Stressed Mtech Student with 4+ yrs of experience in IT, should I quit?
Ans: It sounds like you’re in a challenging phase, feeling stretched between your job and the demands of your M.Tech program. The pressure of assignments, labs, quizzes, and exams is making you question whether this was the right decision, and the financial penalty of quitting adds another layer of stress. But before making a decision, let’s take a step back and reflect.
What was your initial motivation for enrolling in this program? Was it career growth, a passion for learning, or future stability? Do those reasons still matter to you, or has your perspective changed? Sometimes, when we’re overwhelmed, we forget why we started. Reconnecting with that purpose can help clarify whether the struggle is worth it. Another important question is: What exactly is overwhelming you? Is it a lack of time, the workload, or the fear of burnout? If better systems were in place—like structured time blocks, prioritization, or external support - would it still feel unmanageable? It’s also important to define what success looks like for you. If you push through, where do you see yourself in two years? If you quit, what’s the alternative, and are you comfortable with the financial and career implications? Finally, have you explored all possible support systems - mentors, colleagues, or even university resources - to lighten the load?
Decisions like this aren’t just about choosing between two options; they’re about understanding what truly matters to you and what sacrifices you’re willing to make. Rather than focusing on whether you should continue or quit, ask yourself: What would make this journey easier? What changes, however small, could help you regain control? You don’t have to find all the answers today, but you do need to start asking the right questions.
Wishing you success,
Aamish Dhingra
ICF-PCC Certified Life Coach
Co-Founder, Cocoweave Coaching International, Delhi