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Kanchan Rai  |199 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Apr 30, 2024

Kanchan Rai has 10 years of experience in therapy, nurturing soft skills and leadership coaching. She is the founder of the Let Us Talk Foundation, which offers mindfulness workshops to help people stay emotionally and mentally healthy.
Rai has a degree in leadership development and customer centricity from Harvard Business School, Boston. She is an internationally certified coach from the International Coaching Federation, a global organisation in professional coaching.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Apr 27, 2024Hindi

I am married since 2015 and I live in a joint family comprising of more than 20 members .everything was good until member of the families started accusing me of everything bad happening to family .father in law started abusing me ,when husband came in support of me even he was abused and man handled by everyone in the family .we live now in different town 400 away from them ,due to husband job, every now and the we both are made accused of something bad happening in family which the family member of mother in law side are instigating ..like sister in law caught in a relationship she named me for that blaming that i was the one who led the boy to meet and other started saying so to in laws and then same abusing over phone started...husband is supportive and is ready to leave everything for our mental peace but is emotionally down as he has to leave his family ...i am feeling very disturbed now of all this and the situation some how affecting my 5 years old son who always asks for the reasons for crying .

Ans: it's important to prioritize the safety and well-being of yourself and your family. No one should have to endure abuse or false accusations, especially within their own family. It's commendable that your husband is supportive and willing to prioritize your mental peace, even if it means leaving behind his family.

In such toxic and volatile situations, it may be necessary to distance yourselves from the negative influences and create boundaries to protect your mental and emotional health. Moving away from the family home was a positive step, and it's important to continue prioritizing your own well-being and that of your son.

Communication between you and your husband is key during this time. Lean on each other for support, and continue to have open and honest conversations about your feelings, concerns, and plans for the future. Together, you can navigate through this challenging time and make decisions that are in the best interest of your family's happiness and safety.

It's also important to seek support from trusted friends, family members, or a therapist who can offer guidance, empathy, and perspective during this difficult time. You don't have to face these challenges alone, and reaching out for support can provide valuable emotional support and validation.

Lastly, remember to prioritize self-care for yourself and your son. Take time to engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, and ensure that your son feels loved and supported during this transition. Children can be sensitive to family dynamics, so providing a stable and nurturing environment is crucial for his emotional well-being.

Overall, it's important to remember that you deserve to be in a safe and supportive environment, free from abuse and false accusations. It may be a difficult journey, but by prioritizing your own well-being and making decisions that are in the best interest of your family, you can navigate through this challenging time and emerge stronger and happier in the end.

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Anu Krishna  |886 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jun 08, 2022

Hi Anu, 10+yrs of marriage with 9yr child. I am working and all financial burden is on me. I shifted separately from in-laws' house due to financial constraints and expectations. Though elder-in-law, my in-laws didn't try to stop our decision to move separately despite knowing that my hubby doesn't earn a single penny. They expected and I had to share financial expenses with my marginal income 10 years ago. After 5 years, we moved nearby and purchased our own house very little help from in-laws. I took loan and managed the rest with help from my family and friends. In between a lot happened. My father-in-law expired and my mother-in-law is a cancer patient. My mother-in-law started expecting from my hubby and me, probably because her younger son shifted with her family. She didn't want to live with them due to differences with her wife. She complained to my husband that we are not good enough to take care of her. I already had a lot of burden from office so I told my husband to take care of our child as well for sometime. He was quite depressed and frustrated with his inability to earn. Already lot of my hard-earned money has been put in his work n wasted.Now, the real problem during these difficult times began when we started fighting. I had lot of office stress and after mother in law complained, she shifted with her other son. At times, I got frustrated with my child also due to the whole mess, financial burden. I felt like all my hard earned money was wasted due to office stress and my hubby's irresponsible behaviour. He did not even take care of my child’s studies. He started watching porn... I saw him twice and even warned him. My husband started cheating on me with our maid. He did it when he was stressed because I was not able to give him time. I confronted him and since then it has been an emotional trauma. I am yet to accept it. 9 months have been passed. We decided on certain things but I couldn’t accept it.. Due to our emotional bond, I gave him another chance... During that time he accepted and was ready to leave everything and wanted me to be happy. He said he committed a big mistake but recently I found he called that b**ch later. When I confronted him he said he’d advised not to come home in front of his family members. I decided it would be best for him to move out and work from another place. My MIL was living with me but then I felt it too much at times.. now somewhat even my child has emotionally detached from him. It’s the same with him as we've been staying separately from 7 months. He visited 3 times during puja and other needs. I feel emotionally detached and I can’t digest the family situation.Sometimes I feel it's difficult to find the courage to avoid all and live alone. What's the point in living in a marriage for sake of it without having any emotional, physical, financial dependency or security?I am 39 and earn a decent salary at this moment. But I am not sure of my future as I work in a private firm. I am worried about my child’s education, old age, financial insecurity and burden. I haven’t been able to save much because of our financial liabilities and husband’s investments in businesses that never materialised.Before this incident, my husband supported me in my career and also to bring up our child. But what happened is too much and unexpected. Any suggestions?

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Anu Krishna  |886 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Oct 14, 2021

Dear mam, I am married for 14 yrs. Love marriage. I used to work earlier but quit because my husband was earning well and he said he will take care of me and my son. We used to be a happy couple but during the lockdown my mother-in-law and sister-in-law decided to move in with us. Slowly they started creating issues between my husband and me often badmouthing my behaviour or complaining about me. I was unaware about it until recently when we had a big fight. That’s when I realised that they have been planning to drive me out of the house and get him married to someone else whom they can manipulate. It’s been over a year now that my husband is not even talking to me properly. I went and stayed with my parents for some time but even they feel I am a burden and should adjust and accommodate instead of giving them reasons to fight. They don’t understand that all this is politics. Now my husband is talking to some girl whom I don’t like. That is causing more problems and fights between us. Anything I say is used against me now. Please help me mam. What to do?
Ans: Dear R, why did they start to create issues between you and your husband?

What led to this? It rarely happens that people go after people with no reason.

Did you have any reservations about them coming and staying over?

Did you express it in some form to them? (Ask these to yourself so that you know that any act on your part did not lead to this situation. Of course, nothing justifies their plotting to get their son married behind your back).

If the answer to this is NO, then it's time to confront your husband, get a mediator and put things on the table.

What does he want? What do you want?

Do you both want to continue in this marriage?

What are his responsibilities towards your son?

These need to be addressed without anymore delay. Being in a limbo state is not fun as it keeps you guessing and the uncertainty can cause a lot of stress.

Also, kindly sensitise your parents towards what you are going through, so that support you in this time of need.

Act NOW and whatever you decide, put yourself first and take care of you emotional state of mind.

Best wishes!

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Anu Krishna  |886 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Sep 20, 2021

My name is Gatima, I’m 36 years old and a housewife. I’m married from past 10 years and it was a love marriage. I was bought up in metro cities like Delhi and Mumbai. I married to a guy from Goa and a shipy (merchant navy). I was working when I got married but I left immediately because I wanted to sail with my husband, initial years were good. I have one boy who is 5 now . We used to fight all d time but initially we used to understand each other and patch up fast , but from last one year our fights increased so much and we stop talking for even months. My husband has lots of complaints from me and always blames me for every fight. I’m feeling so guilty. I always curse myself and ask God why he made me so bad person. Whenever we fight, all other family members cut off communication with me. Although I am surrounded by so many I’m alone. I cry most of time but now my eyes have dried and there are no tears. I hate myself and my life. I cannot face the mirror for days bcoz I hate myself. I am living for my 5 year old son. But I’m very depressed and have PCOD . I don’t get sleep plus I get migraine attacks.
Ans: Dear GN, The past year has been different for different people; marriages have been rebuilt, new marriages have taken place, divorces have happened…relationships have gone through a huge transitions, in short.

Of course, not to undermine what you are experiencing right now!

Conflicts, arguments, debates are common in a marriage…but they can be worked upon as long as both of you want the same thing and want to stick around in the marriage.

What according to you has changed now when you say that things used to easily resolve earlier and now that doesn’t happen? What has caused this?

When you say, he complains and blames you, how does he do that? Does he actually say it aloud or are you interpreting it?

These questions get you closer to the truth of the matter at hand.

It takes two people to create a conflict, of course the phase of life or whatever the phase he is in, maybe he finds it convenient to blame you.

So why do play the role of the victim when you are not actually one?

And Yes, he may not be justified in what he is doing and throwing it all on you. But if simply being in this pool of misery has achieved anything, it has made you a victim…

If you want to feel better or change something about this situation, wake up NOW…do something, do anything; support or no support from anyone!

A small change in the way you perceive things and act for yourself can change your physical well-being as well.

PCOS/Migraine can be an indirect result of the anxiety and stress that you are carrying inside you.

Start focusing on what you are eating and if you are exercising enough…these can help a great deal in keeping PCOS/Migraine under control.

What you think is what you become…so keep your son also in mind and get yourself out of this misery or find an expert who can help you. You want this for yourself and your son, don’t you?

My best wishes are with you!

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Anu Krishna  |886 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Oct 19, 2022

Hi Anu, I have been reading your articles for quite some time. I am 40 years old in a marriage for last 12 years. I have a 11.5 year old son.My marriage is going through a very rough phase. My husband doesn't leave any chance to abuse me, doesn't matter where and with whom we areMy husband proposed to me knowing I have Vitiligo (discoloration of skin). Plus I was not as rich as him. I did make him aware of this before going ahead. His family was against our marriage still he went ahead. From the day of marriage he suddenly changed, and started abusing me in and out. First I thought my mother-in-law is creating problems which she did every time we came together. Infront of every maid and in the absence of my husband she tried to humiliate me based on my skin condition and financial status. But she'd become caring in his presence.After five years of marriage, for a few years we were away from family. It was peaceful and we had a nice time. But during the lockdown and online school we were back with the same problem. Now the condition is that I cannot stay with my husband. My family is very supportive but suggest that before taking any step I should think of my child. And that we should both sit and talk.If I try talking to my husband I know it will end in a fight. Kindly suggest which way should I go?

Dear KB,

Maybe someone from the family or his friends have commented on your condition and made him feel that he made the wrong choice.

Even if it’s that, when he knew and had no objection, what is a man’s word is that he keeps it no matter what!

Now that he has gone back on it, it’s natural for others to take advantage of it and mock you for what the society considers as ‘not beautiful’.

In a way, we are obsessed with some sort of standards for what’s beautiful and what’s not. Beauty standards, you might call it so!

He seems to be a different person with his family and without, it suggests that he may not have a very strong mind to back up the decision of marrying you in the first place possibly against the wishes of his family.

Abuse, at no point is justifiable and you need to take a strong stance and draw a boundary as this is going to continue.

Your family has made a wise suggestion and for the sake of the child, it might be worth the effort to sit down have that chat with your husband however hard that might be.

Do not compromise on the fact that this so-called beauty standards and labels within his family will continue. Be unapologetic about who you are and own your beauty your way.

This is non- negotiable and you need to state this clearly when you have that conversation with him. Period!

All the best!

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Latest Questions

Anu Krishna  |886 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on May 21, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 10, 2024Hindi
I am 37 year woman still trying to clear competitive exams. I am doing these and facing all challenges of life so that i can guide my future offerings well and be a better parent. I have never had serious relationship jst a little bit talking on the phone and social media and nothing more. This is because i am having plenty of body hair in my body and want to get rid of them permanently befire entering into serious relationship and was thinking of doing it after reaching a decsent place i mean careewise. But my decision is taking plenty of time . Plus no emotional support from closed ones is taking toll in my mental health. And a feeling of lagging behind in all aspect oflife is causing me unrest. Pls suggest
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
The day you start accepting yourself and loving yourself for who you are, that's the day you will see changes in your life.
You are unhappy with your appearance, you feel inadequate with your academic strengths, you are unsure about how to take care of your emotional health, you feel like you are lagging in all aspects of your life...
Can you spot a pattern of non-acceptance here?
Having said that, when you see gaps in any area of your life, you don't go around feeling sorry for yourself but lay down a plan to fill that gap. One by one you can fill those gaps and then feel happy that things are moving in your favor.
Also, everything in life moves on in parallel and not sequentially. So, to wait to make a decision till something happens or not, will only push you back or keep you stuck. Free yourself by having more useful and positive thoughts and move in a positive dierction.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Anu Krishna  |886 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on May 21, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 08, 2024Hindi
Before delivery daughter in law was treated well. But now after delivering a son the mother in-law behaves its her son and does all nonsense things like cleaning the 5 months child with ear bud. Making hole with needle in milk bottle. Interfering every now and then asking about how many times child peed or does potty. Whether i breastfeed or not. Because of the stress he stopped taking breastmilk and my hypothyroidism turned to hyperthyroidism. I feel low and depressed every now and then. How to deal with this situation.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
This is where you put draw the line...how you raise your child must be your business but at times in a joint/extended family system this can be a bit difficult as everyone has a say in what you do or don't do.
What has happened has happened; now take charge of what you must do first to take care of yourself and your state of mind. This will help you care for your baby better.
Request your husband/partner to step in support you every time his mother gets demanding or intrusive. Another thing you can do is ask an elder female member of your family to come in to help. She can be effective in taking over the role that your mother-in-law has been doing for the child and then pass it on to you. This will ensure that you do not get into an argument or a conflict situation at home. But to maintain a certain equation with your mother-in-law, do involve her where you feel it's right so that she feels included as well.
So, take care of your health first and then start taking charge of raising your child.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |2834 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 21, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 21, 2024Hindi
Hi sir...am a 34year old working women and a mother of girl child.Earning 55000 per month. my husband is currently not working.Could you suggest best Sip plan which will be secure for my girl child
Ans: Strategizing Secure SIP Plans for Your Girl Child's Future

As a caring mother and conscientious investor, you're keen on securing a stable financial future for your daughter. Let's navigate through potential SIP plans tailored to safeguard her interests and foster long-term financial growth.

Understanding Your Financial Landscape

Primary Earner with Family Responsibilities: Your role as the primary breadwinner, coupled with your husband's current unemployment, underscores the importance of prudent financial planning to ensure the well-being of your family, particularly your daughter's future.

Steady Monthly Income: Your monthly income of INR 55,000 provides a stable foundation for initiating systematic investment plans (SIPs) aimed at accumulating wealth for your girl child's education, marriage, or other life milestones.

Crafting a Secure SIP Strategy

Risk Appetite and Investment Horizon: Given your familial responsibilities and the significance of your daughter's financial security, prioritize SIP plans with a balanced risk-return profile tailored to her long-term investment horizon.

Diversification and Asset Allocation: Embrace a diversified portfolio comprising equity, debt, and hybrid SIPs to mitigate risk and optimize returns over the investment tenure. Allocate funds based on your risk tolerance and the desired level of growth potential.

Selecting SIPs with Proven Track Records: Opt for SIPs managed by reputable fund houses with a history of consistent performance and adherence to robust investment strategies. Research and compare SIP options across different categories, considering factors such as fund manager expertise, expense ratios, and historical returns.

Flexibility and Customization: Choose SIPs that offer flexibility in investment amounts, allowing you to adjust contributions based on evolving financial circumstances. Customization ensures adaptability to changing market conditions and personal financial goals.

Navigating Through Investment Options

Equity SIPs: Equity-oriented SIPs offer the potential for long-term wealth creation, albeit with higher volatility. Select well-established equity funds with a proven track record of delivering competitive returns while managing downside risks effectively.

Debt SIPs: Debt SIPs provide stability and capital preservation, making them suitable for conservative investors seeking steady income and capital protection. Consider debt funds with high credit quality and diversified portfolios to minimize credit risk and volatility.

Hybrid SIPs: Hybrid or balanced SIPs offer a balanced blend of equity and debt exposure, striking a harmonious balance between growth potential and risk mitigation. Opt for hybrid funds with dynamic asset allocation strategies to capitalize on market opportunities while safeguarding against downturns.


In conclusion, by prioritizing secure SIP plans tailored to your daughter's future financial needs and risk profile, you can navigate the intricacies of investment management with confidence and foresight. By adhering to a disciplined investment approach, leveraging diversification, and selecting SIPs with proven track records, you can lay the groundwork for a bright and prosperous future for your beloved girl child.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |2834 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 21, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 16, 2024Hindi
I m 37Y old.. have 12L in PF, 20L in PPF around 5L in LIC , around 20L in crypto(gain is around 5L), 9L in MIS. Have invested 5L in SSY so far for my 7 year old daughter and 5L in SCSS for my MIL. Monthly savings is around 40K.Please suggest what i need to do for early retirement
Ans: Strategic Roadmap for Early Retirement

Embarking on the journey towards early retirement necessitates meticulous financial planning and astute investment decisions. Let's delve into tailored recommendations to steer you closer to your goal of early retirement while optimizing your existing assets and financial resources.

Evaluating Your Current Financial Landscape

Provident Fund (PF) and Public Provident Fund (PPF): Your significant allocations to PF and PPF signify a conservative savings approach aimed at long-term financial stability. These avenues offer tax benefits and consistent returns, laying a sturdy groundwork for retirement planning.

Life Insurance Corporation (LIC): While life insurance serves as a safety net for your family, traditional investment-cum-insurance products may not offer optimal growth potential. Consider reevaluating your LIC policies and reallocating funds to more dynamic investment avenues, such as mutual funds, to enhance wealth accumulation.

Cryptocurrency and Monthly Income Scheme (MIS): Cryptocurrency investments entail inherent volatility and regulatory uncertainties, warranting cautious consideration. Given the lack of regulation and heightened risk associated with cryptocurrencies, it's prudent to exercise restraint or limit exposure to such speculative assets. Similarly, while MIS offers steady income, explore alternative investment avenues with higher growth potential and risk-adjusted returns.

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY) and Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (SCSS): Your investments in SSY and SCSS underscore your commitment to securing your loved ones' financial futures. While these schemes offer attractive interest rates and tax benefits, evaluate whether they align with your overall investment strategy and explore supplementary avenues for portfolio diversification.

Crafting a Holistic Retirement Strategy

Define Clear Retirement Objectives: Establish concrete retirement goals, including target retirement age, desired lifestyle post-retirement, and estimated expenses. This foundational framework will serve as a roadmap for structuring your retirement plan.

Risk Assessment and Asset Allocation: Evaluate your risk tolerance and investment horizon, bearing in mind your aspiration for early retirement. Strive for a balanced asset allocation strategy that blends conservative and growth-oriented investments to mitigate risk while optimizing returns over the long term.

Diversification and Asset Optimization: Embrace a diversified investment approach encompassing a range of asset classes, including equities, mutual funds, fixed income instruments, and alternative investments. Redirect resources from underperforming or high-risk assets, such as speculative cryptocurrencies or traditional insurance products, towards well-diversified investment vehicles with growth potential and liquidity.

Regular Portfolio Review and Adjustment: Commit to ongoing monitoring and adjustment of your investment portfolio to adapt to evolving market dynamics and personal financial objectives. Regularly reassess your retirement plan, making necessary tweaks to ensure alignment with your changing goals and risk profile.


In summary, achieving early retirement necessitates a comprehensive financial blueprint that optimally allocates resources, embraces diversification, and prioritizes long-term wealth creation. By recalibrating your investment strategy to steer clear of high-risk assets like speculative cryptocurrencies and traditional insurance products, and by channeling funds towards growth-oriented investment avenues, you can fortify your path towards early retirement with resilience and confidence.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |2834 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 21, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 17, 2024Hindi
I am aged 30 and earning 5.6lpa. having 5 flats( father's) and residing in Kolkata. I am married. Have placed 8k in different SIPs and maintaining 1.5L in ppf since 3 years. How can I grow my money 4x...? My monthly expenditure is around 15k and I am able to save 10k every month apart from the investment. Should I buy gold etf?
Ans: Strategic Financial Planning for Wealth Multiplication

Achieving a fourfold increase in wealth requires a strategic approach that leverages your current financial situation, investment capabilities, and long-term goals. Let's explore personalized strategies to maximize your wealth while addressing your specific circumstances and aspirations.

Understanding Your Financial Landscape

You're in a favorable position with a stable income, significant assets in the form of inherited flats, ongoing SIP investments, and a disciplined approach to savings. Before formulating a growth strategy, let's assess your current financial standing and identify areas for optimization.

Leveraging Existing Assets

Real Estate Holdings: While real estate can be a valuable asset, it's essential to evaluate the potential for rental income, capital appreciation, and liquidity constraints. Consider diversifying your portfolio beyond real estate to unlock additional growth opportunities.

Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs): Your SIP investments are a prudent way to accumulate wealth over time through disciplined contributions to equity and debt funds. Continuously monitor fund performance and consider adjusting allocations based on market conditions and your risk tolerance.

Public Provident Fund (PPF): PPF provides a secure avenue for long-term savings with attractive tax benefits. Given your existing commitment to PPF, assess whether it aligns with your investment objectives or if alternative options offer higher growth potential.

Exploring Growth Opportunities

Equity Investments: Given your long investment horizon and risk appetite, equity investments can play a pivotal role in wealth multiplication. Consider allocating a portion of your savings to well-researched equity funds managed by experienced fund managers.

Diversified Mutual Funds: Diversified mutual funds offer exposure to a range of asset classes, including large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap stocks, as well as debt instruments. Opt for direct plans or seek guidance from a Certified Financial Planner to access professional advice and optimize returns.

Gold ETFs: While gold can act as a hedge against economic uncertainty, its growth potential may be limited compared to equity investments. Evaluate your risk-return profile and consider allocating a small portion of your portfolio to gold ETFs for diversification.

Mitigating Risks and Maximizing Returns

Risk Management: Maintain a balanced approach to risk by diversifying across asset classes and regularly reviewing your investment portfolio. Avoid speculative investments and focus on long-term wealth creation strategies aligned with your financial goals.

Regular Monitoring: Stay informed about market trends, economic developments, and regulatory changes that may impact your investments. Periodically review your portfolio's performance and make adjustments as necessary to optimize returns and mitigate risks.


In conclusion, achieving a fourfold increase in wealth necessitates a comprehensive financial plan that leverages your existing assets, investment capabilities, and growth opportunities. By diversifying across asset classes, optimizing investment strategies, and staying disciplined in your approach, you can work towards realizing your financial goals and securing a prosperous future.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |2834 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 21, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 18, 2024Hindi
Hi sir, I am 40 years old, my goal is retirement with 5 cr. I am investing 30k through SIP in the following Funds. All Direct Funds. Investment Horizon - 20 to 22 Years. please check my portfolio,Wealth Creation, Risk Appetite- High. Please advise if I should pause or continue with these mutual funds. 1..parag parikh flexi cap 6k 2..kotak multicap 6k 3..quant large and mid cap 6k 4..quant mid cap 6k 5..nippon india small cap 6k
Ans: Evaluation of Mutual Fund Portfolio for Long-Term Wealth Creation

Your mutual fund portfolio demonstrates a thoughtful approach to long-term wealth creation, considering your high-risk appetite and investment horizon. Let's delve into the analysis and explore the advantages of diversification, active fund management, and potential considerations for optimizing your portfolio.

Portfolio Analysis

The portfolio comprises a well-diversified mix of actively managed equity funds across various market segments, including flexi-cap, multi-cap, large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap funds. This diversified allocation helps spread risk and maximize growth opportunities, aligning with your aggressive investment strategy.

Benefits of Diversification

Diversifying across different fund categories mitigates concentration risk and enhances the potential for consistent returns. By investing in funds with varying investment styles and market capitalizations, you're positioned to capitalize on opportunities across different market segments while reducing vulnerability to specific market movements.

Active Fund Management Advantage

Your preference for actively managed funds underscores the belief in skilled fund management and the potential for generating alpha over passive index funds. Active fund managers have the flexibility to capitalize on market inefficiencies, adjust portfolios based on changing market dynamics, and potentially outperform the benchmark indices over the long term.

Disadvantages of Direct Funds over Regular Funds through MFDs

While direct funds offer lower expense ratios compared to regular funds, investing through a Certified Financial Planner or Mutual Fund Distributor (MFD) offers several advantages:

Professional Guidance: MFDs provide personalized advice and guidance tailored to your financial goals and risk profile, helping you make informed investment decisions aligned with your objectives.

Research and Due Diligence: MFDs conduct thorough research and due diligence to select suitable funds, saving you time and effort in identifying and analyzing investment options.

Portfolio Monitoring: MFDs offer ongoing portfolio monitoring and rebalancing services, ensuring your investments remain aligned with your financial goals and market conditions.

Transaction Support: MFDs assist with transaction-related tasks such as fund selection, investment execution, and documentation, simplifying the investment process and minimizing administrative burden.

Wealth Creation Potential

Given your long-term investment horizon and aggressive risk appetite, your portfolio has significant wealth creation potential. Equity investments, especially in actively managed funds, have historically delivered higher returns over extended periods, provided investors remain invested through market cycles.

Potential Considerations

Periodic Review: Regularly review the performance of individual funds in your portfolio and assess whether they continue to meet your investment objectives and expectations.

Rebalancing: Monitor the asset allocation of your portfolio and rebalance if certain funds deviate significantly from their target weights. Rebalancing helps maintain the desired risk-return profile and prevents overexposure to specific market segments.

Stay Informed: Stay informed about macroeconomic trends, regulatory changes, and market developments that may impact your investments. Continuous monitoring and informed decision-making are crucial for long-term investment success.

Final Advice

In conclusion, your mutual fund portfolio is well-structured and aligned with your long-term financial goals. While direct funds offer cost advantages, consider leveraging the expertise of a Certified Financial Planner or MFD for personalized guidance and support. By staying disciplined, informed, and focused on your objectives, you're well-positioned to achieve substantial wealth accumulation and financial security over the long term.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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