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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4329 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 18, 2024

Ramalingam Kalirajan has over 23 years of experience in mutual funds and financial planning.
He has an MBA in finance from the University of Madras and is a certified financial planner.
He is the director and chief financial planner at Holistic Investment, a Chennai-based firm that offers financial planning and wealth management advice.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Jun 17, 2024Hindi

Sir, I am 38 years old and married and currently have no children or loan. I get a monthly income of Rs 75000/- out if which Rs 30000/-goes into monthly mutual fund sips. My monthly expenses are Rs 30000/-. I also transfer excess cash in an emergency fund when possible. I Invest Rs 50000/- each per year in NPS and PPF respectively and i have a mediclaim cover of Rs 10 Lakhs.I have 20 more years untill retirement. I would like to build a retirement corpus of Rs 2 crores. Kindly guide me as to how to go about it. Also is it recommended to open fixed deposits and if so then about how much worth should i open the same?

Ans: Your current financial strategy shows strong discipline and foresight. You are well on your way to building a substantial retirement corpus. Let's delve deeper into your financial situation and provide a comprehensive guide to ensure you achieve your retirement goal of Rs 2 crores in 20 years.

Current Financial Overview
Income and Expenses
Monthly Income: Rs 75,000
Monthly SIP Investment: Rs 30,000
Monthly Expenses: Rs 30,000
Surplus for Emergency Fund: Rs 15,000 (when available)
Annual NPS Contribution: Rs 50,000
Annual PPF Contribution: Rs 50,000
Existing Coverage and Investments
Mediclaim Cover: Rs 10 Lakhs
Emergency Fund: Accumulated over time
Time Until Retirement: 20 years
Assessing and Optimizing Your Strategy
Mutual Fund SIPs
Investing Rs 30,000 per month in mutual fund SIPs is commendable. This disciplined approach will benefit from rupee cost averaging and compound growth over time.

Advantages of SIPs:

Regular Investment: Ensures consistent contributions irrespective of market conditions.
Rupee Cost Averaging: Buys more units when prices are low and fewer when prices are high, averaging the cost.
Compounding: Returns reinvested grow exponentially over time.
Recommendation: Continue your current SIPs. Periodically review the performance and diversify across equity, debt, and hybrid funds to balance risk and returns.

National Pension System (NPS)
The NPS is a good choice for long-term retirement planning. Your annual contribution of Rs 50,000 benefits from tax deductions under Section 80C and 80CCD.

Advantages of NPS:

Tax Benefits: Reduces taxable income, providing immediate tax savings.
Retirement Corpus: Builds a substantial corpus with market-linked growth.
Annuity Option: Ensures a regular pension post-retirement.
Recommendation: Continue your NPS contributions. Consider increasing the amount gradually to maximize the retirement corpus and tax benefits.

Public Provident Fund (PPF)
PPF is a safe, long-term investment with assured returns and tax benefits. Your annual contribution of Rs 50,000 to PPF is a prudent choice.

Advantages of PPF:

Safety: Government-backed, providing guaranteed returns.
Tax Benefits: Contributions and interest earned are tax-free under Section 80C.
Long-Term Growth: Suitable for retirement planning due to the 15-year lock-in period.
Recommendation: Continue your annual PPF contributions. It ensures a risk-free portion of your retirement corpus.

Emergency Fund
Having an emergency fund is essential for financial stability. It should cover at least six months of living expenses to manage unforeseen events without liquidating investments.

Recommendation: Maintain and gradually increase your emergency fund to the desired level. Allocate the Rs 15,000 monthly surplus when possible to build this fund.

Building a Rs 2 Crore Retirement Corpus
Calculating the Required Monthly Investment
To build a retirement corpus of Rs 2 crores in 20 years, let's assume an average annual return of 10% from your diversified portfolio (a mix of equity and debt).

Steps to Achieve the Goal:

Evaluate Current Contributions: Calculate the future value of your existing SIPs, NPS, and PPF contributions.
Adjust Investments: Determine if additional monthly investments are needed to meet the target.
Review and Rebalance: Periodically review and adjust the portfolio to stay on track.

Current SIPs: Rs 30,000/month
NPS Contribution: Rs 50,000/year
PPF Contribution: Rs 50,000/year
Assuming a 10% annual return, calculate the future value of these investments over 20 years.

Importance of Diversification
Equity Mutual Funds
Equity mutual funds offer high growth potential but come with higher risk. Diversifying across large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap funds can balance the risk.

Recommendation: Allocate a portion of your SIPs to equity mutual funds. Diversify across different types to capture growth while managing risk.

Debt Mutual Funds
Debt mutual funds provide stability and lower risk compared to equity funds. They are ideal for balancing the overall portfolio.

Recommendation: Include debt mutual funds in your SIP portfolio. They offer stable returns and act as a cushion during market volatility.

Balanced or Hybrid Funds
Balanced or hybrid funds invest in a mix of equity and debt instruments, providing growth potential with reduced risk.

Recommendation: Consider balanced funds to maintain a diversified portfolio with a balanced risk-return profile.

Fixed Deposits: A Conservative Approach
Fixed deposits (FDs) offer guaranteed returns and safety but generally lower returns compared to mutual funds. They are suitable for short-term goals and as part of an emergency fund.

Advantages of FDs:

Safety: Principal is secure with assured returns.
Liquidity: Can be easily liquidated if needed.
Predictable Returns: Ideal for short-term financial goals.
Recommendation: Allocate a portion of your emergency fund or short-term savings to FDs. Avoid over-reliance on FDs for long-term growth due to lower returns.

Tax Efficiency
Tax-Saving Instruments
Investing in tax-saving instruments like ELSS (Equity Linked Savings Scheme) can optimize tax benefits and contribute to wealth creation.

Advantages of ELSS:

Tax Deductions: Eligible for deductions under Section 80C.
Short Lock-In Period: Only a three-year lock-in compared to PPF.
Growth Potential: Equity exposure provides high growth potential.
Recommendation: Consider ELSS for tax-saving purposes and long-term growth. It complements your existing tax-saving strategies.

Monitoring and Rebalancing
Regularly monitoring and rebalancing your portfolio ensures it aligns with your financial goals and risk tolerance. Market conditions change, and so do your financial needs.

Recommendation: Review your portfolio at least annually. Rebalance if necessary to maintain the desired asset allocation and optimize returns.

Final Insights
Your current financial strategy is robust and well-structured. Investing Rs 30,000 monthly in SIPs, Rs 50,000 annually in NPS, and Rs 50,000 annually in PPF reflects a disciplined approach. To build a retirement corpus of Rs 2 crores in 20 years, consider the following steps:

Continue Current Investments: Maintain your SIPs, NPS, and PPF contributions. They form a solid foundation for your retirement corpus.
Diversify Portfolio: Include equity, debt, and balanced funds in your SIPs to balance risk and maximize returns.
Build Emergency Fund: Ensure your emergency fund covers at least six months of living expenses. Allocate the monthly surplus towards this fund.
Consider Tax-Saving Instruments: ELSS can provide additional tax benefits and growth potential.
Monitor and Rebalance: Regularly review and adjust your portfolio to stay aligned with your goals.
Fixed deposits can be part of your emergency fund or short-term savings but avoid relying heavily on them for long-term growth. By following these recommendations, you are on the right path to achieving your retirement goal of Rs 2 crores.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4329 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Apr 30, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Sep 24, 2023Hindi
Hi sir, I am 32 year old earning 42 LPA. I have 20 lakhs invested in stocks (expecting 15% return), 17 lakhs in mutual funds (expecting 12% return), 13 lakhs in PF (expecting 8% return), 3 lakhs in PPF (expecting 7.1% return), 2 lakhs in govt. bonds (avg. YTM 7.5%), 2 lakhs in NPS (expecting 12% return) and 10 lakhs in Savings as emergency fund. I want to retire by 45 with monthly pension of 2 lakhs post tax increasing 7% annually. What should be my corpus amount and how should I invest per month in above instruments to reach it.
Ans: To retire at 45 with a monthly pension of 2 lakhs post-tax, increasing at 7% annually, you need to estimate your post-retirement expenses and calculate the corpus required to generate this income. Assuming a conservative withdrawal rate of 4% annually to sustain the pension without depleting the corpus, you'll need a corpus of approximately 6 crores at the time of retirement.

Here's how you can plan your investments to reach this goal:

Equities: Since you have a long investment horizon and a higher risk tolerance, allocate a significant portion of your investments to equities. Continue investing in stocks and mutual funds with an expected return of 12-15% annually. Increase your SIP in mutual funds to expedite wealth accumulation.
Fixed Income: Maintain a balanced portfolio by diversifying into fixed-income instruments like PF, PPF, govt. bonds, and NPS. Although these instruments offer lower returns, they provide stability and reduce overall portfolio risk. Maximize contributions to NPS, which offers tax benefits and potentially higher returns.
Emergency Fund: Keep your emergency fund intact to cover unexpected expenses and avoid liquidating long-term investments prematurely.
Regular Review: Periodically review your investment portfolio and make adjustments based on changing financial goals, market conditions, and risk appetite. Consider consulting with a financial advisor or planner to optimize your investment strategy and ensure alignment with your retirement objectives.
By consistently investing in a diversified portfolio of equities and fixed-income instruments, you can work towards building a sufficient corpus to achieve your retirement goals. Remember to stay disciplined, stay invested for the long term, and periodically reassess your financial plan to stay on track.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4329 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 25, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 12, 2024Hindi
Hello sir, I am a 41 year old, have a dependend wife and 10 yr old daughter. I have a monthly income of 2.20 lakh in hand, 1 lakhs in equity stocks, 15 lakhs in MF lumpsum, 10 lakh in FD and 7 lakh in NSC. I pay 35,000 for SIP monthly, pay PPF 10,000 monthly, pay 5,000 monthly for NPS and pay SSY for daughter 12,000 monthly and PPF for wife 12,000 monthly. How should i plan my retirement corpus?? Is it enough or shall i invest more??
Ans: Firstly, I applaud your proactive approach to managing your finances and planning for retirement. Your current savings and investments reflect a disciplined and thoughtful strategy. With a monthly income of Rs. 2.20 lakhs, and commitments to your family's future, you’re on a commendable path. Let’s analyze your current situation and create a roadmap to ensure a secure and comfortable retirement.

Current Financial Snapshot
You have diversified your investments across various assets, which is excellent for risk management. Here’s a detailed breakdown:

Equity Stocks:

Current value: Rs. 1 lakh
Mutual Funds:

Lump sum investments: Rs. 15 lakhs
SIP contributions: Rs. 35,000 per month
Fixed Deposits:

Total: Rs. 10 lakhs
National Savings Certificates (NSC):

Total: Rs. 7 lakhs
Public Provident Fund (PPF):

Personal monthly contribution: Rs. 10,000
Wife’s monthly contribution: Rs. 12,000
National Pension System (NPS):

Monthly contribution: Rs. 5,000
Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY):

Monthly contribution for daughter: Rs. 12,000
With these diversified investments, you’re setting a strong foundation for retirement and your daughter’s future. Let’s assess your current plan and explore whether you need to invest more for a secure retirement.

Retirement Planning: Assessing Your Needs
Your primary goal is to build a retirement corpus that supports a comfortable lifestyle. Let’s explore how to plan this effectively.

Estimating Your Retirement Corpus
To retire comfortably, you need to estimate the corpus required. Consider these factors:

Desired Monthly Income:

Determine the monthly income you’ll need post-retirement, accounting for inflation and lifestyle changes. Typically, it’s around 70-80% of your current monthly expenses.
Inflation Impact:

Inflation erodes purchasing power over time. Assuming a 6% annual inflation rate, your retirement needs will increase significantly in the future.

Plan for a retirement period of 25-30 years or more. Ensure your corpus can sustain you through these years.
Using these considerations, let’s outline how to build your retirement corpus.

Reviewing and Optimizing Current Investments
Your diverse investment portfolio is a solid start. Here’s how to optimize each component for maximum growth and security.

Equity Stocks
Growth Potential:

Equity stocks offer high growth but also carry high risk. With Rs. 1 lakh invested, review your stock choices. Focus on blue-chip and growth stocks with strong fundamentals.
Regular Review:

Monitor your equity portfolio regularly. Adjust based on performance and market conditions to align with your risk tolerance.
Mutual Funds
Lump Sum Investments:

You have Rs. 15 lakhs in mutual funds. Review these funds to ensure they align with your risk profile and financial goals. Choose funds with a consistent performance record.
SIP Contributions:

Investing Rs. 35,000 monthly through SIPs is a smart strategy for wealth building. Consider increasing this amount gradually as your income allows.

Ensure your mutual funds are diversified across sectors and market caps. This reduces risk and enhances growth potential.
Fixed Deposits and NSCs
Stability and Safety:

Your Rs. 10 lakhs in FDs and Rs. 7 lakhs in NSCs provide stability and guaranteed returns. However, their growth is limited compared to equity and mutual funds.

Consider reallocating a portion of these funds to higher-yielding investments for better long-term growth while keeping some for security.
PPF Contributions
Tax-Free Growth:

PPF offers safe, tax-free returns, which is beneficial. With Rs. 10,000 monthly for you and Rs. 12,000 for your wife, you’re building a secure, long-term corpus.
Consistent Contributions:

Continue these contributions as they provide a balance to your higher-risk investments. PPF is great for long-term stability and tax savings.
NPS Contributions
Retirement Benefits:

NPS is a good addition to your retirement planning. With Rs. 5,000 monthly, it offers tax benefits and a mix of equity and debt for growth.
Increase Contributions:

Consider increasing your NPS contributions over time. This enhances your retirement corpus and provides additional tax benefits.
SSY Contributions
Securing Your Daughter’s Future:

SSY is a great investment for your daughter’s education and marriage. With Rs. 12,000 monthly, it provides tax-free, guaranteed returns.
Long-Term Growth:

Continue these contributions to secure your daughter’s financial future. SSY is one of the best instruments for a girl child’s long-term planning.
Strategic Planning for Retirement
Now, let’s create a strategic plan to ensure you achieve your retirement goals.

Increasing Your Investment Contributions
SIP Increment:

You currently invest Rs. 35,000 monthly in SIPs. Aim to gradually increase this to Rs. 50,000 or more as your income grows. This will accelerate your wealth building.
Additional Savings:

Allocate any surplus income towards your investment portfolio. Consider increasing contributions to PPF, NPS, and mutual funds.
Balancing Growth and Stability
Equity and Debt Mix:

Maintain a balanced mix of equity and debt investments. Equity provides growth, while debt offers stability. Adjust the ratio based on your risk tolerance and time horizon.
Regular Rebalancing:

Periodically review and rebalance your portfolio. This ensures alignment with your goals and market conditions. Consider professional guidance for optimal rebalancing.
Leveraging Professional Management
Actively Managed Funds:

Actively managed mutual funds can provide better returns than index funds through expert management. Choose funds with a proven track record and strong management.
Certified Financial Planner (CFP):

Consult a Certified Financial Planner for personalized advice. They can help optimize your investments and ensure alignment with your retirement goals.
Managing Risks and Ensuring Security
Mitigating risks is crucial for a secure financial future. Here’s how to manage risks effectively:

Insurance Coverage
Adequate Life Insurance:

Ensure you have adequate life insurance coverage for you and your wife. This protects your family’s financial security in case of unforeseen events.
Health Insurance:

Have comprehensive health insurance to cover medical emergencies. This prevents financial strain from unexpected health issues.
Maintaining an Emergency Fund
Liquidity and Accessibility:

Keep an emergency fund of at least 6-12 months of expenses. This should be easily accessible and kept in liquid assets like savings accounts or FDs.
Regular Review:

Periodically review your emergency fund to ensure it meets your needs. Adjust based on changes in your expenses and financial situation.
Planning for a Comfortable Retirement
To ensure a comfortable and worry-free retirement, focus on both growing your corpus and planning for post-retirement income.

Building a Robust Corpus
Targeting a Corpus:

Aim for a retirement corpus that can support your desired lifestyle. Typically, this is 20-25 times your annual expenses at the time of retirement.
Consistent Growth:

Maintain consistent contributions and growth in your investments. Use a mix of equity, debt, and safe instruments to build a robust corpus.
Generating Post-Retirement Income
Systematic Withdrawal Plans (SWPs):

Consider using SWPs from mutual funds for a steady post-retirement income. This allows you to withdraw systematically while keeping your capital invested and growing.
Balancing Safety and Returns:

As you approach retirement, gradually shift to safer investments to protect your corpus. However, keep some exposure to growth assets for continued returns.
Final Insights
You are on a strong path towards achieving a secure and comfortable retirement. Here’s a summary of how to refine your plan and ensure you meet your goals:

Increase Equity Exposure:

Focus on growing your equity investments through increased SIPs and well-chosen stocks. This provides the growth needed for a substantial retirement corpus.
Diversify and Balance:

Maintain a balanced portfolio with a mix of equity, debt, and safe instruments. Diversification reduces risk and enhances returns.
Leverage Professional Guidance:

Utilize the expertise of Certified Financial Planners and actively managed funds. They help in optimizing your investments and staying on track.
Plan for Inflation and Longevity:

Consider the impact of inflation and a long retirement period. Ensure your corpus grows faster than inflation to maintain purchasing power.
Regular Review and Adjustment:

Periodically review your financial plan and investments. Rebalance your portfolio to stay aligned with your goals and risk tolerance.
Your disciplined approach to saving and investing sets a solid foundation. With continued focus and strategic adjustments, you can achieve a secure and fulfilling retirement. Your commitment today will pave the way for a prosperous and worry-free future.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related document carefully before investing. The securities quoted are for illustration only and are not recommendatory. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information and as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision. RediffGURUS is an intermediary as per India's Information Technology Act.


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