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Overburdened and Traumatized: Balancing Mother's Responsibilities With My Own Life


Anu Krishna  |1155 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Aug 23, 2024

Anu Krishna is a mind coach and relationship expert.
The co-founder of Unfear Changemakers LLP, she has received her neuro linguistic programming training from National Federation of NeuroLinguistic Programming, USA, and her energy work specialisation from the Institute for Inner Studies, Manila.
She is an executive member of the Indian Association of Adolescent Health.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Aug 17, 2024Hindi

Hi Anu. This might take up quite a bit of your time. I am currently stuck. Single child, lost father to a road accident at the age of 15; within a year, realised my mom's has got in to a physical relation with an already married person, all our 'relatives' trash talked about her. I was too young to understand her crisis of losing her husband at 40 and was struggling to accept her new torrid affair. Somehow, the man ditched her & mom left her temporary job (she took up after dad expired) & fell into a depression. We had landed up in extreme financial distress, so much so, that I had to quit Uni to take up job. Am working for the last 23 years, providing for her. My problem is now, am 45 & married with a teen kid, in-laws, job, health issues but my mom (now 71) is perennially complaining about her struggles in life.... what she never got - be it financial stability (as she has no savings, no pension & solely relies on my income), health, societal recognition (dont know for what). She is unhappy with her flat, neighbors, maid/ cook, relatives including my husband!! She doesn't even appreciate gifts which we give on various occasions, she back-bites about everyone known, completely phobic about her health! had sought counselling for her thrice, but to no avail. During Covid, she stayed with us for nearly a year - each minute she had a new complain. I get so stressed even talking to her over the phone or during my fortnightly visits. I know she is my responsibility, but dont feel the daughterly affection towards her...been so since the last 30 years almost. I still am not over the trauma i had during the high school days (i.e. when she was having her affair). I have never ever mentally felt connected to her since then. But I don't know how to let go the past, handle her & keep my sanity. Please suggest. Please dont publish my name.

Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Well, holding onto the past never anyone, did it? The more you play the 'wicked' past events back, it will attempt to even more real...So, try your hand at using that time to focus on the good stuff that you have now...
Your mother sadly has been using you as her caregiver rather than it being the other way round at least when you were younger. She chooses to play the victim card and continues to do so...so, the only way this can change is when she knows that you are not going to pay attention to her ask of attention in an unhealthy way.
Tune her into having conversations with you where she talks and not complains...Long task for you, but worth a try!
Also, start focusing on yourself...take a vacation; you have earned it!!!!!
Duty towards anyone need not become a drainer on care and attention towards yourself. So, when you start to do things for yourself, the past will lose its charm over you and yes, things start to change...try it, no harm, yeah?

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Anu Krishna  |1155 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Sep 22, 2022

Hi Anu, I am Mr R. Recently I came to read about the life situations many are facing and saw you are helping them. Am also in a situation like that. I am a single child to my parents.I had a fair childhood till I reached my 8th std. From that point (I don't know why and how) my father changed completely. He started quarrelling with my mom about small things and things worsened. I have seen my mom crying all day. I didn't know what to do at that time. I felt lonely, alone, frustrated.In my 11th grade, my father and mom decided to get separated. Father decided to sell our house but we had much debt in the bank as my mom had taken loans to build a new house. Later my father told her to sign in the divorce paper so that he could sell the house and give us the money to clear bank dues.He sold the house for a huge amount but gave us a small portion of it, which was not enough to clear the dues. Mom fainted in the government office when he told that he won't give us a single penny. In family court I have seen mom crying in front of the judge when he asked whether she wants to continue with my father or get divorced. She did not have an option, but to tell the court judge she wanted a divorce.From that day, I cared for my mom more than ever, more than my life. I couldn't even think of anyone telling me bad about my mom. We moved to a rented house and stayed in rented houses for about more than 15 years.My mom is 59 and will soon retire. She wants me to get married before her retirement. So I told her ok.Things change here.... This is my situation now and I need help.... I wrote about my past life above because I want Anu mam to know why am writing this mail to you....I was 28 when my mom wanted me to get married. But I was not ready for it. I wanted a girl who would love my mom more than I did. I wasn’t sure if a girl from a matrimonial site would be able to love my mom.However, one day my mom said she had found a good girl for me from a matrimony site and showed me the photo. She was from a rural area. We lived in the city. I asked my mom if will be a good match. She’d spoken to the girl’s family members and felt they were good. We decided to go and see the girl. When we went to her house, she was very polite and well behaved with my mom. I felt like I was about to start a new chapter in life. That it will be a good beginning. But it wasn't.Six months after marriage her attitude towards my mother was very rude sometimes. I felt bad but ignored. As days passed, she started debating with my mom for silly matters.1. The first quarrel was regarding the name of a fish. We bought some fish in home... My mom said this fish name is xxxx.... My wife told the fish name is xx and they started debating2. As am from Kerala, my mom had prayed that she will do my thulabharam if I get married before her retirement. In the temple my wife was meant to stand next to me during the ritual. However, when I searched for my wife she was standing far away. My heart broke. I began to worry if my life will also turn to be like my parents'.3. Two months after my marriage I heard that my father had committed suicide. I went to the temple to complete his last rites. As per the ritual, when I return home, my wife is supposed to prepare a sadhya (a full meal). But she fought with me for some silly matter and went to sleep without eating anything. She hadn’t cooked anything that day. My mother begged her to have food but she didn’t relent.She’d quarrel on all festive occasions be it Onam or Diwali. I didn’t tell anyone about it. When things get tense at home, she’d pretend to be ill and short of breath. One day I informed her brother. What he told shocked me. He told me to ignore her saying she must be pretending. I am worried that if something happens to her, I’d be blamed for it. With this fear, my mom and I are tolerating her.After 2 years of marriage, she became pregnant and gave birth to a baby girl. One day I saw my mom crying. When I asked her, she said that whenever my mother takes my baby in her hand my wife comes and grabs the baby away.One day I closely monitored the situation. I saw her grabbing my baby from my mother when my mom took her. I asked my wife, what's wrong and scolded her. The situation got worsened and she gave a silly answer.... She told me, she is worried about whether my baby will fall down from my mother's hand..... I informed her family and they gave her some advice and told her she need some doctor consulting regarding this.... While talking to their family I realised that she was like this before marriage as well.After the advice, for a few days, things were calm. Later, she started again. She'd stare at my mom whenever she'd give any advice.She is negative in all ways. Now her dad and mom have stopped calling me. Today while writing this e-mail she’d scolded my mom for recording my baby’s video saying my mom will send it to everyone. My baby was wearing a top and diaper nappy. When I asked her why she is behaving like this to mom, she said that my mom is not good to her. I cannot explain each and every quarrel but the reasons are quite silly. What should I do? After my father's issues, I thought my life after marriage will be good but it’s proving to be wrong.Waiting for an answer.

Dear Mr R,

What exactly are you looking for as guidance from me?

That is something that you haven’t clearly stated.

Your narration of the story of your life gives me an understanding that you are at crossroads right now.

When at crossroads, ask yourself:

  • Where am I right now?
  • Am I stuck and unhappy?
  • How can I move forward from here?
  • What are the best alternatives that I haven’t tried before?
  • Have I done everything in the marriage to build it?

Clearly you and your wife see things differently and the only way is to sort this out if that’s what you want.

Coming from different backgrounds, there have possibly been a lot of adjustment issues for her.

Also, your closeness to your mother might have somewhat interfered in looking at your wife’s issues clearly and getting closer to her.

These are possibilities and since I do not know what you actually seek, I can only say: if you want to save your marriage, work on it with the help of your mother who as an elder can advise you appropriately.

It takes two people to build a relationship and it takes just one unrealistic expectation to bring that relationship down.

So, cast aside any expectation and approach this with a clear mind and a kind heart.

All the best!

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Anu Krishna  |1155 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Nov 16, 2022

Hope you are doing well.I am kinda mentally disturbed and badly need your suggestion. I have been in love and married for 13 yrs. I have a son and a daughter. I'm a working woman.I'm being constantly ill-treated by my mother-in-law. I know such issues exist in every household. But here, it has been a never-ending issue for 13 years now. She is very insecure, when it comes to household chores, my kids and my husband and feels all these areas should be in her control.She feels she is to be given utmost attention and only her thoughts and feelings to be respected and are always right. She insults me, mocks me, and doesn't treat me like a part of the family, though I’m selfless and continue to care for my in-laws and other family members. She keeps hurting me with her words, gestures and behaviour.To her, I'm like a constant pester and she doesn't feel satisfied with any chores or work at home or family. I'm a big mess. She often states 'I’m her` target` and will continue to hurt me verbally and with gestures.My husband doesn't raise questions on his mom's insane behaviour, as she threatens to harm herself.This is a routine she carries out, whenever she wants to. I have zero support from my husband to change his mom and or understand my feelings. Neither should I voice out my views or feelings. I have to look out for her moods and actions and act accordingly, any time.I have no self-respect, no dignity here. It doesn't feel like this is my house or my family, except for my kids. My kids are growing up and I feel I will lose respect amongst them, when she constantly taunts me and insults me for no reason.I have no parents or siblings to share my feelings. I open up with my close friends for a temporary vent out, otherwise, it really doesn't serve any purpose.I feel like I have to live eternally with this mental abuse, as I'm unable to put up with her behaviour and harassment. Acting as if I'm fine every day is killing me.This type of behaviour makes me feel very low and my self-esteem is affected. I feel worthless and my whole life feels like a sheer curse.Please help me get out of this situation and make my mother-in-law mend her behaviour towards me.Awaiting your response.

Dear SS,

A story in many patriarchal households!

What can you do to change her and your husband’s attitude on this? Nothing at all.

It’s like a stubborn gene that wants to hold on to age-old beliefs where the mother-in-law rules the home and calls the shots, the son blindly supports his mother’s tantrums.

What can you do when your children also are growing up in this environment?

Here’s where you can put your foot down.

Your children have to learn to respect their mother for who she is. So, stop playing the victim in your situation and take charge.

I am sure the children are at an age where their minds are impressionable and can be beautifully shaped to accept different people in the household.

Instead of spending time cursing your situation, spend the same time being with your children, bonding with them.

Talk and spend a lot of time going out, watching TV, cooking, reading, listening to music and more.

What will start to happen is that the children will learn to hold space for you when you are down and out. And do take care that while you are bonding with them, never talk ill about their father or their grandmother.

This activity isn’t to distance one from the other but to give you a new way of thinking in the existing circumstances.

Having said this, if your husband is someday ready to talk to you about this, by all means be assertive.

Till then, it’s not necessary to suffer. Either you can fight and get fingers pointed back at you or you can negotiate a situation wisely to maintain the peace at home. You always have that choice.

Whatever you choose, never sit in silence and do nothing. That’s what your children will learn; to suffer in silence. So, time to make some subtle and meaningful changes?

Best wishes!

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Dr Ashish

Dr Ashish Sehgal  |106 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Feb 20, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Dec 21, 2023Hindi
Hi there, I have been married for 15 years now and have a child who has Autism. Me and my wife live in USA and my mother had been living with us for an extended stay since 2020 until 2022 due to COVID 19 travel restrictions. Although my mother and my wife would get along ok, there would be a period in between when she would suddenly be angry at her and me for any random reason. Like we did not name our son in the way her friend did. This used to happen every few weeks and then become ok. In the meanwhile we were busy with therapies and treatments for my son. However, two years back she asked that my Mum (Over 75) leave immediately as she does not want her anymore. She took it to extreme by manipulating me to go against my mother, verbally abusing and shouting at her, accusing her of voo doo and saying that she wants her (my wife dead) and also not sparing my brother who lives in a different country. She refused counselling and asked for a divorce. There would be days when I would lock the door and sleep in a separate room. Eventually during a medical checkup she got diagnosed for cancer just after my mother went back to India. After a harrowing year and a half she is now cancer free but still her some side effects. I was thinking that this change of beaviour may have been due to the cancer but now that she is cured there is not much change except that the outbursts seem to have reduced. We are now back in India for a holiday since the past 2 months but live separately. She initially did not want to return to USA but now wants to go back. I am afraid the same issues as earlier would again start. She has clearly stated that she has no love or respect for me. I have been caring for my son and he is living with me while in India. I wonder what is the path forward
Ans: I understand that you're in a very difficult and confusing situation. Your wife's behavior, the separation, and the recent developments have undoubtedly created emotional strain and uncertainty. While I cannot offer personal advice or diagnose psychological issues, I can provide some insights and suggestions to help you navigate your path forward:

Understanding the Situation:

Your wife's behavior: It's impossible to definitively say what caused your wife's behavior without detailed information and professional expertise. However, her outbursts, accusations, and lack of love/respect could indicate various factors like stress, mental health issues, or unresolved personal conflicts.
Impact of cancer: While cancer and its treatment can affect mood and behavior, it's crucial to consider additional factors beyond the diagnosis.
Communication Breakdown: The lack of communication and refusal of counseling suggest deeper issues that need open and honest dialogue.
Moving Forward:

Prioritize your son's well-being: Ensure his needs are met in a stable and healthy environment. Seek professional guidance if needed.
Focus on your own well-being: Seek individual counseling or therapy to process your emotions, understand your options, and build resilience.
Open communication: If both of you are willing, consider couples therapy with a qualified professional to address communication issues, understand root causes of conflict, and work towards a future, whether together or separate.
Clear boundaries: If you choose to continue the relationship, set clear boundaries regarding acceptable behavior and communication.
Legal advice: Consult a lawyer to understand your legal rights and options regarding child custody, property division, and other legal matters.

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Anu Krishna  |1155 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jan 31, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jan 27, 2024Hindi
I 49 years old feel defeated, decieted, deceived & deprived sometimes; unaware where I am currently in my life? Was I on fault? We are now living separately since 2019 on pretext that childs allergy & education; without any communication even though after my couple of fruitless efforts of reconciliation both family and my end; earlier in joint family. I am with my parents but she is not. She is financially stable and independent in comparison to me. But even before 2019; she stated that she is no more interested in me and wants divorce. Our social life was effected even the child was deliberately kept at distant from me, rarely allowed to go with me. And before at the time of social separation, she straight away said that search for another you are just a biological to __ child. There is not need to call me and neither she or child has ever got in touch even though when my mother was severe and hospitalised. Over the time, I have realized and bit intuition or rather skeptical about her past treatment to me and now; that she tries to spy and also tracks me indirectly. I belong to a middle minority section of the society. Please guide; For me it’s a breakeven point in my life cause im stuck - between and there are concerns related to my mothers’ health. Life seems to be nowhere. Regards Kannu ***Please hide the above stated matter wherever required.***
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
There is not much information to bring out a fact that all of this happened for a particular reason. So, let's assume that there could a number of reasons precipitated on both sides.
First step: Appeal to an elder member on either side of the family to mediate to erase any misunderstandings between you and your wife
Second step: If the first step does not work, request a private conversation with your wife and know where her mind is at. Suggest going to a couples therapy to try and rebuild the connection
Third step: If the above doesn't work, talk to your family to get their suggestions on this and seek a good lawyer who must be briefed on the happenings. Make sure you tell him/her that your wife is capable of keeping the children away from you. You are involving the lawyer so that you know you can retain your rights of a father over his child.
Be patient and go at this step by step and watch where this lead you to...

All the best!

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Kanchan Rai  |331 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jun 21, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 21, 2024Hindi
Hello, I am a 53-year-old male with 1 daughter, married for the last 19 years. My wife's good at housework, childcare, (teaching) job; she cares, likes me and daughter very much; since last 5 years, she has started showing as if she's doing us a favour by doing all this. Most times, she avoids talking and behaves like she doesn't care about me and others in my family; she even uses filthy abuses against elderly family members; if I ask anything she replies rudely. Now, daughter also has started behaving same way. I am fed up of this behaviour. I make maximum efforts to make them happy but can't understand the issue/s with them. Being a counselor, I have already tried various ways and methods of communication, respecting her (parental) relatives, etc but to no awail PLEASE HELP ME AVOID suicidal thoughts and feelings . If I talk about their behaviour, they blame me for everything. This has driven me to suicidal thinkings, which I despise
Ans: It sounds incredibly painful and isolating, especially since you’ve been trying so hard to keep your family happy and together. Feeling like you’re being taken for granted and facing disrespect can be deeply hurtful.

First and foremost, please know that your thoughts of suicide are a signal that you’re in significant distress, and it's crucial to reach out for help immediately. Talk to a mental health professional, a trusted friend, or a crisis hotline. You deserve support and understanding.

As for your situation at home, it’s clear that you care deeply about your wife and daughter, but their behavior is causing you immense pain. Sometimes, even the best efforts to communicate and connect can feel like they’re falling short. It might help to take a step back and focus on taking care of yourself right now. Prioritize your own well-being—whether that means finding time for activities you enjoy, seeking counseling, or even just allowing yourself space to breathe.

It could also be helpful to seek a family therapist who can offer a neutral perspective and facilitate more open, respectful communication. Having someone mediate can sometimes make all the difference in helping everyone understand each other's feelings.

You’re not alone in this, and it’s important to remember that it’s okay to put your own mental health first. Please reach out for the support you need—you’re worthy of care and compassion.

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