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Anu Krishna  |1540 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Oct 01, 2021

Anu Krishna is a mind coach and relationship expert.
The co-founder of Unfear Changemakers LLP, she has received her neuro linguistic programming training from National Federation of NeuroLinguistic Programming, USA, and her energy work specialisation from the Institute for Inner Studies, Manila.
She is an executive member of the Indian Association of Adolescent Health.... more
SK Question by SK on Oct 01, 2021Hindi

Hey Anu, Hope everything is well.

To begin with, I'm an introvert. That eventually made me mad alone. That inadvertently made me an existential dread. (Series of predicaments, indeed).

I have been thinking about the human existence. Like, what is the purpose of me writing this?

What are we when compared to the universe? Well, many questions yet to come but no, I don't want you to think the same. Anyway, coming back to the point, nothing seems worth to me.

I don't know why people are suffering out there. I don't why politicians, well I guess you know about it.

What I want is the answers. how can I come out of this existential crisis? How can I perceive things in more valuable ways?

Ans: Dear S K, Thank you for enquiring about me. I am very well, thank you and trust that you and your loved ones are well.

It's great that you are on a journey to questioning and deep reflections. Herein lies the answers and more questions as well; because once you think you 'have it', there's something more than crops up and then you have to start all over again.

We all have our perspectives on human existence and we are all right to think the way we do as it's our personal journey that we go through which involves feelings, emotions, experiences and so on.

My perspectives are:

We are all here for a purpose; a higher purpose as we work through this earthly life.

It is our responsibility to become aware as we wade through our experiences and emotions to rediscover ourselves and show up as an authentic version rather than hide behind a façade.

As we take on this journey, we may encounter many challenges and it’s up to us if we want to face them, circumvent them or fight against them. My experiences have taught me to embrace them as they are as when we avoid or fight, we dissipate into nothing and learn nothing and as a result do not evolve.

So, going through each challenge, drops the external layers and you reach within to the ESSENCE that shines brightly.

In short, that’s when you begin to touch base with what your true purpose in life is and then you will start living it.

For you to perceive things to keep your emotional health, drop rules from the rule book; which means drop all the 'should be' 'should have been' etc.

Look at what IS and embrace it and live it. People externally like politicians, give you examples on how you can work with your existing rule book and evolve through it.

So, as far as it goes, allow yourself time to reflect and also enjoy life; keeping a right balance... else the obsession to discover will take you over and you might start putting deadlines to find your purpose and understand the Universe and its miraculous ways of working.

Start to enjoy the process of your inner journey and also appreciate the simpler things in life and you will move towards an equilibrium state that will hold you in good stead.

Happy Discoveries!

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Anu Krishna  |1540 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on May 16, 2022

Hi Anu, I recently came across your self-help series on rediff com and couldn't resist myself from writing to you. I am a 25 year old woman living with her parents and a younger brother. I somehow managed the lockdown in 2020 but since last year, my life has been way more challenging.Things have been really tough since April last year. My mother started her dialysis. Before that, she got hospitalised twice within a month. However she is back home. But due to her dialysis session, her legs ache making her difficult to walk. Her hands have stopped moving due to hypertension so I am taking care of her.My father retired last year. So he's stressed about many things. He is over inspecting my every little action and criticising me for no apparent reason. I haven't got a suitable job despite working in an educational consultancy (They haven't even given my first salary). My boyfriend is encouraging me to work hard for my upcoming competitive exam and earn everything I want. But I don't feel like doing anything. I feel like I have lost the zeal. And nowadays he has hardly any time for me.My ex-boyfriend hasn't returned Rs 20,000 he borrowed from me. When I confronted him, he avoided me and told me to back off. Sometimes I feel like taking a loan.Lastly, I have incomplete submissions of diploma course which I couldn't submit on time and I am requesting for extra time but I didn't get any help.Though I feel that things will get better but most of the time, I feel like quitting. Today my father scolded me again, so I went to terrace. I screamed and cried and decided to end my life. I have become so alone. I am wondering when my life will be on track. I am not a bad person. I know I have flaws. But why has life become so tough? I am only getting rejections and failures. I don't know what to do. How do I tackle with all of these? Please help me. I am totally exhausted.

Dear AB,

Breathe! And breathe again and once more…

Life is filled with all things great and challenging as well. Challenges come to us as a growth path; one that we must walk on to unleash more of our inner power.

Challenges within the family, education related challenges, personal challenges and more are part of anyone’s life.

How we deal with each defines our journey and shapes our mindset as well.

Have you felt like playing the victim in each challenge and hence feel low and dejected and that prevents you from finishing what you have taken up?

I might be wrong here, but what seems to be happening is every activity is left mid-way due to lack of confidence from within. And then the loop continues and you have termed it as a rejection and failure. We receive what we put out there; so why don’t you try something different?

Why don’t you pick something (one at a time) and see it through till the end; it will give you a great sense of achievement and to do this; simply visualize the path from the start to the end and then jumping for joy at your victory.

Request your boyfriend to play the role of an accountability partner, so that he keeps your ups and downs in check.

Commit to him as to what and when you will finish; and to motivate yourself, keep visualizing your victory and success point and the happiness that you will feel from within.

As for your parents scolding you, they only look at your welfare.

Sit them down and tell them that you need their support and that you are embarking on a new journey.

I am sure that they will be rooting for you. Life is beautiful, make it count and you know you can!

Best wishes!

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Anu Krishna  |1540 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Dec 27, 2022

Hi Anu, I'm here to let my feelings out. I'm 23 years old, working in IT. I have never been a person orientated towards studies not just now but even as a kid. I never knew that this would take a toll on my life like this. I'm. Not happy with my job. I'm not passionate about it. Clearly I'm not performing well. Neither am I trying to. It's been a long time since I felt like I have things in control. Right now I can't control myself, my feelings, my thoughts, my brain process. After the lockdown began I have totally lost everything that I was left with. It's been a very long time since I have been happy about what's happening in life. I don't know what to do. I was depressed for 3 years due to break up. I think meeting that person made my life upside down. It was a very bad influence on me. He was a narcissist. Which is what has made like this today I guess. I have nothing in control, I don't know if I'll be able to make things right in my life, if I'll ever be better again. There's too much confusion, fear, pain and sadness inside of me. I'm stuck in the same place for years now. I have no confidence to do anything. I don't believe in myself, I cannot talk to myself in a good way. If something wrong happens to me today, I accept it. I do not have the strength to fight against or for anything. I feel hollow. I feel like there is absolutely nothing inside of me left. I feel like there nothing I can do to make my life better. The solution to make this right for my family is to k*** myself. Because I don't see hope. Even though I have dreams, I don't believe in myself that I will be able to fulfil them. Because I don't have the spark of life in me. Everything inside me dead. I don’t know what to do. I don’t even know if you'll be able to help me. But I'm not able to deal with myself. The pity I have on myself. The disgust I have on myself.

Dear S,

It’s like being unsettled has become a way of life. And you haven’t become aware that what you are living with in terms of uncertainty is mostly self-created.

You are seeing it with academics, work, relationships. It’s a pattern which must be broken provided you wish to see a massive change in your life.

Ask yourself:

1. What do I seek from life?
2. Where do I see myself in the professional space?
3. What do I wish for in a relationship/partner?

Now, check if your thoughts and behaviours align with what you wish for.

For eg: If you are looking at losing weight, if your behaviour is no exercise and reaching out for a midnight snack, you will never get to what you wish for.

So, if you want to feel more certain and have a certain level of wellbeing and grip in your life, you need to come up with some sort of fool proof plan and stick with it.

If you haven’t been very fine with academics, surely you can still put your best foot forward in your workplace taking more initiatives and thinking about how to grow there.

With relationships, start asking yourself, how can I add value to my partner?

It’s time you took responsibility for your choices and its results. So, if you want massive changes in the results, change the way you think and do things.

Am I getting through to you here?

Nothing is dead; you just have to inspire yourself to think and do different.

So, self-pity isn’t going to get you anywhere.

If he was a narcissist, good things didn’t work out…time to move on rather than make more excuses for your life not going anywhere.

Do you know now what you must do? Just Step Up!

Best wishes!

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Maxim Emmanuel  | Answer  |Ask -

Soft Skills Trainer - Answered on Apr 09, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Apr 06, 2024Hindi
Hi, I completed BA in Mass communication and pg diploma in advertising and marketing communication with only 5 months experience in advertising agency with specialization in client servicing And my age is 26 and have no any job or secure Career. Sometimes I think I had a mistake to choose this field, i tried too many times for getting a job and I'm not perfect in skills like English language, cunning nature and smart and at this age i pressured by my family, relatives and neighbours with too many irrelevant and irritating comments like tum bhatke huye ho. Tum se kuch nhi hone vala,, your age is marriage age and you are unemployed and unguided. Sometimes I think suicide is the best way to forget all think and sometimes I don't know what is my real goal and truth is i have no goal and currently i preparing for competitive exams like ssc and hssc but what is my goal I'm not sure where is I'm going I request you please guide me with better solution because no one is in the world is my best. I live alone I'm not interested to talk with anyone because all are selfish. Please please guide me.
Ans: Wow.. BA MASS Communication! & PG DIP in Advertising and Marketing.. Seriously no job.. Client Servicing is Ad.Sales...what gets you going creativity in Advertising.. plenty of scope... Age is just a number.. And 26 no quick fix, you have just started life.

Don't go by what others say, go by your conscience.. And the guy in the glass

The Guy in the Glass

When you get what you want in your struggle for pelf,
And the world makes you King for a day,
Then go to the mirror and look at yourself,
And see what that guy has to say.
For it isn't your Father, or Mother, or Wife,
Who judgement upon you must pass.
The feller whose verdict counts most in your life
Is the guy staring back from the glass.
He's the feller to please, never mind all the rest,
For he's with you clear up to the end,
And you've passed your most dangerous, difficult test
If the guy in the glass is your friend.
You may be like Jack Horner and "chisel" a plum,
And think you're a wonderful guy,
But the man in the glass says you're only a bum
If you can't look him straight in the eye.
You can fool the whole world down the pathway of years,
And get pats on the back as you pass,
But your final reward will be heartaches and tears
If you've cheated the guy in the glass.

Dale Wimbrow (c) 1934

You are a gem dust yourself off.. and shine... Suicide is nonsense.. Nobody will cry if you!?

Send your resume not more than 2 pages google top Ad agencies... English you will learn along with how to be suave!
They want people who know other regional languages too.. You are the one they are looking for!

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Anu Krishna  |1540 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Oct 03, 2024

Hello mam I'm Ankur , CSE(1 yr), 20 yr old boy and Every new day is new hope, but when it ends ,I'm still same & now I have lost the belief in me & everything else also. But still I get voices/images in my head of being good, doing work, making money, changing lives and things which i want to do, but fear/hesitate to do them. And that's why I try to find solutions of it by reading(self help, comedy)books, yoga(sometimes),.. but after 3-4 days I get defeated. And the vicious life starts again..(quiet, distracted, alone,..). I use mobile a lot( Yt, Po*n, reading material(self- help), speech(motivation), ..) but I use this as a way by which I can forget the stress/life condition/problems.. clearly "NO CONTROL". I'M writing so maybe i can get some relief & solution..
Ans: Dear Work,
Well if motivational gyaan helped all of us, there would be no sadness or anger or anxiety in any of us, right? All this material available in plenty, and it helps to make us aware of what can be done to improve oneself. But what is also required is to find the root cause of the stress and looping into things that add more stress.
See an expert who can work on core issues that you carry within you. Without knowing details, I will be generalizing and what you require now is for someone to guide you not just through motivation but also touching through the root cause of what is not working for you.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |8077 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Mar 04, 2025

Asked by Anonymous - Feb 26, 2025Hindi
Mere pass Parag Parikh flexicap,Sbi mid cap, axis small cap ,Motilal Oswal midcap and Quant small cap fund hai in sabhi me meri SIP chal rahi hai, abhi Stock market me bahut correction hua hai mujhe lumsum investment karna hai toh inme se kis fund me karu..?
Ans: Investing a lump sum after a market correction can be a good opportunity. However, choosing the right funds requires proper analysis.

Assessing Your Current Portfolio
Flexi-cap fund: This fund invests across large, mid, and small-cap stocks. It provides diversification and stability.

Mid-cap funds: These funds invest in mid-sized companies. They offer high growth potential but come with more volatility.

Small-cap funds: These funds invest in smaller companies. They have the highest return potential but also the highest risk.

Your portfolio already has a mix of flexi-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap funds. Adding more funds from the same categories may lead to over-diversification.

Factors to Consider Before Investing Lump Sum
Market correction does not mean all stocks are undervalued. Some stocks may still be expensive.

Mid-cap and small-cap funds are volatile. Investing lump sum in these funds can be risky.

If you have a high-risk appetite, invest in small-cap or mid-cap funds. However, avoid putting the entire amount in one fund.

If you want balanced growth, allocate more to flexi-cap funds. These funds can shift between large, mid, and small caps based on market conditions.

Instead of lump sum, consider a systematic transfer plan (STP). This helps in averaging the investment over time.

Where to Invest the Lump Sum?
If you want lower risk: Invest in a flexi-cap fund. It provides stability and long-term growth.

If you want moderate risk: Invest in a mid-cap fund. These funds have strong growth potential.

If you want higher risk and higher returns: Invest in a small-cap fund. However, stay invested for at least 7-10 years.

If you are unsure, split your investment. Invest in a mix of flexi-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap funds.

Final Insights
Your portfolio already has exposure to different categories. Avoid adding too many funds.

A systematic transfer plan (STP) is better than lump sum investment in a volatile market.

Review your risk tolerance before investing in mid-cap and small-cap funds.

If markets fall further, consider staggered investing instead of putting all money at once.

Stay invested for the long term and review your portfolio regularly.

With the right strategy, your investments can grow steadily over time.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP

Chief Financial Planner


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |8077 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Mar 04, 2025

Iss time pe Flexicap,Midcap and Small Cap mutual funds kisme lumsum investment karna chahiye..?
Ans: Investing in flexi-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap mutual funds through lump sum requires careful analysis. Timing, market conditions, and personal financial goals should be considered before investing.

Understanding Market Conditions
Flexi-cap funds: These funds invest across large, mid, and small-cap stocks. Fund managers have the flexibility to shift allocation based on market trends.

Mid-cap funds: These funds invest in mid-sized companies. They have higher growth potential than large caps but come with more volatility.

Small-cap funds: These funds invest in smaller companies. They offer high return potential but carry the highest risk.

Current Market Scenario: Mid-cap and small-cap stocks have seen strong rallies. Investing through a systematic transfer plan (STP) may be better than a lump sum.

Best Approach for Lump Sum Investment
Avoid investing the entire amount at once. Markets can be volatile, and a sudden drop can impact your returns.

Use a systematic transfer plan (STP). Park the lump sum in a liquid fund and transfer it gradually into equity funds.

Diversify across market caps. Do not invest only in mid-cap and small-cap funds. Flexi-cap funds provide balanced exposure.

Check valuations before investing. If mid-cap and small-cap indices are trading at high valuations, wait for corrections.

Consider your risk tolerance. Mid-cap and small-cap funds are volatile. Invest only if you can stay invested for at least 7-10 years.

Which Category is Suitable for You?
If you want stable growth with lower risk: Invest in flexi-cap funds.

If you can handle moderate risk and aim for higher returns: Invest in mid-cap funds.

If you have a high-risk appetite and a long-term horizon: Invest in small-cap funds.

If markets are at high valuations: Invest in balanced advantage or hybrid funds instead of pure equity funds.

Final Insights
Investing in mid-cap and small-cap funds requires patience. Returns may be volatile in the short term.

A systematic transfer plan (STP) is better than lump sum investment in volatile markets.

Diversify across flexi-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap funds based on your risk profile.

Review your investments every year and rebalance if needed.

With the right strategy, your investment can grow steadily over time.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP

Chief Financial Planner


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |8077 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Mar 04, 2025

Hi Sir, I have 2 goals - Kindly review my portfolio and let me know if the asset allocation is good to go. Retirement: 10+ years, SIP Value: 15k per month Nippon India Index Nifty 50 growth direct plan - 50% Kotak Nifty Next 50 Index Growth Direct Plan - 15% Motilal Oswal Nifty Midcap 150 Index Fund - Direct Plan - 15% Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund - Direct Plan -20% 7 Year Goal (Education, Marriage and buying car): SIP: 28K per month I am confused which portfolio to proceed for this goal. Can you review and confirm which one is good to proceed. Portfolio 1: Nippon India Index Nifty 50 growth direct plan - 25% Kotak Nifty Next 50 Index Growth Direct Plan - 15% Parag Parikh Flexi Cap direct growth - 20% HDFC Balanced Advantage Fund - Direct Plan - 40% Portfolio 2: Parag Parikh Flexi Cap direct growth - 30% HDFC Flexi cap direct growth - 30% HDFC Balanced Advantage Fund - Direct Plan - 40%
Ans: Your investment approach is structured and goal-based, which is excellent. I will review your portfolio and suggest improvements for better diversification and risk management.

Retirement Portfolio (10+ Years Goal)
Your retirement portfolio has the following allocation:

50% in a Nifty 50 index fund
15% in a Nifty Next 50 index fund
15% in a midcap index fund
20% in a flexi-cap fund

Overexposure to index funds: Index funds have limitations, such as being market-cap weighted. This may lead to inefficiencies, especially in volatile markets. Actively managed funds have the potential to outperform index funds.
High allocation to large caps: While large caps provide stability, they may not generate high returns in the long term.
Lack of small-cap exposure: Small caps have the potential for higher returns over a long period.
No international diversification: Adding international equity funds can reduce risk and enhance returns.
Recommended Changes:

Reduce index fund allocation and increase exposure to actively managed funds.
Increase flexi-cap and midcap exposure for better growth potential.
Consider adding a small-cap fund for higher long-term returns.
Allocate a small portion to an international equity fund.
7-Year Goal (Education, Marriage, and Car Purchase)
You are investing Rs 28,000 per month and considering two portfolios.

Portfolio 1:
25% in a Nifty 50 index fund
15% in a Nifty Next 50 index fund
20% in a flexi-cap fund
40% in a balanced advantage fund
Portfolio 2:
30% in a flexi-cap fund
30% in another flexi-cap fund
40% in a balanced advantage fund

Index funds are not ideal for short-term goals: Index funds can be highly volatile in a 7-year timeframe. Actively managed funds provide better risk-adjusted returns.
Lack of debt allocation: A 7-year goal needs some debt exposure for stability. Balanced advantage funds offer some protection, but a dedicated debt fund is better.
Overdependence on balanced advantage funds: These funds adjust equity-debt allocation dynamically, but they may not be the best for all market conditions.
Recommended Approach:

Reduce index fund exposure and add actively managed multi-cap and midcap funds.
Allocate at least 20% to high-quality short-duration debt funds for stability.
Consider a hybrid fund that balances equity and debt more effectively.
Final Insights
Your goal-based approach is commendable. Some modifications will improve diversification, stability, and potential returns.

Reduce index fund exposure and add actively managed funds.
Increase exposure to midcap, flexi-cap, and small-cap funds for retirement.
Add a small international equity fund for diversification.
Introduce short-duration debt funds for your 7-year goal.
With these adjustments, your portfolio will be well-balanced and aligned with your goals.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP

Chief Financial Planner


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |8077 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Mar 04, 2025

Asked by Anonymous - Jan 23, 2025Hindi
I am 24, and I have around 1 lac in pf and 1.5 lac in mutual fund as I am investing around 25k per month, 70% in midcap and 30% in large cap, how to invest to have at least 1 crore before I turn 30?
Ans: You are 24 and already investing well. Your goal of Rs 1 crore before 30 is ambitious. You need the right strategy to achieve it.

Assessing Your Current Investments
You have Rs 1 lakh in PF and Rs 1.5 lakh in mutual funds.

You invest Rs 25,000 per month.

Your portfolio is 70% mid-cap and 30% large-cap.

Strengths in Your Investment Approach
You started early. This gives time for compounding.

You invest regularly. SIPs build discipline.

You have growth-focused funds. Mid-cap funds can give high returns.

Challenges to Achieving Rs 1 Crore in 6 Years
Market volatility. Mid-cap funds fluctuate more.

Time frame is short. Equity needs at least 7-10 years.

High return expectation. Achieving Rs 1 crore in 6 years is difficult.

Steps to Improve Your Strategy
Increase Investment Amount
Rs 25,000 per month may not be enough.

Try to increase it to Rs 35,000–40,000 per month.

Use yearly salary hikes to boost SIPs.

Balance Your Portfolio Better
Mid-caps are good but risky.

Reduce mid-cap exposure to 50%.

Increase large-cap allocation to 40%.

Add 10% flexi-cap funds for stability.

Use Lump Sum Investments
Invest any bonuses, increments, or extra income.

Avoid keeping too much in PF, as equity gives better returns.

Avoid Index Funds and Direct Plans
Index funds cannot outperform markets.

Active funds are managed by experts and can generate better returns.

Invest through a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) for the best selection.

Tax Considerations
LTCG above Rs 1.25 lakh taxed at 12.5%.

STCG is taxed at 20%.

Plan redemptions wisely to save tax.

Your goal is aggressive but possible with discipline. Increase your SIPs and maintain asset allocation. Invest wisely through Certified Financial Planner (CFP) and MFD. Stay focused, and you can reach your target.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP
Chief Financial Planner

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |8077 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Mar 04, 2025

Asked by Anonymous - Feb 02, 2025Hindi
Mai 25 sal ka hu 6 sal nokri ho gye army mai shadi nahi ki abi 61000 pay hai samj nahi aa rahi kass investment kru
Ans: I will provide a detailed investment plan for you based on your age, income, and financial situation.

Financial Security Comes First
Emergency Fund: Keep at least 6 months' expenses in a bank FD or liquid mutual fund.

Health Insurance: Even if the army covers you, get a personal Rs 10-20 lakh health policy.

Term Insurance: If you have dependents, buy Rs 1 crore term insurance.

Investment Plan Based on Goals
Short-Term Goals (1-3 Years)
Keep funds in a bank FD or ultra-short-term mutual fund.

This is for urgent needs like a vehicle or course fees.

Medium-Term Goals (3-7 Years)
Invest in balanced mutual funds to grow wealth safely.

These funds balance risk and reward.

Long-Term Goals (7+ Years)
Invest in actively managed equity mutual funds through SIPs.

Choose a mix of large-cap, mid-cap, and flexi-cap funds.

Avoid index funds, as they cannot outperform the market.

Investing through a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) and MFD ensures better fund selection.

Asset Allocation for You
50% Equity Mutual Funds (for long-term wealth creation).

20% Balanced Mutual Funds (for medium-term stability).

20% Bank FD or Liquid Funds (for short-term needs).

10% Gold ETF or Sovereign Gold Bonds (for diversification).

Tax Considerations
Equity mutual fund gains above Rs 1.25 lakh taxed at 12.5%.

Short-term gains taxed at 20%.

Debt fund gains taxed as per your income slab.

FD interest is also taxable.

You are young and earning well. Start early to build wealth. Follow the right asset allocation. Investing with a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) helps avoid mistakes. Stay invested for the long term.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP
Chief Financial Planner

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |8077 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Mar 04, 2025

Hi I purchased my parents house by paying half amount to my brother and paying a loan of 45k per month now the property value is in good appreciation but lacking in financial stability I want to sell my property now and purchase new property in outskirts of city and want to invest 10 percent in mutual fund and remaining amount to do fd with monthly income is it a good move
Ans: You purchased your parents’ house by paying your brother’s share and taking a loan. Now, the property value has appreciated, but you face financial instability. You are considering selling the house, buying another one on the outskirts, investing 10% in mutual funds, and putting the rest in fixed deposits (FDs) for monthly income. Let’s analyse if this is a good decision.

Financial Challenges of Holding the Current Property
High Loan EMI Pressure

You are paying Rs 45,000 per month as EMI. This is a financial burden if your income is not stable.

Liquidity Issues

Most of your wealth is locked in the property. You may not have enough emergency funds.

Opportunity Cost

The property value has increased, but it does not generate regular income. Holding the house may not be the best financial choice.

Selling and Buying Another Property: Pros and Cons
Advantages of Selling
Debt-Free Life

If you sell, you can clear your home loan. This removes EMI pressure.

Better Financial Stability

You will have liquid funds to manage your expenses and investments.

Disadvantages of Buying Another Property
New Property May Not Appreciate Quickly

Properties in city outskirts may take longer to appreciate. Demand is usually lower.

Additional Costs Involved

Buying a new house involves stamp duty, registration fees, maintenance, and taxes.

Liquidity Issues Continue

If you reinvest in another house, you may again face cash flow problems.

Investment Plan for Better Stability
You are considering investing 10% in mutual funds and putting the rest in FDs for monthly income. Let’s evaluate this plan.

Mutual Fund Investment: A Better Approach
Growth Potential

Mutual funds offer inflation-beating returns over the long term.


You can withdraw through a Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP) instead of locking funds in an FD.

Tax Efficiency

Long-term capital gains tax on equity funds is only 12.5% above Rs 1.25 lakh. This is better than FD taxation.

Fixed Deposits: Limited Benefits
Lower Returns

FD interest rates are lower than inflation. This reduces your purchasing power over time.

Tax Disadvantage

FD interest is taxed as per your income slab. This reduces your post-tax earnings.

Lack of Growth

FDs do not allow wealth accumulation over time.

Better Strategy for Financial Stability
Sell the Current House to Reduce Debt

This removes EMI stress and improves your financial flexibility.

Avoid Buying Another House Immediately

Instead, rent a house in the desired location. This keeps your money liquid.

Diversify Investment

Allocate a portion to mutual funds for long-term wealth creation.

Keep some funds in short-term debt funds instead of FDs for better tax efficiency.

Maintain an emergency fund in a savings account or liquid funds.

Selling the house is a good decision if you struggle with financial stability.

Avoid locking funds in another house, as it may cause liquidity issues.

Invest wisely in mutual funds and liquid assets for a balanced financial future.

A Certified Financial Planner (CFP) can guide you on tax-efficient investments.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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