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Anu Krishna  | Answer  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jan 04, 2022

Anu Krishna is a mind coach and relationship expert.
The co-founder of Unfear Changemakers LLP, she has received her neuro linguistic programming training from National Federation of NeuroLinguistic Programming, USA, and her energy work specialisation from the Institute for Inner Studies, Manila.
She is an executive member of the Indian Association of Adolescent Health.... more
Anonymous Question by Anonymous on Jan 04, 2022Hindi

I have been married for a little more than five years and I am living under tremendous stress and depression.
We live in a joint family with my parents and an unmarried brother. I had told her all this before marriage.
She loves me very much but her attitude towards my relatives has been a matter of concern right from the start.
She does not want to keep a relationship with anybody apart from my immediate family.
Slowly, she started having problems with my mother also; both have started having minor clashes at home. Many times, it is my mother’s mistake.
The main problem is that she is very nagging and complains and gets irritated very frequently at the smallest instance.
Frustrated, I planned on separating with her but the news came of her pregnancy and we were blessed with a baby girl.
After the baby was born, my wife’s frustration and irritation has increased manifold because of her fear that my mother will give much more love to the baby then she can. So their clashes have increased.
Now my wife has been putting a lot of pressure on me to look for a new house away from my parents, since she wants her own space.
I already have a home loan on the existing home and a car loan. There is very less scope for me to purchase a new home and I don't want to leave my parents. She just doesn't understand my position and clashes happen between us.
Looking at all this, I desperately want to separate from her but can't do so because of our daughter. I love her the most and can't live without her. So I just endure what is happening every day.
This has resulted in me slipping into depression. It has affected my work in office as well. I am not performing well, I don't like to speak with any of my friends or relatives, I don't feel like doing anything.
I’m living for the sake of my daughter, that's it.
Even my parents are not in a position to understand me and my situation so I can't talk to them either.
Can you help?
Just don’t publish my name.



It is unfortunate that you are in this situation.

Your wife is possibly not very inclined to be in a joint family set-up; the reasons maybe many. But isn’t it necessary for you as a husband and a father to look out for your family?

The misunderstandings caused between the two of you over the years because of being in a joint family set-up have never been addressed and much water has flowed under the bridge.

There is a slim chance that matters might get resolved if you get your mother and wife in the same room and iron it out, with you being a neutral person who does not take sides; this is the best option.

If this isn’t possible, kindly visit a family counsellor who can step in and show your family a way to live amicably or give you a perspective on how healthy it might be to live separately.

At the end of the day, you have responsibilities towards your wife and child too!

All the best and a Happy 2022.

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Kanchan Rai  |554 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on May 04, 2024

I am married person since 2015. From last 2 to 3 years it is not working properly. Due to some following problems, 1. I am only one boy in my family. I don’t have any brother or sister. My father is also passed away, so there is need of child in my family because now I am at the age of 30. But my wife is not physically strong. There is always some health issue with her. 2. There is education gap too in between us. She is metric level education and I am engineer. Due to this we don’t have that much effective communication leads to conflicts in every situation. She never give respect to my mother and never do regular house works to and at the end of the day again conflicts arises between my mother and my wife. 3. I want to give divorce to her but unfortunately she is purposely not ready for that because she knows very well that she will never been happy in another house like my house. 4. Same problem when I discussed with her mother and father, they straight forward refuse to give divorce; they said, “if you have any problems or want to give divorce then go to those person who are responsible for marriage or who finalize your marriage”. Lastly, I am now at dead end and don’t know the solution of how to escape from this situation.
Ans: Dear Rajesh,
First and foremost, it's important to prioritize your own well-being and happiness, as well as that of any potential children involved. While divorce may seem like the only solution, it's also worth considering seeking professional help, such as marriage counseling or therapy, to try to address the issues in your relationship and explore potential avenues for improvement.

If communication is a significant challenge due to education and cultural differences, a therapist or counselor can help facilitate more effective communication and understanding between you and your wife. They can also provide guidance on how to navigate conflicts and differences in a constructive manner.

Additionally, it may be helpful to involve a neutral third party, such as a religious or community leader, to mediate discussions between you, your wife, and your respective families. They may be able to provide support and guidance in finding a resolution that is mutually acceptable and respects the well-being of all parties involved.

Ultimately, the decision to pursue divorce or to work on improving the relationship is a deeply personal one, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. It's important to take the time to carefully consider your options and seek support from trusted friends, family members, or professionals as needed.

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Anu Krishna  | Answer  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Oct 17, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Oct 13, 2024Hindi
Hi Ma'am , I am 35 + yr and married. We have been married for almost 3 yrs now and we do not have any kids . My wife she was my GF and we had a relationship of almost 6 yrs before we got married. In this 6 yrs we broke up and then we patched up as well. Almost around the time we were supposed to get married,I knew that she was not right for me as I am very emotional,and seek someone who understands me. She is clearly not an emotional person and she is very mean and rude. Somehow I got convinced to get married to her.Now she is completely an unmanageable person.She says things I cannot bear at all and I see that these things come from her family as her mother never respected her father and it's an absolute chao in her family with sister behaving 10 times more worse with her parents. Right from starting of the marriage I knew that this would not work and anyhow we went on and on and now we purchased a property as well on both our names. The problem is she humiliates me like nothing and she does not trust me at all. From my side there is no love remaining towards her and everything single time I just think of separation. I lost both my parents and I have an elder brother who is also dependent on me. He stays apart from me. Now if I get separated then how can manage the property which we both together and also I will be absolutely alone. Deep down I am not happy at all. Please help
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
If there is no scope for reconciliation, what other way out do you have?
Separation maybe hard initially but at least you are not dealing with something on your face on a daily basis. Now, what happens to the property in the event of separation will be determined as to in whose name the property was registered. Of course, this is my understanding. You may want to speak with someone who has knowledge about the legal angle on this.
If you are not happy, then do and act accordingly so that you are moving into a happy zone and in no means what is happening is happy. So, ACT NOW...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Anu Krishna  | Answer  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Oct 18, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Oct 14, 2024Hindi
Hi dear Anu Krishna Madam, I am a regular reader of your suggestions and answers on the questions of relationships since long. You are doing a great work to solve the complications of people's life. I have a long story actually, thanks to you in advance for your patience in reading this. I am male 36 YO, married and having a 4 YO daughter. Mandatory to mention here that I have mother who is dependent on me financially as my father passed away years ago. My relationship with my not been since starting as we got married in 2015. She is having serious anger issues and starts fighting on even little things. She is not very inclined to my mother and my younger sister who got married in 2018 and staying in UK with her husband. My wife is always complaining for one thing or the other. I am working for Central Government and earning well but she is never satisfied and keeps on complaining that my brother in law (sister's husband) is better husband or sometimes compare with other men. I always to fulfil all the requirements financially as well as taking care of baby, helping in household chores but she is never a happy woman. I send my mother and amount of Rs 10000 per month as no one is there to take care of her, mother stays at our hometown and I along with my wife and daughter stays at my work place city. I had to finance the marriage of my younger sister also as my father passed away when the both of us siblings were of age 7 and 3, this was told before my marriage to the family of wife as well as her that this will be required to be managed by me financially. But she complains of this also that I have spent this much money on my sister and mother. I am earning from a young age of 18 years but I don't find any peace at home. I am working like a machine, earning and then she is saying bad things to me all the time. She shouts loudly when fighting so that neighbours also listen and I find it very shameful. Her behaviour towards our daughter also changes frequently and she treats her according to her mood. My mother is not staying with us as when she stayed here for 6-8 months due to her health related issues, she started fighting with my mother also and created huge scenes every now and then. My wife's only attachment is with her own family, her mother, father, unmarried elder sister and unmarried elder brother. Her both the siblings couldn't find suitable matches for themselves, this is also creating a stress for my wife and she in the end throws her frustration on me. She and my self have both tried to commit suicide 2-3 times in the fight on different occasions. Last year she met a younger boy of age 26-27 and they both got attracted to each other. I was along with her and I noticed them smiling at each other at a function. I asked my wife and said to her that if you want to you can ask and talk to that boy. Means I told her to have an open marriage, in the hope that this will atleast make her realise that my husband is happy in my happiness. They both started talking and even met on 3-4 occasions and 2-3 of them secret meetings at our home (only i knew that I didn't pointed out) with physical intimacy. Now due to some unknown reason both my wife and that boy are not talking to each other. Her behaviour had been very rude since that boy came to her life and she never realised that my husband is not pointing out this infidelity also. Now, when that boy is also not there, her disrespect towards me is increasing day by day. She starts fighting even at streets and shouting loudly. I have also given a thought for legal separation but due to my daughter I am not going ahead. I am in a very complex situation and don't understand what to do. How i can make her understand that relationship runs on two people. Please guide me further. One more thing to mention here she is not interested to go for councelling or anything like that. Thanks in advance. Regards.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Your wife is perhaps one of those people who choose to see what's not happening rather than what good is actually happening. It's just a habit that can destroy their peace of mind and of those around them.
You are caught around her drama where she tries to find her happiness all around her when she can perfectly find it within the marriage. So, if there's something small that upsets her at home or does not go according to the way she thinks it should, instead of talking about it to you, she is someone who will find a way out outside and in things that can instantly make her feel better. That 27-year-old has ended up becoming some sort of a distraction and by you allowing it to go further whatever happens or doesn't will be blamed on you.
She's acting like a child in need of attention, incapable of addressing her own emotions, distracting herself with a new toy and then crying out creating drama around it all and oh, blaming you when things go wrong.
Got the picture, here? So, the way out is to actually take her to a professional who can guide her to regulate her thoughts an =d actually infuse her back into a family system. It's possible that her maternal home did not provide a great example in this regard...you might know better...
You can try and get through to her by requesting her to step in for your child's sake else the marriage can deteriorate further...So, give it a try.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Anu Krishna  | Answer  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Dec 30, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Dec 17, 2024Hindi
I got married in 2020 and presently me and my wife are living with my parents. Before marriage, I had made myself clear before marriage that we would be living with my parents after marriage. I am very attached with my parents and feel a sense of responsibility of giving back to them. My married life has not been smooth. My wife does not get along with my parents pretty well. Lately, she has been insisting on living separately from my parents as living with them infringes her personal space. Further, the house is too small for her, especially after we were blessed with a baby boy. Now, she even asks for divorce as I have been adamant on not making my parents. I can see her struggling getting along and it hurts me. She also had not anticipated that she would not be able to adjust. But I personally feel that it is our responsibility as a family to take over and take care of the family rather than break it. My parents work tirelessly take care of household chores, our son and my ailing grandfather. My wife doesn't understand this. She says that we have caretaker, domestic help so there is not much work. I admit that there is parental interference sometimes but seems manageable. I am very troubled and end up getting depressed a lot. Sometimes i feel like ending everything and curse God to put me in such a situation. Kindly help.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Not everything goes as per plan and not everything that was agreed upon can be followed...as situations change, people change to adapt to that situation. There's something that does not agree between your parents and your wife.
Now, if you insist that either side put up with the other, it is unreasonable to expect them to follow what you say. They are all people with their own set of emotions and will react when triggered by the other side.
So, yes you feel a great sense of duty and responsibility towards your parents; but at what cost? If your wife is unhappy, so will your child be unhappy and subsequently the entire household. There is a sense of duty and responsibility towards your wife and child as well so balance this act between both sides. It is possible to take care of both sides by not choosing one over the other; that is where you will be the one to get caught in the middle of all the strains and stresses.
Now whether that will happen staying separately or not is something only you can fathom with the daily on-goings at home. So, cursing God may not be a great choice BUT actually asking yourself if you are holding onto your choices too harshly that it has begun to impact you.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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