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Anu Krishna  |1545 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on May 23, 2024

Anu Krishna is a mind coach and relationship expert.
The co-founder of Unfear Changemakers LLP, she has received her neuro linguistic programming training from National Federation of NeuroLinguistic Programming, USA, and her energy work specialisation from the Institute for Inner Studies, Manila.
She is an executive member of the Indian Association of Adolescent Health.... more
Asked by Anonymous - May 22, 2024Hindi

Dear Anu, please keep it anonymous. I am 36 year old , married and with a kid. Though i am married , i have fallen aparr from my spouse and we don’t stay together since many years. In the last couple of years, I fell in love with a much younger person who happens to be my colleague. We are a great couple sharing and caring. We have been intimate too. Now, since two months They are searching for my lover's marriage. There is no resistance from my lover for this. My lover also tell that it was to happen and we have no future, my parents wont allow. Im trying to keep distance but because of work we keep meeting. Everytime the push pull is eating me up...im unable to work. Please advise what should I do?

Ans: Dear Anonymous,
So, the younger chap had his fun and now when you look for emotional support, he talks of no future together.
What does this tell you? Should you allow yourself to be a part of the push and pull drama? Also, without a closure from your marriage, this is just going to be an off-on relationship. It's time you acknowledge that you are more into this than he is...
Safeguard your mind now by drawing lines where necessary...
As far as meeting at the workplace, you will now face resistance from him, he might even fail to acknowledge your presence...And this will hurt; that's why I suggested it's more than a heartbreak, a mind game...Become your own best friend and do the right think for yourself!

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/
Asked on - May 23, 2024 | Answered on May 24, 2024
Thank you Anu, I have anothre challenge. His work is still at a very nascent stage. We worked together for his growth, I fought at work to get him a comfortable stay. We are still working on project where we need to work together. I had committed earlier that I will be there for your project and help. Also, it is even difficult because his parents helps me out with certain stuff in personal life. I am unable to take him out of my life but unable to stay because of the mind game. How should I tackle this? The project he is working is a career making work, my idea and my hard work...I gave it to him thinking this will help him establish himself. He keeps telling that we are friends and that we can still work together. But I am unable to get over my anxiety and attachments. Please guide! Thank you
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
This thing of 'being friends' is possible only when the feelings have gone away completely...
as for your work, maintain strict professional and personal boundaries while working with him AND as for his parents; the more you link to things that are associated with him, the harder it will get for you to move on...
Now, is there a part of you that is still holding onto him? If Yes, then you are inviting this anxiety thru this association and attachment.
So, be clear as to what you want and it is important to take care of your mind space else you will end up playing games with yourself and he will think that 'being friends' zone is happy and comfortable.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/
Asked on - May 25, 2024 | Answered on May 27, 2024
Thank you Anuji, I have started to work because I am at a all hands on deck situation. I am trying to make my boundaries. Thank you again.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Thank you for letting me know that you area making your efforts to drop boundaries.
Boundaries not only safeguard your mind space but also sends out a clear message to people concerned that there are a few things and more that you will not give into and you intend to stand up for yourself.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/
Asked on - May 27, 2024 | Answered on May 27, 2024
Dear Anuji, I could not resist today...Not only I broke down but I confronted him twice. I fought and asked him how can he do this. How can someone forget a 2 year relationship? I could not control. I could not shut up...I said some terrible things...I'm unable to forgive him or forgive myself. I can't stop working with him. It is not possible. Can you help? I lost it ... I could not do anything Now feeling helpless
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Why are you beating yourself up for saying how you feel about things?
I will still say the same thing; your lack of boundaries have caused you this pain. So UNDO this...But you can undo only if you want to.
If you have decided that this Undoing will take some time and you still want to grieve over what has happened, then by all means, do just that...But at some point you will realize not having being loved, appreciated and valued the way you must be, will help you move on...
If he was so much in love with you, where is his voice when his parents are looking for a bride or him? Isn't that a huge, huge red flag? Then why are you wasting your time, love and tears over this guy? HE DOES NOT RESPECT YOU!
You deserve to RESPECT yourself...so, please do just that...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/
Asked on - May 27, 2024 | Answered on May 28, 2024
Thank you for such prompt response ...I appreciate you taking time and effort..lots of love
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
I wish you the best in life. Happy if have been able to guide in some way!
Will leave you with this thought: Make yourself important to yourself and the rest falls into place...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Anu Krishna  |1545 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Nov 20, 2023

I am a 47 year old unmarried woman from Mumbai. I have been in love with a 58 year old married man since 2010. Earlier we would have sex every day for 6 years. I desperately want to marry him but his wife would not give him a divorce. I relocated elsewhere but within travel distance for my lover to spend time with me. Of late I am being courted by a 60 year old man who is reasonably well to do and wants to marry me. I am now caught between my lover and this man. The funniest part is both know each other from their school days. My company's chairman also wants me to marry this man since this man is very good and is liked by every one in the company. Please advise.
Ans: Dear V,
Do you have an opinion on your life or is it going to be governed by what someone else?
Associations with anyone who is married invariably doesn't lead anywhere and you have seen that...He has a family and that is his priority...6 years of your precious time has been with someone who can never give you the status or position that you seek in his life.
Why not rework the way you have been approaching your associations with men so far?
Ask yourself:
- Am I interested in casual relationships or do I want to be in a committed relationship?
- What kind of person will be able to value me, honor and respect me for who I am?
- What are must haves for me in a committed relationship? Does the man in question fill this for me?
- What is something that is a strict NO-NO for me in a relationship?
- What is my opinion on marriage and the responsibilities that come along with it?

This reality check will put things into perspective for you and then you can decide from a place of 'knowing' rather than a place of 'being told'. It's your life and your opinion matters the most!

All the best!

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Love Guru

Love Guru   |204 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert - Answered on Apr 16, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Apr 09, 2024Hindi
Hello madam, i m 32 year married women, my husband love me more than anything, he is good in everything, he take care of me, he bring me whatever i want, he is very good in bed also. We dont have kids because i never loved my husband. Before marriage i had boyfriend, he never accepted me and assured me that he will marry me, so i decided to marry my husband in 2019. Till oct 2022, i used to communicate with my ex boyfriend, but when he got married he stopped calling me and i also stoped thinking about him. Lately, in Sept 2023, i meet guy in my office he is 23, music teacher, not so good looking, not completed graduation, not financial strong but i developed feeling for him. I lied to him, told i am not married, to get close to him. Once my husband caught me cheating with him in whatsapp messages, told me to not do. But still i went ahead to continue my relationship with this young guy and want to live with this guy. I want to divorce and live with young guy. My parents and family love and respect my husband like their own son. I am doing correct or not please suggest me.
Ans: No you certainly are not “doing correct”! Here’s a good man who loves you and treats you well and has forgiven your indiscretions and still you want someone else? You agreed to marry, right - no one put a gun to your head. Now honour that commitment and stop being so fickle-minded. At 23, your boyfriend is really young and immature. Right now you’re all hot and heavy, but give it a minute; realistically your relationship is unlikely to survive in the long run. And you want to hurt your husband and walk out on your marriage for nothing…he’s only ever treated you right. Don’t be a fool!

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Ravi Mittal  |542 Answers  |Ask -

Dating, Relationships Expert - Answered on May 16, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 16, 2024Hindi
Dear LG, Please keep this anonymous. I have been married since 6 years. However, since past 5+ years we have not been intimate. We haave a 5&1/2 year kid. Since his birth we have had a lot of differences and his family interference was lot leaving me alone and wounded. I don't stay with my husband and in-laws since then. I had made up that work is worship. But 2 years back I met a colleague. He is 10 years younger to me and we have extremely similar vibes. We enjoy each other's company and cared a lot. Eventually i fell in love with him. But he always knew he wont be able to go against his family. We also had relationship. Now he has strated looking for girls and wants us to stop being intimate. He is saying he wants to be friends and not loose me but not have relationship. We both work together in same space and our area of work is also same. I am unable to forgive my husband and forget this person. He never goes away. He is always there telling that I want to see you happy. He needs me for professional development. And i am not able to loose our relationship. He says physical intimacy only I cant have remaining Im there. Then again says I don’t know when I will be there so I am unable to give assurance or promise. I am tormented with a child, work and my health is getting affected. Can you please help?
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

I am sorry that you are in such a tough spot. My advice would be to move on. Yes, I realize that it is easier said than done but let's put things into perspective- first, you have no future with this man, and he has made it clear. Are you okay to keep hanging on to him while he builds his own life? I am assuming no, especially since you have a child. Second, what about your self-respect? He is directly telling you that this relationship is headed toward a dead end. Do you believe you deserve to be with someone who does not want to settle down with you? I believe you deserve better.

I am not blaming him because he made no promises. You are not to be held guilty either because you were in a tough spot and you grabbed the first emotional support you found. But the current reality is that he wants out. And convincing him to stay is not an option. At this point, moving on with your head held high is the best decision. If you want to accept his friendship, that is completely fine. But if that's too much for you, you can always decline it. I understand that working in the same space with an ex is difficult, but as long as you avoid interacting outside of the office and keep things professional, there should not be an issue. On the emotional front, I won't lie, it will hurt for a while. But this too shall pass. I strongly recommend you not to value yourself so low that you stop believing that you deserve a person who loves you back as much as you love him.

Best Wishes.

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Latest Questions

Aamish Dhingra  |10 Answers  |Ask -

Life Coach - Answered on Mar 06, 2025

Asked by Anonymous - Feb 23, 2025Hindi
I am a younger sibling and my older sister is out of India post marriage that is since 16 years after her wedding. But now as my luck had it in store, I need to move out of country with my spouse. This puts strain and constraint on how to manage the single living for my mother. She is 79, active but living alone is scary. Right now, we are managing it somehow since I am in the same city and can keep visiting. Also, I will have to quit my well set job and restart a career/studies rather late in life. We have no kids. To this situation, my sister is not reacting well. She is completely blaming me for taking this decision - and it seems judging me at every step. She keeps telling me how a woman needs to continue to earn, not to give up on life, career, money - but she does not understand my life and her life are completely different. She is healthy, wealthy, with kids - i have none of the above. I am tired of talking to her - she does not see any joy in this decision, and seems is also wary of being more responsible towards my mother. She mentions that mother will live with her now - but it is practically not going to happen, we all know that. I do not know what to do? I do respect her, and i know her intentions are honest - but judging me and degrading our decision is too much. I just need to let it be - i mean, even if this decision is failure, it is my failure.
Ans: I hear you - it’s not easy to balance personal aspirations, family responsibilities, and strained relationships. With so many emotions involved, what feels most overwhelming right now? When you think about this move, what does it mean for you and your spouse? Beyond the challenges, what opportunities or growth does it offer? Your concern for your mother is completely valid. What support systems have you considered to ensure her well-being? Are there options you haven’t explored yet? Navigating family tensions can be exhausting. What boundaries might help you protect your well-being while still honoring your responsibilities?
At the end of the day, this is your life and your decision. What would moving forward with clarity and confidence look like for you?

Wishing you success,
Aamish Dhingra
ICF-PCC Certified Life Coach
Co-Founder, Cocoweave Coaching International, Delhi

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Aamish Dhingra  |10 Answers  |Ask -

Life Coach - Answered on Mar 06, 2025

hello sir i am 17 year old girl i was a topper in class 10th after that i took dummy schooling plus online coaching in my 11th and 12th grade to prepare for neet but then i ruined my life completely by getting into social media and youtube addiction in 11th 1 used to spend 11hrs daily on social media my mental health was ruining i was having constant guilt and anxiety and then in 12th i did continued this routine until october my mental health was completely disturbed i dont have any friends i cant focus on studies my attention span is very bad i cant concentrate on my studies. i feel very bad for my parents they have told me to focus on my board and now my screen time is 3-4 hrs .i am trying to quit social media i have deleted instagram i cant delete youtube because i have to study but i cant study because of procastination now my boards are going on and i have completely ruined myself i dont think that i will be able to score more than 75 % in 12th .i scored 92 % in 10th .i feel bad for my parents they have very high expectation . i am loosing my mind day by day i dont know what to do .i am filled with all the negative thoughts .i have tried quitting social media or say dopamine detox but i have failed many times 13 -17 times .i cant fulfill my own promise which i made to myself .what should i do now?
Ans: You’re caught in a loop, but what matters is how you handle it now. Dwelling on guilt won’t change anything - your action will. Right now, your board exams need your full focus. Forget about NEET for now. Even if you feel unprepared, showing up and giving your best effort is non-negotiable. No excuses. Procrastination isn’t about motivation - it’s about discipline. Set a strict, no-negotiation study schedule. 50-minute study sessions, 10-minute breaks. Keep your phone away while studying. You say you can’t delete YouTube, fine. But are you willing to use it only for study-related content, with no loopholes? Your parents’ expectations are there, but for a moment, shift the focus—what does success look like for you? No overthinking. No self-pity. Just action. What’s one thing you can do right now to move forward?

Wishing you success,
Aamish Dhingra
ICF-PCC Certified Life Coach
Co-Founder, Cocoweave Coaching International, Delhi

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Mihir Tanna  |1031 Answers  |Ask -

Tax Expert - Answered on Mar 06, 2025

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