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Stuck in a rut at 48, no career growth, feeling lost – Can I turn things around?


Kanchan Rai  |566 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Mar 22, 2025

Kanchan Rai has 10 years of experience in therapy, nurturing soft skills and leadership coaching. She is the founder of the Let Us Talk Foundation, which offers mindfulness workshops to help people stay emotionally and mentally healthy.
Rai has a degree in leadership development and customer centricity from Harvard Business School, Boston. She is an internationally certified coach from the International Coaching Federation, a global organisation in professional coaching.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Mar 12, 2025Hindi

I am 48 years old married and my wife daughter are staying away from 10+years in same city i am completely surviving on debt plus stuck to one job from last 14+ years no increment not a high paid job salary only 35,000 i have no goals nor i feel like achieving anything with no buddy friends really not able to understand my situation following same wfh routine no changes please guide

Ans: The first step towards change is acknowledging that even though you feel stuck, you are not powerless. Small shifts in your routine can create momentum. It could be as simple as stepping out for a walk, reconnecting with an old friend, learning a new skill, or exploring opportunities outside your current job. The goal is to break the monotony and introduce something new into your life.

Emotionally, you need to ask yourself what you truly want. Do you want to work on your marriage, or is it time to redefine what happiness looks like for you? Do you want to stay in your job, or is it time to take a risk for something better? It’s okay to not have all the answers right away, but avoiding these questions will only prolong the cycle.

Right now, your life is running on autopilot. The moment you decide to take control, even in the smallest way, things will start shifting. You don’t have to fix everything at once, but you do have to start somewhere. Your situation is not permanent, and neither is this feeling. The key is to take one step forward, no matter how small, and then another. Change will follow.
Asked on - Mar 22, 2025 | Not Answered yet
Main problem for me in my house i stay in far away place connected with city but not a proper city nor i have funds to suffice for mr only thing is that to get seperated and walk away from this relation all the doors are closed

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Anu Krishna  |1563 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Mar 29, 2023

Maam sir good morn.I m K.S .i am.the sole bread earner of my.family .i m 52 and do.not have a job. I m not a spend thrift but due to lot of loans i have taken for education etc i m totally stressed up. I.get depressed and do not have the motivation to move ahead in life. I want to clear up all my dues and i fight day in and day out to find a job but to.no success. Finance are getting.lesser.. I m on the verge of breakdown. Plz help.
Ans: Dear KS,
First things first. A lot of decisions have gone wrong. It cannot be erased, but certainly you must find a way of recovering from it.
Yes, it is highly disheartening, but once you decide that you want to be in a better place, you have to take certain actions to reach that better place.
So, time to quit being upset and taking firm actions on what to do next to get out of this situation that you are in.
Seek the help of someone within your family or friends circle who is strong with their finances and managing their monies well. Of course, they must be someone you trust as well. Share everything with them (you need the help, so kindly be truthful and honest with them).
Let them put together a plan of action that manages your existing financial resources and inbound channels and match that with all the payments and debts.
Allow them to 'advise' you as you need this strong advice right now. Discuss what's possible and what's not and they will come up with something that is close to perfect.
Once, you start with the first small baby step. things start to look up. Even clearing a small debt will take a load off your chest. So, get into that action mode NOW. And yes, do promise yourself that this situation is teaching you a lesson on how to be financially prudent and that you will learn from it.

Best wishes and look bright and happy NOW!

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Anu Krishna  |1563 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jun 12, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 06, 2023Hindi
I am 48 years old. Ever since my childhood I was a bright student but was denied education and other facilities like good clothes, footwears etc despite I was being a only son having 2 sisters, where as eldest sister was provided with extra facilities which she did not care for. Our economical background was moderate. We were not poor. After my schooling which was free I completed my diploma and degree in mech. Engg(long distance education) of my own and worked in related companies for 10 years. My performance was appreciated orally but received nominal monitory benefits. After that I learnt Info Tech skills from my savings and worked in IT field for 16 years. Here also my work was highly appreciated but received quite a minimal monitory benefits, May be because of my very simple and state forward nature but not naïve one certainly. Now since last 1 year I learnt trading skills in share market, but here also, even though I am not in loss but is still awaiting a minimum satisfactory success. I am able to cater to all the requirement of my nuclear family but does not have a car and still not able to make long distance tours. Now days I feel like I am a big looser and also feel like my luck will never let me win big. Whereas most of my friends have achieved great success in less than 5% struggle than mine with the help of their parents. I am feeling diminished, lost, wasted and hapless/hopeless. Kindly suggest.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Let's accept that not all of us are born with a silver spoon and furthermore, we may always be at the losing end with core relationships as well...
At 48, do you want to go back in time and count all that went wrong, how unfair people and life was? Are you able to change anything? NO!

1. You cannot change your past but you can certainly change the way you feel about it.
2. The way you feel about your past is what will create your current reality. You can check with yourself; your present life is possibly filled with challenges and short-lived happy times. That is because you have chosen to play the VICTIM card even now. What happens in the past, stays there.
3. Why not instead laud your efforts at learning new skills at trading and expand your expertise through certifications and other forms of learning? This will not only help at work but will also teach you to look within yourself more.
4. I am unsure if your statistic of 5% is something that you have come up with enough research
5. Your parents did what they could and to accept it even if you feel unfairly treated is the only way you can move ahead

Choose: Play the victim of the past OR Play the creator of the present and future.

To choose the latter will mean. letting go of the past that you are holding onto? Are you ready to do this? I am sure you want to; who wouldn't want to create a better life for themselves?

All the best!

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Dr Shakeeb Ahmed

Dr Shakeeb Ahmed Khan  |151 Answers  |Ask -

Physiotherapist - Answered on Mar 22, 2025

Asked by Anonymous - Mar 03, 2025Hindi
We are couple with 1 child. However, struggling with schools for my 11 year old who has autism, can talk and severe adhd. Schools are saying that they cannot enrol him yet due to behaviour and the fact that he wont listen to anyone and behave badly. He is smart in academics but likes to do things as he wishes creating issues. he struggles with peer communication and sitting in one place and will slouch and fall from the chair. Are there any options that we can look at. As his IQ is normal we feel he will struggle in a special school as well.
Ans: I understand how difficult and frustrating this situation must be for you as parents. Your child is bright and capable, but his challenges with behavior, attention, and sitting still are making school enrollment tough. Finding the right environment that supports both his academic strengths and his needs is essential. Inclusive schools with special education support or Montessori-style learning environments may offer a more flexible and understanding approach. Occupational therapy can help increase his sitting tolerance, posture, and focus, while behavioral therapy can support emotional regulation and social interactions. You might also consider discussing the option of a shadow teacher with school staff, as one-on-one assistance in a classroom can make a big difference. In case you don't get access to an occupational therapist, approach a physiotherapist with an understanding of Sensory Integration, as they can also help with improving his body awareness and tolerance for sitting. You are not alone in this journey, and with the right support, your child can thrive. I encourage you to connect with a special educator or developmental therapist to explore the best options for him. I request you to be strong and determined. for your son.

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Dr Shakeeb Ahmed

Dr Shakeeb Ahmed Khan  |151 Answers  |Ask -

Physiotherapist - Answered on Mar 22, 2025

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