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Ravi Mittal  |546 Answers  |Ask -

Dating, Relationships Expert - Answered on Jan 30, 2024

Ravi Mittal is an expert on dating and relationships.
He founded QuackQuack, an online dating platform, in 2010 with just two people. Today, it has over 20 million users in India.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Dec 23, 2023Hindi

Hi Sir, i am from a small town called shrirampur. I have a peculiar problem. i an all of 29 years. at the age of 25 i was engaged to a girl from my community whose over bearing over enthusiastic parents used to harrange me to meet their daughter more than often which i did not like. disgusted i consulted my parents and we broke off the engagement. since last year i have been engaged to be married to another girl from my community. she is a decent and soft spoken girl. now the problem of the earlier girl has resurfaced and her parents have relented and want me to marry her which i have so far steadfastly refused. it is now affecting my professional life as well. please advise.

Ans: Dear Anonymous,

I agree, it is a peculiar problem. I am sure you have told them that you are already engaged to be married to another woman. All I can suggest is to continue reminding them the same every time they propose an alliance. Maybe your parents can help out and make them understand in slightly strict words that you are not interested in the alliance and are already engaged. I am not sure what else you can do here in this situation. You can try ignoring them and focus on what's important. That's all.

Best Wishes!

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Anu Krishna  |1549 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Feb 28, 2023

Asked by Anonymous - Feb 18, 2023Hindi
Hello Anu, I hope you are doing well. I am going through a very strange problem in my life. Anu, I am 39 years old male and unmarried. I lost my father in Jan 2021 and currently live with my mother. Since I was always skeptical about marriage, I never married till this age and this got my parents worried. However, after my dad passed away and upon a constant pressure from my mother as well, I realized I should give up my stubbornness and should get married and settle down in life. I am a proud straight guy but surprisingly I never had the courage to talk to girl and make a girlfriend as well. Infact, I never ever had a physical relation as well with any female so far in my life. Because of these things, I refrained from getting married. In April 2022, a girl from jeevansathi (Miss J) approached me and we had a family meeting. In those days, I was in discussion with one more girl(Miss H). But this girl from jeevansathi really caught my eye. When I had a discussion with my mother as to which one to finally go for, Miss J or Miss H, she insisted on Miss H as she was working and wanted to work after marriage as well. Miss H, who I met earlier was more career-oriented, practical towards life and wanted to work after marriage as well. Miss J, on the other hand was pursuing a course in astrology, was more conservative, and was in fact physically also more appealing than Miss H. Miss J only had 2 conditions, she wanted no pressure in terms of asking her to work after marriage and wanted to have a low-budget marriage in a temple. I agreed to these. My Mom said that since Miss H is working and will bring in money, you should keep her as your first preference. We met Miss H in March 2022. However, we were yet to hear from them in terms of proceeding further with the matrimony. This is where it all went wrong. Miss J's parents approached us very soon after the family meeting and wanted to come to our home. But since we had Miss H as our first preference, we made an excuse that we need some time to think and decide. But believe me Anu, I gradually developed a special liking for Miss J as our tastes and habits matched quite a lot and her physical appearance also appealed to me. Since we were not hearing from Miss H, my mother called her family and asked when they would like to visit us, but they told that Miss H thinks that your boy needs a homemaker which will not suite her. We then discussed to finally approach Miss J, inspite of her asking for becoming a homemaker, as I got interested in her. On 24 April 2022, my mother called Miss J and asked her family to visit our home. She told that she would convey this message to her mother. But till evening, we did not received any call back. We tried back her number but it was not connecting. I suspected she blocked us. Curiously, I also checked her jeevansathi ID, and shockingly, she blocked my ID as well. Since I was deeply interested in marrying her, I went to meet her brother in his office but I didn't told him that his sister has blocked my Jeevansathi ID and phone number. He talked very humbly to me and told him that I agree to all the conditions and would like to go ahead. He said that he will discuss the same when he will go home today. In evening, I got the message that they will connect with us after June 2022 once her exams get over. It sounded strange to me as a family meeting can still happen as exams are still good 2 months away. But I acknowledged his response positively, wished Miss J all the best in preparation and started waiting patiently for the 2 months to get over. These developments happened on 27th april 2022. 28th april 2022 passed nicely. Now, the bomb explodes. On 29th April 2022, Miss J called my mom and started talking very furiously and rudely, complaining about my visit to his brother despite of her blocking us and also told my mom that we are liars and we are actually looking for a working girl. The whole episode came to a very bitter and abrupt end and I was really shocked with her behavior. I then tried contacting her brother too but he didn't replied. But I did send a whatsapp message making him aware about his sister's unruly behaviour towards my mom. But no response was received. But Anu, It's been 9 months and I can't really forget her. I checked her jeevansathi account but it is now coming as deleted from the site, which most probably means that she must have got married by now. Anu, you will not believe, I surrendered myself completely to her both mentally and physically (it is hard for a male to surrender physically to one women Anu) and vowed that she will be the first and the last women of my life. I believe I loved her soul more than her body and she could have been the perfect life partner for me. This was the first time Anu, you will not believe, I developed a very positive attitude towards the institution of marriage and wanted to really give everything into the relationship for a prosperous life ahead. Anu, I feel pretty depressed with this foolish act of mine and my mother of not inviting her parents else the story could have been very different. I am just finding it hard to live with this lifelong regret of not marrying her. Also, since I am 39 now, I am hardly getting any offers for marriage and whatever girls I have met after Miss J, are genuinely no where near her. My mom loves me a lot and can't see me in this situation. Although I am trying hard to live with this regret, somewhere I still feel very much attached with Miss J. Anu, sometimes, I cry silently and pray to Krishna and Radhey maa to help me live atleast till my mother is alive. Anu, this regret is gradually deteriorating me and I am now deciding to remain single through out my life. I feel even if I marry someone, It will be my body which will marry but my soul will not. That's why I don't want to destroy someone's else life as I have no right to do so. Awaiting your valuable thoughts. Hare Krishna !!
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
Let's split the issue at hand here distinctively into two areas.
1. Confusion as to what you want in a partner in marriage
2. Misplaced emotions stemming from a decision not made by you

First, make sure you know what you are looking for in a partner. Your post/email suggests to me that you haven't been able to figure out Miss J and Miss H, working or not-working...Both the ladies has mentioned this to you separately which means they have spotted the confusion as well.

This is bound to push a woman away as she would want her life partner to be sure of what he wants in a marriage. Being on a marriage portal, make sure your profile reflects what you want and that is indeed what you want. You cannot go back and confuse yourself and the person who shows interest in you.
So, first take time off to go back to the drawing board and list down what you want in your life partner.
Next, in arranged marriages, the families involvement is going to be heavier right from the first go. So make sure that the core value systems of both families are similar before choosing to proceed with an alliance. Social media matches are not the truth; there is no fairy tale stories of 'happily ever after'. So clarity first and if you need to rework the profile on the matrimonial site, then please do so.

Now, how on earth did you place so much on time and emotion on a woman that you possibly met once? Did she promise to marry you? Isn't it your own doing of actually letting your heart loose and having feelings for someone who under no circumstances made any commitment to you? So, now letting yourself believe that it's not possible to find anyone else, is something that you are fooling yourself with. Pick yourself up NOW. There's a world out there and am sure there's someone out there for you as well.

Pursue this time with clarity and with that you will understand when the matters of the heart can come to knock. So, you are not destroying anyone else's life but you are certainly destroying your peace of mind over this. Time to dust it off...

All the best!

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Ravi Mittal  |546 Answers  |Ask -

Dating, Relationships Expert - Answered on Jun 27, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 27, 2024Hindi
Hello everyone who sees this post! I've a very unique dilemma to deal with, but I'm sure someone could help me! I (M23) am in a relationship with this girl(F23) for 5 years and in the first 3 months I've told both of our parents her and mine that we're in a relationship, but my parents won't agree for her and her parents wants me to marry her daughter immediately (meaning just after I told them we're in a relationship that was 4 years back and PS:- I'm not yet married) So yeah, I didn't want to upset either one (my parents/ her parents/ her) so I somehow found a middle ground and persuaded mine & her parents for an engagement and wait for marriage till I earn. But now my parents don't want us to meet till I get a decent career/job. (That too can be a hoax) And this action is making her/parents to conclude that they (my parents) want us to get separated. So now, I must either listen to my parents (who wants their sons best is what I believe) or her/parents (who wants the best for this relationship). I don't know what to do, and yeah this is a brief! If someone could advice me I'll tell all the details so it would be easy for gurus to sum up an advice.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
This sounds like a challenging situation and I understand the pressure you must be feeling; being torn between the expectations of your parents and your partner is not a pleasant feeling.

Here are a few things you can consider doing-

• Talk to your parents. I am sure you have done it but this time, do it with an open mind and put in the effort to understand their perspective. As you mentioned, they must have the best of your intention in mind. Ask them why they are hesitant about the relationship and also give you a solution where you can keep both them and your partner happy. This conversation can make them feel valued and they will also know that you want to keep them in the loop.
• Do the same with your partner and her parents. Let them give you a solution too. Explain the pressure you are experiencing and explain how some of your parent's concerns are valid. We cannot really deny that being financially stable is very important before getting married.
• Based on the conversations, set realistic goals. It can be achieving some career milestone, saving a certain amount to get married, or a date before which you will try to be financially independent. This will show all parties involved that you are serious about your commitment.
• Of course, it is important to value everyone's feelings, but it is equally important to take yours into account. Communicating with everyone will allow you to look at the matter from different perspectives but the ultimate decision must be yours. While you respect everyone's wishes, you should also prioritize your own.

If you feel the stress is overwhelming, do not shy away from seeking help.

Best Wishes.

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Anu Krishna  |1549 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Mar 14, 2025

Asked by Anonymous - Mar 12, 2025Hindi
What are possibilities of getting maintenance for a working woman (with a kid) from husband . My husband has abandoned us since birth of my daughter 4years. Not taking the child's responsibility. Husband says as I am earning I should take care of financial requirement of the child too. I am doing extra duties/ work just to take care of my daughter's education and future. As I am a healthcare professional my work consists of night duties. These duties are taking toll on my health and also my daughter's . People are saying as I am a working woman I can't claim maintenance from husband. But taking care of young child is more difficult with working. I just can't leave my job , just to show nil income to claim maintenance as no one is there to support me and my daughter. Hiring a nanny , maid etc along with rent comes around 85k per month apart from school expenses. As I live in metropolitan city. Husband earns more than me but transfers money to his mother's account.He has taken me granted financially since marriage.Not able to save anything for the future. Don't have any property on my name .
Ans: Dear Anonymous,
This is a question for a legal expert; so go ahead and seek the guidance of someone who can handle your case. Along with this, you will have to think of a good balance that will allow for you to manage work and home plus your health.

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |8100 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Mar 14, 2025

Asked by Anonymous - Mar 14, 2025Hindi
Hello sir, I am planning to buy a flat, with some stock sale proceeds and bank loan. Can I claim section 54F, for the entire registration amount for a flat, along with registration fee ? Or bank loan part is not considered
Ans: Eligibility for Section 54F
Section 54F provides capital gains exemption when selling assets like stocks.
You must invest the full net sale proceeds in a residential property.
The new flat must be purchased within two years or constructed within three years.
You should not own more than one residential house at the time of sale.
Treatment of Bank Loan Under Section 54F
Exemption applies only to the portion funded by stock sale proceeds.
The bank loan portion is not considered for exemption.
You need to invest the entire net sale proceeds to claim full exemption.
Registration Charges and Stamp Duty
Registration charges and stamp duty qualify as part of the property cost.
These expenses can be included for exemption under Section 54F.
However, only the part paid from capital gains is eligible.
Ensuring Full Exemption
If you reinvest only part of the net sale proceeds, the exemption is partial.
Any remaining capital gain will be taxed.
To avoid tax, the full capital gain amount must be reinvested.
Tax Implications If Conditions Are Not Met
If you sell the new property within three years, the exemption is reversed.
The capital gain becomes taxable in the year of sale.
Ensure compliance with all conditions to retain tax benefits.
Alternative Planning Strategies
If full reinvestment is not possible, consider capital gains bonds.
These bonds provide an alternative exemption under Section 54EC.
This helps in tax-efficient planning while keeping liquidity options open.
Final Insights
Section 54F helps save tax if proceeds are fully reinvested.
The bank loan portion does not qualify for exemption.
Registration costs can be included but only if paid from capital gains.
Ensure compliance to avoid future tax liabilities.
Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP

Chief Financial Planner



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