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Ravi Mittal  |238 Answers  |Ask -

Dating, Relationships Expert - Answered on Jun 14, 2024

Ravi Mittal is an expert on dating and relationships.
He founded QuackQuack, an online dating platform, in 2010 with just two people. Today, it has over 20 million users in India.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Jun 09, 2024Hindi

Hey! I love a guy and want to marry him and so does he but my family is not ready to accept because we belong to different castes, he is well settled and also have secure govt job and i work as assistant professor but my family told me to leave him and look for some other guy who belongs to same caste. I just want to be with him and nobody else but they are not ready to understand. I have this feeling that he is suffering because of me when his family is ready and my isn't. What can i do?

Ans: Dear Anonymous,

I am sorry to hear that standing in this day and age, you are facing a problem rooted in caste-related discrimination. I can only suggest you to sit with your parents and make them understand that someone's caste is not their identity. I understand that it will be very hard, especially when it's your parents, but parents can be wrong too. Try highlighting the positives and the achievements of your partner whenever you are discussing the matter with them.

Also have an open discussion about the entire ordeal with your partner. If he too feels that he is suffering because of this relationship, you might want to reassure him that things will be better soon.

Best Wishes.

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Anu Krishna  |995 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on May 15, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 10, 2024Hindi
Hello mam, glad to find you here. Mam, I'm a female, 27 yrs, I have been in a relationship with my partner since 9yrs, but he is from different caste. We both were immature when we started our relationship but our relationship grew stronger as time passed.We have gone through ups and downs of our relationship and are still intact. When I was into 3yrs of our relationship he was doing some odd job, at that time I told my mom about us and she said 'NO' because of caste issue irrespective of his job. Another reason is that my father is an impulsive person who thinks to harm himself whenever something happens, so mom said my father might harm himself if I go forward. At the same time there were some issues in boys family and my brother met them and he said no to it.But I couldn't get away from him, so I stayed. Later I talked to my partner about his family environment and I said that I couldn't stay with them because of the negative impact. He talked to his family and confirmed that after marriage we will lead our life under different roof but maintain the sufficient relationship with his family. We both are now settled in jobs but he earns a bit less than me but we earn a handsome salary combining our both salaries. Now, it's time for my marriage and I want to marry him and he have changed alot for me without leaving his family and he understands me very well. I feel safe with him. Now the problem is my parents wants to get me married and I also want to get married to the whom I loved but my mom and brother are not yet all giving me the chance to convince them. They are trying to convince me for marriage with others but I couldn't do that, that will kill me all my life. They are saying that if I go for intercaste then they have to suffer all their life and my father might do something to himself if he finds out. I love my family dearly and that's why I have been waiting all these years for their approval. I do not want anyone to lose their life because of me. My partner have left the decision to me because of my situation at home and he is supportive of me. My transfer is nearing where I have two options, one is to opt for my home town(not Village), where I can bring my parents to town with me to stay( now my posting is in another city). Second is to opt for different city( where I have to stay with my brother who doesn't approve of my love and blames me for his career). In order for me to convince them for my marriage should stay with my family or away from them and how can I convince them? Sorry' for the long story and I hope I hear from you.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Be clear about what you want and in this process/journey, there will be a lot of highs and lows...
Also, you may not be able to have the cake and eat it too which is why you are struggling at making a decision. You want to marry the man of your dreams that your parents and brother disapprove of BUT you don't want to disappoint them by going against them...You can't have one foot in two different paths...it will tear you apart; literally...
So, decide what you want, the pros and cons of going against the family...of course there are situations where over time, parents have accepted the boy/girl but there's a lot of patient waiting.
If you are in haste, they are not going to relent and you will be left feeling disappointed...
Decide and then do whatever it takes to make that decision right...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Anu Krishna  |995 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jul 01, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 20, 2024Hindi
Madam i am 21 years old having a good post at central government as at erly age i got job and i joint it now i am 22 and having a boyfriend he is also central government officer and he is age 29 bu despite of the age gap the love bloomed and we are so in love with each other i told my family early tge condition and said that i want to marry him but my parents said after 25 we will ger u married but by sharing this at hone they are not having trust on mr and are being insecure and wants me to leave a government job and to come home because he is not from same caste and it will also be interstate marriage my family is having the fear of relatives and my mother us against of it they are saying intercaste marriage we will not support or accept continuously emotional blackmail to me trying to manipulate, brainwash me and abusing me emotionally verbally and physically. what should i do?
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Inter-faith marriages are still a big NO NO in many homes and yours is not an exception. Like in many other cases, my suggestion has been that both sides must want to get to know the other person. Like your parents need to see a different side of your boyfriend to be willing to accept him.
What is it that he can bring in their daughter's life that will ease their concerns about his faith/religion?
So, your boyfriend must be willing to be patient and make efforts on his part to integrate into your family. It takes time, so be patient.
Now, for your job...do not confuse emotions and your job. Your parents feels that you might take drastic steps with your boyfriend and hence want you closer to home so that they can keep an eye on you. Address this concern by being mature and immersing yourself more into work that gives them the confidence that you are not about to do anything behind their back.
Addressing what bothers them is a better way out rather than trying to convince them...as the same issues will keep coming back if you force them to accept something. So, be patient and responsible for things to sort themselves out...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Kanchan Rai  |266 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jun 24, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 23, 2024Hindi
Hi mam, I am in relationship with a guy who is from different caste. It's been three years but his family is not agreeing due to family status and intercaste. My family is ready as I am the eldest daughter of my family and unturned 30 this year. I have no time but he can't marry me without his parents concent. My family is searching a boy for my marriage. I can't marry with another guy. what shall I do to marry him to convince his family or what should he do his monther is so rigid. Please ???? support us what should we do? Two lives will be spoiled bcz of this. The only problem is upper and lower caste.
Ans: Navigating a relationship where cultural norms and family expectations conflict is challenging, but it's crucial to approach it with empathy and patience.
You're deeply committed to your partner despite the pressure from his family due to caste differences. While your family supports your marriage, his family, especially his mother, is firm in their opposition. You're also facing time constraints and societal pressure, making the situation urgent and stressful.
Your partner needs to have ongoing, respectful conversations with his parents, emphasizing your love and commitment. He should explain why you are the right person for him and how you positively impact his life. Understanding and addressing their specific concerns, whether they are about societal judgment or family honor, is crucial.
Sharing personal stories and demonstrating the depth of your bond can help his parents see beyond the caste issue. Highlighting your shared values and how you both support each other can make your relationship more relatable to them.
Seek help from a trusted family member or friend who can mediate and help his parents see the relationship from a new perspective. A respected family elder who has navigated similar challenges can also be influential.
Changing deep-seated beliefs takes time. Your partner should continue to gently and persistently show his parents that his happiness lies with you. Patience will be key as they may need time to adjust to the idea
Engage with support groups or counselors experienced in intercaste relationships. They can provide valuable advice and emotional support.
Discuss potential scenarios if his parents don’t approve. Consider whether options like elopement or giving them time to come around could work for both of you. These conversations should be open and honest to ensure mutual understanding.

Throughout this process, maintain strong communication and support each other emotionally. Navigating these challenges together will strengthen your bond and help you both find a path forward that honors your relationship and family ties.

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Mayank Chandel  |1248 Answers  |Ask -

IIT-JEE, NEET-UG, SAT, CLAT, CA, CS Exam Expert - Answered on Jul 01, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 01, 2024Hindi

Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4132 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 01, 2024

I am 46 year of age, working in MNC. in hand salary is 1.9L/Month. I have 30L in PF and 28L in PPF. have 11L in MF and 18L in Equity. I have one property where I am staying which i bought will loan 60L. I have two kids one in 10th and second in 6th. Want to crate corpus for for my kids higher education and for retirement. Please suggest.
Ans: First, let me compliment you on having a strong financial base. At 46, with an in-hand salary of Rs. 1.9 lakh per month, you have built a solid portfolio. You have Rs. 30 lakh in PF, Rs. 28 lakh in PPF, Rs. 11 lakh in mutual funds, and Rs. 18 lakh in equity. You also own a property, which is fantastic. Let’s create a plan to meet your goals of funding your kids' higher education and ensuring a comfortable retirement.

Setting Clear Financial Goals
Goals for Kids' Higher Education
Kids' Higher Education: Your eldest is in the 10th grade and the younger one in the 6th. Planning for their college education is crucial and requires estimating the costs.
Retirement Goals
Retirement Corpus: You need a substantial corpus to maintain your lifestyle post-retirement. Let's ensure you have enough to cover all expenses without financial stress.
Creating a Diversified Investment Plan
Emergency Fund
Start by ensuring you have an emergency fund that covers 6-12 months of expenses. This fund will act as a safety net for unexpected situations. You might consider keeping around Rs. 12-15 lakh in a liquid fund or high-yield savings account for easy access.

Insurance Coverage
Ensure you have adequate life and health insurance coverage. With two kids, it’s crucial to have a term insurance policy with a sum assured that’s 10-15 times your annual income. This will protect your family financially in case of unforeseen events. Also, ensure you have comprehensive health insurance for all family members.

Investment in Mutual Funds
Equity Mutual Funds
Investing in equity mutual funds can provide higher returns over the long term. Allocate a portion of your monthly investments towards diversified equity funds. Given your current holdings, consider increasing your equity exposure for growth.

Debt Mutual Funds
Debt mutual funds offer stability and regular returns. They are less volatile compared to equity funds. Allocate a part of your investment to debt funds for stability and moderate growth. This will balance your overall risk.

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)
SIPs are a disciplined way to invest in mutual funds. Given your stable income, you can start or increase your monthly SIPs. Here's a suggested allocation for a balanced portfolio:

Equity Funds: Rs. 10,000 per month
Debt Funds: Rs. 5,000 per month
Hybrid Funds: Rs. 5,000 per month
This allocation will ensure a mix of growth and stability.

Public Provident Fund (PPF)
Your Rs. 28 lakh in PPF is a great long-term investment. PPF offers tax benefits and decent returns. Continue contributing the maximum limit of Rs. 1.5 lakh annually to benefit from compounded interest.

Provident Fund (PF)
Your PF of Rs. 30 lakh is a significant retirement asset. Continue contributing as it provides a secure and tax-efficient way to save for retirement.

Equity Investments
Your Rs. 18 lakh in equity indicates a good risk appetite. Regularly review and rebalance your equity portfolio to ensure it aligns with your financial goals and risk tolerance.

Benefits of Professional Guidance
Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
A Certified Financial Planner can provide personalized advice tailored to your financial goals. They help in selecting the right mutual funds, insurance policies, and other investment options to optimize your portfolio.

Personalized Advice
CFPs offer customized financial strategies considering your income, expenses, goals, and risk tolerance. This ensures your investments align perfectly with your financial objectives.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls
High-Risk Investments
Avoid high-risk investments like direct stocks or speculative ventures. They offer high returns but come with significant risks. Stick to diversified mutual funds for balanced growth.

Index Funds
Index funds simply replicate market indices and have lower management fees. However, actively managed funds can offer higher returns through strategic investments by professional managers.

Direct Mutual Funds
Direct mutual funds might seem attractive due to lower costs. However, investing through a CFP ensures professional guidance and better alignment with your financial goals.

Long-Term Financial Planning
Projecting Future Needs
Estimate your future financial needs, including your kids' education and your retirement expenses. Consider inflation and lifestyle changes. This helps set clear targets for your savings and investments.

Regular Reviews
Regularly review your investment portfolio to ensure it stays on track. Market conditions change, and so should your investment strategy. Consult your CFP to make necessary adjustments.

Reinvesting Matured Funds
Reinvest matured funds from PF, PPF, and other investments into mutual funds for growth. Choose a mix of equity, debt, and hybrid funds to balance risk and returns.

Benefits of Mutual Funds
Professional Management
Mutual funds are managed by professional fund managers. They have the expertise to select the best stocks and bonds, ensuring optimal returns. This professional management is crucial for maximizing your investments.

Mutual funds offer diversification, spreading your investment across various assets. This reduces risk and ensures stability. A diversified portfolio is key to balanced growth and risk management.

Compounding Returns
Investing in mutual funds through SIPs leverages the power of compounding. The returns earned are reinvested, generating further returns. This significantly boosts your investment growth over time.

Financial Discipline
Create a monthly budget to track your income and expenses. This helps identify areas where you can cut costs and allocate more towards investments. Financial discipline is key to achieving your goals.

Avoiding Unnecessary Expenses
Limit unnecessary expenses and focus on essential spending. This ensures more funds are available for investments, accelerating your wealth creation and securing your future.

Emergency Fund
Maintain an emergency fund to cover unforeseen expenses. This prevents you from dipping into your investments. An emergency fund ensures financial stability and peace of mind.

Staying Informed
Regular Updates
Stay informed about your investments by regularly checking their performance. Use financial news, market analysis, and updates from your CFP to make informed decisions. Knowledge is power in managing your investments.

Continuous Learning
Educate yourself about different investment options and market trends. Continuous learning helps in making better investment choices and understanding the financial landscape.

Feedback from CFP
Regularly seek feedback from your CFP regarding your investment strategy. They can provide valuable insights and recommendations based on market conditions and your financial goals.

Final Insights
Securing your kids' higher education and your retirement is achievable with disciplined investing and financial planning. By diversifying your investments, leveraging SIPs, and seeking professional guidance, you can effectively grow your wealth and achieve your goals. Stay informed, maintain financial discipline, and regularly review your portfolio to ensure it aligns with your objectives. Investing in a mix of equity, debt, and hybrid mutual funds will provide a balanced approach, ensuring both growth and stability.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |4132 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jul 01, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jul 01, 2024Hindi
Hi Sir, myself Pavani. My age is 34 years, I have a daughter who is 2 year old. My monthly salary is 50000. We don't have any property. I have 10 lac FD, I have insurance sum assured worth of 5 lac which will meture in 6 years . MF 1 lac, SSY account for my daughter have opened till now have 1 lac in that. Have opened Pradhan mantri pension scheme for my retirement planning. SIP 5k investing from past 10 months. I want to secure my and my daughter's future. Kindly suggest.
Ans: First, congratulations on your efforts to plan for your and your daughter's future! At 34, you have a steady monthly salary of Rs. 50,000 and a variety of existing investments. You have a 10 lakh FD, a 5 lakh insurance policy maturing in 6 years, 1 lakh in mutual funds, 1 lakh in a Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY) account for your daughter, and you're investing Rs. 5,000 per month in a SIP. Additionally, you’ve opened a Pradhan Mantri pension scheme for your retirement planning. Let’s build on this solid foundation to achieve your financial goals.

Setting Clear Financial Goals
Establishing clear financial goals is crucial. Your primary goals may include:

Securing your daughter’s education.
Building a substantial retirement corpus.
Ensuring adequate insurance coverage.
Creating an emergency fund.
By focusing on these goals, we can create a comprehensive investment strategy.

Creating a Diversified Investment Plan
Emergency Fund
An emergency fund is essential for financial security. It should cover 6-12 months of your monthly expenses. With a monthly expense of Rs. 50,000, aim for an emergency fund of Rs. 3-6 lakh. Your 10 lakh FD can act as your emergency fund, but consider moving a portion to a high-yield savings account for better accessibility.

Insurance Coverage
Ensure you have adequate insurance coverage for both life and health. A sum assured of 5 lakh is insufficient. Consider term insurance with a higher sum assured, covering at least 10-15 times your annual income. This will provide financial security to your daughter in case of any unforeseen event. Additionally, ensure you have comprehensive health insurance for yourself and your daughter.

Investment in Mutual Funds
Equity Mutual Funds
Investing in equity mutual funds can provide high returns over the long term. Allocate a portion of your monthly SIP towards diversified equity funds. These funds are managed by professionals and have the potential for significant growth. Given your current SIP of Rs. 5,000, consider increasing it as your salary grows.

Debt Mutual Funds
Debt mutual funds are less risky and provide steady returns. They invest in fixed-income securities like bonds and government securities. Allocate a part of your investment to debt funds for stability and moderate growth.

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)
Your current SIP of Rs. 5,000 per month is a great start. SIPs help in averaging out the cost of investments and benefit from the power of compounding. Here’s a suggested allocation:

Equity Funds: Rs. 3,000 per month
Debt Funds: Rs. 2,000 per month
As your income increases, aim to gradually raise your SIP contributions.

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY)
The SSY account for your daughter is an excellent initiative. It provides attractive interest rates and tax benefits. Continue contributing to this account regularly. Aim to maximize the annual contribution limit of Rs. 1.5 lakh to benefit from the compounded interest over the years.

Pradhan Mantri Pension Scheme
The Pradhan Mantri Pension Scheme is a good start for retirement planning. However, it’s essential to diversify your retirement investments. Alongside the pension scheme, invest in mutual funds and PPF (Public Provident Fund) for a balanced retirement portfolio.

Benefits of Professional Guidance
Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
A Certified Financial Planner can help you navigate your financial journey. They offer personalized advice, considering your financial goals and risk tolerance. A CFP can help you select the right mutual funds, insurance policies, and other investment options.

Personalized Advice
CFPs provide tailored financial advice. They consider factors like your income, expenses, goals, and risk appetite. This ensures your investments align with your financial objectives.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls
High-Risk Investments
Avoid high-risk investments like direct equities or speculative ventures. These can offer high returns but come with significant risks. Stick to diversified mutual funds for balanced growth.

Index Funds
Index funds simply mimic market indices. While they have lower management fees, actively managed funds can provide higher returns. Professional fund managers can make strategic decisions to outperform the market.

Direct Mutual Funds
Direct mutual funds may seem attractive due to lower costs. However, investing through a CFP ensures professional guidance. This maximizes your returns and aligns your investments with your financial goals.

Long-Term Financial Planning
Projecting Future Needs
Estimate your future financial needs, including your daughter's education and your retirement expenses. Consider factors like inflation and lifestyle changes. This helps in setting clear targets for your savings and investments.

Regular Reviews
Regularly review your investment portfolio to ensure it stays on track. Market conditions change, and so should your investment strategy. Consult your CFP to make necessary adjustments based on performance and goals.

Reinvesting Matured Funds
When your insurance policy matures in 6 years, reinvest the Rs. 5 lakh in mutual funds. This will significantly boost your investment corpus. Choose a mix of equity, debt, and hybrid funds to balance risk and returns.

Benefits of Mutual Funds
Professional Management
Mutual funds are managed by professional fund managers. They have the expertise to select the best stocks and bonds, ensuring optimal returns. This professional management is crucial for maximizing your investments.

Mutual funds offer diversification, spreading your investment across various assets. This reduces risk and ensures stability. A diversified portfolio is key to balanced growth and risk management.

Compounding Returns
Investing in mutual funds through SIPs leverages the power of compounding. The returns earned are reinvested, generating further returns. This significantly boosts your investment growth over time.

Financial Discipline
Create a monthly budget to track your income and expenses. This helps in identifying areas where you can cut costs and allocate more towards investments. Financial discipline is key to achieving your goals.

Avoiding Unnecessary Expenses
Limit unnecessary expenses and focus on essential spending. This ensures more funds are available for investments, accelerating your wealth creation and securing your and your daughter's future.

Emergency Fund
Maintain an emergency fund to cover unforeseen expenses. This prevents you from dipping into your investments. An emergency fund ensures financial stability and peace of mind.

Staying Informed
Regular Updates
Stay informed about your investments by regularly checking their performance. Use financial news, market analysis, and updates from your CFP to make informed decisions. Knowledge is power in managing your investments.

Continuous Learning
Educate yourself about different investment options and market trends. Continuous learning helps in making better investment choices and understanding the financial landscape.

Feedback from CFP
Regularly seek feedback from your CFP regarding your investment strategy. They can provide valuable insights and recommendations based on market conditions and your financial goals.

Final Insights
Securing your and your daughter's future is achievable with disciplined investing and financial planning. By diversifying your investments, leveraging SIPs, and seeking professional guidance, you can effectively grow your wealth and achieve your goals. Stay informed, maintain financial discipline, and regularly review your portfolio to ensure it aligns with your objectives. Investing in a mix of equity, debt, and hybrid mutual funds will provide a balanced approach, ensuring both growth and stability.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP

Chief Financial Planner,


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