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Anu Krishna  |1012 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jul 02, 2024

Anu Krishna is a mind coach and relationship expert.
The co-founder of Unfear Changemakers LLP, she has received her neuro linguistic programming training from National Federation of NeuroLinguistic Programming, USA, and her energy work specialisation from the Institute for Inner Studies, Manila.
She is an executive member of the Indian Association of Adolescent Health.... more
Samrat Question by Samrat on Jul 01, 2024Hindi

Thank u for your reply . Actually, I am helping my friend on his work . I think your right I focusing mostly on girls. I have got three takeaways from your answers. 1) if cheating happens there was never loved , it was merely some momentarily satisfaction 2) compatibility matters, 3) there is no specific rule. So , can you please tell me what could be those things that satisfy short term and what is compatibility in relationship?

Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Thank you for responding.
Short-term satisfaction is something that does not build much but it is important to have those moments like coffee dates, short vacations/trips, joining a gym together...
Compatibility is defined by value systems match. This value system is found in every area of our life right from food choices to intimacy to money matters to children...
These things require a clear discussion before a couple decides to make it official, well ideally...when these matters are never discussed, it definitely gives rise to issues later on in the relationship/marriage. Relationships require a lot of work to keep it going and it takes the effort from both partners to have an almost great relationship.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Anu Krishna  |1012 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Sep 28, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Sep 25, 2023Hindi
Is it ok to have sex before marriage? Some people say it's ok because in this generation having casual relationship is cool . But if we follow our religious aspect then this thing will be wrong and if we look in to our history then we see that earlier it was not in our culture but due to social media and Entertainment sources we slowly adapting the foreign culture, like this casual relationship or friends with benefits , all this has come from other countries . And my second question is that what is casual relationship and what is serious relationship ?
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Right or wrong is simply the way you look at the world. What is the lens that you wear to see the world?
That will define 'your right and your wrong'. Honestly, there is no right or wrong as it's all perception (the way your beliefs rule your thoughts will lead you to believe in right and wrong.)

Society has labeled something as wrong and generations down the line, it has been followed...whether anyone likes it or not simply because of the fear of being condemned. So, that's where sex before marriage falls under. Of course, it was also pushed down as way of controlling cross-mixing of genetic pools perhaps and maybe also to control the population and give children a stable home. Else, it would have been a free for all society which does have it's negative impact.
So, I am sure you know what it is for you and you don't require anyone telling you what you must do or not. Use your mind to do the thing that is right by you and others as well. Sometimes, it may align with the rule makers and sometimes it may go against and that's where every new generation comes in to challenge old thoughts. But be wary of recklessness and impulsive acts...they lead to quite a lot of confusion and aftermath.

Casual by the very word, can mean temporary or fluid with possibly no strings attached and serious is serious maybe leading to a commitment of some nature in a relationship.

All the best!

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Ravi Mittal  |241 Answers  |Ask -

Dating, Relationships Expert - Answered on May 20, 2024

Hello . I am Samrat and in past I have asked many questions. Recently I have gone through a lot of infidelity cases. The one thing that crosses my mind is that ", Are those people who cheat in their relationship have some common personality traits " , not everyone but most of them ? Because I used to think that anyone can cheat based on circumstances and no one should judge earlier whether one is cheater or not and neither all the cheater are necessarily bad persons. But the more I am delving into it the more I am getting a feeling that these are specific kind of person not all but most of them like they basically withdraw themselves from relationship no what his/her partner is doing for them. they are mostly self-centred etc. because if any reason can support their argument about cheating it should be apply to everyone. But as we all know both male and suffer but don't get indulge into such kind of activities. I request please respond Hope you're fine Regards Samrat
Ans: Hello Samrat,

That's an interesting take and thanks for sharing your thoughts. Infidelity is very complex and though inexcusable, there are certain circumstances when people are forced to make choices that they would not normally. For instance, couples in unhappy marriages are often seen cheating on their partners. Even though it's unethical, we don't have a clear idea of what pushed them to make such a decision. Having said that, I agree that you might be onto something- in fact, research shows that there are, at certain times, some common attributes in people who tend to cheat. Narcissism, commitment issues, impulsivity, and the like are often observed among people who indulge in infidelity.

But even though these traits might be common among some individuals, it does not apply to all. Situational factors should be weighed in before evaluating.

I hope this helps.

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Anu Krishna  |1012 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jul 04, 2024

I have concluded by myself that it has something to do with foundation of relationship. If both the partners have put much efforts and investment (emotionally and physically) , they are most likely to last long while others whose relationship have formed only on short term satisfaction of when one partner is only at receiving end the love will fade once satisfaction gone or the other partner stopped making efforts. And in most cases , I believe this is true . What do you think? Thank you for reply
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Simply put, a car moves only if all the wheels move together.
Marriage/relationship moves only if both partners move together. Sometimes, you encounter differences and then instead of blaming, you work together as one unit to resolve it.
So, instead of putting an age to a relationship, just work with the concept that: For any relationship to work, the people involved in it must want it for almost the same reasons and are willing to work their differences to keep the institution functioning well.
And you end up seeing this in people who are well settled in their marriages for a long time which means they have put in a lot of work into it. But that doesn't mean all marriages/relationships that have been going on for a while are working out well. People are good at hiding things like this. So, focusing on making a relationship work together may work better rather than thinking of what time point the marriage is at!

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4247 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 04, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 04, 2024Hindi
My wife and I are around 34 years old. Both are working in IT earning around 2.60l p.m. We have 2 kids(boys), one is studying 2nd class and the other one is 6 months old. Below are our expenditure and savings: Term insurance- 57k p.a for 6 years Life insurance -18k p.a for 6 yrs Own house(brought an independent house at 51l, now it costs - 1cr)-15l Home loan for next 3 years -47k p.m School and transportation fee for the elder boy -1.10l p.a Planning to send day care for a younger boy -20k p.m Monthly expenses -45k p.m Bought 3 plots at 40l(2 to 5 years back for incase any future needs) now costs 50l Our pf bal- around 23l till now Stocks- 7l(invested around 5l in 1 year , profit at 2l) Gold jewellery -220 grams Cash on hand 30l No additional medical insurance apart from the company provided (8l p.a) My wife is planning to work for the next 5 yrs, I will work for 10yrs(these are rough figures as we are working in IT). Need advice on following main things and also please provide suggestions on other things as well, how can we save and invest to get high returns so that we can secure our future financially: 1. Schooling and higher studies for 2 boys(Short and long term education plan for kids. With drawl based on the need in the emergency and pay, please suggest which scheme/plan suits for this). 2. Retirement plan(how can we plan, thinking to utilize here pf amount, suggest any other things as well). 3. Emergency Fund creation plan(where can we invest and withdraw if immediately required). 4. Medical health insurance after retirement(currently a company providing 16l from both of us, how can we plan for future medical emergencies for family). As we have coh 30l, is it worthy to take independent house g+1 -1.4cr (1.1 house loan with we can show tax benefit for both of us in future, 25k p.m rental income, thinking in such a way that it's useful for kids studies, later it may help as pension after retirement. Also in the future land prices may increase high.) or invest somewhere else to get high returns and withdrawal periodically based on our needs. Please provide your valuable suggestions on above 4 points and investment of coh 30l which gives us high returns. It helps us to organise things in a better way for our future. Thank you in advance.
Ans: You and your wife, both aged 34, are in a solid financial position, each earning Rs. 1.30 lakhs per month in the IT sector. You have two young children, one in 2nd class and the other just 6 months old. Your family’s financial situation involves various assets and liabilities, including real estate, stocks, gold, and insurance policies. You’ve taken significant steps to secure your future, but with some strategic guidance, you can optimise your financial planning further.

Financial Analysis
Income and Expenses
Monthly Income: Rs. 2.60 lakhs (combined)
Monthly Expenses: Rs. 45,000
Home Loan EMI: Rs. 47,000
Daycare Fees: Rs. 20,000
School Fees: Rs. 1.10 lakhs annually (approx. Rs. 9,167 monthly)
Term Insurance: Rs. 57,000 per annum
Life Insurance: Rs. 18,000 per annum
Home Value: Rs. 1 crore (current)
Plots Value: Rs. 50 lakhs
PF Balance: Rs. 23 lakhs
Stocks: Rs. 7 lakhs (profit Rs. 2 lakhs)
Gold: 220 grams
Cash on Hand: Rs. 30 lakhs
Home Loan Balance: Rs. 15 lakhs (3 years remaining)
Key Financial Goals
Children’s Education
Retirement Planning
Emergency Fund Creation
Medical Insurance Post-Retirement
Detailed Financial Planning
Children’s Education
Short-Term Education Plan

Your elder son’s school fees and upcoming daycare expenses for your younger son necessitate a dedicated fund. You can utilise short-term debt funds or fixed deposits for this purpose. These are low-risk options that ensure the money is available when needed without much volatility.

Debt Funds: These are mutual funds that invest in fixed income securities like bonds and treasury bills. They provide better returns than savings accounts and fixed deposits while maintaining low risk.
Fixed Deposits: These are safer but typically offer lower returns compared to debt funds. They are good for very short-term needs.
Long-Term Education Plan

For higher education, investing in equity mutual funds is advisable. Equity mutual funds offer high returns over a long period, making them suitable for goals that are 10-15 years away. Starting a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) in these funds can help in averaging the cost of investment and compounding over time.

Equity Mutual Funds: These funds invest in stocks and aim for high growth. While they are riskier, they also offer the potential for higher returns over the long term.
SIP: A Systematic Investment Plan allows you to invest a fixed amount regularly in mutual funds. It helps in averaging out the purchase cost and harnessing the power of compounding.
Recommended Strategy

Short-Term: Invest in debt funds or fixed deposits for immediate schooling needs.
Long-Term: Start SIPs in equity mutual funds for higher education goals.
Retirement Planning
Utilise PF Wisely

Your Provident Fund (PF) balance is a significant asset. Continue contributing to your PF, as it’s a safe and tax-efficient way to build your retirement corpus. The power of compounding will help grow this amount substantially by the time you retire.

Diversified Investment Portfolio

In addition to PF, consider diversifying into equity mutual funds for better growth. These funds provide higher returns compared to traditional savings schemes. Adding some balanced or hybrid funds can help mitigate risks while still aiming for growth.

Retirement Corpus Calculation

Estimate your retirement corpus considering your desired retirement age, lifestyle, and inflation. Use this to set a monthly investment target. Regularly review your investments and adjust your SIP amounts to ensure you stay on track to meet your retirement goals.

Balanced/Hybrid Funds: These funds invest in a mix of equity and debt. They are less risky than pure equity funds but offer better returns than debt funds.
Regular Review: Periodically assess your investments and adjust based on performance and changing financial goals.
Recommended Strategy

EPF/PPF: Continue contributions to your Employee Provident Fund (EPF) and consider opening a Public Provident Fund (PPF) for additional tax-saving benefits.
Mutual Funds: Invest in equity and balanced mutual funds via SIP.
Emergency Fund Creation
Importance of Emergency Fund

An emergency fund is essential for unexpected expenses like medical emergencies, job loss, or urgent home repairs. Aim to save 6-12 months of expenses.

Investment Options

Keep your emergency fund in liquid funds or a high-interest savings account. These options offer easy access and reasonable returns.

Steps to Build

Start by setting aside a fixed amount every month. Automate this transfer to ensure consistency. Use part of your current cash on hand (Rs. 30 lakhs) to create this fund.

Liquid Funds: These mutual funds invest in very short-term instruments and provide liquidity with better returns than savings accounts.
High-Interest Savings Accounts: Offer immediate access and higher interest rates compared to regular savings accounts.
Recommended Strategy

Target Amount: Save 6-12 months of living expenses in liquid and easily accessible funds.
Investment Options: Use liquid funds and high-interest savings accounts.
Medical Health Insurance Post-Retirement
Assess Current Coverage

You currently have Rs. 16 lakhs coverage from your employers. This is good, but consider additional personal health insurance for comprehensive coverage. This ensures you’re protected even after retirement.

Long-Term Health Insurance

Look for family floater health plans that cover you, your wife, and your children. Choose a plan with lifetime renewability and adequate sum insured. Also, consider critical illness insurance for added protection.

Family Floater Plans: These plans cover all family members under a single policy. Ensure it offers sufficient coverage for all members.
Critical Illness Insurance: Provides a lump sum payout if diagnosed with specified serious illnesses. This can help cover costs not covered by regular health insurance.
Recommended Strategy

Personal Health Insurance: Opt for a family floater plan with lifetime renewability and a higher sum insured.
Critical Illness Insurance: Consider adding this for extra coverage against serious illnesses.
Investing Rs. 30 Lakhs Cash on Hand
Avoid Real Estate Investment

Instead of buying another house, which ties up funds and incurs maintenance costs, invest in financial instruments that offer liquidity and growth. Real estate investment, while potentially profitable, lacks the flexibility and liquidity you might need.

Investment Options

Equity Mutual Funds: For long-term growth. Allocate a significant portion to these funds. They offer higher returns and can be withdrawn partially when needed.

Debt Funds: For stability and moderate returns. Good for medium-term goals and partial withdrawals.

Hybrid Funds: Balance between equity and debt. Lower risk compared to pure equity funds but higher returns than debt funds.

Systematic Withdrawal Plans (SWP): Invest lump sum in mutual funds and withdraw a fixed amount regularly. Useful for supplementing income post-retirement.

Equity Mutual Funds

Long-Term Wealth Building: These funds are ideal for creating long-term wealth. Investing Rs. 30 lakhs here can yield significant returns over 10-15 years.
Partial Withdrawals: You can withdraw money partially when needed, providing flexibility.
Debt Funds

Stability and Returns: They offer more stability and are suitable for medium-term goals.
Safety: Less volatile than equity funds, making them a safer option for conservative investors.
Hybrid Funds

Balanced Growth: These funds offer a mix of safety and growth, making them suitable for medium to long-term investments.
Risk Mitigation: Less risky than pure equity funds, they provide a balanced approach to investing.
Systematic Withdrawal Plans (SWP)

Regular Income: Invest a lump sum in mutual funds and withdraw a fixed amount regularly.
Post-Retirement: SWPs can provide a regular income stream, supplementing your retirement corpus.
Recommended Strategy

Equity Mutual Funds: Invest a significant portion for long-term wealth building.
Debt Funds and Hybrid Funds: For medium-term stability and growth.
SWP: To create a regular income stream post-retirement.
Final Insights
You’re in a strong financial position with a good income and diverse assets. Focus on clearing your home loan and maintaining your insurance.

Prioritise building an emergency fund and investing in mutual funds for your children’s education and your retirement. Avoid additional real estate investments. Instead, leverage equity and debt mutual funds for liquidity and growth.

Regularly review and adjust your financial plan to stay on track. Consider working with a Certified Financial Planner to optimise your strategy and ensure you meet your financial goals.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4247 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 04, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 04, 2024Hindi
I am 38 year old single female. My per month earning is 1 Lakh 78thnd. I have not done any investment till date but also I have no savings due to some unfortunate circumstances. But now I have space to do investment. I need a guidance. I have done the investment in LIC life insurance of 1 Lakh Pension plan amount is minimum 450 rs monthly Can you suggest what investment i can do so it can help me after 20 years.
Ans: It's great to see your interest in securing your financial future. With a structured plan, you can turn things around and build a strong financial foundation over the next 20 years. Let's dive into how you can strategically invest your money.

Assessing Your Current Situation
At 38, with a monthly income of Rs 1.78 lakh, you have a good base to start investing. It's commendable that you have a pension plan through LIC, though it's a small contribution. Let's explore how to optimize your investments.

Evaluating Your Existing Investment
Your current LIC pension plan contributes Rs 450 monthly. While it's a start, this alone won't be sufficient for your long-term financial goals. Consider diversifying and increasing your investments for better returns.

Benefits of Diversified Investments
Diversification spreads your risk and can enhance returns. Let's look at the types of investments you can consider:

Equity Mutual Funds
These funds invest in stocks and have the potential for high returns. They're ideal for long-term investments as they can outperform inflation and grow significantly over time.

Debt Mutual Funds
These funds invest in bonds and other fixed-income securities. They provide regular income and are less risky compared to equity funds.

Hybrid Funds
Hybrid funds invest in both equities and debt, offering a balanced approach. They provide growth potential while mitigating risk.

Why Not Real Estate?
Real estate requires a large capital outlay and can be illiquid. It also involves maintenance and other costs. Given these factors, it's better to focus on more liquid and manageable investment options.

Drawbacks of Direct Funds
Direct funds might seem appealing due to lower expense ratios. However, they require active management and expertise. Without professional guidance, you might miss out on market opportunities or make suboptimal decisions.

Benefits of Regular Funds through a CFP
Investing through a CFP offers several advantages:

Expert Guidance: A CFP can help select the best funds based on your risk profile and goals.
Ongoing Monitoring: Continuous tracking and adjustments ensure your investments remain aligned with your objectives.
Better Returns: Professional management can lead to better returns through strategic adjustments.
The Power of SIPs (Systematic Investment Plans)
SIPs allow you to invest a fixed amount regularly, making it a disciplined and systematic approach to investing. This also helps in averaging out market volatility, ensuring better returns over time.

Suggested Investment Strategy
Given your current financial situation and long-term goals, here's a suggested strategy:

Emergency Fund
First, establish an emergency fund covering 6-12 months of expenses. This should be kept in a liquid fund or savings account for easy access.

Monthly SIPs
Consider allocating a significant portion of your monthly income to SIPs in diversified mutual funds. Here's a suggested allocation:

Equity Mutual Funds: 60-70% of your SIPs should go here for high growth potential.
Debt Mutual Funds: 20-30% for stability and regular returns.
Hybrid Funds: 10-20% for a balanced approach.
One-Time Investments
If you have any lump sum amounts in the future, invest them in diversified equity and debt funds. This helps in maintaining a balanced portfolio.

Benefits of Compounding
Investing for 20 years allows you to benefit from compounding, where your returns generate further returns. This can lead to exponential growth in your investments.

Regular Monitoring and Rebalancing
Regularly review and rebalance your portfolio to ensure it remains aligned with your goals. Market conditions change, and so should your investment strategy. A CFP can help with this.

Final Insights
Starting your investment journey now is a wise decision. With a structured plan and disciplined approach, you can build a substantial corpus over the next 20 years.

Diversify your investments across equity, debt, and hybrid funds to spread risk and enhance returns. Engage with a CFP for professional guidance, ensuring your investments are managed effectively. Establish an emergency fund and invest regularly through SIPs to benefit from the power of compounding.

Remember, consistency and regular monitoring are key to successful investing. By staying committed and making informed decisions, you can secure a strong financial future.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4247 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 04, 2024

I have an SIP in MF of 15k per month. Want to invest more 3k should i consider momentum fund
Ans: It's fantastic to see your commitment to growing your investments. With disciplined saving and strategic investing, you can achieve substantial financial growth over time. Let’s dive into your query and explore the best options for your additional investment.

Understanding Your Current Investments
You already have an SIP of Rs 15k per month in mutual funds. This is a great start. Now, you want to invest an additional Rs 3k per month. Let’s evaluate your options and make sure you get the best returns for your hard-earned money.

Assessing Momentum Funds
Momentum funds invest in stocks that have shown upward price movement. They rely on the theory that stocks with high returns in the past will continue to perform well. However, this approach has its challenges.

Disadvantages of Momentum Funds
High Risk: These funds can be very volatile.
Market Timing: Success depends heavily on precise market timing.
Short-Term Focus: They often focus on short-term gains rather than long-term stability.
Management Costs: These funds may have higher costs due to frequent trading.
Given these factors, momentum funds might not be the best choice for everyone.

Benefits of Diversified Equity Funds
Instead, consider diversified equity funds. These funds invest across various sectors and market capitalizations, reducing risk and potentially offering better long-term returns.

Advantages of Diversified Equity Funds
Risk Reduction: Spreading investments across sectors mitigates risk.
Stable Returns: Less volatility compared to sector-specific or momentum funds.
Long-Term Growth: Ideal for long-term wealth accumulation.
Professional Management: Managed by experts who make informed decisions.
Consulting a Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
To make the most informed decision, consulting a CFP is highly recommended. A CFP can:

Assess Your Risk Profile: Understand your risk tolerance and investment goals.
Suggest Suitable Funds: Recommend funds that align with your financial objectives.
Provide Ongoing Guidance: Offer continuous monitoring and rebalancing of your portfolio.
Suggested Categories for Additional Investment
Here are some categories you might consider for your additional Rs 3k investment:

Large-Cap Funds
Investing in large, well-established companies provides stability and consistent returns. These companies have a proven track record and can withstand market volatility better than smaller companies.

Mid-Cap Funds
Mid-cap funds invest in medium-sized companies that have the potential for high growth. While they are riskier than large-cap funds, they offer higher return potential.

Multi-Cap Funds
These funds invest across large, mid, and small-cap stocks, offering a balanced approach. They provide diversification and can adapt to market conditions by shifting allocations.

Power of Compounding
One of the greatest advantages of long-term investments is the power of compounding. Compounding allows you to earn returns not only on your initial investment but also on the returns that investment generates. Over time, this can lead to exponential growth in your wealth.

Regular Monitoring and Rebalancing
Investments are not a one-time decision. Regular monitoring and rebalancing are crucial. Markets change, and so do your financial goals and risk tolerance. A CFP can help ensure your portfolio remains aligned with your objectives.

Final Insights
You have taken a commendable step by starting an SIP of Rs 15k per month. Adding an additional Rs 3k per month is a wise decision. Rather than opting for high-risk momentum funds, consider diversified equity funds for long-term stability and growth. Consulting a CFP will provide you with personalized advice tailored to your financial goals and risk tolerance.

Investing in diversified equity funds, guided by a CFP, ensures your investments are managed professionally. This helps in achieving better returns and aligning your investments with your financial goals. Remember, the key to successful investing is consistency, patience, and regular monitoring.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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