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Kanchan Rai  |372 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jun 04, 2024

Kanchan Rai has 10 years of experience in therapy, nurturing soft skills and leadership coaching. She is the founder of the Let Us Talk Foundation, which offers mindfulness workshops to help people stay emotionally and mentally healthy.
Rai has a degree in leadership development and customer centricity from Harvard Business School, Boston. She is an internationally certified coach from the International Coaching Federation, a global organisation in professional coaching.... more
Asked by Anonymous - May 16, 2024Hindi

Hi Maam, I am married man. Its been 12 years of my marriage. My marriage was never a smooth. Now, My wife has put me in critical situation. My wife has taken away all my mothers gold and kept in her bank locker without my and my mother's permission. Now, my wife have given me two options. My wife's first option is; She will keep all of my mothers gold with her and take care of my mother. Second option is, if my wife returns all of my mothers gold to my mother then she will not take care of my mother and my mother should leave my home. My mother is saying that she will leave my home if she gets all her gold. My wife's and mother's relationship was never a good. I am in a trouble situation now. Kindly advise

Ans: Navigating family conflicts, especially involving your wife and mother, can be challenging.

Firstly, initiate calm and open conversations with both your wife and your mother separately. Listen to their concerns and acknowledge their feelings. This will help you understand their perspectives and motivations better.

Once you've gathered their viewpoints, consider bringing them together for a mediated discussion. A neutral third party, such as a family counselor, can help ensure the conversation remains constructive and focused on finding a resolution.

Explore possible compromises. For example, you might suggest placing the gold in a jointly accessed safety deposit box to address security concerns while ensuring your mother feels respected.

Set clear boundaries and expectations for the future to prevent similar conflicts. Emphasize the importance of family unity and mutual respect, and encourage both parties to work towards rebuilding their relationship.

Throughout this process, take care of your own well-being. Seek support from friends, a counselor, or engage in stress-relieving activities to maintain your strength and clarity.

By approaching the situation with empathy and a focus on open communication and mutual respect, you can work towards a resolution that respects both your wife’s and your mother’s needs, fostering a more harmonious family environment.

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Kanchan Rai  |372 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Dec 26, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Dec 13, 2023Hindi
I am married for 23 years .Both me & my wife are doing job.I have one son staying with me. After 17 years of marriage I inquired that my wife has sexual relationship with another man . This has hurt me a lot as she betrayed me . As a result she gave no attention to me , my son and my parents . When I got this information , my wife left my house taking hand loan from neighbors . I never lodged any complain with police or file divorce case , rather I took it challenging. I took proper care of my son .Due to hard work & logistic support from me , my son qualified in NEET & continuing MBBS in Govt. college.As my son has grown up & knows the actual fact ,he dislikes his mother & has no contact with her since long.Gradually we have started forgetting her. After 6 years of staying outside , now my wife is trying to come back again forcefully which we do not want. Therefore I request that please advice me what to do.
Ans: I'm sorry to hear about the challenging situation you've been through. It's understandable that trust has been broken, and emotions must be complex. It's important to prioritize your own well-being and that of your son during this time. If you feel comfortable, have an open and honest conversation with your wife about the reasons for her return. It's crucial to express your feelings and concerns. It might be helpful to involve a neutral third party, such as a counselor or mediator, to facilitate the conversation. If she continues to pursue a return against your wishes, you may want to consult with a legal professional to understand your options and rights. Given the complexity of your situation, it might be beneficial to seek legal advice to understand your rights and responsibilities. A lawyer can help you explore options and provide guidance on how to proceed. Take into account the well-being and feelings of your son in any decision-making process. His opinion and comfort level should be considered, especially if he has chosen not to maintain contact with his mother. Decisions made under emotional stress might not be the best ones. Give yourself time to reflect, assess the situation, and decide what is in the best interest of you and your son Ultimately, the decision of whether to allow your wife back into your lives is a personal one. Consider what is in the best interests of you and your son, taking into account your own well-being and the well-being of your family.

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Anu Krishna  |1236 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jul 27, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 27, 2024Hindi
Hi Anu, I am married for 3 years and having 1 year baby boy. My marriage was fixed at matrimony site. After registration my wife used to tell me that she will spent most of her time at her home with her father and mother which is only 5 km within my home. After marriage she used to stay at her father's house almost 9 months in a year and only 2-3 months intermittent break she used to visit my house. She used to made me buy expensive washing machine and other house hold items inspite of having one already there, keep Cooking maid etc. When most of the time she is not staying with me I feel these are all my money wastage. Now she is forcing me to keep all time maid. My salary is only 50k , how can I manage all these expenses and her demand and even after meeting all these she is not staying with me and used to spent all the time at her father's flat. When I say to stay with me she used to give lot of excuses, She and both her parents had visited multiple times in my house before marriage and well aware that my kitchen setup is at first floor and not on second floor and other house hold arrangement. She used to take my baby boy with her for long period of time like 5-6 months and then come for 2-3 weeks and then again went away. We feel we are going distant apart and thinking to drag her and family in Magistrate court to seek right to conjugal life and her directly in court whether she would like to stay with me in my house or at father's place. Needless to say I used to bear all her expenses even she is staying at her father's house and I am staying alone and leading batchelor life. Please suggest.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Clearly your wife and her parents have not understood that marriage means staying together under the same roof as a couple and going through the highs and lows that come along the way.
If your wife intends to come to live in your home like it's a PG, then ask her to bear half the cost of all that is being bought. Maybe then that will drive sense inside of her.
On the other hand, what is the reason that she is so unwilling to stay longer periods with you? Have you tried to ask her this? I can only suggest:
- ask a two elder family members from both sides to step in and intervene
- go for couples therapy which will help both of you focus on the marriage as husband and wife

This can be a start point and then you can evaluate based on how things turn out...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Anu Krishna  |1236 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Oct 18, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Oct 14, 2024Hindi
Hi dear Anu Krishna Madam, I am a regular reader of your suggestions and answers on the questions of relationships since long. You are doing a great work to solve the complications of people's life. I have a long story actually, thanks to you in advance for your patience in reading this. I am male 36 YO, married and having a 4 YO daughter. Mandatory to mention here that I have mother who is dependent on me financially as my father passed away years ago. My relationship with my not been since starting as we got married in 2015. She is having serious anger issues and starts fighting on even little things. She is not very inclined to my mother and my younger sister who got married in 2018 and staying in UK with her husband. My wife is always complaining for one thing or the other. I am working for Central Government and earning well but she is never satisfied and keeps on complaining that my brother in law (sister's husband) is better husband or sometimes compare with other men. I always to fulfil all the requirements financially as well as taking care of baby, helping in household chores but she is never a happy woman. I send my mother and amount of Rs 10000 per month as no one is there to take care of her, mother stays at our hometown and I along with my wife and daughter stays at my work place city. I had to finance the marriage of my younger sister also as my father passed away when the both of us siblings were of age 7 and 3, this was told before my marriage to the family of wife as well as her that this will be required to be managed by me financially. But she complains of this also that I have spent this much money on my sister and mother. I am earning from a young age of 18 years but I don't find any peace at home. I am working like a machine, earning and then she is saying bad things to me all the time. She shouts loudly when fighting so that neighbours also listen and I find it very shameful. Her behaviour towards our daughter also changes frequently and she treats her according to her mood. My mother is not staying with us as when she stayed here for 6-8 months due to her health related issues, she started fighting with my mother also and created huge scenes every now and then. My wife's only attachment is with her own family, her mother, father, unmarried elder sister and unmarried elder brother. Her both the siblings couldn't find suitable matches for themselves, this is also creating a stress for my wife and she in the end throws her frustration on me. She and my self have both tried to commit suicide 2-3 times in the fight on different occasions. Last year she met a younger boy of age 26-27 and they both got attracted to each other. I was along with her and I noticed them smiling at each other at a function. I asked my wife and said to her that if you want to you can ask and talk to that boy. Means I told her to have an open marriage, in the hope that this will atleast make her realise that my husband is happy in my happiness. They both started talking and even met on 3-4 occasions and 2-3 of them secret meetings at our home (only i knew that I didn't pointed out) with physical intimacy. Now due to some unknown reason both my wife and that boy are not talking to each other. Her behaviour had been very rude since that boy came to her life and she never realised that my husband is not pointing out this infidelity also. Now, when that boy is also not there, her disrespect towards me is increasing day by day. She starts fighting even at streets and shouting loudly. I have also given a thought for legal separation but due to my daughter I am not going ahead. I am in a very complex situation and don't understand what to do. How i can make her understand that relationship runs on two people. Please guide me further. One more thing to mention here she is not interested to go for councelling or anything like that. Thanks in advance. Regards.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Your wife is perhaps one of those people who choose to see what's not happening rather than what good is actually happening. It's just a habit that can destroy their peace of mind and of those around them.
You are caught around her drama where she tries to find her happiness all around her when she can perfectly find it within the marriage. So, if there's something small that upsets her at home or does not go according to the way she thinks it should, instead of talking about it to you, she is someone who will find a way out outside and in things that can instantly make her feel better. That 27-year-old has ended up becoming some sort of a distraction and by you allowing it to go further whatever happens or doesn't will be blamed on you.
She's acting like a child in need of attention, incapable of addressing her own emotions, distracting herself with a new toy and then crying out creating drama around it all and oh, blaming you when things go wrong.
Got the picture, here? So, the way out is to actually take her to a professional who can guide her to regulate her thoughts an =d actually infuse her back into a family system. It's possible that her maternal home did not provide a great example in this regard...you might know better...
You can try and get through to her by requesting her to step in for your child's sake else the marriage can deteriorate further...So, give it a try.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Latest Questions

Pushpa R  |21 Answers  |Ask -

Yoga, Mindfulness Expert - Answered on Oct 25, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Oct 24, 2024Hindi
Resected Madam, I am a 72 years male . I had undergone left hemicolectomy with diversion ileostomy ( open "Surgery" )for carcinoma descending colon on 23 March,2024 and the stoma closure was done on 17th July,2024. As per the consultant Oncologist the carcinoma was localized , did not spread to other parts of the body and I was not advised to undergone chemotherapy etc for the same reason. Kindly advise which Yoga postures I can practice now to ease constipation and also the yoga postures I must not / avoid now. With Kind Regards,
Ans: After your surgery, gentle yoga postures can help ease constipation and improve digestion. Start with simple poses like Pawanmuktasana (Wind-Relieving Pose), which can relieve gas and promote bowel movements. Lie on your back, hug one knee to your chest, and gently press it down to your abdomen, then switch legs. Practicing Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose) can also be very calming and helps stimulate digestion. Breathe deeply and allow your body to relax fully.

However, avoid intense twisting poses (like Ardha Matsyendrasana) and deep forward bends as these may strain your abdominal area. Also, postpone advanced poses or any practice that puts pressure on your core until you’ve fully regained strength and mobility.

Consulting a certified yoga coach is essential to ensure you perform these poses safely, especially after surgery. A coach can help you adapt postures to your current needs and gradually increase the intensity as you progress.

Warm Regards,
R. Pushpa, M.Sc (Yoga)
Online Yoga & Meditation Coach
Radiant YogaVibes

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Nitin Narkhede  |28 Answers  |Ask -

MF, PF Expert - Answered on Oct 25, 2024

Nayagam P

Nayagam P P  |3856 Answers  |Ask -

Career Counsellor - Answered on Oct 25, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Oct 22, 2024Hindi
Avenues for BSc Honors Botany 3rd year
Ans: Lakshmi, Some of the options for you choose from:

Higher Education and Specialization:
• MSc in Botany or Plant Sciences: Deepens expertise in botany.
• MSc in Environmental Science or Ecology: Expands study to ecosystems, conservation, and biodiversity.
• MSc in Biotechnology or Microbiology: Opens up industrial, research, and healthcare opportunities.
• MBA in Agribusiness or Environmental Management: Combines botany with business skills.
• MSc in Horticulture or Forestry: Specialized programs focused on plant cultivation, forest conservation.

Government Jobs:
• Botanist or Environmental Scientist: Positions in government research bodies.
• Agriculture Officer or Horticulture Officer: Roles in the Department of Agriculture or Horticulture.

Research and Academia:
• Junior Research Fellowships (JRF): Offers stipends to work in research labs, universities, and government projects.
• Teaching in Schools or Colleges: With a Master’s degree, qualified for assistant professor roles or school teaching jobs.
• PhD in Botany or Related Fields: Essential for research-focused careers, teaching in universities, and leading scientific projects.

Industry and Corporate Jobs:
• Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Companies: Roles in R&D, quality control, and product development.
• Agriculture and Agrochemicals: Roles in research, product development, and quality testing of seeds, pesticides, and fertilizers.
• Environmental Consulting Firms: Roles in environmental impact analysis, pollution control, and biodiversity assessments.

Certificates and Short Courses
• You can consider for Remote Sensing & GIS, Ethnobotany, Plant Tissue Culture, Agriculture Technology, or Bioinformatics.

All the BEST for Your Prosperous Future.

To know more on ‘ Careers | Education | Jobs’, ask / follow Us here in RediffGURUS.

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Nayagam P

Nayagam P P  |3856 Answers  |Ask -

Career Counsellor - Answered on Oct 25, 2024

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