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Dr Hemalata

Dr Hemalata Arora  |201 Answers  |Ask -

General Physician - Answered on May 02, 2024

Dr Hemalata Arora is a senior consultant who practises internal medicine at Mumbai’s Nanavati Max Super Speciality Hospital.
In a career spanning over 24 years, she has focused on managing infectious diseases, critical illnesses and lifestyle disorders.
Dr Arora completed her MBBS and MD from the King Edward Memorial Hospital and Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College in Mumbai.
She is ECFMG certified, accredited by the American Board of Internal Medicine, Diplomate of the National Board and a DNB faculty.
She was honoured with the Paul Bunn award for her promising performance in the field of infectious diseases at SUNY Upstate Medical University, New York.... more
Rajesh Question by Rajesh on May 01, 2024Hindi

Hello I am 46 year old and married since last 21 years and one son age 20. My problem is when I m away from for job and other reason. My wife takes excessive liquor day and night. all of our family members tried to advise her to stop her but she is sinking. she is very much addictive to this. Due to this my son is getting affected in his studies. We all are confused and distrubed. what should we do.

Ans: She will need urgent intervention. Possibly a rehab program. Can you first have her see a psychiatrist perhaps? Sometimes these addictive behaviours stem from underlying anxiety or depression.
DISCLAIMER: The answer provided by rediffGURUS is for informational and general awareness purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical diagnosis or treatment.

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Love Guru

Love Guru   |187 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert - Answered on Dec 10, 2021

Dear Guruji, Boss, I had a drinking problem. Wife refused sex till alcohol issue solved. For a year now, have not touched a drop. I swear on my mother. She is still refusing intimacy in bed. Or anywhere. I kept my end of the deal. She has not. We never had any problems in our marriage till I started increasing my drinking. Now I feel like going back to drinking. Need your help. Thank you, Tejbir Kohli

That does sound unfair, Tejbir.

I think you need couples's therapy.

Your marriage has obviously been through a lot, what with your former drinking problem and your wife denying you any form of intimacy.

Please don't hit the bottle again; visit a therapist instead. 


Hi Love Guru,
My husband always watching porn stuff.
Too much.
Porn not getting translated to real life action.
Can’t too much porn be an addiction?
I am afraid one of my daughters might see him watching.
Need your guidance.
Fatima Zaidi

Dear Fatima,

A lot of people watch porn, but an addiction is a different matter.

It's when one cannot stop watching and does so every chance s/he gets, even in risky environments like the workplace or when one's family is around.

Explain to your husband that you think that this is getting out of hand and that you're worried for both his mental wellbeing as well as your children's exposure to porn.

He needs to be discreet and also ensure that it's not getting out of hand.

Such an obsession is not healthy.

Moreover, do you have a good sex life? Maybe if you're more adventurous with him in the bedroom he may not feel the need to rely quite so much on watching sex instead of having it!

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Anu Krishna  |1057 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Feb 23, 2022

 I came across while casually going through the news feed on my phone. I am 43 years old married for 20+ years and have an adult kid and a teenager (both boys). My problem is that me and my husband have been arguing tooooo much nowadays on his alcohol issue. Even though he is not a daily drinker or excessive one, per his doctor's advise he should not be drinking. He tends to make promises which he never keeps regarding the same issue. Ours was an arranged marriage and we had our 1st kid on our 1st anniversary and 2nd kids 4 years later.Now even the elder son has started to question his dad about not keeping promises to which my husband says that as a son he doesn't need to tell him how a father has to live and what he has to do. Now my kids have lost trust on their father and I have lost trust on him long back. I have come to a point where I am in the relationship only for the kids as I am unemployed and cannot take care of the kids only own with financial support from him. I have confronted him multiple times to stop drinking or seek medical help if need to stop, but he is adamant that he will not stop. I am now worried if the father son's relationship will get into a turmoil cos I don't want my boys to grow up with out a father. I am at a crossroad as to how to continue with life from here on. It would be helpful and kind of you if u can suggest me something to help convince my husband to abandon alcohol and save the family's peace and happiness.

Dear L, I can only imagine what this must be for you. But don’t lose heart. Is there any reason that pushed him to taking to drinking?

Alcohol can make a person who he/she isn’t. What is said and what is to be done, can be forgotten with consistent drinking and the effects it has on the body and mind.

If he is drinking despite doctor’s warnings and it has begun to erode your relationships, either ask an elderly family member to talk to him (preferably a male member) or please seek professional help.

Whatever it is, at home, none of the members must taunt him or nag him or repeatedly talk about his mistakes or his lack of commitment.

This will only push him further away and back into his easy stress buster which is alcohol. Be patient and loving and keep your mind focused on his healing and coming back into the family as a changed person.

Wishing you the best!

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Dr Ashish

Dr Ashish Sehgal  |106 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Mar 16, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Feb 21, 2023Hindi
I’m 41 male, married for last 15 years and have 1 kid. We were in a relationship and got married I love my wife and she also loves me a lot. We live in a joint family ,my wife is an alcoholic and for the same i ready apply divorce 3 time but due to my son i always gave her chance to change her self, but its high time now i apply 4 th time divorce, m i right or wrong??
Ans: I'm sorry to hear that you and your wife are going through such a difficult time. Dealing with addiction can be challenging for both the individual struggling with it and their loved ones. It's important to recognize that addiction is a disease and requires professional help and support to overcome.

Divorce is a serious decision and should not be taken lightly. It's important to consider all of the factors involved and to seek professional guidance before making any decisions. It sounds like you have tried to work through your wife's addiction for a long time and have given her multiple chances to change, but have not seen the results you were hoping for.

If you have exhausted all options and feel that divorce is the best course of action for you and your son, then you are entitled to make that decision. However, it's important to consider the impact that divorce may have on your son and to make sure that he is receiving the support and care that he needs during this difficult time.

I would encourage you to seek the guidance of a professional counselor or therapist to help you navigate this difficult decision and to explore all of your options. They can provide you with the support and guidance you need to make the best decision for yourself and your family.

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Anu Krishna  |1057 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Dec 16, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Nov 09, 2023Hindi
Dear Madam, i am 49 and married with 2 kids (10th standard and 8th standard), my problem started we move to india and settled near my mother/sister-law and there is lot influence things happened alast 2 year and also i have drinking habit which i have overcome by attenting rehibition, but last 8 month i am staying with mother house due my health and now i ok, but every time last 3 months i asking my wife can we staying together but no proper answer and she away most of time on spiritualty, even i allow her go but she is not inform were about even after 20 phone call that triggers me and i drink and make my life diffocult myself, recently i have asked move alone with me and kids but again blaming for all the past thing, due to this i have flight my parents and brother which not keep peace to them....i am really confused and what stage they will expect me i know sure..please let me know any suggestion
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Your drinking is the main reason why your wife cannot trust you again. Rebuilding that trust is going to take a lot of time and patience, Simply by saying that All is Well, let's move back together is not going to help.
Use this time of separation to rebuild that trust. Visit your children often and be the father that they didn't have earlier...be the husband that you were not earlier.
Actions speak louder than words...so, now focus on what you can do for your family that will make them want you back into their lives and this can definitely happen when you are staying away from them.
Allow them to slowly notice the changes in you and they will on their own accept you back...
A lot of work to be done...but anything for the family, right?

All the best!

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Dr Hemalata

Dr Hemalata Arora  |201 Answers  |Ask -

General Physician - Answered on May 02, 2024

Latest Questions

Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5372 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 27, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 17, 2024Hindi
I am 40, can invest 3L per year. How can I plan my retirement after 55 years.
Ans: Current Situation
Age: 40 years
Investment Capacity: Rs. 3 lakhs per year
Retirement Goal: Retire after 55 years
Investment Planning
Assessing Retirement Needs
Estimate Retirement Expenses: Calculate expected monthly expenses post-retirement. Consider inflation and lifestyle changes.

Retirement Corpus: Determine the corpus needed to sustain your retirement lifestyle.

Diversified Investment Strategy
Mutual Funds: Allocate a significant portion to diversified equity mutual funds. These funds offer growth potential.

PPF and EPF: Continue contributing to PPF and EPF for stable and tax-free returns.

NPS: Invest in the National Pension System (NPS) for additional retirement security. It offers tax benefits and a mix of equity and debt.

Active Fund Management
Advantages of Actively Managed Funds
Professional Management: Active funds are managed by experts. They can adapt to market changes.

Better Returns: These funds often outperform index funds. They provide better growth potential.

Disadvantages of Index Funds
Lack of Flexibility: Index funds track the market. They don't adapt to market changes.

Lower Returns: Actively managed funds usually offer higher returns. They can capitalize on market opportunities.

Importance of Regular Funds
Benefits of Investing Through MFD with CFP
Expert Guidance: MFDs and CFPs provide professional advice. They help in selecting and managing the best funds.

Regular Monitoring: Regular funds are monitored and adjusted as needed. This ensures your portfolio stays aligned with your goals.

Disadvantages of Direct Funds
Time-Consuming: Direct funds require more time and knowledge. You need to manage them yourself.

Higher Risk: Without expert guidance, the risk of poor investment decisions increases.

Additional Strategies
Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)
Regular Investments: Invest Rs. 25,000 per month through SIPs. This helps in rupee cost averaging and reduces market timing risk.
Emergency Fund
Liquidity: Maintain an emergency fund. This should cover at least 6 months of expenses. It ensures you don't dip into retirement savings for emergencies.
Adequate Coverage: Ensure you have sufficient life and health insurance. This protects your corpus from unexpected expenses.
Monitoring and Review
Regular Review: Periodically review your portfolio. Make adjustments based on market conditions and personal circumstances.

Rebalancing: Rebalance your portfolio to maintain the desired asset allocation. This ensures optimal risk-return balance.

Final Insights
Investing Rs. 3 lakhs annually with a diversified and actively managed strategy can help you achieve a comfortable retirement. Regular reviews and professional guidance are essential to stay on track and adapt to changes.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5372 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 27, 2024

Hi sir, My age is 50 . I have around 35 lacs in Mutual funds and in stocks approx at 50:50 ratio . My stocks are not appreciating well as compared to mutual funds . As I am not able to keep myself updated in stocks as having my busy schedule from 9:00am to 8:00pm. Besides this I have a saving of 30 lacs in PF and PPF . Besides this I had some savings in postal fixed deposit which is going to be matured in next 4 months and the matured amount is around 60 lacs . I wanted to invest this amount in some mutual funds or with some savings instrument having an appreciation of approx 13-15 % .Pls guide me how should I invest this fund ? If you suggest for mutual fund , then pls suggest the fund types , and should I invest in lumpsum or SIP. If I am going for SIP. , then in how many months or weeks should I invest this total fD matured amount ? I am at present working in a private company with a monthly in-hand salary of 1.5 lacs .and I have no liability for next 8-9 years .
Ans: Current Financial Situation
At age 50, you have Rs. 35 lakhs in mutual funds and stocks, split evenly. Your stocks are not performing well. Your busy schedule from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm makes it hard to manage your stocks.

You also have Rs. 30 lakhs in PF and PPF, and Rs. 60 lakhs in a postal fixed deposit maturing in four months.

Your monthly in-hand salary is Rs. 1.5 lakhs, and you have no liabilities for the next 8-9 years.

Investment Goals
You aim to invest the Rs. 60 lakhs maturing from the fixed deposit. You seek an appreciation of 13-15% per annum.

Assessment of Current Strategy
Mutual Funds vs. Stocks
Your mutual funds are performing better than your stocks. Mutual funds are managed by professionals, offering better returns for those with limited time.

Existing Investments
Your PF and PPF provide stability and tax benefits. These are good for long-term security but offer lower returns compared to equity investments.

Recommendations for Improvement
Increase Mutual Fund Investments
Given your busy schedule, mutual funds are a better option than direct stocks. They are professionally managed and require less personal attention.

Types of Mutual Funds
Equity Mutual Funds: These funds have the potential for higher returns, aligning with your goal of 13-15% appreciation.
Actively Managed Funds: These funds can outperform index funds due to active management by professionals.
Investment Strategy
SIP vs. Lumpsum: Investing in mutual funds via SIPs helps mitigate market volatility. It averages the purchase cost over time.
Investment Period: Consider spreading the Rs. 60 lakhs investment over 12-18 months through SIPs. This approach reduces the risk of market timing.
Diversify Your Portfolio
Diversification: Invest in different types of equity mutual funds. This includes large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap funds. Diversification reduces risk and can provide better returns.
Review and Adjust Regularly
Portfolio Review: Regularly review your investments. Adjust your portfolio based on performance and changes in your financial goals.
Consult a CFP: A Certified Financial Planner can help tailor your investment strategy to meet your specific goals and risk tolerance.
Final Insights
Your current investment strategy is good but can be improved. Shift your focus from direct stocks to mutual funds for better management and returns.

Invest the Rs. 60 lakhs from the maturing fixed deposit in equity mutual funds through SIPs over 12-18 months. This approach will help you achieve your target returns while reducing risk.

Ensure regular reviews and adjustments to your portfolio. Diversify your investments to manage risk effectively.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP

Chief Financial Planner


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5372 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 27, 2024

I am 25. I am investing 12.5k in HDFC Nifty 50 index fund, 10k in Parag Parikh Flexi cap, 10k in Quant Small Cap, 12.5k in ICICI nasdaq 100 index fund. Will this be good for a long term investment? What should I change in my portfolio? By what % should I increase my investment?
Ans: Your investment journey at 25 is commendable. Let's evaluate your portfolio and suggest improvements.

Current Portfolio Assessment

Rs 12.5k in HDFC Nifty 50 Index Fund
Rs 10k in Parag Parikh Flexi Cap
Rs 10k in Quant Small Cap
Rs 12.5k in ICICI Nasdaq 100 Index Fund
Benefits of Actively Managed Funds
Limited Returns in Index Funds:

Index funds track the market. They offer average returns.
They lack flexibility. They can’t outperform the market.
Advantages of Actively Managed Funds:

Active funds offer better returns. Fund managers make strategic decisions.
They adapt to market changes. This improves potential gains.
Recommendations for Portfolio Adjustment
Reduce Index Fund Allocation:

Decrease investment in index funds. Focus more on actively managed funds.
Diversify Portfolio:

Add more diversified and balanced funds. This reduces risk and improves stability.
Focus on Long-Term Growth:

Invest in funds with a strong track record. This ensures consistent growth.
Suggested Portfolio Allocation
Equity Funds:

Increase investment in equity funds. This enhances growth potential.
Balanced Funds:

Allocate a portion to balanced funds. They offer a mix of equity and debt.
Diversified Funds:

Add diversified funds. They spread risk across sectors.
Increasing Investment Percentage
Annual Increment:

Increase investment by 10% annually. This helps keep pace with inflation and growth.
Monthly Contributions:

Review your financial status regularly. Increase contributions as your income grows.
Detailed Financial Plan
Investment Review:

Monitor your investments quarterly. Adjust based on performance and goals.
Professional Guidance:

Seek advice from a Certified Financial Planner. This ensures optimal investment strategies.
Long-Term Perspective:

Stay focused on long-term goals. Avoid frequent changes based on market fluctuations.
Disadvantages of Direct Funds
Complex Management:

Direct funds require constant monitoring. This can be time-consuming.
Professional Assistance:

Regular funds offer expert management. This reduces the burden on investors.
Convenience and Expertise:

Investing through a Certified Financial Planner ensures professional oversight. This improves returns and reduces risks.
Final Insights
Disciplined Investing: Consistent and strategic investments are key.
Professional Advice: Certified Financial Planners offer valuable guidance.
Future Planning: Always plan for future needs and adjust your investments accordingly.
Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5372 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 27, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 26, 2024Hindi
Should I continue to invest in Mirae asset large and mid cap fund?it's 40% of my corpus .
Ans: Portfolio Review
Current Allocation: Mirae Asset Large and Mid Cap Fund is 40% of your corpus.

Performance: Review the fund's historical performance. Check its returns, consistency, and risk profile.

Diversification: A single fund making up 40% of your portfolio is a concentration risk. Diversification can help manage this risk.

Diversification and Risk Management
Reduce Concentration Risk: Invest in other funds or asset classes. This can help spread the risk and potentially increase returns.

Active Management: Actively managed funds can provide better returns. Ensure your investments align with your risk tolerance and financial goals.

Alternatives to Index Funds
Actively Managed Funds: These funds often outperform index funds. They offer better growth potential and professional management.

Disadvantages of Index Funds: Index funds track the market and lack flexibility. Actively managed funds can adjust to market changes.

Regular Fund Investments
Benefits of Regular Funds: Investing through a Mutual Fund Distributor (MFD) with a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) provides expert guidance. They offer better fund selection and management.

Disadvantages of Direct Funds: Direct funds require more time and knowledge. Regular funds provide professional advice and management.

Investment Strategy
Review and Adjust: Periodically review your investments. Rebalance to maintain your desired asset allocation.

Investment Goals: Align your investments with your long-term goals. Ensure your portfolio is diversified and well-managed.

Final Insights
Reducing the concentration in a single fund can help manage risk and potentially increase returns. Consider diversifying into other actively managed funds. This will align with your financial goals and risk tolerance.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5372 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 27, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 17, 2024Hindi
Hi I am P Das, 40 yrs old. my monthly in hand salary is 80k. Monthly expenses 40 k. My investment so far PPF 6 lac, NPS 15 lac FD 14 lac, monthly NPS contribution is 18 k with employees and employer both. I want to build a corpous of 3 cr in next 20 yrs. Please suggest
Ans: Das, at 40 years old, your monthly salary is Rs. 80k. Your monthly expenses are Rs. 40k. This leaves you with Rs. 40k for investments and savings.

Your current investments are:

PPF: Rs. 6 lakhs
NPS: Rs. 15 lakhs
FD: Rs. 14 lakhs
Your monthly NPS contribution is Rs. 18k, combining both your contribution and your employer’s.

Financial Goals
You aim to build a corpus of Rs. 3 crores in the next 20 years.

Assessment of Current Strategy
Your investment in PPF is good for long-term growth and tax benefits. It has a stable interest rate and risk-free returns.

Your NPS contributions are excellent for retirement planning. NPS offers tax benefits and market-linked returns, making it suitable for long-term growth.

Fixed Deposits
FDs are safe but offer lower returns compared to other investment options. Consider reallocating some of these funds for higher returns.

Recommendations for Improvement
Increase Equity Exposure
Equity investments have the potential for higher returns over the long term. Consider starting SIPs in equity mutual funds.

Diversify Investments
Diversifying your investments helps reduce risk. Apart from PPF and NPS, you can invest in mutual funds and bonds.

Adjust Fixed Deposits
FDs are low-return investments. Reallocate a portion of your FD corpus to mutual funds for better returns.

Consistent Review and Adjustment
Review your investments regularly. Make adjustments based on market conditions and your financial goals.

Mutual Funds
Equity Mutual Funds: Start SIPs in diversified equity mutual funds. These funds have higher growth potential.
Actively Managed Funds: Actively managed funds can outperform index funds due to professional management.
Retirement Planning
Your NPS contributions are excellent. Continue this for a stable retirement corpus. Additionally, allocate funds to mutual funds for diversified growth.

Emergency Fund
Ensure you have an emergency fund. This should cover 6-12 months of expenses and be kept in a liquid asset.

Tax Planning
Maximize your tax-saving investments. Ensure you are using instruments like PPF, NPS, and tax-saving mutual funds.

Final Insights
Your current investment strategy is solid, but can be improved. Increase your equity exposure for higher long-term returns. Diversify your investments to reduce risk. Review and adjust your portfolio regularly.

Start SIPs in equity mutual funds and consider reallocating some FD funds to higher return investments. Maintain an emergency fund and maximize tax-saving investments.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP

Chief Financial Planner


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