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Should I Call Off My Wedding Due to My Fiancee's Past?


Shalini Singh  |149 Answers  |Ask -

Dating Coach - Answered on Mar 21, 2025

Shalini Singh is the founder of andwemet, an online matchmaking service for urban Indians living in India and overseas. After graduating from college as a kindergarten teacher, Singh worked at various firms specialising in marketing strategy, digital marketing and public relations before finding her niche as an entrepreneur. In 2008, she founded Galvanise PR, an independent communications and public relations. In 2019, she launched andwemet.
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Asked by Anonymous - Mar 21, 2025Hindi

I (30M) recently got engaged to my Fiancee (27F) & shared the Photos of our Engagement on Instagram, wherein they were noticed by an old friend of mine. He recognised my Fiancee & told me some things about her, which startled me. When she was in the Final Year of Engineering, she got an Internship Opportunity in a Reputed MNC, where my Friend was also working. At her Office, most of the Employees & Interns were Male & she was one of the very few Females. Her Manager was a Middle Aged Divorcee. He had offered her a Permanent Job at the Company, after her Internship, in exchange for Sexual Intimacy. Apparently, she had given in & everyone at her Office was aware of the Affair between her & her Boss. Initially, I assumed this to be a Rumour, but still wanted to clarify this with her, even though, I had no Proof except his word of mouth. When I Questioned her, she admitted that, it was indeed the Truth that she had slept with her Boss for her Career Growth. But she also tried to Justify herself, saying that she was a Young & Naive Fresher at that time & the Offer seemed quite Tempting as her Family was going through Financial Difficulties at that point of time. But she also went on to add her narrative that the Affair lasted for just 2 years. During that time, she also used to suffer from Sexual Harassment from other Male Colleagues, as they had assumed that she was an 'Easily Available' kind of Girl who'd sleep with anyone & she had a Hard time, resisting their Sexual Advances. Apparently, my Old Friend was also among those who were trying to Bed her. But she quit working at that Company, as soon as, she got a better offer in another Company, without having to make any Sexual Compromise & since then she'd been working hard for her Career Growth & had never done anything Immoral or Unethical again. Hearing all these things about my Fiancee & my Old Friend, disturbed me greatly. But my Fiancee didn't seem to have any Regrets as she believes that all of it was her Past, which happened more than 5 years ago & it doesn't affect her Present or our Future, in any way. She also reassured me that she would be a Loyal Wife to me after Marriage & would never Sleep with anyone else, under any circumstances. Now I am in Dilemma, whether I should Trust my Fiancee & take a Huge Leap of Faith, by going ahead with the Marriage, as planned, or should I call off the Wedding & try to find some other Woman with a Decent Character? Please advise me.

Ans: 1. Should you trust her as a person - going by what she has said, you should as she has been honest and shared everything with you

2. And if she says she does not have any regrets, more power to her - how will having regrets and feeling guilty justify.

3. We all make mistakes and she did what she did as she was 'single' she did not cheat anyone

4. As for you wanting to marry her or not is your decision...remember you both need to invest in the relationship daily and cannot/should not bring up the past even in disagreements - this is important for you to understand.

All the best in whatever decision you make.

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Anu Krishna  |1563 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Oct 17, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Oct 07, 2023Hindi
Greetings, Anu. I am a 50-year-old married man in a relationship with a married woman 17 years my junior. She is exceptionally gorgeous and intelligent, and we were both colleagues until she changed jobs a few days ago. I had introduced her to my boss and my mentor, who work in a different organisation. After a while, I found she was constantly talking and discussing him with me, and my senoir was constantly inquiring about her whenever I went to meet him. I began to suspect, and one day I abruptly asked my partner what was up with her. She wasn't prepared for the query, and the first thing out of her mouth was the name of my senior, despite the fact that I had asked or said nothing about him. She tried to right herself and began explaining that she had received his texts complimenting her appearance and discussing her profession. I asked how often they exchanged messages, and she said once or twice a month. I begged her to desist from doing so in the future. But I tracked her and discovered that they were both online for over 14 to 18 hours every day, and their online times were almost identical to the extent of seconds, if not minutesAs she is a teacher, I asked for her weekly schedule so that I could contact her anytime she was available, which she provided. However, I discovered that both were online throughout her class hour. When I questioned her, she stated that her schedule had altered. I saw both of them online till the early hours of the morning from a different phone that had their numbers, and they had that number recorded in the other phone I was tracking them with. I started interrogating her directly one day and asked her how much time she spent chatting with him everyday, and she responded anywhere between 10 and 30 minutes, once or twice a week. I asked for her phone and discovered that all of her messages had been deleted. When I asked her what she talked about practically every day with him, she responded academics. I tried to ask her a few questions, and she gradually began to open up as she felt imprisoned after every other question she had replied. She admitted that my senior was speaking with her and that he frequently complimented her on her appearance and discussed a variety of other topics. She also argued with me about what was wrong with being online and conversing with someone. She stated that she thought my senior was a kind person. I asked her how she felt about him, and she avoided answering by chatting about unimportant stuff. I stopped communicating with her and responding to her texts. She didn't contact or text me on the first day, either, but on the third day, she began sending me love messages and beseeching me to respond. I persuaded myself into it, but she continued speaking with my senior all day and till past midnight, as I could see both online, even after she had blocked my number with another number I had taken from her good buddy. She attempted to persuade me, and I consented. I could tell that she maintained her friendship with my senior, and she frequently neglected to respond to my messages, even though she was spotted online long after I had sent them to her. I returned to her and we had a discussion about the same topic before I stopped talking to her. She did not message or phone me for two days, but on the third day she called and I had to pick up because something extremely important had to be discussed in another topicAfter that matter was discussed, I ended the call, and she began to send me love pictures and love messages again, as well as saying she wanted to talk to me and that I should not behave like this, at least with her. I agreed and dialled her number. She argued with me, accusing me of not believing her. I told her to keep away from my senior and that I shouldn't see her online with him anymore. She agreed, and I saw she wasn't online anymore, despite the fact that my senior was. This caused me to reconsider, and I discovered that she had applied for a new phone number and acquired a new phone two days prior. I asked her, and she refused, but the source from whom I learned was certain because my partner had asked her for a decent shop for mobiles as well as the network for the new phone. Madam , I had asked her several times what she talked about with him for hours every day, but she never answered, and now that she has a new phone, I know why....What should I do????
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
What you should do is to move on with your life which is getting impossible with you monitoring her every move.
Your peace of mind is gone and she isn't required to give you the explanations that you seek...she has the freedom as much as you do to speak with anyone that she chooses...so why are you so stuck on this?

Is it love and also both of you are married...(this is not to judge either of you...) but where there is no commitment, there is no reason to get possessive or demand explanations. The same goes for her as well in case she starts to stalk you and gets on your case...

So, now let her be and befriend who she wants to...there is no way that you can stop her...so simply get on with your life...there are better things to do than run around chasing someone who is chasing someone else...

All the best!

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Ravi Mittal  |551 Answers  |Ask -

Dating, Relationships Expert - Answered on Oct 22, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Oct 20, 2024
Hi Sir, I met my wife in a matrimonial website.Our parents discussed our profiles and then we exchanged our numbers.We met once and then remained in contact for almost 9-10 months and during this period we became friends and met 3-4 times in public places.After that we both realised that we should see each other and get married.Then our courtship period started and I told her about my past and also told her that i had sex with my sex girlfriend.She also told me that she had 2 boyfriends and never had sex with anyone.I believed her and we met couples of times during our courtship period in cafes and hotels but never had sex.We discussed almost everything during that period and she confirmed that she is a virgin.After 6 months courtship period we got married and things were going good.After 10 months of marriage I found a chat backup on her phone and it was with her ex.They were discussing sex and with those messages it was clear that they had sex multiple times and she even took an Ipill due to unprotected sex... When i confronted her she again lied and denied the allegations.When i showed her the messages she confessed that they had sex thrice. I am broke now and this lie is taking all my peace and I am overthinking about this which is impacting my work as well.Though i am trying to be normal with her but somewhere in my conscious mind i keep on thinking this.The problem is that she lied not about the virginity. One fact that from the day we decided she never cheated on me and even i am very much loyal to her. need your help sir!!!!please suggest what to do now....
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
I am glad you found your person. I understand that it is difficult for you to accept that she hid something that was important for you to know, especially when you shared your past experiences honestly. Your feelings are valid. But let's just take a second to think of this from a woman's perspective- it can be difficult for women to share certain details of their lives because of how easily society will judge them harshly for the same thing that they will ignore if a man does. I suppose she was afraid you would judge her too. Nevertheless, it was not right.

There are a few things to do now- first, focus on the positives. As you mentioned, she has been very loyal and loving to you- focus on that. Let the past be in the past; it can't be changed, but it can ruin your present and future if you let it. Second, if this revelation is causing extreme turmoil in your relationship, please consider seeing a marriage counselor together, or you can also see a therapist alone. They are professionals and can help you navigate your feelings in a more structured way.

Best wishes

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Anu Krishna  |1563 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Dec 07, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Dec 06, 2024Hindi
I'm caught up in a very difficult situation. I had met a Woman through Arranged Marriage Platform, while we both were getting along quite well with each other, I told her that I'm Virgin & asked her about her Past Relationship(s) if any, she denied categorically. We got Engaged, last month (in November) & our Wedding is scheduled next Month (January). Preparations are going on, including Distribution of Invitation cards. A few days ago, a Guy contacted me, claiming to be my Fiancee's Ex Boyfriend. Initially, I didn't take him seriously as I trusted my Fiancee. But then he showed me some Photos & Videos of their Intimate Moments (as it was apparent from the Videos, she seemed to be conscious & fully aware that their intimate moments are being recorded & some of the Photos were Nude/Semi-Nude Selfies, which she'd taken & shared with her ex Boyfriend, by herself... but she had not consented to share them with anyone else). I was Shocked. The Ex Boyfriend Reassured me that he'd also moved on from her & wouldn't bother her after her Marriage, but he was feeling bitter that she'd Dumped him to Marry me & just wanted to make me aware of what kind of Woman I'd be Marrying. I confronted my Fiancee over a Phone Call & asked her to meet me personally, as there were many Questions disturbing my Heart & Mind and I wanted to demand an Explanation from her. But she refused to meet up with me & wouldn't even discuss anything related her Relationship History on Phone Call/Video Call or WhatsApp Chat. She just kept telling me that it was all in her 'Past' & Promised me that after we both get Married, she'd be a Faithful Wife, Loyal to me. I want to have an Open-Heart conversation with her to Re-evaluate our Relationship before taking any big decision further. But, since she's bluntly Refusing to open up & discuss anything about her Past with me, I am losing Trust in her. Now I am in Dilemma, whether I should blindly Trust her & go ahead with the Marriage as Planned or shall discuss the matter with our Parents & get the Marriage Cancelled, to avoid taking such a Big Risk?
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
What made the ex-bf come and disrupt things? Is this his way of getting back at his ex-gf (your soon to be wife)?
I would not trust his intentions...at the same time, now that you know, you have the right to actually talk to her and clarify things. She needs to respect your need to know; but did it occur to you that she might have not opened up with you as she has been afraid of this confrontation?

Many people have a past and it may not be pleasant and in this case, that's what it seems like...if she is hesitant, reassuring her and giving her a comfort space to open up maybe the best thing to do. She needs to know that she is safe with you to share and she may tell you everything. Now, how you use that information is left to your wisdom BUT do not judge people based on their past. Why I say this is: I do not trust the ex-bf's intentions coming to you and close to the wedding sharing information that suggests that he might be out to destroy her reputation.

Now whether you must blindly trust her or not, is something that you ask yourself. If you are willing to set things aside and hear her version of the story and then either you trust or you don't; no conditions apply. That is your choice...But when you make a choice of trusting, then DO NOT look back...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Kanchan Rai  |560 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Dec 07, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Dec 06, 2024Hindi
I'm caught up in a very difficult situation. I had met a Woman through Arranged Marriage Platform, while we both were getting along quite well with each other, I told her that I'm Virgin & asked her about her Past Relationship(s) if any, she denied categorically. We got Engaged, last month (in November) & our Wedding is scheduled next Month (January). Preparations are going on, including Distribution of Invitation cards. A few days ago, a Guy contacted me, claiming to be my Fiancee's Ex Boyfriend. Initially, I didn't take him seriously as I trusted my Fiancee. But then he showed me some Photos & Videos of their Intimate Moments (as it was apparent from the Videos, she seemed to be conscious & fully aware that their intimate moments are being recorded & some of the Photos were Nude/Semi-Nude Selfies, which she'd taken & shared with her ex Boyfriend, by herself... but she had not consented to share them with anyone else). I was Shocked. The Ex Boyfriend Reassured me that he'd also moved on from her & wouldn't bother her after her Marriage, but he was feeling bitter that she'd Dumped him to Marry me & just wanted to make me aware of what kind of Woman I'd be Marrying. I confronted my Fiancee over a Phone Call & asked her to meet me personally, as there were many Questions disturbing my Heart & Mind and I wanted to demand an Explanation from her. But she refused to meet up with me & wouldn't even discuss anything related her Relationship History on Phone Call/Video Call or WhatsApp Chat. She just kept telling me that it was all in her 'Past' & Promised me that after we both get Married, she'd be a Faithful Wife, Loyal to me. I want to have an Open-Heart conversation with her to Re-evaluate our Relationship before taking any big decision further. But, since she's bluntly Refusing to open up & discuss anything about her Past with me, I am losing Trust in her. Now I am in Dilemma, whether I should blindly Trust her & go ahead with the Marriage as Planned or shall discuss the matter with our Parents & get the Marriage Cancelled, to avoid taking such a Big Risk?
Ans: At this moment, it is essential to consider what you need for your own peace of mind. If you cannot trust her fully or feel uneasy without clarity, it is important to address those feelings before committing to marriage. It is not selfish to seek answers or reassurances when your heart and mind are in turmoil. At the same time, be mindful of your approach, as accusations or blame can shut down any chance of constructive communication.

If she continues to avoid the conversation, involving both families might be a reasonable step. This is not about blaming or shaming anyone but about ensuring that both of you enter into marriage with mutual trust and respect. Marriage is a union of not just two individuals but also their values, emotions, and expectations. Without addressing these concerns now, the unresolved doubts could seep into your relationship later and cause greater harm.

It’s also worth reflecting on what you need from your partner to move forward. If her commitment to being loyal and faithful now feels insufficient because of her refusal to engage in an open dialogue, that’s valid. Trust cannot thrive where communication falters. If she can assure you of her devotion and you feel you can let go of her past, there’s a path forward. But if doubts linger and trust remains elusive, stepping back to reassess might be the wiser decision, even if it’s painful in the short term.

Whatever choice you make, be gentle with yourself. This is an emotionally taxing situation, and it’s okay to take time to process everything. Listen to your heart, but also give weight to your instincts—they’re often our clearest guides in moments of uncertainty.

With understanding and strength,

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Dr Dipankar

Dr Dipankar Dutta  |1018 Answers  |Ask -

Tech Careers and Skill Development Expert - Answered on Mar 21, 2025

Dr Dipankar

Dr Dipankar Dutta  |1018 Answers  |Ask -

Tech Careers and Skill Development Expert - Answered on Mar 21, 2025


Mayank Chandel  |2133 Answers  |Ask -

IIT-JEE, NEET-UG, SAT, CLAT, CA, CS Exam Expert - Answered on Mar 21, 2025

Asked by Anonymous - Mar 20, 2025Hindi
Sir, what is the difference between IITs and NITs? Do you think IIITs are better than IITs? Can you please explain and elaborate? Thank you in advance.
Ans: Hello
I would like to mention specifically that IITs have no comparison. IIT-JEE is considered as one of the toughest exam across the globe & hence IITs are the best. Now coming to comparing NIT Vs IIIT, in my view I have considered following points:

IIITs (Indian Institutes of Information Technology) are often considered better than NITs (National Institutes of Technology) for Computer Science and allied courses (like IT, AI, Data Science, etc.) due to several factors.

1. Core Focus on Computer Science & IT
IIITs are dedicated to IT & CS fields, while NITs offer a broad range of engineering disciplines.
Due to this focus, IIITs often have better faculty, research opportunities, and industry collaborations in CS-related fields.
Many IIITs are industry-driven, ensuring that their curriculum is updated with modern technologies like AI, ML, Blockchain, and Cloud Computing.

2. Stronger Industry Connections & Placements
IIITs, especially top ones like IIIT Hyderabad, IIIT Bangalore, and IIIT Delhi, have excellent industry relations.
Companies like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Adobe prefer IIITs over most NITs for software roles due to their specialized training.
IIIT Hyderabad, for example, has one of the highest average packages for CSE among engineering colleges in India, even competing with IITs.

3. Better Coding Culture & Research in CS Fields
IIITs have a very strong coding culture, with students excelling in competitive programming (Google Code Jam, ACM ICPC) and hackathons.
They also focus heavily on research and innovation in CS, contributing to AI, ML, and Data Science research worldwide.
IIIT Hyderabad, in particular, has research centers (CVIT, ML Lab, Blockchain Lab, etc.) that rival global universities.

4. Flexible & Modern Curriculum
IIITs usually have a more flexible curriculum, allowing students to take electives in trending areas like AI, Cybersecurity, and Data Science.
Some IIITs have no strict branch system, allowing students to focus on multiple CS fields.
In contrast, NITs follow a more traditional curriculum, which may not be as updated for CS innovations.

5. Higher Coding & Competitive Programming Rankings
IIIT students often dominate Google Summer of Code (GSoC), ACM ICPC, and CodeForces rankings.
IIIT Hyderabad, IIIT Allahabad, and IIIT Delhi are known for their strong competitive coding culture, often outperforming NITs.

When NITs Might Be a Better Option
While IIITs are excellent for CS, there are some cases where an NIT might be preferable:

If considering a non-CS branch, NITs are better because IIITs mainly focus on CS and related fields.
Top NITs like NIT Trichy, NIT Surathkal, and NIT Warangal have excellent placements in CSE, sometimes better than newer IIITs.
NITs have a stronger alumni network, which can help in diverse career opportunities.
NITs offer better campus life and infrastructure, as IIITs often have smaller campuses.

For CSE & allied courses, top IIITs like IIIT Hyderabad, IIIT Delhi, and IIIT Bangalore are usually a better choice than most NITs due to their strong coding culture, placements, research, and industry collaborations. However, for overall campus life, government funding, and non-CS branches, top NITs might be preferable.

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Dr Dipankar

Dr Dipankar Dutta  |1018 Answers  |Ask -

Tech Careers and Skill Development Expert - Answered on Mar 21, 2025

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