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Anu Krishna  |1149 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jul 15, 2024

Anu Krishna is a mind coach and relationship expert.
The co-founder of Unfear Changemakers LLP, she has received her neuro linguistic programming training from National Federation of NeuroLinguistic Programming, USA, and her energy work specialisation from the Institute for Inner Studies, Manila.
She is an executive member of the Indian Association of Adolescent Health.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Jul 12, 2024Hindi

I am a 32M year old married man, working in a MNC with no to very low growth in my professional career.On the other hand my wife 28F is career oriented lady, great academician, working as an assistant professor in a good university. I feel very happy for her and on the other hand I feel I am not correct for her, as I am very average, stuck in my job, with a doubtful career growth. Please help. Should I let her know to move onn with someone better than me. She does love me and raises no concerns at all, but the feeling of dismay is from my end.

Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Why` exactly are you assuming things for her?
If she seems to be unbothered by who is earning how much, they why are you putting so much effort into it and creating a problem?
She loves you, supports you...what you can do is also the same...Love her and support her without focusing much on who is earning how much etc. If you had earned more and she had earned less, that would have been okay? You are just giving into the patriarchal system, aren't you?
Instead rejoice in the fact, that all is well and your marriage is wonderful...So, time to remove the old cobwebs of male dominated thinking and make it a case of co-existence with your wife. She simply would want only that from you now...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/
Asked on - Jul 19, 2024 | Answered on Jul 19, 2024
Thanks Anu mam, for a bitter check on reality. I am indeed really really happy for my wife's growth and also will support her till any extent. The problem for me is my insecurity of not being able to provide a much better life for her, I fear if I could ever be able to give her the life she deserves. Thank you
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
It's great to know that you care about your wife's growth; but the insecurity that you mentioned stems from you and can be eliminated by you...hence the suggestion made in the first response was: As you enjoy your wife's success, let it not dampen your spirits of being unable to give her more.
When she does not complain and is willing to support, why not move from the patriarchal thought to a more liberated view which is anyway supported by your wife as well? Your quality of life will be better and you both can be in harmony with this!

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Anu Krishna  |1149 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Aug 03, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Aug 02, 2023Hindi
Hello Mam, I am 45 year old IT professional, I have good salary and owning 3 flats. My wife is also working and she also having descent salary. I am having family of 4, Me, wife, daughter 11 years and son 8 years old. My problem here is, we are having discussion on only future and not living current life. My wife is think more about money and how to get money quickly as possible for further provisions like kids education, retirement etc. Also, She doesnt want to spend on me especilaly, never got any gift from her. We are not having good physical relation. Many times i have discussed with her and went through doctor for consultantion and medication. But, she doesnt want to take medicines.I feel very bad and my life is similar as earlier. Many times feels like she doesnt love me. My life become mechanic and no joy init. I am just living for my Kids betterment.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Well no two people in a marriage are the same, are they?
You just have different ideals stemming from different value systems. this can be bridged by actually talking about it, so that either of you might not be on a extreme. If she likes to save, you can moderate her by actually setting a budget for spending on necessities and luxuries.
And she will in turn moderate you, if she finds you spending on things that are unnecessary.
It's about seeing things on the same page but with different glasses and acknowledging that you are both different.
As far as physical intimacy goes, I guess many couples face a slump after children occupying a huge part of their lives and with full-time jobs, it can make one tired more than excited. Set aside time to be alone with one another and practice the art of non-sexual intimacy like holding hands, cuddling, hugging...
Sometimes to jump out of the mechanical life, you need to do something different and exciting to get a different and exciting result. So do what you haven't done before! Get the drift here?

All the best!

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Kanchan Rai  |326 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Dec 26, 2023

Dear, I am a 44 yr old man. I have an issue for which I need some support. We are Bengalis, I am an engineer & was married in 2004. It was an arranged marriage with all those astrological compatibility etc. My wife is 5 yrs younger than me. After my marriage I found that she was very adjusting,loving & people will say that we are an ideal match even today I will also say she is the perfect wife one can have, but one thing I noticed immediately is that she is very unlucky for me. Whenever she is around there will be no success & even things that are working will go wrong. Within 1 yr of marriage, we had a daughter. When she went for delivery I got an opportunity to go to Canada, after a few months she & my daughter joined me & my project closed & I was sent back. Knowing the issue I again sent her for higher education, when she was not around, I got an opportunity to go to the USA, again when they joined me I was sent back. I can give many examples like this, many times we talked about it and met astrologers but all will say our match is perfect. We stayed in Pune. With our daughter around we continued with our family life which I will say was happy, many people will give examples of our family & ostensibly perfect partners we were. But I will tactfully avoid her in times when it was crucial like appraisal etc, & things will work. But I always felt & feared the misfortune she brings. During Covid, this avoidance could not be done & Jan 2023 I was told to leave my job by June 2023. I tried for a lot but could not get a job with her around. In May I sent her to our native & I got a job in Bengaluru. My daughter is in Class 12 in Pune so could not shift my family. In my Pune job , I had a reportee Sumit a Marathi who became somewhat like a friend or better an office tea partner. Many times at tea he would talk about his wife's misbehavior & in the discussion I would tell him how my wife behaves, but my wife had never met with Sumit. They were a childless couple & in Dec 2022 he started living separately from his wife. I being a senior never discussed any private things like family etc with him, One day in May this year out of shear frustration I told him about the bad luck my wife brings, and he responded that" many times one may bring bad luck to one person but maybe good luck to another" Before moving to Bengaluru I called him to our house for lunch since he was staying alone & was having a problem with food etc. Something in my intuition told me that he & my wife may go well, but I never told anyone. A few days later my wife told me that Sumit had sent a Facebook friend request to her & asked me if she should accept it, I said its up to her, she accepted it. My wife has a habit of sending "good morning" messages to a lot of people & I soon found she sent one to Sumit also. I had her Facebook password so could see the messenger messages also. I soon saw Sumit responding to her & they having chats. Initially, she used to tell me about the talks she is having with Sumit but now she has stopped When I moved to Bangalore in June I used to have daily calls & sometimes hot video calls also, I go to Pune every month & we used to have physical relationship but this month when I went to Pune my wife refused getting physical with the reason of she having periods, in Nov she made a purposeful fight with me so that we dont get physical. For 2 months she doesn't do the hot video calls also but regular calls are ongoing. I am in a dilemma, I am happy with my wife but she brings too much bad luck & she has understood it. If I keep quiet now I know by Dec 24 my wife will be Sumit's wife & there traits they will be very happy. But if I even now want I strongly feel that I can stop her drifting further, but I cannot decide if I should do it. Since I think that she going away from my life will stop bringing the misfortune she brings & she & Sumit will be really good partners & will be happy. But I also feel very sad about her leaving me. Please help me with how I should decide. My daughter will complete her 12th next year & I am hopeful by June next year she will be in an engg college hostel & will not be directly affected by this change of relationship.
Ans: Dear Bappa,
I'm sorry to hear that you're going through such a challenging situation. Deciding whether to confront your wife about her growing relationship with Sumit is undoubtedly a difficult and personal choice. It's important to approach this situation with empathy and open communication. Take some time to reflect on your own emotions and the impact your wife's actions are having on you. Consider both the positive and negative aspects of your relationship, as well as your own needs and desires. Choose an appropriate time to have an open and honest conversation with your wife. Avoid accusations and blame, but express your concerns and feelings. Discuss how her relationship with Sumit makes you feel and inquire about her perspective on your marriage Reflect on what you want for your future and whether you believe your marriage can overcome the challenges. Reflect on your own feelings about your marriage. Consider whether your concerns about bad luck and misfortune are based on tangible evidence or if there might be other factors influencing your perception. Consider the impact on your daughter and how decisions might affect her as well. While she may be heading to college soon, a separation or divorce can still affect her emotionally. Consider her well-being in any decisions you make.
Sometimes, people need time for personal growth and self-discovery. This doesn't necessarily mean the end of a marriage but could lead to a stronger relationship in the future. Both partners might need to work on themselves to contribute positively to the relationship It's crucial to make decisions based on your own values, priorities, and the specific dynamics of your relationship. If needed, don't hesitate to seek support from friends, family, or professionals who can provide guidance and assistance during this challenging time.

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Kanchan Rai  |326 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Feb 11, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Feb 11, 2024Hindi
I am working in a central psu and my wife works for state govt and both are 48 yrs. We are married for 20 yrs and have 2 sons (20 &16). She is never expressive nor vocal, because of this our marital relationship have not seen even a single day of happiness. Her parents never ever made her realised that problem can be from her side too nor asked me even a single time whats is bothering me. She is over ambitious in her job and neglects everything in the personal life. This negligence started from the day 1 of the married life. She never try to understand the problem and reasons behind and just ignore and move ahead. This makes life miserable and likewise 20 yrs passed.. Its like when sons are moving out of home, I feel very much alone and sometimes feels to runaway from life...She dont show any emotions, giving the reasons that its her nature...She says loves me, but whats that love which is not felt by me for a single day...I wanted a wife not a nurse.. What to do....I lost my hope of life.
Ans: It's clear that communication and understanding between you and your wife have been lacking for quite some time. It's important to remember that marriage is a partnership, and both partners need to be willing to work on the relationship for it to thrive. It's also common for individuals to have different communication styles and emotional expressions, but it's crucial to find common ground and ways to connect despite these differences. Have an open and honest conversation with your wife about how you're feeling. It's important for her to understand the impact her behavior is having on you and your relationship. Establish boundaries around work and personal life to ensure that both of you are making time for each other and your family. Encourage your wife to prioritize your relationship and family time.Take care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally. This might involve engaging in activities that bring you joy, spending time with friends and loved ones, and seeking support from a therapist or counselor for yourself. change takes time, and healing a relationship requires effort and commitment from both partners. It's okay to feel discouraged and overwhelmed, but please don't lose hope. There are resources and support available to help you navigate this difficult time. You deserve to live a fulfilling and happy life, and it's never too late to work towards that goal.

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Anu Krishna  |1149 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Feb 17, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Feb 11, 2024Hindi
Hi Anu, I am working in a central psu and my wife works for state govt and both are 48 yrs. We are married for 20 yrs and have 2 sons (20 &16). She is never expressive nor vocal, because of this our marital relationship have not seen even a single day of happiness. Her parents never ever made her realised that problem can be from her side too nor asked me even a single time whats is bothering me. She is over ambitious in her job and neglects everything in the personal life. This negligence started from the day 1 of the married life. She never try to understand the problem and reasons behind and just ignore and move ahead. This makes life miserable and likewise 20 yrs passed.. Its like when sons are moving out of home, I feel very much alone and sometimes feels to runaway from life...She dont show any emotions, giving the reasons that its her nature...She says loves me, but whats that love which is not felt by me for a single day...I wanted a wife not a nurse.. What to do....I lost my hope of life.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
I am sure there is an issue that you are facing BUT to generalize it as: because of this our marital relationship have not seen even a single day of happiness.
Are you sure that has not been a single day or a single moment of feeling some joy? DO NOT indulge in this kind of belief as it only makes the issue look bigger than what it maybe.
If you feel alone, talk to her and tell her exactly how you feel. It's your marriage as well; do something to stay in it.
If there is a reason for her to be the way that she is, that needs to be addressed. Also, by complaining rather than facing the issue together, you are alienating yourself from the marriage. Give this a fair chance and deal with it in a mature way. Talking about it helps more than complaining; as she will bring her list of complaints and then it just gets into a loop.
- have an honest conversation
- make space for a back and forth conversation
If she refuses to talk, then possibly there is a need for a professional to intervene. She will also need to understand what hurts you and work on it, so that the marriage moves on smoothly. Marriage is a two-way dance.

All the best!

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