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Ravi Mittal  |555 Answers  |Ask -

Dating, Relationships Expert - Answered on Oct 14, 2024

Ravi Mittal is an expert on dating and relationships.
He founded QuackQuack, an online dating platform, in 2010 with just two people. Today, it has over 20 million users in India.... more
Rutuja Question by Rutuja on Oct 10, 2024

Hello, I m 21 female I m in a long distance relationship with 32 year male.this person was behind me and always asked me to give him a chance to prove his love for me. At that period i was afaird of relationships as I didn't have courage to go against wish of my parents as i know they wolud never agree for love marriage,so that is fir sure i'll do arrange Marriage. All these things have been explained by my side to this person.He gad feelings for me thats what he showed to me even I felt a connection towards him, so we decided let's not commit anything anout marraige as we both wee not sure about these thing. After some time i realised these person has already made his mind ki he'll date me and he wanted to have everything that an relationship has but he will not marry me.But i m completely in love with.Even i told him about it ki I can't share him n won't be able to see him.with someone else.i just can't imagine myself without him. I fought with him even begged and cried but he always defend his self sayi g i told already ki he loves me and will keep loving me but will not marry me . He vists me after 6-9 months interval every time he visuts me he needs to have physical relationship. I don't know whether I m right or wrong but i feel like I m being used by him. I tried several time to end this relationship but i end up chasing him.Plz help me,guide me

Ans: Dear Rutuja,
If you have the slightest feeling that he doesn't share the same feelings for you as you do for him, or that he has wrong intentions, you have every right to end the relationship. In fact, that would be the right thing to do. I understand that it is difficult to break up with someone you love, but does he love you? Don't you think you deserve someone who loves you and does not make you feel as if you are being used?

Have a clear conversation with him- address all your concerns. If he still maintains his stand of not getting married to you, then let him know that you are not on the same page as him. Remember, for a relationship to work, your future goals need to align.

Best Wishes.

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Shalini Singh  |149 Answers  |Ask -

Dating Coach - Answered on Apr 04, 2023

Hello Mam ! Mam I don’t know if I have right to ask you this cause Iam still 17 ! Mam Iam Seetha ..I have completed my inter 2nd year and I am preparing for Neet 2023 and Yes I am least confident about my first attempt so I’ll be preparing for Neet 2024 to ! There is a boy whom I know him since 5th class but we were close to each other from 9th class ….. but like a good friend and 4 months ago he proposed me and I slowly fell in love with him !!! He is a good guy he respects me a lot and he respects everyone …from past one month we were very close and we met several times ….. He is a guy who respects my time and his time he don’t have obsession like I have for him ….I always force him to stay or talk bit longer and he felt like I won’t respect his time and Said Iam a person who won’t understand his efforts he puts for us and he said 10 days ago that we should be away for a year so that concentrate on ourself and he said to that I should change to a mature person …and he blocked me everywhere but I refused but I done it I mean neither we talked or chatted with each other for 5 days but after few days I called him from other number and he know that and unblocked me so we spoke to each other ! He said that we should be apart for our self but then again he said we should have been friends only but whatever happened is happened now we can’t do anything he said ! I asked him that be true and if you want to ask for a break up you can buy he said no I want you and I don’t want to leave you … and yeah mam he never tried to be physical with me …only I was and for this he sayid that I never understand him and etc etc and said that I just loved him physically not truely and that broke my heart ! But I don’t know what I should do now ? He said this is test for us that will our love be the same for one year ? But then again few days ago We talked to each other and that to I started first …yesterday as a friend we were talking and he said he wrote a poem and I asked for whom u wrote this he said For my ex …he said that if she comes again then he will accept and I was really confused 😐…And we had a huge fight he felt bad and I too but lastly I said sorry and today he asked for a break up and I said I won’t repeat my behaviour gain and I asked for last chance so that I could change from childish behaviour to a mature girl as he likes … Now you please say me mam that what should be done ? Should I have to stay away from him temporarily until I get changed to a better person as he wants or should I break up with him since he said we should have been frnds only ! What should I do mam ? Kindly please reply me as fast as you could mam !!! 😕
Ans: Its important you focus on 2 things for now - (1) your self esteem and your confidence & (2) your education and career. Once you are financially independent is when you can think of a serious relationship - all the best.

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Kanchan Rai  |566 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Oct 21, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Oct 21, 2024
In 2023 I had met a boy .We have become friends and later on we developed feeling for each other.Then we decided to get into relationship and that would be temporary because I belong to orthodox family and he was not interested in marriage.We went through physical things and everything was fine until I started getting matches for my marriage.Then we had fight and later on the match got cancelled due to groom's intrest.still I was in relationship.Then I got another match in 2024april.I agreed to the match and said it's time we need to stop our relationship.He didn't agree for that and said I need to stay in the relationship until may or else he will send our private pictures to my family and fiancee family.Due to some reason I couldn't meet him in the may month so he extended upto aug .In between he has tortured me that I should not talk with my fiancee also forced me for physical things .I am extremely devastated and tried to take my life for three times.Later on he increased time until October and I lost my patience told my cousin brother about this in September.He spoke with the guy and said you should move on she is not interested in you now One day he texted my mom about us and I got extremely tensed and worried so I have spoke with his parents also my brother did.They said they will talk with him and I felt it was relief .Then a week later he started txtng me again that I have cheated him and he will commit suicide and write my name as reason .I didn't reply for that .Later on he again sent me message that He loves me and want to marry me .I said I don't want to marry you.Now am feeling extremely scared and tensed as marriage is in November and he would stop my marriage.Please help me I don't know what to do.I don't want him in my life as he has tortured me a lot.I am extremely scared of him now I have lost all my feelings.Also he has all my family contacts and my fiance contracts.Please help me .pleaseee
Ans: What you’re describing is a clear form of manipulation and abuse, and no one deserves to be treated this way. First of all, it’s crucial to recognize that his behavior—using threats, emotional blackmail, and manipulation to control you—is not only wrong, but it's also abusive. This situation is likely causing you a lot of fear, anxiety, and distress, and it’s completely understandable that you feel overwhelmed. But you don’t have to face this alone, and there are steps you can take to protect yourself.

The first thing I would advise is to take your power back emotionally. His threats are designed to make you feel like you’re trapped, but the truth is, he’s the one in the wrong, and what he’s doing can be dealt with. I understand that he’s threatening to expose your private photos and contact your family, which feels terrifying, but this is actually a form of blackmail and is illegal. The important thing to remember is that you are not responsible for his actions, nor his threats, and you have every right to protect your life, your dignity, and your peace of mind.

It’s also clear that he’s trying to emotionally manipulate you by saying he will harm himself if you leave. This is another form of abuse, and it’s important to recognize that you cannot control or be responsible for his decisions or behavior. People who make threats like this often do so as a way to trap the other person, but it is not your burden to carry. If you continue to allow his threats to control your decisions, it could lead to further emotional and psychological harm.

Now, I know you’re scared, especially with your marriage coming up in November, and you’re worried that he might do something to sabotage it. This fear is completely valid, but you don’t have to let him hold this power over you. It’s really important to bring in support from trusted people in your life. You’ve already involved your cousin, which was a great step, and you’ve tried to communicate with his parents, but it’s clear that more needs to be done.

At this point, I would recommend involving someone in a position of authority, whether that’s the police, a legal professional, or even a women’s protection organization in your area. In many countries, including India, there are specific laws protecting women from blackmail, harassment, and abuse. If you don’t feel comfortable going to the police on your own, you can ask your cousin, brother, or another trusted person to support you through this process. You can explain that this individual is threatening you with your private photos and trying to manipulate you into staying in a relationship, which is a crime.

On an emotional level, I know how hard it must be to face this kind of stress, especially when you’re preparing for a new chapter in your life with your fiancé. But it’s crucial to not let fear paralyze you. Instead, take it one step at a time. By telling the truth to the right people, such as your cousin or fiancé, you’ll likely find more support than you realize. I know it feels like everything might collapse if he exposes your relationship, but staying silent often gives him more power. The moment you start taking action, you will regain control over your life.

I would also recommend considering some professional emotional support for yourself, like speaking with a therapist or counselor. It sounds like this has taken a heavy toll on your mental health, and you’ve already been pushed to such an extreme point that you’ve considered self-harm. This is a sign that you need emotional support to help you cope with the trauma of what you’ve been through.

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Shalini Singh  |149 Answers  |Ask -

Dating Coach - Answered on Mar 09, 2025

hi maam im 24 years old im from mumbai im in love with a guy who is from hyd and he is 28 years old we have been together since 1 year when i was in hyd he did many things which hurt me like falsely accusing me of cheating with my collegues who are elder to me coming to my office and fighting over there calling me nd abusing me but i let go off everything he did with me and he did many more things later we started to b in a long distance relationship he use to always say lets b good with eachother from now and lets forget our past but since the tym we r in long distance still he always accuse me of cheating and lying even when im saying the truth i never cheated on him even once and never even thought about it but he always accuse me of cheating always and everyday and since some days he is always behaving hot and cold with me im not able to understand anything this last sun he called me but i didnt lift the call due to some issues in my house so i called him the next day and he started to accuse me of cheating and lying when i was telling the truth i wanna leave him and move on but when ever i leave he comes back again he leaves me again he comes back im not able to understand what should i do now
Ans: you are in duress. a relationship as defined by you is not worth being in one. please break off, block him from all our touchpoints - social media/ phone etc...if need be change your phone number. heal yourself, focus on your self, become financially independent, feel good about yourself before you find your person.

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Janak Patel  |23 Answers  |Ask -

MF, PF Expert - Answered on Mar 26, 2025

Asked by Anonymous - Mar 14, 2025Hindi
Hello Sir, I have saving 50 lakhs, i am looking for monthly return of 30 k What the best to possible way to invest this amount. Is it good option to invest in index fund . Please advice
Ans: Hi,

You have not clarified the duration of your requirement, how long do you need monthly return?
But lets assume this is as long as possible.
There are many solutions to this and that involves knowing a lot more about you and your life state but will anyways will provide you a couple of options.
1. Fixed income investment - Invest in FD's at 7%, this will earn you 3.5 lakhs a year and should be covering your requirement. But the savings will remain at 50 lakhs. If the rate on FD falls down, then you will end up using your savings to cover your requirements. So this option may not be feasible for a long period. The risk being low, it may not grow your saving and it can erode your saving too.
2. Invest in Equity (mutual funds) - You mentioned Index funds, they can be considered along with other equity mutual funds too. But understand, there is a higher level of risk involved. Markets are and will be volatile and the returns will not be the same each year. If you have the temperament/patience to stay invested in market fluctuations then venture in this direction. When you are looking to fulfill your requirement each month, your investment will always stay on your mind and this will trigger behavioral traits and hence I mention temperament. Many people get unsettled seeing their investments erode in a short period of time and take decisions which are not rationale. Hence enter knowing the risk and yourself.
3. Middle ground - Invest in balanced option - something like a hybrid fund. If you are conservative (low risk), then go for conservative hybrid mutual fund schemes (more Debt and less equity) and expect returns slightly above your FD in the range of 8-9% which will serve your requirement and can add a bit to your savings. If you are not conservative and understand that market linked investment can provide a little extra boost to your investment then balance your risk with Balanced advantage Mutual Fund schemes (balanced approach to equity and debt). These schemes can provide you better returns up to double digits 10-12% and hence after meeting your requirements, your investment can grow too.

Please understand, Equity brings in market risks and hence have expectations but also understand the risks involved. Make your decision based on the appetite you have for loss bearing and safety and accordingly go ahead. Consult a good advisor or a financial planner who can guide you after knowing more about you and your requirement and also help understand tax implications.

Thanks and Regards
Janak Patel
Certified Financial Planner.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |8157 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Mar 26, 2025

Dear Experts, As I have sold my flat for Rs 73 lacs in Mumbai, and I have no capital gains in that. Kindly let me know the best possible way to invest. As of now I am not interested in SWP.
Ans: Your Rs. 73 lakh can be structured for long-term wealth creation while maintaining stability and liquidity. Below is a comprehensive 360-degree investment approach that aligns with your goals and risk appetite.

Understanding Your Investment Goals
Before investing, it is important to define your financial objectives. Different investment instruments serve different purposes.

Short-Term Goals (0-3 years): Emergency fund, travel, planned expenses.

Medium-Term Goals (3-7 years): Buying a car, funding a business, higher education.

Long-Term Goals (7+ years): Retirement planning, wealth accumulation.

Since you are not interested in SWP, your focus should be on capital growth rather than generating regular cash flow.

It is also essential to maintain liquidity for unforeseen expenses. A portion of your funds should be in easily accessible instruments.

Asset Allocation for Maximum Returns
A well-balanced investment strategy involves diversification across multiple asset classes. This helps in reducing risk and optimizing returns.

A strategic allocation of your Rs. 73 lakh can be:

Equity Mutual Funds: 60-70% for high growth.

Debt Instruments: 20-25% for stability.

Gold ETFs or Sovereign Gold Bonds: 5-10% for inflation hedge.

Liquid Investments: 5-10% for emergencies.

The percentage allocation depends on your risk appetite and time horizon.

Equity Mutual Funds for High Growth
Equity mutual funds are one of the best options for long-term wealth creation. They offer superior returns compared to other asset classes.

Why Actively Managed Funds Over Index Funds?
Actively managed funds aim to outperform the market, while index funds only track it.

Skilled fund managers adjust portfolios based on market conditions.

Index funds lack flexibility and can underperform in volatile markets.

By investing in actively managed funds, you can potentially achieve better returns over a long period.

Recommended Categories of Equity Mutual Funds
Flexicap Funds: Invest across market capitalizations for diversification.

Large & Midcap Funds: Balance between stability and growth.

Focused Funds: Invest in a limited number of high-conviction stocks.

Thematic & Sectoral Funds: Suitable for high-growth industries but should not exceed 10-15% of your equity allocation.

By distributing your funds across these categories, you can manage risk while optimizing returns.

Debt Investments for Stability
Equity markets can be volatile, so having debt investments is essential for stability.

Why Debt Investments?
Provides predictable returns with lower risk.

Helps in portfolio diversification.

Protects against stock market fluctuations.

Suitable Debt Instruments
Corporate Bonds: Offer better returns than fixed deposits.

Debt Mutual Funds: Provide flexibility and tax efficiency.

Government Securities: Low-risk investment for capital protection.

Avoid bank fixed deposits unless you need absolute safety, as they may not beat inflation over time.

Gold Investments for Inflation Hedge
Gold acts as a hedge against inflation and economic uncertainties.

Best Ways to Invest in Gold
Gold ETFs: Offer liquidity and easy trading.

Sovereign Gold Bonds (SGBs): Provide additional interest income.

Limit gold allocation to 5-10% of your portfolio to maintain diversification.

Tax Considerations for Optimized Returns
Understanding taxation is crucial for effective investment planning.

Tax on Equity Mutual Funds
Long-Term Capital Gains (LTCG): Gains above Rs. 1.25 lakh are taxed at 12.5%.

Short-Term Capital Gains (STCG): Taxed at 20%.

Tax on Debt Mutual Funds
Both LTCG and STCG are taxed as per your income tax slab.

By strategically planning withdrawals, you can reduce tax liability.

Importance of Investing Through a Certified Financial Planner
Certified Financial Planners (CFPs) have expertise in fund selection and risk management.

Investing through a Mutual Fund Distributor (MFD) with CFP credentials ensures proper advisory support.

Direct funds may lack expert guidance, leading to uninformed investment decisions.

Investing through a professional can help in selecting the right funds based on your financial goals.

Liquidity Planning for Emergencies
Since you have Rs. 73 lakh, it is important to set aside a portion for unexpected expenses.

Keep Rs. 5-7 lakh in liquid funds or high-interest savings accounts.

Ensure accessibility without compromising returns.

This will prevent the need to redeem long-term investments during market downturns.

Review and Rebalancing Strategy
Monitor your portfolio every six months.

Rebalance if any asset class exceeds its target allocation.

Avoid frequent changes to stay aligned with long-term goals.

Market fluctuations can impact your asset allocation. Regular reviews ensure your portfolio remains on track.

Risk Management and Market Volatility
Investing in equity involves risks, but strategic planning can minimize them.

Stay invested for the long term to ride out market fluctuations.

Avoid panic selling during corrections.

Maintain diversification to reduce portfolio risk.

Risk management is crucial for sustained wealth creation.

Final Insights
Invest with a clear long-term strategy.

Diversification ensures balanced growth and stability.

Regular review and professional guidance enhance returns.

Minimize tax impact by planning withdrawals strategically.

Stay committed to long-term goals without getting influenced by short-term market movements.

By following this structured approach, your Rs. 73 lakh can be invested effectively for wealth creation.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP
Chief Financial Planner


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |8157 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Mar 26, 2025

Asked by Anonymous - Mar 26, 2025Hindi
Dear Experts, As I have sold my flat for Rs 73 lacs in Mumbai, and I have no capital gains in that. Kindly let me know the best possible way to invest. As of now I am not interested in SWP.
Ans: Your Rs. 73 lakh can be strategically invested to create long-term wealth. Below is a detailed breakdown of how to approach this investment.

Assessing Your Investment Goals and Time Horizon
Clearly define your financial goals before investing.

Classify your needs into short-term (0-3 years), medium-term (3-7 years), and long-term (7+ years).

As you are not interested in SWP, focus on growth-oriented investments.

Ensure liquidity for any short-term or emergency needs.

Asset Allocation for Optimal Returns
Diversify your investment across different asset classes to reduce risk.

A mix of equity mutual funds, debt instruments, and gold ETFs can offer a balanced approach.

Your risk tolerance and expected returns should guide your allocation.

Equity Mutual Funds for Long-Term Growth
Actively managed equity funds can deliver higher returns than index funds.

Choose funds that align with your risk appetite and time horizon.

Consider diversified categories such as flexicap, large & midcap, and focused funds.

Thematic and sectoral funds should be limited to 10-15% of your portfolio.

Debt Investments for Stability
Some portion of your corpus can be parked in corporate bonds for stability.

Debt mutual funds can be an option if you need lower volatility.

Avoid FDs as they may not beat inflation in the long run.

Gold ETFs for Inflation Hedge
Gold ETFs can provide diversification and an inflation hedge.

Limit gold allocation to 5-10% of your portfolio.

Tax Considerations and Efficient Investing
Equity fund gains above Rs. 1.25 lakh are taxed at 12.5%.

Debt fund gains are taxed as per your income tax slab.

Invest through a Certified Financial Planner to optimize taxation and selection.

Periodic Review and Rebalancing
Review your portfolio every six months.

Rebalance if any asset class becomes overweight.

Stay invested for the long term and avoid unnecessary withdrawals.

Final Insights
Invest based on your goals, risk profile, and market conditions.

Prioritize long-term growth over short-term fluctuations.

Diversification and professional guidance can maximize returns.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP
Chief Financial Planner


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Janak Patel  |23 Answers  |Ask -

MF, PF Expert - Answered on Mar 26, 2025

Asked by Anonymous - Mar 06, 2025Hindi
Hello Sir, I am 43 year old guy with own house in metro and no liabilities/loan. My current retirement portfolio consists of Equity MF 1.75 Cr, Debt MF 35 Lakhs, PF & Gratuity 36 Lakhs (Total: 2.46 Cr) . I will reach 3 Cr in next 2 years and I plan to retire by then. I also have a plot worth 30 lakhs I will rebalance my portfolio to have 50% Equity and 50% Debt/Fixed Income. If my monthly expense is 60,000 with no dependents, will my portfolio last for 40 years with 7% inflation and 8% returns?
Ans: Hi,

You have decided to retire early and you have already accumulated 2.46 Cr + assets without any outstanding liabilities. Congratulations on your achievements.
Retiring early is on many peoples wish-list and you too have the same desire. So lets see how you are placed for early retirement.
Expecting to have a corpus of 3 Cr in the next couple of years and you have planned a rebalancing of the portfolio too. So with the inflation rate of 7% and return rate of 8% as acceptable, lets see what to expect in the future after 40 years.

Short answer - After 40 years you will have a corpus of over 10 Cr remaining after expenses are taken care of.
This is primarily because your withdrawal/expenses are much below the growth/returns on the portfolio and hence each year the value of your portfolio in increasing.

Lets me clarify that this is not considering any tax liabilities you will need to service on the withdrawals each year. The tax liabilities will depend on the composition of your portfolio and your strategy of withdrawal amounts from Equity and debt/fixed income buckets.
But I am sure even after considering tax liabilities, your corpus will be sufficient and at the end of 40 years you will still have a considerable amount to pass on as inheritance to your loved ones/charity (though you mentioned no dependents).

I would like to recommend you have good Health cover (outside of your employer) and buy it asap. Also retirement of 40 years is a long time and hence do give some thought on how you plan to occupy your time. I hope you have a plan of what you will do once retired. Engage yourself in meaningful and fulfilling activities and keep minimum idle time - exercises, sports, reading, cooking, meeting/catching up with friends and family etc. This will help you stay healthy in mind and body. As money is not your concern, you don't need to think of earning any income from these activities/engagements, so it should be about giving you pleasant experiences. Best time to travel is in early retirement, so go and enjoy.

I also recommend, that you engage/consult with a Certified Financial Planner who will guide you with your retirement corpus planning and other requirements including taxation. Any wrong decision at an early stage can prove very costly and the impact can be felt for long too. Hence it will prudent to get the right advice and guidance at appropriate time.

All the best for long and enjoyable future.

Thanks & Regards
Janak Patel
Certified Financial Planner.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |8157 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Mar 26, 2025

Asked by Anonymous - Mar 26, 2025Hindi
I am 34 Years old. Earning 80k in hand. Till now I have been through loans due to family constraints. Now I have repaid all my loans in advance by prepaying them. I invested in one mutual fund Mirae asset ELSS. But now I have stopped SIP in it. It currently has 2.20 Lacs. I have 3 lacs in bank and given 4 lacs to someone. Has KVP of 2 lacs maturing in 2033. Wife has two LIC policies maturing in 2033 with 15 lacs approx as maturity amount. I have two kids (boys) 1 and 5 years old. As I am in paramilitary so investing in NPS from past 9 years, currently it has 16.5 lacs corpus with 26 years of my job remaining. I want to invest in mutual funds 37k per month. I have no loans, no credit card and no other liability. I have chosen Parag Parikh Flexi cap-10000 SBI Gold Durect Plan Growth-5000 Bharat 22 Index Fund Fund-5000 Nippon India Large Cap-5000 Motilal Oswal Mid Cap-4000 Nippon India Small Cap-4000 Tata small cap-4000 All are direct plans. Want to start them all in Groww app from Apr 2025. I want to buy a house in next 8-10 years of approx 50Lacs current value. My car is ageing and want to replace it in next one year. Please suggest me if my approach is good or do I have to make adjustments.
Ans: Your disciplined approach to finances is impressive. Paying off loans early was a great decision. Now, you can focus on growing wealth and achieving your goals. Below is a detailed analysis of your financial plan.

Emergency Fund and Short-Term Liquidity
You have Rs 3 lakh in the bank and Rs 4 lakh lent out.

Ideally, keep 6 months of expenses as a liquid emergency fund.

Since your salary is Rs 80,000 per month, target Rs 5 lakh as an emergency fund.

If the Rs 4 lakh is not immediately recoverable, consider adding more liquid savings.

Park this money in a mix of a high-interest savings account and liquid mutual funds.

Insurance Protection
Life Insurance: You did not mention a term plan. Ensure you have one with coverage of at least 10-15 times your annual income.

Health Insurance: You did not mention a health plan. Get a Rs 20-30 lakh family floater policy.

Personal Accident Cover: Since you are in the paramilitary, a personal accident cover is essential.

NPS and Retirement Planning
You have Rs 16.5 lakh in NPS after 9 years. With 26 years left, this can grow significantly.

Continue contributing, but do not rely solely on NPS.

Diversify retirement savings with equity mutual funds to give flexibility at retirement.

NPS has withdrawal restrictions, so having non-restricted investments is important.

Investment Portfolio Review
Existing Investments
ELSS Mutual Fund: It is tax-saving but not suitable for long-term wealth building. Consider diversifying.

KVP: A low-return product locked until 2033. Not ideal for long-term wealth creation.

LIC Policies (Wife): If they are traditional endowment plans, they may have low returns. Consider surrendering and reinvesting if feasible.

Planned SIPs (From April 2025)
Your planned SIPs total Rs 37,000 per month. Below is an evaluation:

Parag Parikh Flexi Cap - Rs 10,000: Good choice for diversification and stability.

SBI Gold - Rs 5,000: Gold should not be a core investment. Reduce allocation to 5-10% of your portfolio.

Bharat 22 Index Fund - Rs 5,000: Index funds have limitations. Actively managed funds can offer better returns.

Nippon India Large Cap - Rs 5,000: Large-cap is important for stability. Keep allocation.

Motilal Oswal Mid Cap - Rs 4,000: Mid-cap funds offer growth but can be volatile. Moderate allocation is fine.

Nippon India Small Cap - Rs 4,000 & Tata Small Cap - Rs 4,000: Small-cap exposure is high. Consider reducing to avoid excessive risk.

Suggested Portfolio Adjustments
Reduce allocation to gold and index funds.

Maintain a mix of large, flexi-cap, mid, and small-cap funds.

Instead of direct funds, invest through an MFD with CFP credentials for better tracking and advice.

House Purchase Plan (8-10 Years)
The house is estimated at Rs 50 lakh in today’s value. Future value may increase.

Start a dedicated SIP in a hybrid or multi-asset fund for this goal.

Avoid real estate investment as a wealth-building tool. Buy a house only for personal use.

Car Purchase Plan (Next Year)
Since this is a short-term goal, avoid equity investment.

Use bank savings and allocate part of your upcoming savings for the purchase.

If needed, opt for a car loan but repay it quickly.

Final Insights
Keep an emergency fund of Rs 5 lakh.

Ensure you have term life and health insurance.

Continue investing in NPS but also in mutual funds for flexibility.

Review and rebalance your SIP choices.

Plan separately for house and car goals with appropriate investments.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |8157 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Mar 26, 2025

Asked by Anonymous - Mar 25, 2025Hindi
48 years old, with PF savings as 40L, NPS 5L and not other investments. Home loan is there which will be over in next 12 years. have opted for LIC pension plan. Pl suggest the best option to plan retirement here.
Ans: Your focus on retirement planning is important. Let’s assess your current financial position and create a solid retirement plan.

Current Financial Position
Provident Fund (PF): Rs 40 lakh.

National Pension System (NPS): Rs 5 lakh.

LIC Pension Plan: Opted for.

Home Loan: Outstanding, to be cleared in 12 years.

Other Investments: None.

Your savings are primarily in PF and NPS. You also have an LIC pension plan. Your home loan will take 12 more years to be repaid.

Key Challenges in Retirement Planning
1. Low Investment in Growth Assets
Your funds are mainly in debt-based instruments.

This may not generate high returns for long-term wealth.

Inflation can erode the value of fixed-income investments.

2. Home Loan Repayment Impact
Your home loan EMI will reduce your savings capacity.

Loan repayment will extend into retirement unless pre-paid.

Extra financial burden should not impact post-retirement needs.

3. Insufficient Retirement Corpus
You have only Rs 45 lakh in retirement savings.

You may need Rs 3-5 crore depending on post-retirement expenses.

The LIC pension plan alone may not be enough.

Retirement Planning Strategy
1. Increase Investments in Growth Assets
You should start investing in mutual funds immediately.

A mix of large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap funds is needed.

Systematic Investment Plans (SIP) will help build a strong corpus.

2. Reassess the LIC Pension Plan
LIC pension plans give low returns.

You may consider surrendering it and reinvesting in mutual funds.

A well-diversified portfolio can generate better inflation-adjusted returns.

3. Create a Debt Reduction Plan
Home loan should be cleared before retirement.

Consider partial prepayments when extra funds are available.

Reducing interest burden will free up future cash flow.

4. Increase NPS Contributions
NPS offers tax benefits and equity exposure.

Consider increasing contributions for higher retirement savings.

Choose an aggressive fund allocation for better long-term growth.

5. Build Emergency and Medical Funds
A separate emergency fund is essential.

Medical insurance should be increased beyond employer cover.

Healthcare costs in retirement can be significant.

Final Insights
Your current savings are not enough for early retirement.

Increasing investments in mutual funds is essential.

Home loan repayment should be accelerated.

LIC pension plan should be reviewed for better options.

A well-structured financial plan will ensure a comfortable retirement.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP

Chief Financial Planner


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |8157 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Mar 26, 2025

Asked by Anonymous - Mar 25, 2025Hindi
Hello Sir, I am currently 43 years of age and below are some of my assets. FD - INR 2.56 cr PPF - INR 45 lakh MF - INR 70 lakh PMS - INR 50 lakh Term Life Insurance - INR 2.5 cr Medical insurance (family plan) - INR 10 lakh Gold jewellery + physical gold - approx. INR 1 cr one house - yielding INR 30k per month rent currently investing 1 lakh per month in mf through sip (large, mid and small ap fund) staying in another house with family. Loans - zero monthly expense - INR 45k 2 kids - elder one in class 10th and younger one in class 6th education for both kids expected from school to higher education - INR 3cr marriage for both kids expected - INR 1 cr What age should i plan to retire expecting a life expectancy of 85 years for myself and wife and avg expense to be around INR 1 lakh at future date.
Ans: You have built a strong foundation. Let's assess your retirement feasibility from multiple angles.

Current Financial Position
You have Rs 2.56 crore in fixed deposits.

PPF corpus stands at Rs 45 lakh.

Mutual fund investments are Rs 70 lakh.

PMS investments are Rs 50 lakh.

You own Rs 1 crore worth of gold.

A rental property earns Rs 30,000 per month.

You have a term life cover of Rs 2.5 crore.

Medical insurance is Rs 10 lakh for your family.

Your monthly expense is Rs 45,000.

You invest Rs 1 lakh per month in mutual funds.

Key Future Financial Goals
Children's Education: Rs 3 crore estimated cost.

Children's Marriage: Rs 1 crore estimated cost.

Retirement Corpus: To sustain Rs 1 lakh monthly expense.

Retirement Feasibility Analysis
1. Children's Education and Marriage
The first major financial commitment is education.

Your existing corpus and future savings must ensure Rs 3 crore.

Marriage expenses will require an additional Rs 1 crore.

2. Retirement Corpus Requirement
You expect to retire with Rs 1 lakh monthly expenses.

This expense will increase due to inflation.

A large retirement corpus is needed to sustain for 40+ years.

Can You Retire Now?
Your current investments may not fully support retirement yet.

The education and marriage costs are substantial.

You must balance wealth preservation and growth.

What Age Should You Retire?
A realistic age for retirement could be around 50-55 years.

This allows you to accumulate a stronger corpus.

You can continue investing Rs 1 lakh per month.

A phased withdrawal strategy will be needed post-retirement.

How to Strengthen Your Retirement Plan?
1. Increase Equity Allocation
Your PPF and FD investments are conservative.

Consider reallocating part of your FD to mutual funds.

PMS allocation should also be reviewed for performance.

2. Ensure Inflation Protection
Fixed deposits may not beat inflation long-term.

Equity exposure should remain high for growth.

3. Healthcare Preparedness
Rs 10 lakh medical insurance may be insufficient in the future.

Consider a super top-up plan for additional coverage.

4. Rental Income Optimization
Your rental property provides stable income.

Ensure it remains a profitable asset.

Final Insights
You are on track but need to optimise investments.

A retirement age of 50-55 years is ideal.

Equity exposure must be increased gradually.

Education and marriage costs must be secured first.

Healthcare preparedness is crucial for long-term security.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP

Chief Financial Planner


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