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Anu Krishna  |1160 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Sep 02, 2024

Anu Krishna is a mind coach and relationship expert.
The co-founder of Unfear Changemakers LLP, she has received her neuro linguistic programming training from National Federation of NeuroLinguistic Programming, USA, and her energy work specialisation from the Institute for Inner Studies, Manila.
She is an executive member of the Indian Association of Adolescent Health.... more
Harry Question by Harry on Aug 29, 2024Hindi

Thanks for the reply. She is commited for staying together unless kids are out and not sure after that.. She is also not sure if she will go back to same person ( as she hasn't talked to her in while) or she will find something new or me.. My problem is living with this issue that my wife is not emotionality connected to me, cheated me twice and might do it again.. Say it my ego but i feel very distressed and humiliated that things are happening to me.. I feel like leaving her but somehow don't have courage to leave the family and face the future ahead..! I am fighting myself everyday with this battle within me & don't know what to do..! Last time i had the same issue and somehow convince myself ( took 2+ yrs) to stay but this time i am thinking she will do it again ( may be not for him but somehow who she thinks is alike her).. Another issue is even if i am staying, we are so incompatible.. Its like she is mountain and i am beach person! With kids going away and empty nest coming, i am not comfortable living with her.! On the other hand i am turnning 50 and would like to see if i can find someone who is like me .. Daily i am struggling with thought in and out and can't focus on work..

Ans: Dear Anonymous,
I have clearly suggested what can be done to your original question. Since nothing has changed at home, my suggestions still remain the same. You need to take a call on how you want your life to pan out from now on...
either your wife turns a new leaf (which you are not sure of) and starts to rebuild the marriage with you OR you need to step in for yourself and decide what's best for you.

The more you sit in between in confusion, it is obviously going to hurt your health. The worst punishment to oneself is not a decision going wrong BUT not taking a decision at all. So, you know why all this is affecting your mind and how this is playing out for you. Do something and stand firm on whatever you decide.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Kanchan Rai  |331 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Feb 11, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Feb 11, 2024Hindi
I am working in a central psu and my wife works for state govt and both are 48 yrs. We are married for 20 yrs and have 2 sons (20 &16). She is never expressive nor vocal, because of this our marital relationship have not seen even a single day of happiness. Her parents never ever made her realised that problem can be from her side too nor asked me even a single time whats is bothering me. She is over ambitious in her job and neglects everything in the personal life. This negligence started from the day 1 of the married life. She never try to understand the problem and reasons behind and just ignore and move ahead. This makes life miserable and likewise 20 yrs passed.. Its like when sons are moving out of home, I feel very much alone and sometimes feels to runaway from life...She dont show any emotions, giving the reasons that its her nature...She says loves me, but whats that love which is not felt by me for a single day...I wanted a wife not a nurse.. What to do....I lost my hope of life.
Ans: It's clear that communication and understanding between you and your wife have been lacking for quite some time. It's important to remember that marriage is a partnership, and both partners need to be willing to work on the relationship for it to thrive. It's also common for individuals to have different communication styles and emotional expressions, but it's crucial to find common ground and ways to connect despite these differences. Have an open and honest conversation with your wife about how you're feeling. It's important for her to understand the impact her behavior is having on you and your relationship. Establish boundaries around work and personal life to ensure that both of you are making time for each other and your family. Encourage your wife to prioritize your relationship and family time.Take care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally. This might involve engaging in activities that bring you joy, spending time with friends and loved ones, and seeking support from a therapist or counselor for yourself. change takes time, and healing a relationship requires effort and commitment from both partners. It's okay to feel discouraged and overwhelmed, but please don't lose hope. There are resources and support available to help you navigate this difficult time. You deserve to live a fulfilling and happy life, and it's never too late to work towards that goal.

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Anu Krishna  |1160 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Feb 17, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Feb 11, 2024Hindi
Hi Anu, I am working in a central psu and my wife works for state govt and both are 48 yrs. We are married for 20 yrs and have 2 sons (20 &16). She is never expressive nor vocal, because of this our marital relationship have not seen even a single day of happiness. Her parents never ever made her realised that problem can be from her side too nor asked me even a single time whats is bothering me. She is over ambitious in her job and neglects everything in the personal life. This negligence started from the day 1 of the married life. She never try to understand the problem and reasons behind and just ignore and move ahead. This makes life miserable and likewise 20 yrs passed.. Its like when sons are moving out of home, I feel very much alone and sometimes feels to runaway from life...She dont show any emotions, giving the reasons that its her nature...She says loves me, but whats that love which is not felt by me for a single day...I wanted a wife not a nurse.. What to do....I lost my hope of life.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
I am sure there is an issue that you are facing BUT to generalize it as: because of this our marital relationship have not seen even a single day of happiness.
Are you sure that has not been a single day or a single moment of feeling some joy? DO NOT indulge in this kind of belief as it only makes the issue look bigger than what it maybe.
If you feel alone, talk to her and tell her exactly how you feel. It's your marriage as well; do something to stay in it.
If there is a reason for her to be the way that she is, that needs to be addressed. Also, by complaining rather than facing the issue together, you are alienating yourself from the marriage. Give this a fair chance and deal with it in a mature way. Talking about it helps more than complaining; as she will bring her list of complaints and then it just gets into a loop.
- have an honest conversation
- make space for a back and forth conversation
If she refuses to talk, then possibly there is a need for a professional to intervene. She will also need to understand what hurts you and work on it, so that the marriage moves on smoothly. Marriage is a two-way dance.

All the best!

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Kanchan Rai  |331 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Aug 09, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Aug 07, 2024Hindi
Hi.. I am 49 yrs Male & married for 22 yrs with teenage kids.. I live abroad since 16 yrs.. Me & wife had arranged marriage in the same caste when we were in India.. After few months of marriage, my wife told me about her past relationship during collage and only reason she could not continue because of his father resistance( diff caste).. I belong to very middle class with no such precedence like this and felt bad . Later, I continued with her but always had feeling that she would compare the love & affection she got from him, with me.. I am not very romantic or expressive and like to live normal life..! We have little diff of opinion since beginning and will have fight almost every week.. Fast forward when all was going ok with 2 kids, busy work in abroad, I caught her cheating with the same person ( almost 17 yrs after they separated).. They found each other on social media and started talking. .. She being abroad & him in India, will call him daily in my absence for hours and they exchange explicit messages day in and out..! Once caught initially she regretted ( that too only after i got really mad & threaten to tell everyone) and it took us 2-3 yrs to comeback to terms mostly due to younger kids..!! Now 10 yrs later, i found her calling ( although he did not pickup) and now she is telling that she has emotional connection with him from the past while I could not build that connection with her.. She is not commit for anything and requesting me to continue as friend so we can get our younger one to collage and then see or separate. She is even ready to find me someone that fits my choice. I am in dilemma on what to do as i am not ready to forgive her but worried about kids future..! Even though we stay aboard, we have very close network of friends & family which we cant ignore..! I somehow feel to let it go but i get irritated that this is not the life i would like to live now & future. Can you pls advise some tips to move forward
Ans: it’s important to acknowledge that your feelings are valid. You’ve been patient and committed, but her actions have undermined the trust in your marriage. It’s not just about the past relationship; it’s about how her choices have affected your life and your sense of security in the relationship.

One option is to seek couples therapy. Even if your wife seems unsure about the future, a neutral third party can help facilitate conversations that might clarify what each of you really wants and needs. Therapy could also help in finding a way to co-parent effectively if you decide to separate.

If staying together for the kids is a priority, it’s crucial to establish clear boundaries and expectations moving forward. You need to decide what’s non-negotiable for you in terms of respect and honesty. If she’s truly committed to staying in the marriage until your kids are older, she needs to show that by cutting off contact with this other person and working on rebuilding your relationship.

However, if you feel that you can’t move past this betrayal or that staying will only lead to more resentment and unhappiness, it might be worth considering a separation. Kids are resilient, and it’s often better for them to see their parents happy apart rather than miserable together.

Ultimately, this decision is about what kind of life you want to live moving forward. You deserve a relationship where you feel valued, respected, and loved. Take your time to consider what will bring you the most peace and happiness in the long run, and don’t be afraid to prioritize your own well-being.

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Anu Krishna  |1160 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Aug 13, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Aug 08, 2024Hindi
Hi.. I am 49 yrs Male & married for 22 yrs with teenage kids.. I live abroad since 16 yrs.. Me & wife had arranged marriage in the same caste when we were in India.. After few months of marriage, my wife told me about her past relationship during collage and only reason she could not continue because of his father resistance( diff caste).. I belong to very middle class with no such precedence like this and felt bad . Later, I continued with her but always had feeling that she would compare the love & affection she got from him, with me.. I am not very romantic or expressive and like to live normal life..! We have little diff of opinion since beginning and will have fight almost every week.. Fast forward when all was going ok with 2 kids, busy work in abroad, I caught her cheating with the same person ( almost 17 yrs after they separated).. They found each other on social media and started talking. .. She being abroad & him in India, will call him daily in my absence for hours and they exchange explicit messages day in and out..! Once caught initially she regretted ( that too only after i got really mad & threaten to tell everyone) and it took us 2-3 yrs to comeback to terms mostly due to younger kids..!! Now 10 yrs later, i found her calling ( although he did not pickup) and now she is telling that she has emotional connection with him from the past while I could not build that connection with her.. She is not committing that this will not happen in future & requesting me to continue as friend, so we can get our younger one to collage and then see if it is worth or separate out. She is even ready to find me someone that fits my choice. I am in dilemma on what to do as i am not ready to forgive her but worried about kids future..! Even though we stay aboard, we have very close network of friends & family which we cant ignore..! I somehow feel to let it go but i get irritated that this is not the life i would like to live now & future. Can you pls advise some tips to move forward
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
At times, relationships run dry and reach a breaking point...you will know if yours, is at that point because if it is and your wife is more interested in finding someone for you rather than addressing the turmoil in your marriage, isn't it evidence enough for you?

Have a clear chat/conversation and find out if she still feels anything for you or whether all love is lost...If she is still interested in pursuing the other person without as much as thinking of how this is going to impact the marriage and family, I guess there is little that you can do. Then you may have to wait as suggested by her till your younger one goes to college. As for friends and family, they will initially talk and blame you or her; slowly that will stop. Your Life, Your Choice...You know what's best...
So, appeal to her and if that is not what she wants, respect her decision. It's difficult BUT imagine living under the same roof and finding your wife emotionally connecting with someone else...Preserve your sane mind...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Kanchan Rai  |331 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Aug 30, 2024

Thanks for the reply. She is commited for staying together unless kids are out and not sure after that.. She is also not sure if she will go back to same person ( as she hasn't talked to her in while) or she will find something new or me.. My problem is living with this issue that my wife is not emotionality connected to me, cheated me twice and might do it again.. Say it my ego but i feel very distressed and humiliated that things are happening to me.. I feel like leaving her but somehow don't have courage to leave the family and face the future ahead..! I am fighting myself everyday with this battle within me & don't know what to do..! Last time i had the same issue and somehow convince myself ( took 2+ yrs) to stay but this time i am thinking she will do it again ( may be not for him but somehow who she thinks is alike her).. Another issue is even if i am staying, we are so incompatible.. Its like she is mountain and i am beach person! With kids going away and empty nest coming, i am not comfortable living with her.! On the other hand i am turnning 50 and would like to see if i can find someone who is like me .. Daily i am struggling with thought in and out and can't focus on work..
Ans: It's clear that staying in this marriage is taking a toll on you, affecting not just your emotional well-being but also your ability to focus on other important aspects of your life, like work. The prospect of staying together for the sake of the kids might have seemed like a solution, but it's leading to ongoing internal conflict, especially with the looming reality of an empty nest.

First, it's important to validate your feelings. It's not just your ego; feeling distressed and humiliated in this situation is a natural response to the betrayals and ongoing lack of emotional connection. You deserve to be in a relationship where you feel valued, respected, and emotionally fulfilled.

The fear of leaving and starting over, especially at this stage in life, is understandable, but it might help to consider that staying in a situation that continues to hurt you could be more damaging in the long run. The idea of finding someone more compatible, who shares your values and lifestyle, is not just wishful thinking—it's a legitimate desire for a more fulfilling life.

You might find it helpful to take some time to reflect on what you truly want and need from a relationship and your life moving forward. Speaking to a therapist or counselor could provide the support you need to process these emotions and gain clarity on the best path for you. It might also help to explore the practicalities of separating—understanding what that would look like financially, emotionally, and socially could make the prospect less daunting.

If you decide to stay, it's crucial to communicate clearly with your wife about what you need to feel secure and respected in the relationship. However, if you can't envision a future where you feel content and connected with her, it might be time to seriously consider whether staying is the right choice for your long-term happiness.

Ultimately, you deserve a life that brings you peace and fulfillment, whether that’s with your current wife, on your own, or with someone new. Taking small, manageable steps towards making a decision—whether through counseling, reflection, or practical planning—can help you move forward, whichever path you choose.

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Pradeep Pramanik  |169 Answers  |Ask -

Career And Placement Consultant - Answered on Sep 16, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Sep 15, 2024Hindi
Hello sir ..I am CSE graduate and completed my BE degree in 2021 ..since then I searched so many jobs but not get anything.. I do courses that can enhance my skills like I done java full stack course and I have all skills related to java full stack .. in this year of starting I got job in c# .net and I currently working as a trainee intern but the salary is so low like I get 1500 per month ..but I managed to work with full concentration in hope that in future maybe this work experience will definitely get me in good position.. along with that I also had a option as react developer..but I worked both as react developer and .net developer but getting trouble bcos not focusing in one thing .. everyone experience person says both are good in career ..but in react they didn't give me any salary but whenever they will offer me salary that also a same range like I got in .net .. I have working experience in .net of 6 months..and I started working in react in this month only..I m confused wht to do .. react is good but I never get interest in it but as compared to salary 2k will extra I will got as compared to .net .what should I choose between this two ..or any other option.. due to gap I can't find job right now .. recession and all others things .. I m so confused and depressed due to this things .. I also planned to do btech but due to gap I also not get on my final decision.please suggest
Ans: Dear I was surprised to know that a student like you , having done B.Tech in 2021 , well versed and proficient in Java , C.C++ , .Net etc is not placed in any good company. I don't from which place , you are reaching us but being offered such a low salary or stipend, you must have tried to start your own website designing or hoisting company or should have taken the help of any good placement consultant to get right break.

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Nitin Narkhede  |13 Answers  |Ask -

MF, PF Guru - Answered on Sep 16, 2024

My father took home loan of 35 lakhs on Jan 2020 . He is paying 33000 per month as EMI .The loan tenure is 15 years .please give your advice to pay our loan as early as possible with minimal interest.
Ans: To pay off your father’s home loan of ?35 lakhs as early as possible and minimize interest, there are several strategies you can adopt. One effective method is to make regular prepayments. By paying extra whenever possible, like using bonuses, savings, or any lump-sum income, you can reduce the principal amount. This, in turn, reduces the interest, which is calculated on the outstanding principal. It's best to make prepayments in the early years of the loan tenure when the interest portion is higher. Many banks allow prepayment without penalties, so take advantage of that flexibility.
Another approach is to increase the monthly EMI (Equated Monthly Installment). If your financial situation allows, even a small increase in EMI can significantly shorten the loan term and reduce the overall interest paid. For example, increasing your EMI by ?5,000-10,000 per month can make a big difference over time. You can use online EMI calculators to see how changes in EMI or making lump-sum prepayments can affect the loan tenure and interest burden.
Additionally, you can consider refinancing the loan if you find a lender offering a lower interest rate. Refinancing can help reduce the EMI or enable you to pay off the loan faster with minimal interest. Keep an eye on interest Rate trends to check if it’s the right time to refinance by paying 0.5 to 1%.
Additionally, you can think of creating a sip for MF for a fraction of you loan and over long years of time you can create a fortune which can presume you have recovered the interest.
By adopting these strategies, you can help your father close the loan early and save significantly on interest payments, thereby achieving financial freedom sooner.
I share some templates within my community so that they can effectively check the saving.
Best regards,
Nitin Narkhede
Founder & MD, Prosperity Lifestyle Hub https://Nitinnarkhede.com
Free Webinar https://bit.ly/PLH-Webinar

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