you two continue this relationship in the future? There are many important questions that need answering. Sort them out and you will have the solution to your dilemma.

Best Wishes.

Answered on Jun 07, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 06, 2024Hindi
I'm Actually what happened was, I have my friend a week before, we had our great friendship for a couple of days, as cuz she is new in the hostel she don't know anyone so I'm her 1st friend, level of friendship is like she spends almost 16-17 hrs of the day with me like from morning 8 to night 1-2 pm She is sleeping or doing her stuffs all the time and I'm doing my online lectures and studying with her After a couple of days a guy, being jealous of me, tell her bad things about me (badbitching), Then she started GHOSTING me Now neither she came to talk to me nor i go Now I'm in dilemma whether i should go to talk to her or leave her Or should i tell my friend to talk to her Bcuz, i dont want to lose her Kindly help me to get out of the dillemaaaa????
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

I am sorry that you are being ghosted by someone you thought was a friend. You have two options- one, you wait and watch if she comes around. Two, give one shot at having an open dialogue with her. You can directly ask her what has happened and if she mentions the things she heard about you, you can try and clear it up. Now, she might not want to speak to you owing to whatever it is that she heard. I suggest not trying to convince her because it is her choice and you should not be intruding. Moreover, a real friend would have asked you about the things she heard, instead of ghosting you. It is not on you to clear your name, especially when you have not done those things. Aim for better friendships instead of trying to fix the new ones that did not turn out the way you wanted them to.

Best wishes.

Answered on Jun 06, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 02, 2024Hindi
My name is Faraha. Don't want to share my last name. I am 25 year old and working in a MNC in Bangalore. I met a guy at office who is a Hindu and we fell in love. It has been 1 years since we are into relationship, we both have agreed to become life partner and both have agreed not change religion and continue living as we are now. My parents are looking for alliance for me and they want to marry me off to a cousin working in middle East. I am not at all interested as well grew up together as a brother and sister and I have no feeling towards him. My mother tried to convenience me saying things will be better after marriage, and I dnt have courage enough to tell them about my relationship at work. I don't want to marry against my will and at the same time I don't want to break my parents heart. How do I come out of this situation? Please advice ..I have no rights to take decision on my life partner like other woman has? Why am I being published? I just want to marry the guy I love ...
Ans: Dear Faraha,

I am so sorry that you are in a situation where you feel you have no right to choose your own partner. I understand your dilemma. The only advice I can give right now is you speak to your parents about your wish not to marry the man they found for you. You can be honest and tell them your concerns. If you are not ready to disclose your relationship right now, that is okay. But the important thing is to not get forced into marrying someone you are neither attracted to nor comfortable with; you are an adult and you have every right to choose your partner. Having said that, I know how incredibly difficult it can be to convince parents. Clear and open communication is the only way. Once you can convince them to not go forward with this current alliance, you can slowly bring up the matter of your relationship. Not right away, but once things have cooled down a bit. I hope everything works out for you.

Best Wishes.

Answered on Jun 06, 2024

I am 25 yrs old software engineer. I fell in love with 29 yrs old girl who is my online friend. I have already confessed her about my feelings. She don't have any feelings for me but on asking she shows some confusion as If in future she might think about me and she says she wants to focus on herself. She also had a break up few months back with her bf. Now she is so much irritated that she asked space for 2 months now from me. She doesnt give me a clear no. what should i do next and how can i make her feel for myself as she consider me a good person? Also what does she want in her head?
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

I am sorry that you are in this situation. Asking for space in a relationship is completely alright, but doing so because they are irritated is not a sign of a healthy relationship. Moreover, in my experience, if a person does not give a clear yes or no, they are not sure about you and they will keep you on the hook as an option. What will happen after? They might find someone whom they believe is better than you, and they will move on. And you, on the other hand, will be left heartbroken and would have wasted precious years of your life when you could have been enjoying your life or even falling in love with someone who is sure about you. So take my advice, and instead of trying to convince her that you are good, focus on yourself, just the way she is focusing on herself. You deserve a person who isn't confused or finds your company irritating. I am sure she is amazing, but so are you.

Best Wishes.

Answered on Jun 03, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 31, 2024Hindi
I am in 6 years relationship with my girlfriend. Recently I don't feel the vibes with my girlfriend. She judges me a lot in each aspect, I can adjust upto certain limits, but she other 3-4 days finds a reason to get upset about me. We patch up only if I win her over , this has happened a couple of 100 times. Please suggest, I am getting this feeling that I must chase something better. I have talked with her , that if she doesn't like me then marry other guy. She says, it's my decision, you don't teach me anything. After few days she becomes normal. What should I do , I m confused.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

I am sorry that you are facing these problems. First of all, the spark fizzling out in a relationship is very normal, especially in a long-term relationship. You have two options-

One- tell her about your concerns. The fact that the constant quarrels bother you should be expressed in words. You can't assume that your partner will get it by herself. After having a clear discussion about the same, both of you can put equal effort into bringing back the initial spark. Try spending more quality time, pursue some shared hobbies, learn to problem-solve without getting into a heated fight, and more.

Two- you can reconsider this relationship. Once you have tried everything from your end to make things better and tried to reason with your partner but she is still keeping up the same temperament or you are still facing the same issues, you are allowed to rethink your choice to be with her. It's okay to put yourself first once in a while. It is a relationship today; tomorrow it will be a marriage and if things are still not going great, both of you might end up regretting it.

But before going to the second option, try the first.

Best Wishes.

Answered on Jun 03, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 01, 2024Hindi
Hi. I am female. I got attracted to this male. But it is not that much enough to fall in love. My friends thought that we will make a good pair. They kinda told me that he was in love with me for past one year. Due to the workplace he didnt reciprocate and to the close dates of my resignation due to my friends i told him that we can talk like a friends and we have to go with the flow. As of now we are talking and he is good. But still i am in dilemma. Due to my fear i told him that we wont work out and i stopped the conversation. But after some days he iniated the conversation and started to develop like a general talk. Later i told him that i liked him partially but not fully. He said that he will wait till i become comfortable. I dont have the oppurtunity to go out with him we are completely in chatting only. Sometimes i feel happy to chat with him but sometimes i dont feel anything i just feel numb. This is the first time for me in all the stuff. I told about this to my brother he didnt liked him. He know about my msgs and everything. But sometimes i think that i need better person than him but sometimes i need him. So what should i do?
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

Seems like you are not quite in love with this person. Not everyone experiences love at first sight. Some love stories grow over time. You can try spending some more time with him and see where it goes. But if you are not satisfied with how strongly you feel for him or if you continue to feel that you deserve better, I strongly recommend giving it a thought. You don't want to settle for less out of peer pressure. And it would not be right to drag him and give him hope, especially since he has feelings for you.

There is no need to rush. Take your time. Think about it with a clear mind and make a choice.

Best Wishes.
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