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49-Year-Old Husband Seeking Advice on Wife's Cheating After Arranged Marriage


Anu Krishna  |1160 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Aug 13, 2024

Anu Krishna is a mind coach and relationship expert.
The co-founder of Unfear Changemakers LLP, she has received her neuro linguistic programming training from National Federation of NeuroLinguistic Programming, USA, and her energy work specialisation from the Institute for Inner Studies, Manila.
She is an executive member of the Indian Association of Adolescent Health.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Aug 08, 2024Hindi

Hi.. I am 49 yrs Male & married for 22 yrs with teenage kids.. I live abroad since 16 yrs.. Me & wife had arranged marriage in the same caste when we were in India.. After few months of marriage, my wife told me about her past relationship during collage and only reason she could not continue because of his father resistance( diff caste).. I belong to very middle class with no such precedence like this and felt bad . Later, I continued with her but always had feeling that she would compare the love & affection she got from him, with me.. I am not very romantic or expressive and like to live normal life..! We have little diff of opinion since beginning and will have fight almost every week.. Fast forward when all was going ok with 2 kids, busy work in abroad, I caught her cheating with the same person ( almost 17 yrs after they separated).. They found each other on social media and started talking. .. She being abroad & him in India, will call him daily in my absence for hours and they exchange explicit messages day in and out..! Once caught initially she regretted ( that too only after i got really mad & threaten to tell everyone) and it took us 2-3 yrs to comeback to terms mostly due to younger kids..!! Now 10 yrs later, i found her calling ( although he did not pickup) and now she is telling that she has emotional connection with him from the past while I could not build that connection with her.. She is not committing that this will not happen in future & requesting me to continue as friend, so we can get our younger one to collage and then see if it is worth or separate out. She is even ready to find me someone that fits my choice. I am in dilemma on what to do as i am not ready to forgive her but worried about kids future..! Even though we stay aboard, we have very close network of friends & family which we cant ignore..! I somehow feel to let it go but i get irritated that this is not the life i would like to live now & future. Can you pls advise some tips to move forward

Ans: Dear Anonymous,
At times, relationships run dry and reach a breaking point...you will know if yours, is at that point because if it is and your wife is more interested in finding someone for you rather than addressing the turmoil in your marriage, isn't it evidence enough for you?

Have a clear chat/conversation and find out if she still feels anything for you or whether all love is lost...If she is still interested in pursuing the other person without as much as thinking of how this is going to impact the marriage and family, I guess there is little that you can do. Then you may have to wait as suggested by her till your younger one goes to college. As for friends and family, they will initially talk and blame you or her; slowly that will stop. Your Life, Your Choice...You know what's best...
So, appeal to her and if that is not what she wants, respect her decision. It's difficult BUT imagine living under the same roof and finding your wife emotionally connecting with someone else...Preserve your sane mind...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/
Asked on - Aug 29, 2024 | Answered on Sep 02, 2024
Thanks for the reply. She is commited for staying together unless kids are out and not sure after that.. She is also not sure if she will go back to same person ( as she hasn't talked to her in while) or she will find something new or me.. My problem is living with this issue that my wife is not emotionality connected to me, cheated me twice and might do it again.. Say it my ego but i feel very distressed and humiliated that things are happening to me.. I feel like leaving her but somehow don't have courage to leave the family and face the future ahead..! I am fighting myself everyday with this battle within me & don't know what to do..! Last time i had the same issue and somehow convince myself ( took 2+ yrs) to stay but this time i am thinking she will do it again ( may be not for him but somehow who she thinks is alike her).. Another issue is even if i am staying, we are so incompatible.. Its like she is mountain and i am beach person! With kids going away and empty nest coming, i am not comfortable living with her.! On the other hand i am turnning 50 and would like to see if i can find someone who is like me .. Daily i am struggling with thought in and out and can't focus on work..
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
I have clearly suggested what can be done to your original question. Since nothing has changed at home, my suggestions still remain the same. You need to take a call on how you want your life to pan out from now on...
either your wife turns a new leaf (which you are not sure of) and starts to rebuild the marriage with you OR you need to step in for yourself and decide what's best for you.

The more you sit in between in confusion, it is obviously going to hurt your health. The worst punishment to oneself is not a decision going wrong BUT not taking a decision at all. So, you know why all this is affecting your mind and how this is playing out for you. Do something and stand firm on whatever you decide.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Anu Krishna  |1160 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Mar 03, 2023

I'M 40 years old man, i have had troubled childhood. I faced abuse from my elder brother who later on developed mental health issues whiich broughg lot of stress to the family. I worked very hard to achieve reasonable professional success but my personal life has been very difficult. I got married with lot of difficulty despite being well placed professionally and decent looks. It was an arranged marriage but things went bad after a year. I caught my wife having an affair with her ex but i fogave her for the sake of myndaugher who was just 1 year old then. She keept on having flings with gym instructor and later on her colleagues which i dont have any proof of. She would humilate me in front of my maid driver and other people. But i wanted ti save my marriage for the sake of my daughter who was only 4-5 years old then. Finally she started asking me for divorce after every trivial fights. Fed up i finally agreed and we separated in 2021 November. During that time i came in contact with my school friend. She proposed to me during our school days but due to stress at home and other issues i said no but i always liked her. When we started talking around December 2021 and we realized we still love each other after 20 years. But problem was though i was divorced she was still married and she is from a different religion. She is trying hard to get separated from her husband but her family being very conservative is not allowing her to do so. I'm stuck with her emotionally. Now my ex-wife has started approaching me for reconciliation. Im totally confused now what should i do? Should i wait for my friend knowing that chances are very slim that her family would leave her. Or should i patch up with my exwife for the sake of my daughter. I dont feel any emotional connection with my exwife now as she was never nice to me. But my parents are telling me to go for patch up. They are nkt aware about my school friend and i doubt they would approve her due to religious beliefs. Pls guide me I'm totally confused. Thanks A confused Homo Sapiens
Ans: Dear Pratik,
At this point in time, choose neither. You need space to clear your head first.
Too many emotional situations to jump into one more...Give yourself time to figure out what is that you want out of life?
Do you want to get into another commitment in a short gap? It could be an attraction on a rebound as well; so take time to figure these things out well before you decide to patch up or wait for your friend.
You deserve this time off, to make sure that you not only heal from the marriage but also put things in perspective.
So no need to bring on a new confusion for the time being till you get strong enough in the mind to decide the next course of your life. Making a choice right now means you will be bringing in more confusions of either of the two women into your life as well. So, PAUSE and take this time...

Best wishes!

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Anu Krishna  |1160 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Nov 15, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Nov 05, 2023Hindi
Me and my wife were happily love married since 15 yrs and we r in relationship since 19 yrs. In between yrs i was out of family due to financial issues and got some bad habits of sex,chatting etc.She got to know this last year and broken down. After 6 month she was caught by me with chatting , flirting with 2 men. She left all and no things has been caught since 4 months. But the life is very shaky We both want to stay bcoz of 2 children. But I m very shaky after her these activities as she was very loyal, very gud and was like God for me. Every time we on discussion, it turn on into fighting and she used to say it's u who had turn me like this, looks she never feel guilt What to do !!!
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Kindly re-evaluate what each of you have done to drain the marriage. Then maybe you both will stop blaming one another and then address the marriage issues in a more civil manner.
Both your actions have placed a huge strain on the marriage and it has deteriorated over time and 'staying for the sake of the children' is not something that is helping them or either of you. What's the point of staying when the children witness both the parents bickering over almost everything?

So, please the two of you sit down and think about:
- whether you want to rebuild the marriage or leave?
And if you truly want to fix things, then this 'blame game' has to stop...it truly has taken two to tango here and do accept responsibility for the deterioration as mature adults. Only then you can take a decision one way or the other.

All the best!

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Kanchan Rai  |331 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Aug 09, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Aug 07, 2024Hindi
Hi.. I am 49 yrs Male & married for 22 yrs with teenage kids.. I live abroad since 16 yrs.. Me & wife had arranged marriage in the same caste when we were in India.. After few months of marriage, my wife told me about her past relationship during collage and only reason she could not continue because of his father resistance( diff caste).. I belong to very middle class with no such precedence like this and felt bad . Later, I continued with her but always had feeling that she would compare the love & affection she got from him, with me.. I am not very romantic or expressive and like to live normal life..! We have little diff of opinion since beginning and will have fight almost every week.. Fast forward when all was going ok with 2 kids, busy work in abroad, I caught her cheating with the same person ( almost 17 yrs after they separated).. They found each other on social media and started talking. .. She being abroad & him in India, will call him daily in my absence for hours and they exchange explicit messages day in and out..! Once caught initially she regretted ( that too only after i got really mad & threaten to tell everyone) and it took us 2-3 yrs to comeback to terms mostly due to younger kids..!! Now 10 yrs later, i found her calling ( although he did not pickup) and now she is telling that she has emotional connection with him from the past while I could not build that connection with her.. She is not commit for anything and requesting me to continue as friend so we can get our younger one to collage and then see or separate. She is even ready to find me someone that fits my choice. I am in dilemma on what to do as i am not ready to forgive her but worried about kids future..! Even though we stay aboard, we have very close network of friends & family which we cant ignore..! I somehow feel to let it go but i get irritated that this is not the life i would like to live now & future. Can you pls advise some tips to move forward
Ans: it’s important to acknowledge that your feelings are valid. You’ve been patient and committed, but her actions have undermined the trust in your marriage. It’s not just about the past relationship; it’s about how her choices have affected your life and your sense of security in the relationship.

One option is to seek couples therapy. Even if your wife seems unsure about the future, a neutral third party can help facilitate conversations that might clarify what each of you really wants and needs. Therapy could also help in finding a way to co-parent effectively if you decide to separate.

If staying together for the kids is a priority, it’s crucial to establish clear boundaries and expectations moving forward. You need to decide what’s non-negotiable for you in terms of respect and honesty. If she’s truly committed to staying in the marriage until your kids are older, she needs to show that by cutting off contact with this other person and working on rebuilding your relationship.

However, if you feel that you can’t move past this betrayal or that staying will only lead to more resentment and unhappiness, it might be worth considering a separation. Kids are resilient, and it’s often better for them to see their parents happy apart rather than miserable together.

Ultimately, this decision is about what kind of life you want to live moving forward. You deserve a relationship where you feel valued, respected, and loved. Take your time to consider what will bring you the most peace and happiness in the long run, and don’t be afraid to prioritize your own well-being.

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Anu Krishna  |1160 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Aug 26, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Aug 19, 2024Hindi
Hi there, i am going through a difficult phase in my life, i dont know where to start but here my story goes. i work in UAE and i had a balanced and peaceful life until last November where i got married (arranged). we first met last year in march through marriage broker and everything matched, family also liked and we got married in November 2023. Before marriage we used to speak for 10-15 mins almost everyday (all casual talks and i thought everything was ok and she was the perfect match for me and my family). so after marriage i travelled back to uae and was supposed to bring her to UAE in Jan 2024. I had one past relationship for 2 years and we had broken up last year February as she was a from north of india and i was from south India and our families were against it and she wanted to go against family and get married but i was not ready as for me family became priority and we broke up. And after this relationship ended then only this match happened and after one month of my marriage my ex reached out to my wife and shared our relationship details and my wife got very upset and went back to her home. I travelled back to india to console her and tell her that it was my past and i am no longer in relation with my ex and our family involved and sorted this issue. My wife came back to us and everything was normal after that. My wife came to UAE in January 2024 and we started our married life here. All seemed good until i noticed a pattern of her taking to a person on phone everyday when i am out for office and also being very cautious with her phone. On confronting this she told its is her friend and i told her what is the point in talking to him daily for which she cried and told that i am controlling and she dont have freedom to talk to her friends. I left it as she was at home alone and bored and she was also looking for job here and may be with time she will change but still the talking continued until one day in May i was uploading her resume for her job and had access to her google photos and was shocked to see her photos with the guy whom she calls friend. There were photos of her with him after our marriage and also photos with him the day before she came to UAE. I confronted this with her and she cried and told that previously she had relation with him and parents did not agree and later she married me and had forgotten him but since she came to know about my past relationship she continued to stay in contact with him. She is not telling the complete story as i saw their photos before our marriage and even before our match happened and I have also seen her google location timelines as well. I told her to stop this if we want to continue our marriage she told ok but she still talks & chats to him through watsapp & botim because she is very secretive of her phone. She takes good care of me and tells she loves me but I am not sure she really loves me or just faking it. Now she is 3 months pregnant. I am thinking she will leave me for her ex giving me the baby after the baby is born as she mentioned this during one of our arguments. This is one side of my story and between all this my mom fell sick and upon consulting, she was diagnosed with cervical cancer stage 3A and I tried to get her the best treatment (chemo) but the cancer has spread widely and because of her age also she cannot take the treatment. Tried ayurvedic and herbal medicines but nothing can be done and doctors have told max she will live is 6 months. She is bedridden now and in pain everyday. I have a decent job in Dubai with decent salary where I have built my own house in my native and managing my home (parents in india & wife is UAE) but currently my finances is also effected very badly as I spent lot of money for our marriage and for my mothers treatment and I have loans and multiple credit cards as well. I am very stressed and all these things are eating me up daily and i don't know what to do and what went wrong and where? Even i cannot focus on my job as well. Please advise how can i go about these situation. i cannot share these to anyone also, Please advise.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
It is always better that your spouse hears about your past from you and no one else.
Obviously your ex decided to have the best revenge by reaching out to your wife and it has made its mark as it has messed with your wife's head and seeped within your marriage making it difficult for the two of you to have a relationship. And now, a baby as well when your relationship is still messed up?
Sort this out before the baby arrives. No point wondering is she is going to leave you etc. Why could your wife not trust you even when you ex came back with stories, I wonder!
Do you both realize the lack of communication has resulted in a breakdown of trust? Can you reconnect at least now and at least for the sake of the child?
Come together as a couple and learn to love, support and trust and the only way to do that is by keeping the last away...
Is it possible? YES! Only if you choose it...
So, make that choice of working on the marriage, keep the past out and think of how to move ahead...Easier said and also done...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Insurance, Stocks, MF, PF Expert - Answered on Sep 17, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Sep 10, 2024Hindi
Hi, I am 56 with a take home salary of about 5L per month and expect to retire in 4 years. I have about 1.2 cr in PF+PPF and 4 properties worth 2.5Cr. Cash in hand 40L and equity worth 25L. From Jan24, investing about 2L per month in MF + Shares + others and wish to continue to next 4 years. Daughter is working and likely to get married in next 2 years (anticipate a spend of 35L). Son will join MBBS in 2 years with expected fee of 30L per year. Have no loans and well covered for mediclaim and term insurance. Am i covered for the expenses? Please suggest ...
Ans: Hello;

Your PF+PPF balance you can keep untouched so it may grow into a corpus of 1.6 Cr(7.5% growth rate assumed) + regular contributions over 4 years, at the end of your work life.

At your age I recommend you to resist temptation of dealing in direct stocks or even pure equity mutual funds due to the very high risk of volatility.

I propose you to put 30 L(6 month pay coverage) as emergency fund in ICICI Pru Liquid fund(Best returns on 6M criteria)+ facility of instant redemption upto 50K & balance T+1 working day.

10 L balance from cash in hand + 25 L of stock holdings could be invested in Tata money market debt fund(best returns on 1 year criteria). Both these funds have moderate & low to moderate risk profile respectively. This will serve as your corpus for daughter's marriage and grow for 2 years in the meanwhile.

The 2L investment per month which you have began from Jan-24 is expected to go into MF sip+ direct stocks+ other.

For the other investment you are the best judge but here again I would humbly appeal to you to avoid equity MFs and direct stocks considering your age and high risks associated with these asset type direct exposure.

I propose you to invest in equity savings fund instead which are less riskier then pure equity funds and can yield decent return too. I recommend two funds in this category with best returns on 5 yr criteria & AUM above 1K Cr. Mirae Asset equity savings fund and Kotak equity savings fund.

A 2 L sip into these two funds for 4 years will yield a corpus of 1.16 Cr (Modest return of 9% considered). This will fully cover the cost of education for your son.

The best aspect of your financial planning which I admire and respect is No loans, well covered for mediclaim, term insurance and investment in real estate.

I have given my opinion, ultimately you are the best judge.

Feel free to revert in case of any query.

You may follow us on X at @mars_invest for updates

*Investments in mutual funds are subject to market risks. Please read all scheme related documents carefully before investing

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Dr Dipankar

Dr Dipankar Dutta  |609 Answers  |Ask -

Tech Careers and Skill Development Expert - Answered on Sep 17, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Sep 17, 2024Hindi
Sir I am btech - industrial biotechnology (4 years ) student. Now I'm in 3 rd year . My family financial situations didn't ain't me study msc or mtech or going abroad. So.. I'm planning to work hard for an year to get government job in my biotech field. However, biotech in india is just in it's initial stages . I didn't find good jobs in biotech industry for graduates and I even google many times about this concern. Could you please guide me ? What are best rated - government and private jobs in biotechnology field for biotech graduates ? I want each of jobs list If not any other alternatives ? What are the entrance exams I can appear for mtech pursuing at free of cost in India ? Is there any entrance exams to get a govt job in biotech field for graduates ? I'm bothered with many quests???????? I'm so... Worried about my career . Hope I'll get my answers from your team as soon as possible Thank you ????
Ans: Biotechnology graduates can apply for various positions in government organizations, research institutes, and labs. Below are some of the key government organizations where biotechnology graduates can find jobs:

Government Organizations:
Department of Biotechnology (DBT)
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)
National Institute of Immunology (NII)
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)
Biotech Consortium India Limited (BCIL)
Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)
Indian Institute of Technology (IITs) as technical assistants or lab technicians
Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO)
Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO)
Public sector units (PSUs) like Bharat Immunologicals and Biologicals Corporation Limited (BIBCOL)

Key Entrance Exams:
GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering): Scores in the Biotechnology paper can help you get into prestigious institutes like IITs and NITs for M.Tech with scholarships.
DBT JRF BET: Provides a fellowship to pursue a PhD in biotechnology.
ICMR JRF: For research fellowship and PhD positions.
CSIR UGC NET: For lectureships and research in biotechnology.
JNU CEEB: For postgraduate programs in biotechnology across many universities in India.

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