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Should I pay for my brother's phone recharge and needs? I am 28 and my brother demands money from me.


Anu Krishna  |1218 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Oct 18, 2024

Anu Krishna is a mind coach and relationship expert.
The co-founder of Unfear Changemakers LLP, she has received her neuro linguistic programming training from National Federation of NeuroLinguistic Programming, USA, and her energy work specialisation from the Institute for Inner Studies, Manila.
She is an executive member of the Indian Association of Adolescent Health.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Oct 16, 2024Hindi

I’am 28 yrs old and an elder sister in my 4 member family. Financially we belong in upper middle class but my strict father raised us in middle class standard. After school i got my higher education from government college and around 24yr old i stopped asking money from my father. I asked only for basic minimum to cover my travel experience, that too killed me with shame and heavy burden on my chest. I worked really hard to crack SSC exam and in sep i joined my office after clearing exam by the grace of god. Now here comes my 1st salary and my younger brother demanded that i pay 799 for his phn recharge, which i declined and then later in the evening he is demanding that he is buying someone, he is in the shop so give me 200rp without any explanation of what he is buying. I don’t want to do that but now my mother is lecturing me about relations over money and that its ok, you are ought to give money to ur brother. Now m the villian only because I don’t want to pay for his expenses. M not against giving money in need but is it wrong for me to decline to become ATM for my younger brother? And what should i give him money for, it was my parents who sacrificed for me not him. What should i do when m being forced to treat him like a son by my mother rather than just a sibling?

Ans: Dear Anonymous,
You are being given the role of playing the Guardian to your younger brother...Saying NO is the right thing as he will start getting used to demanding money from you.
Alternatively, you can give him a fixed sum, whatever that is and ask him to give you a break-up of expenses. That will teach him to be accountable and you won't have to have arguments at home. But also, tell your family that it might not be possible to give him money every month as you would like to start saving for the future. But make sure that if you give him money, let him account for it or show you where he has spent it. This will encourage him to get financially independent sooner too...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Anu Krishna  |1218 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Dec 14, 2022

Hello Anu,I am under severe confusion and frustration. Wanted to consult with some psychiatrist but then I got to know about you. I have an issue with my father.I'm a 29 years old working man.My family background was not good, my father was the sole bread earner in the family of 9 including my uncle and grandparents.But my father invested in his children.He gave us a good education.He sent me for IIT coaching in Kota. I couldn't clear IIT but cleared AIEEE.Today I'm earning a lot. I'm a software engineer with 7+ years of experience in IT in a big giant firm earning Rs 62 lakhs an annum. But the picture does not look like it is.My father takes all my money.Literally he does that.He has been doing it for last 7 years, every single month.He has taken my all salaries till now, 80+ months' salaries to be precise.And his modus operandi is- he knows my monthly in hand salary after deductions, which is around 3.5 lakhs now.He calls me around 25th of the month saying 'Don't use the salary. I need 4 lakhs this month. He asks me more than my salary, then says ‘okay you don't have this much, so give me as much as you can.’Earlier when my salary was Rs 85,0000, he used to ask for Rs 1 lakh.When salary became Rs 2.2 lakhs he used to ask Rs 2.5 lakhs.I keep approx Rs 15-20,000 for myself and give the remaining to him.Why do I give him all my money?Because I have this feeling that whatever I am today, it's all because of him.He went against all odds to educate us, otherwise I would have been a poor kid somewhere in my village doing farming.The sad part is, he does not use this money for himself.If he would have used it for his needs I would have been the happiest person. He gives loans to his relatives free of cost.People come to my father and request that they need money for some XYZ reason. They say you have a lot of money, your son is earning so much, so please help us. My father says okay.He calls me and says that he has given his word, now he can't step back and I will have to arrange the money. And this money never comes back.Till now nobody has returned a single penny.When I ask my father, he says ‘it's okay, you will earn more. They can take only your money, not your destiny.’I'm not exaggerating but I don't have even a RO filter in my home. I spend Rs 1,500 on water.I'm fed up with all this.I had a discussion with my father regarding this many a times that I can't keep doing this.He says What will you do with the money? Tell me the item you want, we will purchase it for you.So far I have given more than Rs 1 crore. I'm such a fool.I don't want to spoil my relationship with my father but at the same time I also want him to understand that I'm a human not a money-making machine.The problem has started now, because now he is doing the same with my younger brother as well.He recently started his job after college, and earns around Rs 55K.My father takes 50K from him and has deliberately kept him with me so that we can save on rent and he can keep the money.Till now when he was taking my money, I was not so much hurt.But now when my brother is giving money, I can't bear it. He is a small kid who does a lot of hard work and even his money is taken away.I cannot share this with anyone.I keep asking myself if I'm a bad son who thinks like this about his father.But I can see the reality which is very discouraging.I'm not able to digest the fact that this is actually happening.Please suggest what I should do.Should I tell this to someone? But then the other person will think bad about my father which I don't want.I'm lost. Please suggest me something.

Dear RS,

If by now you haven’t figured out that you are being used for playing the role of a good son, then when is it going to dawn on you?

It feels unreal even if your father took all that money for himself without realizing that his son needs his hard-earned money to set up his life. But here, it’s going to relatives and everywhere.

And now, it’s the turn of your brother too.

There is really no need to set this example as an older brother to just bend over backwards for your father. Instead, change the role and let your brother do the same.

Take charge of your finances and share what you deem fit with your father that covers his expenses (assuming that he is retired).

This way, you will fulfil the duty of being a good son taking care of his father. Beyond this, save your money and invest it wisely and please spend on yourself.

What will you do when you marry?

You think your wife is going to support this flow transaction of money between you and your father?

And when she tries to reason out with you, either you or your father will blame her for being selfish. In fact, she will only be looking out for your wellbeing.

So, before this gets even more murkier, make a point by sitting your father down and asserting that you are taking charge of your finances and reassuring him that he will always be taken care of.

His need to please his relatives by giving away your money has to stopped.

This might be met with a lot of resistance from your father, but you know what is to be done. Else, this will grow even with your brother and get progressively worse. So, step in NOW.

All the best!

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Anu Krishna  |1218 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on May 15, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 13, 2024Hindi
I am 33 yrs old, recently lost my loving husband of 35yrs old to a sudden massive heart attack. Since we had a loving bond in my in laws family, and they didnt want to go back to their village, i offered them to shift the rented apartment, to a place closer to my maternal housez wo that i can live with my own parents and be close to them as well and keep visiting on and off. I have a brother in law, same age as me, who left his job son after his brothers death, in pretext of studying for exam. I supported him saying its ok . Ill find a job and pay the rent till you get a job for urself after your exams and offered to pay 50-50 rent, for the house i wont even live in. My maternal family was not fond of this, but still supported me, knowing my good intentions.With time their thoughts changed or what i dont know, his brother doesnt study at all, and emotionally harasses mw saying you told you will take full responsibility and now you are backing off. His parents on the other hand insulted and accused my parents for trying to take the money of life i surance which is in wife's name. They feel they have right on all the claim amount that I (his wife) is nominee off and that me and my family wither changed the nominee name after my husband's death or when he was alive, tactfully forced him to put my name as nominee. I lost respect for all the three. I would have even given all the money to them, but now, i cant take their insults and false accusations any more. Even tried explaining them in a family meeting. But in vain. If anything, they start crying and showing that how their loss is bigger than mine and how we are being such vultures ...although i understand their loss, but they ought to know my loss is same ,if not less. Should i not stand up for my parents and myself? His brother does not want to take any responsibility and shamelessly tried to emotionally torture me into apting their rent and giving all that my husband has left in my name (ps. Its not a big amount ) but still, its not about the money for me...its about the trust and how little they think of me. What do you think should i be doing? I gave his brother a mouthful the other day and blocked his number, as he was continuously sending me msgs and torturing me . He is the kind of guy whonwould have fed on his brother his whole life, had he been alive.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
I am so sorry for your loss!
But you have not understood why drawing of boundaries is important to keep any relationship healthy. By opening up yoour space, you have allowed people to take advantage of your niceness and now they have turned the tables on you making you look like a villain.
If you had to advice a dear female friend, what would you tell her? To keep giving into her in-laws drama or to draw the line, protect what is rightfully hers and move on with dignity ignoring such people?
What would you say to her? Follow your own advice; you don't owe anyone anything and you were just trying to be nice and they could not see that in all their immaturity. Maybe it's their grief speaking BUT if they are still going to rain hell on you; draw that boundary now and save your peace of mind...Please!

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |6689 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 19, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 19, 2024Hindi
Hi, sorry it's a very long post My mother is 60year old homemaker(nil income) and father is 68yr old retired govt employee (recieving pension).we are 3 children [2 daughters ( all aged between 30-40yr)]to our parents.All of us are married and earning for our livelihood. We sisters are contributing to parents health insurance and other financial things since we started earning and even after marriage ( as my father is an alcoholic too not looking after the household well).Mother has a property in her name given to her by her father as a gift deed. Father had one house and a plot in his name and some ancestral property. Brother went to abroad for studies in 2018 and came back in 2020. He had a girlfriend since his college days( he married to her in 2022, never had objection from anyone of family members ). Since his arrival, he and his girlfriend started involving in all financial matters of my maternal house to the extent he was using my father's debit card for his own use( father says he has given card to brother willfully). Brother wanted to construct a commercial building in my mother's property. He and my father started threatening my mother to register her property ( actually located near Brother's girlfriend house) in name of brother saying if she doesn't agree ,they won't marry off my sister( who got married in 2022 in the presence of grandparents, mother and myself and both my father and brother didn't attend the marriage). They even extracted money from mother's account (which was given now and then to her by me and my sister).During all these process even brother's girlfriend ( wanted a source of income by renting my parents house)also started abusing my mother and involved in all financial matters ( that freedom was given to her by father and brother as my mother was suppressed and we sisters were not aware of things going on). Everything led to the abandonment of my mother who stayed in her friend's place then I brought her to my house. Now after 3 years ( during the course our wellwishers tried counselling and mediation between my father, brother and mother without sisters which didn't work out). my brother got my parents house( and a plot which was in my father's name) registered to his name as a gift deed from my father without informing mother. All the documents of the property gift deeded to my mother by her father is with my brother and father. They are threatening my mother if she enters her own property. Now my mother has no place and income though she had contributed extensively to upliftment of the family all over these years. She ran a grocery store for 15years during which one plot was bought and house was built in that. Another plot was bought after my parents marriage with the help of dowry money given to my father ) but all the properties were registered in my father's name. She has her contribution financially, emotionally and physically. Now doesn't my mother has right to ask back the house and the property given to my brother without her knowledge and to ask for maintenance from my father and also sue all three of them for mental and physical torture..? We sisters want her to lead a peaceful life in her final years of her life.. please guide us.
Ans: Evaluating Your Mother’s Rights

Your mother has been through a lot. Let's explore her legal and financial rights. She deserves to live peacefully in her final years.

Legal Rights Over Property

Your mother owns property gifted by her father. She has full rights over this property. The property can’t be taken without her consent. If your brother and father took documents, this is illegal.

Action Steps for Property

Retrieve Documents: Seek legal help to get back property documents.
Consult a Lawyer: Discuss the possibility of reclaiming the property.
File a Complaint: If threatened, your mother can file a police complaint.
Maintenance from Your Father

Your father has a duty to support your mother. She can claim maintenance from him. This can be done through legal channels.

Action Steps for Maintenance

Seek Legal Advice: A lawyer can help your mother file for maintenance.
Family Court: File a petition in family court for maintenance.
Right to Ancestral Property

Your mother contributed to the family. She can claim a share in ancestral property. The law supports her right to ancestral property.

Action Steps for Ancestral Property

Legal Consultation: Discuss the possibility of claiming ancestral property.
File a Suit: If needed, file a suit for partition of ancestral property.
Mental and Physical Torture

Your mother faced mental and physical torture. This is a serious issue. She can seek legal action against your brother, father, and sister-in-law.

Action Steps for Torture

File a Complaint: Lodge a complaint with the police for harassment.
Protection Orders: Seek protection orders from the court.
Health Insurance and Financial Support

You and your sister have supported your parents. Continue to ensure health insurance coverage. Your mother may need financial support until her rights are restored.

Action Steps for Financial Support

Joint Efforts: Continue supporting your mother financially.
Plan for Future: Set up a fund for your mother’s needs.
Investments for Secure Future

Consider investing in mutual funds for your mother’s secure future. Regular funds with the help of a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) are beneficial. Avoid direct funds due to lack of professional advice.

Benefits of Regular Funds

Professional Management: CFPs manage the funds, ensuring optimal returns.
Less Hassle: No need for your mother to manage investments actively.
Tailored Advice: Investments tailored to her risk profile and needs.
Regular Review of Investments

Regularly review investments with a CFP. Adjust them based on your mother’s needs and market conditions. This ensures her financial security.

Final Insights

Your mother has rights over her property. She can claim maintenance from your father and her share in ancestral property. Legal action can be taken for mental and physical torture. Continue supporting her financially and ensure her health insurance coverage. Invest wisely with professional advice for her secure future.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Anu Krishna  |1218 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Oct 18, 2024

Hi, My husband doing business. They are 2 sons to their parents. My husband is older one, both are married. We live in bengaluru n my in-laws live with younger son in native. They help is younger sin financially in all aspects like bought tractor to him n all. But my husband studied on loan n he paid installments. He gave all his pf money to his brother marriage. And after that during covid time give his profit from business(resigned job) to his parents for developing agricultural land. While doing job he took personal loan to construct home on native, n buy all the household things un his salary. Till today he only giving money to majority of things. Now my husband got some financial problems in his business so asked money with his parents, they are not ready to give. So he stopped asking them but asking me to ask my parents, what shall I do? My husband will give money to his family when he have money but keep distance when he don't have money. How to handle my in laws and his younger brother to stop them asking money from my husband. And how to take financial help from them.
Ans: Dear Pushpa,
What can you do? Stop giving money to people who can't appreciate that help. What has gone has probably gone. But from now on, please become prudent and say NO.
There will be a few arguments and your in laws and husband's brother maybe angry but you need to secure your financial position, right? You can't stop them from asking, but your husband can stop giving, yeah?
People will take advantage only when you allow them to do that...so, hopefully your husband can also see what's happening.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Janak Patel  |7 Answers  |Ask -

MF, PF Expert - Answered on Oct 18, 2024

Please advice on my portfolio. I'm 50 years old married freelancer with no children so end up doing investments through STP's. Right now I have 1 crore in ICICI Agressive Hybrid, 1 crore in HDFC Balanced Advantage, 50 lakh PMS with ICICI Contra, 50 Lakh PMS with Abbakus. 30 Lakhs HDFC Mid Cap. 30 Lakhs Oswal Business Cycle. Apart from that I have 20 lakhs in PPF. Please advice
Ans: Hi Saket,

Your portfolio is a mix of investments across MFs, PMS and PPF.
Assuming PMS is all equity, the asset allocation reflects approximately an 80:20 ratio in Equity:Debt respectively, which seems fine.
As your objectives or goals are not available, it would be difficult to indicate if they suit your profile.

Most of the MF schemes mentioned are fine with a good track record. The exception is the Business Cycle scheme - this is a new scheme and being sectoral it will attract very high risk, its approximately 10% of your portfolio value so continue if you understand the risk.
Alternately you can consider a Flexi-cap or Multi-cap MF scheme that are well diversified and for a 7+ years of time horizon.

PMS services - if your experience with the PMS services are good and they meet your expectations for returns, then do continue.

PPF - plan to utilize it as a tax efficient instrument to withdraw funds at the time of retirement. Continue to contribute max possible and complete lock-in period of 15 years and keep extending the account with contributions. Over the next 10-15 years you can accumulate a good corpus which will be completely tax free for withdrawal.

An observation/suggestion as its not indicated - As you are freelancer, suggest emergency funds - please plan to have at least 6-9 months expenses in an investment which has high liquidity and safety e.g. FDs. In extreme eventualities like the pandemic or a personal crisis, this fund can support the immediate needs.

As you are going to be moving towards your retirement in a decade or so, I recommend you contact a Certified Financial Planner who can add value to your portfolio and provide a personalized evaluation and guidance taking into consideration your family profile, goals and requirement of the future while assessing risk and tax efficiency.

Janak Patel
Certified Financial Planner.

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Janak Patel  |7 Answers  |Ask -

MF, PF Expert - Answered on Oct 18, 2024

I bought an apartment in Delhi in the year 2002 for 5 lacs (own funds) Plus 15 lacs bank loan for 15 years at interest rate of 10%. Now want to sell it for199 lacs. Please advise on following 1. How to work out cost of acquisition considering interest paid on bank loan and expenses incurred from time to time to upkeep the flat around 5 lacs. I don't have bank interest certificate. 2. What will be capital gains tax calculation if I sell it now with both options old v/s new. Please advise. Raghav.
Ans: Hi Neeta / Raghav,

At the high level the below should help you.

1. Cost of acquisition can include the purchase price and the cost of improvement, so the upkeep expenses to maintain the property cannot be consider, but if you made any form of addition/alterations to the property then you can include it.
The interest paid on loan is eligible for tax benefits, it cannot be included in the cost of acquisition.

2. Old Rule - using the CII for calculations indicate Capital gains of Rs130 lacs, the capital gains tax (20% on difference after indexation) works out to be approximately Rs26 lacs. Note exact dates of purchase/sale will determine the CII values to be used, assumed FY2002-3 and FY2024-25 for now.
New Rule (2024 budget) - Capital gains = difference of sale and cost price i.e. Rs179 lacs, tax of 12.5% on it is approximately Rs22 lacs.

Note - you can add/reduce the cost/sale price with expense incurred in transacting the property e.g. brokerage.

Options to save tax on the Capital gains amount
1. Reinvest in another residential property within 1 year prior and 2 years after sale date or construct within 3 years after sale date.
2. Invest in NHAI bonds - has lock-in period and the interest earned is taxable.

Please contact a CFP or a Tax consultant for further guidance.

Janak Patel
Certified Financial Planner.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |6689 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Oct 18, 2024

Please review my MF Portfolio Sir....Bandhan Small Cap Fund - 11000, Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund -15500, Kotak emerging equity Fund - 7000, Tata digital Fund - 7000, Motilal Oswal Midcap Fund - 12000, HDFC Balanced Advantage Fund - 12500, With setp up of 10% every year. is this portfolio Good ?? should I change something ?? Also, I want to start another 5000 SIP, which fund should I go for ?. My age is 28 yrs My goal is wealth creation, i can invest for long term. As of now I don't have any urgency
Ans: I’m glad to see you’ve taken active steps towards wealth creation. At 28, with a long-term investment horizon and no immediate need for liquidity, you’re well-positioned to build substantial wealth through disciplined investments.

Let’s evaluate your portfolio and offer insights for further improvements, including recommendations for your new SIP.

Assessing Your Current Portfolio
Your portfolio reflects a diverse range of funds, which is essential for reducing risks and optimizing growth. Here's a detailed evaluation of each component:

1. Bandhan Small Cap Fund – Rs 11,000
Small-cap funds have high growth potential but are also highly volatile. It’s great for wealth creation over the long term, but ensure you're prepared for volatility in the short term.

You’ve allocated 16% of your current SIP to small caps. That’s reasonable given your age and long investment horizon.

2. Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund – Rs 15,500
This is a flexi-cap fund, which means it can invest in large, mid, and small caps based on market conditions. These funds offer a good balance of risk and reward.

With about 22% of your SIP allocated here, it adds diversification to your portfolio. This fund provides the flexibility to adjust to market conditions, which can be a key strength.

3. Kotak Emerging Equity Fund – Rs 7,000
Mid-cap funds like this have the potential to offer high returns with moderate risk. Mid-caps often strike a balance between the stability of large caps and the growth potential of small caps.

Your allocation of 10% to mid-cap is fine for your long-term goal, as these funds can generate wealth if held for 7-10 years.

4. Tata Digital Fund – Rs 7,000
A sectoral fund like this focuses on the digital or technology sector, which can be lucrative. However, such funds tend to be highly volatile and depend on the sector's performance.

While sectoral funds can provide high returns, their risks are high due to concentrated exposure. It's a good idea to limit your exposure here, and you’ve done well by keeping it at around 10%.

5. Motilal Oswal Midcap Fund – Rs 12,000
Another mid-cap fund in your portfolio, this allocation increases your exposure to mid-caps. While mid-caps have good growth potential, too much concentration in this category can amplify risk.

You’ve allocated 17% to mid-caps overall, which is slightly on the higher side. You may want to reduce this exposure slightly to balance your risk.

6. HDFC Balanced Advantage Fund – Rs 12,500
Balanced Advantage Funds (BAFs) dynamically manage the portfolio between equity and debt. This ensures lower volatility while giving reasonable returns.

Having 18% of your portfolio in a BAF adds stability and cushions against market fluctuations. This is an excellent choice for long-term wealth creation with moderate risk.

Diversification and Risk Management
Your portfolio is diversified across different types of equity funds—small-cap, mid-cap, flexi-cap, and sectoral funds. However, there’s a concentration of mid-cap and small-cap exposure, which could increase risk during market downturns. Since you are aiming for long-term wealth creation, I recommend a more balanced allocation.

Steps to Improve Diversification:

Reduce Sectoral Exposure: The Tata Digital Fund's high concentration in one sector can increase risk. You may want to limit sectoral funds to 5-7% of your overall portfolio.

Balance Mid-Cap Exposure: You’ve invested in two mid-cap funds. Consider reducing one to moderate your overall risk exposure.

Adding Another SIP of Rs 5,000
You mentioned starting a new Rs 5,000 SIP. Given your long-term horizon and focus on wealth creation, here’s what I suggest for further diversification:

1. Large-Cap Fund
Adding a large-cap fund will bring more stability to your portfolio. Large-cap funds tend to be less volatile and provide consistent returns, especially during market downturns.

This can act as a safety net, balancing the volatility of your small and mid-cap funds.

2. Hybrid or Dynamic Allocation Fund
If you're looking for more stability, you might consider adding a balanced or hybrid fund to your portfolio. These funds invest in both equity and debt instruments, which can stabilize your portfolio during market fluctuations.

A hybrid fund would complement your existing BAF and reduce overall portfolio risk.

3. International Equity Fund
You can also consider diversifying internationally by adding an international equity fund. These funds provide exposure to global markets and help diversify country-specific risks.

This can help balance the portfolio if Indian markets face periods of stagnation.

Disadvantages of Index and Direct Funds
Since you've opted for actively managed funds, I want to reinforce that you're on the right track. Index funds, although lower in cost, are passive and do not have the potential for outperformance in dynamic markets. In contrast, actively managed funds offer better opportunities as professional fund managers constantly analyze the market to maximize returns.

Also, it's wise to invest through a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) who can guide you based on your financial goals and risk profile. While direct funds may save on expense ratios, they often lack personalized advice, which can cost you in the long term.

Final Insights
Your current portfolio has a solid foundation for long-term wealth creation, with a strong emphasis on small and mid-cap funds for growth. However, it would benefit from some adjustments to balance risk and improve diversification.

Consider reducing your sectoral and mid-cap exposure slightly to manage volatility.

Adding a large-cap or hybrid fund to your new SIP will provide more stability.

Investing for the long term with periodic reviews will ensure you stay aligned with your goals.

Stay disciplined with your investments, increase your SIPs regularly as planned, and avoid frequent changes. With a long-term vision and the right fund selection, your portfolio can grow significantly over time.

Best Regards,
K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,
Chief Financial Planner,

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |6689 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Oct 18, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Oct 18, 2024Hindi
Hlo sir, im vijaylaxmi 24 yrs old i want to do sip please suggest which fund is best to invest
Ans: Vijaylaxmi, it’s great that you want to start investing at the young age of 24.

Starting early gives you the benefit of time.

Your investment horizon is likely to be long, which is ideal for SIP investments.

Before selecting any fund, it's important to understand your financial goals.

You need to assess your risk tolerance, investment horizon, and financial objectives.

Since you are young, you can afford to take some risk, but that should align with your comfort level.

If you want to build wealth over the long term, equity mutual funds would suit your needs.

They have the potential to offer higher returns in the long run compared to other asset classes.

However, you should stay invested for at least 5-7 years to ride out market fluctuations.

Diversification Across Funds

It’s crucial to diversify your investments across different fund categories.

Diversification will reduce risk by spreading your money across different sectors and asset classes.

You can consider investing in large-cap funds, multi-cap funds, and mid-cap funds for diversification.

Each type of fund comes with its own level of risk and potential return.

Large-cap funds are more stable, while mid-cap and multi-cap funds can offer higher returns but come with higher volatility.

Why Not Index Funds?

You might hear people suggesting index funds, but let’s evaluate them.

Index funds simply track a market index like Nifty 50 or Sensex.

They don’t have active fund management, which means there’s no expert to make decisions during market ups and downs.

Although they have lower costs, their returns may not always outperform actively managed funds.

With actively managed funds, a professional fund manager selects stocks, making adjustments to take advantage of market opportunities.

The Benefits of SIP in Actively Managed Funds

SIP or Systematic Investment Plan is an excellent way to invest in mutual funds.

It helps you invest a fixed amount regularly, regardless of market conditions.

This instills financial discipline and reduces the impact of market volatility through rupee cost averaging.

You won’t need to worry about timing the market; SIP takes care of that for you.

Actively managed funds have the potential to outperform the market, especially when you stay invested over the long term.

When you invest through SIP in an actively managed fund, you get the expertise of a fund manager making strategic decisions to maximize returns.

Regular Funds Over Direct Funds

Now, let’s talk about the mode of investment.

Direct funds may seem attractive because they have lower expense ratios, but investing through regular funds offers benefits.

Regular funds give you access to the guidance of a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) or Mutual Fund Distributor (MFD).

Their advice can help you make informed decisions about your portfolio, especially if market conditions change.

A regular plan allows you to get ongoing support for your investment journey.

Investing through a Certified Financial Planner can help you align your portfolio with your financial goals.

They bring a deeper understanding of markets and can help optimize your asset allocation over time.

Flexibility in Fund Choices

While selecting funds, ensure that you pick flexible options.

Some funds are rigid and only invest in a certain category of stocks, which can limit their performance during different market cycles.

Flexible funds, like multi-cap funds, allow the fund manager to shift between large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap stocks based on market conditions.

This flexibility can increase the fund’s chances of delivering consistent returns over time.

Equity Fund for Long-Term Goals

If your goal is long-term wealth creation, equity mutual funds are your best bet.

They generally outperform debt funds, FDs, and other conservative instruments over time.

Equity funds can offer better inflation-adjusted returns.

These funds invest in the stock market, which is why their potential for growth is higher.

However, they come with short-term volatility.

So, it’s important to have patience and a long-term perspective when investing in equity funds.

Growth or Dividend Option?

When investing in mutual funds, you will have to choose between the growth and dividend options.

Since you are young and likely looking to accumulate wealth, the growth option is more suited for you.

The growth option allows your investment to compound over time, as any profits earned by the fund are reinvested into the fund.

The dividend option provides periodic payouts, which is more suitable for investors seeking regular income.

In your case, you may not need regular income right now, so the growth option will help you build a larger corpus in the long run.

Taxation on Mutual Funds

When investing in mutual funds, it’s important to understand the tax implications.

For equity mutual funds, long-term capital gains (LTCG) are taxed at 12.5% after Rs 1.25 lakh.

Short-term capital gains (STCG) are taxed at 20%.

This means if you sell your equity mutual fund units before three years, the gains will be taxed as STCG.

If you hold the fund for longer than three years, any gains above Rs 1.25 lakh will be taxed as LTCG.

Since your investment horizon is long-term, this will work in your favor as you can take advantage of the LTCG benefit.

Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP) for Future Income

In the future, when you achieve your financial goals, you can convert your SIP investments into a Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP).

An SWP allows you to withdraw a fixed amount of money from your investment at regular intervals.

This is an effective way to create a steady stream of income from your mutual fund investment.

It can be particularly useful for retirement planning.

Since you are young, you have plenty of time to grow your investments before you need to rely on SWP.

Final Insights

At the age of 24, starting an SIP is a brilliant move.

Your time horizon allows you to take on equity market risks, which can result in higher long-term returns.

Diversify your investments across different fund categories to balance risk and return.

Actively managed funds offer better prospects than index funds due to the expertise of fund managers.

Choosing the growth option will help you accumulate wealth faster, as your profits will be reinvested.

Remember to stay invested for at least 5-7 years to maximize your returns.

As you move forward, work with a Certified Financial Planner to review your portfolio and make adjustments when necessary.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,



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