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Mohit Arora  |54 Answers  |Ask -

Dating Coach - Answered on May 24, 2024

Mohit Arora is a relationship coach, image consultant, soft skills trainer and the founder of Real Dating School. He has a BTech degree in computer science from the Rayat & Bahra Institute of Engineering and Biotechnology, Mohali, Punjab. He has been conducting customised skilling and communication workshops since 2014.... more
Asked by Anonymous - May 24, 2024Hindi

Hi.. I want to ask if as a 40 year old woman is it ok to be with someone 8 years younger if both of us are into it. Just that I am feeling as if it’s a taboo and I will be excluded from the society for doing so ... pls advise

Ans: Its totally perfect. Be selfish. Society doesn't care for your happiness

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Anu Krishna  |965 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Nov 23, 2022

Hi Anu,Myself Praveen. I appreciate your writings on Rediff. First of all thanks for that.I would like to ask guidance or your thoughts on establishing a relationship with my lady friend. I met her 4 years back in my old office and we got in company soon and started talking and somewhat share most of the personal s***s too. I started having feelings for her. I mean I wish to have a marital relationship with her because I am very comfortable with her. But I was unable to make any move or feared of losing her company if I tell her my love.That time I never knew her age. Later I moved from that job to pursue some personal goals so I moved to some other place without the knowledge of my own family. The only person who knew about it was her. She stood with me and emotionally supported me and was knowing that it was my strong wish of having that dream/goal. We were in touch as nice friends. Her phone calls were happy moments for me because I was alone at my new place where I'd gone to pursue my dream. Someday she called me and during call she was upset. That day she shared some of her personal things and during the conversation I realised that she is 8 years older than me and she is at her mid 30s. Firstly, it was like a shock for me. I wondered why a beautiful girl like she not got into a marriage or any other serious relationship still that age. Okay, that doesn't matter me. However, knowing about most of the complexity in this partnership including support from both family or cliche society thoughts; I decided to have her as my life partner. But still I am not able to make a move like that. Somehow, I had to come back to my homeplace and sorry to say that I failed to pursue my goal which was bit depressing. Still I couldn't make a move to talk her about this. I am getting an odd feeling that she treats me as a brother or a nice friend only. I am confused when she calls me bro. Some days ago she told me that I am her good brother. Frankly I don't like her calling me bro. I still love her and I always see her as my life partner.The thing is I fear that I may lose her company if I express my love for her. Also I fear that she may emotionally get low if she really considering me as her brother. I don't want to give her any pain, but meanwhile I couldn't miss her in my life. Nowadays, we rarely talk on phone or meet because some of her professional engagements. That is not a problem for me. I respect her as well as her personal space. Only thing I want is to communicate her about my mind and having a relationship with her. I know she might also be concerned about our age gap as well as what society may say, but I don't care such rubbish. I strongly believe that I can be a great partner. Share your thoughts on making an approach without giving her any emotional pain or trauma.

Dear PB,

Thank you for your kind words on my writings and columns. Highly appreciate it.

I cannot assure you of the fact of her not having any emotional reactions. Her reactions are not something that you can control.

The easiest way to resolve this confusion that you are going through is to simply express it. It’s similar to how children are.

Have you seen them say things without a filter and unfazed by how the other person will react?

Then along came the adults and asked them to keep quiet and then the child in us grew up to become a recluse and ignore our own feelings.

I agree there is an etiquette and social norms to be followed as adults but to not be able to express our feelings is nothing but conditioning from our childhood.

And what did it teach us? It taught us to avoid the rejection and ensuing disappointment.

That’s exactly what you are running away from; all the rejection that may happen and the disappointment from that.

But what use is that love if you can’t express it for fear of rejection. If you feel so strongly about it, approach it boldly and very gently.

Yes, it may shock her and it’s possible she has no feelings or sees you as a brother, but at least you know where the connection stands.

Now whether she is going to be hurt or not is a question of how emotionally mature she is.

So, before you start the conversation, do request her to hear you fully and not judge you for your honesty. This may ease her shock and help her respond rather than react to you.

On your part, keep your expectations to a low and smile through the situation. It helps lighten the load that you might be carrying.

All the best!

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |3762 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 17, 2024

I am 37 years old me&my wife salary is 55k pm each , rental income 30k , & we have a home loan of36 lacs emi32K @ 20yrs 8.4%we hve 2 kids of one boy12yr &8yr daughter. We totally have 2 L share ,mutual funds 1 L , ssy 3L, and I have 1 cr term insurance , wife giving regular lic premium 60k yrly abt to close in 4 yrs and we both have individual Nps account with total corpus 16L and ppf 3L each . My presently exp is 30k pm. I want to be financially free in next 15 years with monthly expense of 60k. Need money for kids studies marriage etc. also need 1 cr to purchase new house at earliest. Should I invest in shares or mutual funds. I have no knowledge of mkt but ready to learn. which one is safe for future
Ans: First, it's commendable that you are taking charge of your finances with a clear goal in mind. Your financial goals are ambitious yet achievable with the right planning and strategy. Understanding your current financial standing and future aspirations is the first step towards financial freedom. Here, I'll provide a comprehensive guide to help you navigate your financial journey over the next 15 years, ensuring that you can meet your expenses, children's education, and marriage costs, as well as purchase a new house worth Rs 1 crore.

Current Financial Situation
Let's break down your current financial situation. You and your wife have a combined salary of Rs 1,10,000 per month and a rental income of Rs 30,000, bringing your total monthly income to Rs 1,40,000. Your home loan EMI is Rs 32,000 per month at an interest rate of 8.4% for 20 years. Your monthly expenses are Rs 30,000, leaving you with a significant surplus.

Your current investments include:

Rs 2 lakh in shares
Rs 1 lakh in mutual funds
Rs 3 lakh in Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY)
Rs 1 crore term insurance
Rs 60,000 yearly LIC premium
Rs 16 lakh in NPS (both accounts)
Rs 3 lakh each in PPF for you and your wife
Financial Goals and Priorities
Your goals include:

Financial freedom in 15 years with monthly expenses of Rs 60,000
Funds for children's education and marriage
Purchase of a new house worth Rs 1 crore
Analyzing Your Investments
You have a term insurance of Rs 1 crore, which is good. Term insurance provides financial security to your family in case of any unfortunate events. Your wife’s LIC policy is about to mature in four years. After maturity, consider investing this amount in more growth-oriented investment options. Since term insurance is already in place, you might not need additional LIC policies which often combine insurance and investment.

Your combined NPS corpus of Rs 16 lakh is a significant amount. NPS is beneficial for long-term retirement savings due to its tax benefits and potential for reasonable returns. Similarly, the PPF accounts are stable, tax-efficient, and provide safe returns.

Mutual Funds and Shares
You have Rs 2 lakh in shares and Rs 1 lakh in mutual funds. While shares offer potentially high returns, they come with higher risks and require market knowledge. Mutual funds, especially actively managed ones, provide a balanced approach with professional management and diversification.

Investment Strategy for Financial Freedom
Monthly Savings Allocation
With your monthly income surplus, you have ample room to allocate funds towards different investment avenues. Here’s a suggested allocation:

Emergency Fund: Maintain an emergency fund equivalent to 6 months of expenses (approximately Rs 1.8 lakh) in a liquid or savings account.

Home Loan Repayment: Continue with your existing EMI of Rs 32,000. As your income increases, consider making occasional lump sum payments towards the principal to reduce the tenure and interest burden.

Children’s Education and Marriage: Start a dedicated investment in mutual funds for your children’s education and marriage. Use child-specific plans or balanced funds to ensure steady growth with moderate risk. SIPs (Systematic Investment Plans) in equity mutual funds can be a good option here.

Retirement Planning: Increase your contributions to NPS and PPF. NPS offers good returns with moderate risk, while PPF provides assured returns with tax benefits. Aim to maximize your PPF contributions each year.

New House Purchase: For your goal of purchasing a new house worth Rs 1 crore, start a separate investment plan. Invest in a mix of debt and equity mutual funds to balance growth and stability. This will help you accumulate the required down payment.

Mutual Funds vs. Shares
Given your limited market knowledge, mutual funds are a safer and more practical option compared to direct shares. Here's why:

Benefits of Mutual Funds
Professional Management: Fund managers handle investments, leveraging their expertise to maximize returns.

Diversification: Mutual funds spread investments across various sectors and companies, reducing risk.

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP): SIPs allow you to invest a fixed amount regularly, benefiting from rupee cost averaging and disciplined savings.

Flexibility: Mutual funds offer various schemes tailored to different goals, risk appetites, and time horizons.

Transparency and Regulation: Mutual funds are regulated by SEBI, ensuring transparency and investor protection.

Actively Managed Funds vs. Index Funds
While index funds passively track market indices, actively managed funds aim to outperform the market through selective investment choices by fund managers.

Disadvantages of Index Funds
No Outperformance: Index funds match market returns but don't aim to beat them.

Market Risk: They are fully exposed to market volatility without the possibility of tactical adjustments.

Advantages of Actively Managed Funds
Potential for Higher Returns: Skilled managers can leverage market opportunities for better returns.

Risk Management: Fund managers can adjust portfolios to mitigate risks during market downturns.

Regular Funds vs. Direct Funds
Direct mutual funds have lower expense ratios since they bypass intermediaries, but they require more investor involvement and knowledge.

Disadvantages of Direct Funds
Self-Management: Investors must research and manage investments themselves, requiring market knowledge.

Time-Consuming: Continuous monitoring and adjustments are needed without professional assistance.

Benefits of Regular Funds
Advisor Support: Investing through a certified financial planner offers professional advice and tailored strategies.

Ease and Convenience: Financial planners handle the complex aspects of investment, allowing you to focus on your goals.

Steps to Implement Your Plan
Consult a Certified Financial Planner: A CFP can provide personalized advice and help tailor a strategy to your specific needs and goals.

Set Up SIPs in Mutual Funds: Allocate your surplus income towards SIPs in equity and balanced mutual funds for long-term goals.

Increase NPS Contributions: Boost your NPS contributions to benefit from long-term growth and tax advantages.

Review and Adjust Regularly: Regularly review your financial plan and adjust based on changing needs, market conditions, and goals.

Educate Yourself: While your financial planner will manage your investments, understanding the basics of mutual funds and market trends can help you make informed decisions.

Addressing Your Goals
Children’s Education and Marriage
Investing through SIPs in diversified equity mutual funds will help accumulate the necessary corpus for your children's education and marriage. Start early to benefit from compounding.

Retirement Planning
Your current NPS and PPF investments form a solid foundation. Increase contributions and consider additional retirement-focused mutual funds for a well-rounded retirement plan.

Purchasing a New House
For the new house, a combination of debt and equity mutual funds can help you accumulate the required down payment. Plan to divert a portion of your monthly surplus towards this goal.

Final Insights
Achieving financial freedom and meeting your long-term goals requires a disciplined approach and strategic investments. Your current financial standing is strong, and with careful planning and the right guidance, you can reach your aspirations.

By leveraging mutual funds for their professional management and diversification benefits, increasing your NPS and PPF contributions, and regularly reviewing your plan, you will be well on your way to financial independence.

Remember, a certified financial planner can offer invaluable support and ensure your investments are aligned with your goals. Stay focused, be disciplined, and regularly monitor your progress.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Anu Krishna  |965 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jun 17, 2024

Hi Anu, After reading a lot of your responses I started to believe that you probably have a solution to my complex problem I am 42 yr old and wife 40 and we live in AUS. We have 2 beautiful, smart kids 11 and 7. She is a nice person but not very smart to think what should we care and what not care and live a happy life. A few years ago my mom from India used to visit how used to complain about my in-laws about how rude they are how they not keep in touch at all and all that. This is absolutely true because I saw that myself. But my wife being a loving daughter thinks none of that is true and my mom is lying. 10 years ago my dad passed away after 2 months of lot of suffering from cancer, my wife was pregnant here at the same time in AUS. I had to go to India to spend with time with my dad during his last days.One unbelievable truth is when I was performing funeral rituals on on side my father in law was telling all my close visitors that I am not talking/calling much to my wife during these days to AUS. All those guests told me about it. But my father-in-law says that he never said those things to visitors and they are all lying. My wife firmly believes that they are all lying. When I talked to him in person he agreed that he said those things. He is never nice to our family. He never even offered help to my family when my dad was suffering. All that a side, realizing that me and my family is disturbed a lot, none of my family members are saying anything to her just so that we are happy and nothing bothers us. It's been 2 1/2 years like that. But she is not ready for forget what happened in the past and live a happy family life. Despite suffering I myself tell her to forget all that happened and I never talk about past things. But she still clings on to those thoughts. My kids are suffering now. To keep my family happy, I try to make fun , talk to her, go places and all that. But with those past thoughts she turned into a heartless person. Please help. Tell me where, what and how can I/we fix this.
Ans: Dear Harsha,
Thank you for the acknowledgement.
My suggestion to you: Start afresh!
Digging what happened only puts your wife in the spotlight...maybe she wasn't at her best and things went downhill, but it will not give her the chance to rework things and integrate back into the family.
So, press the RESET button and along with the kids, focus on your family...what her father said or not, what someone should have done or not; let it be done and dusted.
For relationships to work and move, both parties involved, must make that choice to leave the past behind, else the shadows keep growing and casting a cloud over something that is healthy and has a chance to grow beautifully.
Does this make sense here? If I tell you to go down the path and confront her about her father, she will get defensive and this thing will get ugly and perhaps backfire.
Are you willing to start afresh is the question here? If YES, what will this do for you? Now, you know what to do...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |3762 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 17, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 17, 2024Hindi
I 40 years now and Just now i have invested lumpsum amount in following mutual funds- all are direct growth 1. Quant smalcap fund - Rs 300000 2. Quant midcap fund - Rs 300000 3. Nippon India muticap - Rs 200000 4. ICICI Pru bluechip fund - Rs 200000 5. Canara rabeco emerging eqt -Rs 50000 Just now started SIP in following funds. 1. Quant smalcap fund - Rs 4000 2. Quant midcap fund - Rs 4000 3. Quant Active fund - Rs 4000 4. ICICI Pru Debt & equity -Rs 4000 5. Parag perigkh flexicap - Rs4000 Is this funds are good for long run for a period of 10 years?. How much amount I can expect after 10 years. My goal is to Construct a own house after 10 years.
Ans: Congratulations on taking a significant step toward building your financial future by investing in mutual funds. At 40, you are making a smart move by planning for your long-term goal of constructing your own house. Your current investments and SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) choices reflect a well-thought-out strategy for wealth accumulation over the next 10 years. Let's evaluate and understand the potential of your investment portfolio in detail.

Understanding Your Lump Sum Investments
Diversification Across Market Capitalization
Your lump sum investments include a mix of small-cap, mid-cap, multicap, blue-chip, and emerging equity funds. This diversification helps in spreading risk and capturing growth across different market segments.

Small-Cap and Mid-Cap Funds: These funds have high growth potential but come with higher risk. Over a 10-year period, these funds can provide significant returns if the market conditions are favorable.
Multicap and Blue-Chip Funds: These funds invest across various market capitalizations, providing a balanced approach. Blue-chip funds, specifically, offer stability as they invest in well-established companies.
Emerging Equity Fund: Investing in emerging sectors can be beneficial as these sectors have the potential for substantial growth in the future.
Potential Growth and Risks
Investing Rs 3,00,000 each in small-cap and mid-cap funds shows a high-risk appetite, which can be rewarding over the long term. The Rs 2,00,000 investments in multicap and blue-chip funds provide a cushion against volatility, balancing the portfolio. The Rs 50,000 in the emerging equity fund is a strategic move to tap into new growth areas.

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) Contributions
Regular Investment Discipline
Starting SIPs in multiple funds ensures a disciplined approach to investing, taking advantage of rupee cost averaging and compounding benefits.

Small-Cap and Mid-Cap Funds: Continuing SIPs of Rs 4,000 each in these funds reinforces your growth strategy. Consistent investments will help mitigate market volatility over time.
Active Fund: SIP of Rs 4,000 in an active fund shows your trust in fund managers' expertise to outperform the market.
Debt & Equity Fund: This balanced approach with a Rs 4,000 SIP ensures you have a mix of stability and growth.
Flexicap Fund: A Rs 4,000 SIP here provides flexibility to invest across various market caps, enhancing diversification.
Balancing Risk and Return
Your SIPs indicate a balanced approach towards growth and stability. By investing Rs 20,000 monthly across these funds, you are steadily building your corpus, reducing the impact of market fluctuations, and benefiting from potential long-term growth.

Evaluating Your Investment Choices
Long-Term Growth Potential
Your chosen funds have the potential to grow significantly over the next 10 years. Historical data suggests that well-managed mutual funds, particularly in small-cap and mid-cap categories, can offer impressive returns. However, they are also subject to market risks.

Importance of Active Management
Actively managed funds have the advantage of fund managers making strategic decisions to maximize returns. While passive funds like index funds simply track the market, actively managed funds aim to outperform. Your choice of actively managed funds reflects a desire for potentially higher returns through expert management.

Assessing the Disadvantages of Direct Funds
Direct mutual funds have lower expense ratios since they do not involve intermediary commissions. However, without the guidance of a Certified Financial Planner (CFP), you might miss out on professional advice, which can be crucial for optimizing your investment strategy. A CFP provides valuable insights and helps in tailoring your portfolio to meet specific goals.

Expected Returns and Goal Achievement
Potential Corpus After 10 Years
Predicting exact returns is challenging due to market volatility. However, based on historical performance, equity mutual funds have the potential to yield substantial returns over a decade. Assuming a conservative average annual return, your lump sum and SIP investments can grow significantly, helping you reach your goal of constructing a house.

Importance of Regular Review
It is essential to regularly review your portfolio with your CFP. This ensures your investments remain aligned with your goals and market conditions. Adjustments may be needed to optimize performance and mitigate risks.

Benefits of Working with a Certified Financial Planner
Professional Guidance
A CFP can provide personalized advice, ensuring your investment strategy aligns with your long-term goals. Their expertise helps in navigating market complexities and making informed decisions.

Tailored Investment Strategies
CFPs consider your risk tolerance, financial goals, and market conditions to design a tailored investment plan. They help in balancing your portfolio and ensuring it adapts to changing circumstances.

Investing is a journey that requires patience and persistence. It's commendable that you are planning for a significant goal like constructing your own house. Your disciplined approach through lump sum investments and SIPs shows a strong commitment to your future. Understanding the risks and rewards associated with your chosen funds is crucial, and it's great to see you taking proactive steps.

Final Insights
Your current investment strategy, with a mix of lump sum and SIP investments in diversified mutual funds, is well-suited for long-term growth. By maintaining this approach and regularly consulting with your CFP, you are on a promising path toward achieving your goal of constructing your own house in 10 years. Stay focused, keep reviewing your portfolio, and adapt as necessary to stay on track.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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