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Kanchan Rai  |552 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Dec 26, 2023

Kanchan Rai has 10 years of experience in therapy, nurturing soft skills and leadership coaching. She is the founder of the Let Us Talk Foundation, which offers mindfulness workshops to help people stay emotionally and mentally healthy.
Rai has a degree in leadership development and customer centricity from Harvard Business School, Boston. She is an internationally certified coach from the International Coaching Federation, a global organisation in professional coaching.... more
bappa Question by bappa on Dec 26, 2023Hindi

Dear, I am a 44 yr old man. I have an issue for which I need some support. We are Bengalis, I am an engineer & was married in 2004. It was an arranged marriage with all those astrological compatibility etc. My wife is 5 yrs younger than me. After my marriage I found that she was very adjusting,loving & people will say that we are an ideal match even today I will also say she is the perfect wife one can have, but one thing I noticed immediately is that she is very unlucky for me. Whenever she is around there will be no success & even things that are working will go wrong. Within 1 yr of marriage, we had a daughter. When she went for delivery I got an opportunity to go to Canada, after a few months she & my daughter joined me & my project closed & I was sent back. Knowing the issue I again sent her for higher education, when she was not around, I got an opportunity to go to the USA, again when they joined me I was sent back. I can give many examples like this, many times we talked about it and met astrologers but all will say our match is perfect. We stayed in Pune. With our daughter around we continued with our family life which I will say was happy, many people will give examples of our family & ostensibly perfect partners we were. But I will tactfully avoid her in times when it was crucial like appraisal etc, & things will work. But I always felt & feared the misfortune she brings. During Covid, this avoidance could not be done & Jan 2023 I was told to leave my job by June 2023. I tried for a lot but could not get a job with her around. In May I sent her to our native & I got a job in Bengaluru. My daughter is in Class 12 in Pune so could not shift my family. In my Pune job , I had a reportee Sumit a Marathi who became somewhat like a friend or better an office tea partner. Many times at tea he would talk about his wife's misbehavior & in the discussion I would tell him how my wife behaves, but my wife had never met with Sumit. They were a childless couple & in Dec 2022 he started living separately from his wife. I being a senior never discussed any private things like family etc with him, One day in May this year out of shear frustration I told him about the bad luck my wife brings, and he responded that" many times one may bring bad luck to one person but maybe good luck to another" Before moving to Bengaluru I called him to our house for lunch since he was staying alone & was having a problem with food etc. Something in my intuition told me that he & my wife may go well, but I never told anyone. A few days later my wife told me that Sumit had sent a Facebook friend request to her & asked me if she should accept it, I said its up to her, she accepted it. My wife has a habit of sending "good morning" messages to a lot of people & I soon found she sent one to Sumit also. I had her Facebook password so could see the messenger messages also. I soon saw Sumit responding to her & they having chats. Initially, she used to tell me about the talks she is having with Sumit but now she has stopped When I moved to Bangalore in June I used to have daily calls & sometimes hot video calls also, I go to Pune every month & we used to have physical relationship but this month when I went to Pune my wife refused getting physical with the reason of she having periods, in Nov she made a purposeful fight with me so that we dont get physical. For 2 months she doesn't do the hot video calls also but regular calls are ongoing. I am in a dilemma, I am happy with my wife but she brings too much bad luck & she has understood it. If I keep quiet now I know by Dec 24 my wife will be Sumit's wife & there traits they will be very happy. But if I even now want I strongly feel that I can stop her drifting further, but I cannot decide if I should do it. Since I think that she going away from my life will stop bringing the misfortune she brings & she & Sumit will be really good partners & will be happy. But I also feel very sad about her leaving me. Please help me with how I should decide. My daughter will complete her 12th next year & I am hopeful by June next year she will be in an engg college hostel & will not be directly affected by this change of relationship.

Ans: Dear Bappa,
I'm sorry to hear that you're going through such a challenging situation. Deciding whether to confront your wife about her growing relationship with Sumit is undoubtedly a difficult and personal choice. It's important to approach this situation with empathy and open communication. Take some time to reflect on your own emotions and the impact your wife's actions are having on you. Consider both the positive and negative aspects of your relationship, as well as your own needs and desires. Choose an appropriate time to have an open and honest conversation with your wife. Avoid accusations and blame, but express your concerns and feelings. Discuss how her relationship with Sumit makes you feel and inquire about her perspective on your marriage Reflect on what you want for your future and whether you believe your marriage can overcome the challenges. Reflect on your own feelings about your marriage. Consider whether your concerns about bad luck and misfortune are based on tangible evidence or if there might be other factors influencing your perception. Consider the impact on your daughter and how decisions might affect her as well. While she may be heading to college soon, a separation or divorce can still affect her emotionally. Consider her well-being in any decisions you make.
Sometimes, people need time for personal growth and self-discovery. This doesn't necessarily mean the end of a marriage but could lead to a stronger relationship in the future. Both partners might need to work on themselves to contribute positively to the relationship It's crucial to make decisions based on your own values, priorities, and the specific dynamics of your relationship. If needed, don't hesitate to seek support from friends, family, or professionals who can provide guidance and assistance during this challenging time.
Asked on - Feb 14, 2024 | Answered on Feb 14, 2024
Dear Thanks for your quick response to my earlier query, during the last 2 months I have tried to follow your advice & have also started support from our office counsellor, I am writing to you again as some aspects I felt ashamed to discuss with the office counsellor & some to have a 2nd opinion. I had deeply thought about my expectations from my marriage & wife. In the last 6 months as I am staying separate in Bangalore, I have found much better & am much more communicative with my wife, discussing & sharing emotionally. When we stay together the continuous expectation would put both of us in a panic & irritation ultimately resulting in fights & also finally not sharing & the bad luck of seeing her face will add oil to the fire, with many of my outbursts not being very parliamentary. So I see our relationship is better if it is long-distance. I discussed this with my wife & she also agrees somewhat, but the basis of husband-wife relationship is to stay together, where we fail. Since we stayed together for 17 yrs we know each other’s problems & historical facts which no one else knows, so frankly I need a long-distance person with whom I can share emotionally, but for my wife she requires someone who is also close to her physically. One idea that I got is to let things be as it is i.e. let her stay in Pune while I stay in Bangalore & she be in a relationship with Sumit & maybe stay with him without legally separating, maybe when my daughter is having holidays, we can have short trips. This will keep the social well-being intact as people will not know as we don’t have any close relatives in Pune. But I am worried about the long-term impact will our marriage last especially what plans should I make in old age. Want your opinion & what precautions do I need to take. In the last 2 mnths, I have been to Pune 3 times for the reason of my daughters JEE for which I help her. I talked with my wife about Sumit in early Jan & she said they are good friends & they share a lot of intimate talks; she was not ready to tell me anything more than that. On asking about physical relationships she was elusive . But she said she doesn’t want to legally separate from me. I also discussed if she wants, we can have a long-distance relationship supporting each other (without naming Sumit) she did not respond. Though Sumit talks to me once in 7-10 days we never talked about his relationship with my wife, we talk about status of his divorce, old office stuffs etc. 2 weeks ago my wife told me that Sumit's parents, divorced sister who had come for a visit to Pune will be coming to our house to meet her. Later she posted some photos in her WhatsApp status for everyone it will look as if some friend had to come to visit her (everyone will think some lady friend). In mid-January in one of my old office colleagues (who is a friend with Sumit) Facebook I saw that in his son's birthday my wife is there (he doesn’t know or have seen my wife), I tactically asked him who that lady was, he said it is Sumit’s friend. Can you please help me if she is going in the same way I am thinking about the future of our relationship. The last point is something which I could not ask anyone. During my last 3 visits to Pune I had sex with my wife. I will like to tell that my wife is always (since our marriage) very passive in sex she has to be told what to do 1 by 1, (though for me it gave me some amount of pleasure command) which she will do properly & maybe sometimes do 1-2 things on her own or ask me to do. She was same this time also. I never had sex relationship with anyone else so this acts maybe in a distance timeframe gives me a lot of pleasure. I am worried what will be this relationship be if she starts staying with Sumit, what is your advice? My counsellor advised me to sit & talk with Sumit & my wife together but really, I am not seeing any reason to do it, do I need to do this joint meeting & if so, what do I need to discuss
Ans: Dear Bappa,

It sounds like you've put a lot of thought into your relationship and your future with your wife. It's positive that you're able to communicate more effectively when you're physically apart. However, the idea of allowing your wife to be in a relationship with Sumit while you stay in Bangalore raises several complex issues, especially concerning the long-term viability of your marriage and your plans for old age.

Firstly, it's important to consider the emotional implications of such an arrangement. While it may alleviate some of the pressures and conflicts in your current relationship, it could also lead to feelings of loneliness, jealousy, or insecurity for both you and your wife. Additionally, maintaining this arrangement without legal separation could create legal and financial complications in the future, especially when it comes to issues like inheritance, healthcare, and support in old age.

Regarding your concern about your wife's relationship with Sumit, it's challenging to determine the nature of their relationship based on the information you've provided. It's possible that they are just good friends, as your wife has stated, but it's also understandable that you might have doubts given the circumstances. Ultimately, trust and open communication are key in any relationship, so it might be helpful to have a candid conversation with your wife about your concerns and expectations.

As for the idea of a joint meeting with your wife and Sumit, while it may provide some clarity, it's important to carefully consider the potential outcomes and whether it will truly address your concerns. It might be beneficial to seek the advice of a counselor or therapist who can help you navigate these complex emotions and decisions.

In summary, it's crucial to prioritize open and honest communication with your wife, as well as seek professional guidance to ensure that any decisions you make are in the best interest of both parties involved.
Asked on - Apr 23, 2024 | Answered on Jun 06, 2024
Dear. Thanks for response. I have been working with our office counsellor for some time but need a second opinion. To update I had a joint talk with Sumit & my wife in mid-March in which they repeated the same point of being good friends & do not intend to marry & Sumit made it clear he doesn't want to remarry after his divorce. For my wife, she said if I want divorce she is open but she will not initiate. The negative outcome of this for me has been that now she openly goes around with Sumit, which before they were doing somewhat secretly, my daughter has also got the idea. Though my wife only puts very general photos in her FB, WhatsApp status like going to music shows, dressing up but Sumit puts her photos in his FB account, they barely have common friends except Sumit’s family. Even my mom-in -law is not aware of this. Sumit also buys her dresses etc which she wears to this places. Just to mention after the discussion she has started using money which tenants put in her account for many rented properties belonging to her late father in her native,( her brother who stays in USA is not interested in the property & has renounced to her ), though she has CC, google pay etc linked to accounts which I maintain for the last 17 yrs for her. Now this has put me in a difficult situation. I need to decide. I am not a sort of guy who at this stage, age will/can start a new relationship, and neither do I want. On one hand not seeking a divorce will keep the future reconciliation open. I still talk to my wife & take her advice, instruct her as I used to do before. She also discusses with me things like her family, common friends, daughter etc but she doesn't share everything that she used to before & our telephone calls are getting shorter because she just responds to whatever I ask her nothing more about herself. As I told you I have her FB messenger password when I see her conversation with Sumit other then the phone calls she makes I see lots of things she shares about herself & Sumit also replies including talks she has with me & about questions I have asked & replies she has given, they also discuss about it. My office counsellor adviced me to keep status co. what is your take? The second part is something which I am finding very difficult to explain as I had mentioned before for the last 5yrs I wanted not to stay with her due to reasons which I wrote to you in the dec but now feel very sad that she is leaving or have distanced from me. It’s a very odd feeling in the same breath I don’t want her in my life but on the other hand is sad that she is moving towards someone else. My counsellor is only asking me to be mentally strong but it is not helping do you have any other advice
Ans: already replied

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Ravi Mittal  |541 Answers  |Ask -

Dating, Relationships Expert - Answered on Apr 18, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Apr 16, 2023Hindi
I am having an issue that is very difficult for me to live with but living with. It is the bad luck my wife brings when she is around. We are married for 16 years & have a 15 yrs. old daughter, we are Bengalis. My marriage was an arranged marriage But once the marriage was done I found that whatever tasks I tried to do with my wife around is bound to fail Similarly, for my wife it is the same whatever she tries with me it is a failure Examples In the early years I got an opportunity to go to the USA for a long-term assignment, when my wife was in her native for childbirth I went alone & after a few months she joined me, just within 2 months of her joining my project was abruptly closed & I was sent back. This was a wakeup call & just to see how things work I send her to our native to complete her studies & in 2 years it was smooth, but again when she returned within 6 months my Kolkata project got closed & was forced transferred to Pune, I came here alone & within a few months got another job when I brought her to Pune things started going wrong, I got smart & when things will get wrong I will send her to native for some alibi & things will look up, then get her back again things will start getting wrong & again repeat... it was a challenge as my daughter’s schooling was being effected I can give 100s of example how I purposely made sure she is not around when I had to do something critical. I see a similar situation on her side if I am not around things work out but if I am around simply luck will make sure to fail. Now things have gone to the extent that I make plans that she is not there even if I go out for minor tasks like going to an ATM .. if she goes with me the ATMs will be out of order & I have to return without the cash I am a rationalist & never believe in luck or that someone can bring bad luck .. but such has been the repetition of bad lucks & failures when my wife is around that I have succumbed. About 5 years back we started talking to astrologers, palmists & all sorts of people whom I used to ridicule & they tried all their rings, tabiz, etc but nothing worked. My wife takes care more than a modern-day housewife, cooking managing the household, shopping taking the kids to school, hobbies, & she tries to put her best sincerity into it there is no complaint. In fact, she is taken as an idol among many of our relatives & friends for her behavior & ways she maintains relations with others, this has gone to such an extent that many in our family & friends are jealous of her I don’t think it will be possible to continue like this forever but she is a housewife, doing her best We belong to the middle class I simply don’t want her to dump her with people saying all sorts of things as I feel for her BUT cannot stay with her as now she just around makes me feel nervous. I have tried several times to think positively but could never convince myself We have never talked about this in-depth as I know she is helpless & there is nothing for her to change & will only be hurting her. But many times she told me when things go wrong that she is bringing me bad luck & trouble not once but always, I have simply ignored or reasoned with her the logical thing " as the project got closed due to a change in company strategy" etc, but things turning negative when she is around & turning positive when she is not there EVERYTIME for 15 years is really something I can’t convince myself. She is only unlucky for me but for others like her father, relatives & friends she is very lucky, even 2 days ago one of our neighbors called her as someone was coming to see their daughter for marriage, she went & it worked for them, they call her because she has an ideal homely look which such critical guests think “ah they have good company” & also as the neighbors’ aged mother told” since you came our work got done since you are lucky “ Now why I am writing to you is something maybe you have never heard of. One of my office colleagues ( I will tell you he is between a colleague & a friend with whom I spend a considerable amount of time usually discussing office stuff but he is more open to me on his personal issues, I am a little conservative on this front & have never talked or will like to talk about the issues with my wife) who is childless almost my wife's age. He also was in a marriage for about 10 years but his wife has been very violent, he tried his level best met a number of psychologists, etc but things have not worked. 2 months ago he decided to divorce his wife & is now working on the legal formalities. Many a time while talking I will tell him the way my wife behaves & he will really rue if his wife was like this. From my wife's side, I know her choice & this colleague will be his dream prince.( very handsome, smart, very good talker). On asking about plans after the divorce my colleague has told me that he is looking to remarry preferring divorcee/widow as he doesn’t want to have kids at this age. His ideal wife choice matches my wife. He will be looking for after his divorce gets to some stage. I clearly know that both will be a really good match & will be eternal pairs. I am sure she will not be unlucky for him. I had invited my colleague to my home for tea (with me) so that they can meet which they did, I tactically left them alone for some time but I don’t want to talk to my wife about thinking of this colleague as this will be very offensive & if she refuses our relationship may be damaged forever. Also in no way can propose my married wife to my colleague. I don’t want to talk to anyone but create a circumstance or at the most an indirect hint that they can think of to evaluate if they want to be together. Can you please help As a closing note, I will like to mention, in Dec last year I was told that I will be layedoff from my position by June 30, I immediately started searching for other jobs but nothing worked for 3 months, after completion of my daughter annual exams I send them to my native & now I have got a job in Bangalore, I will leave my family in Pune reasoning my daughter should complete her 12th from the school here but the real reason is above. I don’t have any girl in my life but if she moves out then maybe I can think. Also, my wife is among my 3 people for whom I can do anything so that they will be happy other 2 are my mother & daughter. But I am practically abusing/punishing/torturing her just because I can survive. This colleague looks like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for everyone to be happy. The only mental block which I need to remove is my colleagues who being a gentleman will never think about my wife & my wife’s that she is in a marriage will never think. If things don’t work out between them then I am Ok with things to go as its going but that’s just spending years. I will take care of her but maybe never stay with her with some alibi & certainly will not be thinking about another girl still she is dependent on me
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

Standing in today's day and age, how can you still believe a person can be the sole reason for someone's good luck or bad? It's just a mere coincidence, whatever has happened.

Anyways, what to want to believe is up to you; coming to the part where you need assistance: you want to leave your wife and set her up with your colleague? I hope I got that right, given how messed up it is. Getting a divorce is your choice; if you aren't happy, or in your case, if you are feeling "unlucky" you might want to end a relationship but how your wife wants to live her life after the divorce is absolutely her choice. How can you, for even a second, think of setting her up with your colleague? You might think you are being generous and trying to take care of her, but it's just you soothing your own guilt.

Leave her if that's what you want; she'll be lucky for it. But don't try to guide her life in whatever direction you want it to go.

Good Luck!

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Anu Krishna  |1540 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Nov 22, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Nov 16, 2024Hindi
Hi , I am a professor mech engineer , after death of my wife and due to having 5 year girl baby I planned for 2 nd marriage as I live alone away from home town because my of job with my little baby . I accepted a widow having 2 child ,she was working in a govt job 250 km away , after ensuring and agreeing her possibility of transfer and job vacancy @govt office near my house and ensuring she agreed that she will come to live with me along with her 2 kids and my little baby as her trasfer was due in comming few months . We lived apart during her job at 250 km away.,while meeting on weekly offs 6 /7 time in 6 months , then she take 360 degree u turn and said she will not get job transfer to my place and get her trasfer in other dept. in same previous office. And started telling many reasons like she will loose her children's inheritance in her in-laws property ,she will loose promotion , kids Don't want trasfer , and said we will live apart forever . This was contradictory to earlier agreed things .and my my purpose to live in family with my baby not fulfilled , so after long ruckus ,I mutually got divorce from her , Then After divorce I decided to marry non working women having no child and don't expect child as I am @48 year old and tired of living alone and managing job ,girl , house chores . I married to a divorcee girl from Pune ,she was BA first year college drop out girl of 44 yr age after 6 months of long dating on week ends . During 6 months I tried to know her indepth but was don't used to talk much as I was trying to know her true nature, we visited many places ,movies . She seemed perfect as per my requirement of girl wanting no child , and she is house wife . after marriage she behave well for 1 st week ,then she started trouble to hate my baby ( became kaikai )on pety things , she want my baby to house chores at the cost of her important year of 10th std study . She don't liked me taking tution of girl , she didn't like if I help my girl any way . She don't like if I spent some money on my girl . She used to fight all night and don't let me sleep . Now she stated demanding that she want baby , though I was against and b4 marriage agreed to not have any more child due to old age ,cost ,and no personal time for self , then I agreed to have child but b4 that I got her and my fertility tested ,she had weak eggs and syst on her reproductive organs and doc warned to not go for pregnancy due to risk and probability of unhealthy baby birth , but she kept repeating That she want child we consulted 4 Drs. She used to fight and go to her mother's home for 2/4 months after living with me for 2/3 days only . Now she wants divorce , and asks me to keep my girl in hostel if I want her in my life . This Ramayan has left me baffled , What should I do ??? .....
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
The reason to marry for you mainly has been companionship, a mother for your daughter...
And marriage is not a transaction BUT a meeting of minds...when there is no compatibility, there is no space for agreeing on the same things or wanting to make things work which is possibly what has happened with your 2nd and 3rd marriage.
If you want this marriage to work, there has to be an equal commitment by both of you, so, start by emotionally bonding first. Slowly build on this by making goals for the marriage and the future...your only goal can't be mother for your child...not all women are going to readily accept this and some may even falter along the way. Allow the lady and your daughter to bond together for sometime so they develop a unique relationship...
Understand that transactional relationships do not last; so, invest enough time in building trust in that companionship for it to become something meaningful

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Archana Deshpande  |103 Answers  |Ask -

Image Coach, Soft Skills Trainer - Answered on Mar 04, 2025

Hi Mam, Hope you are doing well. I am very worried about my son who is now 12.5 years old and studying in 7th standard in a very reputed school. Since childhood, he has no interest in studies, unless we doesn't seat in front of him, he doesn't study. Every teacher from his kindergarten days upto now has the same complaint that he is doesn't pay attention in class and the result is he doesn't get good marks in the exam. When we scold him for studies, he does it for that particular time only and then get back to his non-interest mode again and start to run from studies. He will play video games, goes to play around with his friends, he will find some or the other reason for not doing studies or homework. The irony is that he is not interested in any sports or any other kind of activities. In every summer holidays, we make him to join some sports or music classes, but there also he doesn't show interest and do things just for the sake of showing. From last year, we have started sending him to tuitions also, but no change in attitude. This year we have found a teacher of his reputed school who is retired and taking tuitions, we are sending him to her and she is charging a big amount for tuitions. please guide how can we change his attitude and make him more serious in any activity he does as he doesn't have interest in anything (we have observed doing everything we can).
Ans: Hello Sunil!!

I am doing great, thank you for asking, God bless you!

I can totally understand when you say you are worried.

Your son is 12.5, he will soon be a teenager. There will be different challenges, I want you to read up on parenting a teenager and be ready to handle him well.

The problem as I see it is that everyone of you, his teachers included have made studies like a burden for him.... and subjected the young child to a lot of anxiety, he just wants to run away form it....
"Every teacher from his kindergarten days upto now has the same complaint that he is doesn't pay attention in class".... this statement of yours... it is the teacher's duty to ensure the child listens to him/her, how can she start labeling a child like this. From a young age your son has been conditioned to believe that he is not not good in studies, he doesn't focus and he doesn't sit in one place. All my sympathies are with your son...every child comes with immense potential and it's our duty as parents and teachers to nurture the child.

The following is what I propose so that we bring him back to loving to learn ( not score marks, that should never be the barometer)-
1. Love your child the way he is now
2. Give him lot of positive strokes
3. Have one on one sessions for any activity you plan for him... let him choose the activity, empower him
4. choose a teacher, who can get along with him and help him develop a positive attitude towards studies and life in general
5. look for a school where they nurture him... not just a reputed one...less number of students and a teacher who is invested in her/ his students,

If you can connect with me, I can help him. Have had many a students in this kind situation.
This is my website..

Loads of best wishes to the whole family..

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Archana Deshpande  |103 Answers  |Ask -

Image Coach, Soft Skills Trainer - Answered on Mar 04, 2025

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Tech Careers and Skill Development Expert - Answered on Mar 04, 2025

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