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Anu Krishna  |1003 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jul 01, 2024

Anu Krishna is a mind coach and relationship expert.
The co-founder of Unfear Changemakers LLP, she has received her neuro linguistic programming training from National Federation of NeuroLinguistic Programming, USA, and her energy work specialisation from the Institute for Inner Studies, Manila.
She is an executive member of the Indian Association of Adolescent Health.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Jun 22, 2024Hindi

Hello sir/ma'am. Hope you are fine and doing well . I have heard it from many people that a boy falls in love quickly, his love blossoms quickly and then starts to wane. Whereas a girl falls in love slowly and her love always keeps increasing. But , in reality, I am seeing a very different picture Where many of my friends' girlfriends are getting bored of their boyfriends (my friends). In many cases they either broke up with them or cheated on them Both of them are different cases, aren't they. My question is that if a girl's love increase day by day then how can they get bored of their partners. Which one of them is true and if truth lies between them ,then please explain

Ans: Dear Anonymous,
I am doing well, thank you.
Now, why are you getting into the WHYs and WHATs and HOWs? This will be useful if you are researching this subject for your thesis. There is no rule or law that proves that girls are like this and boys are like that. The way LOVE happens is based on a situation, how much of compatibility exists between the couple, how much the values match and much more...If everything or almost all match, irrespective of being a boy or a girl, Love can blossom quickly.

When you see situations where cheating happens or someone falls out of love quickly, it only suggests that there was no love to begin with. It was something that satisfied them for that moment or a short while and when she/he gets bored, they will move onto another person.
Why you see more girls doing this is perhaps you are looking for cases to prove what you are thinking is right. It is not based on gender but on the reason why people/a couple get together. If the reason is beyond looks, money and other superficial things, it will last for a much longer time.
So, there's no truth or lies BUT the fact of WHAT builds love and trust between a couple that defines their being together or not.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/
Asked on - Jul 01, 2024 | Answered on Jul 02, 2024
Thank u for your reply . Actually, I am helping my friend on his work . I think your right I focusing mostly on girls. I have got three takeaways from your answers. 1) if cheating happens there was never loved , it was merely some momentarily satisfaction 2) compatibility matters, 3) there is no specific rule. So , can you please tell me what could be those things that satisfy short term and what is compatibility in relationship?
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Thank you for responding.
Short-term satisfaction is something that does not build much but it is important to have those moments like coffee dates, short vacations/trips, joining a gym together...
Compatibility is defined by value systems match. This value system is found in every area of our life right from food choices to intimacy to money matters to children...
These things require a clear discussion before a couple decides to make it official, well ideally...when these matters are never discussed, it definitely gives rise to issues later on in the relationship/marriage. Relationships require a lot of work to keep it going and it takes the effort from both partners to have an almost great relationship.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/
Asked on - Jul 02, 2024 | Answered on Jul 02, 2024
Thank you ma'am
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
You are totally welcome!

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Anu Krishna  |1003 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jul 02, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 22, 2024Hindi
Some people fall out of love with their partners after 10-12(not precisely) years of marriage while others still crave for their partners even after the time period in marriage. Why this happens and what can we conclude from it (we know that most of the relationships fall into routine after this much period of time) ?
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Honeymoon period over and then real life takes over. Responsibilities at work and at home need time and attention and also the involvement of both partners.
Now, add children into the picture and then raising them in a digital age; that's again a lot of challenges, right?
Next, caring for aged parents...
Responsibilities can rob the romance out of marriages and relationships. But with proper understanding between both partners, even during tough times, it is possible to find a silver lining.
So, put in simple words, as the relationship grows, responsibilities increase and this can cause a dent in the love life of partners. Becoming aware that this is an inevitable phase in any marriage/relationship, the couple can still act as one unit and face struggles and support one another. Love can actually increase, you know?
But, only if the couple does not resort to blame game and passing the buck. A lot of movies show this aptly with much bickering and struggles.

The key to a sound relationship is to step in and show up at all times and be committed to working together in difficult times and happy times as well...possible? Yes, possible as long as the couple make that level of commitment! That's what you actually see in couples who still are going strong 30-40 years after marriage.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4197 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 03, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 28, 2024Hindi
Hello Sirr Myself Subhro, Now i just started my professional life i have with a 2.5 LK Of loans outstanding my monthly salary is 15000. I have some 2nd Income that flexible at 6000/-Month. With i have 50000 in Fixed Deposit, 1 LK in Kisan Vikash Patra, 25000 in Mutual Funds and 15000 in My Nps Investment in Aggressive Growth with a active Sip Of 1000/Month with a Running Sip Of 2000/Monthly. Now i planning with a retirement at 50 yrs Age With A fixed term Of Pension 1 lk/Monthly without Nps Investment Returns what calculation i need for reach the financial goal? I have a monthly family Expense Of 5000/Month. With All My Savings & investing is growthing i want 1 LK/Month Payout from My 50 yrs Age. Can Please help me
Ans: First of all, congratulations on starting your professional life and thinking ahead about your financial future! It’s great to see you have some investments already. Let’s explore a detailed plan to achieve your retirement goal of Rs 1 lakh per month starting at age 50.

Assessing Your Current Financial Situation
Income and Expenses
Your current monthly salary is Rs 15,000, and you have an additional flexible income of Rs 6,000 per month. Your total monthly income is Rs 21,000.

Your family expenses are Rs 5,000 per month. This leaves you with Rs 16,000 per month for savings, investments, and loan repayments.

Existing Investments and Loans
You have the following investments:

Fixed Deposit: Rs 50,000
Kisan Vikas Patra: Rs 1 lakh
Mutual Funds: Rs 25,000
NPS Investment: Rs 15,000
SIPs: Rs 3,000 per month (Rs 1,000 in NPS and Rs 2,000 in mutual funds)
You also have an outstanding loan of Rs 2.5 lakh.

Financial Goals
Retirement Goal
You aim to retire at 50 with a monthly pension of Rs 1 lakh. This requires significant planning and disciplined investing.

Loan Repayment
Your outstanding loan of Rs 2.5 lakh needs to be managed efficiently to reduce interest burden.

Steps to Achieve Your Financial Goals
Loan Repayment Strategy
Prioritize repaying your outstanding loan of Rs 2.5 lakh. This will reduce your interest burden and free up more funds for investments. Allocate a portion of your flexible income towards extra loan repayments.

Building Emergency Fund
Maintain an emergency fund equivalent to 6 months of expenses. This ensures you have liquidity for unforeseen events. Your Fixed Deposit of Rs 50,000 can be part of this fund. Aim to increase it gradually.

Boosting Savings and Investments
With Rs 16,000 available after expenses, here's how you can allocate it:

Loan Repayment: Rs 6,000 per month (in addition to regular EMI)
Emergency Fund: Rs 2,000 per month until you reach your target
Investments: Rs 8,000 per month
Diversifying Investments
Mutual Funds
Mutual funds offer growth potential through equity exposure. Invest in a mix of equity and balanced funds for diversification. Actively managed funds can help achieve higher returns compared to index funds.

Public Provident Fund (PPF)
PPF is a safe, tax-efficient investment with long-term benefits. Consider opening a PPF account and invest up to Rs 1.5 lakh annually to benefit from compounding and tax savings under Section 80C.

National Pension System (NPS)
Continue your NPS investments for retirement benefits. NPS offers tax advantages and a disciplined savings mechanism. Increase your monthly SIP if possible to boost retirement corpus.

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)
Increase your SIPs in mutual funds to take advantage of rupee cost averaging and compounding. A diversified portfolio with a mix of large-cap, mid-cap, and multi-cap funds can provide balanced growth.

Calculating Retirement Corpus
To achieve a monthly pension of Rs 1 lakh from age 50, you need to build a substantial retirement corpus. Assuming a conservative withdrawal rate of 4%, you would need a corpus of Rs 3 crore.

Power of Compounding
Start early and invest consistently to benefit from compounding. Even small, regular investments can grow significantly over time.

Example Portfolio Allocation
Equity Mutual Funds
Allocate 60% of your investments to equity mutual funds. This includes large-cap, mid-cap, and multi-cap funds. Equity funds offer higher growth potential, suitable for long-term goals like retirement.

Debt Mutual Funds
Allocate 30% to debt mutual funds for stability and lower risk. Debt funds provide regular income and preserve capital.

Hybrid Funds
Allocate 10% to hybrid funds (balanced funds). These funds invest in both equity and debt, offering a balance of growth and stability.

Regular Portfolio Review
Review your investment portfolio regularly. Market conditions change, and it's important to rebalance your portfolio to stay aligned with your goals.

Tax Planning and Optimization
Tax-Efficient Investments
Invest in tax-efficient instruments like ELSS (Equity-Linked Savings Scheme) for tax savings under Section 80C. Optimize your portfolio to minimize tax liabilities.

Retirement Corpus Withdrawal Strategy
Plan your withdrawal strategy to minimize tax impact. Withdraw from tax-exempt sources like PPF and use tax-efficient SWPs.

Risk Management and Diversification
Diversified Portfolio
Maintain a diversified portfolio to spread risk. Invest across different asset classes like equity, debt, and balanced funds.

Regular Portfolio Review
Review your investment portfolio regularly. Market conditions change, and it’s crucial to rebalance your portfolio to stay aligned with your goals.

Seeking Professional Guidance
Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
Working with a CFP provides personalized advice and strategic planning. A CFP can help you navigate financial decisions and optimize your investment strategy.

Financial Workshops and Seminars
Attend financial workshops and seminars to stay updated on investment strategies and market trends. Continuous learning can enhance your financial acumen.

Creating a Legacy and Estate Planning
Will and Estate Planning
Draft a will to ensure your assets are distributed as per your wishes. Estate planning is crucial to provide financial security to your family.

Nomination and Beneficiaries
Ensure all your investments have the correct nomination details. This simplifies the process for your family in case of any eventuality.

Final Insights
Achieving your retirement goal of Rs 1 lakh per month requires disciplined savings, strategic investments, and careful planning. Focus on repaying your loans to reduce interest burden, build an emergency fund for liquidity, and diversify your investments across equity, debt, and hybrid funds.

The power of compounding is your best ally. Start early, invest regularly, and review your portfolio periodically. Working with a Certified Financial Planner can provide personalized advice and ensure you stay on track with your financial goals.

Your disciplined approach to savings and investments, combined with strategic planning, will help you achieve financial stability post-retirement. Stay focused on your goals, and with the right strategies, you can secure a comfortable and fulfilling retirement for yourself and your family.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4197 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 03, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 25, 2024Hindi
Hi I am a 39 years old and I need my retirement solutions in next 19 years. I want to generate Rs 1 lakhs per month after inflation adjusted. Current monthly expenses is Rs 35000, no loans and emi, currently investment Rs 5600per month in (total 700000 till now) MF. Rs 30000 in shares, EPF 200000, PF 20000, fixed deposit Rs, 20000. How much I required to enjoy my life after retirement
Ans: Planning for retirement is crucial, and it's great that you’re starting now. At 39, you have 19 years to build your retirement corpus. Let's dive into a detailed financial plan to achieve your goal of Rs 1 lakh per month post-retirement, adjusted for inflation.

Understanding Your Financial Goals
Your primary financial goals are:

Retirement Corpus: Generate Rs 1 lakh per month post-retirement, adjusted for inflation.

Investment Strategy: Optimize your current investments and increase your monthly savings.

Analyzing Your Current Financial Situation
Current Investments:

Mutual Funds: Rs 7,00,000 total, Rs 5,600 per month.
Shares: Rs 30,000.
EPF: Rs 2,00,000.
PF: Rs 20,000.
Fixed Deposit: Rs 20,000.
Monthly Expenses: Rs 35,000.

You have no loans or EMIs, which is excellent. This allows you to allocate more towards your investments.

Estimating Retirement Corpus
To generate Rs 1 lakh per month after retirement, accounting for inflation, let's assume an average inflation rate of 6% per year.

Retirement Planning Strategy
1. Increase Monthly SIPs
To achieve your retirement goal, you need to increase your monthly investments. Consider increasing your SIPs in mutual funds. Diversify across various mutual funds for balanced growth and risk management.

A. Equity Mutual Funds

Equity mutual funds offer higher returns over the long term but come with higher risks. They are suitable for your long-term goal.

Large Cap Funds: Invest in well-established companies.
Mid Cap Funds: Invest in medium-sized companies with growth potential.
Small Cap Funds: Invest in smaller companies with high growth potential.
B. Hybrid Funds

Hybrid funds invest in both equity and debt instruments. They offer balanced returns with lower risk.

Aggressive Hybrid Funds: Higher allocation to equities.
Balanced Advantage Funds: Dynamic allocation between equity and debt.
C. Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)

Increase your SIP amount gradually. Start with a manageable increase and aim to invest at least 20% of your monthly income.

2. Employee Provident Fund (EPF) and Public Provident Fund (PPF)
EPF and PPF are government-backed schemes that offer attractive interest rates and tax benefits. Continue contributing to your EPF and consider opening a PPF account.

PPF: Invest up to Rs 1.5 lakh per year. It offers a lock-in period of 15 years, making it suitable for long-term goals.
3. Fixed Deposits and Debt Funds
While fixed deposits are safe, they offer lower returns. Consider allocating more towards debt mutual funds which offer better returns with moderate risk.

Debt Mutual Funds: Suitable for short to medium-term goals. They invest in fixed income securities and provide better returns than fixed deposits.
4. Diversification and Risk Management
Diversification reduces risk and ensures steady returns. Here's how to diversify your portfolio:

Equity Mutual Funds: 50% allocation.
Hybrid Funds: 20% allocation.
Debt Mutual Funds: 20% allocation.
PPF and EPF: 10% allocation.
Regular Review and Adjustment
Financial planning is dynamic. Regularly review and adjust your investments based on market conditions and your financial goals.

Annual Review: Review your financial plan at least once a year.

Adjust Investments: Adjust your investments based on changes in your financial goals, market conditions, and risk tolerance.

Power of Compounding
The power of compounding works best when you start early and stay invested for a long time. The interest earned on your investments gets reinvested, which in turn earns more interest. This cycle continues, leading to exponential growth of your investment over time.

Tax Planning
Maximize tax-saving investments to reduce your tax liability and boost your savings.

Section 80C: Invest in PPF, EPF, ELSS, and other tax-saving instruments to avail tax benefits under Section 80C.

Section 80D: Avail tax benefits on health insurance premiums under Section 80D.

Insurance Planning
Adequate insurance coverage is essential to protect your family's financial future.

Term Insurance: Provides financial security to your family in case of your untimely demise. Ensure your coverage is sufficient to cover your family's needs.

Health Insurance: Covers medical expenses and protects your savings. Consider a family floater plan to cover yourself and your dependents.

Final Insights
Achieving your retirement goals requires disciplined saving and investing. Here are some final insights to help you stay on track:

Start Early: The earlier you start investing, the more time your money has to grow.

Be Disciplined: Stick to your investment plan and avoid unnecessary expenditures.

Diversify: Diversify your investments to manage risk and ensure steady returns.

Seek Professional Advice: Consult a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) for personalized financial advice.

By following this comprehensive financial plan, you can ensure a secure and comfortable retirement.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4197 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 03, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 25, 2024Hindi
Currently I am working and having 14 lac in ppf, mutual fund 27lac, shares I have 10 lacs, other investment around 10 lacs. I don't have own house staying with my parents. Currently earning around 1.5 lac month. My current age is 39, want to retire next year. Can you please advise how to generate income for my family having 2 kids and wife.
Ans: First, let me appreciate your disciplined approach to savings and investments. At 39, you have accumulated a substantial amount in PPF, mutual funds, shares, and other investments. Your total assets sum up to around Rs 61 lakhs, and you are earning a good salary of Rs 1.5 lakh per month. Planning to retire next year is a significant decision, especially with a family to support. Let's explore a comprehensive plan to generate income for your family post-retirement.

Assessing Your Current Financial Situation
PPF (Public Provident Fund)
Your PPF account has Rs 14 lakh. PPF is a safe and tax-efficient investment but has a lock-in period of 15 years. It provides steady returns but limited liquidity.

Mutual Funds
With Rs 27 lakh in mutual funds, you have exposure to market-linked returns. Mutual funds offer growth potential but come with market risks.

Your Rs 10 lakh investment in shares indicates a higher risk tolerance. Shares can provide high returns but also come with volatility.

Other Investments
Your other investments total Rs 10 lakh. These could include a mix of fixed deposits, bonds, or other financial instruments, providing stability and diversification.

Income Generation Strategies Post-Retirement
Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP) from Mutual Funds
An SWP allows you to withdraw a fixed amount regularly from your mutual fund investments. This can provide a steady income stream while keeping your principal invested for growth.

Dividend-Paying Stocks and Mutual Funds
Invest in dividend-paying stocks and mutual funds. These provide regular income in the form of dividends, supplementing your cash flow needs.

Monthly Income Plans (MIPs)
MIPs are mutual funds that invest in debt and equity, aiming to provide regular income. They are less risky than pure equity funds and can offer steady returns.

Senior Citizens' Savings Scheme (SCSS)
Once you turn 60, consider SCSS for a safe and regular income source. It offers attractive interest rates and is backed by the government.

Debt Mutual Funds
Investing in debt mutual funds can provide stable returns with lower risk compared to equity funds. These funds invest in bonds and fixed-income securities.

Fixed Deposits (FDs)
Fixed deposits provide guaranteed returns with high safety. Although the returns are lower compared to equity, they offer stability and security.

Planning for Children's Education and Family Expenses
Children's Education Fund
Start a dedicated investment fund for your children's education. Equity mutual funds or balanced funds can be suitable for long-term growth.

Emergency Fund
Maintain an emergency fund equivalent to 6-12 months of expenses. This ensures liquidity for unforeseen expenses without disrupting your investments.

Health Insurance
Ensure you have adequate health insurance coverage for yourself and your family. Medical emergencies can be financially draining without proper insurance.

Managing Expenses and Budgeting
Expense Tracking
Track your monthly expenses meticulously. Identify areas where you can cut down costs without compromising your lifestyle.

Budget Planning
Create a detailed budget for post-retirement expenses. Include all necessary expenses such as household, education, medical, and discretionary spending.

Lifestyle Adjustments
Consider lifestyle adjustments to align with your new income level post-retirement. Small changes can lead to significant savings.

Risk Management and Diversification
Diversified Portfolio
Maintain a diversified portfolio to spread risk. Invest across different asset classes like equity, debt, and balanced funds.

Regular Portfolio Review
Review your investment portfolio regularly. Market conditions change, and it’s crucial to rebalance your portfolio to stay aligned with your goals.

Tax Planning and Optimization
Tax-Efficient Investments
Invest in tax-efficient instruments like ELSS (Equity-Linked Savings Scheme) for tax savings under Section 80C. Optimize your portfolio to minimize tax liabilities.

Retirement Corpus Withdrawal Strategy
Plan your withdrawal strategy to minimize tax impact. Withdraw from tax-exempt sources like PPF and use tax-efficient SWPs.

Seeking Professional Guidance
Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
Working with a CFP provides personalized advice and strategic planning. A CFP can help you navigate financial decisions and optimize your investment strategy.

Financial Workshops and Seminars
Attend financial workshops and seminars to stay updated on investment strategies and market trends. Continuous learning can enhance your financial acumen.

Creating a Legacy and Estate Planning
Will and Estate Planning
Draft a will to ensure your assets are distributed as per your wishes. Estate planning is crucial to provide financial security to your family.

Nomination and Beneficiaries
Ensure all your investments have the correct nomination details. This simplifies the process for your family in case of any eventuality.

Final Insights
Planning to retire at 40 with a family to support requires meticulous financial planning. Your current investments in PPF, mutual funds, shares, and other instruments provide a strong foundation. To generate regular income post-retirement, consider strategies like Systematic Withdrawal Plans (SWP) from mutual funds, dividend-paying stocks, Monthly Income Plans (MIPs), and debt mutual funds.

Maintain an emergency fund and ensure adequate health insurance coverage. Budget planning and expense tracking are essential to align your lifestyle with your new income level. Regularly review and rebalance your portfolio to stay on track with your financial goals.

Working with a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) can provide valuable guidance and optimize your investment strategy. Consider tax-efficient investments and plan your withdrawals to minimize tax impact. Estate planning and drafting a will ensure your family's financial security.

Your disciplined approach to savings and investments, combined with strategic planning, will help you achieve financial stability post-retirement. Stay focused on your goals, and with the right strategies, you can secure a comfortable and fulfilling retirement for yourself and your family.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4197 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 03, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 25, 2024Hindi
I am 34 years women having 6th month kid. Currently I have my own house and I have only 1 investment of 5 lacs in LIC . Currently I. Homemaker with monthly income of 23k which comes from my flat which I have given on rent. I want to save money for my baby education in future by investing in MF, Government schemes for baby girl, PF. Please suggest how can I start the investment for child future along with good lifestyle
Ans: It's wonderful that you’re planning for your child's future at an early stage. As a 34-year-old homemaker with a 6-month-old baby girl and a rental income of Rs. 23,000, you have a solid foundation to build on. Let’s craft a comprehensive financial plan to secure your child’s education and maintain a good lifestyle.

Understanding Your Financial Goals
Firstly, let's identify your primary financial goals:

Child's Education: Ensure there are adequate funds for your daughter's education.

Emergency Fund: Maintain an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses.

Retirement Savings: Even as a homemaker, having a secure retirement plan is essential.

Insurance: Adequate life and health insurance to protect your family’s financial future.

Analyzing Your Current Financial Situation
Income and Investments:

Rental Income: Rs. 23,000 per month.
Current Investment: Rs. 5 lakhs in LIC.
Given your current income, it's crucial to allocate your funds efficiently to achieve your financial goals.

Building an Investment Portfolio
1. Emergency Fund
An emergency fund is the cornerstone of financial planning. It should cover at least 6-12 months of expenses.

Monthly Expenses: Assume Rs. 15,000 (excluding savings and investments).
Emergency Fund Required: Rs. 90,000 to Rs. 1,80,000.
Start by setting aside a portion of your rental income until you build a sufficient emergency fund. You can keep this money in a savings account or a liquid fund for easy access.

2. Child's Education Planning
Investing for your child's education is a long-term goal. Here’s how you can allocate your investments:

A. Mutual Funds

Mutual funds are a great way to build wealth over the long term. Consider the following categories:

Equity Mutual Funds: These funds invest in stocks and have the potential for high returns. They are suitable for long-term goals like education.

Hybrid Mutual Funds: These funds invest in a mix of equity and debt instruments, providing a balance of risk and returns.

B. Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)

A SIP is a disciplined way of investing in mutual funds. It allows you to invest a fixed amount regularly, thereby averaging the cost of investment and reducing risk.

Start a SIP in equity mutual funds for your child's education. This will take advantage of the power of compounding.
C. Government Schemes for Girl Child

Government schemes like Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY) are designed to support the financial future of girl children. They offer attractive interest rates and tax benefits.

Open a Sukanya Samriddhi Account and contribute regularly. The maturity period aligns well with the timing of higher education expenses.
3. Retirement Planning
Although you’re focused on your child's future, it’s also important to think about your retirement. You can consider the following:

A. Public Provident Fund (PPF)

PPF is a government-backed savings scheme that offers tax benefits and attractive returns. It has a lock-in period of 15 years, making it suitable for long-term goals like retirement.

Open a PPF account and invest regularly. You can invest up to Rs. 1.5 lakhs per year in PPF.
B. Mutual Funds

Apart from education, you can also use mutual funds for retirement planning. A mix of equity and hybrid funds can provide the growth needed for a substantial corpus.

Allocate a portion of your rental income to SIPs in mutual funds targeted at retirement.
Diversifying Your Investments
Diversification is key to managing risk and ensuring steady returns. Here’s how you can diversify your investments:

Equity Mutual Funds: High growth potential but higher risk. Suitable for long-term goals.
Debt Mutual Funds: Stable returns with lower risk. Suitable for short to medium-term goals.
PPF: Government-backed with tax benefits. Suitable for long-term goals.
Gold: Acts as a hedge against inflation. Allocate a small portion of your portfolio to gold.
Risk Management
A. Insurance

Ensure you have adequate insurance coverage to protect your family’s financial future.

Term Insurance: Provides financial security to your family in case of your untimely demise. Ensure your coverage is sufficient to cover your family's needs.

Health Insurance: Covers medical expenses and protects your savings. Consider a family floater plan to cover yourself and your child.

B. Emergency Fund

Maintain an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses. This provides financial stability and peace of mind.

Tax Planning
Maximize tax-saving investments to reduce your tax liability and boost your savings.

Section 80C: Invest in PPF, SSY, ELSS, and other tax-saving instruments to avail tax benefits under Section 80C.
Section 80D: Avail tax benefits on health insurance premiums under Section 80D.
Regular Review and Adjustment
Financial planning is an ongoing process. Regularly review and adjust your investment portfolio to ensure it aligns with your financial goals and risk tolerance.

Annual Review: Review your financial plan at least once a year.
Adjust Investments: Adjust your investments based on changes in your financial goals, market conditions, and risk tolerance.
Power of Compounding
The power of compounding works best when you start investing early and stay invested for a long time. The interest earned on your investments gets reinvested, which in turn earns more interest. This cycle continues, leading to exponential growth of your investment over time.

Final Insights
Achieving your financial goals requires disciplined saving and investing. Here are some final insights to help you stay on track:

Start Early: The earlier you start investing, the more time your money has to grow.

Be Disciplined: Stick to your investment plan and avoid unnecessary expenditures.

Diversify: Diversify your investments to manage risk and ensure steady returns.

Seek Professional Advice: Consult a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) for personalized financial advice.

By following this comprehensive financial plan, you can ensure a secure future for your child and maintain a good lifestyle.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4197 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 03, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 24, 2024Hindi
I am 47 years old. Monthly salary at 2 lakhs. Daughter of 12year old and son of 14 year old Monthly SIP of 30k. PF of 3 lakhs. 5 lakhs in debt/liquid funds/bank. Retirement at the age of 55 is possible with monthly expenses of 1.5lakhs?I also have home loan with 135 EMIs pending of 60000 per month.Suggest how to become economically independent.
Ans: You are 47 years old with a monthly salary of Rs. 2 lakhs. Your daughter is 12 years old and your son is 14 years old. You have a home loan with 135 EMIs of Rs. 60,000 each pending. Your current financial assets include:

Monthly SIP: Rs. 30,000.
Provident Fund (PF): Rs. 3 lakhs.
Debt/Liquid Funds and Bank Savings: Rs. 5 lakhs.
You plan to retire at 55 and wish to maintain monthly expenses of Rs. 1.5 lakhs post-retirement. Let’s analyze and plan your finances to help you achieve economic independence by retirement.

Current Financial Goals
Retire at 55: You have 8 years left until retirement.
Monthly Expenses Post-Retirement: Rs. 1.5 lakhs.
Home Loan: 135 EMIs of Rs. 60,000.
Children’s Education and Future: Planning for their higher education and possibly marriages.
Detailed Financial Assessment
Income and Expenses
Your monthly salary is Rs. 2 lakhs. Let’s break down your expenses:

Home Loan EMI: Rs. 60,000.
Monthly SIP: Rs. 30,000.
Other Monthly Expenses: Approximately Rs. 1.1 lakhs.
This means your total monthly outflow is around Rs. 1.9 lakhs. You have Rs. 10,000 surplus monthly, which can be utilized for savings or investments.

Provident Fund and Debt Investments
Your PF amount is Rs. 3 lakhs, and you have Rs. 5 lakhs in debt/liquid funds and bank savings. These are stable but low-yielding investments. Diversifying your portfolio is essential for growth.

Creating a Robust Retirement Plan
Goal 1: Clearing the Home Loan
Clearing your home loan should be a priority. With 135 EMIs of Rs. 60,000 each, you have approximately Rs. 81 lakhs outstanding. Try to make additional payments towards your loan whenever possible to reduce interest burden and loan tenure.

Goal 2: Building a Retirement Corpus
To maintain Rs. 1.5 lakhs monthly expenses post-retirement, you need a substantial corpus. Let’s look at how to build this corpus over the next 8 years.

1. Maximize SIP Investments
Your current SIP of Rs. 30,000 is a good start. Equity mutual funds, especially diversified ones, offer potential for high returns. As you get closer to retirement, gradually shift some investments to debt funds to reduce risk.

2. Increase Monthly SIPs
If possible, increase your SIP contributions. Every increase will significantly boost your corpus due to the power of compounding. Aim to incrementally increase SIPs as your salary grows or expenses reduce.

3. Invest in a Mix of Funds
A balanced portfolio should include:

Equity Mutual Funds: For growth.
Debt Mutual Funds: For stability.
Hybrid Funds: For a balanced approach.
4. Consider Retirement Funds
Retirement-specific mutual funds are designed to provide regular income post-retirement. They can be a good addition to your portfolio.

Goal 3: Planning for Children’s Education
1. Education Funds
Start dedicated funds for your children’s higher education. Equity funds can be ideal given the 5-10 year horizon. Regularly review and top-up these investments.

2. Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs)
Continue SIPs for children’s education. These regular investments will accumulate a significant corpus over time.

Investment Strategy and Allocation
Diversifying Portfolio
Diversification is crucial to manage risk and ensure steady growth. Your portfolio should include:

Equity Mutual Funds: For high growth potential.
Debt Mutual Funds: For stability and regular income.
Gold: As a hedge against inflation.
PPF/EPF: For tax-free returns and safety.
Avoiding Index Funds
While index funds track the market, actively managed funds can outperform by adjusting the portfolio based on market conditions. Actively managed funds have the potential for higher returns due to professional management.

Benefits of Regular Funds
Regular funds provide the advantage of professional advice. A Certified Financial Planner (CFP) can guide you to choose the best funds, helping you navigate market complexities.

Risk Management
Building an Emergency Fund
Maintain an emergency fund covering 6-12 months of expenses. This provides financial security during unexpected events.

Insurance Coverage
Ensure adequate health and life insurance. This protects your family’s financial future in case of unforeseen events.

Tax Planning
Utilizing Tax Benefits
Maximize tax-saving investments like PPF, EPF, and tax-saving mutual funds. This not only reduces your tax liability but also boosts your savings.

Final Insights
Regular Reviews and Adjustments
Periodically review your financial plan. Adjust investments based on market conditions and changes in your financial goals.

Incremental Increases in Investments
As your salary increases, incrementally raise your investment amounts. This enhances your corpus significantly over time.

Financial Discipline
Maintain financial discipline by sticking to your investment plan. Avoid unnecessary expenditures and focus on your long-term goals.

Retirement Corpus Calculation
Your retirement corpus should be a mix of growth and stable investments. Regularly rebalance your portfolio to ensure it aligns with your risk tolerance and financial goals.

By following this comprehensive plan, you can achieve economic independence and ensure a comfortable retirement.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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