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Dr Karthiyayini

Dr Karthiyayini Mahadevan  |826 Answers  |Ask -

General Physician - Answered on Jun 26, 2024

Dr Karthiyayini Mahadevan has been practising for 30 years.
She specialises in general medicine, child development and senior citizen care.
A graduate from Madurai Medical College, she has DNB training in paediatrics and a postgraduate degree in developmental neurology.
She has trained in Tai chi, eurythmy, Bothmer gymnastics, spacial dynamics and yoga.
She works with children with development difficulties at Sparrc Institute and is the head of wellness for senior citizens at Columbia Pacific Communities.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Jun 02, 2024Hindi

I always feel sleepy or less energy body is always in pain and gas problem tensed me palm and feet are always burning urinal problem irritates me i am 27 year old female my name is ritika dey i feel always stressed and nervous

Ans: Check your sleep pattern. The sleep if disturbed that needs attention in priority which will address many of your symptoms and concern.
Practising yoga - yoga nidra, keeping your sleep schedule at a specific time, will help a lot
DISCLAIMER: The answer provided by rediffGURUS is for informational and general awareness purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical diagnosis or treatment.

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Asked by Anonymous - Jun 15, 2024Hindi
Hello Sir, My Son has got dyal degree program in BTech Mechanical engineering in Manipal Institute of Technology and Dieken University Australia, please give you opinion on the utility and benefit of dual degree programe
Ans: Hello. Thank you for connecting with us. A dual degree in Btech Mechnical Engineering from Manipal Institute of Technology and Deakin University has exclusive advantages and benefits.
• The programme would give exposure to two different educational systems, cultures, and environments. This enhances the understanding of diverse engineering practices and market dynamics.
• The programme integrates curriculum from both institutions, thus offering comprehensive academic experience that covers a broad spectrum of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in mechanical engineering.The skill developed here would give you hands-on experience and access to state-of-the-art facilities and practical experience that prepares you for real-world experience.
• As you also have international exposure, the job prospects would widen. The job offer is attractive.
• Dual degree programmes allow students to customise the academic calendar by selecting activities and concentrations as per their interests and goals. This prepares one for specific industry sectors or further academic pursuits.

For any further queries, please get in touch with us. We have a team of expert counsellors who can guide you through any concerns or questions you may have.
Website- https://www.edwiseinternational.com/
You can follow us on our Instagram page- @edwiseint

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