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Krishna Kumar  |358 Answers  |Ask -

Workplace Expert - Answered on Mar 20, 2024

Krishna Kumar is the founder and CEO of GoMoTech, a company that provides strategic consulting in B2B sales, performance management and digital transformation.
Before branching out on his own, he worked with companies like Microsoft, Rediff, Flipkart and InMobi.
With over 25 years of experience under his belt, KK is a regular speaker at industry events and academic intuitions, both in India as well as abroad.
KK completed his MBA in marketing from the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning in Andhra Pradesh and his management development programme from XLRI, Jamshedpur.
He has also completed his LLB from Nagpur University and diploma in PR from Bhavan’s College of Management, Nagpur, where he was awarded a gold medal.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Mar 20, 2024Hindi

I have been working for a American MNC for 20 years... Now I am 54 and the company wants to get rid of me as I am expensive from a salary despite being a top performer - and me and my new boss hate each other

Ans: Dear

I can feel your situation it's not easy.

Let me share my thoughts in two parts.

Part A

Work we all have to because it takes care of both emotional and financial well-being. Work keeps us busy, gives meaning to our life and provides us with standard of life and living.

Part B

When work becomes part of our identity, self image and self esteem that's when things start getting bad.

For almost all of us it starts with Part A and at some point Part B takes over.

Coming to your situation, may I suggest following.

1. Ask yourself what are the things that makes this job critical both from Part A and Part B point of view.

2. Financial aspect of job is very important don't discount that, however do an assessment of how much your salary is contributing to take care of your reasonable wants....kids education, rent, household expenses.

3. Issue with boss. Please address it from an open mind...areas where you are responsible and areas where he is responsible. Please understand boss is boss not our friend or gaurdian to take care of our emotional needs. Sit with him/her talk it out. At your age you have enough and more maturity to strike working relationship Please keep your ego aside and more importantly keep your needs aside. Try and look at things from boss' perspective

Lastly please don't take loss of job as rejection or personal failure. Talk to your spouse and family members and seek their strength to move ahead.

All the best. Believe in yourself and life, things will be fine soon.

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Anu Krishna  |1057 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Dec 14, 2022

Hi, Sorry, my story is long.I'm 43 years old. My life's been on a crazy downside since the last 3 years. I lost my job a year before Covid. I worked with my last company for over 10 years. In my initial phase I developed and introduced a high-tech animated presentation that the sales team used. This gave my career a boost quickly and I got timely promotions, more responsibilities.I worked 12-18 hours on many occasions. When my boss came to know that my wife and I are going to have a baby, he even gave me an advance appraisal. From earning 3 lakhs a year, my last drawn salary was 21 lakhs a year.Things were going good until I was diagnosed with diabetes. It gave me a real scare and I started taking all the precautionary measures like timely food, timely workout and my focus on the job was only as much as it was needed. I couldn't go overboard working 12-18 hours like I used to. This didn't go down with many of my seniors and especially my boss.I remember, initially he gave me a long-term work from home opportunity. That too was going well but suddenly it was stopped as many colleagues started asking for the same and the company was not ready for this change on a large scale back then.By then the company had ventured into too many online businesses and verticals and they got me to hire 40-45 designers. Suddenly they realized that handling so many things wasn't working for them as the profit margins decreased. Now they wanted me to fire people on the basis of performance. Unwantedly I had to do that. Laying off people who were marginally falling short than others was bad.In between one of the incidents I saw my boss yell at me for no reason. He wanted the team to source a large number of images for the website. He had verbally asked me to utilize everyone on the floor to get the job done. Me being me, I wrote an e-mail officially assigning small tasks to a number of people on the floor. However there was no formal communication from the boss that gave me authority over others and to get others who were not a part of my team to get involved in that project. This was not an easy task as his perspective and other people's perspectives didn't match. The job went on slow and my boss got angry. He came to my cabin and gave me a big scare using foul language which must have been audible even outside to others. And mind you I was not at fault. This incident made me scared and doubtful of myself.I could never face my boss again. Whenever he was in office I would not come face to face with him. My interaction with him soon became zero. The appraisals were below par. The amount of work I used to get, got diverted to my juniors directly, bypassing me. And soon they asked to resign. I got 3 months compensation. But, after that, I couldn't really find another job as I feel I am not capable of handling stuff. I feel I will fail. I have tried to psyche myself into positivity but I can't.While I have noticed that as a freelancer, I have successfully handled many projects in the past 4 years and clients have been happy. It's only that I am very uncomfortable working in an office environment. That corporate culture for me is like a HORROR movie. Now the scenario is such that my projects in hand have reduced. I think I don't have the business acumen. It's becoming tougher to find new clients. I have applied to literally 1000 places but no one's taking the GAP in the jobs well. That's my guess. I'm more of a hands-on worker than a manager so I also applied for junior positions but I've had literally no luck.My wife has throughout these 4 years supported me and my freelance ventures. We have one kid who's 11 years old and can understand the situation even without us explaining it to him. When we got married, my mother-in-law was much older than my parents were, we decided to stay with her initially and it's been 14 years since we started staying here. We save on rent. Things were good when I had a well-paying job but now my wife's had to shell out a lot for the day-to-day expenses. Now, she keeps asking why I am unable to find a job. How much is she going to have to shell out? My savings have depleted, now hers too. I am ashamed of asking her to pay for stuff every month but my situation makes it compulsory. I have two loan EMIs, and our monthly expenses which we pay through credit card usually. But I don't have adequate income. Somehow, my wife thinks that the kind of lifestyle she has always led and what she has visualized is something she'll have to stick to. Even though we stay in a bungalow, the finances are not exactly alright. The colony where we live is full of crorepatis and my wife thinks that she has to maintain her lifestyle otherwise the kids outside will not be fair to our kid. They will tease him. The kids here are such that they compare a lot -- your house, my house, your car, my car etc.Of late we have been fighting a lot. She's always been stressed with my joblessness, my son's studies. She ends up scolding him too much and generally remains in a bad mood. I won't hide the fact that I have faced a lot of insults lately and some of them in front of my kid. Basically whenever my wife and I have an argument, she always ends it by mentioning the amount of money she has spent on the family and my joblessness. Add to it the fact that I am staying at her place. I can never have any further argument. It's like her Brahmastra.I used to be very patient when things were fine. Now, even I get agitated in no time. I'm one confused soul at the moment. I'm not outgoing, I'm very shy when it comes to new people. I've been watching a lot of videos about gaining self-confidence. But practical things do not really work out the way I think. My freelance venture failed. My e-commerce venture failed. Basically whatever I do, fails. It's that kind of a phase in my life when everything just goes wrong. I'm not a suicidal person and I want to spend a lot of time with my family yet. I'm just not sure now what to do. How to get my confidence back? Is there a thing called bad luck? Is this spiritual? Will things ever come back to normal?P.S. I have personally spoken to many people in my friends’ circle and clients circle and told them that I am looking for a job. Hoping that something materializes. But in the meantime, whatever I wrote above are things that I can't speak about to anyone.P.S.2 There's a pattern. My father was jobless after 40. So am I. He struggled a lot in his life and did whatever he could to give us the best. I'm trying hard too but I feel I am losing it. I don't want my child to face these kinds of things in his future. I hope this bad luck doesn't pass on.

Dear R,

Let’s bring it down simply into Health, Work and Marriage. And of course, your added element of superstitions that aren’t helping anyway.

You were absolutely right in taking care of your health and reworking your work timings.

If the boss doesn’t care about that, well then you are stuck with a boss whose appraisal on you will be based on the number of hours v/s actual output of work.

I know you cannot choose your boss, but being led by someone like this isn’t going to let you grow either. So, whether you choose to work as a freelancer or within an office, do make sure that you are surrounded by people that can fuel your growth.

If that’s not possible always, work your mind to a point of strength where you hold fort and not allow yourself to be a pawn like you did with you boss.

With your personal story, your wife did support you when she did and maybe the lifestyle is something that is used to.

Isn’t it time for the two of you to actually talk about the future. Instead of allowing life to take you over, ever thought of setting a strong goal as a family where everyone is involved in each other’s success journey?

So, she perhaps does not understand what it means to still live with her mother, what it means for her to have a husband with a steady job, what it means to you to keep your health at its peak!

When you both don’t understand what things mean to each other, you will be caught in crossfires and not support one another. So TALK and COMMUNICATE. And if all superstitions were to be believed, we could hunt all the black cats down and hold them captives OR not walk outside for fear of them crossing our paths.

It’s just your mind mapping on this low phase into today.

What happened with your father and you repeating with you and your son becomes true only when you don’t take charge of your life now and do something different. So, think and act different and more usefully.

Create a better life. All the best!

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Ashwini Dasgupta  |71 Answers  |Ask -

Personality Development Expert, Career Coach - Answered on Jul 12, 2023

Resp. Ma'm, I am 53 years old. I have created my own identity in the field of sales & marketing. I am working with a US company for almost 20 years. Recently I am moved to the US headquarters in a new role. I am making adequate arrangements for my old age parents with 24x7 care at home and moving to the US with family for the future of my kids. However, I have realized my role is quite inferior. And it seems they want to observe my performance and keep me light weighted in the beginning to easily settle down. I think of my parents in such situation and feel like, quitting and moving back to India. What should I do? Keep patience? Or start my own business in India, which is a bright spot in the world economy? Kindly advise.
Ans: Hi Parry,

Thank you for writing in.

First of all, it's important that you should know the intention, what is the purpose. If the purpose is to move to US for kids for their future and betterment, then you have already made the decision of settling in US.
Secondly on the Parents- Here as you are currently feeling not sure about the job, I can suggest that you spend some time in the current role in US and see how you are progressing on the job front. Once you are sure and it's moving as per your expectations then you may think of calling your parents to US. Considering the age, you may not want them to travel and come out of their comfort zone and stay in US especially when you are in doubt.
You can start hunting for a job in India from US and then move back India. Moving back to India with no job with proper planning will not help sustain for long.
Secondly, if you want to start your business please jot down the pros and cons (importantly if you are the only earning member in the house). You need to do the market intel of your business and see how lucrative it will be especially knowing the recession has hit where most of them are considering downsizing. Also, it is equally true to set a business can take months to years. You need to ask q's to yourself if you will be able to sustain that long (consider the number of family members, expenses, education etc) or will you have to use the savings. You will have to do a deep logical thinking on all of these aspects. You can start the business as a side hustle and work building it along with your job. This way you are financially stable, and you get the time to build your own business for future.
I can understand you might be emotionally drained or frustrated but know that this is temporary. This will fade off. For now, focus on one thing at a time and have patience. Think practically.

Hope this helps. All the best.

To Your Success. Be You. Be Confident.
Ashwini Dasgupta
Author of -Confidence Decoded. Is it a Skill or Attitude?

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