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Rishta Guru

Rishta Guru 

7 Answers | 1 Follower

Rishta Guru is a relationship expert whose advice goes beyond romance. Rishta Guru can also guide you about the problems you face at home, with your friends, in your building, at your educational institution or at your workplace.... more

Answered on Feb 21, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Feb 15, 2024Hindi
My 13-year-old son is starting to ask questions about sex and relationships. While I want to be open and honest, I'm unsure how to navigate these sensitive conversations and ensure he has accurate information and make healthy choices.
Ans: Hi. Thank you for asking this important question.

While navigating conversations about sex and relationships with your 13-year-old son can be challenging, these kinds of conversations are crucial.

Here are some tips that might help:

Create an open environment: Let your son know that he can come to you with any questions or concerns about sex and relationships without fear of judgment or punishment. Ensure that he feels comfortable discussing these topics with you.

Be honest and age-appropriate: Provide accurate information in a way that is appropriate for his age and level of understanding. Start with the basics and gradually introduce more complex topics as he grows older.

Use proper terminology: Use correct anatomical terms when discussing body parts and functions. This helps to reduce the stigma and confusion around these topics.

Listen actively: Pay attention to your son's questions and concerns. Let him know that his thoughts and emotions are important and normal.

Encourage critical thinking: Help your son think critically about media portrayals of sex and relationships and how they may differ from reality. Discuss issues like consent, respect for the opposite sex and healthy boundaries.

Inculcate values and beliefs: Talk about your family's values regarding sex, relationships and intimacy. Discuss topics such as mutual respect, consent and the emotional aspects of relationships.

Provide resources: Offer books and other resources that provide reliable information about puberty, sex and relationships. This can supplement your conversations and give your son additional information to explore on his own.

Set clear boundaries: Discuss the importance of setting boundaries in relationships and respecting the boundaries of others. Teach him to recognise and assert his own boundaries in various situations.

Educate him about peer pressure and risky behaviour: Talk to your son about peer pressure and how to make informed decisions, especially when it comes to risky behaviour like unprotected sex.

Remember, these conversations are part of a larger ongoing dialogue about sex, relationships and personal development. By being open, honest and supportive, you can help your son navigate these topics in a healthy and informed manner.

All the best.

Answered on Feb 15, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Feb 15, 2024Hindi
My friend, let’s call him A, and I have been very, very good friends for seven years now. Suddenly, one day, he told me he loves me. I was shocked. I did not know how to react and I walked away. It has been a week and we haven’t spoken to each other; rather, I haven’t spoken to him though he smiles at me whenever we see each other in college. He has messaged me but I have not acknowledged it. He said it’s okay if I do not want a relationship, we can be friends. He’s a really great guy, one of the nicest people I have met. I am not ready for a relationship with anyone and definitely not with him. There are things I want to do, a career to achieve, before I think about a relationship. But he’s a great friend, one of my best buddies but I don’t love him like that and I don’t think I ever will. What should I do? I am very unhappy. I feel that if we go back to being friends things will never be the same again.
Ans: Hi. Thank you for writing in.

I can understand that you feel shocked and unsure about how to react when a close friend suddenly confesses his feelings, especially when you don't reciprocate them.

Here are some steps you can consider:

1. Have an honest conversation with A

It's important to communicate your feelings clearly to A. While avoiding him or ignoring his messages may seem easier, it can prolong the tension and create unnecessary hurt. Choose a quiet place where you can talk freely and avoid distractions.

Express your appreciation for his friendship and honesty. Explain that you value him as a friend but don't have romantic feelings for him. Be clear and direct about your desire not to be in a relationship at this time.

Acknowledge that things might feel different after this conversation but emphasise your desire to maintain the friendship if possible. Be open to hearing his perspective as well.

2. Set boundaries

If A's behaviour makes you uncomfortable or gives you mixed signals, politely but firmly set boundaries. This could involve reducing one-on-one time and being direct about topics you're not comfortable discussing.

3. Allow time and space

Processing emotional situations takes time. Both you and A need space to adjust to the changed dynamic. Give yourselves the space to reflect and understand your own feelings.

4. Seek support

Talking to a trusted friend or family member can help you navigate this complex situation and process your emotions.

True friendship can sometimes withstand difficult conversations and honest communication. While the dynamics might change, it's possible to maintain a respectful and supportive friendship.

Answered on Feb 14, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Feb 13, 2024Hindi
I have had an arranged marriage two years ago. My wife was chosen by my mother but now they just don’t like each other. They have nothing in common and are different in every way. I lost my father when I was a child and my mother has brought me up alone. I have no siblings. I love my wife and I love my mother. I want us to stay together as a happy family but I cannot bear the constant arguments and angry words in our home. What should I do?
Ans: Hi there. Thank you for writing in.

I can see that you're feeling distressed, caught between the two most important women in your life. This situation requires delicate navigating, open communication and prioritising your own well-being.

Every family is unique and there's no one-size-fits-all solution. Focus on understanding, respect and finding common ground.
Remember that your wife has come from a different family and is trying to become a part of her new one. She is readjusting every aspect of her life.

At the same time, be respectful of your mother’s beliefs and needs.

Remain patient, communicate openly and seek support when needed.

Here are some suggestions that might help:

a. Open and honest communication

1. Talk to your wife calmly about the situation.

Share your concerns about the tension and express your desire for peace and happiness.

See if she's willing to try to build a more amicable relationship with your mother, even if they don't become best friends.

Encourage her to show respect to your mother while maintaining her own boundaries and identity.

2. Do the same with your mother. Express your love and gratitude for her efforts but also your discomfort with the ongoing conflict.

Encourage her to try understanding your wife's perspective and consider setting boundaries to allow each other space.

b. Focus on respect and understanding

Encourage both your wife and mother to recognise each other's strengths and differences.

Remind them that while everyone does not need to get along perfectly, respect is essential.

Encourage them to focus on appreciating each other's qualities and contributions to the family.

A harmonious family environment benefits everyone, including the next generation (if any).

c. Setting boundaries

Discuss and establish clear boundaries with both your wife and mother regarding acceptable interaction and communication styles.

This could involve avoiding certain topics or having separate conversations when tension arises.

d. Consider involving a trusted elder to mediate between your wife and mother.

e. Remain open to finding compromises that consider everyone's needs and comfort levels.

This may involve adjusting living arrangements, sharing household responsibilities differently or finding common ground about shared activities.

f. This situation won’t have a quick fix so be patient and consistent in your efforts.

Focus on individual accountability; encourage both your wife and mother to take responsibility for their actions and communication styles.

Prioritise respectful co-existence. While a close relationship may not be possible, respectful co-existence is crucial for a peaceful family environment.

Remember, you cannot control their behaviour, but you can control how you react.

Answered on Feb 13, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Feb 13, 2024Hindi
My 14-year-old lied about going to a friend's house and snuck out to attend a party without permission. He also recently admitted to experimenting with vaping. I'm feeling hurt, disappointed and scared. How can I set clear boundaries and help him make responsible choices?
Ans: Hello. As a parent, I can understand your hurt, disappointment and fear.

It's natural to feel betrayed when your child deceives you and engages in risky behaviour.

Here are some steps you can take to set clear boundaries and help your 14-year-old make responsible choices:

1. Talk about the lies and sneaking out

Once you've calmed down, initiate a conversation without yelling or shaming. Explain how his actions have affected you and why trust is crucial in your relationship.

Set consequences. Grounding or restricting technology access are some options. Be clear about the duration and expectations.

Encourage him to express his feelings and motivation for sneaking out. Listen actively without judgment and validate his emotions.

Emphasise safety. Address the dangers of unsupervised parties and explain why knowing his whereabouts is important for his safety and your peace of mind.

2. Address the vaping

Stay informed. Educate yourself about the risks of vaping, its health impacts, and potential addiction.
Have an open conversation. Discuss the dangers of vaping openly and calmly. Share your concerns and listen to his reasons for trying it.

Set clear expectations. Clearly state your disapproval about vaping. Explain the consequences of continuing, emphasizing both health and disciplinary considerations. Ask him to stop doing it.

Let him know you're there to help him quit the habit. Explore resources like hotlines, support groups or therapists specialising in teen substance abuse.

3. What you can also do

Have a safe space for open communication where he can express his thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment. Regular, open communication builds trust and allows you to guide him through challenges.

Establish clear expectations for behaviour, homework, chores and technology use. Discuss them openly and ensure he understands the reasoning behind them.

Acknowledge and praise responsible choices and positive behaviour. Reinforce positive actions to encourage him to make good decisions.

Teach him healthy coping mechanisms for stress, peer pressure and difficult emotions. Encourage activities like sports, hobbies or creative outlets.

Lead by example. Be mindful of your own behaviour and choices. Teens learn by observing so be conscious about how you behave.

Remember, this process takes time and patience. Be consistent, stay calm and be open to working together with your son to build trust and encourage responsible choices. If you feel overwhelmed or need additional support, seeking professional guidance from a family therapist or counsellor can be very helpful.

Answered on Feb 12, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Feb 12, 2024Hindi
There is news of so many celeb divorces in the news. Marriages are so much more challenging these days. What is the secret to a good relationship between a husband and wife? How to make sure a marriage is long lasting?
Ans: Hello.
I can understand your worry.
It’s important to remember that celebrities are humans like the rest of us and face their own problem. At the same time, do also remember that many celebrities have marriages that have lasted decades and continue to flourish.
As a couple, you can build a strong, lasting relationship through effort and commitment. While guaranteeing a marriage's longevity is impossible, there are certainly qualities and actions that contribute to healthier relationships.
1. Strong communication:
Be open and honest. Share your thoughts, feelings and needs with your partner and ask them to share with you as well.
Be respectful and empathetic when you listen to their perspective. Don’t interrupt. Don’t judge.
2. Healthy conflict resolution
Learn to disagree respectfully and constructively.
You may have read/heard this before but it is important that you remember this. During these kinds of conversations in particular, avoid blame, personal attacks and bringing up past issues. Seek solutions together rather than trying to ‘win’ arguments.
3. Be kind, be respectful. Appreciate what you partner does
Treat each other with kindness.
Acknowledge and appreciate each other's contributions to the relationship and express gratitude regularly.
Respect individual differences and boundaries. Allow space for each other's individual interests and pursuits.
Support each other's goals and dreams. Be each other's cheerleaders and encourage personal growth.
4. Quality time and intimacy:
Make time for each other as a couple doing something you both enjoy. This time does not include daily routines and responsibilities.
Nurture physical intimacy in ways that feel comfortable and fulfilling for both partners.
Maintain emotional intimacy by sharing experiences, vulnerabilities and dreams.
Try your best understand your partner’s emotional needs.
5. Shared values and goals
Have open and honest conversations about your core values and long-term goals.
Work together towards achieving shared goals and dreams. Support each other's individual goals as well, even if they differ slightly.
Be adaptable and willing to grow together. Life experiences and individual needs may change over time, so be prepared to adjust and support each other's evolution.
6. Professional help
Seek professional help from a therapist or counsellor if you're facing challenges in communication, conflict resolution or other areas of your relationship.
Therapy can provide a safe space to explore issues and develop healthier communication and coping skills.
Remember, every relationship is unique and what works for one couple might not work for another. The key is to nurture your relationship, communicate openly and honestly and be willing to adapt and grow together.
It's also important to acknowledge that, even with best efforts, challenges may arise and sometimes relationships end. If you find yourself struggling, remember that seeking professional help or ending a relationship that is no longer healthy can be positive steps towards personal growth and future happiness.

Answered on Feb 01, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Feb 01, 2024Hindi
We have been married for two years and in loving relationship before that for two years. My problem is that the love has changed. My husband is no longer the same kind of romantic person. He loves me, he says I love you but the romance is missing. We both work and when we reach home all kinds of practical talks only happens. He is thoughtful, shares the housework, looks after all my needs but I really miss the romantic part that was there earlier and sometimes it makes me irritated and rude. I have tried telling him but he says love changes with time, we are married now and responsible for ourselves. My sister thinks I am being silly but I don’t agree. Why should we have to give up romance? Isn’t it an important part of our life?
Ans: Hi. I understand your frustration. It's completely natural to miss the early stage of romantic intensity in a long-term relationship.

And you're right, romance is an important part of a healthy marriage. It's perfectly valid to want to reignite that spark.

Here are some steps you can take to help your husband understand your concerns:

Communicate effectively

Focus on feelings, not accusations: Instead of saying "You're not romantic anymore!", share how his lack of romantic gestures makes you feel -- unloved, unappreciated, disconnected, unhappy, lonely, ...

Use "I" statements: Express your desire for more romance using phrases like "I would really appreciate it if...." or "I miss when we used to...." so that he does not feel he has to defend himself.

Actively listen to his perspective: Try to understand why he sees things differently. Perhaps work stress is affecting him or he does not know how to express his love differently.

Choose the right time and place: Avoid bringing it up when you're both tired or stressed. Pick a calm moment for a sincere conversation.

Brainstorm together

Instead of demanding specific gestures, discuss what "romance" means to both of you and brainstorm different ways he can express his love that resonate with you.

Schedule "romance time"

Block out dedicated time for romantic activities, even if it's just 30 minutes a week. Take turns planning dates, trying new things or revisiting activities you enjoyed earlier.

Acknowledge his efforts

Appreciate his non-romantic actions that show he cares, like sharing housework. Let him know these actions contribute to your overall feeling of love and security.

Consider professional help

If communication becomes difficult or you struggle to find common ground, consider seeking couples therapy. A therapist can provide a safe space for you both to express your needs and work towards solutions.

You’d get professional help when you are unwell or to file your taxes for example. Why not try it here as well if needed?


Love evolves: While the initial passion may change, a deep and meaningful love can grow stronger over time. Focus on nurturing that deeper connection alongside rekindling romantic gestures.

It's a two-way street: Be willing to put in effort as well. Show your appreciation for him, plan romantic gestures for him and be open to his ideas for expressing love.

Be patient: Rebuilding romance takes time and consistent effort. Celebrate small victories and focus on the progress you make together.

Your sister might not fully understand your perspective but your feelings are valid. Don't give up on the romance; instead, find new ways to keep it alive in your marriage.

All the best.

Answered on Jan 30, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jan 30, 2024Hindi
I have recently started my first job in Delhi. The male to female ratio in the office is 60-40. Though some of the girls are pretty but I would like to maintain a proper office decorum. Please guide me as to how can I approach my female colleagues in order to avoid any misunderstanding or walking the wrong path.
Ans: Hello. That’s a rather thoughtful question.

Approaching your female colleagues in a professional and respectful manner is crucial to fostering a healthy work environment.
Here are some tips that can help you avoid misunderstandings while interacting with them:

1. Professionalism First: Regardless of their gender, treat all colleagues with the same level of professionalism. Focus on building work relationships based on mutual respect and common goals.

2. Respect Personal Space: Be mindful of personal space and boundaries. Avoid invading someone's personal space. Be aware of cultural differences that may influence personal boundaries.

3. Use Inclusive Language: Use inclusive language that promotes a sense of equality. Avoid making gender-specific comments or assumptions. Focus on work-related topics and common interests.

4. Be Mindful of Body Language: Pay attention to non-verbal cues and body language. If someone appears uncomfortable, adjust your behavior accordingly. Respect signals indicating when someone may need space or is not interested in engaging in conversation.

5. If you feel the need to give compliments, keep them professional and work-related. Complimenting someone on their professional achievements or contributions is generally safe.

6. Avoid Personal topics: Refrain from discussing personal or sensitive topics, especially in the early stages of getting to know your colleagues. Stick to neutral subjects related to work or common interests.

7. Office Events and Social Gatherings: Participate in office events and social gatherings where you can interact with colleagues in a more relaxed setting. This can contribute to building positive relationships outside of the formal work environment.

8. Request Feedback: If you are unsure about your interactions or if you want to ensure that your behavior is appropriate, consider seeking feedback from colleagues or mentors. Constructive feedback can help you improve and navigate workplace dynamics more effectively.

Remember, the key is to be respectful, considerate and professional in all interactions.

Building positive relationships with your colleagues, irrespective of their gender, will contribute to a more inclusive and supportive work environment.

All the best!
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