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Sanjeev Govila  |458 Answers  |Ask -

Financial Planner - Answered on Oct 12, 2023

Colonel Sanjeev Govila (retd) is the founder of Hum Fauji Initiatives, a financial planning company dedicated to the armed forces personnel and their families.
He has over 12 years of experience in financial planning and is a SEBI certified registered investment advisor; he is also accredited with AMFI and IRDA.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Sep 23, 2023Hindi

Hi I am 35yrs old. I have 10L savings as Cash and 5L as Mutual Funds & Shares. If I need a corpus of 1cr at age 50 and monthly income of 75k, how much should I invest, my income in 2L per month?

Ans: Based on your cash flows and assets, we have the following observations and recommendations:

Emergency Fund: It is generally recommended to maintain a cash reserve of 3-6 months of living expenses to cover unexpected financial needs.

Investments: Any excess funds beyond your emergency fund should be invested in financial instruments that are appropriate for your risk tolerance and financial goals. Your financial advisor can help you develop a diversified investment portfolio that meets your individual needs.

Investment Amount: As per the objective, you will require an amount of Rs. 2.46 crores at the age of 50 to meet both of your requirements. You can invest with a combination of both bulk & SIP. You can go ahead with putting Rs. 7 lakhs as bulk (keeping aside Rs. 3 lakhs as a contingency) and the rest amount can be catered to with a SIP of Rs. 51,000 p.m. Through this, you can have a corpus of Rs. 1 crore as bulk and a monthly income of Rs. 75,000 till the age of 75.

Reaching your financial goals can be a complex and challenging process, but a financial advisor can help you stay on track and make informed decisions along the way.
DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information to be as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision.

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 17, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Feb 22, 2024Hindi
Sir., my monthly expense is 100000 now and monthly income from house rent is 40k. My age is 47., my pf as per today 50L. Share 8 L and FD 4L, SGB 12L. Maintain same lifestyle after 60., how much corpus I need and how much I should start investing. Kindly clarity
Ans: At age 47, it's commendable that you are thinking about your retirement needs. Maintaining your current lifestyle post-retirement requires careful planning. Let's analyse your current financial situation and what you need to achieve your retirement goals.

Current Financial Status
Your monthly expense is ?100,000, and your income from house rent is ?40,000.

You have accumulated significant assets:

Provident Fund (PF): ?50 Lakhs

Shares: ?8 Lakhs

Fixed Deposits (FD): ?4 Lakhs

Sovereign Gold Bonds (SGB): ?12 Lakhs

These assets show that you have diversified investments, which is excellent for balancing risk.

Estimating the Retirement Corpus
To maintain the same lifestyle after retirement, you need to consider inflation. Your expenses will likely increase over time due to inflation. Assuming a 6% annual inflation rate, your current monthly expenses of ?100,000 will be much higher when you retire at 60.

You'll need a corpus that can generate enough income to cover these expenses. Let's assume you live up to 85 years. This means your corpus should last for 25 years post-retirement.

Calculating the Required Corpus
Estimating the exact corpus involves complex calculations. A Certified Financial Planner can help with precise numbers. However, a rough estimate is that you need about 20-25 times your annual expenses at the time of retirement.

Given your current expenses, you might need a corpus of around ?6-7 crores, factoring in inflation.

Investment Strategy to Build the Corpus
You need to start investing more aggressively to reach your retirement goal. Here's a suggested strategy:

1. Increase Equity Investments

Equities typically offer higher returns compared to other asset classes. Consider increasing your investment in actively managed equity mutual funds. These funds are managed by professional fund managers who aim to outperform the market.

2. Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)

Start a SIP in mutual funds. It helps in averaging the cost of investment and provides disciplined investing. SIPs are ideal for long-term wealth creation.

3. Diversify Your Portfolio

Diversification reduces risk. You already have SGBs, FDs, and shares. Ensure a good mix of equity, debt, and gold. This balanced approach mitigates risks.

4. Consult a Certified Financial Planner

A Certified Financial Planner can help tailor a plan specific to your needs. They can provide guidance on asset allocation, risk management, and tax efficiency.

Managing Your Existing Assets
Provident Fund (PF)

Your PF is a secure and stable investment. Continue contributing to it. It provides a safety net with assured returns.

Shares and Equity

Monitor your share portfolio regularly. Avoid putting all your money in one stock. Diversify across sectors to minimize risk.

Fixed Deposits (FD)

FDs are safe but offer lower returns. Consider using them for emergency funds or short-term goals.

Sovereign Gold Bonds (SGB)

SGBs are good for diversification. They also provide a hedge against inflation. Keep them as part of your portfolio.

Regular Review and Adjustment
Regularly review your financial plan. Adjust your investments based on market conditions and your changing needs. Stay informed and adapt to new financial opportunities.

Planning for retirement requires a strategic approach. Your current assets provide a strong foundation. By investing wisely and consulting a Certified Financial Planner, you can achieve your retirement goals.

You have already taken the first step by evaluating your needs. With disciplined investing, you can ensure a comfortable retirement.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on May 15, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 09, 2024Hindi
Hi Sir, I am 38 Yrs old , I am earning 1.3 L Per Month , if I wants to make corpus of Rs. 2 Cr on my retirement - how much should I invest and give me different suggestions along with MF
Ans: Planning for your retirement at 38 is a wise decision, and aiming for a corpus of Rs. 2 Crore demonstrates a clear vision for your financial future.

Understanding Your Goal:

To achieve a corpus of Rs. 2 Crore by retirement, several factors need consideration, including your current age, income, risk appetite, and investment horizon.

Determining Investment Required:

To calculate how much you need to invest monthly to reach your goal, we must consider factors such as expected rate of return, inflation, and investment duration.

Savings vs. Investments:

Given your monthly income of Rs. 1.3 Lakh, you could allocate a portion towards savings and investments. By investing a significant portion in mutual funds, you can potentially accelerate the growth of your retirement corpus.

Investment Strategies and Mutual Fund Suggestions:

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP): You can start a SIP in equity mutual funds with a diversified portfolio. Allocate funds to large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap funds to spread risk and maximize returns over the long term.

Debt Funds: Alongside equity funds, consider investing in debt funds to provide stability to your portfolio. Debt funds offer steady returns and can act as a hedge against market volatility.

Balanced Funds: Balanced funds, also known as hybrid funds, invest in a mix of equity and debt instruments. They offer a balanced risk-return profile, making them suitable for investors with moderate risk tolerance.

Sectoral Funds: For investors willing to take higher risks, sectoral funds focused on specific industries can provide opportunities for significant capital appreciation. However, they come with higher volatility and should be approached with caution.

Regular Funds vs. Direct Funds:

Consider investing through a Certified Financial Planner who can provide personalized advice and assistance in selecting the right mutual funds. Regular funds offer the advantage of professional guidance and ongoing portfolio management, ensuring your investments align with your financial goals.

Calculating Monthly Investments:

To determine the monthly investment required to reach a corpus of Rs. 2 Crore by retirement, we need to consider factors such as expected rate of return and investment duration. A Certified Financial Planner can help you calculate this figure based on your specific circumstances and goals.

Final Recommendations:

Investing in mutual funds is an excellent way to build wealth for retirement, given their potential for long-term growth and diversification benefits. However, it's crucial to develop a well-rounded investment strategy tailored to your risk tolerance and financial objectives.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |5367 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Jun 18, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jun 14, 2024Hindi
I am 33 years old. I have mutual funds of ?20 lakhs and direct stocks of ?10 lakhs. I have a PF balance of 9 lakhs with monthly contributions of 20k towards it. I have NPS balance of 6 lakhs but no monthly contributions towards it. I have a FD of 11 lakhs. US stocks worth 1 lakh. I have a Home loan of 34 lakhs. How much should I invest every month to have a corpus of 10 crore at the age of 55?
Ans: Thank you for sharing your financial details and your goal of building a Rs 10 crore corpus by the age of 55. Achieving this ambitious target will require a well-structured investment plan and disciplined financial management. Let's break down the steps and strategies to help you reach your goal.

Current Financial Situation
Existing Investments
Mutual Funds: Rs 20 lakhs
Direct Stocks: Rs 10 lakhs
Provident Fund (PF): Rs 9 lakhs with monthly contributions of Rs 20,000
National Pension System (NPS): Rs 6 lakhs (no monthly contributions)
Fixed Deposit (FD): Rs 11 lakhs
US Stocks: Rs 1 lakh
Home Loan: Rs 34 lakhs
Total Assets and Liabilities
Total Assets: Rs 57 lakhs
Total Liabilities: Rs 34 lakhs (Home Loan)
Setting the Stage for Investment
To reach Rs 10 crore in 22 years, you need to adopt a mix of aggressive and balanced investment strategies. The following sub-headings will guide you through the process.

Assessing Your Current Portfolio
Diversification and Risk
Diversified Portfolio: Your portfolio includes mutual funds, direct stocks, PF, NPS, FD, and US stocks. This diversification is good as it spreads risk across different asset classes.
Risk Profile: At 33, you can afford to take higher risks for potentially higher returns, especially with your long investment horizon.
Investment Strategy
Monthly Investment Requirement
To determine how much you should invest monthly to achieve Rs 10 crore by age 55, we will assume an average annual return rate. Historically, equity markets have provided around 12-15% annual returns. Let’s proceed with a balanced approach assuming a 12% average annual return.

Monthly Investment Estimate: To reach Rs 10 crore in 22 years with a 12% annual return, you need to invest a significant amount monthly. Based on a financial projection, you will need to invest approximately Rs 40,000 to Rs 50,000 per month.
Enhancing Existing Investments
Increase Equity Exposure: Given your age, consider increasing your equity exposure for higher returns. Allocate more to mutual funds and direct stocks.
Regular NPS Contributions: Start contributing regularly to NPS to benefit from tax deductions and long-term growth.
Optimizing PF Contributions: Continue with PF contributions for a stable, low-risk investment.
Detailed Investment Plan
Mutual Funds
Systematic Investment Plan (SIP): Increase your SIP in equity mutual funds. Aim for a mix of large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap funds.
Balanced Funds: Consider balanced or hybrid funds for a mix of equity and debt exposure, providing stability and growth.
Review and Rebalance: Regularly review and rebalance your portfolio to maintain the desired asset allocation.
Direct Stocks
Blue-chip Stocks: Invest in blue-chip stocks for stability and consistent returns.
Growth Stocks: Allocate a portion to high-growth stocks with the potential for higher returns, but with higher risk.
Regular Monitoring: Actively monitor your stock portfolio and stay updated with market trends.
Provident Fund (PF)
Consistent Contributions: Continue with the monthly contributions of Rs 20,000.
Interest Accumulation: PF offers compounded returns with minimal risk, contributing to long-term wealth.
National Pension System (NPS)
Regular Contributions: Start monthly contributions to NPS. Even Rs 5,000 per month can significantly impact your corpus.
Tax Benefits: Utilize the additional tax benefits under Section 80CCD(1B) for NPS contributions.
Fixed Deposit (FD)
Review FD Returns: FDs offer low returns compared to equity investments. Consider reallocating a portion of FDs to mutual funds or stocks.
Emergency Fund: Maintain a portion in FDs for emergency liquidity needs.
Managing Home Loan
Prepayment Strategy
Early Prepayment: Consider prepaying your home loan whenever possible to save on interest costs. This will free up more funds for investment.
Tax Benefits: Balance the benefits of tax deductions on home loan interest with the interest savings from prepayment.
Tax Efficiency
Tax-Saving Investments
Section 80C: Maximize contributions to PF, NPS, and ELSS to avail tax benefits under Section 80C.
Section 80D: Utilize health insurance premiums for additional tax deductions.
Capital Gains Management
Long-Term Capital Gains (LTCG): Plan your investments to minimize tax on long-term capital gains. Equity investments held for over a year are subject to favorable tax treatment.
Tax Harvesting: Use tax harvesting strategies to minimize tax liability on gains.
Monitoring and Review
Regular Portfolio Review
Annual Review: Conduct an annual review of your portfolio to ensure alignment with your financial goals.
Market Trends: Stay informed about market trends and economic changes that may impact your investments.
Professional Guidance
Certified Financial Planner (CFP): Consider consulting a CFP for personalized advice and portfolio management.
Investment Tools: Use financial planning tools and calculators to track your progress and adjust your strategy as needed.
Risk Management
Adequate Insurance Coverage
Life Insurance: Ensure you have sufficient life insurance coverage to protect your family’s financial future.
Health Insurance: Maintain comprehensive health insurance to cover medical expenses and avoid dipping into your investments.
Emergency Fund
Liquidity: Maintain an emergency fund to cover at least 6-12 months of expenses.
Accessibility: Keep this fund in liquid and low-risk instruments like savings accounts or liquid mutual funds.
Behavioral Finance
Avoid Emotional Decisions
Discipline: Stick to your investment plan and avoid making emotional decisions based on market fluctuations.
Patience: Investing is a long-term game. Patience and discipline are key to achieving your financial goals.
Final Insights
Achieving a corpus of Rs 10 crore by the age of 55 is ambitious but attainable with a disciplined and strategic approach. Increase your monthly investments to around Rs 40,000 to Rs 50,000, focusing on equity mutual funds, direct stocks, and regular NPS contributions. Regularly review and rebalance your portfolio, consider prepaying your home loan to save on interest, and ensure adequate insurance coverage and an emergency fund. Consulting with a Certified Financial Planner can provide personalized guidance and help you stay on track. By maintaining discipline, patience, and informed decision-making, you can achieve your financial goals and secure your future.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Workplace Expert - Answered on Jul 26, 2024

DISCLAIMER: The content of this post by the expert is the personal view of the rediffGURU. Investment in securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related document carefully before investing. The securities quoted are for illustration only and are not recommendatory. Users are advised to pursue the information provided by the rediffGURU only as a source of information and as a point of reference and to rely on their own judgement when making a decision. RediffGURUS is an intermediary as per India's Information Technology Act.


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