![03askanu.jpg Relationship](https://gurus.rediff.com/rediffgurupix/answerpix?ansimg=03askanu.jpg)
Dear Anu Krishna, I've been married to a person who has never valued nor cared about me for last 30 years. But I've never ever considered to rethink as I'm hailing from a conservative family. Not even when my husband had both his kidneys damaged n after a period of around 3 years serious medical treatment from various hospitals n various other kind of places then subsequent dialysis thrice a week for almost 3 years then his major transplant surgery then his vigilant care , which is very very important in this case .All this period starting from my marriage of 30+ years , I kept doing everything for him when only my school going 2 sons were there to support him along with my 90 yrs old mother in law ,who was bed ridden ( & could only manage to walk upto her washroom). I managed it all successfully n financial burden was taken care of by my company ( I've been managing everything along with my PSU job) .With the grace of God ????,my husband got all right n started with his business again n slowly got over everything along with her lady partner in business.
Problem arises when again he started behaving in the same way as prior to his kidneys issues ( scolding me every now n then, belittling me in everything I do that too before neighbours or before the maids even ) .
Now once when he abused my late parents n myself around last year (4th May '23) . I just couldn't take it anymore n started thinking what should I do now when my mother had expired just 2 years back n whom I was very close to . Going to live with my married brothers was also not a good option. So at once I decided that since my both sons are settled well now ( both are engineers from reputed institutes but not married yet) , so I'll take a room now n live in that n can take care of myself as I'm still working n since he always warns me of leaving his house )
It happened when around 16th of May , someone from UK ( a British citizen working at a respectable position) as shown in his Linkedin profile contacted me as business lead ( I had just put my first post on 13th May around Mother's day), though later I realised was interested to know about me rather.
Immediately I stopped responding to him . Then later when he pursued, I clarified everything to him that I:m a married woman with two sons telling everything about me. Though there must be some confusion as when I told him that my husband was having kidney issues n he is now on life long medicines) I don't know what he could understand with that he kept on pursuing me ( thinking my husband is my ex now) but I think I had also stated having feelings for him n couldn't tell him the truth till now. Though he is more than ready to accept my kids happily as I too loved his 13 year old sweet daughter .( His wife has expired in a brief illness during COVID 3 years back).To my disbelief, inspite of not even meeting once in person, just by chatting n pics exchange, we seem quite similar n have come quite closer emotionally.
Now please suggest in this situation,what should I do now?
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Your journey has been filled with a lot of challenges and I am sure that you have done your best.
It's natural to respond warmly and want to explore a connection where you are valued and appreciated. But the fact remains that you are still married even if you live separately.
First things first...close one door and then walk through the next otherwise you will be stepping in and out of both only to increase your stress levels and you have had enough of that already.
If you feel this gentleman has not understood that you are still married, then tell him again. Yes, it may change the way he feels or he maybe fine BUT surely he need not be stepping into a confused married world of yours.
Time has come for you to decide what you want to do with this marriage irrespective of whether the new connection will lead you anywhere or not. Surely, you and this gentleman must meet and talk...understand the situations that you both are in; obviously him losing his wife has not been easy on him and his family.
Jumping into another relationship just because it offers your short-term respite from what you have is a mistake.
So, learn more about your new connection, be transparent with him and also in parallel, figure out what you want to do with the marriage. That will need a lot of thinking and work...Take your sons into confidence; they are grown men who have seen you through your most challenging times and will have a lot to offer in terms of perspectives and support.
Lead a good life; one that you deserve BUT one that is filled with clarity and purpose.
All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
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