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Love Guru

Love Guru   |204 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert - Answered on Oct 07, 2022

Love Guru has been answering relationship and romance related questions on Rediff.com for over 13 years. She won't mince words when telling you what the problem is and what you can do about it. If you want a fresh perspective from an unbiased, objective-thinking individual about your relationship woes, Love Guru could just be the person you need to need to hear from.... more
Anonymous Question by Anonymous on Oct 07, 2022Hindi

Dear Love Guru
There is a girl I met in London 3 years ago. We had a good time and saw around London. I was coming to India and asked her if she wanted to meet. So I paid for her tickets to come to my home state kerala from Delhi. As soon as she landed she said she is seeing someone and had a heartbreak over the last year. I took her to my school reunion and to my family and went around sightseeing. Now I have feelings for and she doesnt seem to return any. What do I do? 


Well, you could let her know about your feelings but if intuition is anything to go by, I'd say she's going to turn you down.

She came to see you because you invited her as a friend and paid for her travel.

Right away, she let you know she's seeing someone and endured heartache, which probably was a subtle way of letting you know that she's not interested in you.

Still, nothing ventured nothing gained I suppose so, if you like, go ahead and tell her anyway.

The worst that can happen is her saying no. But, beyond that, I wouldn't pursue it if I were you. If she doesn't feel for you in that way, that's that and you're better off as friends.


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Ravi Mittal  |545 Answers  |Ask -

Dating, Relationships Expert - Answered on Sep 19, 2024

I'm 23old now I was in a 2yr relationship,she was from caste and we know each other since school time once we started our relationship it went well we were committed to each other but when shifted to her native place things got rough she started ignoring me and given reason of college. once her uncle found out about our relationship and told her father about us her father warned her not to talk with anyone then she refused to continue our relationship citing of not having future together now it's been three years now she moved on and I still don't what was her actual reason why she left me ....after one year of break up she contacted me and I assured her of getting government job and talk to her parents but she said she didn't have much time her father liked his friend son but she hasn't talk to him I don't know what to do I can't stop thinking about her everyday should I try again... please help me
Ans: Dear Saurav,

I understand the appeal of trying once again, starting over. The relationship you shared with her was comfortable and familiar. We are all drawn to comfort and familiarity. But, are you sure she is still the person you fell in love with? It's been some time since you two have been together. People grow, and change. If you do want to give it another try, I suggest meeting up in person or spending enough time together to understand if you two are still compatible. Next, she has left you once for her family; while we understand the pressure, the reality is still the reality- she chose her family over you. You should discuss the matter before getting into the relationship once more. Even if you successfully start over, it would be naive to expect things to be just as they were before- some things will be better and some different. Go ahead only after you acknowledge all of these.

Best Wishes.

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