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Mohit Arora  |42 Answers  |Ask -

Dating Coach - Answered on Dec 09, 2023

Mohit Arora is a relationship coach, image consultant, soft skills trainer and the founder of Real Dating School. He has a BTech degree in computer science from the Rayat & Bahra Institute of Engineering and Biotechnology, Mohali, Punjab. He has been conducting customised skilling and communication workshops since 2014.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Dec 07, 2023Hindi

My partner is regularly stalking me on Instagram. She reads all my posts and messages and wants to discuss every comment I make. I think she is jealous and insecure about my relationships with friends, especially females. I love her and don't want to lose her. But every time we have a discussion, we end up fighting and she wants to break up with me because she thinks I am cheating on her, which is not true.

Ans: She's just insecure. If she is not able to realise that she is overstepping, then it's your responsibility as a man to explain her.

If she still doens't, then you have a choice to move on and keep being in this toxic relationship. Sometimes you just can't change the other person.

So weigh the pros and cons and make your decision.

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Anu Krishna  |836 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Apr 05, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Apr 04, 2023Hindi
Hi Anu. I would prefer being anonymous with this query. I have been in a relationship with another woman for around 10+ years now. We first had an extra marital relationship that ended in divorce for both of us. Now that we're divorced, I realize that she has a severe doubting issue. We are in a long distance relationship and she becomes insecure whenever I step out of the house. This has made things difficult for me. I even gave her a job at work where she continuously links with my team members. I complained to her father about her behaviour and this enraged her further. We are having a standoff right now. I told her that I won't proceed with the relationship till she stops her doubting behaviour. And she sees this as me breaking up. She is insisting that she will go to the police and file a complaint against me if I break up. She also says she will complain to HR if I break up with her. She says her doubting behaviour will disappear once we unite but I'm sceptical. I still love her but find her doubting behaviour very annoying. Any tips to handle the situation? Can she file a case against me for cheating when the actual problem here is that she refuses to stop doubting?
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
So, what the two of you did behind your spouses' back, is what worries her now!
She doubts only because she knows you and she went on to step out of marriage to have a relationship; she feels that you can do this again but with her.
There is that precedence already that has created doubts and trust issues. And it becomes worse in a long distance relationship. And anyway, any relationship that requires you to explain yourself and prove your love, is hardly a relationship to start out in the first place.

And what's the point involving her father? Shouldn't you be addressing the issue with her?
Kindly stop skirting around the issue; express how this is affecting you and your thoughts on the relationship. The doubting trait must be dealt with now as it can grow; someone who is threatening to spill the beans at your office has little respect for you or your job.

Having said this, I will like to give you her point of view as well. She fears losing you and that you might cheat on her. She does require some reassurance; maybe a few more texts or calls might ease her. But this can grow into an expectation as well and when it is not fulfilled, it will have serious consequences. So, TRUST issues is what is causing this rift in your relationship. Handle this NOW either by yourself or seek the help of a relationship expert or any expert who can helpn guide the two of you to build trust back.

All the best!

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Anu Krishna  |836 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Apr 24, 2023

Hi, my age is 19 years and I’m in a relationship for a couple of months. It’s too good in the beginning. We used to share everything about our pasts, family, and all and we’re still doing so. I know that her family is not good. She has lost her mother 2 years ago. She lives with her father, sister, granny and grandpa. Few months ago, she shared something with me. She told that one of her close relatives were trying to talk with her completely alone and he instructed her not to tell anyone about their conversation. That person told her many things about intimacy, lust and also tried to indicate that he wants her in the bed or something else, we don’t know. He told; “If you open yourself, I’ll open myself to the extreme”, “I have many investment planning on you”, “ you can’t control your hormones in this age” etc. But, after that incident, I became too protective. I’m always having a fear that somebody will hurt her or she is in danger. And during all this, I repeatedly kept telling her to wear dresses rightly, giving poses rightly like “you should not attract anyone with your eyes or show yourself desirable”. And She gets hurt and deleted the all of her photos available on social media. And also I have hurt sometimes emotionally by not trusting her. I don’t want to cage her but a fear is always running within me. Now, I’m having a fear that if she leaves me. It’s all my fault. I’m feeling that she is ignoring me sometimes but that’s not true as she cleared that she wants to stay with me. But I’m not getting over from that fear.
Ans: Dear Anirban,
It's sweet and nice of you to care for her and want to protect her only if she also wants it.
She has possibly started feeling that your actions are controlling and she seems to want to be free of that. So, anything you try even if it is for her own good will be misinterpreted.
Also, this statement as protective as it seems: “you should not attract anyone with your eyes or show yourself desirable”...it's not a very nice thing to say. You are suggesting that she is responsible for attracting unwanted male attention and that is something that she or any girl would not have liked to hear from you at all.
Kindly step aside and know that she can take care of herself. If she needs your help and assistance, she will call out to you...until then please let her decide for herself what she wants to do.
It's not that she doesn't know what's appropriate and not; so stop caging her with your thoughts and action.
If she appreciates what you are doing for her, she will reach out to you and till then also know that times have changed and it is not the fault of the woman for a man to behave the way he is...So, correct your mindset too and care for her from a distance for a while.

All the best

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Anu Krishna  |836 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Oct 17, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Oct 07, 2023Hindi
Greetings, Anu. I am a 50-year-old married man in a relationship with a married woman 17 years my junior. She is exceptionally gorgeous and intelligent, and we were both colleagues until she changed jobs a few days ago. I had introduced her to my boss and my mentor, who work in a different organisation. After a while, I found she was constantly talking and discussing him with me, and my senoir was constantly inquiring about her whenever I went to meet him. I began to suspect, and one day I abruptly asked my partner what was up with her. She wasn't prepared for the query, and the first thing out of her mouth was the name of my senior, despite the fact that I had asked or said nothing about him. She tried to right herself and began explaining that she had received his texts complimenting her appearance and discussing her profession. I asked how often they exchanged messages, and she said once or twice a month. I begged her to desist from doing so in the future. But I tracked her and discovered that they were both online for over 14 to 18 hours every day, and their online times were almost identical to the extent of seconds, if not minutesAs she is a teacher, I asked for her weekly schedule so that I could contact her anytime she was available, which she provided. However, I discovered that both were online throughout her class hour. When I questioned her, she stated that her schedule had altered. I saw both of them online till the early hours of the morning from a different phone that had their numbers, and they had that number recorded in the other phone I was tracking them with. I started interrogating her directly one day and asked her how much time she spent chatting with him everyday, and she responded anywhere between 10 and 30 minutes, once or twice a week. I asked for her phone and discovered that all of her messages had been deleted. When I asked her what she talked about practically every day with him, she responded academics. I tried to ask her a few questions, and she gradually began to open up as she felt imprisoned after every other question she had replied. She admitted that my senior was speaking with her and that he frequently complimented her on her appearance and discussed a variety of other topics. She also argued with me about what was wrong with being online and conversing with someone. She stated that she thought my senior was a kind person. I asked her how she felt about him, and she avoided answering by chatting about unimportant stuff. I stopped communicating with her and responding to her texts. She didn't contact or text me on the first day, either, but on the third day, she began sending me love messages and beseeching me to respond. I persuaded myself into it, but she continued speaking with my senior all day and till past midnight, as I could see both online, even after she had blocked my number with another number I had taken from her good buddy. She attempted to persuade me, and I consented. I could tell that she maintained her friendship with my senior, and she frequently neglected to respond to my messages, even though she was spotted online long after I had sent them to her. I returned to her and we had a discussion about the same topic before I stopped talking to her. She did not message or phone me for two days, but on the third day she called and I had to pick up because something extremely important had to be discussed in another topicAfter that matter was discussed, I ended the call, and she began to send me love pictures and love messages again, as well as saying she wanted to talk to me and that I should not behave like this, at least with her. I agreed and dialled her number. She argued with me, accusing me of not believing her. I told her to keep away from my senior and that I shouldn't see her online with him anymore. She agreed, and I saw she wasn't online anymore, despite the fact that my senior was. This caused me to reconsider, and I discovered that she had applied for a new phone number and acquired a new phone two days prior. I asked her, and she refused, but the source from whom I learned was certain because my partner had asked her for a decent shop for mobiles as well as the network for the new phone. Madam , I had asked her several times what she talked about with him for hours every day, but she never answered, and now that she has a new phone, I know why....What should I do????
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
What you should do is to move on with your life which is getting impossible with you monitoring her every move.
Your peace of mind is gone and she isn't required to give you the explanations that you seek...she has the freedom as much as you do to speak with anyone that she chooses...so why are you so stuck on this?

Is it love and also both of you are married...(this is not to judge either of you...) but where there is no commitment, there is no reason to get possessive or demand explanations. The same goes for her as well in case she starts to stalk you and gets on your case...

So, now let her be and befriend who she wants to...there is no way that you can stop her...so simply get on with your life...there are better things to do than run around chasing someone who is chasing someone else...

All the best!

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Kanchan Rai  |175 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Oct 24, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Oct 24, 2023Hindi
Dear Mam, I have been in a relationship for four years now. We have had physical contact. relation .He loves me very much. But some girls who are friends often seem suspicious. For example, ask my boy if he can give me the dress he has put on. She gets jealous when she posts my photo. What is this.. (She is married.)
Ans: I understand that it can be challenging when jealousy arises in a long-term relationship, and it's important to address these concerns in a healthy and constructive way. In your situation, it's not uncommon for feelings of jealousy to emerge when it appears that other women are showing interest in your boyfriend, especially if they are married. Here are some insights and advice for handling this situation:

Open Communication: The key to resolving these feelings of jealousy is open and honest communication with your partner. Sit down and have a calm, non-confrontational conversation with your boyfriend about how you've been feeling. Express your concerns and let him know that you value his friendship with these women but that their actions have been making you uncomfortable.
Understanding Intentions: Ask your boyfriend about his interactions with these female friends. It's important to understand his perspective and intentions. It's possible that he's unaware of how these actions are affecting you, and he might be able to offer reassurance.
Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries that both you and your boyfriend are comfortable with regarding interactions with the opposite sex. Discuss what is acceptable and what is not. It's essential that both partners agree on these boundaries to ensure a healthy and trusting relationship.
Trust and Reassurance: Reiterate your trust in your boyfriend's love and commitment to you. If he reassures you that his feelings for you are strong and that these interactions are purely platonic, it's important to believe and trust him. Jealousy can erode trust, so it's crucial to maintain that trust in your relationship.
Self-Reflection: Take time to reflect on your own feelings of jealousy. Are there specific insecurities or past experiences that contribute to these emotions? Self-awareness can help you better understand and manage your feelings.
Support and Compromise: If these feelings persist and become a significant source of conflict in your relationship, consider seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor. They can provide guidance, facilitate discussions, and offer strategies for both partners to manage jealousy and maintain a healthy relationship.
Remember that every relationship is unique, and it's essential to address jealousy and insecurities in a way that works for both you and your partner. Healthy communication, trust, and understanding can help you navigate these challenges and build a stronger, more resilient relationship.

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Shekhar Kumar  |117 Answers  |Ask -

Leadership, HR Expert - Answered on May 03, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Apr 26, 2024Hindi
I am persuing master's in Biotechnology and it should be completed in may , where should i can get a job and what are the steps to address a job
Ans: Completing a master's degree in biotechnology opens up various job opportunities in fields such as pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, healthcare, research institutions, academia, and government agencies. Here are some steps to help you find a job after completing your master's in biotechnology. First, determine the specific areas within biotechnology that interest you the most, such as drug discovery, molecular biology, genetic engineering, bioinformatics, or clinical research. Clarifying your career goals will help you target relevant job opportunities. Explore companies, research institutions, universities, hospitals, and government agencies that hire biotechnology professionals. Look for organizations that align with your interests, values, and career aspirations. Network with professionals in the biotechnology industry through online platforms like LinkedIn, professional associations, industry events, seminars, and career fairs. Networking can help you learn about job openings, connect with potential employers, and gather insights into the industry. Tailor your resume and LinkedIn profile to highlight your education, research experience, technical skills, and relevant accomplishments. Emphasize any laboratory techniques, instrumentation, software, or research projects that showcase your expertise in biotechnology. Search for job openings in biotechnology-related roles on online job portals, company websites, professional associations, and academic institutions. Customize your application materials for each position, emphasizing how your qualifications and experiences align with the job requirements. Explore internship or fellowship opportunities in biotechnology companies, research labs, or government agencies to gain practical experience, expand your network, and enhance your employability. Some internships may also lead to full-time job offers. Take advantage of the career services offered by your university, which may include job placement assistance, resume workshops, mock interviews, and career counseling. Career advisors can provide personalized guidance and support throughout your job search process. Job hunting in the biotechnology industry may take time and persistence. Stay motivated, maintain a positive attitude, and be open to exploring different opportunities or career paths within biotechnology.

By following these steps and actively pursuing job opportunities in the biotechnology field, you can increase your chances of securing a rewarding job after completing your master's degree. Keep networking, refining your skills, and staying proactive in your job search to achieve your career goals in biotechnology.

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Shekhar Kumar  |117 Answers  |Ask -

Leadership, HR Expert - Answered on May 03, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 02, 2024Hindi
How to become pilot in air india ??sir please ???? tell me
Ans: Becoming a pilot for Air India, or any commercial airline, requires dedication, training, and meeting specific qualifications. Here are the general steps to becoming a pilot for Air India: Obtain a high school diploma or equivalent qualification with a strong background in mathematics, physics, and English. Many aspiring pilots also pursue a bachelor's degree, although it may not be mandatory for all airlines. Pass a thorough medical examination conducted by an aviation medical examiner to obtain a medical certificate to ensure that you meet the medical standards required to operate aircraft. Enroll in a reputable flight training school or academy to obtain the necessary flight training and experience. You'll need to complete a certain number of flight hours, including both solo and dual instruction, to qualify for a commercial pilot license. Obtain a private pilot license (PPL), followed by a commercial pilot license (CPL) from the aviation authority in India. Additionally, you'll need to earn various ratings and endorsements, such as instrument rating (IR) and multi-engine rating (ME), to qualify for airline pilot positions. Gain experience as a pilot by accumulating flight hours through various means, including flight instruction, aerial surveying, charter flights, or other entry-level pilot positions. Most airlines, including Air India, require pilots to have a minimum number of flight hours before applying for a position. Once you meet the qualifications and experience requirements, you can apply for pilot positions with Air India through their official recruitment channels. Keep an eye on their website or job postings for any openings for pilots. If selected for an interview, you'll undergo various assessments, including technical knowledge tests, simulator evaluations, and interviews with airline representatives. Successful candidates may then be offered employment as a pilot with Air India. After being hired by Air India, you'll undergo type rating training on the specific aircraft types operated by the airline. This training includes classroom instruction, simulator sessions, and flight training to become qualified to operate the airline's aircraft. As a pilot for Air India, you'll undergo recurrent training and proficiency checks periodically to maintain your qualifications and stay up-to-date with the latest regulations, procedures, and aircraft technologies.

It's essential to research and understand the specific requirements and procedures for becoming a pilot for Air India, as they may have additional criteria or selection processes tailored to their airline operations. Additionally, networking with current pilots and industry professionals can provide valuable insights and guidance throughout your career journey.

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Shekhar Kumar  |117 Answers  |Ask -

Leadership, HR Expert - Answered on May 03, 2024

My daughter is doint phd in virology from iisc bangalore after that what type of job she can apply
Ans: A Ph.D. in virology from a prestigious institution like the Indian Institute of Science (IISC) in Bangalore opens up numerous career opportunities for your daughter. With her expertise in virology, she can pursue a career as a research scientist in academic institutions, research laboratories, government agencies, or pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. She can conduct research on viruses, develop diagnostic tools, study virus-host interactions, or contribute to vaccine and antiviral drug development. Your daughter may choose to pursue a career in academia as a faculty member or postdoctoral researcher. She can apply for faculty positions at universities or colleges, where she can teach virology courses, mentor students, and lead independent research projects. Many pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and healthcare companies hire virologists for their R&D divisions. Your daughter can work in drug discovery, vaccine development, clinical trials, or diagnostics development, contributing to the development of novel therapeutics or preventive measures against viral diseases. With a Ph.D. in virology, your daughter can work in public health organizations, government agencies, or international health agencies. She can contribute to epidemiological studies, outbreak investigations, disease surveillance, and public health policy development related to viral infections. Your daughter can work as a consultant or advisor for organizations that require expertise in virology, such as biotech startups, pharmaceutical companies, regulatory agencies, or healthcare organizations. She can provide scientific advice, expertise in regulatory compliance, or strategic guidance for research and development projects.

These are just a few examples of the diverse career paths available to someone with a Ph.D. in virology. Depending on her interests, skills, and career goals, your daughter can explore various opportunities in research, academia, industry, public health, communication, or entrepreneurship. Encourage her to network with professionals in her field, attend conferences, and explore different career options to find the path that best suits her interests and aspirations.

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Shekhar Kumar  |117 Answers  |Ask -

Leadership, HR Expert - Answered on May 03, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Apr 30, 2024Hindi
How is BDES in Fine Arts from Amity University Mumbai?
Ans: Amity University Mumbai is part of the prestigious Amity Group of Institutions, known for its focus on quality education and innovative programs. Pursuing a Bachelor of Design in Fine Arts from Amity University Mumbai can offer several benefits: This program at Amity University Mumbai likely offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers various aspects of fine arts, including drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, and multimedia arts. Students may have the opportunity to explore different mediums and techniques under the guidance of experienced faculty members. Amity University Mumbai is known for its modern infrastructure and facilities, including well-equipped studios, art labs, exhibition spaces, and digital resources. These facilities provide students with an inspiring environment to unleash their creativity and hone their artistic skills. Amity University often collaborates with industry partners and professionals to provide students with real-world exposure and opportunities for internships, workshops, seminars, and industry projects. This exposure helps students gain practical experience, build professional networks, and prepare for careers in the field of fine arts.

However, it's essential to conduct thorough research and consider factors such as program accreditation, alumni feedback, campus culture, and career support services before making a decision. Additionally, prospective students may benefit from visiting the campus, attending orientation sessions, and speaking with current students or alumni to gain insights into this program in Fine Arts at Amity University Mumbai.

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Shekhar Kumar  |117 Answers  |Ask -

Leadership, HR Expert - Answered on May 03, 2024

Hello sir, im working in govt job PSU for 1 year and im not getting interest here. My age is 27 and passed out in btech ee in 2020. There is almost less work, also its not interesting. I deal with boiler and turbine operations. I want to persue mtech in control / robotics fields. But im afraid of the volatile job market, u see im a bit slow than other people. Do u think i should follow what my heart says or stick to this job due to its job security and my slow brain power . My age is more too. I have good financial support too. Im afraid I will lose job in pvt job. But i want to learn and grow!
Ans: It's natural to feel conflicted about whether to pursue your passion or stick with a secure job, especially when considering factors like job market volatility and personal abilities. Here are some points to consider that might help you make a decision: Consider the balance between pursuing your passion for control and robotics fields and the stability offered by your current government job at a PSU. Think about what will ultimately bring you more fulfillment and satisfaction in the long run. While the job market for control and robotics fields may have some volatility, these sectors also offer opportunities for growth and innovation. Research the demand for professionals in these fields, the potential for career advancement, and the types of companies or industries that are investing in automation and robotics technologies. Reflect on your interest in the control and robotics fields and your desire to learn and grow professionally. Pursuing a master's degree in these areas could provide you with valuable skills, knowledge, and experiences that align better with your career aspirations and interests. While age can be a factor in career decisions, it's important to prioritize your long-term career goals and personal fulfillment. With good financial support and a willingness to learn, you can overcome any perceived limitations and make meaningful progress in your career. Assess the potential risks and rewards associated with transitioning to a new field versus staying in your current job. Consider developing a backup plan or exploring part-time or online learning options that allow you to gain skills in control and robotics fields while maintaining your current job security. 

Assess the potential risks and rewards associated with transitioning to a new field versus staying in your current job. Consider developing a backup plan or exploring part-time or online learning options that allow you to gain skills in control and robotics fields while maintaining your current job security.

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Shekhar Kumar  |117 Answers  |Ask -

Leadership, HR Expert - Answered on May 03, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Apr 23, 2024Hindi
My daughter is completing her BSc Bioinformatics in 2024 and wants to switch to MCA. Will it better than MSc Bioinformatics? Please advise what to do for getting a good job.
Ans: Both M.Sc. Bioinformatics and M.C.A. (Master of Computer Applications) have their own merits and can lead to rewarding career paths. However, the choice between the two depends on individual interests, career goals, and preferences. Here are some reasons why someone might consider M.Sc. Bioinformatics over M.C.A.: Individuals with a strong interest in biology, genetics, and computational sciences may find M.Sc. Bioinformatics more appealing. This program integrates biological sciences with computer science, allowing students to apply computational methods to analyze biological data and solve complex biological problems. It opens up career opportunities in diverse sectors such as biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, genomics, and academic research institutions. Graduates can work on projects related to drug discovery, personalized medicine, genomics research, agricultural biotechnology, and more. It offers an interdisciplinary approach, combining knowledge and techniques from biology, computer science, statistics, and bioinformatics. Students develop a broad skill set that is highly relevant in fields where biological data analysis and computational modeling are essential. With advancements in genomics, proteomics, and bioinformatics technologies, there is a growing demand for professionals skilled in bioinformatics analysis and interpretation. Graduates with expertise in bioinformatics are well-positioned to address the challenges of big data in the life sciences industry. M.Sc. Bioinformatics graduates have the opportunity to contribute to scientific research and discovery by leveraging computational methods to analyze biological data, identify patterns, and gain insights into biological processes. Their work can lead to breakthroughs in areas such as disease diagnosis, drug development, and precision medicine.

While M.Sc. Bioinformatics may offer unique advantages for individuals interested in the intersection of biology and computational sciences, it's important to consider personal interests, career goals, and job market dynamics when making a decision. Ultimately, both M.Sc. Bioinformatics and M.C.A. have the potential to lead to fulfilling and impactful careers, and your daughter should choose the path that aligns best with her aspirations and strengths.

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Career Coach  |37 Answers  |Ask -

Workplace Expert - Answered on May 03, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 02, 2024Hindi
I am a 41-year-old consultant working for an IT firm for the past 16 years. Lately, my job has been very demanding. I have been working 14 to 16 hours at work, with no weekends or holidays. The work pressure is taking a toll on my physical and mental health. I was unwell for two weeks and have been advised by doctors to consider taking up a less stressful job. I have a masters in finance. Do you have any suggestions on what alternate career options I could consider?
Ans: Absolutely, it sounds like you've been burning the midnight oil for quite some time! It's crucial to prioritize your health and well-being, especially when the demands of your job start to affect you physically and mentally. Let's explore some alternative career avenues where you can still leverage your expertise and experience in finance without the overwhelming stress:

1. Financial Technology (FinTech) Specialist:

Step into the world of FinTech, where your expertise in IT and finance can revolutionize traditional banking and financial services. By developing innovative solutions that streamline processes and enhance user experiences, you'll contribute to a more efficient and accessible financial ecosystem, all while enjoying a less stressful work environment compared to client-facing roles.

2. Cybersecurity Analyst in Finance:

Protecting sensitive financial data is paramount in today's digital landscape. As a cybersecurity analyst specializing in finance, your dual proficiency in IT and finance equips you to safeguard financial institutions from cyber threats with precision and expertise, all while enjoying the stability of a role focused on risk mitigation rather than high-pressure client interactions.

3. Quantitative Analyst (Quant) in Finance:

Dive into the world of quantitative analysis, where your technical prowess and financial insight can drive data-driven decisions in portfolio management, risk assessment, and trading strategies. By leveraging your combined knowledge, you'll excel in roles that prioritize analytical rigor and strategic thinking, offering a more predictable and structured work environment compared to consultancy roles.

4. Financial Systems Analyst:

Become the bridge between IT systems and financial operations within an organization. Your ability to optimize financial software systems while ensuring compliance and efficiency will contribute to smoother workflows and reduced stress for finance teams, offering a rewarding blend of technical problem-solving and financial acumen without the demands of client-facing roles.

5. Data Scientist in Finance:

Unlock the power of data in the financial sector, leveraging your expertise in IT and finance to extract actionable insights from vast datasets. By applying advanced analytics and machine learning techniques, you'll drive informed decision-making and strategic planning, all while enjoying the autonomy and intellectual stimulation of a data-driven role with less client pressure.

In these specialized roles, your unique blend of IT and finance knowledge positions you for success in environments that prioritize innovation, efficiency, and strategic thinking over relentless work hours and client demands. By capitalizing on your strengths and pursuing a career path aligned with your interests and well-being, you can achieve professional fulfillment without sacrificing your health and happiness.

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Moneywize   |102 Answers  |Ask -

Financial Planner - Answered on May 02, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Apr 20, 2024Hindi
I have submitted my Form 15 to my bank in April 2023. My income falls under the non-taxable category against interest received from bank FDs. Bank has not deducted any TDS up to September 2023 but from October 2023 they have started deducting TDS on FD interest earned by me saying that interest earned on my FDs have crossed the limit of Rs 5 lakh. Is the bank right in deducting tax citing this reason? Please enlighten me.
Ans: No, the bank is likely not right in this case. Here's why:

• Form 15G validity: A valid Form 15G submitted before April 1, 2023 is applicable for the entire financial year 2023-24 (assessment year 2024-25). This means if your income falls under the non-taxable category, the bank shouldn't deduct TDS on your FD interest for the entire year.
• TDS exemption limit: The current exemption limit for TDS on FD interest is Rs 40,000 for individuals below 60 years old, and Rs 50,000 for senior citizens (above 60 years old). There's no limit of Rs 5 lakh for TDS deduction on FD interest.

Here's what you can do:

• Reach out to your bank: Inform them that you submitted a valid Form 15G and your income falls under the non-taxable category. You can clarify the exemption limit and point out the mistake.
• Request rectification: Ask the bank to rectify the error and reverse the TDS deducted on your FD interest from October 2023 onwards.
• Seek professional help: If the bank doesn't resolve the issue, consider seeking help from a tax consultant or financial advisor. They can guide you further on how to claim a refund for the deducted TDS.

Additional points to consider:

• Ensure you have a copy of the Form 15G submission acknowledgement for your records.
• Keep a record of any communication with the bank regarding the TDS deduction.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the issue with the bank and avoid unnecessary TDS deduction on your FD interest.

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