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Anu Krishna  |982 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jun 17, 2024

Anu Krishna is a mind coach and relationship expert.
The co-founder of Unfear Changemakers LLP, she has received her neuro linguistic programming training from National Federation of NeuroLinguistic Programming, USA, and her energy work specialisation from the Institute for Inner Studies, Manila.
She is an executive member of the Indian Association of Adolescent Health.... more
Jay Question by Jay on Jun 16, 2024Hindi

I need advice on how to keep my wife and mom from fighting so much. We are currently staying with my mom due to her having so many health issues. It doesnt help that 3 people are living in a small camper with no privacy. I know most of that is the issue but im afraid to leave my mom alone but she doesn't want to move to a bigger place. I work about 50 hours a week and cannot mediate between them. Ive tried both talking to them separately and together. My mom says my wife does things to intentionally annoy her and my wife says my mom is to controlling. Im trapped in the middle because no matter what i do or say im defending someone. Help please..

Ans: Dear Jay,
Two grown-ups must be allowed to deal with their unique relationship their way. The responsibility of how it turns out is theirs and not yours. So, honestly step back. The reason you possibly might want to play the peacemaker is you feel responsible towards your wife and your mother; please don't and stay off of it. The more you play this role, the more you make them dependent on you.
Yes, it's a difficult thing as a son to leave your mother especially with so many health issues, BUT is she physically incapable of caring for herself? Is it possible that she can live with a sibling of yours or any other family member for a few weeks? This gives you some breathing space and some time with your wife where you connect without the external challenges that are creeping into your relationship with her.
Also, this space will allow both the women to appreciate one another and also learn the valuable presence each has on the family. So, no more mediation BUT time to do something different with less talk and more results. Try this...of course, you need to be prepared to move on from this fear of leaving your mother alone which you are not...it's just requesting her to live with another family member (your sibling OR her sibling).
Slowly, you can bring up the topic of shifting to a larger space whereby each of you have some space from one another. First things first is to diffuse the tension between the two before suggesting any big changes. You can give this a shot, yeah?

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Anu Krishna  |982 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Feb 22, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Jan 30, 2023Hindi
Hi.I am a 35 year old married guy.Due to my Dad's health,me and my wife live with my parents.We have a 2 year old kid.The problem is my mom gets too involved with our lives,wants us to do everything that she wants and if we do not do them she gets angry and starts the usual emotional blackmail stuff .I have very politely asked her not to interfere but she still does not change. It has become extremely difficult staying with her. This has also started causing friction in my relationship with my wife. Me and my wife have our own place which is like 10 mins from my parents house. I have always thought it is better that we move back to our place but my mom is expecting that we stay with her until my dad recovers(which might take a long time). This is all causing me a lot of stress. What do i do?
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
If your own home is just 10 mins, why not actually shift out and manage things from there.
Every growing family like yours need space in terms of mind and physical space. And you do have the option of being close to your parents and caring for them as well, then why not?
Yes, your mother will emotionally blackmail and hold you to ransom, but never ever yield to it as that becomes a template for life whenever she wants something from you. So, take a wise decision, and consider that your wife needs your love, care and support for her to be able to stand by you.
Most often relationships grow and flourish maintaining a distance; being on the face all through the day and being available 24/7 does not mean that you are fulfilling your duties as a son. You can still do what you need to by engaging a nurse (if needed) and explain to your mother that you are going to be around, but just that you need to do that from your own home.
Initially, it will be met with resistance, but do the right thing. You will be successful at not only caring for your father but also forge healthier relationships between your family and your parents. Long-term thinking is necessary as well...
All the best!

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Anu Krishna  |982 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on May 19, 2023

Love Guru

Love Guru   |187 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert - Answered on Jan 09, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Nov 04, 2023Hindi
I got married in the year 2013 and it was an arranged marriage planned by my parents. I have only one sister who got married in the year 2012. My wife has some issues with my mother and my sister few months after I got married. The primary issue was that my mother and my sister do back biting about her on mobile phone. Although I always denied it and asked my wife to don't focus too much on it. However, last year my wife got call recordings from my mother's phone where my sister was talking meanly about my wife which even I did not like it. I called my wife and brother in law to my place to resolve the differences and it resulted in a better relationship. We recently moved to our newly built house and on the day of the function, my wife saw from a distance my mother and my sister talking to each other in a low tone. She thought they were again talking about her and she got angry. However, my mother denied it and said they were talking about some other issues. My sister came to our place few days after the function and my wife did not talk properly with her. That made my mother angry and she in turn did not talk well with my mother in law who came to our house just recently. Now my wife and mother don't talk to each other and the vibes are quite bad when I enter the house. What can I do to make these complex relations work better?
Ans: What you could have done when you got married was move into your own home. Instead, when you got the chance to move to a new residence, you opted to live with your parents yet again! This ridiculous patriarchal mentality of a woman having to adjust to her husband’s whole family is the cause of most marital strife! You want things to improve, put some distance between them and move out! Ever heard that absence makes the heart grow fonder?

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Rishta Guru  |7 Answers  |Ask -

Rishta Guru - Answered on Feb 14, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Feb 13, 2024Hindi
I have had an arranged marriage two years ago. My wife was chosen by my mother but now they just don’t like each other. They have nothing in common and are different in every way. I lost my father when I was a child and my mother has brought me up alone. I have no siblings. I love my wife and I love my mother. I want us to stay together as a happy family but I cannot bear the constant arguments and angry words in our home. What should I do?
Ans: Hi there. Thank you for writing in.

I can see that you're feeling distressed, caught between the two most important women in your life. This situation requires delicate navigating, open communication and prioritising your own well-being.

Every family is unique and there's no one-size-fits-all solution. Focus on understanding, respect and finding common ground.
Remember that your wife has come from a different family and is trying to become a part of her new one. She is readjusting every aspect of her life.

At the same time, be respectful of your mother’s beliefs and needs.

Remain patient, communicate openly and seek support when needed.

Here are some suggestions that might help:

a. Open and honest communication

1. Talk to your wife calmly about the situation.

Share your concerns about the tension and express your desire for peace and happiness.

See if she's willing to try to build a more amicable relationship with your mother, even if they don't become best friends.

Encourage her to show respect to your mother while maintaining her own boundaries and identity.

2. Do the same with your mother. Express your love and gratitude for her efforts but also your discomfort with the ongoing conflict.

Encourage her to try understanding your wife's perspective and consider setting boundaries to allow each other space.

b. Focus on respect and understanding

Encourage both your wife and mother to recognise each other's strengths and differences.

Remind them that while everyone does not need to get along perfectly, respect is essential.

Encourage them to focus on appreciating each other's qualities and contributions to the family.

A harmonious family environment benefits everyone, including the next generation (if any).

c. Setting boundaries

Discuss and establish clear boundaries with both your wife and mother regarding acceptable interaction and communication styles.

This could involve avoiding certain topics or having separate conversations when tension arises.

d. Consider involving a trusted elder to mediate between your wife and mother.

e. Remain open to finding compromises that consider everyone's needs and comfort levels.

This may involve adjusting living arrangements, sharing household responsibilities differently or finding common ground about shared activities.

f. This situation won’t have a quick fix so be patient and consistent in your efforts.

Focus on individual accountability; encourage both your wife and mother to take responsibility for their actions and communication styles.

Prioritise respectful co-existence. While a close relationship may not be possible, respectful co-existence is crucial for a peaceful family environment.

Remember, you cannot control their behaviour, but you can control how you react.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4050 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 26, 2024

I am a Railway employee, my monthly salary is approx 38000. I have a personal loan of monthly emi 17000 and it's outstanding amount 490000 about remaining 40 months. I have also invest 9000(5000 RD + 4000 MF) for my marriage in first of 2026 . My total expenditure ={ 23000 ( including loan emi) and invest 9000 for marriage and 7000 for try to prepayment to loan }= 39000 My next plan build my house take a home loan about 15 lakh and try to prepayment my personal loan with extra emi 7000 but it takes 20 months, I want to take home loan in next year 2025 about 8 month later, so I try to close my personal loan as early as possible in each month with extra emi. But can't get the result at proper time. what should I do ? And Ami I going in right path? Pls suggest me
Ans: I see you're working hard to manage your finances and future goals. Let's look at how you can achieve your plans effectively.

Understanding Your Current Financial Situation
First, let's break down your current financial position:

Monthly Salary: Rs. 38,000
Personal Loan EMI: Rs. 17,000
Personal Loan Outstanding: Rs. 4,90,000 (40 months remaining)
Monthly Investments: Rs. 9,000 (RD and MF)
Total Monthly Expenditure: Rs. 23,000 (including loan EMI)
Additional EMI for Loan Prepayment: Rs. 7,000
You have a clear goal: to close your personal loan as early as possible and take a home loan next year.

Loan Repayment Strategy
Focus on Personal Loan Prepayment
You're already paying Rs. 7,000 extra towards your personal loan each month. This is a good step. By prepaying, you're reducing the interest burden. However, it may not close the loan as quickly as you hope.

Increase Prepayment Amount
If possible, try to increase the prepayment amount. Even a small increase can significantly reduce the loan tenure. Check if you can cut some discretionary expenses temporarily to allocate more towards prepayment.

Lump Sum Payments
Whenever you receive any extra income, such as bonuses or gifts, use it for lump sum payments towards your personal loan. This will further reduce your outstanding amount.

Investment Strategy
Balancing Loan Repayment and Investments
You’re investing Rs. 9,000 monthly (Rs. 5,000 in RD and Rs. 4,000 in MF) for your marriage in 2026. This is important, but your immediate priority is clearing the personal loan.

Temporarily Redirect Investments
Consider temporarily redirecting some of your investments towards loan prepayment. For instance, reduce RD and MF contributions slightly and use this amount for prepayment. Once the loan is cleared, you can increase your investments again.

Continue Some Investments
It’s essential to continue some investments for your marriage goal. Don’t stop investing completely, as this goal is also crucial.

Planning for the Home Loan
Timing of Home Loan
You plan to take a home loan in 2025. Clearing your personal loan before that is wise. This will improve your credit score and reduce financial stress.

Home Loan Amount
Plan your home loan amount carefully. Ensure the EMI is manageable within your monthly budget. Avoid over-borrowing to keep financial stress low.

Save for Down Payment
Start saving for the down payment of your home loan. Typically, lenders require a down payment of 20% of the home’s value. This will reduce your loan amount and EMI.

Building an Emergency Fund
Importance of Emergency Fund
An emergency fund is crucial to handle unexpected expenses without disrupting your financial plans. Aim to save at least 3-6 months’ worth of expenses.

Gradual Savings
Start small. Save a portion of your salary each month towards the emergency fund. You can increase this amount once your personal loan is cleared.

Ensuring Financial Stability
Budgeting and Expense Management
Create a detailed budget to track your income and expenses. Identify areas where you can cut costs. This will free up more money for loan repayment and savings.

Avoid New Debt
Avoid taking any new loans or credit until your personal loan is cleared and you have a stable financial situation. This will help you stay on track with your goals.

Regular Financial Reviews
Monitor Progress
Regularly review your financial situation. Check your loan balance, investment growth, and budget adherence. This will help you stay focused and make necessary adjustments.

Seek Professional Guidance
Consider consulting a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) for personalized advice. They can provide insights tailored to your situation and help you achieve your goals efficiently.

Evaluating Investment Options
Avoid Index Funds
Index funds might seem attractive but they have limitations. They may not beat inflation or provide superior returns consistently. Actively managed funds, with professional management, can offer better returns and adapt to market changes.

Benefits of Regular Funds
Direct funds require active management and market knowledge. Investing through a Mutual Fund Distributor (MFD) with CFP credentials offers professional guidance and better fund selection. This can lead to better performance and peace of mind.

Final Insights
You’re on the right path with a clear focus on your financial goals. Prioritizing loan repayment is wise, but balancing investments for your future goals is also essential.

Increase your prepayment amount if possible and consider redirecting some investments temporarily. Regularly review your financial situation and seek professional advice if needed. You’re doing great, and with some adjustments, you’ll achieve your goals effectively.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP

Chief Financial Planner


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