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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4265 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 18, 2024

Ramalingam Kalirajan has over 23 years of experience in mutual funds and financial planning.
He has an MBA in finance from the University of Madras and is a certified financial planner.
He is the director and chief financial planner at Holistic Investment, a Chennai-based firm that offers financial planning and wealth management advice.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Apr 23, 2024Hindi

Hi I am 47 years old. Married but no kids . Me and my wife combined annual income is 70 lacs . We have our own house in gurgaon whose current value is aprox 6 cr . We dont have any kind of loan on us . Currently our savings are as follows 1.65 cr invested in lic jeevan shanti and jeevan akshay from which Currently we are earning 8 lacs / year and by 2028 it will increase to 14 lacs / year till whole life . We have invested in hdfc sanchay plus also , from their we will get 16 lacs / anum starting from 2029 till next 25 years . Joint Ppf corpus is currently 80 lacs , will continue to invest 3 lacs / year for next 15 years My wifes epf vpf current corpus is aprox 20 lacs , currently she is contributing 2.5 lacs / year in that and will continue to do so till next 10 years Emergency fund of 20 lacs in form of auto sweep fd in saving account Equity investment currently Nps tier 2 ( 100 % equity - 55lacs ) Miare asset small cap etf - 5 lacs Nippon nifty bees etf - 5 lacs Planning to invest 30 lacs / year for next 5- 7 years in above equity options . Our current yearly expenses are neary 18 / 20 lacs We have medical insurance cover of 30 lacs And a term insurance of 1.5 cr and 1 cr respectively Pls suggest that are we on right track for a comfortable retirement at around 55 years Considering life expectency of 80 years and inflation. What should be our SWP and from which investments ( as mentioned above ) and how much this withdrawal can be increased per year to adjust the inflation and maintain our current lifestyle. Also i would like to know that whether shifting all the corpus from tier 2 to tier 1 at the age of 59 will be a wise decision in my case as 60 % withdrawal at age 60 from tier 1 will be tax free which can be withdrawn thru swp . Balance 40 corpus amount will generate annuity which only will be taxable.

Ans: Comprehensive Retirement Planning Assessment

Analyzing Retirement Preparedness and Strategy

Your meticulous approach towards retirement planning is evident, with a diversified portfolio and a clear vision for the future. Let's delve into each aspect to ensure a comfortable retirement at around 55 years, considering life expectancy and inflation.

Assessing Current Financial Position

Your combined annual income of 70 lakhs, along with substantial investments and assets, positions you well for retirement. The absence of loans and a sizable emergency fund further strengthens your financial resilience.

Evaluating Investment Portfolio

Your investment portfolio comprises a mix of traditional and market-linked instruments, providing a balance between stability and growth potential. Additionally, your equity investments and continued contributions to PPF demonstrate a long-term wealth accumulation strategy.

Benefits of Regular Funds Investing through MFD with CFP Credential

Investing through a Mutual Fund Distributor (MFD) with a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) credential offers personalized guidance and comprehensive financial planning. An MFD can assist in optimizing your investment strategy and ensuring alignment with your retirement goals.

Disadvantages of Direct Funds

Direct funds require investors to conduct their own research and make investment decisions independently, which may not be suitable for all investors. Utilizing the expertise of an MFD with a CFP credential can help navigate market complexities and optimize returns.

SWP Strategy for Retirement Income

To ensure a comfortable retirement, calculate your desired annual expenses adjusted for inflation and determine the Sustainable Withdrawal Rate (SWR) from your investment corpus. Regularly review your portfolio performance and adjust SWP amounts accordingly.

Mitigating Tax Implications on Tier 1 Withdrawals

Shifting corpus from NPS Tier 2 to Tier 1 at age 59 can be a prudent decision, considering the tax benefits associated with Tier 1 withdrawals. Withdrawals up to 60% at age 60 are tax-free, while the remaining amount can generate taxable annuities.

Planning for Future Expenses and Contingencies

Anticipate future expenses such as healthcare costs and lifestyle enhancements in retirement planning. Ensure adequate medical insurance coverage and periodically reassess your insurance needs to mitigate unforeseen risks.


Your comprehensive retirement planning approach, coupled with disciplined savings and investments, positions you well for a comfortable retirement at around 55 years. Continuously monitor your portfolio performance, reassess your financial goals, and seek guidance from a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) to navigate evolving financial landscapes effectively.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4265 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 07, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Apr 24, 2024Hindi
Hi I am 47 years old. Married but no kids . Me and my wife combined annual income is 70 lacs . We have our own house in gurgaon whose current value is aprox 6 cr . We dont have any kind of loan on us . Currently our savings are as follows 1.65 cr invested in lic jeevan shanti and jeevan akshay from which Currently we are earning 8 lacs / year and by 2028 it will increase to 14 lacs / year till whole life . We have invested in hdfc sanchay plus also , from their we will get 16 lacs / anum starting from 2029 till next 25 years . Joint Ppf corpus is currently 80 lacs , will continue to invest 3 lacs / year for next 15 years My wifes epf vpf current corpus is aprox 20 lacs , currently she is contributing 2.5 lacs / year in that and will continue to do so till next 10 years Emergency fund of 20 lacs in form of auto sweep fd in saving account Equity investment currently Nps tier 2 ( 100 % equity - 55lacs ) Miare asset small cap etf - 5 lacs Nippon nifty bees etf - 5 lacs Planning to invest 30 lacs / year for next 5- 7 years in above equity options . Our current yearly expenses are neary 18 / 20 lacs We have medical insurance cover of 30 lacs And a term insurance of 1.5 cr and 1 cr respectively Pls suggest that are we on right track for a comfortable retirement at around 55 years Considering life expectency of 80 years and inflation. What should be our SWP and from which investments ( as mentioned above ) and how much this withdrawal can be increased per year to adjust the inflation and maintain our current lifestyle. Also i would like to know that whether shifting all the corpus from tier 2 to tier 1 at the age of 59 will be a wise decision in my case as 60 % withdrawal at age 60 from tier 1 will be tax free which can be withdrawn thru swp . Balance 40 corpus amount will generate annuity which only will be taxable.
Ans: It's evident that you've made significant strides towards securing a comfortable retirement, but let's delve deeper into your current financial position and future plans:
• Income and Assets: With a combined annual income of 70 lakhs and significant assets, including your house in Gurgaon and various investments, you're well-positioned for retirement.
• Investment Portfolio: Your investment portfolio appears diversified, with allocations to LIC policies, HDFC Sanchay Plus, PPF, EPF/VPF, equity investments, and plans for further equity investments.
• Retirement Planning: Based on your current savings, income, and investments, along with your planned contributions and expected returns, it seems you're on track for a comfortable retirement.
• SWP and Inflation Adjustments: To determine your SWP (Systematic Withdrawal Plan), consider factors such as your estimated lifespan, expected returns on investments, inflation rate, and desired annual income. Adjust your withdrawals annually to account for inflation and ensure your lifestyle is maintained.
• NPS Tier 2 to Tier 1 Transfer: Shifting your corpus from NPS Tier 2 to Tier 1 at age 59 could be beneficial, considering the tax benefits associated with withdrawals from Tier 1 after age 60. Assess the tax implications and consult with a financial advisor to make an informed decision.
• Insurance and Emergency Fund: Your medical insurance cover and term insurance policies provide essential protection. Ensure these coverages are periodically reviewed and adjusted as needed.
• Consult a Financial Advisor: Given the complexity of retirement planning and tax implications, consider consulting a Certified Financial Planner to optimize your retirement strategy, tax planning, and SWP calculations.
Overall, it appears that you've taken proactive steps towards a secure retirement. With careful monitoring, periodic adjustments, and professional guidance, you can continue on the path to achieving your retirement goals and maintaining your desired lifestyle.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4265 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 13, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 04, 2024Hindi
Hi Sir, I am 36 years old & I am getting 1.15lacs in hand per month. I have 7.6 lacs in epf, 7.2Lacs in Sukanya, 2.9 Lacs in NPS, 2.3 Lacs in PPF, 6 Lacs in MF, 1 Lac in stocks, approx 2 Lacs in Lic. On an average I am spending (approx): 3.3k : LIC 1.5k : health insurance 8.5k : Sukanya 8.5k : PPF 8.5k : NPS 16k : MF Total Approx 46k per month. I am planning retirement @55 ( 20 years from now), please suggest if I am on right track or i should increase the investment (if yes, then please suggest which one). I may need 50k to 70k per month post retirement. Please suggest.
Ans: You've laid out a comprehensive overview of your finances, showcasing a proactive approach to wealth management. Let's analyze your current situation and retirement aspirations.

At 36, with a monthly take-home of 1.15 lakhs and diverse investments across EPF, Sukanya, NPS, PPF, MFs, stocks, and LIC, you've built a sturdy foundation for your future. Your disciplined approach to saving and investing is commendable.

Your allocation towards EPF, Sukanya, NPS, PPF, and LIC reflects a mix of long-term stability and tax efficiency. These avenues offer a blend of security and growth potential, aligning well with your retirement goal.

Investing 16k per month in mutual funds demonstrates a proactive stance towards wealth accumulation and potential growth. MFs provide diversification and the potential for higher returns, complementing your other investments.

Post-retirement income goals of 50k to 70k per month necessitate a closer look at your current investment strategy. While your existing investments are substantial, it's prudent to assess if they align with your retirement income requirements.

Consider increasing your allocation towards MFs and other growth-oriented investments to bridge the gap between your current savings and future income needs. Regularly reviewing and adjusting your investment portfolio is essential to staying on track.

Engaging with a Certified Financial Planner can provide personalized advice tailored to your retirement aspirations. They can conduct a detailed analysis of your finances, recommend suitable investment strategies, and ensure alignment with your long-term goals.

In conclusion, while your current savings and investments display foresight and diligence, adjusting your strategy to meet future income needs is advisable. With careful planning and periodic reviews, you can enhance the likelihood of achieving a comfortable retirement.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4265 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 25, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 20, 2024Hindi
Hello Sir, Me and my wife are both 35 years old. We earn a total of Rs. 3.50L per month. We have a house loan of 15L for which we pay an emi of 15k per month. We both also have ppf accounts with combined amount of 7L and starting july 2024 will be investing 12500 rs in each account. We also have lum-sum mf deposited of Rs. 2L and 3L each (a year back). Currently have a combined SIP of 10000 monthly in equity + debt. We have 2 properties for one receives rental of Rs. 12500 per month and other one we stay. We also have FD of around 20L and have a seperate amount of Rs. 5L kept as emergency fund. Also we have NPS account and per year we invest Rs. 50000 each in our accounts. We have a Term plans for both of us at 1-1cr each. Our company PF balnce combined to be around 25L. We have a 6 year old son. We wish to retire by age of 50 years, with a handsome amount which can generate an income of 1.5-2L. Please help us how can we work towards achieving this goal.
Ans: First, I want to commend you and your wife for being financially proactive and disciplined. Your combined monthly income of Rs. 3.50 lakhs and structured investments show a solid foundation. Your goal to retire by 50 with an income of Rs. 1.5-2 lakhs per month is achievable with strategic planning. Let’s explore how you can optimize your current finances to reach this goal.

Current Financial Snapshot
House Loan:

Outstanding loan: Rs. 15 lakhs
EMI: Rs. 15,000 per month
PPF Accounts:

Combined balance: Rs. 7 lakhs
Monthly investment from July 2024: Rs. 12,500 each (total Rs. 25,000)
Mutual Funds:

Lump sum: Rs. 2 lakhs and Rs. 3 lakhs
Monthly SIP: Rs. 10,000 in equity and debt

One rental property generating Rs. 12,500 per month
Primary residence
Fixed Deposits:

Total: Rs. 20 lakhs
Emergency Fund:

Total: Rs. 5 lakhs
NPS Accounts:

Annual contribution: Rs. 50,000 each (total Rs. 1 lakh)
Term Insurance:

Sum assured: Rs. 1 crore each
Provident Fund:

Combined balance: Rs. 25 lakhs
With this strong financial base, let’s assess how to align your assets and investments towards your retirement goal.

Setting Clear Retirement Goals
Your goal is to retire at 50, with a steady monthly income of Rs. 1.5-2 lakhs. To achieve this, we need to:

Estimate Retirement Corpus:

We need to calculate how much you’ll need to generate Rs. 1.5-2 lakhs per month, considering inflation and longevity.
Optimize Current Investments:

Evaluate and adjust your current investments for growth and stability.
Increase Investment Contributions:

Plan to increase your savings and investments to meet the desired retirement corpus.
Estimating Your Retirement Corpus
Assuming you need Rs. 1.5-2 lakhs per month in today’s terms, we must account for inflation. Typically, a 6-7% annual inflation rate is reasonable for long-term planning.

Inflation-Adjusted Income:

Rs. 1.5 lakhs today will be much higher in 15 years due to inflation. For example, at 6% inflation, Rs. 1.5 lakhs will be around Rs. 3.6 lakhs in 15 years.
Corpus Calculation:

To generate Rs. 3.6 lakhs per month, you need a substantial retirement corpus. Typically, using a safe withdrawal rate of 4-5%, you’ll need a corpus of approximately Rs. 9-10 crores.
Optimizing Your Current Investments
To build this corpus, let’s review and optimize your existing investments and strategies.

Paying Off the Home Loan
Low-Interest Priority:

Your home loan of Rs. 15 lakhs with an EMI of Rs. 15,000 is manageable. If the interest rate is low, continue paying the EMI. Use surplus funds for higher growth investments rather than prepaying the loan.
Focus on Higher Returns:

Redirecting extra money towards investments with higher returns than your loan’s interest rate can be more beneficial.
Leveraging PPF Accounts
Consistent Contributions:

You plan to invest Rs. 25,000 per month in PPF. This provides safe, tax-free returns, which is great for a portion of your portfolio. Continue these contributions for stability and security.
Long-Term Growth:

PPF’s tax-free nature and stable returns make it a strong long-term investment. It’s perfect for balancing your riskier investments.
Enhancing Mutual Fund Investments
Review Lump Sum Investments:

Your Rs. 2 lakhs and Rs. 3 lakhs in mutual funds need reviewing. Ensure these funds are aligned with your risk tolerance and goals. Prefer funds with a good track record of consistent returns.
Increase SIPs:

You currently invest Rs. 10,000 monthly in SIPs. To meet your retirement goals, consider increasing your SIPs gradually. Target Rs. 20,000-30,000 monthly as your income allows.
Focus on Growth:

Prioritize equity mutual funds for higher returns, balanced with some debt funds for stability. Actively managed funds can outperform index funds, providing better growth potential.
Fixed Deposits and Emergency Fund
Emergency Fund:

Your Rs. 5 lakhs emergency fund is excellent. It’s crucial to keep this liquid and accessible. This provides security and peace of mind.
Reassess Fixed Deposits:

With Rs. 20 lakhs in FDs, you have stability, but returns may be lower. Consider reallocating a portion to higher-yielding investments, keeping some for short-term needs and safety.
NPS Contributions
Tax Benefits:

Your annual Rs. 50,000 each in NPS is beneficial for tax savings and retirement planning. Continue these contributions for long-term retirement benefits.
Growth Potential:

NPS offers good growth with a mix of equity and debt. It’s a great supplement to your retirement corpus, providing steady growth and tax benefits.
Investment Strategy to Achieve Retirement Goals
To retire comfortably by 50, focus on growing your wealth while managing risks. Here’s a strategic plan:

Maximize Equity Exposure:

At your age, focus on equity investments for higher growth. Increase your SIPs in equity mutual funds and ensure a diversified portfolio.
Rebalance Periodically:

Regularly review and rebalance your portfolio to stay aligned with your goals. Adjust allocations based on market conditions and your risk tolerance.
Leverage Professional Management:

Actively managed funds can provide higher returns through expert stock selection and management. Consider funds with good track records and professional managers.
Increase Contributions Over Time:

As your income grows, gradually increase your SIPs and other investments. Aim to invest a larger portion of your salary towards your retirement corpus.
Utilize Tax-Efficient Investments:

Maximize contributions to PPF and NPS for tax savings. Also, consider tax-efficient mutual funds and equity investments.
Diversify Across Asset Classes:

Balance your portfolio with a mix of equities, debt, and safe instruments like PPF and FDs. Diversification reduces risk and enhances returns.
Managing Risks and Ensuring Stability
Risk management is crucial in your journey towards early retirement. Here’s how you can mitigate risks while pursuing your goals:

Adequate Insurance Coverage:

Your term plans of Rs. 1 crore each provide a safety net for your family. Ensure you have adequate health insurance to cover medical emergencies.
Emergency Fund Maintenance:

Keep your Rs. 5 lakhs emergency fund intact. This protects against unexpected expenses without disturbing your investments.
Regular Financial Check-Ups:

Periodically review your financial plan and investments. This helps in adapting to changing circumstances and staying on track.
Plan for Inflation:

Consider the impact of inflation on your retirement needs. Ensure your investments grow faster than inflation to maintain purchasing power.
Building a Sustainable Retirement Plan
Creating a sustainable retirement plan involves both growing your corpus and planning for a stable income post-retirement. Here’s how:

Target a Diversified Corpus:

Aim for a retirement corpus that includes a mix of equity, debt, and fixed-income investments. This provides growth and stability.
Consider Systematic Withdrawal Plans:

Post-retirement, consider using Systematic Withdrawal Plans (SWPs) from mutual funds to generate a steady income. This allows you to withdraw money systematically while keeping your capital invested and growing.
Explore Annuity Options:

Though not the focus, evaluate annuities for a portion of your retirement corpus for guaranteed income. They provide stability and reduce the risk of outliving your savings.
Maintain a Balance Between Safety and Growth:

As you approach retirement, gradually shift to safer investments to protect your corpus while keeping some exposure to growth assets.
Final Insights
Your goal to retire at 50 with a monthly income of Rs. 1.5-2 lakhs is ambitious but achievable. Here’s a summary of how to work towards it:

Focus on Equity for Growth:

Increase your equity investments through SIPs and lump-sum mutual fund investments. This provides the growth needed to build a large corpus.
Maintain Diversification and Stability:

Balance your portfolio with PPF, FDs, and NPS for stability and tax benefits. Keep your emergency fund intact for security.
Increase Investments Over Time:

Gradually increase your investment contributions as your income grows. This accelerates your wealth-building process.
Leverage Professional Management:

Utilize actively managed mutual funds and the expertise of Certified Financial Planners. They help in optimizing your investments and staying on track.
Regularly Review and Rebalance:

Periodically review your financial plan and investments. Rebalance your portfolio to stay aligned with your goals and risk tolerance.
Starting early and maintaining a disciplined approach will lead you to a comfortable and financially secure retirement at 50. Your proactive steps today will pave the way for a fulfilling and worry-free future.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Nayagam P P  |1323 Answers  |Ask -

Career Counsellor - Answered on Jul 04, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 04, 2024Hindi
Sir, My son studies in VIT Vellore in CSE specializing in AI and Machine Learning. He just finished his first year semester with 8.56 CGPA. Can you please guide how to go further maintaining CGPA and what else to do extra apart from studies to get good placement in companies. He is keen to work in Google. Thank you.
Ans: Some important tips for your Son here to follow: (1) To maintain the same and / or try to increase his CGPA (2) He should start upgrading his skills through NPTEL, Coursera, Internshala, LinkedIn etc. and / or from any other online platforms, recommended by his College Faculties (3) Maintaining a good student-faculty relationship till 4th year (4) Giving more importance to Class Notes and the Reference Books recommended by his Faculties (5) Involving in co-curricular (related to his domain) & extra curricular activities which can be / should be reflected in his Resume (6) Improving his soft skills / communication / presentation skills during the next 3-years which also can be shown in his Resume during his Campus Recruitment Drive (7) Should have a Professional LinkedIn Profile & keep updating them every 3-months (8) Connecting with Professionals of his domain (should not ask for jobs). Not advisable. (9) Put Job Alerts, (related to his domain), in LinkedIn Itself to get notifications to know the Current / Future Job Market Trends and how to upgrade himself accordingly. (10) He also should start RESEARCHING from now, about the Recruiters who visited the Campus during the last 2-3 years, related to his domain, company's Profile, Manpower Strength, Nature of Business / Services Provided etc. This will help him to be more CONFIDENT at the time of Interview in 4th year. I hope I have answered to your question with value additions. All the BEST for Your Son's Bright Future.

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