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Dr Shakeeb Ahmed

Dr Shakeeb Ahmed Khan


88 Answers | 8 Followers

Dr Shakeeb Ahmed Khan is a senior consultant physiotherapist with over 12 years of experience specialising in orthopaedic and paediatric physiotherapy.
He has served as a technical consultant for the World Health Organisation, the United Nations, the Tata Institute of Social Sciences and several national and international NGOs.
Besides physiotherapy, he is keenly interested in disability management, early intervention, geriatric care and assisting children with disabilities.
Dr Khan has a bachelor's degree in physiotherapy from the Ravi Nair Physiotherapy College in Wardha, Maharashtra, a master's degree in disability rehabilitation administration from the National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped, Secunderabad, and a PhD in disability management from Bangalore University.... more

Answered on Jun 21, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 24, 2024Hindi
Hi Doctor, My query is regarding Physiotherapy. I recently underwent a surgery for 'Flexor Tenosynovitis' of the Thumb. I am currently undergoing physiotherapy since last 1 month to regain thumb movement. My queries are: (1) Is it possible that index finger adjacent to the affected thumb gets sore due to physiotherapy of the thumb. There is no pain , only soreness of the index finger since last 1 month. (2) How many days/ weeks it takes to regain complete normalcy in thumb movement, especially the bending of thumb. At present my thumb is extremely stiff and I can hardly bend it. (3) Is it possible to regain 100% normalcy of thumb movements by doing physiotherapy? For reference I'm 36 yrs of age and physically fit. Thanks in advance.
Ans: Thank you for your query regarding physiotherapy following your surgery for Flexor Tenosynovitis of the thumb. It is possible for the index finger adjacent to the affected thumb to become sore during physiotherapy. This soreness can occur due to increased use or compensation during exercises aimed at improving thumb mobility. The muscles and tendons of the hand are interconnected, and stress on one area can affect adjacent areas. Ensure that your physiotherapist is aware of the soreness in your index finger so they can adjust your exercises or provide specific techniques to alleviate the soreness.

The time it takes to regain full movement in the thumb can vary based on the severity of the initial condition, the extent of the surgery, and individual healing rates. Generally, it may take several weeks to months. Stiffness is common in the early stages of recovery, but continued physiotherapy, including range-of-motion exercises and stretching, will gradually improve flexibility and movement. Many individuals can achieve significant improvement and even full recovery of thumb movement with consistent physiotherapy, but the extent of recovery can vary.In a retrospective study of 41 patients with flexor tenosynovitis, Dailiana et al. found that the best functional outcome associated with this condition resulted from early diagnosis, drainage through small incisions, and continuous postoperative irrigation. Worse outcomes were associated with delayed treatment and infections with specific pathogens. By following these guidelines and working closely with your physiotherapist, you should be able to maximize your recovery and regain as much thumb function as possible.

Answered on Jun 21, 2024

Sir my daughter is a PH with 63% Disability certified. She has vision in one eye only and that also is grafted. She is suffering from keratoglobus and week bones. At present she is in class 10. She wants to take up commerce in her 11th. I am not understanding how to train her for her future. Which career or job she can get with this condition. Kindly guide me as to how I should lead her after 10th for a secure govt job. She is good in drawings and has won many prizes too. But don't know how long she will be able to do because of her low vision. Please help.
Ans: It's commendable that you are looking ahead to support your daughter's future. Given her interest in commerce and her talent in drawing, there are several ways to help her navigate her educational and career path effectively. Here are some detailed steps and suggestions to guide you:
Ensure the educational institution she plans to attend for her 11th and 12th grades can accommodate her needs. Speak to the school or college principal about making the environment accessible, including providing necessary aids like large print materials, magnifying devices, or digital resources. Advocate for sensitization programs in the school to ensure her peers and teachers understand her needs and can provide appropriate support. Completing her graduation will open up numerous opportunities. Encourage her to pursue her interests in commerce, as this field offers diverse career paths. Utilize the 1% reservation in identified government jobs and higher education for people with physical disabilities. This reservation is an important entitlement and can provide a secure career path. Guide her to prepare for competitive exams like SSC, UPSC, or banking exams that have reservations for physically disabled candidates. Various coaching centers and online platforms offer preparatory courses tailored to these exams. Look for scholarships and educational grants specifically for students with disabilities to support her higher education financially. Please refer National Handicapped Development Finance Corporation Scheme for scholarship. Connect with NGOs that support individuals with disabilities. These organizations can provide resources, training, and advocacy support.

Answered on Jun 21, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 20, 2024Hindi
Dr Shakeeb, I have an 21 year old daughter who has speech disability. We tried different types of therapies but nothing helped beyond a point. She is smart but very dependent on us, her parents. She walks slowly and has gained weight as well. She doesn't look into the eye when she's making a conversation but she is very observant of people and surroundings. We are in our 50s and want to make her independent. Should we apply for a disability certificate? How can we try and help her?
Ans: Thank you for sharing your daughter's situation. It sounds like you've been dedicated in seeking help and support for her. Here are some detailed steps and suggestions to further assist her and ensure she receives the necessary support:

1. Disability Certificate:
- Application Process: Applying for a disability certificate is a crucial step. This certificate can officially document her disability, making her eligible for various benefits, schemes, and support systems.
- Evaluation: It will involve a thorough medical and psychological evaluation. Given her symptoms, a professional might assess her for conditions such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

2. Vocational Training and Education:
- Local NGOs: Look for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) or institutions nearby that offer vocational training and educational programs tailored for individuals with disabilities. These programs can enhance her skills and increase her independence.
- Specialized Programs: Many NGOs provide tailored programs focusing on communication skills, daily living skills, and specific job training.

3. National Trust Schemes:
- Niramaya Health Insurance Scheme: This scheme offers health insurance coverage for individuals with autism and other disabilities, covering various medical needs without age limitations.
- Other Schemes: Explore other schemes under the National Trust, which aim to provide lifelong shelter, care, and employment for individuals with disabilities.

4. Support Groups and Associations:
- Parent Associations: Joining a parent association group can be incredibly beneficial. These groups offer emotional support, share resources, and provide practical advice from experienced parents.
- Disability Support Groups: These groups can connect you with other families facing similar challenges, and offer workshops, social events, and advocacy support.

5. Legal Guardianship:
- National Trust Act 1999: This act includes provisions for appointing legal guardians for adults with disabilities. This can ensure that your daughter has a designated guardian to make decisions on her behalf if necessary.
- Guardianship Boards: Look into the local guardianship boards or legal advisors to understand the process and ensure your daughter's future security.

Additional Tips:
- Therapeutic Support: Continue exploring different types of therapies. Sometimes, a combination of speech therapy, occupational therapy, and behavioral therapy can yield better results.
- Healthy Lifestyle: Encourage physical activities suited to her abilities to help manage her weight and improve overall health. This could include walking, swimming, or specialized fitness programs for individuals with disabilities.
- Social Skills Training: Work on her social skills gradually, focusing on eye contact, conversation skills, and building confidence in social settings.

By pursuing these steps, you can help create a supportive environment for your daughter that fosters her independence and improves her quality of life. Your proactive approach and dedication will be invaluable in ensuring she receives the necessary support and opportunities for personal growth

Answered on Jun 20, 2024

Dear sir, I have a daughter who is diagnosed with Congenital Muscular Dyatrophy( Merosin deficient Lama 2). Is there any cure available anywhere in the world. If not what are the researches going on till now. I Have seen vaccinations / General therapy / stem cell therapy for DMD and not for CMD. Kindly help me out here.. ???????? My daughter is 7 years old.
Ans: I’m sorry to hear about your daughter's diagnosis. Congenital Muscular Dystrophy (CMD), particularly the Merosin-deficient type (LAMA2), is indeed a challenging condition, and I understand your concerns about finding effective treatments. Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for CMD. However, several supportive treatments can help manage symptoms and enhance the quality of life for those with CMD. Management includes include physical therapy, which is essential for maintaining muscle function and preventing contractures, and occupational therapy, which aims to assist with daily activities and improve overall quality of life. Additionally, breathing exercise prescribed by Physiotherapy is crucial, as respiratory muscles can be affected; thus, regular monitoring and non-invasive ventilation may be necessary. Proper positioning and ergonomics are vital for managing skeletal deformities such as scoliosis. Ongoing research into stem cell therapy holds promise for the future, with hopes of repairing or replacing damaged muscle tissue, though it remains in the experimental stages and is not yet available as a treatment. It is also important for parents to seek counseling to build mental resilience and cope with the emotional and psychological challenges of caring for a child with CMD. My best wishes for your family.

Answered on Jun 18, 2024

My son is having motor tics like blinking,tensing the abdomen for 6 months..all other reports are normal..he was not much disturbed by that.my neurologist was advising to start medication.do I should start..
Ans: My son is having motor tics like blinking,tensing the abdomen for 6 months..all other reports are normal..he was not much disturbed by that.my neurologist was advising to start medication.do I should start..Ans: Hello Deepa,

Thank you for your query. First and foremost, I would like to inform you that I am not a neurologist but a physiotherapist, so my advice will be from a physiotherapy perspective. If you are hesitant to start medication, you may consider seeking a second opinion from another neurologist, as neurologists are well-equipped to manage motor tics medically.

From a physiotherapy standpoint, we can offer supportive management of motor tics through various non-pharmacological interventions. These include teaching stress management techniques, as stress and anxiety can exacerbate tics. For instance, diaphragmatic breathing can help reduce overall stress and tension. Additionally, physiotherapists can guide the child through Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) exercises to help relax muscle groups and reduce the frequency of tics.

Physiotherapists also engage children in activities that improve overall motor control, which might help lessen the frequency and severity of tics. Proprioceptive training exercises enhance body awareness and proprioception. Postural correction is another key area, addressing any postural issues that may arise due to repetitive tics, ensuring the child maintains a healthy posture to avoid secondary complications. Furthermore, we implement programs to strengthen weak muscles and stretch tight muscles to support better posture and overall muscle function.

Encouraging regular physical activity is also beneficial, as it can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being. By incorporating these strategies, physiotherapy can provide valuable support in managing motor tics, enhancing the child's quality of life, and complementing other medical and therapeutic interventions. Wishing for his quick recovery.

Answered on Jun 17, 2024

My son is having motor tics like blinking,tensing the abdomen for 6 months..all other reports are normal..he was not much disturbed by that.my neurologist was advising to start medication.do I should start..
Ans: Hello Deepa,

Thank you for your query. First and foremost, I would like to inform you that I am not a neurologist but a physiotherapist, so my advice will be from a physiotherapy perspective. If you are hesitant to start medication, you may consider seeking a second opinion from another neurologist, as neurologists are well-equipped to manage motor tics medically.

From a physiotherapy standpoint, we can offer supportive management of motor tics through various non-pharmacological interventions. These include teaching stress management techniques, as stress and anxiety can exacerbate tics. For instance, diaphragmatic breathing can help reduce overall stress and tension. Additionally, physiotherapists can guide the child through Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) exercises to help relax muscle groups and reduce the frequency of tics.

Physiotherapists also engage children in activities that improve overall motor control, which might help lessen the frequency and severity of tics. Proprioceptive training exercises enhance body awareness and proprioception. Postural correction is another key area, addressing any postural issues that may arise due to repetitive tics, ensuring the child maintains a healthy posture to avoid secondary complications. Furthermore, we implement programs to strengthen weak muscles and stretch tight muscles to support better posture and overall muscle function.

Encouraging regular physical activity is also beneficial, as it can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being. By incorporating these strategies, physiotherapy can provide valuable support in managing motor tics, enhancing the child's quality of life, and complementing other medical and therapeutic interventions. Wishing for his quick recovery.

Answered on Jun 09, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 24, 2024Hindi
I am 57 year old use to consume alcohol 180 ml every day, my abdomen is increasing what should i do ?
Ans: As a physiotherapist, I strongly advise you to stop consuming alcohol, as it significantly impacts your health and contributes to abdominal weight gain. Focus on consuming fewer calories overall to create a calorie deficit, which is necessary for weight loss. Incorporate more lean proteins into your diet, such as chicken, fish, tofu, and legumes. Protein helps build and repair muscle tissue and keeps you feeling full longer. Limit your intake of refined carbohydrates like white bread, pasta, and sugary snacks. Opt for complex carbs like whole grains, vegetables, and fruits.

Engage in short bursts of high-intensity exercises followed by brief periods of rest or low-intensity exercise. Examples include sprinting, cycling, or jumping jacks. Aim for 20-30 minutes per session, 3-4 times a week. Incorporate longer sessions of low-intensity activities such as walking, swimming, or light jogging. Aim for at least 30-60 minutes per session, 5 times a week. Regular exercise is crucial for effective weight management. Make sure to stick to your workout routine. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and support metabolic processes. Ensure you get adequate sleep, as it is essential for recovery and overall health.

Practice stress-reducing techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises. Consider scheduling regular sessions with a physiotherapist to tailor a specific exercise program to your needs and monitor your progress. Additionally, consulting a nutritionist can help you develop a balanced diet plan that aligns with your weight loss goals.

Answered on Apr 19, 2024

Hi Sir, My wife as sever pain in left foot at point where finger starts from foot. pain is like that some wound is there, but from outside its ok. could you please guide what can be cause for this and how to cure this. Thanks Sunil
Ans: Hello,

I'm sorry to hear about your wife's pain. The location you described, where the pain is at the point where the finger starts from the foot, could indeed be caused by various conditions such as corns or plantar fasciitis, as you mentioned.Corns are small areas of thickened skin that develop as a result of pressure or friction. They can cause pain and discomfort, especially when walking or wearing tight shoes. Plantar fasciitis, on the other hand, is inflammation of the thick band of tissue (plantar fascia) that runs across the bottom of the foot. It commonly causes stabbing pain near the heel or along the arch of the foot, but it can sometimes affect other areas of the foot as well.To determine the exact cause of your wife's pain and the best course of treatment, it would be advisable for her to visit a physiotherapist or a healthcare professional specializing in foot conditions. They can conduct a thorough examination, possibly including imaging tests if necessary, to make an accurate diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment options. In the meantime, she can try some self-care measures to alleviate the pain, such as resting the foot, applying ice packs, wearing comfortable and supportive footwear, using over-the-counter pain relievers, and possibly using orthotic inserts or pads to reduce pressure on the affected area.I hope your wife finds relief soon.

Answered on Apr 12, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Mar 28, 2024Hindi
Dr. Shakeeb good afternoon, I am 63, my belly is quite visible and give very bad looks. I need it should be reduce and normal shape. I also walk 6-7000 steps.
Ans: Dear Sir, Thank you for your inquiry. Understanding concerns regarding belly size is crucial, as it can also contribute to back pain. Achieving a reduction in belly size entails embracing a comprehensive approach that encompasses healthy eating habits, regular physical activity, and lifestyle adjustments. Here are some guidelines to assist you in reaching your desired goal: Focus on maintaining a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, while avoiding processed foods, sugary snacks, and high-fat meals. Incorporate a variety of exercises into your routine, including cardiovascular workouts like walking, jogging, cycling, or swimming, to burn calories and reduce overall body fat, including belly fat. Additionally, include strength training exercises such as weightlifting or bodyweight exercises to build muscle mass and enhance metabolism. Targeting specific abdominal muscles through exercises like crunches, planks, and leg raises can help tone and strengthen the core. Monitor your caloric intake and limit consumption of sugary and processed foods. Consistency is key to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight and reducing belly fat, so remain dedicated to your diet and exercise regimen while exercising patience with your progress. With commitment and perseverance, you can work towards achieving your desired waist size and overall health goals, thereby alleviating concerns related to back pain.

Answered on Apr 08, 2024

Hi I am 40 years old working in a high pressure job. I have had a very peculiar problem for about 20 years now. Since I was 20 years old I have been spending long hours on PC for entertainment and my job. Whenever, I use my right hand for moving the mouse, I get an acute pain which starts from my little finger and upto My upper back, shoulder and upto some point in my spine which I can't pinpoint exactly. I can't keep my Right hand on the mouse for more than 2 minutes. So, I started using my left hand for moving the mouse about 20 years ago and I have become ambidextrous now when it comes to moving the mouse on a computer. But till date I can't keep my right hand on the mouse for more than two minutes as the pain from my little finger to upper back returns. However, I am able to manage with my left hand. I consulted a few doctors but none could diagnose the problem correctly and I also ignored the problem. But as I am ageing now, I am not feeling good about it. Can you tell me what could be the problem??
Ans: Dear Sir,Thank you for reaching out. Given the duration of your symptoms and your previous consultations without a definitive diagnosis, it might be beneficial to consider consulting specialists like orthopedic doctors, or neuro physiotherapist experienced in addressing repetitive strain injuries and musculoskeletal disorders.

These specialists may suggest additional assessments, nerve conduction tests (NCT) , to identify the root cause of your symptoms. Moreover, they can offer tailored treatment approaches, including ergonomic modifications to your workstation, exercises aimed at enhancing strength and flexibility, and strategies to minimize repetitive motions and strain on your muscles and nerves. Wishing for your quick recovery .

Answered on Apr 04, 2024


Answered on Apr 03, 2024

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