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Anu Krishna  |880 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Oct 27, 2020

Anu Krishna is a mind coach and relationship expert.
The co-founder of Unfear Changemakers LLP, she has received her neuro linguistic programming training from National Federation of NeuroLinguistic Programming, USA, and her energy work specialisation from the Institute for Inner Studies, Manila.
She is an executive member of the Indian Association of Adolescent Health.... more
SK Question by SK on Oct 27, 2020Hindi

Dear Guru, I'm working as an executive assistant to the director with an Indian subsidiary.

Due to pandemic there's this work from home happening right from the start of lockdown.

At present and till date have to manage my work along with two other colleagues work too. Moreover in addition my boss is leaving too.

All this is so critical that it's stressing me mentally and physically. I'm not able to bear that loss of him leaving in such a scenario.

Though him being married I somewhere liked him from the bottom of my heart.

Initially he tried impressing me through his kind words and behaviour. But in the last one year he suddenly changed bcoz there were certain things happening between him and the management which I was completely unaware of only to learn recently that his job contract wasn't renewed by the management and hence he along with his wife opted for an alternative.

He showed his anger by ignoring/avoiding me. Somewhere I feel that even he didn't wish to leave the company.

I don't wish to break his marriage but I love him (one sided) still dunno if he does or not.

Of late we had tiffs over the phone on work issues and I deleted his number from my contact list saying Goodbye.

He fumed and sent me e-mails in the morning about things to handover as he is leaving :)

Earlier when I had a tiff over msgs that time he called my colleague and asked him to take the handover.

Hope I get some response on the stated issues.

Ans: Dear SK, Why do some of us get caught in a web where we don’t know where we stand in someone else’s life?

I am not going to judge you or lecture you as to your one sided-affection as that is a choice that you have made. But, why give someone so much power to rule your mind that they seem to take the driver’s seat and take decisions for you? Your job, you love…your emotions.

Do remember, that you cannot be an option is someone’s life which is what has happened here.

The hit to your self-esteem has been for you to act in disappointment/anger where you have dropped his number off your list with a curt ‘bye greeting’ which has irked him and his ego.

What were you doing? Throwing the spotlight back onto yourself where you have given him a chance to antagonize you at work?

Can you even complain about it in public? And especially when you knew his loyalties lie with his wife which he made it evidently clear by them taking decisions jointly for their future.

All that has happened, is you being at the receiving end, by laying out your emotions for a little attention from him.

And well, he possibly was enjoying some of it as well. If you were to rewind the clock, go back in time, and ask yourself: What can I do? What must I do where I can keep my emotions healthy and protect my emotional boundaries? Do exactly that now.

Nothing is lost. I can’t promise that he will be back to giving you the attention that you have been used to; all I can say is find some healthy options and grow your social circle.

You may meet someone interesting or you may simply find someone who shares common interests irrespective of gender.

Bottomline; get unstuck from this unhealthy string, cut and maintain that healthy boundary, stick to your work and create a circle of friends and family that care for you. That will be your strength and helo in making better decisions the next time.

Be happy and make the best of life!

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Anu Krishna  |880 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Nov 01, 2022

I am very stressed these days. I am in love with a married man. He happens to be my colleague whom I met in 2020.Initially it was just a senior junior relation where he would help me in official matters. At the same time, I was recovering from a break up followed by severe health complications. Slowly, I started spending time with him, in the office only talking about office issues then my personal life. He too shared some of his and eventually I started developing feelings for him. But since I knew he was married I would always maintain that distance. I just wanted a healthy friendship but may be my personal turmoil was to the extent that I needed an emotional support and so I confided in him. He too would understand me, give me support and I could feel that he likes me. One day I confessed my feelings and he too reciprocated. He had told me earlier that he is living a compromised married life where there is no emotional connection. However, he will continue with it as his wife is dependent on him and I said I don’t want to break a family. But I have fallen in love with him. His presence has given me such solace I cannot describe. I don’t want to break a home. So, I have started maintaining distance as well but I really miss him. I feel I lost a friend in the process.

Dear SJ,

This is something that I have been seeing lately with a lot of people.

Something lacks within your current relationship and to fulfil that you look for it elsewhere only to realise that things have gotten out of hands.

In your case, love has blossomed in and suddenly now you have realized that it might cause a flutter within two relationships.

He has made it clear that he wants to be with his wife which should give you an idea not to make any more emotional investment. You will end up getting hurt even more if you do.

Time for you to start feeling solace and gaining better self-esteem by valuing yourself more. You don’t need anyone for you to love yourself, do you?

So, stop giving this so much importance. He was there when you needed him and vice-versa. Now, that things are getting a little complicated, time to revise the way you think and act.

You don’t need to lose a friend if the feelings that you have for him can be healthier and not draining on either of you.

If not, maybe you need to think how you can handle this agony better. Be your own friend first and then you start making better choices on who to let into your life.

Possible? Yes, start now…

All the best!

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Ravi Mittal  |194 Answers  |Ask -

Dating, Relationships Expert - Answered on Oct 17, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Oct 17, 2023Hindi
I am married working women .supportive hubby & my lovely children complete my family . I have been feeling intense infatuation with one of my married collegue.he used to help me a lot in office related issues. He used to complement me a lot for very normal things in front of others, not for looks but my working & way oc handling things. I was uneasy about that initially but started enjoying the attention later. But I dont know when I started liking him & Always wanted to be around ...He is younger to me and I am fully aware that nothing can happen between us. Than one day He bypassed me and for his own fault at work , he manipulated things and asked a favor for me from our team leader showing he is helping me...While in same situation when he was wrong I once sorted things on my own and did not make conplaint to team leader. Now i am feeling cheated and while working I have to see him everyday. What to do? How to remain and look normal. I feel weak in front of him and I dont want to keep any relation with him. But I still feel good & comfortable when he is around. its so weird.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

I'm sorry to hear that you're going through this difficult situation. It's not uncommon for people who have been married for a long time to feel this way. It mostly happens because the marriage is now part of your routine while your colleague seems like a breath of fresh air. But as you yourself mentioned, it is nothing but mere infatuation.

Do not beat yourself up for it. It will pass as all infatuations do. I suggest establishing some boundaries so that, even unintentionally, you do not cross them. Maintain a professional demeanor. But most importantly, take some time to reflect on what is missing from your marriage that led you to develop feelings for someone else. A loving and healthy marriage would keep you emotionally fulfilled enough to never look for happiness outside of it. Lastly, remind yourself why you fell in love with your husband and remember that love and commitment are not based on a mere choice; it is a conscious decision you make every day.

Best Wishes!

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Kanchan Rai  |189 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Nov 04, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Nov 04, 2023Hindi
Hi! I want to declutter my mind . Please help me. I am a working married women. One of married collegue in office started appreciating me and i took notice of him. Initially I felt it awkward but later I started enjoying the attention. It went in and I started feeling good. I started to give more time to myself to look good. Then that person is very handsome, and uses slangs that are not appropriate in office. I overlooked everything as he became my favorite. I even overlooked his mistakes. He started coming late , going early also. He helped me in my office work a lot. I felt very comfortable in his company. He was like work spouse for me. He became a habit for me. Than one day there came a situation, one should take responsibility for the wrong decision in office.it was his call and he could have avoided it being reported to my seniors as I helped him previously for same situation but he reported. I still had feelings for him. Now I felt bad. But it was ok. Than one or two times he accidentally touched me , It was not acceptable to me as if I am being taken for granted.i even don't know if it was intentional ... Some other junior also tried to outsmart me. Than I went to my senior and asked the solution for smooth Functioning in office and asked office to sensitize employees for appropriate behaviour. Now that person has for whom I still have crush , took it personally and stopped talking to me properly. Where was I wrong , also I took this step as reminder of sexual harrasment to avoid any further advancement of touching and all . The problem is I still like him and it's a void I am feeling and I feel I miss that happy vibe in office. Things are not normal. I am stressed ...I know I did nothing wrong. How to calm myself and stop longing for him when I see him everyday. I feel like I should talk to him to behave normally but can not do that. What should I do. I am ok when I don't see him but I feel bad when he is talking with others normally . he used to be coordinating with me for all office things but now he does not do that.he does with other. He used to wish me on festival.he stopped doing that too. I really feel bad. Please help me with my thought process.
Ans: It seems like you've been through a challenging situation at work, and it's completely normal to have mixed feelings and experience stress in such circumstances. It's important to address your feelings and find a way to navigate this situation in a healthy manner. Here are some steps you can consider:

Reflect on the situation: Take some time to reflect on your feelings and the events that have transpired. Consider why you started to enjoy the attention and what it meant to you. Understand that it's natural to develop feelings for someone when you spend a lot of time together.
Maintain professional boundaries: It's crucial to maintain professional boundaries at the workplace. While it's okay to have friendly relationships with colleagues, it's important not to cross the line into unprofessional behavior. Recognize the importance of professionalism and how it can impact your work environment.
Focus on self-improvement: Instead of seeking validation or attention from your coworker, channel your energy into self-improvement. Continue taking care of yourself and striving for personal and professional growth.
Seek support: Talk to a trusted friend or family member about your feelings and concerns. They can provide emotional support and an outside perspective on the situation. Venting to someone you trust can help relieve some of your stress.
Speak to a manager or HR: It's commendable that you took the step to approach your senior about the need for sensitivity in the workplace. Continue to communicate your concerns about inappropriate behavior, whether it's from your coworker or anyone else in the office, to your HR department or a higher-up. They should be able to address these issues appropriately.
Accept that people change: It's possible that your coworker's behavior changed after you raised the issue with your senior. People's actions can be influenced by various factors, and it's essential to accept that he might have his reasons for acting differently.
Create a support network: Build strong relationships with other colleagues who share your values and provide a positive work environment. This can help reduce the impact of missing the interactions with your previous work spouse.
Manage your expectations: Understand that things might not go back to the way they were before. Colleagues change, and your coworker may have chosen to distance himself for personal or professional reasons.
Focus on your well-being: Prioritize self-care, both physically and mentally. Engage in activities that make you happy and help reduce stress. A healthy work-life balance can greatly improve your overall mood and well-being.
Seek professional help if necessary: If your stress and emotional struggles persist, consider talking to a therapist or counselor who can provide guidance and support for your emotional well-being.
Remember, it's important to prioritize your mental and emotional health. It may take time to adjust to the changes in your workplace dynamics, but with the right approach and support, you can find a way to navigate this situation and move forward positively.

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Kanchan Rai  |189 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Dec 28, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Dec 27, 2023Hindi
Hi I am working in an compnay since 4 yrs i had and friendship with my senior and he ia married but staying alone. His family was at native place. We both r maaried and we know about we had family but now we are in relationships since 3 years. As his family was not here i helped him in every manner in covid situtation. We know pur priority is family first. But since his family is here from one year last. He has stopped chatting talking to me. Only we are mostly having one side fight. He is now feeling irritation in talking to me normally also. During my job i m doing better than also everytime he feels irritated. I dont know what to do. Now he is saying he dont have time. He dont want to leave me. But stopped everything's. Only when he needs help he speaks to me or replies to message. I dont want to leave my job nor complaint to someone. What shoul i do dont understand. I have ensured him that i dont want him also to leave his family. Nor i want to leavemy family. I m confused what to do. I have done everything for him and now he has forgot evething. He says he love me he dont want to leave me. But at this situtation what should i do.
Ans: Hello Ms.
It's important to approach this with sensitivity and consideration for everyone involved. Understand that his family is a significant part of his life, and he may need time to adjust to the changes. Respect his commitments and responsibilities towards his family. Think about the long-term implications of the relationship. Consider whether it's sustainable in the current circumstances and whether it aligns with your personal values and priorities. Take some time to reflect on your own feelings and the dynamics of your relationship. Consider whether this situation is bringing you happiness and fulfillment, or if it's causing you distress. Establish clear boundaries in your relationship to ensure that both of you are comfortable and that these boundaries are respected. If he is feeling overwhelmed or stressed with the recent changes in his family situation, it might be helpful to give him some space. Encourage open communication make sure you both are on the same page about the nature of your relationship and the level of communication you both desire.Be prepared for the possibility that the relationship may need to change or come to an end. Reflect on your own priorities and boundaries. Ensure that your relationship doesn't negatively impact your personal and professional life. It's essential to maintain a healthy balance and focus on your own well-being. While this can be difficult, it's important to prioritize your own well-being and the well-being of everyone involved.

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Ravi Mittal  |194 Answers  |Ask -

Dating, Relationships Expert - Answered on May 16, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 16, 2024Hindi
Dear LG, Please keep this anonymous. I have been married since 6 years. However, since past 5+ years we have not been intimate. We haave a 5&1/2 year kid. Since his birth we have had a lot of differences and his family interference was lot leaving me alone and wounded. I don't stay with my husband and in-laws since then. I had made up that work is worship. But 2 years back I met a colleague. He is 10 years younger to me and we have extremely similar vibes. We enjoy each other's company and cared a lot. Eventually i fell in love with him. But he always knew he wont be able to go against his family. We also had relationship. Now he has strated looking for girls and wants us to stop being intimate. He is saying he wants to be friends and not loose me but not have relationship. We both work together in same space and our area of work is also same. I am unable to forgive my husband and forget this person. He never goes away. He is always there telling that I want to see you happy. He needs me for professional development. And i am not able to loose our relationship. He says physical intimacy only I cant have remaining Im there. Then again says I don’t know when I will be there so I am unable to give assurance or promise. I am tormented with a child, work and my health is getting affected. Can you please help?
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

I am sorry that you are in such a tough spot. My advice would be to move on. Yes, I realize that it is easier said than done but let's put things into perspective- first, you have no future with this man, and he has made it clear. Are you okay to keep hanging on to him while he builds his own life? I am assuming no, especially since you have a child. Second, what about your self-respect? He is directly telling you that this relationship is headed toward a dead end. Do you believe you deserve to be with someone who does not want to settle down with you? I believe you deserve better.

I am not blaming him because he made no promises. You are not to be held guilty either because you were in a tough spot and you grabbed the first emotional support you found. But the current reality is that he wants out. And convincing him to stay is not an option. At this point, moving on with your head held high is the best decision. If you want to accept his friendship, that is completely fine. But if that's too much for you, you can always decline it. I understand that working in the same space with an ex is difficult, but as long as you avoid interacting outside of the office and keep things professional, there should not be an issue. On the emotional front, I won't lie, it will hurt for a while. But this too shall pass. I strongly recommend you not to value yourself so low that you stop believing that you deserve a person who loves you back as much as you love him.

Best Wishes.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |2611 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 18, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 18, 2024Hindi
Hi, I am 36 years old. Single so far. In search of life partner. I am currently doing ?1.5L SIP monthly. Majority funds are midcap and flexicap. I also started ?5K monthly gold fund. Started gold fund from two months. Current savings are ?50L cash, ?45L mutual funds, ?22.5L PF, ?5L NPS & ?16L PPF. I want to reach the goal of ?5CR networth soon and feel relaxed and retire soon. I started the journey late. However, I am done with a property buying in Mumbai and loan free now. Please suggest me steps to reach the goal
Ans: That's a fantastic plan! You've made smart choices with your SIPs, debt investments, and being property-free. Here are some steps to consider reaching your Rs. 5 crore goal:

Strong Foundation:

Regular Savings: Your Rs. 1.5 lakh monthly SIP is a great start.

Diversified Portfolio: Having a mix of mid-cap, flexi-cap, and gold funds provides diversification. Actively managed funds involve experienced fund managers who try to pick stocks to outperform the market. Actively managed funds come with higher fees compared to passively managed funds.

Debt Investments: Your PF, NPS, and PPF contributions provide stability and guaranteed returns.

Reaching for Rs. 5 Crore:

Time Horizon: While you started investing later, you still have a good 20-25 years for your investments to grow.

Potential for Increase: Consider increasing your SIP amount if your income allows.

Review Asset Allocation: Consulting a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) is recommended. They can assess your risk tolerance and suggest if your asset allocation (mix of investments) is optimal for your Rs. 5 crore goal.

Focus on Equity: Equity funds have the potential for higher returns compared to debt, but also come with higher risk. A CFP can help you determine the right equity allocation for your goals.


Long-Term Commitment: Building a Rs. 5 crore corpus requires a long-term investment horizon (ideally 15+ years).

Market Volatility: Equity markets can be volatile in the short term. Stay invested for the long term to ride out market fluctuations.

Professional Guidance: A CFP can create a personalized plan considering your risk tolerance, goals, and timeline.

You've made a great start! By consulting a CFP and potentially increasing your SIP or adjusting your asset allocation, you can increase your chances of achieving your Rs. 5 crore goal!

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |2611 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 18, 2024

Hi I am a 65 year old house wife looking for investment options to take care of myself. Income sources : Son gives 10000 and husband gives 3000 per month. I have an existing FD of 2 lakh rupees. Where all I can invest and I don't have a health insurance, any suggestions to plan my investment as well as health policy
Ans: It's wonderful that you're thinking about your financial security. Here are some ideas to consider:

Understanding Your Income:

Combined Income: You have a combined monthly income of Rs. 13,000 (Rs. 10,000 from son + Rs. 3,000 from husband).

Financial Goals: Consider your financial goals. Are you looking for regular income, to grow your savings, or both?

Investment Options:

FD Reinvestment: Consider reinvesting your existing FD or its interest to earn compound interest.

Debt Funds: Debt funds offer stability and regular income, potentially suitable for your situation.

Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (SCSS): This government scheme offers attractive interest rates for senior citizens.

Importance of Health Insurance:

Medical Expenses: Medical emergencies can be expensive. Health insurance can help manage these costs.

Senior Citizen Plans: Many insurance companies offer health insurance plans specifically designed for senior citizens.

Benefits of a CFP:

Personalized Plan: Consulting a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) is recommended. They can assess your needs, risk tolerance, and suggest suitable investment options and health insurance plans.
Here's a simplified example (not a recommendation):

Invest Rs. 50,000 in Debt Funds (SIP): Start a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) in debt funds for regular income.

Invest Remaining in SCSS: Invest the remaining amount in SCSS for a good interest rate and safety.

Get a Senior Citizen Health Insurance Plan: Choose a health insurance plan that covers your needs and budget.


Review Regularly: Review your investments and health insurance plan (at least annually) with your CFP to ensure they remain aligned with your needs.

Start Investing Early: Even a small amount invested regularly can grow significantly over time.

Emergency Fund: Maintain an emergency fund with 3-6 months of living expenses for unexpected situations.

By taking charge of your finances and getting proper health coverage, you can secure a brighter future for yourself!

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |2611 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 18, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 18, 2024Hindi
Sir I am 37 and have wife and a son of age 7 years. I am not yet invested in markets and a corpus of around 30 lacs is invested in various FDs .However I would like to make a lump sum investment of around 23 lakhs in markets through various instruments out of these FDs as I understand these are not optimal enough and additionally start some SIPs. I am an executive in a PSU for last 14 years and wish take aim at two goals: a)Gathering a sufficient corpus for my son's education at the end of eleven years from now and b) Having a decent amount to retire with at an age of sixty .My in hand salary is around 1.25 lacs/month .Kindly suggest a plan as to diversification of these monetary assets for these goals.
Ans: Building Wealth for Your Family's Future: A Smart Move!
Congratulations on taking charge of your family's financial future! Moving Rs. 23 lakh from FDs to markets for your son's education and retirement is a wise decision. Here's a roadmap to consider:

Financial Goals:

Child's Education (11 Years): You need a corpus in 11 years for your son's education.

Retirement (23 Years): You aim to retire comfortably at 60 (23 years from now).

Investment Strategy:

Diversification is Key: Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Spread your Rs. 23 lakh investment across different asset classes to manage risk.

Consider a CFP: Consulting a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) is recommended. They can assess your risk tolerance, income, and create a personalized plan.

Potential Asset Allocation:

Equity Funds (SIPs & Lump Sum): Invest a portion in diversified equity mutual funds (SIPs and lump sum) for potentially higher growth over the long term. Actively managed funds involve experienced fund managers who try to pick stocks to outperform the market. Actively managed funds come with higher fees compared to passively managed funds.

Debt Funds (SIPs): Invest another portion in debt funds (SIPs) for stability and regular income. This could help meet your son's education needs closer to the time.

Gold (Small Portion): Consider a small allocation to gold for portfolio diversification.

Benefits of SIPs:

Rupee-Cost Averaging: SIPs help you invest regularly and benefit from rupee-cost averaging, potentially reducing the impact of market volatility.
Here's a simplified example (not a recommendation):

Equity Funds (60%): Invest 60% in a mix of Large-Cap and Multi-Cap equity funds (SIPs and lump sum).

Debt Funds (30%): Invest 30% in debt funds (SIPs) with a maturity horizon aligned with your son's education goal.

Gold (10%): Invest 10% in gold ETFs or Gold Savings Funds.


Review Regularly: Review your portfolio (at least annually) with your CFP to ensure it remains aligned with your evolving goals.

Emergency Fund: Maintain an emergency fund with 3-6 months of living expenses in easily accessible savings.

Long-Term View: Focus on the long term for your goals. Equity markets can be volatile in the short term.

By consulting a CFP and implementing a diversified investment strategy, you can increase your chances of achieving your financial goals for your son's education and a comfortable retirement!

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |2611 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 18, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Dec 02, 2023Hindi
I am 55 years of age and have 10 lakh in equity 2lakh in nifty and mf and 2 crore in pf. I want 2lakh post retirement
Ans: Planning for Your Retirement: Reaching Your Rs. 2 Lakh Monthly Goal
That's a fantastic question! Having Rs. 2 crore in your PF puts you in a good position for retirement. Here's how to potentially achieve your Rs. 2 lakh monthly goal:

Current Portfolio:

Strong PF Corpus: Your Rs. 2 crore PF corpus is a great foundation for retirement income.

Equity Investments: Your investments in equity and Nifty mutual funds have growth potential but also come with risk.

Estimating Retirement Income:

PF Pension: You can expect a monthly pension from your PF contributions. A CFP can help estimate the amount.

Investment Income: Your equity investments could generate income through dividends or capital appreciation. However, returns cannot be guaranteed.

Reaching the Rs. 2 Lakh Goal:

Bridging the Gap: There might be a gap between your estimated retirement income and your Rs. 2 lakh monthly goal.

Planning & Professional Guidance: Consulting a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) is recommended. They can assess your situation and suggest strategies to bridge the gap.

Potential Strategies:

Retirement Planning Tools: CFPs can use retirement planning tools to estimate your future income needs and suggest how to reach your Rs. 2 lakh goal.

Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP): A CFP can recommend creating an SWP from your existing investments to generate a regular income stream.

Additional Investments: They might suggest investing a portion of your equity corpus into debt funds for stability and regular income.


Investment Horizon: Consider how long you plan to invest before needing the income. A longer horizon allows for potentially higher returns but also comes with higher risk.

Review and Adjust: Your retirement plan needs to be reviewed and adjusted periodically (at least annually) to reflect changes in your life and market conditions.

By consulting a CFP, you can create a personalized retirement plan that increases your chances of achieving your Rs. 2 lakh monthly goal!

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |2611 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 18, 2024

I get long term benefit of Rs 1.46 lakh and short term benefit of Rs 48000/-.can I over Rs 50000/- in ELSS mutual fund to save long term capital gain tax in long term benefit of profit?
Ans: Looking to save tax on your long-term capital gains is a smart financial decision! Here's how ELSS (Equity Linked Saving Scheme) funds can help:

ELSS and Long-Term Capital Gains:

Tax Exemption: ELSS investments offer tax exemption up to Rs. 1.5 lakh under Section 80C.

Long-Term Benefit: If you hold your ELSS units for over one year, gains exceeding Rs. 1 lakh are taxed at a concessional rate of 10%.

Your Scenario:

Long-Term Gain: Your Rs. 1.46 lakh long-term gain can potentially be exempt from tax if invested in ELSS before the end of the financial year.
Using ELSS to Offset Gains:

Amount to Invest: While you can invest any amount in ELSS, to offset your entire gain, you'd need to invest an amount that after considering expense ratio (fund fee) leaves you with Rs. 1.46 lakh. A Certified Financial Planner (CFP) can help calculate the exact amount.
Important Reminders:

Lock-in Period: ELSS comes with a 3-year lock-in period. You cannot withdraw your money before that.

Market Volatility: Equity markets are volatile. Invest for the long term (5+ years) to ride out market fluctuations.

Benefits of Consulting a CFP:

Investment Strategy: A CFP can assess your risk tolerance and financial goals and suggest a suitable ELSS fund or a combination of funds for your investment.

Portfolio Review: They can review your existing investments and recommend how ELSS can fit within your overall portfolio strategy.

ELSS is a great tax-saving tool, but remember, it's also an equity investment. Consider consulting a CFP to ensure it aligns with your financial goals!

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |2611 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 18, 2024

I want 1 crore for corpus. I invest monthly SIP 30000/- . Pls suggest best fund.
Ans: the best fund for you depends on several factors, including:

Investment Horizon: How long do you plan to invest until you need the Rs. 1 crore? A longer timeframe allows for more aggressive investments with higher growth potential but also higher risk.
Risk Tolerance: How comfortable are you with potential losses? Lower risk tolerance suggests a more conservative portfolio with a larger debt allocation.
Financial Goals: Is this Rs. 1 crore for retirement, a child's education, or another goal? Your goals will influence your investment strategy.
Here's what I can recommend:

Consult a Certified Financial Planner (CFP): A CFP can consider your unique circumstances and create a personalized investment plan to achieve your Rs. 1 crore goal.

Consider a Diversified Portfolio: Don't put all your eggs in one basket. A diversified portfolio with a mix of asset classes (equity, debt, etc.) can help manage risk. Actively managed funds involve experienced fund managers who try to pick stocks to outperform the market. Actively managed funds come with higher fees compared to passively managed funds.

Start an SIP in Equity Funds: If you have a long investment horizon and a moderate risk tolerance, consider a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) in diversified equity mutual funds. SIPs help you invest regularly and benefit from rupee-cost averaging.

Here's an example (not a recommendation):

Invest in a Multi-Cap Fund (SIP): A Multi-Cap Fund invests across market capitalizations (large, mid, small).

Invest in a Flexi-Cap Fund (SIP): A Flexi-Cap Fund allows the fund manager more flexibility in choosing companies across market capitalizations.

Invest in a Debt Fund (SIP): A Debt Fund provides stability and regular income.


There's no guaranteed path to Rs. 1 crore. Investment markets are volatile, and returns cannot be guaranteed.

Review Regularly: Review your portfolio (at least annually) with your CFP to ensure it remains on track.

By consulting a CFP and building a diversified portfolio, you can increase your chances of achieving your Rs. 1 crore goal!

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |2611 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 18, 2024

I am 61 years retired person, majority of retirement funds invested in FDs and have MF investment in few funds. Iam getting pension required for maintenance as of now. Parakh Parikh Flexi Fund (Balance Rs.3 lakh with monthly SIP of Rs 2500/-, other than this, I have SBIMF Small Cap Rs.5 lakh, SBI Bluechip 3.50 lakh, Sundaram Midcap 2 lakh, Nipon India Largecap Rs. 2 lakh, ICICI Prudential Infrastructure Rs. 2 lakh, Bandhan Infrastructure Rs. 2 lakh. Contrubuting Rs. 50,000/- pa in NPS for tax purpose. Please guide
Ans: That's a great question, sir! You've made smart choices by investing in FDs for safety and some MFs for growth. Here's a breakdown of your portfolio and some suggestions:

Current Portfolio Mix:

Large Focus: A significant portion is in large-cap funds (SBI Bluechip, Nippon India Largecap) offering stability but potentially lower growth.

Small & Mid-Cap Exposure: You have exposure to small-cap (SBI Small Cap) and mid-cap funds (Sundaram Midcap) which can offer higher growth potential but also come with higher risk.

Infrastructure Focus: Investments in ICICI Prudential Infrastructure and Bandhan Infrastructure provide exposure to a specific sector.

Flexi-Cap Fund: Parag Parikh Flexi Cap offers diversification across market capitalizations.

Potential for Improvement:

Review Asset Allocation: Consider consulting a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) to assess your risk tolerance and adjust your asset allocation (mix of investments) if needed. They can help ensure a balance between stability (debt) and growth (equity).

Sector Concentration: Consider reducing your exposure to the infrastructure sector if a large part of your portfolio is already there. Diversification helps manage risk.

Review Fund Performance: Review the performance of your existing funds. A CFP can help analyze their performance and suggest replacements if necessary.

Benefits of a CFP:

Personalized Plan: A CFP can create a personalized investment plan considering your retirement goals, risk tolerance, and existing investments.

Ongoing Monitoring: They can monitor your portfolio and recommend adjustments as your needs evolve.

Your NPS contribution is commendable! It provides tax benefits and some retirement income.


Risk Tolerance: As a retiree, your risk tolerance might be lower. A CFP can help adjust your portfolio accordingly.

Regular Review: Review your portfolio (at least annually) with a CFP to ensure it remains aligned with your goals.

By consulting a CFP, you can potentially optimize your portfolio for stability, growth, and income needs during your retirement!

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |2611 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 18, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Apr 15, 2024Hindi
Quant value fund or quant infrastructure fund advisable to invest war time
Ans: Wartime can be a challenging time for investors. Here's a breakdown of Quant Value Fund and Quant Infrastructure Fund to help you decide which might be more suitable:

Understanding the Options:

Quant Value Fund: This fund focuses on undervalued stocks, aiming to buy them at a discount and potentially benefit when their prices rise.

Quant Infrastructure Fund: This fund invests in companies related to infrastructure development (roads, bridges, etc.). Infrastructure projects might be less affected by war compared to other sectors.

Wartime Considerations:

Market Volatility: Stock markets can be very volatile during wartime. Both Quant Value and Quant Infrastructure Funds could experience price fluctuations.

Economic Uncertainty: Wars can create economic uncertainty, impacting both stock and infrastructure sectors.

Potential Advantages of Quant Value Fund:

Long-Term Growth: Value investing focuses on long-term potential. If the war resolves and the economy recovers, undervalued stocks could see significant growth.
Potential Advantages of Quant Infrastructure Fund:

Defensive Investment: Infrastructure projects are often considered essential and might be less impacted by short-term disruptions.
Important Note:

No Guarantee of Performance: Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Both funds could experience losses during wartime.

Seek Professional Guidance: Consulting a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) is highly recommended. They can assess your risk tolerance, investment goals, and existing portfolio to suggest the most suitable option during wartime.
Additional Considerations:

Diversification: Consider diversifying your investments beyond just Quant funds. This can help mitigate risk during volatile times.

Long-Term Focus: Maintain a long-term perspective. While wartime can create short-term challenges, markets tend to recover over time.


Wartime is unpredictable. Investing during such periods comes with inherent risks.

Professional guidance is valuable. A CFP can help you navigate these uncertainties and create a sound investment strategy.

By seeking professional advice and potentially diversifying your portfolio, you can potentially make informed investment decisions during this challenging time!

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |2611 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 18, 2024

I have invested rs 5 lac in axis tax saver direct growth on 10th april.is it a good fund and can i tansfer to direct IDCW plan.
Ans: That's a great question! Investing Rs. 5 lakh in Axis Tax Saver Direct Growth on April 10th shows initiative. Here's a breakdown of your current fund and the pros and cons of Direct vs. Regular Mutual Fund investment plans:

Axis Tax Saver Direct Growth:

Reputable Fund House: Axis Mutual Fund is a well-established fund house.

Tax Benefits: ELSS (Equity Linked Savings Scheme) funds offer tax deductions under Section 80C.

Direct Plan: You've chosen a Direct Plan, which has a lower expense ratio (fee) compared to a Regular Plan. However, there are some trade-offs to consider:

Disadvantages of Direct Plans:

No Advisor Guidance: Direct plans don't involve a distributor or advisor. You'll need to do your own research and choose funds.

Limited Support: There might be limited hand-holding or investment guidance compared to a Regular Plan.

Portfolio Management: The responsibility of monitoring your portfolio and making adjustments falls on you.

Benefits of Regular Plans (through a Mutual Fund Distributor - MFD):

Personalized Advice: An MFD can assess your risk tolerance and goals, recommending suitable funds.

Ongoing Support: They can provide ongoing support, answer your questions, and help navigate market fluctuations.

Convenience: They handle paperwork, account opening, and transactions, saving you time.

MFD with CFP Qualification:

Expert Guidance: Consider an MFD with a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) qualification. They have advanced financial planning knowledge and can create a personalized investment plan for you.
Considering Transfer to IDCW Plan:

Exit Load: Check if Axis Tax Saver Direct Growth has an exit load (fee for exiting within a specific period).

Similar Investment Style? Ensure the IDCW plan has a similar investment style and tax benefits as your current fund.

Review Both Funds: Research both Axis Tax Saver Direct Growth and the IDCW plan to compare their performance and investment strategies.


Long-Term View: Focus on your long-term investment goals. Equity markets can be volatile in the short term.

Diversification Matters: Consider if this ELSS fund fits with your overall asset allocation (mix of investments).

By potentially consulting an MFD-CFP, you can gain valuable guidance and build a portfolio aligned with your goals, even if you decide to stick with your Direct Plan!

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |2611 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 18, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Apr 14, 2024Hindi
I am 32 and wants to initiate SIP amounting INR 15000-20000 per month . Can you guide me how to initiate this , it will be for long term min. next 10-15 year . My goal is to have decent savings and funds for my just born baby future
Ans: Starting SIPs for You & Your Little One: A Smart Move!
Congratulations on becoming a parent and thinking about your future! Starting a SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) of Rs. 15,000-20,000 per month is a fantastic decision for your long-term goals (10-15 years). Here's how to get started and some tips:

Choosing a Platform:

Multiple Options: You can invest in SIPs through various platforms:
Mutual Fund Distributor (MFD) with a CFP: Get personalized advice and invest through their platform.
Online Investment Platforms: Invest directly on user-friendly platforms.
Benefits of Each Platform:

MFD-CFP: They assess your risk tolerance, goals, and recommend suitable funds. They can also help choose an online platform.
Online Platforms: Convenient and offer a variety of investment options.
Initiating Your SIP:

Simple Process: Once you choose a platform and funds, setting up an SIP is straightforward.

Automated Investment: SIPs automatically deduct a fixed amount from your bank account every month, ensuring disciplined investing.

Investing for Your Child:

Separate SIP: Consider a separate SIP for your child's future goals (education, etc.). A CFP can help choose child-specific plans.

Start Early: The power of compounding can significantly grow your investments over time. 10-15 years is a great investment horizon.

Diversification is Key: Invest in a mix of equity and debt funds to balance growth potential with stability. Actively managed funds involve experienced fund managers who try to pick stocks to outperform the market. Actively managed funds come with higher fees compared to passively managed funds.

Review Regularly: Review your SIPs (at least annually) with your MFD-CFP to ensure they remain aligned with your evolving goals.

Congrats on taking charge of your finances! SIPs are a powerful tool to build wealth for you and your child's future.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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