Sir ,I have been preparing for government exams since 2018 June firstly I prepare for gate in 2019 with college semester in 2019 gate result I.e, 2019 March I qualify with 46 marks that's somehow good score that time for me because I prepare with self study due to over confidence and lack of family income I didn't join coaching and started preparing for UPSC engineering services with full dedication at the age of 20.5 in 2019 eligible for ese 2020 with 21 yr age somehow I got 150 around marks and didn't qualify prelims that time cut off around 240 due to railway has taken his seats so UR cut off increase by 60 which is 188 last in 2019 ese so I got in depression that I prepare with full dedication and even I have a gap of 100 marks in prelims so somehow I came to home in june 2020 after a huge gap of depression in 4,5 months in delhi and started for gate and ese again same condition I couldn't even qualify prelims and got covid in 2021 and from that 2021 I joined UNACADEMY work 1.5 yrs and again I started preparation due to less salary now I have a gap of 5 years no masters degree no industrial skillls and family income less than 20k per month what should I do go and search for civil engineering related job or build a confidence and again prepare one more attempt
Ans: I have gone through the details of your Efforts, Failures, Depression & Your family’s Economic condition.
Based on the above factors, here are the suggestions for you:
1) Till your age bars, try to attempt other comparatively easier (than UPSC) Competitive Exams for Government Jobs & prepare daily for 2-3 hours before & after you come back from work.
2) But AVOID attempting those Competitive Exams which you have already done a number of times and failed. Lack of change in preparation strategies / change in Govt. Policy are the reasons for your subsequent failures.
3) Keeping in view your family’s economic condition & your AGE now, it is suggested to DEFINITELY go for any work, related to your domain, to support your family.
4) Try to upgrade your skills by joining short-term courses with any Institute, related to your domain (or) any other domain you are passionate over. However, make sure that the Institute you join provides JOB GUARANTEE after you complete the Course. Or you can join any ONLINE Courses which are much in demand in job-market.
5) If time does not permit for you to prepare for Competitive Exams & if you feel you are highly demotivated for Govt. Exams, it is advisable for you to fully FOCUS on your Career, related to Civil Engineering & gain good experience.
Hope I have clarified your doubts.
If you need any other clarifications or have questions for anyone, post your questions (in detail) to me and/or follow me here in RediffGURU for more useful information on ‘Careers / Education / Jobs’.
All The BEST for your Bright Future from RediffGURU.
Nayagam PP
CERTIFIED Career Coach | Career Guru