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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 21, 2024

Ramalingam Kalirajan has over 23 years of experience in mutual funds and financial planning.
He has an MBA in finance from the University of Madras and is a certified financial planner.
He is the director and chief financial planner at Holistic Investment, a Chennai-based firm that offers financial planning and wealth management advice.... more
Vaithiyanathan Question by Vaithiyanathan on May 21, 2024Hindi

Hi Sir, I am 32 years old and my monthly household income is about Rs 1.2 lakh. We have saved close to Rs 3 lakh in SBI Magnum LTEF, nearly Rs 10 lakh in the Provident Fund, Rs 3.5 lakh in NPS, 5 lakhs in post office NSC and an emergency fund of 11 lakhs. I have a hdfc term life insurance with cover of 2Cr upto 85 years with monthly premium 5K. Our monthly expenses are upto 25K. How much should we save in the next 10 years to create a Rs 2 crore retirement corpus? I also need Rs 50 lakhs for our son’s higher education. We have a moderate to low risk appetite. Please suggest some good fund names that I can choose from.

Ans: Assessing Your Current Financial Position
You've done an excellent job of building a diversified portfolio. With savings in SBI Magnum LTEF, Provident Fund, NPS, NSC, and a substantial emergency fund, your foundation is strong. Your life insurance cover of Rs 2 crore also ensures financial security for your family. Monthly expenses of Rs 25K indicate a manageable lifestyle with room for significant savings.

Evaluating Your Financial Goals
You have two main financial goals:

Creating a Rs 2 crore retirement corpus in the next 10 years.
Saving Rs 50 lakhs for your son's higher education.
Given your moderate to low risk appetite, your investment strategy should focus on balancing growth and safety.

Retirement Corpus Planning
To accumulate Rs 2 crore in 10 years, you need a strategic and disciplined approach. Your current investments are a good start, but you will need to increase your monthly savings and choose investments wisely to reach this target. The power of compounding will work in your favor if you start early and remain consistent.

Higher Education Fund
Planning for Rs 50 lakhs for your son's education is a significant goal. Given the time horizon and your risk appetite, starting early with systematic investments in diversified funds will help you reach this target comfortably.

Investment Strategy
Actively Managed Funds Over Index Funds
Actively managed funds are managed by professional fund managers aiming to outperform the market. Though they have higher fees compared to index funds, the potential for higher returns can make a significant difference in achieving long-term goals like retirement and education. Fund managers adjust the portfolio based on market conditions, aiming to maximise returns and manage risks effectively.

Disadvantages of Direct Funds
While direct funds might seem attractive due to lower expense ratios, investing through a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) offers significant advantages. A CFP provides expert advice, helping you choose the right funds, diversify your portfolio, and make necessary adjustments over time. This professional guidance often leads to better investment outcomes compared to navigating direct funds on your own.

Monthly Savings Requirement
To reach Rs 2 crore for retirement and Rs 50 lakhs for education, you need to determine how much to save monthly. Let's consider a hypothetical scenario where you aim for a moderate return. Typically, achieving such goals might require substantial monthly savings, compounded by annual returns. A CFP can help you calculate the exact amount needed based on your current portfolio and expected returns.

Risk Management
Your moderate to low risk appetite suggests a cautious investment approach. Investing in a mix of diversified equity funds, balanced funds, and debt funds can help balance risk and return. This approach protects your capital while aiming for steady growth. High-risk investments might not suit your profile and can be avoided to ensure capital preservation.

Importance of Regular Review
Regularly reviewing and adjusting your portfolio is crucial. Market conditions and personal circumstances change over time. Regular check-ins with your CFP ensure your investments stay aligned with your goals and risk tolerance. Adjustments may be needed to respond to market fluctuations or changes in your financial situation.

Your financial journey so far is commendable. With disciplined savings, a strategic investment approach, and professional guidance, you can achieve your retirement and education goals. Focus on consistent savings, leverage actively managed funds, and seek advice from a CFP for the best outcomes. By doing so, you ensure that your financial future remains secure and well-planned.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 19, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 10, 2024Hindi
Hi, My age is 43yrs and current investments are PF and PPF: 1.5cr, Mutual funds: 90Lakhs, Direct Stocks: 25lakhs, Fixed deposits: 40 lakh, SGB: 5 lakhs, Cash:40 Lakhs. Liabilities: Home EMI: 49,000 per month, kids education: 45,000 per month and other expense:45,000. Surplus of 1 lakh. I like to retire in 10 years. How much corpus do I need at the time of retirement. Liabilities: 2 Kids will complete 12the class in 6 years And then their marriage.
Ans: You are 43 years old with diverse investments. You aim to retire in 10 years. Your financial details are as follows:

Provident Fund (PF) and Public Provident Fund (PPF): Rs. 1.5 crore
Mutual Funds: Rs. 90 lakh
Direct Stocks: Rs. 25 lakh
Fixed Deposits (FDs): Rs. 40 lakh
Sovereign Gold Bonds (SGB): Rs. 5 lakh
Cash: Rs. 40 lakh
Liabilities and Expenses
Home EMI: Rs. 49,000 per month
Kids’ Education: Rs. 45,000 per month
Other Expenses: Rs. 45,000 per month
Total Monthly Expenses: Rs. 1,39,000
Surplus Income: Rs. 1 lakh per month
Your children will complete their 12th grade in 6 years and then have expenses for higher education and marriage.

Assessing Retirement Corpus Needs
1. Estimate Monthly Expenses Post-Retirement:

Assuming you maintain a similar lifestyle post-retirement.
Inflation-adjusted monthly expenses might increase.
Consider an inflation rate of 6% per year.
2. Calculate Retirement Corpus:

Calculate the amount needed to generate the required monthly income.
Factor in inflation and life expectancy (e.g., up to age 85).
Investment Strategy
1. Pay Off Liabilities:

Prioritize paying off the home loan before retirement.
This will reduce your monthly expenses significantly.
2. Build a Diversified Portfolio:

Continue with diversified investments in mutual funds, stocks, and bonds.
Consider increasing investments in mutual funds for growth.
Allocate a portion of your surplus to equity and debt funds.
3. Set Up Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs):

Use your monthly surplus of Rs. 1 lakh to set up SIPs.
Focus on equity mutual funds for higher long-term returns.
Consider balanced funds for a mix of growth and stability.
4. Emergency Fund:

Maintain an emergency fund to cover 6-12 months of expenses.
Keep this in a liquid and safe investment like a savings account or short-term FD.
5. Child Education and Marriage Fund:

Start a dedicated fund for your children’s education and marriage.
Use a mix of equity and debt mutual funds for this goal.
Adjust the allocation as you get closer to the need.
6. Review and Adjust Investments:

Review your portfolio every six months.
Adjust based on performance and changing needs.
Ensure you are on track to meet your retirement and other financial goals.
Retirement Corpus Calculation
1. Estimate Future Monthly Expenses:

Current monthly expenses: Rs. 1,39,000
Adjusted for inflation over 10 years (at 6% per year).
2. Calculate Required Corpus:

Use a retirement calculator to estimate the corpus.
Factor in life expectancy, inflation, and expected returns on investments.
Additional Tips
1. Tax Efficiency:

Choose investments that offer tax benefits.
Consider tax-efficient mutual funds and debt instruments.
2. Adequate Insurance:

Ensure you have sufficient health and life insurance.
Review your policies to ensure they meet your needs.
3. Regular Monitoring:

Stay disciplined with your investments.
Regularly monitor and rebalance your portfolio.
Final Insights
To retire comfortably in 10 years, you need a substantial corpus. Continue your diversified investment strategy, focus on growth, and pay off your liabilities. Use your monthly surplus wisely to build a robust retirement fund. Regularly review and adjust your investments to stay on track.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 18, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 17, 2024Hindi
Sir, I am 38 years old and married and currently have no children or loan. I get a monthly income of Rs 75000/- out if which Rs 30000/-goes into monthly mutual fund sips. My monthly expenses are Rs 30000/-. I also transfer excess cash in an emergency fund when possible. I Invest Rs 50000/- each per year in NPS and PPF respectively and i have a mediclaim cover of Rs 10 Lakhs.I have 20 more years untill retirement. I would like to build a retirement corpus of Rs 2 crores. Kindly guide me as to how to go about it. Also is it recommended to open fixed deposits and if so then about how much worth should i open the same?
Ans: Your current financial strategy shows strong discipline and foresight. You are well on your way to building a substantial retirement corpus. Let's delve deeper into your financial situation and provide a comprehensive guide to ensure you achieve your retirement goal of Rs 2 crores in 20 years.

Current Financial Overview
Income and Expenses
Monthly Income: Rs 75,000
Monthly SIP Investment: Rs 30,000
Monthly Expenses: Rs 30,000
Surplus for Emergency Fund: Rs 15,000 (when available)
Annual NPS Contribution: Rs 50,000
Annual PPF Contribution: Rs 50,000
Existing Coverage and Investments
Mediclaim Cover: Rs 10 Lakhs
Emergency Fund: Accumulated over time
Time Until Retirement: 20 years
Assessing and Optimizing Your Strategy
Mutual Fund SIPs
Investing Rs 30,000 per month in mutual fund SIPs is commendable. This disciplined approach will benefit from rupee cost averaging and compound growth over time.

Advantages of SIPs:

Regular Investment: Ensures consistent contributions irrespective of market conditions.
Rupee Cost Averaging: Buys more units when prices are low and fewer when prices are high, averaging the cost.
Compounding: Returns reinvested grow exponentially over time.
Recommendation: Continue your current SIPs. Periodically review the performance and diversify across equity, debt, and hybrid funds to balance risk and returns.

National Pension System (NPS)
The NPS is a good choice for long-term retirement planning. Your annual contribution of Rs 50,000 benefits from tax deductions under Section 80C and 80CCD.

Advantages of NPS:

Tax Benefits: Reduces taxable income, providing immediate tax savings.
Retirement Corpus: Builds a substantial corpus with market-linked growth.
Annuity Option: Ensures a regular pension post-retirement.
Recommendation: Continue your NPS contributions. Consider increasing the amount gradually to maximize the retirement corpus and tax benefits.

Public Provident Fund (PPF)
PPF is a safe, long-term investment with assured returns and tax benefits. Your annual contribution of Rs 50,000 to PPF is a prudent choice.

Advantages of PPF:

Safety: Government-backed, providing guaranteed returns.
Tax Benefits: Contributions and interest earned are tax-free under Section 80C.
Long-Term Growth: Suitable for retirement planning due to the 15-year lock-in period.
Recommendation: Continue your annual PPF contributions. It ensures a risk-free portion of your retirement corpus.

Emergency Fund
Having an emergency fund is essential for financial stability. It should cover at least six months of living expenses to manage unforeseen events without liquidating investments.

Recommendation: Maintain and gradually increase your emergency fund to the desired level. Allocate the Rs 15,000 monthly surplus when possible to build this fund.

Building a Rs 2 Crore Retirement Corpus
Calculating the Required Monthly Investment
To build a retirement corpus of Rs 2 crores in 20 years, let's assume an average annual return of 10% from your diversified portfolio (a mix of equity and debt).

Steps to Achieve the Goal:

Evaluate Current Contributions: Calculate the future value of your existing SIPs, NPS, and PPF contributions.
Adjust Investments: Determine if additional monthly investments are needed to meet the target.
Review and Rebalance: Periodically review and adjust the portfolio to stay on track.

Current SIPs: Rs 30,000/month
NPS Contribution: Rs 50,000/year
PPF Contribution: Rs 50,000/year
Assuming a 10% annual return, calculate the future value of these investments over 20 years.

Importance of Diversification
Equity Mutual Funds
Equity mutual funds offer high growth potential but come with higher risk. Diversifying across large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap funds can balance the risk.

Recommendation: Allocate a portion of your SIPs to equity mutual funds. Diversify across different types to capture growth while managing risk.

Debt Mutual Funds
Debt mutual funds provide stability and lower risk compared to equity funds. They are ideal for balancing the overall portfolio.

Recommendation: Include debt mutual funds in your SIP portfolio. They offer stable returns and act as a cushion during market volatility.

Balanced or Hybrid Funds
Balanced or hybrid funds invest in a mix of equity and debt instruments, providing growth potential with reduced risk.

Recommendation: Consider balanced funds to maintain a diversified portfolio with a balanced risk-return profile.

Fixed Deposits: A Conservative Approach
Fixed deposits (FDs) offer guaranteed returns and safety but generally lower returns compared to mutual funds. They are suitable for short-term goals and as part of an emergency fund.

Advantages of FDs:

Safety: Principal is secure with assured returns.
Liquidity: Can be easily liquidated if needed.
Predictable Returns: Ideal for short-term financial goals.
Recommendation: Allocate a portion of your emergency fund or short-term savings to FDs. Avoid over-reliance on FDs for long-term growth due to lower returns.

Tax Efficiency
Tax-Saving Instruments
Investing in tax-saving instruments like ELSS (Equity Linked Savings Scheme) can optimize tax benefits and contribute to wealth creation.

Advantages of ELSS:

Tax Deductions: Eligible for deductions under Section 80C.
Short Lock-In Period: Only a three-year lock-in compared to PPF.
Growth Potential: Equity exposure provides high growth potential.
Recommendation: Consider ELSS for tax-saving purposes and long-term growth. It complements your existing tax-saving strategies.

Monitoring and Rebalancing
Regularly monitoring and rebalancing your portfolio ensures it aligns with your financial goals and risk tolerance. Market conditions change, and so do your financial needs.

Recommendation: Review your portfolio at least annually. Rebalance if necessary to maintain the desired asset allocation and optimize returns.

Final Insights
Your current financial strategy is robust and well-structured. Investing Rs 30,000 monthly in SIPs, Rs 50,000 annually in NPS, and Rs 50,000 annually in PPF reflects a disciplined approach. To build a retirement corpus of Rs 2 crores in 20 years, consider the following steps:

Continue Current Investments: Maintain your SIPs, NPS, and PPF contributions. They form a solid foundation for your retirement corpus.
Diversify Portfolio: Include equity, debt, and balanced funds in your SIPs to balance risk and maximize returns.
Build Emergency Fund: Ensure your emergency fund covers at least six months of living expenses. Allocate the monthly surplus towards this fund.
Consider Tax-Saving Instruments: ELSS can provide additional tax benefits and growth potential.
Monitor and Rebalance: Regularly review and adjust your portfolio to stay aligned with your goals.
Fixed deposits can be part of your emergency fund or short-term savings but avoid relying heavily on them for long-term growth. By following these recommendations, you are on the right path to achieving your retirement goal of Rs 2 crores.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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