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Anu Krishna  |1245 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Oct 28, 2024

Anu Krishna is a mind coach and relationship expert.
The co-founder of Unfear Changemakers LLP, she has received her neuro linguistic programming training from National Federation of NeuroLinguistic Programming, USA, and her energy work specialisation from the Institute for Inner Studies, Manila.
She is an executive member of the Indian Association of Adolescent Health.... more
Yuvraj Question by Yuvraj on Oct 24, 2024Hindi

Okay this is the first time, I am opening to some mind coach, glad to have your opinion, I am 24 now, and I have been working with a start up since last 3 years, As a male I have my big dreams, my passion and added a lot of responsibilities, thinking of which, I ain't satisfied with where I am currently, with the same I have even lost my motivation to work harder- falling into the trap of being comfortable with where I am, which I really don't like, I have multiple passions, I was a good music lover with singer and instruments, I was also into workout a keen interest and built muscles which are going down now, more onto it, I was into sketching and art, a really fine one, I am a short of traveller where I make videos for editing to show them to the world, but it didn't came out from my phone memory ever after I returned from any trip, matter of fact I didn't learn them, but I wanted to, but now tragically I have lost interest in all these passions, I am worried because I am being too comfortable with things, I desperately want to achieve milestones but don't wanna work for it. Sometimes it feels like this chaos in mind, it was far worse than adolescence, zest of everything I want to do miracles but won't move a muscle for it, I had doses of motivation and it doesn't work for me now.

Ans: Dear Yuvraj,
I do see a lot of youngsters jumping into the bandwagon of start-ups without realizing the twists and turns in it. It's not about churning the next best revolutionary idea but it comes with a mindset that understands perseverance, resilience and a lot of compromises. Now, maybe you already know that, but at a certain point, the demands go beyond all of this where a failure would mean to start all over again OR complete change of the idea and back to the drawing board OR a feeling that joining a start up was a wrong move, and all these can be frustrating.

Now, I do not have all that information, so I can assume that maybe you are just tired from all of it and seek a break. Not interested in your passions could mean that you are possibly tired. So, take a break from it all and actually figure out if the start-up scene is actually right for you. And there is nothing wrong in admitting that it isn't, right? At least you won't learn that a few years down the line and regret wasting time...

But if you come back from the break, feeling rejuvenated, then you know that you can get back into the start-up with renewed vigor. Either case, that break will give you some reflection time. During the break, connect with a mentor or a coach who can actually help you dig deep down and get to the bottom of this...Motivation is just a step away provided you do something to wake it up...

All the best!
Anu Krishna
Mind Coach|NLP Trainer|Author
Drop in: www.unfear.io
Reach me: Facebook: anukrish07/ AND LinkedIn: anukrishna-joyofserving/

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Kanchan Rai  |383 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on May 26, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 26, 2024Hindi
Hi to the life/relationship coach, I'm a 25yr old lady working in an MNC earning 24lpa. I'm from a lower middle class south indian family, my parents taught me value of money, i hardly spent on anything till my studies. Coming to my studies, i (I pushed myself too hard to achieve well but never felt negative in those years in life &came out of an NIT with ppo)studied from my 8th standard too hard without any distraction or other knowledge about life till I got job. Ever since i've started working(staying alone in a 1bhk and keeping myself occupied with home chores), i am not sure if it's because I'm living better compared to before without any money/time boundaries(I've got the freedom for everything yet feels lost) or it's bcoz my brain is exhausted, all I do is just work most of my day and rest of time, stay in traffic, i am feeling lost, not able to have any goals or look at life with positivity. my brain is feeling succumbed to daily job routine and not being enthusiastic about anything. (I do workout, meet friends, go to walks and temples , but nothing adventurous or too much out of my comfort zone. Anyway, nothings making me feel better(when I was studying, i did nothing but read, yet I was satisfied to go to sleep peacefully). My parents are telling me to get married so that I'll get better clarity with a partner beside me. But I'm not interested in relationship yet, want to resolve problems with myself first, may be will search for groom after an year or so. Please provide your advice to how to bring my enthusiasm which i lost after I got the job i m doing presently (the present job is a wonderful opportunity with lot of growth for me in career but I m working with half the productivity due to losing the interest in everything, but getting promoted on time till now, not sure how I long I can survive the corporate world without a purpose). I want to look at life positively in all aspects, but unable to due to feeling lost or having no goal. Should I try to remember my childhood interests before my 8th standard or should I try to find my interest in life from scratch? I've tried setting goals about health and career, but I m doing things like a robot but not enthusiastic. I might not get out of comfort zone if I keep going like this.
Ans: It sounds like you’re at a point where, after years of relentless focus on your studies and now your career, you’re experiencing a sense of aimlessness and burnout. This is not uncommon, especially for someone who has been driven by external goals for so long without taking much time for personal exploration and self-care.

Firstly, it’s important to acknowledge and appreciate the significant achievements you’ve made. Coming from a lower middle-class background and earning a position in an MNC with a substantial salary is no small feat. Recognizing this can help provide a sense of pride and accomplishment, which can be a foundation for building your next steps.

You mentioned that you feel like your brain is exhausted, which suggests that burnout might be a factor. Years of intense focus and hard work without much variety or relaxation can lead to this feeling. It’s essential to give yourself permission to rest and recuperate. This doesn’t just mean taking time off work, but also engaging in activities that truly relax and rejuvenate you.

Reflecting on your journey might help clarify why you’re feeling this way. During your studies, you had a clear goal and a structured path. Now, with more freedom and less immediate pressure, it’s natural to feel a bit lost. Your current routine seems monotonous and unfulfilling, which could be contributing to your sense of aimlessness.

Exploring your interests can be a fruitful way to reignite your enthusiasm for life. Think back to your childhood before the intense focus on studies began. What activities or hobbies did you enjoy? Revisiting these can help reconnect you with your passions. Alternatively, you might want to explore new interests. This could involve taking up a new hobby, joining clubs or groups, or even traveling. Stepping out of your comfort zone, even in small ways, can open up new perspectives and opportunities.

It’s commendable that you want to address your personal issues before considering a relationship. This self-awareness will serve you well. Setting personal goals can be helpful, but it’s important that these goals are meaningful to you and not just tasks to complete. Goals related to health, personal growth, or even learning new skills can provide a sense of purpose. However, ensure these goals are flexible and enjoyable, rather than adding more pressure to your life.

Your parents’ suggestion to get married might be well-intentioned, but it’s important to follow your own timeline. If you feel that taking more time to understand yourself will benefit you in the long run, then that’s a valid and important choice.

Lastly, professional support can be incredibly valuable. A therapist or life coach can provide you with strategies to manage your feelings of burnout and help you rediscover your enthusiasm. They can also assist in exploring your interests and setting meaningful goals.

In summary, taking time to rest, exploring your interests, setting meaningful goals, and possibly seeking professional support can help you navigate this phase of your life. By doing so, you can regain your sense of purpose and enthusiasm, leading to a more fulfilling and balanced life.

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Ravi Mittal  |374 Answers  |Ask -

Dating, Relationships Expert - Answered on Oct 28, 2024

Hi, I am not yet mairred. I used to like a man and after a month we decided to get married. He was of my caste so I thought my parents won't deny this mairrage. I used to talk to and wanted to let him know everything about my past so that we can built a strong root of our relationship. I spoke every detail of my past life to him. Then before he proposed me for mairrage I went for a vacation with my male friend to dehradun. I didn't tell him that day as he didn't proposed me till that day then why would I tell everything about me to anyone. He was noone to me at that time. After that he came to visit me in Delhi and on the same when he was on train a friend of mine along with his fiance came to meet me after a very long time. I asked him and he didn't denied. After returning home he blocked me. I cried and cried, called multiple times but he didn't received my call. Even I went to his location and waited for almost 3 hr but he didn't came. Then I asked my sister to call him. Then he talked to me but he said me so much of harsh and vulgar words that I went in shock. I cried a lot but he went on humiliating me. But somehow I convinced him to stay with me. I never talked to that friend ever. Then I told my parents about him that I want to get married with this men. Being a girl's father my father enquired about him by being annonymous. And trust me noone has said anything good about him. Later on we get to know that his father has a murder case on him of his brother in law. But then I wanted to get married. Finally my parents agreed only for my happines. Meanwhile I was never being respected by him. He always doubt me, humiliate me, abuse me mentally and physically, and when I was like I don't want to be with you he used to say sorry and begged me to be with him. He even used to restrict to visit my uncle aunty. His mother wants used to defend him and never used to make him realise that he was wrong. Then before engagement we went to Kolkata to buy dress. Yes one more thing I have informed him on the very first day that I used to drink and smoke occassionally. So whenever he used to visit me he always wanted to drink with me whether I want it or not. He always used to abuse me and humiliate me in front of everyone after drinking, so after a period of time I used to avoid drinking. Then he used to fight with me for that also that why will you not drink. In kolkata the same thing happen. We stayed there for 3 days and he was convincing to go to club from the very first day but I refused. On 3rd he hit me. After engagement his family asked for dowry. After a lot of dealing my parents agreed for an amount. But I felt betrayed. I stopped talking. After after when I initiated the conversation he picked up a fight and said he won't marry. I tried to convince. But when everyone was blaming me then I broke my silence and said everything about him to my parent. But he manipulated everything and made me villain. My parents want me to get married What should I do
Ans: Dear Akriti,
After reading your question I can only give you one advice, please do not marry him no matter what people say. Even if we overlook every other red flag that he has exhibited, abuse of any form is unacceptable. Why are you trying to convince your parents to marry a guy who hits you? Do you think you deserve it or anyone, for that matter, deserves that?
Now, no matter who tries to manipulate you, or however much they try to convince you, get out of the relationship for the love and self-respect you have for yourself. It is a big decision but in your case, it is worth making that big decision. I'd normally never tell people they should this or they shouldn't do that, but in your case, no sane person would ever suggest you marry this man and be subjected to abuse for the rest of your life.

Please make the right choice.

Best Wishes

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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |6833 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Oct 28, 2024

Dear Sir, I am 35 years old and starting a SIP in mutual funds from next month with a monthly investment of ?50,000. I have selected the following funds and allocated the amount accordingly: Tata Small Cap Fund Direct Growth – ?5,000/month Quant Mid Cap Fund Direct Growth – ?15,000/month Motilal Oswal Large and Midcap Fund Direct Growth – ?20,000/month DSP ELSS Tax Saver Direct Plan Growth – ?10,000/month My primary goal is to accumulate approx ?1.5 crore by the 7th year to build a villa. Could you please review my selection and allocation? I would appreciate your suggestions on any modifications or alternative funds to help achieve my target. Looking forward to your valuable advice. Thank you.
Ans: At 35 years, starting a Rs 50,000 SIP monthly is a disciplined approach. Your goal of Rs 1.5 crore in seven years is ambitious, and the current allocation choices are strong. However, let’s assess each fund’s contribution to your goal, while ensuring efficient returns and optimal portfolio balance. I’ll review each selection and suggest potential adjustments to help achieve your villa investment target.

Overview of Your Portfolio and Allocation
In your current allocation, you’ve chosen a mix of large and mid-cap, mid-cap, small-cap, and ELSS (tax-saving) funds. This approach brings some diversification across market caps and adds a tax-saving benefit. Here’s a detailed assessment of each category and its suitability for your goals.

Large and Mid-Cap Allocation
Fund Selected: Rs 20,000 in a large and mid-cap fund

Role in Portfolio: Large and mid-cap funds combine stability from large-cap stocks and growth from mid-caps.

Evaluation: This allocation gives a good balance between risk and reward and is essential for high growth potential.

Suggested Action: Continue with this allocation. However, investing through a regular plan with a trusted MFD and a Certified Financial Planner may offer additional guidance and ongoing support, especially as market conditions fluctuate.

Mid-Cap Allocation
Fund Selected: Rs 15,000 in a mid-cap fund

Role in Portfolio: Mid-cap funds provide growth with moderate risk and are ideal for a seven-year horizon.

Evaluation: This allocation supports your target by capturing the growth potential in mid-sized companies.

Suggested Action: Retain this mid-cap exposure but consider moving to a regular fund plan. Direct funds, though low-cost, lack the personalized insights an MFD can provide, especially during market volatility. A Certified Financial Planner with the right credentials can add value here.

Small-Cap Allocation
Fund Selected: Rs 5,000 in a small-cap fund
Role in Portfolio: Small-cap funds offer high growth but are the most volatile.
Evaluation: While these funds can deliver excellent returns, they are sensitive to market changes and may need longer timeframes to stabilise.
Suggested Action: Retain this allocation but be mindful of its volatility. Monitoring its performance closely is essential, as small caps are riskier over shorter periods. If you prefer lower volatility, consider reallocating part of this amount to large-cap funds.
ELSS (Equity-Linked Savings Scheme)
Fund Selected: Rs 10,000 in ELSS

Role in Portfolio: ELSS funds provide tax savings and equity exposure. They come with a three-year lock-in period.

Evaluation: Tax-saving funds are beneficial if you are looking to reduce your taxable income. Additionally, they offer equity exposure, which aligns with your growth objectives.

Suggested Action: Retain this allocation if tax savings are needed. However, if you don’t need the tax-saving benefit, consider allocating this amount to either the large and mid-cap or mid-cap fund. Diversifying within growth-oriented funds could offer better liquidity and flexibility.

Tax Considerations for Mutual Funds
Understanding the tax implications will help in long-term planning and portfolio returns.

Equity Mutual Funds: Long-term capital gains (LTCG) above Rs 1.25 lakh attract a 12.5% tax. Short-term capital gains (STCG) are taxed at 20%.

Debt Mutual Funds: LTCG and STCG taxes align with your income tax slab.

Tax-Saving Tips: Plan withdrawals in stages to reduce capital gains taxes. A Certified Financial Planner can assist in setting up tax-efficient withdrawal plans.

Suggested Rebalancing for Your Investment Goals
To accumulate Rs 1.5 crore within seven years, your portfolio should aim for a balance of growth and risk management.

Large and Mid-Cap Allocation: Increase allocation if possible, as these funds offer growth with moderate stability. Raising this allocation to Rs 25,000 could add to portfolio stability and meet growth objectives.

Mid-Cap Allocation: Keep this allocation but review periodically. Mid-cap exposure works well for growth but should not exceed 30-40% of the portfolio for risk balance.

Small-Cap Fund: Maintain but monitor. Since small caps are volatile, it’s wise to review every six months. If you’re uncomfortable with high volatility, consider reallocating some of this amount to large or mid-cap funds.

ELSS Fund: Retain if tax benefits are needed. However, if tax savings are not required, allocate this to the large and mid-cap or mid-cap fund for better liquidity and growth balance.

Disadvantages of Direct Funds and Benefits of Investing Through Regular Funds
Limited Guidance: Direct funds lack ongoing advisory support. Regular plans through a Certified Financial Planner give you consistent insights.

Market Volatility: During market corrections, direct investors may miss out on vital guidance. A CFP-led approach in regular plans helps manage emotional decisions effectively.

Comprehensive Monitoring: CFPs provide tailored advice that aligns with your life goals and risk tolerance, enhancing returns while reducing risk.

Building a Plan for Reaching Rs 1.5 Crore Goal
For a seven-year horizon, aiming for Rs 1.5 crore is possible with disciplined investing and regular monitoring. Here are strategies to strengthen your investment journey:

Regular Reviews: Plan bi-annual portfolio reviews to assess fund performance and rebalance if required.

Disciplined SIPs: Continue your SIPs with commitment. Consistency is crucial for compounding benefits.

Emergency Fund: Keep three to six months of expenses in an emergency fund to avoid breaking investments in unforeseen situations.

Goal-Based Withdrawal Planning: Towards the goal date, begin partial withdrawals systematically. This avoids sudden large redemptions, maintaining returns.

Final Insights
Your SIP investment structure is thoughtfully planned, aligning with your goal of Rs 1.5 crore. By considering minor adjustments, you can enhance growth, manage risk, and ensure steady progress towards your target.

Sticking to actively managed funds through an MFD with CFP credentials brings better performance tracking and valuable guidance. A Certified Financial Planner can support you in tax-efficient planning and provide guidance tailored to your unique goals.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |6833 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Oct 28, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Oct 19, 2024Hindi
Hi, I am 31 years old having mutual fund portfolio of around 14 lakhs. I have been investing since 25 years. I have 2 ELSS MF, one's value is 4.6 lakhs and the other 2.8 lakhs. Remaining is combined in small, hybrid and index fund. Earlier I used to file ITR in Old Pension scheme but this year I had to file for New pension scheme to save some tax. Now, should I continue my ELSS or switch to other fund ? Iplan to retire by 50.
Ans: Your disciplined approach to mutual fund investments at such a young age is impressive. Building a portfolio of Rs. 14 lakhs by 31 shows dedication. Your portfolio structure—spread across ELSS, small-cap, hybrid, and index funds—requires a closer look, especially with your early retirement goal by 50. Let’s explore whether to continue with ELSS or shift your focus.

Key Observations
Long-Term Commitment to ELSS:
Two ELSS funds together form 50% of your portfolio (Rs. 7.4 lakhs). This is higher than ideal for tax-saving funds, which can lead to over-dependence.

Tax Implications Post-50:
After retirement, tax-saving benefits from ELSS will be irrelevant since you may no longer need deductions. Therefore, you need a plan to rebalance before your retirement.

Index Fund Allocation Needs Attention:
Index funds track market indices but lack active management. Actively managed funds can outperform during volatile markets. This needs careful consideration, as you're relying on index funds for returns.

Switch from Old Pension Scheme to New Pension Scheme:
The New Pension Scheme (NPS) saves taxes but locks your money until retirement. This limits flexibility. Let’s evaluate ways to align tax-saving investments with your early retirement goal.

What to Do with ELSS Funds
Continue Only Until ELSS Lock-in Ends:
ELSS investments come with a 3-year lock-in. Once completed, you can redeem gradually and move to other funds.

Switch to Diversified Equity Funds:
Since you won’t need tax deductions post-retirement, gradually redirect from ELSS to equity-oriented funds for long-term wealth creation.

Reduce Dependence on ELSS Over Time:
As your retirement approaches, reduce exposure to tax-saving instruments. Focus on balanced growth through small-cap, hybrid, and flexi-cap funds.

Review of Index Funds and Suggestion for Better Alternatives
Disadvantages of Index Funds:
Index funds follow the market but lack flexibility during market corrections. They can underperform during volatile periods or sector downturns.

Benefits of Actively Managed Funds:
Actively managed funds allow professional managers to react to market changes and deliver superior returns. Investing through Certified Financial Planners (CFPs) ensures better fund selection over time.

Portfolio Restructuring Suggestions
Limit ELSS and Add Growth-Oriented Funds:
Gradually move away from ELSS towards multi-cap, small-cap, or hybrid funds. These funds are better suited for wealth creation.

Create an Emergency Fund:
Plan for an emergency fund in liquid investments, especially since you are aiming for early retirement.

Include Hybrid Funds for Stability:
Hybrid funds offer the benefit of balanced risk by investing in both equity and debt. They are a good addition as you approach 50, giving a cushion against market volatility.

Monitor Tax Liabilities from Mutual Funds:
Keep in mind that LTCG over Rs. 1.25 lakh from equity funds attracts 12.5% tax, while STCG is taxed at 20%.

Aligning with Retirement at 50
Plan for Regular Withdrawals:
Since you aim to retire by 50, systematic withdrawal plans (SWPs) can generate regular income.

Increase Focus on Balanced and Growth Funds:
Gradually allocate more to multi-cap and hybrid funds to ensure both growth and stability over the next 20 years.

Factor in Inflation and Healthcare Needs:
Ensure your portfolio can generate inflation-adjusted returns, as expenses will rise post-retirement. Consider health insurance to cover medical costs.

Maximise NPS Benefits Until Retirement:
Continue contributing to the NPS until you turn 50, as it offers tax savings and ensures retirement income. Be mindful of withdrawal rules to avoid penalties.

Your portfolio is on the right track, but it needs minor adjustments for early retirement. Gradually reduce dependence on ELSS funds and shift towards hybrid and equity-oriented funds. Active fund management will provide flexibility and growth, ensuring you meet your financial goals by 50. Keep tax-efficiency in mind while rebalancing, and leverage professional advice to stay on track.

Best Regards,

K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,

Chief Financial Planner,


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Ramalingam Kalirajan  |6833 Answers  |Ask -

Mutual Funds, Financial Planning Expert - Answered on Oct 28, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Oct 17, 2024Hindi
Hi Sir, My parents are retired and have about 10 lacs as lumpsum and get about 50k as recurring monthly sum, both of which they want to invest so as to get stable risk free returns. I want to suggest Balanced advantage funds to them but because I am no expert, wanted to take your guidance on whether this is sufficient or if there are other financial instruments that they can consider.
Ans: Balanced Advantage Funds (BAFs) have become popular for providing a balanced mix of equity and debt, offering moderate returns while managing risk. For retired investors like your parents, BAFs can be beneficial, especially when seeking regular income and limited volatility. Here’s why they can be suitable:

Dynamic Asset Allocation: BAFs automatically adjust between equity and debt, aiming for stability when markets are volatile. This flexibility helps control risk without needing constant monitoring.

Tax Efficiency: With a significant portion in equity, BAFs offer long-term tax advantages. Gains beyond Rs 1.25 lakh in a financial year are taxed at 12.5%, making them more tax-efficient compared to other debt instruments.

Moderate Risk Profile: BAFs cater to conservative investors seeking a middle ground between risk and reward. However, equity exposure may still cause fluctuations in short-term value.

Debt Mutual Funds for Stable, Low-Risk Returns
For low-risk needs, debt mutual funds might be a strong alternative. Debt funds invest primarily in fixed-income securities, which offer predictable returns with minimal market exposure.

Consistent Returns: Debt funds provide stable returns over time. This makes them ideal for monthly income and reducing equity exposure.

Tax Benefits on Long-Term Gains: Debt mutual funds follow the individual’s tax slab, but gains from long-term holding offer indexation benefits, making them more tax-friendly.

Liquidity Options: Debt funds offer high liquidity, allowing partial withdrawals if necessary, a valuable feature for elderly investors needing flexibility.

Fixed Deposits for Safety and Predictable Income
Fixed deposits (FDs) remain the traditional choice for stable and guaranteed income. Many banks and institutions offer attractive rates for senior citizens, adding to the appeal.

No-Risk Investment: FDs carry minimal risk and are guaranteed up to Rs 5 lakh by DICGC, making them ideal for risk-averse retirees.

Guaranteed Returns: FDs ensure returns at fixed intervals, enabling predictable monthly income. This can supplement their recurring sum effectively.

Senior Citizen Schemes: Some FDs and schemes, specifically for seniors, provide higher returns, making them a worthy option for stable income.

Senior Citizens’ Savings Scheme (SCSS) for Safe, Regular Income
The Senior Citizens’ Savings Scheme (SCSS) is designed exclusively for those above 60 years of age, offering a reliable income stream. SCSS has a five-year tenure, extendable by another three years, and is backed by the Government of India.

Guaranteed Returns: SCSS provides one of the highest interest rates among government-backed instruments, making it ideal for assured income.

Quarterly Payouts: Interest is paid quarterly, creating a steady income stream without locking up funds entirely.

Tax Benefits: SCSS investments qualify for tax deductions under Section 80C, making it a tax-efficient choice for your parents.

Monthly Income Plans (MIPs) of Mutual Funds for Regular Income
Monthly Income Plans (MIPs) are mutual funds with a mix of debt and equity, often slightly tilted towards debt. MIPs do not guarantee monthly payouts, but many offer relatively consistent income.

Moderate Risk with Equity Upside: MIPs provide steady returns with potential for growth through minimal equity exposure.

Flexible Withdrawal Options: MIPs allow systematic withdrawal plans (SWPs), which enable monthly income without disturbing the invested capital.

Tax Efficiency on Withdrawals: Gains from MIPs are subject to capital gains tax, which can be lower than regular income tax, especially when equity exposure is high.

Post Office Monthly Income Scheme (POMIS) for Assured Income
The Post Office Monthly Income Scheme (POMIS) is another low-risk option, offering fixed monthly payouts. It’s popular among retirees seeking secure income without market dependency.

Zero-Risk with Government Backing: POMIS is fully backed by the Indian government, ensuring complete safety of capital.

Fixed Monthly Returns: Interest is paid monthly, making it ideal for a steady income source. There’s no risk of market fluctuation affecting income.

Long-Term Option with Partial Liquidity: POMIS has a five-year tenure, but early withdrawal is allowed with a nominal penalty, providing flexibility if funds are needed.

Public Provident Fund (PPF) for Tax-Free, Long-Term Growth
Though PPF has a 15-year lock-in, it is a strong option for retirees looking to grow a portion of their funds tax-free over time. They can invest any unused portion of their lump sum for this purpose.

Risk-Free, Government-Backed: PPF offers guaranteed returns backed by the government, suitable for conservative investors.

Tax-Free Returns: Both contributions and returns are tax-free, creating a long-term tax-efficient growth option.

Partial Withdrawal Allowed: PPF allows partial withdrawals from the seventh year, providing some flexibility.

Leveraging Systematic Withdrawal Plans (SWPs) for Monthly Income
Systematic Withdrawal Plans (SWPs) can be a way to structure monthly cash flow without fully depleting capital. Retirees often prefer SWPs to manage income efficiently.

Tailored Cash Flow: SWPs allow monthly, quarterly, or annual income, letting investors choose a plan that suits their needs.

Tax Efficiency on Gains: SWPs benefit from capital gains tax, which could be more tax-efficient than traditional income tax.

Protection Against Inflation: SWPs in equity-oriented funds can offer inflation protection, balancing between income and capital growth.

Evaluating Balanced Advantage Funds versus Debt Funds
Balanced Advantage Funds (BAFs) might suit your parents’ needs, but they should consider potential market exposure. Debt funds, especially conservative debt options, would offer more predictable returns.

BAFs Offer Growth Potential: While balanced funds have growth potential, debt funds are better for predictable monthly income.

Debt Funds for Minimal Volatility: If stability is paramount, conservative debt funds would fit better than BAFs.

Tax Planning on Withdrawals: Consider each option’s tax impact to avoid high taxes on gains, especially for income-oriented funds.

Steps to Build a Low-Risk, Income-Focused Portfolio
A diversified income-focused portfolio is beneficial for long-term stability. Here are some steps to consider:

Allocate Across Options: Split funds between SCSS, MIPs, FDs, and debt funds. This provides a balance of stability, flexibility, and growth.

Consider Systematic Withdrawals: For mutual funds, set up SWPs for monthly income instead of lump-sum withdrawals.

Rebalance Periodically: Reviewing and adjusting asset allocation every year keeps the portfolio in line with changing income needs.

Tax Management: Pay attention to tax-efficiency in fund selection, focusing on options that reduce tax burden on gains.

Final Insights
Balanced Advantage Funds could be beneficial, but they come with some market exposure. Diversifying across BAFs, debt funds, SCSS, and FDs can provide your parents with the balance of steady income and safety they seek. Each option provides stability, liquidity, and tax benefits in different ways. Structuring investments across these options will create a low-risk portfolio that meets their income needs and offers peace of mind.

Your efforts in exploring these options show genuine care. By building a diversified, income-oriented portfolio, you’re securing their financial peace in retirement.

Best Regards,
K. Ramalingam, MBA, CFP,
Chief Financial Planner,

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Moneywize   |172 Answers  |Ask -

Financial Planner - Answered on Oct 28, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Oct 28, 2024Hindi
With a retirement goal of Rs 2 crore in the next 12 years. Myself Anita married with two daughters aged 18 and 15. I’m investing Rs 50,000 a month in SIPs. Do I need to increase my savings, or should I diversify?
Ans: 1. Estimate if Current SIP is Sufficient

Assuming a conservative annual return of around 10-12 per cent on equity-focused SIPs, your current investment of Rs 50,000 per month could potentially grow to between Rs 1.4 crore and Rs 1.6 crore over 12 years.

To reach Rs 2 crore, an additional monthly investment of approximately Rs 12,000-15,000 may be needed, depending on market performance.

2. Consider Increasing Savings Gradually

If feasible, gradually increasing your SIP amount every year by 10-15 per cent can help bridge the gap without a significant strain on your budget. For example, increasing your SIP by Rs 5,000 annually can contribute significantly over time.

3. Review Asset Allocation and Diversify as Needed

• Since retirement is 12 years away, a moderate to high equity exposure is reasonable to maximize returns. However, to reduce risk, consider introducing some diversification:

• Debt Funds or Fixed Deposits: Direct 20-25 per cent of your portfolio to debt funds or fixed deposits over the next few years. This will provide a cushion against equity market volatility as you approach retirement.

• Gold or REITs: A small allocation (5-10 per cent) to gold or real estate investment trusts (REITs) can add a layer of diversification and act as a hedge against inflation.

4. Use Step-Up SIPs to Enhance Growth Potential

Some mutual funds offer "step-up" SIP options where the investment amount increases each year. This method aligns with your income growth over time and may provide a smoother path to your Rs 2 crore goal.

5. Emergency Fund and Insurance

Ensure you have an emergency fund covering at least 6-12 months of expenses and adequate health and life insurance coverage for your family. These are essential for financial stability, especially with retirement goals in sight.

In summary, with a slight increase in your monthly SIP and a strategic approach to diversification, you can achieve your retirement target comfortably. Regularly reviewing your portfolio's performance will also help ensure you're on track.

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