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Love Guru

Love Guru   |204 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert - Answered on Jan 09, 2024

Love Guru has been answering relationship and romance related questions on Rediff.com for over 13 years. She won't mince words when telling you what the problem is and what you can do about it. If you want a fresh perspective from an unbiased, objective-thinking individual about your relationship woes, Love Guru could just be the person you need to need to hear from.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Nov 04, 2023Hindi

Dear expert, I am married for last almost 12 years and having a son. It is an arranged marriage. Before getting married, I was informed by my wife's relatives (uncles, aunts, wife's brothers, sister etc) that they do not have any relations with her FATHER as he had abandoned his kids (post-death of her wife and got re-married without family consent). After almost 4 years of our marriage, my wife and her relatives accepted him. Now, my wife has left my house leaving (third time) me and my son but, ready to return with the condition that I and my family MUST accept her father in our life and house else she would not return (emotional blackmailing!). She is planning to forcefully bring her uncles, father and other relatives for a discussion at my home. There is no doubt that I will entertain them or discuss anything with them as her father had abused my entire family in the past. In turn, I have searched a rented house and will shift without any fights with anyone. Am I heading a right direction?

Ans: He is her father. To maintain relations with him or not should be her prerogative, not yours. I can understand that he may have wronged you in the past, but maybe he wants to make amends. Shouldn’t he be allowed an opportunity to do so? Would you cut all ties with your parents at the behest of your wife? I don’t think so. Family ties can be complicated; be the bigger man here, and accept harmony. You don’t have to become his best friend, just be civil and extend the courtesy he deserves as your wife’s father. Your job is to support her, not make life difficult for her. It sounds like she has been through a lot as a child.

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Anu Krishna  |1571 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Sep 11, 2023

**JAY*JAGANNATH**, Wishing You For **HAPPY*JANMASHTAMI**, I'm based in Mumbai, but lives in Puri, Odisha, because of **LORD*JAGANNATHA**, Since, I'm a Business Analyst,, not yet Started my Practice,, i had a arrange marriage in my own caste with rest was OK, after reading some of Your advises and type of case,, i became enthusiast to know about my personal disturbances in my family. We live Seperate with my Only 18+Son, Studing & Preparing for Entrance Test via Online.., she is in Guwahati,, working under at a Private Retail Management co., ME & MY FAMILY Severally attempted & requested her and her family too, to Come back & Join to my family for living together,, but when failed,, i encourage her OK live there,, as because after failing an attempt of school transfer due to language issue for a subject like Marathi in Upper classes,, Thus, i stopped disturbing her as well as my son's study. During initial level of Separation,, their family (ELDERS) requested me will handover my family (wife & Son),, if i Pay them(wife& Son) their expenses for a Full Year., that was happened when i reached for an attempt to Convince My Wife and their family to adjoin with me & with my family activity, that was Probably in 2010-11 somewhere in between,, i was Hr. Manager in a Cement Co. in Meghalaya. I agreed too & and Provide as per for a Year. But, while passing a year they became Silent.., not hardcovered my family. till as on date,, i am alone..! She & Elder Sister & the brother-in-law Says they won't divorce nor will allow to handover,, i said why..! The Starting of a Quarrel was with a Issue of Changing my Mental Perception,, while they tried to Implement me with Saying a FALSE PLAN,, but, i Caught their Such Attempt,, MY Mrs. later She admitted that, they tried it because of if I get my Changes in me & to take my decision well for my Next career. Since, i born & brought up in Guwahati, i had a Soft corner for North-East always,, which was happened after 15yrs of long Struggle in Mumbai,, i Stand on my own feet with My Own Struggle & a house for my Stability etc. After Marriage of a Assam Lady only it was a Scope again to Reach Assam.. So, i thought, if i can Start Something a great Project with in & around of North-East. But, that became a bad experience for me as on till. I arrived Recently too, to Convince her,, Come & Join me,, Rest all Hurdle i will Handle,, Now, No more My father also expired, a Retired. Rly Officer,, Parents too visited Severally Assam to Convince them but failed,, I always feel i am alone,, what to do with,, I am a family Oriented Person,, love to keep Relation Well with either Side Well. But, not happening. What to Do Now,, Kindly tell Your Opinion on this,, I am Ready to Take Your Nobly too, Recently, I took little advise from a Legal Family Court Councillor at Guwahati, & their one of Next Door Reputed Lady Neighbour(Who Co-ordinated & Represent too for the Local area of their & for their Constituency during Elections & their any function of their Locality,, a well known in their Locality for a Good behaviour too),, I meet & Spoke to her Severally,, She herself Visited too & found My Wife Not behaving Normally & Cool,, a Raugh behaved Lady, She found & She Said, a disrespected Lady means not Gentle,, i Personally Visited Mumbai at her elder Sister's home too,, during yr.2015,, while in entrance,, the brother-in-law resisted me NOT to Enter,, from the door only i came back. Not meet even & had NO Talk,, while after little a distance i covered from their residence,, i found they again recalling me to Come & Visit. But, I found myself very off mooded, & not visited till as on & till date,, because. they only Created the False Nuisances' with their Plan,, which not became A Success.. they Caught. But, they were Proposer of Our both Relation. But, I want a Justice with this,, Since, I am a Simple & Honest,, Very Straight forwarded with Cut to throat Person..in my Nature,, Soft & Spiritual. Since, Many Years Now Connected to Krishna Consciousness too,, that is why for love & affection i am here at PURI. Kindly, Let me Know Your Precious Opinion by which I can Come out with my Loneliness. **HARE*KRISHNA** Thanking you, With Regards, Surajit Bhattacharjee, In Case if You have a Plan to Visit Puri, Odisha,, Kindly, Let me Know Your Date & Place to See **MAHABAHU**JAGANNATHA*,, You may Send by Your family & friends too with Prior Advance & info.
Ans: Dear Surajit,
Thank you for the festive wishes and thank you for the invite to visit Odisha.

Your situations suggests that much time has passed with no action. Long distance relationships are not easy and require immense maturity and agreement and a lot of trust to keep the marriage going.

What is the reason that your wife does not want to come back now? Your son is already 18 years and is old enough to get into a professional college now...What has happened in all these years that she finds it better living with her side of the better than making her own family come together?

Have the two of you had time to have a private conversation without the interference from anyone else?
Make that honest attempt and appeal to her that you would like the family to get back together. But also be prepared if she says NO as that has been her stance all these years... then please move on...it is difficult but will be better for your physical and mental health.

All the best!

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Anu Krishna  |1571 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Nov 16, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Nov 04, 2023Hindi
Dear expert, I am married for last almost 12 years and having a son. It is an arranged marriage. Before getting married, I was informed by my wife's relatives (uncles, aunts, wife's brothers, sister etc) that they do not have any relations with her husband as he had abandoned his kids (post-death of her wife and got re-married without family consent). After almost 4 years of our marriage, my wife and her relatives accepted him. Now, my wife has left my house leaving (third time) me and my son but, ready to return with the condition that I and my family MUST accept her father in our life and house else she would not return (emotional blackmailing!). She is planning to forcefully bring her uncles, father and other relatives for a discussion at my home. There is no doubt that I will entertain them or discuss anything with them as her father had abused my entire family in the past. In turn, I have searched a rented house and will shift without any fights with anyone. Am I heading a right direction?
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
family feuds can really break a marriage.
Ask yourself: What is more important to me?
Is it my marriage or the battle that I need to have with my wife's family?

You mostly likely will say: Marriage!
I agree that they have been unreasonable (especially with your wife walking out) but how you deal with people acting unreasonable is countering it with a lot of sensible patience. No decisions made on a whim or on an impulse, but well-thought out and rational thinking is what will help at this time. Someone has to act responsibly and I ask that person to be YOU!
So, it's not about fights etc, shift to the rented house not as an emotional decision but think about using that to make a statement. Your wife also needs to understand that she cannot act irresponsibly and not think about how it impacts your child.

Seek out the help of elders in your family as well since your wife's family is a huge force now. This is not to fight but for the elders to appeal at their level and get things smoothened out. This can pave a way to you and your wife having a chance to straighten things out within your marriage as well.

All the best!

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Kanchan Rai  |566 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on May 26, 2024

Hi I am 40 yrs with wife and kid of 7 yrs. My problem is family oriented. I have three sister, elder two sisters are well married and settled. My younger sister had an arrange marriage in 2004 and she had a divorce in 2011. With that marriage she has a boy child who is almost 18 now and too lazy, she as per her will did an intercaste love marriage in court in 2015 without informing anyone. I used to stay away in delhi and my parents and eldest sister(at her in laws place) in kolkata and d youngest married d guy 2 km from parents house. In 2017 i shifted back to kolkata as my wife was pregnant, so we took a decision dat now it would be better to stay in joint family as d kid will get grand parents and we will also serve my parents, but my youngest sister had a very bad habit of calling my mom every day almost 5-7 times and coming to parental house every alternate days which i rrsisted and i faced backlash from my parents and her too. Then suddenly things changed her husband became a very rowdy person and started beating her as she narrated and she came back to parental house with two kids one was from previous husband and one was from d court love marriage, now she stays in same flat where my parents stays. In 2017 aug my kid was born in 2019 she came back and den i again decided to leave house with my wife and kid as it was 2 bhk flat and all people flocked there as if ut was a zoo so i decided to leave with my family and we moved to ujjain and started living peacefully. Reason for leaving was my younger sis her eldest son and my dad has a very bad habit of shouting arguing nd fighting means domestic violence which i have seen in my childhood days even wen my dad used to do violence with my mom. Now i say her to take divorce and stay with parents or go back to her husbamd or where ever she wants. My dad is retired with a fixed income of around 20k per month. My sis and her son stays at home uses all facilities of home whereas when i shifted to ujjain i did all hardships and built my rented flat. Used to sleep on floor slowly we both husband wife worked hard and bought bed, kitchen utensils fridge and tv. Now my concern is she is not taking divorce and fully dependent on my father. She and her son both earn almost 35k together but their contribution towards house is big Zero towards ration is ZEro yes for basic dey dont pay anythng but like she pays for her small child school fees almost 3000 and whatever dey feel like eating extra den normal homely food she brings for her kids. As she is not taking divorce what can be main reason and future consequences to my kid and my life and my mom and dad have just become a free maid for her kids, my sis does all masti and roams freely till 9 pm without any concern for her kids as my mom is behind as maid to take care. Means my mom and dad have no saving cz of her and no personal life nor any social life cz dey have to take d youngest kid along with dem. My dad is 70 diabetic mom is 65 undergone bypass. Wen i say cz of yoi came back i have to leave dat house she says did i hold ur hand and say to go out. Where as i needed peace but i also need my parents as i want to take care of dem cz she treats dem like servants only. And my parentz dont understand dis dey hav soft cornor for her. She is like deemak but dey dont understand. Kindly guide me.
Ans: Your situation is complex, involving familial responsibilities and personal peace. To address it, start by understanding your sister's reasons for not seeking a divorce. Consider engaging a professional family counselor to mediate and provide support for everyone involved. Legally, explore the options available for ensuring she contributes financially to the household.

Your priority should be to protect your parents' well-being and your own family's stability. If your sister continues to burden your parents without contributing, it might be necessary to seek legal advice on how to manage this dependency. You may also need to discuss with your parents the importance of setting boundaries to ensure their health and financial security. Balancing compassion with firm boundaries is key to resolving these issues while maintaining family harmony.

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Milind Vadjikar  |1136 Answers  |Ask -

Insurance, Stocks, MF, PF Expert - Answered on Mar 25, 2025

Hello! Advait ji, My Mom is 82 and gets family pension. She has 70 lakhs FD maturing in March 25. I would like to invest 10 lakhs in FD as emergency fund. Kindly advice how to invest the remaining 60 lakhs, which is risk free and gives good returns (better than FD) She has the following investment - 1. 10 lakhs in Edelweiss Multicap Fund - Gr 2. 2 lakhs 40 thousand in HDFC Flexicap Fund -Gr 3. 2 lakhs 40 thousand in HDFC Midcap Opportunities Fund 4. 2 lakhs 50 thousand in Invesco India Focused Fund 5. 2 lakhs 50 thousand in LIC MF Infrastructure Fund 6. 2 lakhs 50 thousand in Motilal Oswal Large and Mid-Cap 7. 2 lakhs 40 thousand in Nippon India Large Cap Fund 8. 2 lakhs 40 thousand in Nippon India Multicap Fund 9. 2 lakhs 40 thousand in Nippon India Small Cap Fund 10. 2 lakhs 40 thousand in Quant Small Cap Fund. Total Mutual fund investment of 32 lakhs. Apart from MF she has invested in Bajaj Allianz Life insurance plan, where she will investRs 2 Lakhs per year for 10 years. This is a guaranteed plan. She is comfortable running the house with her pension. However, please suggest shorter duration investments (5 yrs) Regards Namrata
Ans: Hello;

She may opt for any of these investment avenues:

1. Post office time deposit scheme(FDs offered by post office for 1,2,3 & 5 year tenure); Joint holding allowed; Premature withdrawal allowed after 6M. (Current ROI 6.9-7.5%)

2. NSC with a fixed tenure of 5 years; No premature withdrawal allowed. Can be held jointly(Current ROI 7.7%)

3. KVP: Although tenure is 9 yrs and 5 months, you may do premature encashment after 2.5 years; joint holding allowed;(Current ROI 7.5%)

You may approach a reliable postal agent to process these investments to avoid hassle of frequent post visits and associated hardships.

These are backed by GOI so no risk of default.

Hope this meets your requirements.

Best wishes;

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Dr Dipankar

Dr Dipankar Dutta  |1061 Answers  |Ask -

Tech Careers and Skill Development Expert - Answered on Mar 25, 2025

I am a first year student at MIT Manipal,currently pursuing Electrical and Electronics engineering(EEE),and I am have been given a choice to apply for branch change in my institute either to CSE,Mathematics and Computing(MnC) or ECE in my second year. I did not study Computer Science in 11th and 12th, and I coding in C for the first time as part of my 1st year syllabus.I am not very much interested to coding,but I am learning it since it is there in the course syllabus. My parents suggest switching to CSE, but they are not engineers and do not have insights into the current job market. Since my batch will be passing out in 2028, I want to understand the job scenario for CSE, MnC, ECE, and EEE graduates by then. Among these,which branch provides better opportunities for core engineering jobs with good or decent salary and stability? I have heard that many ECE graduates end up in IT jobs due to lack of core industries-is that true?Would ECE be a better alternative to CSE for core jobs or is it better to stay in EEE? Also between CSE, ECE, and EEE, which has less competition in the job market while still offering good career prospects? Additionally, I want to know which branch is broader, with ample opportunities in both the government and private sectors, especially for core jobs with good pay and stability. base on futuret rends, would it be a wise decision to change my branch, or should I continue with EEE?
Ans: Happy to see that you have asked very logical questions. I can say that, since you are already in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) at MIT Manipal and have the opportunity to change to CSE, Mathematics and Computing (MnC), or ECE, your decision should be based on:

Your Interests (Core Engineering vs Coding)
Job Market Trends for 2028 and Beyond
Competition & Industry Demand

Future Job Market (2028 & Beyond) for Each Branch
Branch Core Job Scope IT/Software Jobs Govt Jobs Competition Salary Stability
CSE Low (Software Focused) High Limited Very High High but Unstable
MnC Medium (AI/ML, Finance) High Limited High High but Research-Oriented
ECE Medium (VLSI, Chip Design, Telecom, IoT) High Moderate (ISRO, DRDO, PSU) High Medium-High
EEE High (Power, EVs, Automation, Energy, PSU) Moderate High (Railways, NTPC, BHEL, Govt) Low-Medium High & Stable

Should You Switch to CSE, MnC, or ECE?
If You Want Core Engineering Jobs with Stability
Best Option: Stay in EEE

If You Want a Balance Between Core & Software Jobs
Best Option: ECE

If You Want a High-Paying Private Sector Career (But Not Core Engineering)
Best Option: MnC or CSE

Hope this will help you in decision making.

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Milind Vadjikar  |1136 Answers  |Ask -

Insurance, Stocks, MF, PF Expert - Answered on Mar 25, 2025

Hi sir I am investing when ever i have money not like in SIP. my most of investments are around 6 L invested in Quant different mutual funds. No a days i can see my all the Quant funds are going down. Im 34 years old female. My plan is 10 years. Can i exit from quant and invest in any some MF rather than getting more loss? Can you please review my portfolian. Do i need to exit from any MF. Since i'm maintaining too many MF. Thanks in advance. Mutual Funds List No' Scheme Name AMC Category Sub-category ISIN 1 DSP Small Cap Direct Plan Growth DSP Mutual Fund Equity Small Cap INF740K01QD1 2 Quant Focused Fund Direct Growth Quant Mutual Fund Equity Focused INF966L01853 3 Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund Direct Growth PPFAS Mutual Fund Equity Flexi Cap INF879O01027 4 Mirae Asset ELSS Tax Saver Fund Direct Growth Mirae Asset Mutual Fund Equity ELSS INF769K01DM9 5 JM Flexicap Fund Direct Plan Growth JM Financial Mutual Fund Equity Flexi Cap INF192K01CC7 6 Axis Growth Opportunities Fund Direct Growth Axis Mutual Fund Equity Large & MidCap INF846K01J46 7 Parag Parikh ELSS Tax Saver Fund Direct Growth PPFAS Mutual Fund Equity ELSS INF879O01100 8 Quant Small Cap Fund Direct Plan Growth Quant Mutual Fund Equity Small Cap INF966L01689 9 Canara Robeco Small Cap Fund Direct Growth Canara Robeco Mutual Fund Equity Small Cap INF760K01JC6 10 Motilal Oswal Midcap Fund Direct Growth Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund Equity Mid Cap INF247L01445 11 Nippon India Multi Cap Fund Direct Growth Nippon India Mutual Fund Equity Multi Cap INF204K01XF9 12 Nippon India Small Cap Fund Direct Growth Nippon India Mutual Fund Equity Small Cap INF204K01K15 13 ICICI Prudential Value Discovery Direct Growth ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund Equity Value INF109K012K1 14 Quant Flexi Cap Fund Direct Growth Quant Mutual Fund Equity Flexi Cap INF966L01911 15 Nippon India Small Cap Fund Direct Growth Nippon India Mutual Fund Equity Small Cap INF204K01K15 16 Quant ELSS Tax Saver Fund Direct Growth Quant Mutual Fund Equity ELSS INF966L01986 17 Aditya Birla Sun Life PSU Equity Fund Direct Growth Aditya Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund Equity Sectoral / Thematic INF209KB1O82 18 Quant Mid Cap Fund Direct Growth Quant Mutual Fund Equity Mid Cap INF966L01887 STOCKS LIST 1 APOLLO TYRES-EQ RE 1 2 ASIAN PAINTS EQ 1/ 3 BRITANNIA IND-EQ1/- 4 CG POWER-EQ2/ 5 IRCTCL-EQ2 6 NHPC LIMITED - EQ 7 TATA STEEL-EQ1/ 8 Deepak nitrate 9 LT 10 Narayana Hrudayalaya
Ans: Hello;

6 L worth investment in 18 different funds is spreading it too thin.

You have a time horizon of 10 years but how much corpus you want to accumulate after 10 years kindly clarify?

Also if you can specify the goal for which this investment is aimed at then it will help us to suggest suitably.

I will recommend you strategy to rationalize you MF holdings once you revert on the above points.


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Milind Vadjikar  |1136 Answers  |Ask -

Insurance, Stocks, MF, PF Expert - Answered on Mar 25, 2025

Asked by Anonymous - Jan 26, 2025
Sir, I am Mudassar, 40 years old, i have 3 childrens, 2 daughter and son. Sir, i need your suggestions/guidance becaz i am in very crtical situation. My take home salary is 40K and my father (retired age 74 ) salary is 35K , we both have personal laons to build house. I have two running LIC's , on which i have taken loan also. Recenlty we build own house , if i sell now, i will get around 42 to 45 Lakhs . My lloan detailsbelow ; 1. HDFC 7,20,000 emi 14K 2. Company emi 1,50,000 emi 4K 3. LIC loan 2 laks emi 2K 4. Father loan 4 lacks , two year remaining, emi 14K Total emi : 34K Apart from we are paying 15K monthy to chit fund , still 15 months remaining. Summary: Total sal 75 K , after laon and chit fund deducting , will get 26K to run home , including grocery, children fees , health etc... its very difficult to manage, and keep thinking to take extra loan .. as i said earlier , have two LIC's , i am.paying 56K every year . What i am thinking is, i will sell my house And clear all my laons .. and approximate i will have 25 Lakhs remeaing , so i will inest in mutual fund , SIP , SWP, index fund for long time investment .. So i.am in very confusing mode , whether i have to sell my house .. and start my investment journey... pls help sir .. My finacial conditions are very similar to all middle class family.. Request you to please reply and give your sugestion for investment joury. Awaiting your kind reply .. Thanks in advance ...
Ans: Hello;

Suppose you sell your house and clear your loans and other liabilities but where will you & your family stay?

How much rental per month would be required to get an adequate house on rent?

Please clarify. Based on your input we can advise you suitably.


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