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Anu Krishna  |839 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Apr 15, 2024

Anu Krishna is a mind coach and relationship expert.
The co-founder of Unfear Changemakers LLP, she has received her neuro linguistic programming training from National Federation of NeuroLinguistic Programming, USA, and her energy work specialisation from the Institute for Inner Studies, Manila.
She is an executive member of the Indian Association of Adolescent Health.... more
Asked by Anonymous - Apr 13, 2024Hindi

In my marriage since the very inception my wife was and is still "sexually immature". I wonder if i am able to make you understand the situation. For the first nine years of marriage she simply resisted/avoided insertion, and finally after compelling her for counselling, etc. she gave in one day, so to say, which led to intercourse on a few occasions and she conceived. Almost 30 years down the line she was simply not interested in intercourse which has become extremely frustrating for me having a great libido. So i have become a man with a roving eye and perennially seek companionship/love/sex with the opposite sex. I wonder if i should feel guilty about it (however i don't feel guilty). As i am kind of personable and engage easily even at the ripe old age of 66, i continue to have a number of girl- friends (married/unmarried). In other words i flirt quite a bit, its become second nature to me. Girls in general take a liking to me too. Not that i am not friendly with my wife. We have a very loving relationship on a level which is not at all sexual. She keeps home very well and takes full care of me other than the sexual aspect. In other words sex is completely out of our relationship. You might not be seeing cases like this often. So i am always kind of sexually alive when i am out of the house. Now if you were to advise me to repair our relationship, take steps etc, i think we have kind of passed that stage primarily because she is peculiarly missing in the vital sex vibrations. I wonder if you understand me. I would like to have your views on all that i have explained. Shall be grateful to have some insights.

Ans: Dear Anonymous,
This isn't uncommon when sexual compatibility between couples is totally out of sync. Sometimes it's hard conditioning from childhood or some unpleasant experience or a medical reason that makes one not want sex at all.

When something is put of sync in a core relationship, you don't push the agenda that is actually causing discomfort but in fact deflect and shift focus onto things that actually help bond the two of you together.
When you look at what's not there, it's only going to look bigger and soon it consumes the mind completely and tricks you into believing that everything is wrong; which has possibly what has happened within your marriage. Agreed that your wife did not give sexual intimacy a lot of importance, but maybe something else might have been and is important to her. Maybe connecting at an emotional level, connecting through deep conversations, spending time together with activities...maybe these are something that help her connect better with you...

At whatever age, trying to fill a void through associations outside of marriage can only bring in momentary pleasure...what after that? Someone else and then again someone else...the cycle goes on and on with little inner joy to yourself.
If you feel that you have passed that stage (as mentioned by you) and also you seem to think it's only because your wife is not inclined towards sex, then this is how it will be!
If you wish for any change, then think different and ask yourself:
- what is it that I can do to actually gain her confidence in me?
- how do i shift focus from sexual intimacy to emotional intimacy?

If this is too hard to do, then your present ways of living might be the only way that you know and rely upon...But, there will never be the inner fulfillment that you are looking at. There's still hope; try and put things back in your marriage...you will thank yourself for it.

All the best!

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Anu Krishna  |839 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jan 19, 2022

Dear MamI am a 33 year old male working in a PSU at middle management level. Six years ago I was married happily as per my wish to a girl of my choice.Everything was just perfect. My wife is 4.5 years younger to me. I had to go against my parents wish as they were not comfortable with a non working wife. Mine was not a love story but yes I met girl through a common friend and went ahead for the alliance. Our sex life was also great in the start and we welcomed a baby girl just 2 months short of our first wedding anniversary. However now when I compare I do understand that because of household chores she could not give proper time to me, but still I feel a strong urge to have sex with her. She somehow does not reciprocate well and is dull in having sex. Apart from this we still fight over silly things and tolerance level of both of us have gone very down. Sometimes I feel to this extent that I should walk out from the marriage because I really don't want hot talks in our relationship. I agree I have a 5 year old baby girl. I do control my feelings and anger too to some extent. My wife also does the same but really small things trigger me on. Also I always have a huge sex drive and I feel that if I don't get it from my wife I should look out for other options. I have not cheated with her but I feel that given the option I can because of sex urge. May be this is due to higher libido and I do masturbate occasionally fantasizing my neighbour or other female friends and sometimes my wife too. I don't know what goes through me but seeing your column I felt I should tell you these small details so you could give me an honest answer. I don't want to leave her, I do love her a lot but these fights really make me lose my cool and feel depressed.What should be done according to you ? Should I see a psychiatrist?

Dear AY,

I will ask you to introspect and ask yourself: When did things start going downhill?

What event led to this? Surely, things don’t happen all of sudden, so something or some thought must have led to this.

Also, it’s important to understand that managing home and a child is a full time job and it tires the woman a lot.

To be in a mood for sex, the woman needs to be relaxed and calm…if the work at home is tiring, try and hire a domestic helper or any extra help that will ease her.

That way she will have more time to care for herself and her needs as well. Offer to pitch in and this will also bring the two of you closer.

Your theory of your high libido which is not being matched by your wife may or may not be true as sometimes that solution is simpler than you think.

Sadly, we are used to complicating things and look at what’s obvious in front of us.

Sex outside of marriage seems to be an option that has crossed your mind, but I do understand from your letter that you care and love your wife a lot.

Let not a moment of weakness make you shake the foundation of a beautiful relationship that the two of you share.

Have an open chat with her. Express how you feel and speak of your sexual needs.

Most often, communication solves most marriage issues. If this doesn’t work, kindly seek professional help with a marriage therapist.

Ultimately, you know why the two of you are married and why you chose her to be your wife.

Bear that in mind and a lot of yours mind struggles will ease and you will be able to think more usefully and also move into a better marriage space.

Happy 2022 and here’s wishing you the best in life!

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Anu Krishna  |839 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Oct 27, 2020

Hello Anu, I am 48, male. I married in 2007 and we were blessed with a daughter in 2015. Ever since we were pregnant, I left my regular job and started working from home instead. Things went off smooth and professionally there is not much of a problem. Agreed, 2020 has been quite a bad year for almost everyone and I am no exception. But then, things are somewhat better with me when I see people around and learn about their getting unemployed or otherwise. My problem is related to family, relationship with my wife and this has started playing on me. The last time we indulged in any sexual activity was probably before my wife became pregnant. And even before that, she was always uninterested in having anything physical between us. At max, we would have sex just once a month. But after her birth, we have never had sex, no time together. The most we talk about in a day is the stock of this is finishing up or you need to get this or that kind of things. She works in an office, so she has friends, people whom she can talk to and spend time. I stay home caring for my daughter. Though most of the day is spent with caring for her, there is something that is dying inside me. I had tried asking her to make a visit to the consultant locally, but she has always denied. And she keeps telling me that all I need is sex from her, which of course has never been true. I wished there was some medical solution for my problems but I know there is nothing wrong. It is just some psychological issue. At times I just want to leave up everything and quit, but then I prefer not to do it thinking about the daughter. I now feel that I do need some friends, but at my age, finding them is also tough. I do not feel comfortable talking about these issues to even my friends because - 1. I do not feel that close with any and 2. I wonder, if any of those confronted up my wife with this - that would be asking for a chaos as well. I could go on into more details but am unsure if you would have that enough time. Please suggest if you can.
Ans: Dear PK, firstly, Parenting is a lot of work and to be a full-time parent from home, like you are right now, requires a lot of time and energy. Also, let’s not deny and most mothers/parents/others who are full time caregivers of a child will whisper and not say it aloud that doing that 24*7 without a break can be stressful and even monotonous at times.

They are encouraged to take a break every once in a while, to rejuvenate so they can do more and feel less exhausted.

It is pretty normal for women to lose interest in sex for a few weeks or perhaps months after the baby is born as the hormones now secreted elude her away from simply being a wife and the loving mother takes over.

This can cause a lot of rift between the new parents as the man obviously is not aware of this fact.

A book can throw more light on this and I cannot be more emphatic and say this here that it helps when the woman doesn’t have to worry about her husband and focus on bonding with the child which is of utmost importance for the development and growth of the baby.

Besides, there are other forms of affection/intimacy that can be explored so the new parents still manage to keep the spark alive.

The fact of your wife having a parallel life at her work place has become a dampener in your mind as she is definitely able to have a social life at least part of the day whereas you are not.

I do suggest you cook up some ‘Me Time’ over the weekends when your wife can bond with the baby and you can meet friends and simply unwind so that you back with a renewed vigour as the week begins.

And, it is possible to make friends at any age. Anyone who shares common interests and hobbies, can become a part of your inner circle.

It is apparent that both of you have lost communication and either your wife is unaware about how you feel or maybe she is going through something that you don’t know of.

If she isn’t comfortable going to a professional, take charge and revive your communication. Babies can demand a lot of time from their parents and if you can have someone trustworthy to watch the baby for a couple of hours over the weekend, where you and your wife can have some time to yourselves, that might help.

We can go on struggling or we can step up and do something about it. So, give it your best for yourself and your family.

Happy Bonding and have a great life!

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Anu Krishna  |839 Answers  |Ask -

Relationships Expert, Mind Coach - Answered on Jul 17, 2023

Hi, I am 42 and my wife is 36. Been married for close to 9 years. Had our first princess in 2015 & second princess in 2019. Before having the second one, my wife had a very good sex drive both mentally & physically. We were having intercourse for at least 3 times a week. But over a period of course 3 years into post our second child being born, my wife has lost interest. Sex has been like may be once in 30 to 45 days. I am not forcing her but rather trying my best to have those Intimate moments like hugging tightly, kissing her, do a little bit of smooching, try to touch and kiss on sensitive areas like belly, feet, ear......parallel I am taking time to appreciate how caring she has been in respect to taking care of the family, complimenting her how beautiful she looks inside and outside, how much she is glowing, sometimes I take efforts to cook for her giving time offs and also I look after the kids, press her legs etc. but nothing is working and this desperacy is killing me inside so much that sometimes I have been getting false & weird thoughts in my mind to have an affair or go to a call girl. Need your advise on this....
Ans: Dear Chandra,
I am glad that you are putting in all efforts in a non-sexual manner which is what most people miss out on.
But since it isn't working, I think it could be just caring for two young children. It can sap a woman's/primary caregiver's energy to a point that intimacy is the last think on her mind.
You children are at an age where they are dependent on parents and also are full on energy with high demands. This could be the reason as well.
I would also suggest that with growing demands from the children in terms of time and attention, what might be overlooked is your wife has some vitamin deficiency which can lead to lethargy, lack of interest and more. My suggestion would be to visit a doctor who will write down specific tests that may get to the root of the problem.
Till then, be the supportive husband that you have been AND a call girl is a momentary rush of adrenaline; so be wise...

All the best!

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Archana Deshpande  |31 Answers  |Ask -

Image Coach, Soft Skills Trainer - Answered on May 06, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jan 23, 2024Hindi
My daughter is 10 years old, she dnt want to study at all.we forced her to study then she learned as I am also a working women and her father is in abroad. So, we arrange one home tutor and in evening I taught her also. I explained all subjects throughly to understand her basics. At that time only she studied otherwise she didn't want to study by her own. She always need a pressure for studies due to this her marks are not good at all. She is an average student. Pls suggest what to do?
Ans: Hi!!
A working mother, husband working abroad, there is only so much you can do. Spend quality time with your daughter, bond with her on stuff other than studies, that brings happiness to both of you.
If you as a mother know your child's potential then, this should be good. You are saying she is an average student then set a certain percentage that she can score, when she scores that much then celebrate it. Let her live a balanced life, right amount of time spent on studies and other skills. Expose her to other skills like, music, sports, debating, story telling... she will soon discover something where she excels!!

Set a time for studies, let her study during that time and rest of the time don't keep talking about studies, discuss and do something else. Explain to her why studying is important, make gaining knowledge, studying a rewarding experience. Every child comes with their set of strengths and success. As a mother cherish your child and enjoy your time together. Your child is unique, do not compare her with anyone else.
Inspire her to be happy, healthy and knowledgeable by you being so!!

Happy Parenting! Best wishes

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Shekhar Kumar  |120 Answers  |Ask -

Leadership, HR Expert - Answered on May 06, 2024

How to begin career in interior designing. What is the salary package
Ans: Starting a career in interior design requires a combination of education, skill development, practical experience, and networking. Consider pursuing a formal education in interior design from a reputable institution. Look for programs that offer comprehensive coursework, hands-on training, and opportunities for internships or practical experience. You can choose from diploma programs, bachelor's degrees, or master's degrees in interior design or related fields. Familiarize yourself with the principles and elements of design, spatial planning, color theory, materials, furniture styles, and construction techniques. Develop proficiency in design software such as AutoCAD, SketchUp, Revit, and Adobe Creative Suite, which are commonly used in the industry. Create a portfolio showcasing your design projects, concepts, and creative abilities. Include a variety of projects that demonstrate your skills in different areas of interior design, such as residential, commercial, hospitality, or retail spaces. Your portfolio is your visual resume and will be essential when applying for jobs or seeking clients. Seek opportunities to gain practical experience through internships, apprenticeships, or entry-level positions in design firms, architectural firms, or interior design studios. Practical experience will provide valuable insights, mentorship, and hands-on experience in real-world design projects. Seek opportunities to gain practical experience through internships, apprenticeships, or entry-level positions in design firms, architectural firms, or interior design studios. Practical experience will provide valuable insights, mentorship, and hands-on experience in real-world design projects. Decide whether you want to work as an independent freelance designer or join a design firm or agency. Starting your own business offers flexibility and autonomy but requires entrepreneurial skills and the ability to manage clients, projects, and finances effectively. Regarding salary packages in interior design, they can vary significantly based on factors such as location, experience, specialization, clientele, and the type of projects undertaken. Entry-level interior designers may start with modest salaries, but as they gain experience and reputation in the industry, their earning potential increases. 

The average salary for an interior designer in India varies by experience and company, starting from entry level with less than three years of experience earning an average salary of ?2.6 lakhs per year; mid-career between 4–9 years of experience earns an average salary of ?4.5 lakhs per year; experienced: 10–20 years of experience earns an average salary of ?7.1 lakhs per year; independent: ?50,000–1 lakh per month or more; and top companies can pay ?22–24 lakhs per year on average, up to ?44 lakhs per year with relevant experience as well.

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Shekhar Kumar  |120 Answers  |Ask -

Leadership, HR Expert - Answered on May 06, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Mar 17, 2024Hindi
What should I do I have cgpa 6.1 in btech now till sem 3rd year ,1st sem. Currently I'm in 3rd year. So , i should prepare for upsc civil services or UPSC engineering services.
Ans: Deciding between UPSC Civil Services and UPSC Engineering Services requires careful consideration of your interests, strengths, and career goals. Reflect on your interests, strengths, and career aspirations. If you have a passion for public administration, policymaking, and addressing societal issues, UPSC Civil Services may be a better fit for you. On the other hand, if you enjoy technical challenges, problem-solving, and contributing to infrastructure development, UPSC Engineering Services may align better with your interests. UPSC Civil Services often involve a diverse range of roles, including administrative, diplomatic, and policymaking positions, with opportunities to work at the national, state, or district levels. UPSC Engineering Services primarily focuses on engineering roles in government departments and organizations, with responsibilities related to project management, design, and implementation of infrastructure projects. I would recommend that you pursue civil services, which may indeed be a better choice for you. Civil services provide opportunities to lead and make decisions that influence public policies, programs, and initiatives. As a civil servant, you can contribute to governance, social development, and nation-building by addressing key issues and challenges facing the country. Civil services offer avenues for continuous learning, professional growth, and skill development. You can undertake training programs, attend workshops, and participate in capacity-building initiatives to enhance your knowledge, skills, and leadership abilities throughout your career. Civil services provide the job security, stability, and prestige associated with serving in the government sector. Civil servants enjoy various perks, benefits, and allowances, along with opportunities for promotion and career advancement based on performance and seniority.

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Archana Deshpande  |31 Answers  |Ask -

Image Coach, Soft Skills Trainer - Answered on May 06, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Jan 23, 2024Hindi
Hello Madam, My daughter is 12 yr old and is in class 7th. She is not at all interested in studies. She is also not interested in making new friends. She is always busy on playing games on mobile. Studies just one week prior to exams. Her behavior is also becoming rude day by day. Kindly suggest.
Ans: Hello!!
The addiction to mobile after COVID is a menace every parent is facing. The good part is she is aware about her exams and studies at least one week before her exams.

The rude behaviour, lack of focus on studies is all stemming from the mobile games. They are highly addictive and the thrill they give is beyond imagination. Slowly but surely you have to take away the mobile from her, that's the only way to help her look for other sources to keep her busy .Friends, new skills and studies will get her attention only when the mobile is away.

Allocate time for food, sleep, studies, play time and also mobile time( can't just take away the mobile, has to be weaned away from it gradually), in a day. Set a timer for the mobile usage, she has to return the mobile as soon as the timer bell rings.

Pls remember you are the adult here, she is just a child. Guide her, lead her towards better and interesting things to do. You all as a family have to stop sitting with the mobile, start reading books ,play board games , learn a new skill, sing songs, cook together, bake together, you make everything at home an interesting activity, joyful activity, why will a child sit on the mobile?
It is a going to be lot of hard work for you and if the end result of this is seeing your daughter away from the mobile, laughing and talking to her friends, playing around, studying well.....then this is worth all the effort.

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Shekhar Kumar  |120 Answers  |Ask -

Leadership, HR Expert - Answered on May 06, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - May 03, 2024Hindi
I am U VENKATESWARA RAO Retired Office Superintendent in BSNL on VRS I am 62 years old. No time pass. Can I have any WFH job? I have passed B.Com with Tyewriting English Higher grade during 1981-1982.
Ans: Absolutely, there are remote job opportunities available for individuals with a diverse range of skills and experiences, including those who have retired from traditional office-based roles. With your administrative experience from your role as an office superintendent at BSNL, you could work as a virtual assistant, providing administrative support to businesses or entrepreneurs remotely. Tasks may include email management, scheduling appointments, data entry, and conducting research. Many companies hire remote customer service representatives to handle customer inquiries, resolve issues, and provide support via phone, email, or chat. Your communication skills and experience in dealing with customers could be valuable in this role. If you have a strong understanding of subjects like English or commerce, you could explore opportunities for online tutoring. Many platforms offer remote tutoring positions where you can teach students of various ages and levels. Leverage your extensive experience in the telecommunications industry by offering consulting services to businesses or individuals remotely. You could provide advice, guidance, and expertise in areas related to telecommunications, customer service, or administration. When exploring WFH job opportunities, be sure to research reputable companies, familiarize yourself with remote work tools and technologies, and tailor your resume and cover letter to highlight relevant skills and experiences. Additionally, consider networking within your industry or joining online communities to connect with potential employers or clients. With the right approach and determination, you can find fulfilling WFH opportunities that suit your skills and preferences.

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Archana Deshpande  |31 Answers  |Ask -

Image Coach, Soft Skills Trainer - Answered on May 06, 2024

my son is 8 year old studying in Class 3 . The classes occus is in Second shift from 11.30 am to 5.30 PM . after comming from the scholl he tired and not able to study in night . plz suggest the Correct time table for the second shift school child so that we can manage his tireness and keep improving him in balanced way.
Ans: Hello Saket!!

It is unfair to expect a child all of 08 to come back home from school late in the evening and study(I am assuming he is home by 6.30 PM). You can shift his study time to the morning hours, say from 8 to 10 AM.

Now to manage his well being after coming back from school.
Take care of the following-
1. it's a good time to introduce time management to your 8yr old son
2. on a Sunday when both of you are relatively free, involve him to make a time table for studies. Stick the time table in a place where it is visible to him
3.let him relax for an hr after coming back from school
4.if you assume 10 PM is his sleeping time( the child needs 9-12 hrs of sleep), and 7:45 PM is dinner time, some where between dinner time and sleeping time, see if you can manage a little bit of HW/studies
5. there is so much happening at school apart from studies, he is developing - social skills, coping mechanism, developing new ideas ,etc....let home be a place where he is loved, nourished and a place to relax and rejuvenate
6. have fixed time to study and make him study during those hours.

You cannot be rigid, every child's requirements are different try out what suits you and your family!!

Happy parenting!!

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Ravi Mittal  |187 Answers  |Ask -

Dating, Relationships Expert - Answered on May 06, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Apr 30, 2024Hindi
Hi I am 27 M. I am a introverted person but not that much I love meeting new people, party, travelling etc. But Whenever I try to talk with any girl I forgot everything that I want to express and also feels bit nervous and shy. So many thoughts are in my mind but I am unable to express that in front of others, I simply forgot. How can I improve my communication skills with other girls and feel confident about myself.
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

What you are facing is very common. The first step is to remember that you are not alone. Even the best of us face it. Second, have you tried dating apps? There is no speaking face to face, which substantially helps with the nervousness. You can chat with people for days before you even decide to meet them in person. You can also attract the people who can perfectly match your vibe, making it easier for you to feel more comfortable and relaxed with them.

Other than that, here are few tips you can try-

Start small. Start with small talks. You don't need to have a full blown conversation in the very first attempt. Say Hi, smile, or ask her about her day. If you feel shy to speak, master the art of listening. Women love a man who can actively listen. Third, be genuine and be yourself. The more you pretend to impress a girl, the trickier it can be to keep up the act. Moreover, you will be preoccupied with your pretense and won't focus on the quality of the conversation. Be you. Fourth, learn from your experience. Good or bad, experiences can teach us a lot. Reflect on the past conversations; the ones that went well and ones that didn't. Identify what worked and what needs improvement. And lastly, be patient. Building confidence can take a while. Not all of us are naturally blessed with it. Some of us have to work for it. But in the end, it will be worth your while.

Best Wishes.

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Ravi Mittal  |187 Answers  |Ask -

Dating, Relationships Expert - Answered on May 06, 2024

Asked by Anonymous - Apr 30, 2024Hindi
To start with I am in my early sixties . We have a large WhatsApp group of undergraduate college batchmates where sometimes news about batchmates / their families get posted . A married lady batchmate, located in one of the metro cities reached out to me over phone to offer her condolences / sympathies for loss of a family member that I had suffered . While I didn't personally know the lady , found the gesture empathetic & touching . So when the next physical batch meet took place I sought her out to thank her and we chatted for some time too ! Subsequently , we started being in touch , she mentioned that she found my gesture ( asking her to sit besides me to chat up very affectionate ) both through chat and calls and started sharing about each other , even personal matters . And now it seems that the relationship is moving in to a clear zone of intimacy ! And we talk pretty affectionately and frequently these days and it seems we make a good chatting pair . She is pretty attached to her grown up children and probably with a non intimate, dysfunctional, unsatisfactory marriage dragging on . She says her relationship in her marriage has totally failed right from beginning but she has not been able to do anything about that so far . It seems that the children are with the mother ! I find her balanced, affectionate and would like understand if something akin to a long term relationship /companionship would be possible . So have asked her to share about me, about our mutual feelings to her kids . Have also sounded her that if her husband gets to know about this relationship - it might lead to a family issue including formal break up of her marriage. And I am truly concerned about that . But she is very wishy wishy in her ideas about possible course of action , way forward .And I don't want her to get hurt or disappointed nor I want to be placed in a emotional drag. My questions are 1. Can this relationship go anywhere ? And if yes , what is the minimum expected from her ? 2. Can we be just be chatting friends ? Doesn't seem so as we talk & share as if we are a couple ? 3. What should we both do to avoid any possible emotional trauma to each of us ? (A still active and adorable senior citizen without strings and without a care in the world )
Ans: Dear Anonymous,

I am glad you found a genuine companion. I understand that you both care a great deal about each other and that is rare in today's day and age. Now coming to your questions-

1) It most definitely can. But that depends on the course of action your partner is willing to take. I assume that neither one of you would like to formally tag it as a relationship till she is married to another man, no matter how the marriage is. So, in that case, your partner must have a clear discussion about the same with her husband and you can proceed from there. But going ahead and having a romantic relationship while she is married to someone else would not be ethical and even when she has every right to seek happiness in her life, it would be her who faces all the societal judgment.

2) You can be two friends chatting with each other. Friends do share a lot, even personal matters. Having said that, it did not sound to me that you are in that platonic friend zone anymore. You have grown to like each other a little more and given the circumstances, it is perfectly alright. But to be more than friends, it is important for your partner to first speak to her current husband and consider separating. But at the end of the day, it is her decision. If she doesn't want to formally end it, you would have two options. One, love each other in secret and never have the chance to show off your love to the world. Two, break it off and either try to remain friends or sever ties altogether.

3) Don't have unrealistic expectations. We are all guilty of it time and again. In this case, even though her marriage isn't perfect- you know and she knows it too- it isn't easy to let go of a relationship people spend years to build. Take things slow and let her make her own decisions. If you expect she will leave her marriage for you, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. It might happen, but then again, it might not. Focus on being each other's companion. You can't help how you feel, but that does not mean you have to act on it right now.

One more thing- if you can see yourself getting hurt, I would suggest reconsidering the relationship. Every relationship has in its capacity to cause emotional trauma. That's the thing about romance- it can make or break you.

Best Wishes.

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