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Anu Krishna  |1008 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jul 02, 2024

Anu Krishna is a mind coach and relationship expert.
The co-founder of Unfear Changemakers LLP, she has received her neuro linguistic programming training from National Federation of NeuroLinguistic Programming, USA, and her energy work specialisation from the Institute for Inner Studies, Manila.
She is an executive member of the Indian Association of Adolescent Health.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Jun 26, 2024Hindi

I have a daughter of 22 years old who has completed her degree in event management .but it looks she is not happy with her course. some time back my husband health was critical . She had entered into bad friends for a year where she couldn't complete her final year exam but she lied to us.when I kept on asking her .what she used to do in free time and she never worked she has told us so much lie now we are grappling with the situation in this period she started to smoke .Now even if she finds job.she will lie to us .iam really scared to send her abroad for studies.she will not attend the classes.. Whether we should get her married ,or find a job or study .As mother iam worried about her future iam at 60 and my husband health is not permitting take decision. But she smokes now also .when I tell her don't do it.you are a girl not a boy we have to get you married. Should we keep low at this time or should we advice her she is not a child anymore How do we go about this problem.please give us solutions .we love our daughter so much that her life should be settled before we die

Ans: Dear Anonymous,
As hard as it may sound, let her take a break from whatever she is doing to figure out what exactly she wants to do in life and with her life.
Clearly, she seems to be disturbed with something that is going on...it could also be that she is worried for her father and youngsters have strange ways of coping which could also include smoking. How will marriage help when she is unsettled in her mind?
Take one step at a time...focus on your husband's health and involve her slowly into home related stuff and also helping you out. She needs a shift of focus into something that is healthy and also surrounded by love which can only be home.
Sending her away only means that you are reprimanding her and she will disconnect from the family which then will make it harder for all of you.
So, in short, let her take a break from whatever she is doing. It's okay to do that!
Involve her at home and when she feels the love and support from home, she herself will be in a place to decide what to do next...it's like providing an anchor to the ship to dock itself...Give her that time...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Anu Krishna  |1008 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Feb 14, 2023

Hello,Mam Good day to you I have recently gone through your answers to various queries of several people so thought to ask you something which is pinching my heart daily. I married to a girl in April 2019 as an arranged one.I work on board merchant ships & have to stay away from home for several months(6-7) months & also being Manglik as per my horoscope details hence was finding difficult to get someone agreed for the marriage.However at the age of 32 years,I got married in 2019 without considering & giving much thought as I was frustrated with talking to so many families & denied by most of them due to above stated reasons. After marriage,I found her not been capable to take the responsibilities at home and much interested towards house chores or helping my parents at home.Many things were concealed by their parents & were just being hided.She is not able to cook food for the family,not able to read,write Hindi, English properly.My parents gave her enough support & tried to teach her & learn but even after 4 years of marriage she is unable to take her responsibilities at home.She now also shows some unexpected behaviour like laughing unnecessarily & speaking to herself most of the times while working or sitting at any public place, shop etc which makes me very embarassing. After seeing all this,I took her to the Hospital (Medical College in Lucknow) for check up where the doctors told me that she has Scheophrenia ( mental depression) for which medication will continue for a long time which has a deep rooted shock to me. She stayed twice with her parents 6-7 months in a year when I was at work on board merchant ships. Now again she is staying with her parents as we are unsure if anything goes wrong with her then her family will blame us. I want to give her divorce but don't know how to go for it ? At this age of 36 years will I get someone else or not is what coming in my mind ? Both of us are not talking neither our family members with each other. We don't have any child ,my father is handicapped senior citizen,mother also being old & makes difficult to manage at home. Can she ask for any alimony if I proceed for divorce now ? Please reply Thanks.
Ans: Dear Ravi,
Yes, it has been a very challenging time for you indeed; I can only imagine what you must be going through.
But when Empathy calls, you must realize that your wife is going through a very difficult life too. Living with Schizophrenia is hard for her and for her caregivers as well and the symptoms must be managed lifelong.
But what I don't understand is: Why did her family keep this fact away from you?
This could have been a decision point before the marriage was arranged. It is obvious that their job was to get her married at all costs; even if it meant LYING to you.
Anyway, I am not going to get into what she can and can't do as basic life skills as severe mental ailments can decapacitate the person from easy and obvious usual functions that a human being is expected to perform.

If you have decided on separation. kindly seek the advice of a good lawyer who can check every angle that is fair to you and your wife. And take care of your mental health by not focusing on what could have happened but what can now happen. Kindly proceed on these lines.
Best wishes!

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Kanchan Rai  |268 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Apr 05, 2023

Dear Madam I am a mother of 24 year daughter. She studied in a reputed school with convent background till class XII. After that she went to Bangalore to study Mass comm but came back to her home town. Here again she got admitted to a new college but due to influence of drugs she could not continue. However she is out of that now. In 2020 she fell for a guy who is two years older and started living with him separately without our consent .She was working with a tier 1 IT company then and later she was asked to leave due to attentdance. After that she joined many company but could not continue. Though the guy work sometimes but the main point is he beats her up. Many times she came out but again she goes back saying she cant leave him. She has 5 dogs. Recently also something happened and her friends from canada called me . We asked her to come back but then later she backed out. We are afraid that we might lose her. We are just clueless what to do. How to convince her as she never listened to us. She is our only daughter and me and my husband are working parents.
Ans: Dear Nibedita,

I'm sorry to hear about the situation you're facing with your daughter. It's understandable to feel helpless and unsure about what to do next.

First and foremost, it's important to remember that your daughter is an adult, and ultimately, it's her decision on what choices she makes. However, as her parents, you can still offer support and guidance to help her make the best decisions for her well-being.

It's concerning to hear that your daughter is in an abusive relationship, and it's crucial to ensure that she understands the gravity of the situation. One option is to speak with a professional, such as a therapist or counselor, who can provide insight on how to approach the topic and offer guidance on how to support her.

Additionally, it may be helpful to reach out to organizations that specialize in supporting victims of domestic abuse. They can provide resources and advice on how to deal with the situation and can even offer assistance in finding a safe place for your daughter and her pets.

It's important to maintain open communication with your daughter and let her know that you're there for her, no matter what. Try to avoid blaming or shaming her for her choices, as this can further isolate her from seeking help. Instead, express your concern and offer to assist her in finding a solution that works for her.

Ultimately, it's essential to prioritize your daughter's safety and well-being, even if it means taking difficult steps such as seeking legal action or involving authorities.

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Aashish Sood  |114 Answers  |Ask -

CAT, Management Expert - Answered on Nov 22, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Sep 22, 2023Hindi

Anu Krishna  |1008 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Nov 26, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Nov 02, 2023Hindi
My 24 yr old daughter is very anxious about her career. She wants power, money, highest post. So that she is recognised by everybody in the society. As she is from Arts background for which she is regretting. And blaming parents that they have not guided her properly. If she would have taken science stream she might be doctor or engineer by which she can earn money more. Now she is preparing for bank exam. She is doing hard work. But she has closed herself in her room, windows are shut. Not interacting with parents or guests. She is taking medicine stalopam 15 and taken help of psychologist for three sitting which is incomplete. Now she is not willing to go to psychologist because psychologist has not listened to her empathically ( her version). We parents helpless donot know what is our next step. Please can you help me in this regard. Please send reply in my email if possible.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
At 24, if she is still looking for validation from the external world to create her identity, she's again setting herself up for failure. If she still thinks that money, name and fame is what is going to earn her recognition from the society, she really needs a course that will change her mindset.
As parents, kindly call out such behavior that is messing with her mind. Talk therapy or advice from home isn't going to help anymore...she hasn't had much exposure of what the outside world is like...
Every stream of education brings with it many opportunities that can be explored!
My suggestion would be for her to be part of activities, communities and the like where she will be able to interact with different people from various backgrounds...Even volunteering opportunities can give good exposure...
Now, she may not be willing to do this as she finds comfort in what she is doing by shutting herself from the outside world...again 'CALL OUT' this behavior and that you as parents don't support her self-pity tirade. Also, as parents you can become part of any community or volunteering opportunity that 'shows' her that her parents are not just preaching to her but actually living it...
Just to reiterate, do not feel sorry for her; she will thrive on that sympathy...if you want to see a change in her, then it's time to shake things up so she knows that her parents mean business...remember, she is an adult...so, treat her as one!

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4241 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 04, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 30, 2024Hindi
I am 45 in a pvt job. I want to invest in SIP for a period of 5 yrs to get good returns by the end of 10 yrs. My risk appetite is moderate. I need to plan for my 2 children studies, their wedding and my retirement. 4 sips of Rs. 3000 is doable for me.
Ans: Investing in Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) is a smart way to build wealth over time. You are 45 years old, working in a private job, and can invest Rs. 3,000 in 4 SIPs for 5 years. Your risk appetite is moderate, and you need to plan for your children's studies, their weddings, and your retirement. Let's break down how you can achieve these goals with a well-planned investment strategy.

Understanding Your Financial Goals
Children’s Education and Weddings

Education expenses are significant and can increase over time. Weddings are also major financial commitments. You need investments that grow steadily.

Retirement Planning

Retirement planning requires a balance of growth and stability. You need to ensure you have enough funds to sustain your lifestyle.

The Benefits of SIPs
Disciplined Investing

SIPs encourage regular investing. This discipline is crucial for long-term wealth creation.

Rupee Cost Averaging

SIPs help in averaging the purchase cost of mutual funds over time. This reduces the impact of market volatility.

Compounding Power

Investing regularly and staying invested helps in compounding returns. The longer you stay invested, the more your money grows.

Allocating Your Investments
Let's explore how to allocate Rs. 3,000 in each of the 4 SIPs. Given your moderate risk appetite, we'll focus on a mix of equity and hybrid funds.

Equity Mutual Funds
Large-Cap Funds

Large-cap funds invest in well-established companies with a proven track record. They offer stability and reasonable returns.

Mid-Cap Funds

Mid-cap funds invest in medium-sized companies. They offer a balance of growth potential and risk.

Advantages of Equity Funds

Growth Potential: Equity funds have the potential for high returns.
Inflation Protection: They help in beating inflation over the long term.
Liquidity: Easy to redeem when needed.
Risks of Equity Funds

Market Volatility: Returns can fluctuate based on market conditions.
Investment Horizon: Requires a longer investment horizon for significant returns.
Hybrid Mutual Funds
Balanced Advantage Funds

These funds invest in a mix of equity and debt. They offer stability with the potential for growth.

Multi-Asset Allocation Funds

These funds invest in multiple asset classes like equity, debt, and gold. They provide diversification and balanced risk.

Advantages of Hybrid Funds

Diversification: Invest in a mix of asset classes.
Moderate Risk: Balance between growth and stability.
Flexibility: Fund managers can adjust the asset allocation based on market conditions.
Risks of Hybrid Funds

Lower Returns: Compared to pure equity funds, returns may be lower.
Management Risk: Fund managers' decisions impact performance.
Suggested SIP Allocation
Given your investment horizon and moderate risk appetite, here’s a suggested allocation:

SIP 1: Large-Cap Fund

Invest Rs. 3,000 in a large-cap fund. These funds offer stability and consistent returns, making them ideal for long-term goals like retirement.

SIP 2: Mid-Cap Fund

Invest Rs. 3,000 in a mid-cap fund. These funds provide a good balance of growth potential and risk, suitable for children's education and wedding expenses.

SIP 3: Balanced Advantage Fund

Invest Rs. 3,000 in a balanced advantage fund. These funds offer a mix of equity and debt, providing moderate risk and stable returns.

SIP 4: Multi-Asset Allocation Fund

Invest Rs. 3,000 in a multi-asset allocation fund. These funds provide diversification across multiple asset classes, balancing risk and returns.

Monitoring and Adjusting Your Portfolio
Regular Reviews

Review your portfolio every six months. Assess the performance of each fund and make adjustments if needed.

Annual Rebalancing

Rebalance your portfolio annually. Ensure your investments align with your financial goals and risk tolerance.

Staying Informed

Stay updated with market trends and economic conditions. This helps in making informed decisions about your investments.

The Power of Compounding
Long-Term Growth

Investing regularly through SIPs harnesses the power of compounding. Your investments grow over time, providing substantial returns.


If you invest Rs. 3,000 in each SIP for 5 years, your total investment is Rs. 7,20,000. With compounding, this amount can grow significantly over the next 10 years.

Disadvantages of Direct Funds
Lack of Guidance

Investing directly without a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) means you miss out on professional advice. This can lead to poor investment choices.


Managing direct investments requires time and effort to research and monitor.

Emotional Decisions

Without professional guidance, you might make impulsive decisions during market volatility.

Benefits of Investing through MFD with CFP
Personalized Advice

A Certified Financial Planner (CFP) offers personalized advice tailored to your financial goals.

Professional Management

CFPs provide ongoing management and review of your portfolio.

Peace of Mind

Having a professional manage your investments reduces stress and ensures you stay on track.

Tax Planning
Tax Benefits of SIPs

Investing in Equity Linked Savings Schemes (ELSS) offers tax benefits under Section 80C. Consider allocating a part of your investment to ELSS for tax savings.

Tax on Capital Gains

Be aware of the tax implications on capital gains. Long-term capital gains (LTCG) tax applies after holding the investment for over a year.

Insurance and Emergency Fund
Life Insurance

Ensure you have adequate life insurance coverage. This provides financial security to your family in case of unforeseen events.

Health Insurance

Invest in a comprehensive health insurance policy. This covers medical expenses and safeguards your savings.

Emergency Fund

Maintain an emergency fund equal to 6-12 months of your expenses. This provides a financial cushion during unexpected situations.

Final Insights
Starting your SIP investment journey with a clear plan and diversified approach is commendable. By allocating Rs. 3,000 in each of the 4 SIPs across large-cap, mid-cap, balanced advantage, and multi-asset allocation funds, you balance growth potential with stability.

Regular monitoring, rebalancing, and staying informed ensures you stay on track to achieve your long-term financial goals. Investing through a Certified Financial Planner provides personalized advice and professional management, enhancing your investment experience.

Your disciplined approach and strategic planning will lead to a secure financial future. Stay committed, stay informed, and keep your long-term goals in sight.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4241 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 04, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 30, 2024Hindi
Hello sir I have invested in Icici prudemtial mutual funds Canara bank mutual fund Quant direct fund Above three are good for long term?
Ans: It's great to see your proactive approach to investing. You've chosen ICICI Prudential Mutual Funds, Canara Bank Mutual Funds, and Quant Direct Funds. Let's explore if these are good for the long term and how you can secure your financial future.

Your Current Investments
You've invested in:

ICICI Prudential Mutual Funds
Canara Bank Mutual Funds
Quant Direct Funds
Each has its strengths. Let’s dive deeper into how these funds can help you achieve long-term financial goals.

Understanding Your Investment Choices
ICICI Prudential Mutual Funds

ICICI Prudential Mutual Funds is one of India's leading fund houses. They offer various funds catering to different risk appetites and investment horizons. Here are some key benefits:

Expert Management

Experienced fund managers make informed investment decisions.

Diverse Options

They offer equity, debt, and hybrid funds, catering to various investor needs.

Strong Track Record

Many funds have delivered consistent performance over the years.

Canara Bank Mutual Funds

Canara Bank Mutual Funds is a reputed name in the mutual fund industry. Their funds are known for:

Stable Returns

Focus on generating stable returns with a moderate risk profile.

Balanced Approach

Offers balanced funds that invest in both equity and debt instruments.

Trusted Brand

Backed by Canara Bank, ensuring reliability and trust.

Quant Direct Funds

Quant Direct Funds is a newer player but has gained attention for its performance and innovative approach. Key highlights include:

High Performance

Some funds have shown strong performance in short periods.

Innovative Strategies

Uses unique strategies to capture market opportunities.

Focused Approach

Often have a concentrated portfolio, focusing on high-growth potential stocks.

Advantages and Risks
Equity Funds

Equity funds invest in stocks. They have high growth potential but come with higher risk. Suitable for long-term goals.

Debt Funds

Debt funds invest in fixed-income securities like bonds. They offer stable returns with lower risk. Good for conservative investors.

Hybrid Funds

Hybrid funds mix equity and debt, balancing risk and return. Ideal for moderate-risk investors seeking balanced growth.

Importance of Diversification
Why Diversify?

Diversification reduces risk. Investing in various asset classes ensures your portfolio is not overly dependent on one type of investment.

Risk Management

Different assets react differently to market conditions, balancing your portfolio.

Consistent Returns

A diversified portfolio can provide more stable returns over time.


Diversification captures growth opportunities in various sectors and markets.

Evaluating Index Funds and Direct Funds
Index Funds: Disadvantages

Limited Outperformance

Index funds aim to match, not beat, market performance. This limits potential gains.

Market Volatility

They mirror market movements. In downturns, they can suffer significant losses.

Lack of Flexibility

Index funds don’t adjust portfolios based on market conditions.

Benefits of Actively Managed Funds

Actively managed funds strive to outperform the market. They offer:

Professional Management

Fund managers make strategic decisions to optimize returns.


Can adapt to market changes, potentially enhancing returns.

Higher Potential

Aim to beat benchmark indices, providing higher returns.

Direct Funds: Disadvantages

No Advisor Support

Direct funds don’t involve intermediaries. You miss out on expert guidance.

Complex Decisions

Requires more research and understanding to select the right funds.

Limited Assistance

No professional to help with portfolio rebalancing or goal setting.

Benefits of Regular Funds

Expert Guidance

Investing through an MFD with a CFP ensures professional advice.


Simplifies the investment process, saving you time and effort.

Ongoing Support

Continuous support for portfolio management and goal tracking.

Power of Compounding
Starting early maximizes compounding benefits. Reinvesting returns accelerates growth, helping your investments multiply over time.

Creating a Balanced Portfolio
Asset Allocation Strategy

Equity Allocation

Continue investing in equity funds for growth. Diversify across large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap funds.

Debt Allocation

Add debt funds for stability. They reduce overall portfolio risk.

Hybrid Funds

Consider hybrid funds for a balanced risk-return profile.

Regular Review and Rebalancing
Monitoring Investments

Regularly review your portfolio. Market conditions and personal goals change, so adjust your investments accordingly.

Rebalancing Portfolio

Rebalance your portfolio periodically. This ensures your asset allocation aligns with your risk tolerance and goals.

Risk Management
Emergency Fund

Maintain an emergency fund covering 6-12 months of expenses. This protects you from financial setbacks.


Ensure adequate health and life insurance. This safeguards your financial security.

Tax Planning
Tax-Efficient Investments

Invest in tax-saving instruments to reduce your tax liability and maximize returns.

Strategic Withdrawals

Plan withdrawals to minimize tax impact. Use tax-advantaged accounts strategically.

Setting Long-Term Goals
Retirement Planning

Aim to build a substantial retirement corpus. Estimate your future expenses and plan accordingly.

Children’s Education

If you plan to have children, start saving for their education early. This can be part of your long-term financial goals.

Estate Planning
Will and Nomination

Prepare a will and ensure nominations are updated. This ensures smooth transfer of assets.


Consider setting up trusts if needed. They provide greater control over asset distribution.

Seeking Professional Guidance
Certified Financial Planner (CFP)

Consider working with a CFP. They offer expert advice and help optimize your investment strategy.

Better Fund Selection

CFPs have access to research and insights. They can recommend funds that suit your goals and risk profile.

Final Insights
Your current investments in ICICI Prudential, Canara Bank, and Quant Direct Funds are a solid foundation. However, diversify your portfolio further to enhance returns and reduce risk. Focus on a balanced asset allocation strategy, regular reviews, and rebalancing.

Investing through a Certified Financial Planner ensures expert guidance tailored to your goals. The power of compounding, combined with disciplined investments and strategic planning, will secure your financial future. Start early, stay disciplined, and make informed decisions.

Your future self will thank you for the efforts you put in today.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4241 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 04, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 30, 2024Hindi
Hi sir, I'm 29 years old and I'm working professional and my salary is 27000 PM. Currently I'm doing 5000 pm SIP with step up in Nifty 50 and Nasdaq index from last 1 year. I'm up for long term. So please guide me how should i invest so i can secure my future and manage other expenses and making some retirement fund and make a good corpus . Should i diversify my investment?? And where to invest?? Or i need to switch to another mutual funds or add some too??
Ans: At 29, you've made a great start on your financial journey. Your monthly salary is Rs. 27,000, and you’re investing Rs. 5,000 per month in SIPs focused on Nifty 50 and Nasdaq index funds. You're planning for the long term, which is fantastic. Let’s explore how you can diversify your investments, secure your future, and build a solid retirement corpus.

Current Investments and Goals
Income and Investments

Monthly Salary: Rs. 27,000
SIP Investments: Rs. 5,000 per month in Nifty 50 and Nasdaq index funds
Your goal is to secure your future, manage expenses, and create a retirement fund. Diversifying your investments can help achieve these goals.

Evaluating Your Current Investments
Index Funds: Nifty 50 and Nasdaq

Index funds like Nifty 50 and Nasdaq are good for low-cost, broad-market exposure. However, they have limitations:

Passive Management

Index funds track the market. They don’t attempt to outperform it, which limits potential returns.

Market Volatility

Index funds are subject to market volatility. During downturns, they can suffer significant losses.

Benefits of Actively Managed Funds
Why Consider Actively Managed Funds?

Professional Management

Actively managed funds are overseen by expert fund managers. They strive to outperform the market by selecting high-potential securities.

Strategic Allocation

Fund managers adjust portfolios based on market conditions. This can provide better returns than passive index funds.


Actively managed funds often invest in a mix of securities. This diversification reduces risk compared to focusing solely on index funds.

Diversifying Your Investment Portfolio
Types of Mutual Funds

Equity Funds

Equity funds invest in stocks. They offer high growth potential but come with higher risk. Diversify across large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap funds.

Debt Funds

Debt funds invest in bonds and fixed-income securities. They provide stable returns with lower risk, ideal for balancing equity investments.

Hybrid Funds

Hybrid funds invest in both equity and debt. They balance risk and return, making them suitable for moderate-risk investors.

Advantages of Mutual Funds
Professional Management

Mutual funds are managed by experts who make informed investment decisions.


Mutual funds invest in a diversified portfolio, reducing risk.


Mutual funds can be easily bought and sold, providing liquidity.

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)

SIPs allow regular investments, benefiting from rupee cost averaging and compounding.

Power of Compounding
Starting Early

The earlier you start investing, the more you benefit from compounding. Your investments grow exponentially over time.

Reinvesting Returns

Reinvesting returns accelerates growth. This helps your investments compound faster.

Asset Allocation Strategy
Creating a Balanced Portfolio

Equity Allocation

Continue investing in equity funds, but diversify. Include large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap funds.

Debt Allocation

Add debt funds to your portfolio. They provide stability and lower risk.

Hybrid Funds

Consider hybrid funds for a balanced risk-return profile.

Regular Review and Rebalancing
Monitoring Investments

Regularly review your portfolio. Market conditions and personal goals change, so adjust your investments accordingly.

Rebalancing Portfolio

Rebalance your portfolio periodically. This ensures your asset allocation aligns with your risk tolerance and goals.

Risk Management
Emergency Fund

Maintain an emergency fund covering 6-12 months of expenses. This protects you from financial setbacks.


Ensure adequate health and life insurance. This safeguards your financial security.

Tax Planning
Tax-Efficient Investments

Invest in tax-saving instruments to reduce your tax liability and maximize returns.

Strategic Withdrawals

Plan withdrawals to minimize tax impact. Use tax-advantaged accounts strategically.

Setting Long-Term Goals
Retirement Planning

Aim to build a substantial retirement corpus. Estimate your future expenses and plan accordingly.

Children’s Education

If you plan to have children, start saving for their education early. This can be part of your long-term financial goals.

Estate Planning
Will and Nomination

Prepare a will and ensure nominations are updated. This ensures smooth transfer of assets.


Consider setting up trusts if needed. They provide greater control over asset distribution.

Seeking Professional Guidance
Certified Financial Planner (CFP)

Consider working with a CFP. They offer expert advice and help optimize your investment strategy.

Better Fund Selection

CFPs have access to research and insights. They can recommend funds that suit your goals and risk profile.

Final Insights
Your current investments in Nifty 50 and Nasdaq index funds are a good start. However, diversifying your portfolio and including actively managed funds can enhance returns and reduce risk. Focus on a balanced asset allocation strategy, regular reviews, and rebalancing.

Investing through a Certified Financial Planner ensures expert guidance tailored to your goals. The power of compounding, combined with disciplined investments and strategic planning, will secure your financial future. Start early, stay disciplined, and make informed decisions.

Your future self will thank you for the efforts you put in today.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4241 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 04, 2024

Hello Sir, I am planning to start investment in mutual funds. I am looking for atleast 10-15 yrs of time span. I can invest 60K / month and want to divide them in three categories equally. 1. 20K high risk mutual fund with probability of high return. 2. 20K with moderate risk and return. 3. 20K with blue chips companies. Please suggest which all mutual fund I should buy. I will prefer direct funds if there is any option. Thanks
Ans: Starting an investment in mutual funds with a clear time span of 10-15 years is a wise decision. This allows your investments to grow and compound over time. Let’s break down how you can allocate your Rs 60,000 per month effectively across high-risk, moderate-risk, and blue-chip mutual funds.

Understanding Your Investment Goals
You aim to invest Rs 60,000 monthly, divided equally into three categories: high-risk for high returns, moderate risk and return, and blue-chip companies. Let’s explore each category and the best approach to achieve your financial goals.

The Power of Mutual Funds
Mutual funds provide an excellent way to grow your wealth. They offer diversification, professional management, and flexibility. Let’s dive into the specifics of each category.

High-Risk Mutual Funds
High-risk mutual funds offer the potential for high returns. These funds are suitable for investors with a high risk tolerance. Here are some options:

Small-Cap Funds
Small-cap funds invest in smaller companies with high growth potential. These funds can deliver significant returns but come with higher volatility.

Sectoral/Thematic Funds
These funds focus on specific sectors or themes, like technology or healthcare. They can offer high returns if the sector performs well.

International Funds
International funds invest in global markets. They provide exposure to international companies and can deliver high returns, though they come with currency risk.

Moderate-Risk Mutual Funds
Moderate-risk funds balance growth and stability. They are suitable for investors looking for reasonable returns with moderate risk. Here are some options:

Mid-Cap Funds
Mid-cap funds invest in medium-sized companies. They offer a balance of growth potential and risk.

Balanced/Hybrid Funds
These funds invest in both equity and debt. They provide stability with the potential for growth, making them ideal for moderate risk investors.

Multi-Cap Funds
Multi-cap funds invest across companies of various sizes. They offer diversification and balanced risk.

Blue-Chip Mutual Funds
Blue-chip funds invest in well-established, financially stable companies. These funds offer stability and steady growth. Here are some options:

Large-Cap Funds
Large-cap funds invest in large, well-known companies. They provide stability and consistent returns.

Index Funds (with a twist)
While index funds are passive, some actively managed large-cap funds can offer better returns with slightly higher risk. They track major indices but aim for a bit of outperformance.

Dividend Yield Funds
These funds focus on companies that pay regular dividends. They offer steady income along with capital appreciation.

Advantages of Mutual Funds
Mutual funds invest in a variety of assets, reducing risk.

Professional Management
Experienced fund managers make informed decisions on your behalf.

You can redeem your investments at any time.

Disadvantages of Direct Funds
Lack of Guidance
Investing directly without a financial advisor means you miss out on professional advice. This can lead to poor investment choices.

Managing direct investments requires time and effort to research and monitor.

Emotional Decisions
Without professional guidance, you might make impulsive decisions during market volatility.

Benefits of Investing through MFD with CFP
Personalized Advice
A Certified Financial Planner (CFP) offers personalized advice tailored to your financial goals.

Professional Management
CFPs provide ongoing management and review of your portfolio.

Peace of Mind
Having a professional manage your investments reduces stress and ensures you stay on track.

Implementing Your Investment Strategy
Step-by-Step Guide
Allocate Rs 20,000 to High-Risk Funds:

Choose small-cap funds, sectoral/thematic funds, and international funds.
These funds offer high growth potential but come with higher volatility.
Allocate Rs 20,000 to Moderate-Risk Funds:

Invest in mid-cap funds, balanced/hybrid funds, and multi-cap funds.
These funds offer a balance of growth and stability.
Allocate Rs 20,000 to Blue-Chip Funds:

Select large-cap funds, actively managed large-cap funds, and dividend yield funds.
These funds provide stability and steady growth.
Monitoring and Adjusting Your Portfolio
Regular Reviews
Review your portfolio every six months. Assess fund performance and make adjustments as needed.

Annual Rebalancing
Rebalance your portfolio annually. Ensure your asset allocation aligns with your risk tolerance and financial goals.

Staying Informed
Stay updated with market trends and economic conditions. This helps in making informed decisions about your investments.

Final Insights
Starting your investment journey with a clear plan and diversified approach is commendable. By allocating Rs 60,000 per month across high-risk, moderate-risk, and blue-chip mutual funds, you balance growth potential with stability.

Regular monitoring, rebalancing, and staying informed ensures you stay on track to achieve your long-term financial goals. Investing through a Certified Financial Planner provides personalized advice and professional management, enhancing your investment experience.

Your disciplined approach and strategic planning will lead to a secure financial future. Stay committed, stay informed, and keep your long-term goals in sight.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4241 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 04, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 30, 2024Hindi
Dear Sir, I am 40 years old and work in a private organization. I plan to work for the next 15 years and wish to retire at 55. I have the following savings and investments: equity - 1 lakh, mutual funds in SIP equity - 5,000 per month (total now 2 lakhs). I have a home loan of 20 lakhs with an EMI of 20,000. My monthly expenses are 10,000, and my earnings are 60,000 per month. How can I balance my future and save for retirement? Thank you in advance.
Ans: At 40 years old, you have a solid 15 years to plan for your retirement. You earn Rs. 60,000 per month, with monthly expenses of Rs. 10,000 and a home loan EMI of Rs. 20,000. You currently have Rs. 1 lakh in equity and Rs. 2 lakhs in SIP mutual funds, investing Rs. 5,000 monthly. Let's strategize to balance your present needs and future goals.

Analyzing Your Financial Standing
Monthly Income and Expenses

Earnings: Rs. 60,000
Home Loan EMI: Rs. 20,000
Monthly Expenses: Rs. 10,000
SIP in Equity Mutual Funds: Rs. 5,000
Surplus: Rs. 25,000
Current Investments

Equity: Rs. 1 lakh
Mutual Funds SIP: Rs. 2 lakhs (Rs. 5,000 per month)
Home Loan: Rs. 20 lakhs outstanding
You have a good start with investments, but let's optimize your portfolio for growth and security.

Setting Retirement Goals
Your primary goal is to retire at 55 with sufficient funds to maintain your lifestyle. Assuming you need Rs. 50,000 per month post-retirement, you need a substantial corpus. To achieve this, let's plan strategically.

Building a Diversified Investment Portfolio
Increasing SIP Contributions

Increasing your SIP contributions can significantly boost your retirement corpus. Start by gradually increasing your SIP by Rs. 2,000 every year. This helps in capitalizing on the power of compounding.

Types of Mutual Funds

Equity Funds

Equity funds invest in stocks and have high growth potential. They are suitable for long-term goals but come with higher risk. Diversify across large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap funds.

Debt Funds

Debt funds invest in fixed income securities like bonds. They are less risky and provide stable returns. Suitable for short to medium-term investments, they balance the volatility of equity funds.

Hybrid Funds

Hybrid funds invest in both equity and debt. They offer balanced risk and return, ideal for moderate-risk investors. They can be a good part of your retirement portfolio.

Advantages of Mutual Funds
Professional Management

Mutual funds are managed by expert fund managers. They select securities and manage portfolios based on market conditions.


Mutual funds offer diversification, reducing the risk compared to investing in individual stocks.


Mutual funds are liquid and can be redeemed anytime, providing flexibility.

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)

SIP allows regular investments, instilling discipline and benefiting from rupee cost averaging.

Power of Compounding
Starting Early

The earlier you start investing, the more you benefit from compounding. Your investments grow exponentially over time.

Reinvesting Returns

Reinvesting returns accelerates growth, helping your investments compound faster.

Balancing Risk and Return
Asset Allocation

Allocate your investments across equity, debt, and hybrid funds to balance risk and return.

Regular Review

Review your portfolio regularly and adjust investments based on market conditions and goals.

Managing Debt
Home Loan Repayment

Focus on repaying your home loan early. This reduces interest burden and frees up money for investments. Consider using part of your surplus (Rs. 25,000) for prepayment.

Disadvantages of Index Funds
Lack of Active Management

Index funds lack active management, missing opportunities for better returns.

Market Performance

Index funds only match market performance, not exceeding it.

Benefits of Actively Managed Funds

Actively managed funds leverage fund managers' expertise for better returns.


Fund managers can capitalize on market opportunities, outperforming benchmarks.

Disadvantages of Direct Funds
Lack of Guidance

Direct funds require self-management, which can be challenging without expertise.

Regular Monitoring

Direct funds need regular monitoring and timely decisions.

Benefits of Regular Funds Through CFP
Professional Advice

A Certified Financial Planner (CFP) offers expert advice and helps optimize your portfolio.

Better Fund Selection

CFPs recommend funds that suit your goals and risk profile.

Planning for Future Needs
Emergency Fund

Maintain an emergency fund covering 6-12 months of expenses for unforeseen situations.


Ensure adequate health and life insurance to protect your family's financial security.

Long-Term Financial Goals
Children’s Education

Plan for your children’s education expenses. Start a dedicated investment fund for this purpose.

Retirement Corpus

Aim to build a corpus of Rs. 3-4 crores to ensure a comfortable retirement. This includes regular investments and maximizing returns.

Estate Planning
Will and Nomination

Prepare a will and ensure nominations are updated to ensure smooth transfer of assets.


Consider setting up trusts if needed for greater control over asset distribution.

Tax Planning
Tax-Efficient Investments

Invest in tax-efficient instruments to reduce tax liability and maximize returns.

Strategic Withdrawals

Plan withdrawals to minimize tax impact. Withdraw from tax-advantaged accounts strategically.

Final Insights
Balancing your current financial needs with future goals requires a disciplined approach and strategic planning. You have a strong foundation with your earnings and current investments. By optimizing your investment portfolio, increasing SIP contributions, and managing debt effectively, you can achieve your retirement goals.

Investing through a Certified Financial Planner ensures you get expert advice tailored to your goals. The power of compounding, combined with regular reviews and adjustments, will secure your financial future.

Start early, stay disciplined, and make informed decisions. Your future self will thank you for the efforts you put in today.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4241 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 04, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 30, 2024Hindi
I am 36 year old my salary is 75000, wife is house wife, have one son 6 year old, i can invest 30000 per month now, how i should invest so i can manage my kid studies and other expenses with making some retirement fund also. In future as my salary will increase i can increase investment.
Ans: It’s wonderful that you’re considering your family’s future and making a plan for your child’s education and your retirement. Let’s break down a comprehensive strategy for you.

Understanding Your Financial Goals
You have a clear goal to manage your child’s education and build a retirement fund. Investing Rs 30,000 per month is a great start. Let’s structure a plan that balances both objectives.

Investment Strategy Overview
You’re 36 years old, earning Rs 75,000 per month, and planning to invest Rs 30,000 monthly. Here’s how you can allocate your investments effectively.

Diversification: The Key to Balanced Growth
Diversification helps in spreading risk across various assets. By diversifying your investments, you can achieve growth and stability. Here's how you can do it:

Equity Mutual Funds
Equity mutual funds are ideal for long-term growth. They invest in stocks, which can offer high returns. Here are some options:

Large-Cap Funds: These invest in well-established companies. They offer stable growth with lower risk.
Mid-Cap Funds: These invest in medium-sized companies. They have higher growth potential but come with moderate risk.
Small-Cap Funds: These invest in small companies. They offer high growth but are riskier.
Multi-Cap Funds: These invest in companies of all sizes. They provide diversification within equities.
Debt Mutual Funds
Debt mutual funds invest in fixed-income securities like bonds. They offer stable returns with lower risk. Here are some options:

Short-Term Debt Funds: Suitable for stability and liquidity.
Medium-Term Debt Funds: Offer better returns with moderate risk.
Long-Term Debt Funds: Suitable for long-term goals, providing higher returns with interest rate risk.
Balanced Funds
Balanced funds, also known as hybrid funds, invest in both equities and debt. They offer a balanced approach, providing growth and stability.

Allocating Your Monthly Investment
Here’s a suggested allocation for your Rs 30,000 monthly investment:

Equity Funds: Rs 18,000 (60%)
Debt Funds: Rs 9,000 (30%)
Balanced Funds: Rs 3,000 (10%)
This allocation balances growth potential with risk management.

Investing for Your Child’s Education
Your child’s education is a major goal. Planning ahead ensures you can meet future expenses. Here’s how you can do it:

Child Education Fund
Start a dedicated child education fund. Invest in equity mutual funds for long-term growth. Consider the following:

Equity Funds: Allocate a significant portion to large-cap and multi-cap funds. These offer stable growth over the long term.
SIP (Systematic Investment Plan): Invest a fixed amount regularly. SIPs help in averaging the cost and benefit from market fluctuations.
Regular Monitoring
Review the fund performance regularly. Adjust the investment strategy as needed to ensure it stays on track.

Building a Retirement Corpus
Planning for retirement early ensures you build a substantial corpus. Here’s how you can do it:

Retirement Fund
Start a dedicated retirement fund. Diversify across equity, debt, and balanced funds. Consider the following:

Equity Funds: Allocate to large-cap and multi-cap funds for growth.
Debt Funds: Allocate to short-term and medium-term debt funds for stability.
Balanced Funds: Allocate a small portion to balanced funds for a mix of growth and stability.
Power of Compounding
The power of compounding is a key factor in building your retirement corpus. The longer you stay invested, the more your money grows.

Managing Risk
Investing involves risk. Here’s how to manage it effectively:

Diversifying across various asset classes and fund types reduces risk. This ensures poor performance in one area is offset by better performance in another.

Regular Reviews
Regularly review your investments. Adjust your strategy based on market conditions and personal goals.

Emergency Fund
Maintain an emergency fund. This ensures you don’t need to liquidate your investments during emergencies.

Increasing Investments with Salary Hikes
As your salary increases, you can increase your investments. Here’s how to plan for it:

Incremental Investments
Increase your monthly investments proportionally with your salary hikes. This boosts your investment corpus significantly over time.

Rebalance your portfolio regularly. Ensure your asset allocation aligns with your risk tolerance and financial goals.

Monitoring and Adjusting Your Strategy
Regular Monitoring
Monitor your investments every six months. Check fund performance and adjust your investments as needed.

Annual Review
Conduct a comprehensive review annually. Rebalance your portfolio to align with your changing financial goals and market conditions.

Final Insights
Your commitment to investing Rs 30,000 per month for your child’s education and retirement is commendable. By diversifying your investments across equity, debt, and balanced funds, you balance growth and stability.

Regular monitoring, rebalancing, and increasing investments with salary hikes ensure you stay on track to achieve your goals. Investing through a Certified Financial Planner ensures you get personalized advice tailored to your needs.

Your disciplined approach and strategic planning will lead you to a secure financial future for your family. Stay committed, stay informed, and keep your long-term goals in sight.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4241 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 04, 2024

I am 28years old (single)earning 1.5lakh approx in hand (have my own small business) ... have a fixed deposit of 20lakhs...and i got no other loans or emi....only have to bear two medical insurance that costs me aprrox 1lakh annualy one for my parents and one for myself..and a mutual fund policy that is around 2lakh for 7years this the 2nd year running...how should i plan my retirement by 50years....what corpus amount should be required...though i dream of getting retired by 40years..please guide
Ans: You’ve made a great start with your finances at the age of 28. Let’s look at your current financial status.

You earn Rs. 1.5 lakhs per month from your business.

You have Rs. 20 lakhs in fixed deposits.

You also have medical insurance costing Rs. 1 lakh annually.

Additionally, you have a mutual fund policy worth Rs. 2 lakhs, which is currently in its second year out of seven.

You aim to retire by 50, but you dream of retiring by 40. Let’s explore how you can achieve these goals.

Setting Retirement Goals
To plan your retirement, it’s crucial to set clear goals. You need to determine how much money you will need each month post-retirement.

This includes living expenses, medical costs, and lifestyle choices. Once you have a clear picture, you can plan accordingly.

Estimating the Required Retirement Corpus
Assuming you need Rs. 1 lakh per month post-retirement, you will require a substantial corpus.

A rule of thumb is to have 25 times your annual expenses.

So, if you need Rs. 12 lakhs per year, you will need around Rs. 3 crores.

This ensures you can withdraw 4% annually without depleting your corpus.

Diversifying Your Investments
Fixed Deposits (FD)

Fixed deposits are safe but offer lower returns. It’s good for capital preservation but not ideal for wealth creation.

You should diversify beyond fixed deposits to achieve higher returns.

Mutual Funds

Mutual funds offer the potential for higher returns. They come in various categories like equity, debt, and hybrid funds.

Investing in mutual funds can help you build a significant corpus over time.

Types of Mutual Funds
Equity Funds

Equity funds invest in stocks and have the potential for high returns. They are suitable for long-term investments.

However, they come with higher risk due to market volatility.

Debt Funds

Debt funds invest in fixed income securities like bonds. They are less risky than equity funds and provide stable returns.

They are suitable for short to medium-term investments.

Hybrid Funds

Hybrid funds invest in both equity and debt. They balance risk and return.

They are ideal for investors seeking moderate risk and returns.

Advantages of Mutual Funds
Professional Management

Mutual funds are managed by professional fund managers. They have expertise in selecting securities and managing portfolios.


Mutual funds invest in a diversified portfolio of securities. This reduces risk compared to investing in individual stocks.


Mutual funds are highly liquid. You can redeem your units anytime, providing flexibility.

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)

SIP allows you to invest a fixed amount regularly. It inculcates discipline and benefits from rupee cost averaging.

Power of Compounding
Early Investments

The earlier you start investing, the more you benefit from compounding. Compounding grows your money exponentially over time.

Reinvesting Returns

Reinvesting returns accelerates growth. It helps your investments grow faster.

Disadvantages of Direct Funds
Lack of Guidance

Direct funds require you to manage investments yourself. This can be challenging without expertise.

Regular Monitoring

Direct funds need regular monitoring. You need to stay updated with market trends and make timely decisions.

Benefits of Regular Funds Through CFP
Expert Advice

A Certified Financial Planner (CFP) provides expert advice. They help you select the right funds and manage your portfolio.

Better Fund Selection

CFPs have access to research and insights. They can recommend funds that suit your goals and risk profile.

Creating a Balanced Portfolio
Asset Allocation

Allocate your investments across equity, debt, and hybrid funds. This balances risk and return.

Regular Review

Review your portfolio regularly. Adjust your investments based on market conditions and goals.

Planning for Early Retirement
Aggressive Saving and Investing

To retire early, save and invest aggressively. Increase your savings rate and invest in high-growth assets.

Reduce Unnecessary Expenses

Cut down on unnecessary expenses. This frees up more money for investments.

Risk Management
Insurance Coverage

Ensure you have adequate insurance coverage. This protects your savings from unforeseen expenses.

Emergency Fund

Maintain an emergency fund. It should cover 6-12 months of expenses.

Estate Planning
Will and Nomination

Prepare a will and ensure nominations are updated. This ensures smooth transfer of assets.


Consider setting up trusts if needed. They provide greater control over asset distribution.

Tax Planning
Tax-Efficient Investments

Invest in tax-efficient instruments. This reduces your tax liability and maximises returns.

Strategic Withdrawals

Plan withdrawals to minimise tax impact. Withdraw from tax-advantaged accounts strategically.

Final Insights
Planning for retirement requires a disciplined approach and strategic planning. Your current financial status is a strong foundation.

Diversifying your investments, especially into mutual funds, can help you achieve your retirement goals.

Investing through a Certified Financial Planner provides guidance and helps optimise your portfolio.

The power of compounding, combined with regular reviews, ensures your financial security.

Start early, stay disciplined, and make informed decisions. Your future self will thank you for the efforts you put in today.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4241 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 04, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 29, 2024Hindi
I wanted to invest about 25 Lakh in Mutual Funds and wanted to have around 20k as Systematic Withdrawal Plans for the years. Please suggest how and where to invest.
Ans: You’ve made an excellent decision to invest Rs 25 lakh in mutual funds and use a Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP) for Rs 20,000 per month. This strategy can provide regular income while allowing your investment to grow. Let's explore how you can achieve this.

Understanding Your Investment Goals
Investing Rs 25 lakh in mutual funds with an SWP of Rs 20,000 per month is a sound strategy. It provides regular income while allowing your investments to grow over time. Here’s how you can do it effectively.

The Power of Mutual Funds
Mutual funds offer several advantages, including diversification, professional management, and liquidity. They cater to different risk appetites and financial goals. Here’s a deeper look:

Mutual funds invest in a diversified portfolio of securities. This reduces risk because poor performance of one security is offset by better performance of others.

Professional Management
Mutual funds are managed by experienced fund managers. They make informed decisions based on extensive research and market analysis.

Mutual funds are highly liquid. You can redeem your investments anytime, making them a flexible option for regular withdrawals.

Types of Mutual Funds
Equity Funds
Equity funds invest in stocks. They offer high growth potential but come with higher risk. Suitable for long-term goals.

Debt Funds
Debt funds invest in fixed-income securities. They provide stable returns with lower risk. Suitable for conservative investors.

Balanced Funds
Balanced funds invest in both equities and debt. They offer a balance of risk and return, ideal for moderate risk-takers.

Your Investment Strategy
Asset Allocation
A balanced asset allocation is crucial. Considering your need for regular income and growth, a mix of equity and debt funds is ideal.

Equity Funds: 60% of your portfolio
Debt Funds: 40% of your portfolio
Selecting the Right Funds
Equity Funds
Choose equity funds with a proven track record and consistent performance. Large-cap and multi-cap funds are good options for stability and growth.

Debt Funds
Select debt funds with low credit risk and good returns. Consider short-term and medium-term debt funds for stability and regular income.

Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP)
An SWP allows you to withdraw a fixed amount regularly from your mutual fund investments. This provides a steady income while your investments continue to grow.

Implementing the SWP Strategy
Step-by-Step Guide
Invest Rs 25 lakh: Allocate 60% to equity funds and 40% to debt funds.

Set up an SWP: Start withdrawing Rs 20,000 per month from your debt funds. Debt funds are less volatile, ensuring stable withdrawals.

Monitor and Adjust: Regularly review your investments. Adjust your withdrawals based on market performance and personal needs.

Advantages of Your Strategy
Regular Income
The SWP ensures a steady income of Rs 20,000 per month. This is useful for meeting monthly expenses without liquidating your investments.

Capital Growth
While you withdraw monthly, your remaining investment continues to grow. This helps in preserving and increasing your capital over time.

Tax Efficiency
SWP is more tax-efficient compared to withdrawing lump sums. You only pay tax on the gains withdrawn, which can be lower if held for over three years.

Risks and How to Manage Them
Market Volatility
Equity funds are subject to market volatility. To manage this, diversify across different sectors and market caps. Invest in funds with a good track record.

Interest Rate Risk
Debt funds are affected by interest rate changes. Choose funds with low duration to minimize this risk. Diversify across short-term and medium-term debt funds.

Inflation can erode the value of your withdrawals. Ensure your equity allocation is high enough to outpace inflation over the long term.

Monitoring Your Investments
Regular Reviews
Review your investments every six months. Check fund performance, reallocate if needed, and adjust your SWP amount if required.

Rebalance your portfolio annually. If your equity portion grows significantly, consider moving some gains to debt funds to maintain your desired asset allocation.

Staying Informed
Keep updated with market trends and economic conditions. This helps in making informed decisions about your investments and withdrawals.

Final Insights
Your decision to invest Rs 25 lakh in mutual funds with an SWP of Rs 20,000 per month is commendable. This strategy ensures regular income while allowing your investments to grow. By diversifying across equity and debt funds, you balance growth and stability.

Regular monitoring and rebalancing will keep your investments aligned with your goals. Stay informed about market conditions to make the best decisions for your financial future.

Investing through a Certified Financial Planner ensures you get personalized advice tailored to your needs. Their expertise can help you navigate market fluctuations and achieve your financial goals.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


...Read more


Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4241 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 04, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 29, 2024Hindi
Hi. I'm a 39 year old male, married and with a 3 year old. My parents are retired govt employees and are self sufficient with their pension and savings. I have 80L in stocks and mutual funds. Another 18L in cash and FDs. I also have 24L in my EPF. I have a monthly income of 2.85L and save 50% of it. Additionally, i pay 43k to a money back policy in lic. When do you think I'll be able to comfortably retire with 5cr in savings (with in today's value)?
Ans: It’s fantastic that you’ve made such commendable progress with your savings and investments. As a Certified Financial Planner, I'll help guide you on your journey to achieving your retirement goal of Rs 5 crore. Let's break it down.

Current Financial Landscape
You've done a great job with your savings and investments. Here's a snapshot:

Stocks and Mutual Funds: Rs 80 lakh
Cash and FDs: Rs 18 lakh
EPF: Rs 24 lakh
Monthly Income: Rs 2.85 lakh
Savings Rate: 50%
LIC Money Back Policy: Rs 43,000 annually
You're on a solid path. Now, let’s analyze how to reach your Rs 5 crore target.

Setting the Retirement Goal
Your aim is to have Rs 5 crore in today's value by retirement. With inflation, you’ll need to save and invest smartly to maintain the purchasing power of this amount.

Evaluating Existing Investments
Stocks and Mutual Funds
You’ve amassed Rs 80 lakh here. Stocks and mutual funds are great for long-term growth. Actively managed funds can potentially outperform the market, offering higher returns than index funds. The expertise of fund managers and their research-driven strategies help navigate market fluctuations better.

Cash and FDs
Rs 18 lakh in cash and FDs is a safe cushion. However, returns from FDs barely outpace inflation. It’s wise to keep some cash for emergencies, but excess cash could be invested for higher growth.

Rs 24 lakh in EPF is excellent. EPF offers safe, steady growth due to government backing. It’s a great way to build your retirement corpus securely.

Income and Savings
Your monthly income is Rs 2.85 lakh, and you save 50% of it. That’s Rs 1.425 lakh per month, which is impressive. Consistent savings and disciplined investing are key to achieving your goal.

Insurance Policy Review
You pay Rs 43,000 annually to an LIC money back policy. While these policies offer insurance and periodic returns, they often have lower returns compared to mutual funds due to high charges and commissions. Consider surrendering this policy and redirecting funds to mutual funds for better growth.

Investment Strategy for Retirement
To reach Rs 5 crore, a diversified investment approach is essential. Here’s a detailed strategy:

Mutual Funds
Diversifying across various mutual funds helps spread risk. Consider investing in different categories:

Large-Cap Funds: These invest in stable, well-established companies, offering steady returns.
Mid-Cap Funds: These invest in medium-sized companies with potential for higher growth.
Small-Cap Funds: Higher risk, higher return. Suitable for long-term growth.
Balanced Funds: A mix of equity and debt, balancing risk and return.
Sector Funds: Focus on specific sectors like technology, healthcare, etc. Higher risk, but can offer high returns if the sector performs well.
Power of Compounding
The power of compounding is a game-changer in wealth creation. By reinvesting returns, your investments grow exponentially over time. Starting early and staying invested is crucial. Regular SIPs (Systematic Investment Plans) ensure disciplined investing, leveraging market volatility to your advantage.

Risk Management
Investing involves risks. Here’s how to manage them:

Diversification: Spreading investments across various asset classes and sectors reduces risk.
Regular Review: Periodically review and rebalance your portfolio to align with your goals.
Stay Informed: Keep updated with market trends and economic conditions. Adjust your strategy accordingly.
Emergency Fund: Maintain an emergency fund to cover unforeseen expenses, avoiding the need to liquidate long-term investments.
Retirement Timeline
Given your current savings, income, and investment strategy, let’s assess your retirement timeline.

Step-by-Step Evaluation
Current Savings: Rs 1.22 crore (80L in stocks and mutual funds, 18L in cash and FDs, 24L in EPF).
Annual Savings: Rs 17.1 lakh (Rs 1.425 lakh per month).
Investment Growth: Assuming a balanced growth rate of 10% annually from diversified investments.
With disciplined savings and investments, you can reach your Rs 5 crore goal comfortably within 12-15 years. This timeframe considers the power of compounding and a balanced growth rate.

Monitoring and Adjusting
Regularly monitor your investments and financial goals. Adjust your strategy based on life changes, market conditions, and evolving financial needs. A Certified Financial Planner can help fine-tune your plan, ensuring you stay on track.

Final Insights
Your financial journey is commendable. With a disciplined approach, diversified investments, and regular monitoring, you’re well on your way to a comfortable retirement.

Reassess your insurance needs, considering term insurance for adequate coverage without compromising returns. Redirect funds from traditional policies to high-growth investments like mutual funds.

Stay informed, stay invested, and keep your long-term goals in sight. Your dedication and financial discipline will lead you to a secure and fulfilling retirement.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


...Read more


Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4241 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 04, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 29, 2024Hindi
My Age is 47, my current saving is as follows 1. EPF : 30 L 2. MF & Equity : 2 L 3. FD : 60L 4. ULIP : 15 One parental house , one kid who is studing class 12 th kindly suggest after retirement need 1.5 L / month
Ans: You've done well in accumulating a substantial savings portfolio. Your current savings include Rs. 30 lakhs in EPF, Rs. 2 lakhs in mutual funds and equity, Rs. 60 lakhs in fixed deposits, and Rs. 15 lakhs in ULIPs. You also have a parental house and a child in Class 12. Your goal is to generate Rs. 1.5 lakhs per month post-retirement.

Let’s dive into the best strategies to achieve this.

Analysing Your Current Investments
EPF (Employee Provident Fund)

EPF is a great way to save for retirement with tax benefits. It offers a stable and secure return. However, it might not be enough to meet your monthly needs alone.

Mutual Funds and Equity

Your Rs. 2 lakhs in mutual funds and equity is relatively low. Equity and mutual funds can provide high returns, especially over long periods. These can be volatile in the short term but tend to grow well over time.

Fixed Deposits (FD)

You have Rs. 60 lakhs in fixed deposits. FDs are secure but offer lower returns. These are good for preserving capital but not the best for wealth creation.

ULIPs (Unit Linked Insurance Plans)

ULIPs combine investment and insurance. While they offer some returns, the charges and fees can be high. They might not be the best option for investment growth.

Parental House

Real estate can be a valuable asset, but it’s not as liquid as other investments. It’s great for security but not ideal for generating monthly income.

Setting Financial Goals and Strategies
Retirement Corpus Calculation

To generate Rs. 1.5 lakhs per month post-retirement, you need to build a substantial corpus. Assuming a 4% withdrawal rate, you would need a corpus of around Rs. 4.5 crores. This ensures you don’t outlive your savings.

Diversification for Stability and Growth

Diversifying your investments is crucial. Don’t rely on a single investment type. Spread your money across various asset classes like equity, debt, and hybrid funds. This balances risk and return.

Optimising Your Current Portfolio
Increasing Mutual Fund Investments

Invest more in mutual funds for long-term growth. Choose a mix of equity and hybrid funds. Equity funds have high growth potential, while hybrid funds balance risk. Actively managed funds can outperform index funds, providing better returns.

Surrendering ULIPs

Consider surrendering your ULIPs. The high fees and charges reduce returns. Reinvest this money into mutual funds for better growth. Regular funds through a certified financial planner (CFP) offer guidance and better returns than direct funds.

Reducing Fixed Deposits

While FDs are safe, they offer lower returns. Reduce your FD investments and move some of this money into mutual funds or debt funds. Debt funds provide better returns than FDs with moderate risk.

Planning for Post-Retirement Income
Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP)

Use a systematic withdrawal plan from your mutual fund investments. This provides a regular income post-retirement while keeping your principal invested. It’s tax-efficient and ensures you get a steady income.

Balancing Risk and Return

Post-retirement, focus on a balanced portfolio. Include equity for growth and debt for stability. This ensures your portfolio grows while providing a steady income.

The Power of Compounding
Early and Regular Investments

Start investing early and regularly. The power of compounding grows your wealth significantly over time. Even small regular investments can lead to substantial growth.

Reinvesting Returns

Reinvest your returns to benefit from compounding. This accelerates your portfolio growth and helps you reach your financial goals faster.

Assessing the Risk Factors
Market Volatility

Equity markets can be volatile. But over the long term, they tend to provide high returns. Diversification helps manage this risk.


Inflation reduces the purchasing power of your money. Invest in assets that outpace inflation, like equity and hybrid funds.

Longevity Risk

Plan for a longer retirement. Ensure your corpus lasts by investing wisely and managing withdrawals.

Benefits of Professional Guidance
Certified Financial Planner (CFP)

A CFP provides expert advice tailored to your goals. They help you navigate complex financial decisions and optimise your portfolio.

Regular Fund Investments

Investing through a CFP in regular funds offers advantages. You get professional management, better fund selection, and ongoing advice.

Creating a Robust Retirement Plan
Setting Clear Goals

Define your retirement goals clearly. Know how much you need monthly and plan your investments accordingly.

Regular Reviews and Adjustments

Review your portfolio regularly. Adjust your investments based on market conditions and your changing needs.

Building a Safety Net
Emergency Fund

Maintain an emergency fund. It should cover at least 6-12 months of expenses. This provides security against unexpected financial needs.

Health Insurance

Ensure you have adequate health insurance. Medical costs can deplete your savings quickly. A good health insurance plan protects your wealth.

Future-proofing Your Finances
Estate Planning

Plan your estate to ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes. This includes making a will and considering trusts if needed.

Tax Planning

Optimize your investments for tax efficiency. Use tax-saving instruments and plan withdrawals to minimise tax liabilities.

Final Insights
Planning for retirement is a journey that requires careful consideration and strategic planning. Your current savings provide a strong foundation, but optimizing your investments can help you achieve your goal of Rs. 1.5 lakhs per month post-retirement.

By diversifying your portfolio, increasing your exposure to mutual funds, and leveraging professional guidance from a Certified Financial Planner, you can balance growth and stability. The power of compounding, combined with regular reviews and adjustments, will ensure your financial security and peace of mind in retirement.

Remember, the key to successful retirement planning is starting early, staying disciplined, and making informed decisions. Your future self will thank you for the efforts you put in today.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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