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Maxim Emmanuel  |249 Answers  |Ask -

Soft Skills Trainer - Answered on May 23, 2024

Maxim Emmanuel is the marketing director of Maxwill Zeus Expositions.
An alumnus of the Xavier Institute of Management and Research, Mumbai, Maxim has over 30 years of experience in training young professionals and corporate organisations on how to improve soft skills and build interpersonal relationships through effective communication.
He also works with students and job aspirants offering career guidance, preparing them for job interviews and group discussions and teaching them how to make effective presentations.... more
Manju Question by Manju on Apr 27, 2024Hindi

Hello sir,iam working in PSB for past six years. Due to work pressure and work life balance issues i would like to switch my career where i can look over my family. Suggest some options to switch from PSB and can use utilise this work experience.

Ans: The situations have changed, by your own admission PSU's have no longer cushy relaxed laid back job's without accountability .

So you want to work from your casual comfort zone... Look after family after the company is satisfied, it's hire and fire on the other side.

I suggest Plan your work and Work your plan.. Family life will fall in place!

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Personality Development Expert, Career Coach - Answered on Feb 06, 2024


Shekhar Kumar  |145 Answers  |Ask -

Leadership, HR Expert - Answered on Apr 21, 2024

Hello I am working in a psb from last 8years. Currently i am holding manager position in the bank and want to switch in profile other than finance . I m graduate in statistics and have no active skill in IT. In which sector i can move ahead . Also in Finance is there any other department which is more inclined to the new updated technology and skill that we can develop to switch.
Ans: Thank you for getting in touch with me on Rediff Gurus. Given your background in statistics and experience in banking, there are several sectors you could consider transitioning into that leverage your analytical skills and managerial experience. You could explore roles such as data analyst, business analyst, or data scientist, where you would use statistical techniques and analytical tools to derive insights from data and inform business strategies. Your managerial experience could be beneficial in roles such as operations manager or operations analyst, where you would oversee and optimize operational processes for efficiency and effectiveness. You could also explore opportunities in fintech startups or established fintech companies, where you could contribute your expertise to develop and implement cutting-edge financial solutions as well. Additionally, within the finance sector, there are departments that are increasingly adopting new technologies and skills, providing opportunities for growth and transition.

In terms of finance departments that are more inclined to new technologies and skills, areas such as financial technology (fintech), quantitative finance, and financial analytics are increasingly adopting advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, and big data analytics. By developing skills in these areas, such as programming languages (e.g., Python, R), data analysis tools (e.g., SQL, Tableau), and understanding of financial markets and products, you could position yourself for roles that are at the intersection of finance and technology.

Ultimately, the key is to identify your interests, strengths, and career goals, and then explore opportunities that align with them. Consider networking with professionals in your desired field, gaining relevant certifications or qualifications, and seeking out mentorship or guidance to support your transition. With your background and experience, you have valuable skills that can be applied in a variety of sectors and roles beyond finance.

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Shekhar Kumar  |145 Answers  |Ask -

Leadership, HR Expert - Answered on May 23, 2024

Hello I am working in a psb from last 8years. Currently i am holding manager position in the bank and want to switch in profile other than finance . I m graduate in agriculture and have no active skill in IT. In which sector i can move ahead.
Ans: Making a career switch after eight years in a public sector bank (PSB) and holding a managerial position is a significant move. Given your background in agriculture and the desire to explore fields outside finance, there are several promising sectors you can consider. Given your educational background in agriculture, this sector is a natural fit. Various roles here could align with your experience and interests. Use your managerial experience to work for companies involved in the production, processing, and distribution of agricultural products. Work with NGOs, government programs, or international organizations focused on rural development and agricultural projects. Although you mentioned not having active IT skills, the agri-tech sector often looks for professionals who can bridge the gap between technology and traditional agricultural practices. Learning basic tech skills could be beneficial. Project management roles in infrastructure development often require a combination of management skills and knowledge of ground realities, which your agriculture background might support. Roles in managing projects related to sustainability, conservation, and environmental protection. Companies in various sectors need efficient managers to oversee their supply chain operations. You can work in the sales or marketing of seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, or agricultural machinery.

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Asked by Anonymous - Jun 13, 2024Hindi
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