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Anu Krishna  |1016 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jun 05, 2024

Anu Krishna is a mind coach and relationship expert.
The co-founder of Unfear Changemakers LLP, she has received her neuro linguistic programming training from National Federation of NeuroLinguistic Programming, USA, and her energy work specialisation from the Institute for Inner Studies, Manila.
She is an executive member of the Indian Association of Adolescent Health.... more
Asked by Anonymous - May 19, 2024Hindi

Hello Guru g, I am a merchant Navy professional, I have just married, But things in my family were not good before my marriage and after marriage the things are same , like fights of my mother with my grandmother, my father and mother fights, there is a toxic environment in my house, my time I have tried to neutralise the things but I can't change them it's in there basic nature, I don't want to live anymore with my parents, because in Village people all-around fill their minds with different things and they bing it to our house , because some people here can't see us growing, so I have decided that I will not live here, Then I left with two options either I move to city or go abroad, of I choose the first one then how would I convince my parents to go to city with them, what should I tell them so that they also didn't get hurt and allow me to take this step and also how can I find a good society because we are newly married couple and security is my main concern because I am very afraid of cities because there criminal activities are more than villages , and If I choose the 2nd option then I have to spend a lot of money but I wanted to do business in India because there is a lot of scope here and expenses to live a life is less here, so kindly help me take decision, I will be very thankful to you .

Ans: Dear Anonymous,
You don't prefer the 'toxicity'!
You are afraid of big cities as criminal activities are more than the cities!
Your parents may not move in to the city but you also find the environment they are in toxic!
You feel some people can't see you growing!
You don't prefer going abroad as you want to business in India!

Can you see how you have restricted yourself? This is called having a dream BUT clipping one's own wings. How can you make a decision when there are so many self-imposed constraints?
I suggest:
- Drop down all the options possible
- List down the pros and cons of each
- Choose the one that is financially viable
- Let your parents choose where they want to live

You have just started your family life; focus on what's best from a growth perspective...take decisions that help your marriage and career grow...And oh, you can choose to see the crime in the city OR you can choose to see opportunities...where is your focus?

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Mayank Rautela  |238 Answers  |Ask -

HR Expert - Answered on May 18, 2022

Dear Mayank Sir, I am facing a difficult problem both personally and professionally. Last year, I took the decision to move back home, which is in a small town, because both my parents had survived COVID but have been facing major health issues since then. I am their only child. As a result, I had to leave a job where my prospects were very good and I was enjoying my work very much. Also, I was living in a big city, independent of my parents whom I love very much. It is a struggle to be back at home with them. They still treat me like a small child with advice and questions at every step. Workwise too, the job is a huge stepdown and the money, though decent, is less that what I used to earn. Responsibilities and challenges, which I used to enjoy, are less too. I have to stay here for one more year at least before I can make plans to move out again. The stress from home is spilling out at my job and the irritation at work is spilling out at home. How do I handle this? Am going crazy. Please help.


I appreciate the fact that you sacrificed your job to take care of your parents.

Ideally, you should go back to a larger city and restart your career. I am sure your past employer would be open to taking you back.

If that is not possible, then you need to have a candid discussion with your parents and make them understand that their constant involvement in your life is not acceptable.

They may be doing it out of love but, since it is negatively impacting you, they need to give you space.

Please don’t change your job in your hometown as that will further complicate your situation.


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Anu Krishna  |1016 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Mar 04, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Mar 03, 2023Hindi
Hello Anu, I am from Lucknow, with a pregnant wife and a son. I moved out of Lucknow after 2006 and since then I have never lived with them. But since Covid, I suffered a few setbacks in career and had to move back to Lucknow to live with my parents. It was a move out of force. Now, I am kind of doing ok in my career but feel like stuck at home. I don't get respect from my parents, there's absolutely no communication. My father is borderline narcissist and alpha male - everything has to happen the way he wants. His behavior changes drastically if we do anything without asking him or his consent. My mother and wife are not in best terms though I cannot say they are enemies. My mother has a super soft spot for my sister who lives in another city, she seems the pain even for my lady cook but not for my pregnant wife. Some times I have seen things in front of my eyes and I didn't like how my wife was treated. I feel no one deserves this - I would not have tolerated it myself so I cannot expect her. Now the thing is I want to move out of my parents place but without hurting their feelings. They are attached to their grandson and I feel I will be called out as the bad guy here if I try to move out. I feel that some distance will actually mend things as things were not this bad when I was living in another city. I don't know how to put up this conversation since it will mostly be striked out in the first place, I am scared of their reaction as they don't really support me or my concerns most of the time. I feel stuck every day and want to live life on my own, want to do things on my own. Make mistakes, but my mistakes. Also if I start this conversation, there's a chance that my parents might feel that this is because of my wife! Though that's not the case, it's me. If you can provide me any inputs or help, that would be great.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Move out and be unapologetic about it.
Initially expect a lot of tantrums that will make you feel guilty as though you have abandoned your parents. But remember as you have said that some distance will mend the relationship even if it means people feel hurt in the short term. Long term you will succeed in putting a system in place where healthy boundaries are put.
Your growing family will have a good physical and emotional space to thrive.
Now will your parents blame this decision on your wife? Highly possible, but when you know the intent behind this decision is noble, ignore the taunts and kindly ask your wife to become resilient to all this.
Think of WHY you had to take this decision which will not just help your family but also your parents and the relationship between the two sides.
A bit of inconvenience for a better larger term picture.

All the best to you!

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Anu Krishna  |1016 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jul 03, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 24, 2023Hindi
Hello Anu, Hope you are doing good!! Background of Persons: I had arranged married since last once year. I already told them before proceeding that I want to continue my carrier and grow forward in the same city. Also, I want to leave in a joint family along with my parents. My spouse is working in government sector. She told me that my Job is transferrable and i am ok moving forward with you. I am working in MNC at good position and also supporting my family members in their business. Problem: My wife is forcing me to leave separately, shift to another city and start from scratch(zero) in different city having different cultural background. She is also working in government sector and not taking transfer to spouse(husband's) city. Even after explaining couple of times, she is resisting to re-allocate. I am ok if she does anything independently for earning in same city. Also, I will help her in getting the job in private sector in the same city. Also, I will get her employed in another sector through my contacts and preparing her. I am not dependent on her in terms of financial things. We are living separately due to work duties and spent time together for a week in every month or two month as per the adjustment from both of us. My spouse is not talking properly to me, threating me to get divorce. I already had financial and social liabilities on myself which my wife is aware about. I had not seen positive responses from her towards myself, my family and goals. I am ready to leave separately in the same city even if she earns or not. Question: It looks to high danger to me moving to different part of the country having different cultures starting from scratch based on assessments on different parameters. What is the better solution for this ?
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Well, there isn't much that you can do!
It's possible that your spouse suddenly feels that she might lose more than she gains by any move that she makes. You possibly feel the same.
This only means that both of you have not considered what marriage is and could be. You are using marriage to bring out differences rather than build trust. It's a year and if both of you have not managed to stay true to bringing the best out of each other, I wonder what will make you do that!

Kindly set aside the childish squabbles and suggest to your wife that the two of you need to work on this. Threats may kindly be kept aside...it only widens the gap between the two of you. Bring the conversation to a place where you talk about what it is now and how the two of you want it to be independently to you AND then work on bringing it to WIN-WIN...

Is this possible? Yes, it is provided you channel the conversation as mature adults without threats and pointing our faults and working towards putting the marriage together.

All the best!

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Nayagam P

Nayagam P P  |1420 Answers  |Ask -

Career Counsellor - Answered on Jul 06, 2024

Sir, my son got 452 marks outof 500 in cbse. But he got 170 cutoff for tnea counseling. So getting first level colleges is difficult. He is willing to do repeater coaching for jee 2025. Is it fair for his future?
Ans: Revathy Madam, You have not mentioned whether your Son appeared in JEE this year or not? If yes, his Score? Had he joined any Coaching Center during his 11th / 12th? If possible, try for alternate solution (than taking a drop for next year JEE) as there are hardly 7-8 months left to appear for his 1st JEE-Main Exam. If he decides for a drop, here are some IMPORTANT Practical Steps / Strategies / Tips to prepare for his JEE next year: (1) Whenever he studies at home, he should study for 45-minutes. Then take a break of 10-minutes when he can move away from her study table, walk, have some water & relax. If he continues studying beyond 45-minutes, his concentration power will go down, resulting to low outputs. Most students commit this mistake. (2) On daily basis (morning or evening whichever will be convenient to him), he should do yoga or meditation or physical exercises or play any games / sports (whichever he can do) for at least 30-45 minutes. This will further reduce his stress / distractions. (3)He should study tough topics / tough subjects (applicable to him) early morning with his fresh mind. (4) Should eat a lot of green vegetables / fruits & avoid soft drinks / junk foods (5) Every day night, before going to bed, he should revise whatever he has studied during the day. (6) Also, he should revise every week whatever she has covered till date (here his short-notes which he should prepare will be helpful). (7) He should also keep practising questions on topics which he has covered either offline or online (8) He should give utmost importance to wrongly answered / difficult / complicated / tough questions and have a separate note-book specially for this for each subject (PCM) (8) He might be aware that NEET rank is allotted on the basis of highest score in Maths, followed by Physics & Chemistry. He should practice more and more in Maths, till he reaches Speed & Accuracy. (9) By November-December, he should attempt full syllabus online test series / mock tests, evaluate and analyse his performance such as, (a) which topic / unit / concept he is weak which needs revision and improvement as this will disturb him when he will appear in actual JEE exam (b) abnormal time taken to attempt any question which he can come to know from Online Test Series which he should reduce (c) which questions he skipped and why? (10) He should AVOID studying under pressure that he should get admission only into IITs/ NITs. Never advisable. Any one can be successful, even if he / she studies in NON-IIT / NON-NIT Colleges also. (11) Have Plan B & Plan C for other Colleges Entrance Exams / Disciplines-Streams. (11) Avoid comparing yourself with other students. (12) Also, it is highly ideal to appear in / attempt minimum 5-Entrance Exams (for both Govt & Private Engineering Colleges). He will have a lot of options (easiest method) to choose the best and most suitable one, keeping in view a lot of factors such as, College | Location | Your Interest | Stream Preference | Placement Records | College Culture | Your Short & Long Term Goals | Pressure He Can Go Through | Your AIR & Job Market Condition when he applies for his BTech & Even after. I hope I have answered to your question with value additions.

All the BEST for your Son's Bright Future.

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