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Kanchan Rai  |295 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Feb 20, 2024

Kanchan Rai has 10 years of experience in therapy, nurturing soft skills and leadership coaching. She is the founder of the Let Us Talk Foundation, which offers mindfulness workshops to help people stay emotionally and mentally healthy.
Rai has a degree in leadership development and customer centricity from Harvard Business School, Boston. She is an internationally certified coach from the International Coaching Federation, a global organisation in professional coaching.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Feb 20, 2024Hindi

Kanchan mam, I feel underappreciated at work. I have been working in this IT research company for 4 years now. No promotion, no increment or bonus. My manager doesn't have the time or feel the need to train me or share feedback. I feel like I am underutilised here and I am always questioning my abilities. How can I get over this phase? What do you suggest I do?

Ans: It's understandable to feel frustrated and undervalued in your current work situation. Schedule a meeting with your manager to discuss your concerns. Express your desire for more challenging work, feedback on your performance, and opportunities for growth within the company. Be specific about what you're looking for and how you believe it will benefit both you and the company.If your manager is unable to provide regular feedback, consider seeking it from other colleagues or mentors within the company. Their perspective can help you gain a better understanding of your strengths and areas for improvement Define your career goals and discuss them with your manager. This can help align your work with your long-term objectives and demonstrate your commitment to professional development.Look for opportunities to take on new responsibilities or projects that interest you. This can demonstrate your value to the company and showcase your skills and capabilities.Consider taking courses or certifications to enhance your skills and stay current in your field. This can make you more valuable to your employer and increase your confidence in your abilities.If you feel that your current job is not meeting your needs, consider exploring other opportunities within or outside the company that align better with your career goals and values.
Remember to approach these steps with a positive attitude and a willingness to take action. By proactively addressing your concerns, you can take control of your career and work towards a more fulfilling professional life.

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Mayank Rautela  |238 Answers  |Ask -

HR Expert - Answered on Apr 07, 2021

Hi Mayank,I was going through this article Struggling with your career? and it prompted me to write this email.I am Kalpesh Desai, aged 45, working with an MNC as project manager in Mumbai.I feel I have reached a kind of dead-end and am unable to crack that due to office politics, coupled with my inability to say ‘Yes boss’ everywhere and my poor marketing skills as far as my own work is concerned.I am bad at speaking lies and I am process oriented. This just adds to my woes.I feel I end up being used without getting recognised.Changing jobs seems to be easy option but does not guarantee a better situation in future jobs. Kindly share insights on how to come out of this.Warm regards,Kalpesh Desai

Dear Kalpesh,

Many of us face this situation in this stage of our careers.

It’s something I have faced as well.

I can share what I have learnt from my experience; I hope it will help you.

1. Reinvent yourself. Upgrade your competencies; take up some courses in your field from a reputed institute.

2. Set clear goals and expectations with your manager. You don't have to be a 'yes man', but you must be aligned with the goals of your manager and the organisation at large.

3. Have a career discussion with your manager. Clearly express what you are looking for in your career and what help you need from the management.

4. Move out of your core area of functioning. For example, you could move from project management to analytics, strategy or even sales.

5. Ensure that you have a good financial plan to secure the future of your family.

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R P Yadav  |304 Answers  |Ask -

HR, Workspace Expert - Answered on Mar 20, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Mar 19, 2024Hindi
Hi Sir , I have been working in a company for 3 years as Relationship Manager and that company is not given me appraisal since last 3 years , however , Performance is Good so please tell me what should I do that and I have already spoke to Higher senior management, not solution yet.
Ans: It can be quite disheartening to not receive an appraisal despite good performance and consistent efforts. Here are some steps you can consider taking:

Document Your Performance: Keep a record of all your achievements, targets met, and any positive feedback from clients or colleagues. This will help you build a case for your appraisal.
Request a Formal Meeting: Schedule a formal meeting with your HR department or manager to discuss your concerns. Present your documented performance and ask for specific reasons for the lack of appraisal.
Understand the Policy: Ensure you understand the company’s appraisal policy. Sometimes, appraisals may be tied to factors beyond individual performance, such as company-wide financial constraints.
Seek Feedback: Ask for constructive feedback on your performance. There may be areas of improvement that you’re unaware of, which could be affecting your appraisal.
Explore Internal Opportunities: Sometimes, moving to a different department or taking on new responsibilities can lead to recognition and appraisal.
Consider External Options: If you feel your growth is being stifled, it may be worth exploring opportunities outside your current company.
Professional Advice: Consider seeking advice from a career coach or mentor who can provide an objective perspective and suggest further actions.
Remember, it’s important to approach this situation professionally and to seek a resolution that aligns with your career goals. Good luck!

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Krishna Kumar  |358 Answers  |Ask -

Workplace Expert - Answered on Jul 26, 2024

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related document carefully before investing. The securities quoted are for illustration only and are not recommendatory. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information and as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision. RediffGURUS is an intermediary as per India's Information Technology Act.


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