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Anu Krishna  |1549 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jun 15, 2021

Anu Krishna is a mind coach and relationship expert.
The co-founder of Unfear Changemakers LLP, she has received her neuro linguistic programming training from National Federation of NeuroLinguistic Programming, USA, and her energy work specialisation from the Institute for Inner Studies, Manila.
She is an executive member of the Indian Association of Adolescent Health.... more
M Question by M on Jun 15, 2021Hindi

I have a strange problem at my end.

My wife has a different mood, in the morning she would be fine and all of a sudden without any issue from my end then too her mood gets off and she keeps quite.

When I ask her she replies saying it is nothing. This annoys me a lot. I keep quiet and this goes for 2-3 days. If her mood is ok, she will talk.

I do understand that if I hurt her then her mood goes off; then it's ok. But if I have not done anything then also it happens. What should I do?

We fight over past events.

We are not able to close the issue and come to a solution.

Currently we are not talking to each other for the last 4 months.

I have 2 daughters --aged 14 and 10. i am very much worried about them.

Ans: Dear M, the lockdown has been straining on many families in terms of relationship maintenance and connecting 24/7.

Even if this is not the issue, it is imperative to understand the reason for her mood ups and downs.

Since I don't have any information on her age, if she’s in her 40s, it could hormonal also. Bringing the past can simply be a manifestation of what’s going on within her.

It is possible that she is simply exhausted from all the house-work that has surely gone up for all homemakers in the past year or so.

Give her a day off every week and offer to take care of the household chores with the help of your daughters.

They are old enough to be part of this and they maybe able to reach out to their mother faster.

Also set aside some time from your schedule as a couple to talk about the day/week and plan for some activity to do together that involves just the two of you.

Marriages after a point in time reach a plateau and needs some spice and excitement.

Taking each other or each other’s needs for granted can cause a deterioration in relationships and it helps if every individual in that relationship takes the onus of doing ‘more’, thinking ‘more’, feeling ‘more’ for the other individual.

This definitely helps recreate the relationship and you get a chance to start all over again.

Best wishes for a beautiful life.

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Kanchan Rai  |555 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Nov 25, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Nov 25, 2023Hindi
Hi Kanchan! I am a 36 yrs old guy married for 5 years now and we have a 2 yrs old daughter also. My wife has serious mood swings issue. When she is happy, she keeps everyone at house very happy with her jolly nature but when she gets upset, she cribs about being alone rather than having a marital setup and even threatens to leave me. This keeps me distressed and everyone at home has to daily judge her mood and act accordingly which is frustating for them also. I believe she is genuinly a good hearted person and love her too but I always remain in doubt that she will leave me one day and that thought keeps me distressed. Please guide me how to cope up with this.
Ans: Hello there,
Dealing with a partner's mood swings can be challenging, and it's understandable that you're feeling distressed Encourage her to share her feelings and concerns, and express your own thoughts as well. Healthy communication is vital for understanding each other's perspectives Suggest the idea of seeking professional help together, such as couples therapy. A trained therapist can assist in identifying the underlying issues contributing to the mood swings and offer strategies for managing themEmphasize the importance of self-care for both of you. Encourage your wife to engage in activities that bring her joy and relaxation. Additionally, make time for your own self-care to manage stress Learn more about mood swings, potential causes, and coping mechanisms. Understanding the nature of mood swings may help you approach the situation with empathy and patience Reinforce the stability and commitment in your relationship during moments of calm. Remind each other of the positive aspects of your connection to build a sense of security Explore mindfulness or relaxation techniques together. These practices can help manage stress and enhance emotional well-being.

Best wishes

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Anu Krishna  |1549 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Dec 18, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Nov 25, 2023Hindi
Hi Anu! I am a 36 yrs old guy married for 5 years now and we have a 2 yrs old daughter also. My wife has serious mood swings issue. When she is happy, she keeps everyone at house very happy with her jolly nature but when she gets upset, she cribs about being alone rather than having a marital setup and even threatens to leave me. This keeps me distressed and everyone at home has to daily judge her mood and act accordingly which is frustating for them also. I believe she is genuinly a good hearted person and love her too but I always remain in doubt that she will leave me one day and that thought keeps me distressed. Please guide me how to cope up with this.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
It is heartwarming to know that you have observed something that might be going on with your wife and want to sort this out and help her.
Many women get into a space after a few years of marriage and motherhood where they don't feel satisfied with what they are doing, This may not have anything to do with you. It maybe just be the monotony and exhaustion of being at home and managing the child.
To infuse some energy into that monotony:
- Find someone who can stay with the child for an hour or two everyday (preferably a family member) so that your wife can step out for her Me-Time
- Try and give a break over the weekend where she can go out with her circle of friends
- Encourage her to take up some online learning course that gives her a sense of confidence
- Spend some quality time with her and go out on 'dates'

These are just suggestions that may work if the problem that she has is one of boredom of being at home. So employ these suggestions and if the challenge still exists, then you might have to look deeper.
I hope you understand that this has nothing to do with you and there is no point thinking that she might leave you. By harboring these thoughts, you are unnecessarily adding a dimension that may not exist and it will not help you help your wife.

Her threatening to leave you could simply be her way of asking for your attention and care. So, extend that even more...

All the best!

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Anu Krishna  |1549 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Feb 08, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jan 02, 2024Hindi
Hi Anu, I am 45 year old and married from last 16 years and having 15 year old daughter . My Wife and I didn't have a good relation, We fight a lot, not sure what ever I speak she didn't like it and some how converted into argument , My wife is 10 year younger to me , I used to have good sex life at-least few year back, but relation was not good that time too, some how she is either having feeling of superiority or not sure what , She always blames me or my daughter if any things happen, she didn't ready to accept that she can be wrong . Previously even we used to have fight but overall things was fine , she used to generally fight but some how we do makeup after fight , now situation is out of control, she didn't accept her mistake and try to blame me for all the problem , she do over spend and if I try to control she start fighting, I think she just fight for what ever things she need for her selves , but always criticized / blame other , She pick up fight very easily with any one , She even fight a lot with our daughter . Even daughter some time suggest to go separate road than only she will understand , I try to go for concealing but no help , there also when used to discuss problem she hardly listen , even Councilor told her she must develop habit to listen others but nothing improve, I am not sure how to tackle this , She always sleep alone and if any disturbance she create ruckus , she want the things her own way if not than she can't tolerate . I am not sure but I need help here and problem after covid is more now , I try to manage these things previously but looks I don't have patience to handle this any more, I didn't like people blaming for no reason, it looks some time after doing so much for family I am nothing for my family and it is hurting me more. I will not say that I didn't fight , I do and mainly when I feel broken I shout on her and some time asked her to live the house , This may be as she always says she is looking for some one once she find she will leave the house , She always give threat and always say she didn't love me , She didn't find me attractive enough . She try to create environment where I should feel that I am not important person as well as social , I can write 10 more page around this but wanted to have some solution , not sure what could be best here . I wrote previously too but have not got any response yet.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
I suggest that the two of you go and see a marriage therapist. This is not simply the job of a counselor; there is clearly a breakdown in the way your marriage is functioning...it needs both of you to build the marriage back again and the therapist will be able to see and review both sides and suggest/guide you two correctly.

10 or 20 pages are not going to help; what will help is that both of you sit down and think of why you are married and what you can do to rebuild it. Blaming her or yourself isn't anyway going to help...Rather than listing down each others' faults, try to work at this.

All the best!

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Kanchan Rai  |555 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on May 13, 2024

Hi I am 52 yrs man having kids and wife, from last so many years my wife start arguing on small - small discussion and it became very high some times. due to this whole house became tense. I am a very emotional Person some times her discussion and arguments hearts me lot resulting became very upset. she has brain problem in past. please advise how can I handle this situation.
Ans: Dear Savendra

Navigating through frequent arguments and tension at home can be incredibly challenging, especially when they leave you feeling emotionally drained and upset. It's understandable that you're seeking guidance on how to handle this situation. Given your wife's past brain problem, it's essential to approach these conflicts with patience, empathy, and understanding. Firstly, try to remain as calm as possible during arguments, even when emotions run high. Active listening and validating her feelings can help create a more constructive dialogue. Setting boundaries around communication and behavior is crucial, ensuring that discussions remain respectful and productive. Seeking professional help, such as couples therapy, can provide valuable support in addressing underlying issues and improving communication skills. Additionally, taking care of yourself through self-care activities and seeking support from friends and family members can help you navigate through these challenging times. Remember, it's okay to prioritize your well-being and seek assistance when needed to foster a healthier and more harmonious household for yourself and your family.

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Latest Questions

Anu Krishna  |1549 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Mar 14, 2025

Asked by Anonymous - Mar 12, 2025Hindi
What are possibilities of getting maintenance for a working woman (with a kid) from husband . My husband has abandoned us since birth of my daughter 4years. Not taking the child's responsibility. Husband says as I am earning I should take care of financial requirement of the child too. I am doing extra duties/ work just to take care of my daughter's education and future. As I am a healthcare professional my work consists of night duties. These duties are taking toll on my health and also my daughter's . People are saying as I am a working woman I can't claim maintenance from husband. But taking care of young child is more difficult with working. I just can't leave my job , just to show nil income to claim maintenance as no one is there to support me and my daughter. Hiring a nanny , maid etc along with rent comes around 85k per month apart from school expenses. As I live in metropolitan city. Husband earns more than me but transfers money to his mother's account.He has taken me granted financially since marriage.Not able to save anything for the future. Don't have any property on my name .
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
This is a question for a legal expert; so go ahead and seek the guidance of someone who can handle your case. Along with this, you will have to think of a good balance that will allow for you to manage work and home plus your health.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |8100 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Mar 14, 2025

Asked by Anonymous - Mar 14, 2025Hindi
Hello sir, I am planning to buy a flat, with some stock sale proceeds and bank loan. Can I claim section 54F, for the entire registration amount for a flat, along with registration fee ? Or bank loan part is not considered
Ans: Eligibility for Section 54F
Section 54F provides capital gains exemption when selling assets like stocks.
You must invest the full net sale proceeds in a residential property.
The new flat must be purchased within two years or constructed within three years.
You should not own more than one residential house at the time of sale.
Treatment of Bank Loan Under Section 54F
Exemption applies only to the portion funded by stock sale proceeds.
The bank loan portion is not considered for exemption.
You need to invest the entire net sale proceeds to claim full exemption.
Registration Charges and Stamp Duty
Registration charges and stamp duty qualify as part of the property cost.
These expenses can be included for exemption under Section 54F.
However, only the part paid from capital gains is eligible.
Ensuring Full Exemption
If you reinvest only part of the net sale proceeds, the exemption is partial.
Any remaining capital gain will be taxed.
To avoid tax, the full capital gain amount must be reinvested.
Tax Implications If Conditions Are Not Met
If you sell the new property within three years, the exemption is reversed.
The capital gain becomes taxable in the year of sale.
Ensure compliance with all conditions to retain tax benefits.
Alternative Planning Strategies
If full reinvestment is not possible, consider capital gains bonds.
These bonds provide an alternative exemption under Section 54EC.
This helps in tax-efficient planning while keeping liquidity options open.
Final Insights
Section 54F helps save tax if proceeds are fully reinvested.
The bank loan portion does not qualify for exemption.
Registration costs can be included but only if paid from capital gains.
Ensure compliance to avoid future tax liabilities.
Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP

Chief Financial Planner



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