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28-Year-Old Introverted Male Seeking Advice on Marriage and Avoiding Gold Diggers


Ravi Mittal  |551 Answers  |Ask -

Dating, Relationships Expert - Answered on Mar 21, 2025

Ravi Mittal is an expert on dating and relationships.
He founded QuackQuack, an online dating platform, in 2010 with just two people. Today, it has over 20 million users in India.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Mar 17, 2025Hindi

I am 28 and now my parents are constantly poking me for marriage. It's not like I don't want to get married. I want to but a part of me is also scared. It's not just a new thing for me, being an introvert and a nerd, I never had that much interaction with females in school and college and having worked from home for 5 years now, I barely interacted with anybody from the office either. So I am an extreme noob when it comes to flirting or mixing with girls. My point is, I don't smoke and drink and I would expect the same from my partner. I see my friends smoking, drinking to their fullest and passing out, their male friends holding them by the waist and shoulders and helping them walk, they are staying back at their male best friend's house or going back home late at 2 o'clock in the night... I don't know if that's right or wrong but I am not used to such life. So I would hope my partner stays out of these things. But I don't have a single person in my friend circle who doesn't smoke and drink. So it makes me wonder if at all there are women who refrain from these addictions! What if she turns out to be a gold digger? What if she marries me and after a year, slams fake cases on me and my family and demands a heavy alimony? I would be shattered. I know women have fears too - what if the man turns out to be violent and thrashes her up! We men also have the same fears. Arranged marriage is scary and is a game of luck. Not that love marriage is any better; even though you think you know the other person inside out, the cat comes out of the box only after marriage. I am confused. Can you guide me.

Ans: Dear Anonymous,
I understand where your concerns stem from; and just like you said, women have equal concerns, if not more. But look at all the marriages around you- are they all bad? I would say focus on the good things. And about smoking and drinking- people have their own preferences. Some like it and some don't. I am sure there are many women who are dead against any form of addiction and they can be a good match for you. Having said it all, I would also like to say that you should not get married till you are mentally prepared for it. If it scares you so much right now, it would not be the right decision to get involved with someone and end up projecting your fears on them and doubting them for no reason. Take your time and observe other relationships- see the happy side of it and try to gauge if you want that. I would also say that love marriage might work better for you, because it will have slightly less "surprise element" to it.
But again, do not rush. Let it happen organically. You are only 28.
Hope this helps

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Ravi Mittal  |551 Answers  |Ask -

Dating, Relationships Expert - Answered on Sep 09, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Sep 07, 2024Hindi
Hi, I am 32 year old male. I have contentment in all major aspects of life such as job, money, friends, family, fun etc. But everytime I try to bring a girl into my life everything just turns in to chaos. There is a lot of pressure from from family, friends and almost everyone that I know for me to get married. But I cannot accept just anyone in my life through matrimony sites or references. I am afraid that the hard work that I have put in all these years to make my life comfortable will be shaken up by marriage. I cannot choose people by their attributes but have to just develop a liking for them. Similarly I have no interest in how a girl looks, what job she does or any material aspects. I am happy with someone who choses me completely and is committed to me. Unfortunately I couldn't find anyone such and I am in the phase of saying no to marriage completely as life is good as it is. I had a girlfriend when I was 25 and she left me after 5 years of relationship because her parents did not accept which I respected. Could connect with anyone else until this year who also left me after an year because her parents will not agree as my parents are not rich enough. I cannot connect with anyone else physically or emotionally. I think it's injustice to the woman I marry if I marry her just for the sake of society. I am completely confused, could you please share your expertise on this. Thanks in advance!
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

It's amazing how you are putting other people's needs over yours. That's very selfless of you. If you don't feel you are ready to commit, there is no rush; no matter what people say. I understand that societal pressure can be very tough, but as you said, being in an incompatible relationship will be tougher on both you and the woman. All I can say here is wait. You are content with your life, and that is more than most people have. Focus on that. Make it even better. If and when the time is right, you will meet someone, and things will fall into place. It might sound cliche, but trust me, this is the best thing to do. Again, I repeat, do not give in to peer pressure. No good things can come out of it.

Best Wishes.

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Ravi Mittal  |551 Answers  |Ask -

Dating, Relationships Expert - Answered on Nov 08, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Nov 07, 2024
I (27M) am well Educated & well settled in a High-paying Job. Tall, Handsome & Fit. I am a Sociable & Outgoing person, but I never had a Girlfriend because I believe in having an Arranged Marriage with a Girl from the same Community, who's Family background is known to Parents. I strongly believe in abstaining from any kind of Sexual Intimacy until I get Married, due to my Personal, Moral, Ethical, Emotional as well as Religious & Socio-cultural Values. I'd want to experience even my First Kiss, only after getting Married to my Life Partner. And obviously, I expect my Future Life Partner also to Share similar Values. I cannot settle for Marriage with a Girl who had Pre-marital Sex (or even Kissed) anyone else in a Romantic Relationship, prior to Marriage. I would Reject such a Girl, however Beautiful, Well-Educated & Well-Earning she might be (all other Qualities being Subjective). Now, my Family has started looking up suitable Brides for me, within my Community. The Problem is that most Girls of our Community, in this Generation, are Well Educated & Financially Independent, staying in Cities, away from Parents & most of them, probably had Romantic Relationship(s) & experienced Physical Intimacy, at any Base Level. I know this by closely observing & discussing with many Girls of my Community (including my Female Cousins, Female Friends & Neighbours etc). They all are ridiculing me for my Preferences & advising me to forsake my Values, as they are Outdated in this Age. Now, I am Worried that I might never get to Marry a Girl who shares my Values. My greatest Fear is not ending up Unmarried, but getting Married to a Woman who lies about her Past (I consider it as Cheating). Can you please advise me on, how can I be absolutely Sure that a Girl is an Un-Kissed Virgin? How do I bring up this topic with any Girl before Marriage & ask her, without coming off as Creepy? How can I be Sure whether the Girl is being absolutely Honest about her Past or not? What are some other ways to find out about the Past of a Girl, apart from having an open conversation with herself? Please advise me regarding this, my Heart is not letting me foresake my Values, which are my Core Principles. I am willing to compromise on some other Qualities i.e., I'd happily settle down with a Girl who's Below Average in terms of Looks, Education & even Unemployed, as long as I can be Sure that she's an Un-Kissed Virgin. How can I be absolutely Sure of that?
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
You don't have to forsake your values based on others' opinions of it. If it makes you happy, you should stick to it. Having said that, you cannot force the same values on others. I understand you want a partner who has a similar mindset. The only way to get what you want is an open conversation- when you speak to a match, you can open up about your outlook and clear it from your end that you want the exact same values in your partner and politely request them to reject the alliance if she has any past relationships or has been intimate with anyone in any form. Let her know that you are not judging her, but this part is very important for you. Make it about yourself, because it is. Do not let the woman feel that there is some flaw in her, or start investigating her past.

Now, coming to your other query, how to be absolutely sure that she is telling the truth about her experiences- there is no such technique. You have to trust her. Moreover, you should understand that as much as you believe your values are important, trust in your partner is equally important in having a healthy and happy relationship. While you work on finding the partner of your choice, work on having a little more faith in people.
Hope this helps.

Best Wishes

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Anu Krishna  |1563 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Mar 18, 2025

Asked by Anonymous - Mar 17, 2025Hindi
Hi Everyone, I'm 28M, IT employee, please do think from my perspective what am I about to ask. Since according to indian standards I'm already late for marriage. Now the thing is I've seen enough of failed marriages, not only in news but in own family and not everytime it was fault of the female part but I've seen good men struggling to handle themselves, few times their parents in jail. Thing is I won't be able to tolerate this kind of situation and I'm afraid of myself if I'm ever in this situation. My mother has sacrificed enough to put me through school and college and I do not wish to put her in any trouble because someone had a previous relationship which they are not able to forget or they don't like me then but get's married for the sake of it. I've never been in relationship and has been introvert throughout my life. Things that I've seen in my office and on news and at home have shaken my trust into anyone. A guy like me who use to trust anyone just because they say so is not struggling to even trust my own parents sometimes. Now please don't give me argument like not evey women is like this. I know but I just can't trust anyone and I've told this to my parents yet they insist on me being married. Everyone around me is just telling me how important it is to be married but I just can't. Since I'm only kid of my parents now my mum stopped talking to me a d I've given her my side yet she is pretty adamant on me getting married. Kindly let me know how should I proceed. Also I'm not interested even in being live in or having a girlfriend. I just don't know what to make of my life. So pretty confused, angry, frustrated and what not. Also my mother says that she'll have a thorough background check before taking things any further. I know how cute she is. She thinks everyone is as honest as her. Kindly guide me about how should I proceed since most of the people in my family is now not talking to me.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
How have you managed to confuse yourself so much? You know how?
By reading into situations that have happened outside of you way too much. Yes, I will say this to you; not all women are the way you perceive.
If you got attacked by a cat, you will say...All cats are aggressive and dangerous. Is this true? Are all cats that way or just the one that you got attacked by?
In your case, you have only seen failed marriages and you have concluded as some universal truth that things will go bad and then you have gone to the extent of protecting your mother. Do you not see what rigid thinking can do? Confuse you, derail you, disillusion you...
If you wish to set things right, change the way that you are thinking of marriage, potential partners for marriage...focus on what can go right rather than on what can go wrong, will help you a lot in this.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Dr Dipankar

Dr Dipankar Dutta  |1018 Answers  |Ask -

Tech Careers and Skill Development Expert - Answered on Mar 21, 2025

Dr Dipankar

Dr Dipankar Dutta  |1018 Answers  |Ask -

Tech Careers and Skill Development Expert - Answered on Mar 21, 2025


Mayank Chandel  |2133 Answers  |Ask -

IIT-JEE, NEET-UG, SAT, CLAT, CA, CS Exam Expert - Answered on Mar 21, 2025

Asked by Anonymous - Mar 20, 2025Hindi
Sir, what is the difference between IITs and NITs? Do you think IIITs are better than IITs? Can you please explain and elaborate? Thank you in advance.
Ans: Hello
I would like to mention specifically that IITs have no comparison. IIT-JEE is considered as one of the toughest exam across the globe & hence IITs are the best. Now coming to comparing NIT Vs IIIT, in my view I have considered following points:

IIITs (Indian Institutes of Information Technology) are often considered better than NITs (National Institutes of Technology) for Computer Science and allied courses (like IT, AI, Data Science, etc.) due to several factors.

1. Core Focus on Computer Science & IT
IIITs are dedicated to IT & CS fields, while NITs offer a broad range of engineering disciplines.
Due to this focus, IIITs often have better faculty, research opportunities, and industry collaborations in CS-related fields.
Many IIITs are industry-driven, ensuring that their curriculum is updated with modern technologies like AI, ML, Blockchain, and Cloud Computing.

2. Stronger Industry Connections & Placements
IIITs, especially top ones like IIIT Hyderabad, IIIT Bangalore, and IIIT Delhi, have excellent industry relations.
Companies like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Adobe prefer IIITs over most NITs for software roles due to their specialized training.
IIIT Hyderabad, for example, has one of the highest average packages for CSE among engineering colleges in India, even competing with IITs.

3. Better Coding Culture & Research in CS Fields
IIITs have a very strong coding culture, with students excelling in competitive programming (Google Code Jam, ACM ICPC) and hackathons.
They also focus heavily on research and innovation in CS, contributing to AI, ML, and Data Science research worldwide.
IIIT Hyderabad, in particular, has research centers (CVIT, ML Lab, Blockchain Lab, etc.) that rival global universities.

4. Flexible & Modern Curriculum
IIITs usually have a more flexible curriculum, allowing students to take electives in trending areas like AI, Cybersecurity, and Data Science.
Some IIITs have no strict branch system, allowing students to focus on multiple CS fields.
In contrast, NITs follow a more traditional curriculum, which may not be as updated for CS innovations.

5. Higher Coding & Competitive Programming Rankings
IIIT students often dominate Google Summer of Code (GSoC), ACM ICPC, and CodeForces rankings.
IIIT Hyderabad, IIIT Allahabad, and IIIT Delhi are known for their strong competitive coding culture, often outperforming NITs.

When NITs Might Be a Better Option
While IIITs are excellent for CS, there are some cases where an NIT might be preferable:

If considering a non-CS branch, NITs are better because IIITs mainly focus on CS and related fields.
Top NITs like NIT Trichy, NIT Surathkal, and NIT Warangal have excellent placements in CSE, sometimes better than newer IIITs.
NITs have a stronger alumni network, which can help in diverse career opportunities.
NITs offer better campus life and infrastructure, as IIITs often have smaller campuses.

For CSE & allied courses, top IIITs like IIIT Hyderabad, IIIT Delhi, and IIIT Bangalore are usually a better choice than most NITs due to their strong coding culture, placements, research, and industry collaborations. However, for overall campus life, government funding, and non-CS branches, top NITs might be preferable.

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Dr Dipankar

Dr Dipankar Dutta  |1018 Answers  |Ask -

Tech Careers and Skill Development Expert - Answered on Mar 21, 2025

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