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Anu Krishna  |1527 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Nov 15, 2023

Anu Krishna is a mind coach and relationship expert.
The co-founder of Unfear Changemakers LLP, she has received her neuro linguistic programming training from National Federation of NeuroLinguistic Programming, USA, and her energy work specialisation from the Institute for Inner Studies, Manila.
She is an executive member of the Indian Association of Adolescent Health.... more
Prashanth Question by Prashanth on Nov 07, 2023Hindi

Hello, I am male aged 32. After divorce I recently married again and I am facing issues now. I live with my wife's parents now which was not agreed before and its fine for me. Problem is my wife always finds fault in parents even though they are in very far city. She wants me to severe all ties with my parents, family and should involve only in her family circle. My parents are uneducated and very innocent and I am feeling very guilty for abandon them. All she needs is her parents and she dint have any sympathy. What should I do now? Counselling, tasks and was not useful because whatever counselor says she takes what she needs rest she ignores (Actually counselor said, we should respect both side of family)

Ans: Dear Prashanth,
Why people change over time is something that will always remain a mystery...You can only make assumptions about it...
Please take charge and move out of her parents' house. The more you live with them, the more she seems to have an assumed upper hand in the whole situation. This illusion must be broken and the only way is to make a drastic move which is moving out. It will definitely wake her up to what has been happening...
Furthermore, if you do feel that your parents are being treated unfairly, then firmly say so...Being expressive about how you feel and assertive about what you want can alter the balances and bring some amount of perspective as well.
Bringing back harmony to salvage a relationship can mean taking strong decisions...

All the best!

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Kanchan Rai  |545 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Oct 31, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Oct 29, 2023Hindi
Hi Ma'am, I am 36 years old and got married in the year 2014. I wanted to be in a joint family but my wife does not like it from the starting days itself. My parents used to stay with me periodically but not continuously. We have 2 boy children now. During my 1st boy child naming ceremony, my wife's family created issues and threatened me and my mother with bad words and forced for a separate family which i never agreed. After that issue, my wife never returned to my matrimonial home. After lot of efforts from my relatives, we joined back again. But the personal vengeance of my wife on my parents still continued. She used to misbehave with them some times like not listening to my mother's words and she never used to help my mother on all the house hold activities. My mother used to take care of all the household works. In the mean time we are blessed with 2nd boy. She stayed in my house during her second pregnancy, her preganancy well assisted by my mother and me both financially and emotionally. But i used to tell my wife to do very small houshold activities to make her physically well fit for her normal delivery but she took that suggession in a wring way and considered it as a torcher. During her ninth month of her pregnancy she went to her parents house to write a competitive exam but never returned back instead she continued to stay there and returning back to my home. So it has been more than two years now that she left me. During this time, i visited for her birthday, her father died, me and my parents visited his funeral, i visited my sons birthday. So i almost did all my efforts to bring back her to my home but she refused all my chances. So I filed a divorce case since i dont have any hope in my marriage life anymore. But i wanted to live with her since we have two children. Any suggestions/advices please.
Ans: I understand the complex and challenging situation you're facing in your marriage. It's clear that there have been significant conflicts and misunderstandings between you and your wife, and you've made attempts to resolve them. Here are some thoughts and advice from a counseling perspective:

Open Communication: Effective and empathetic communication is crucial. Encourage both you and your wife to express your feelings and concerns in a safe and non-confrontational manner. A counselor can help facilitate these discussions and ensure that both parties have a chance to be heard.
Professional Counseling: Seeking the help of a qualified marriage counselor or therapist is highly recommended. A counselor can provide a neutral perspective, offer strategies for conflict resolution, and help you both explore the underlying issues in your relationship.
Child-Centered Approach: As you have children, it's vital to prioritize their well-being. Regardless of the outcome, work together on a co-parenting plan that focuses on their emotional and psychological needs. A counselor can assist in creating a plan that ensures your children's stability and happiness.
Understanding and Empathy: Try to understand each other's perspectives, feelings, and needs. There seems to be a lack of understanding between you and your wife, and it's important to build empathy and find common ground.
Legal Matters: Consult with a family lawyer to fully understand your rights, responsibilities, and potential outcomes regarding divorce, child custody, and financial matters. It's crucial to be well-informed about the legal implications of your decisions.
Reconciliation Efforts: If both you and your wife are open to the possibility of reconciliation, be prepared for a long and challenging process. It will require time, patience, and a willingness to address the root causes of your issues.
Understanding: Try to understand your wife's perspective and feelings, and encourage her to understand yours. Misunderstandings can often lead to conflicts, and gaining insight into each other's point of view can be a first step toward resolution.
Co-parenting: Regardless of the outcome of your marriage, your focus should be on the well-being of your children. It's essential to develop a co-parenting plan that prioritizes their needs and stability. Self-Care: Take care of your own well-being. Navigating these difficult circumstances can be emotionally and mentally taxing, so ensure you maintain your own emotional and mental health.
Reflect on Your Expectations: Take time to reflect on your expectations regarding family arrangements and what you're willing to compromise on. It may be necessary to find a middle ground between your desire for a joint family and your wife's preference for a separate one.

Remember that the decision to reconcile or proceed with the divorce should be made with the well-being of both you and your wife, as well as your children, in mind. Professional counseling and mediation can provide the support and tools you need to navigate this challenging situation. Whether the ultimate goal is reconciliation or an amicable separation, the involvement of a qualified therapist can be instrumental in moving forward in a healthy and constructive way.

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Anu Krishna  |1527 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Dec 16, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Nov 09, 2023Hindi
Dear Madam, i am 49 and married with 2 kids (10th standard and 8th standard), my problem started we move to india and settled near my mother/sister-law and there is lot influence things happened alast 2 year and also i have drinking habit which i have overcome by attenting rehibition, but last 8 month i am staying with mother house due my health and now i ok, but every time last 3 months i asking my wife can we staying together but no proper answer and she away most of time on spiritualty, even i allow her go but she is not inform were about even after 20 phone call that triggers me and i drink and make my life diffocult myself, recently i have asked move alone with me and kids but again blaming for all the past thing, due to this i have flight my parents and brother which not keep peace to them....i am really confused and what stage they will expect me i know sure..please let me know any suggestion
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Your drinking is the main reason why your wife cannot trust you again. Rebuilding that trust is going to take a lot of time and patience, Simply by saying that All is Well, let's move back together is not going to help.
Use this time of separation to rebuild that trust. Visit your children often and be the father that they didn't have earlier...be the husband that you were not earlier.
Actions speak louder than words...so, now focus on what you can do for your family that will make them want you back into their lives and this can definitely happen when you are staying away from them.
Allow them to slowly notice the changes in you and they will on their own accept you back...
A lot of work to be done...but anything for the family, right?

All the best!

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Anu Krishna  |1527 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jun 03, 2024

Hi gurus I m 38 yrs old nd married for last 6 years. I have one kid. My wife is little poised to toxic and she has a fight with her mom for nearly before 6 months and have not spoken a word also. Her mother is more rigid than her as she never bothered to give a call though she came to know recently that my wife is pregnant. Now comes the main picture - as I m neutral in nature. I tried calling her twice and my wife herself said don't loose your esteem by calling her often as every one in her family knows that she is moore adamant. Now comes the twist now my wife is asking me after 2-3 months that i should stop speaking to my parents and asking me to don't pick the calls from my parents and I too should not talk to them as in some reasons we are also involved in their fight between her nd her mother which is actually not the cent percent reason . Now please tell me what should I do as she checks for the mobile whether i had spoken to my parents or not. Please advise .. i m loosing peace and not able to concentrate at work . Thanks Ravi
Ans: Dear Ravi,
I wonder what is the point of all this ego tussle? Surely your wife needs to grow up in terms of managing relationships.
Now, if she has decided not to talk to her mother, that is between them and hey, you tried to patch things up as well.
What and how you interact with your parents is solely your business; it would have been nice to have your wife's presence in the same BUT the day she puts aside her ego (this needs some checking as to the root cause of why the wall is up), that day things will change.
I assume that you want to continue interacting with your parents; in that case state that to your wife that that is exactly what you wish to do. Be prepared for a backlash from her; she may ignore you or be angry or tell you that you are causing her stress when she is pregnant. This is to let you go on a guilt trip all by yourself with no chance of getting off the rails. DO NOT be guilty for speaking with your parents and instead offer more love and support to your wife.
The focus has been on what not to do to break relationships rather than what must be done to improve relationships. This may also improve the bond between you and your wife which is so needed when she is going to be a mother.
Impress the fact that the unborn child also picks off emotions and that to have a better space of mind will aid the child's growth.

Being surrounded by people who love and care will also ensure a good pregnancy. This could also be a point to make your wife understand that all battles need not be fought and a few can just be at rest so that they can resolve itself.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Anu Krishna  |1527 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Dec 30, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Dec 17, 2024Hindi
I got married in 2020 and presently me and my wife are living with my parents. Before marriage, I had made myself clear before marriage that we would be living with my parents after marriage. I am very attached with my parents and feel a sense of responsibility of giving back to them. My married life has not been smooth. My wife does not get along with my parents pretty well. Lately, she has been insisting on living separately from my parents as living with them infringes her personal space. Further, the house is too small for her, especially after we were blessed with a baby boy. Now, she even asks for divorce as I have been adamant on not making my parents. I can see her struggling getting along and it hurts me. She also had not anticipated that she would not be able to adjust. But I personally feel that it is our responsibility as a family to take over and take care of the family rather than break it. My parents work tirelessly take care of household chores, our son and my ailing grandfather. My wife doesn't understand this. She says that we have caretaker, domestic help so there is not much work. I admit that there is parental interference sometimes but seems manageable. I am very troubled and end up getting depressed a lot. Sometimes i feel like ending everything and curse God to put me in such a situation. Kindly help.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Not everything goes as per plan and not everything that was agreed upon can be followed...as situations change, people change to adapt to that situation. There's something that does not agree between your parents and your wife.
Now, if you insist that either side put up with the other, it is unreasonable to expect them to follow what you say. They are all people with their own set of emotions and will react when triggered by the other side.
So, yes you feel a great sense of duty and responsibility towards your parents; but at what cost? If your wife is unhappy, so will your child be unhappy and subsequently the entire household. There is a sense of duty and responsibility towards your wife and child as well so balance this act between both sides. It is possible to take care of both sides by not choosing one over the other; that is where you will be the one to get caught in the middle of all the strains and stresses.
Now whether that will happen staying separately or not is something only you can fathom with the daily on-goings at home. So, cursing God may not be a great choice BUT actually asking yourself if you are holding onto your choices too harshly that it has begun to impact you.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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T S Khurana

T S Khurana   |364 Answers  |Ask -

Tax Expert - Answered on Feb 19, 2025

Asked by Anonymous - Feb 18, 2025Hindi
My father started a business with his brother in XYZ name and got a Gala in Apmc in the same name where they shared 50-50% share in both business n property after my fathers death i was admitted in as a partner with same ratio after few years my uncle passed in his share to his son so as of now i and my cousin brother are partner the proerty was purchased 296200 in the year 1995 along with registration so 148100 was the share of each and now i want to leave the partnership and also to let go of my share in the premises for which my exixting partner will pay me 3750000 on or before 31.3.2025 I wanted to know how much capital gain tax will be for me if i do not invest secondly can i invest in residential property I would appreciate if guided Thanking you in anticipation
Ans: 01. Considering receipt of Rs.37,50,000.00 as Sale of your share in property/ premises, it would be LTCG in this case.
02. Amount of LTCG without Indexation is Rs.36,02,000.00 (Sale Rs.37,50,000.00 Less Cost Rs.148,100.00). Tax @ 12.50% is Rs.4.50 lakh app.
02. Amount of LTCG with Indexation is Rs.32.12 lakhs (Sale Rs.37,50,000.00 Less Cost Rs.5,37 lakhs {Index 100/363}). Tax @ 20.00% is Rs.6.40 lakh app.
03. You may go for the first option & plan your tax liability. You can invest in residential property to save LTCG tax.
04. Other option to save tax is to purchase Capital Gain bonds. However, investment in Real Estate is always better than other investment.
Most welcome for any further clarifications. Thanks.

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